Exostar User Experience Audit · “Why Most B2B Sites Fail ... its access to prime aerospace...

Exostar User Experience Audit Presented by closerlook, inc. January 24, 2001 Contents © 2001 closerlook, inc.

Transcript of Exostar User Experience Audit · “Why Most B2B Sites Fail ... its access to prime aerospace...

Page 1: Exostar User Experience Audit · “Why Most B2B Sites Fail ... its access to prime aerospace contractors – it may successfully lure potential customers who are hesitant to commit

Exostar User Experience Audit

Presented by closerlook, inc.January 24, 2001

Contents © 2001 closerlook, inc.

Page 2: Exostar User Experience Audit · “Why Most B2B Sites Fail ... its access to prime aerospace contractors – it may successfully lure potential customers who are hesitant to commit

Table of Contents

Project Overview 1

Positioning 3

Messaging and Content 10

Information Architecture and Usability 21

Accessibility Issues 47

Content Management Overview 49

Search Engines Overview 51

closerlook Project Team 54

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Project Overview

closerlook partnered with Exostar to perform an audit of exostar.com. Opportunities wereidentified to enhance the user experience and better communicate the value propositions.This document contains specific findings on the following topics.


closerlook evaluated the positioning of Exostar throughout exostar.com. This analysis wasused to determine if the brand positioning promise is clearly communicated and inalignment with Exostar’s business objectives. Additionally, closerlook reviewed otherexchanges to enable a comparative review.

Messaging and Content

closerlook evaluated exostar.com’s messaging and identified areas of inconsistency andineffectiveness. closerlook provided examples of stronger messaging approaches.

Information Architecture and Usability

closerlook evaluated if the site is intuitively navigable according to the user scenariosdetailed as Trading Partner, Registrant, and Information Seeker. The site’s content layout,structure, and process flow were analyzed to determine if the information structuresupports the user’s needs and Exostar’s business goals. Sample information architecturedocuments were created to illustrate the recommendations.

closerlook also evaluated the effectiveness of the design aesthetic of the site to determinehow well the design supports overall site objectives. closerlook designed two sample "lookand feel" concept recommendations.

As part of this process, closerlook conducted phone interviews with one buyer and threesuppliers and gained valuable feedback on the site. Additional focus groups and usabilitytesting are recommended for the future. It is evident from the supplier interviews thatsuppliers have not been using the site for a significant amount of time.

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“When usability fails, the bottom line suffers.Design missteps erode ROI through:• Lost sales• Increased costs• Terminated relationships”

- Forrester Report:“Why Most B2B Sites Fail”

"We just want a site we can be proud of."

- Kevin Glenn, Exostar

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Accessibility Issues

closerlook evaluated exostar.com for adherence to web design standards that allowaccessibility by the widest possible audience, particularly users with disabilities.

Content Management Overview

closerlook evaluated the current site content management needs. During this review,closerlook conducted phone interviews with Exostar content managers and site developersto gain a better understanding of the need for a content management solution and whatmanagement tools could be implemented.

Search Engines Overview

closerlook provided an analysis of how Exostar might best utilize web search engines anddirectories.

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Primary Goals

To develop an effective user experience, Exostar must first define site goals, then translatethese goals into actions the intended audience should be motivated to take. (In thisdocument, “actions” include adopting attitudes and completing tasks.)

Goals and desired actions identified by Exostar include:

• Speed trading partner adoption; especially suppliers

• Motivate audiences to sign up sooner and participate on a deeper level

• Reinforce and execute Exostar’s brand online to reflect its world-class offering

• Define and clearly communicate Exostar’s offerings

• Provide intuitive access and navigation for the entire Exostar audience

• Develop a community built around Exostar’s larger vision

• Establish Exostar as a trustworthy and worthwhile source of information and services

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Target Audiences

The Exostar site needs to communicate and build relationships with a fairly broad set ofaudiences. These audiences will be approaching the site with a variety of goals and needs.

Primary Audiences

• Direct suppliersParts and systems

• Indirect suppliersFrom large multinationals (e.g., Dell) to mom n’ pop shops

• Aerospace contractors (e.g., “Primes”)The potential audiences within these organizations are diverse; everyone from requisitioning department heads to the person on the factory floor

• Commercial airlinesRanging in size from international airlines to regional carriers

• Defense departments and ministries

It is expected that exostar.com will be used by these audiences as a source of decision-making information and/or an entry point into Exostar systems and tools.

Secondary Audiences

• Industry analysts

• Press

• Competitors

• Potential employees

These audiences are expected to use exostar.com as a method for comparing Exostar to itscompetition.

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Exostar wants to develop the most complete aerospace exchange in the market. However,it has neither captured its target audience nor completed the functionality needed toaccomplish its holistic vision. Enhancing the exchange’s overall user experience and itspublic perception can help move Exostar closer to its goal. To positively position Exostar inthe minds of its current and potential customers, it’s important to highlight strengths andshore up its potential weaknesses. Many of the recommendations in this section are high-level and are fleshed out in other sections of this document. Here is a summary of therecommended positioning and general recommendations, followed by observations andspecific recommendations:

Create an experience that positions Exostar in the minds of the intended audience(s):

1. As the aerospace exchange of choice and the accepted leader • Develop content around industry and online exchange expertise• Reinforce best-of-breed brand: both visuals and voice speak with authority• Maintain professionalism in execution• Communicate larger vision• Emphasize the commitment of the Primes

2. As having a set of value propositions that are a "must have"• Give metrics around savings in money/time• Call the audience to action• Create urgency

3. As serving each audience’s needs in a targeted, personal manner• Develop communication strategy• Engage each potential audience• Clarify value propositions, especially to suppliers• Develop an audience-centric approach to messaging

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Presently, Exostar’s biggest value propositions are:

Operational ExcellenceThe most valuable proposition that Exostar’s system delivers to its customers with itspresent capabilities is the ability to streamline the processes of requisitioning, tracking, etc."It makes all of (the member) organizations’ non-revenue generating processes frictionless."This is essentially a buyer proposition. In terms of branding and positioning, this propositionrelies on Exostar demonstrating its expertise at providing web solutions that deliveroperational efficiency. Exostar’s own website and web tools should be the prime examplesof Exostar’s expertise.

Industry ExpertiseTo adhere to government regulations (e.g., FAA), Exostar must far exceed the functionalityof the typical networked exchange. All of the direct parts and systems that pass throughthe Exostar system must be tracked with incredible detail to satisfy requirements ofaerospace product testing and approval procedures. Knowledge of these processes andpossession of the tools to address them are a central strength of the Exostar system. Interms of branding and positioning, the credibility for this value proposition relies on theperception of Exostar as having deep industry expertise.

If Exostar captures the leading position of the aerospace exchange arena – capitalizing onits access to prime aerospace contractors – it may successfully lure potential customerswho are hesitant to commit to one single exchange.

Additional Market VisibilityExostar already has the buy-in of four of the five largest contractors – some of the mostimportant players in the marketspace. These relationships are significant; less for braggingrights, but more for the fact that these organizations give Exostar global entree into themajority of aerospace business. The suppliers closerlook spoke with recognized this accessas the greatest benefit of Exostar, and valued the opportunity to sell to the Primes.

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“At the end of the day [Exostar] is a way intothe aerