Expand Networks Confidential and Proprietary1 April 2004 ExpandView 3.0.

Expand Networks Confidential and Proprietary 1 April 2004 ExpandView 3.0

Transcript of Expand Networks Confidential and Proprietary1 April 2004 ExpandView 3.0.

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Expand Networks Confidential and Proprietary 1April 2004

ExpandView 3.0

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2April 2004

AgendaExpandView 3.0 IntroductionExpandView 3.0 ArchitectureThe ExpandView AgentThe Mini-agentExpandView Server PrerequisitesExpandView 3.0 Main

FunctionalityWorking with ExpandView ExpandView Licensing

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3April 2004

ExpandView IntroductionCentralized-Management System that

manages and monitors the Accelerators in the network

Client/Server web applicationSoftware-only solution, shipped on CDJava-based server applicationDedicated agent that is part of the


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4April 2004

ExpandView 3.0 Software Architecture

EV Server











App Server

Web Server



XML over HTTP(S)

XML over HTTP(S)

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5April 2004

About the ExpandView AgentWith 5.0(5) and 5.0(6) Mini-AgentA module that runs on the

AcceleratorOSChanges communication to push mode,

rather then pull modeAllows guaranteed delivery of data and

eventsThe “Real” Agent installed as patch

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6April 2004

The Mini-agentA limited agent that allows

ExpandView to upgrade the AcceleratorOS version

Available in 5.0(5) and 5.0(6) onlyIn future AcceleratorOS versions

there will be no need for the mini-agent since the version will include an agent

In 5.0(5) and 5.0(6) the user will need to upload an agent to the AcceleratorOS in order to work with ExpandView

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7April 2004

ExpandView AgentAgent status:

Disable ExpandView agent is not running

Modest Mode ExpandView in modest mode (waiting for

registration request) Running

ExpandView agent performing registration... ExpandView is up & running

Problems ExpandView agent registration failed. It will retry

again 1 minute from last failure ExpandView agent is registered and running

(Server is unreachable)

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8April 2004

ExpandView AgentExpandView agent CLI

commands: conf# expand-view (EVIEW)# agent enable/disable (EVIEW)# ip address A.B.C.D (EVIEW)# port (1 – 65535) (EVIEW)# no commands (EVIEW)# show commands

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9April 2004

ExpandView Pre-requisites Server Hardware:

Minimum of 1GB of RAM CD-ROM drive Hard Disk with 80-200GB free space

Parameters that affect the disk space:1. Reports - Number of interfaces/applications 2. Archiving – backups, logs, new configurations3. Database

Pentium IV 2.8 GHz or higher 10/100 or 1Gb Ethernet Network Interface Controller (NIC)

Supported Server OS: Server 2000 with Service Pack 3, Windows 2003 Server Windows XP for demo only by SE

Client Video display with 1024 x 768 resolution Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher

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10April 2004

ExpandView 3.0 Main FunctionalityNetwork Visualization – MapEasy of DeploymentManaging remote deviceLogging and AlertsReportsMonitoringArchiving

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11April 2004

Network visualization - MapOverview screen presents complete,

real-time picture of the entire networkEach Accelerator is shown with color

coding showing statusEach Link is show with color coding

showing statusAllow Link creation by dragging

connection between AcceleratorsMany more operations

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12April 2004

Ease of deployAuto-discovery – automatically

detects all connected Accelerators Builds up configuration and performance

databases for these Accelerators.Pre-Staging Accelerators –Prepare

a complete configuration for an Accelerator before physically installed Once the Accelerator is up and running,

ExpandView will automatically update it with all preconfigured parameters and start collecting statistics from it.

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13April 2004

Managing remote devicesThe server sends XML messages over

HTTP(S) to the agentThe agent is responsible for executing

the commands and informing the server of any failures

When the message includes sensitive data (configurations and passwords) the message is sent via HTTPS

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14April 2004

Logging and AlertsAgent sends alerts to the server

whenever the Accelerator reaches a certain condition as set in ExpandView’s alert properties

Events have history of alert handling at the EV Server

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Reporting Agent sends statistics information on:

Links Interfaces Applications Total for links Accelerator total

Data sent at interval of 12 minutes The server keeps statistics history up to 3 years There are 3 types of reports:

1. Top Ten reports: Top ten most prevalent applications/links on an Accelerator.

2. Trend reports: Expected future utilization of links based on previous performance of the links.

3. Specific reports: Reports about a specific Accelerator/interface/application

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16April 2004

Time ZoneThe user can select a specific time

zone for scheduling tasks and viewing reports

ExpandView supports two time zones: local time zone, (the computer from

which the user accessed ExpandView) Accelerator time zone (the Accelerator

as set in ExpandView)

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MonitoringAgent sends statistics on

Total of accelerated linksErrors on

Total of accelerated links Ethernet interfaces

Statistics data sent at 1 Minute interval

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ArchivingEach change that is saved on the

Accelerator is also archived in EV server

Allow roll-back to previous configurations

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19April 2004

Working with ExpandView – the Process1. Install and configure ExpandView

server2. Add Accelerators

Auto detect, import or manually add Accelerators

3. Create Groups Simplify Accelerators management

4. Create Links5. Create Templates

Simplify Accelerators configuration

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20April 2004

Enjoy the benefits of ExpandView Generate Reports – Create and export

Accelerator performance and statistics reports Perform Tasks - Use ExpandView tasks to

manage Accelerators View and Modify Accelerator Details - in

depth view of each Accelerator and its links Monitor Accelerators - View Accelerator

statistics View Alerts - Handle and approve Accelerator


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21April 2004

Working with ExpandView Things you need to know before working with

ExpandView:1. Accelerators’ time zones2. The company’s general working days and hours3. The company’s email server name or IP4. ExpandView’s server IP address

Things you need to install before using ExpandView:1. Install JAVA SDK (available on ExpandView CD) on

ExpandView server2. Install Java Runtime Environment on any client

from which ExpandView will be accessed. Install ExpandView by using ExpandView’s

easy-to-use installation wizard

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Step 1: The Administration Tab

1.Users: ExpandView includes a default user “admin” with ExpandView Administrator access level. It is recommended to first add a password to this user in order to prevent any access violations.

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23April 2004

Step 1: The Administration Tab

2.Licensing: Configure the licensing workflow. If the server has a connection to the Internet, set the licensing mode to “online”, otherwise it should be set to “offline”. It is very important to set the user’s email in the License email parameter.

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24April 2004

Step 1: The Administration Tab3.Alerts: Optionally configure Alerts’

thresholds, severity and email option

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Step 1: The Administration Tab4.Preferences: Change the email server IP or

Address if needed

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26April 2004

Step 1: The Administration Tab5.AcceleratorOS version: Upload any

AcceleratorOS version that you want to upload to the Accelerators. Note: in versions 5.0(5) and 5.0(6) make sure that you have the agent's patch on the server (should come with the installation) otherwise please upload it.

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27April 2004

Step 1: The Administration Tab6.Working hours: change the working days

and hours according to the company’s general working hours.

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28April 2004

Step 2: Add AcceleratorsThere are 3 ways to add Accelerators to ExpandView:1.Via the Overview map: right click on the map’s

background. Note: it is very important to insert the right Time Zone. Any changes later will effect the statistics integrity.

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29April 2004

Step 2: Add Accelerators2.+3. Via the Accelerators screen: click on the Add

Accelerator button to add a single Accelerator or on the import from CSV button to add multiple Accelerators.

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30April 2004

Step 2: Add Accelerators Installing ExpandView on an existing

network: ExpandView will auto-discover all Accelerators

after adding one of them and will start collecting information about them

For pre-staging Accelerators: From ExpandView you can pre-configure the

Accelerator and its links Once the Accelerator is up and running,

ExpandView will automatically update it with all preconfigured parameters and start collecting statistics from it

In AOS 5.0(5) and 5.0(6) only: You’ll need to update the Accelerator about ExpandView IP (Tools->Update ExpandView IP)

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Step 2: Add Accelerators User Customized Views : The Accelerators table

can be customized to display particular columns, enabling the user to view specific details depending on the demands of a particular network or setup.

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32April 2004

Step 3: Creating groups ExpandView enables Accelerators to be arranged in

groups for ease of monitoring and configuration. Accelerators can belong to more than one group simultaneously.

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Step 4: Create links There are 2 ways to create links via ExpandView:1. The Overview map

Click on the source Accelerator and drag a line to the remote Accelerator, ExpandView will automatically create a link between the Accelerators.

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34April 2004

Step 4: Create Links2. Accelerators->Create Links: there are 3 options

in the drop down list: Create a mesh, Connect to central and Create virtual link.

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35April 2004

Step 5: Create Templates ExpandView enables the user to send configuration

to multiple Accelerators simultaneously by using configuration templates. The templates are a collection of parameters saved on the Accelerators. The set of parameters is fixed, to update parameters that don’t exist in ExpandView, use the ‘import from desktop’ option, but then ExpandView doesn’t validate these parameters.

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36April 2004

Reports ExpandView offers 3 types of reports:

1. Top Ten reports: reports based on the top ten most prevalent applications/links on an Accelerator.

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Reports (cont.)

2. Trend Report: report detailing expected future utilization of links based on previous performance of the links.

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Reports (cont.)

3. Specific reports: reports based on an Accelerator’s link/application.

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39April 2004

Working with Reports User customizable reports according to individual

interestsFrom the reports bar select:1. The time range of the report.2. Which time zone to base the report on, the

Accelerator’s time zone or the client’s time zone.

3. The Accelerator/Interface/Application4. If the report will show only the working hours5. If the report will show Peak data as well

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Working with Reports (cont.) Add favorite and frequently accessed reports to

the “favorite reports”. This enables the report to be generated using a single click.

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Working with Reports (cont.) ExpandView enables reports to be exported to PDF

and saved on a computer, or sent via email. The PDF includes a short explanation about the report and all the data that the report is based on.

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42April 2004

Working with Tasks There are 8 types of tasks in ExpandView. All the

tasks can be scheduled to run at a later time. To work with tasks: select the Accelerators on which to perform the task, choose the task, schedule it, and submit. In the schedules tab you can view all the tasks that are waiting to be executed, reschedule or delete them.

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43April 2004

Accelerator Details In the Accelerator details screen view all the

relevant information regarding a specific Accelerator: HW, licensing, alerts, last saved configuration and links. From the links table, update a specific link’s parameters.

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44April 2004

Monitoring The monitoring tab enables you to view

Accelerators’ performance for total accelerated links, errors coming from total accelerated links and Ethernet interfaces and the alerts screen.

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45April 2004

Alerts ExpandView warns about new coming alerts in 3

ways:1. The Overview map: The Accelerators and links

will be colored according to the severity of the most recent alert. Red indicates Emergency and Critical alerts and Yellow indicates warning alerts.

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46April 2004

Alerts (cont.)2. The alerts bar: On the bottom of each screen the

alerts bar indicates all received alerts and their severity.

3. The Accelerator details screen: enables the user to see all the alerts related to a specific Accelerator.

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Alerts (cont.)

4. The alerts screen: From the alerts screen the user is able to view and manage the alerts. The user is able to change alerts’ status to handled/Unhandled, Approve/un-approved, delete alert and read/write comments to the alert’s log. ExpandView adds error messages coming from the Accelerator to the Alert’s log. The user can add comments to the alert’s log indicating any operation performed on the Accelerator.

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48April 2004

ExpandView LicensingLicensing key is generated from the ExpandView

product ID (found on the ExpandView registration screen) and the License Activation Key (iKey) purchased from Expand Networks

Three types of licenses available: Demo Licensing: up to 3 Accelerators, no expiration Evaluation Licensing: up to 10 Accelerators, 45 day

license (can be extended) Unlimited Licensing: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400,

500 Accelerators

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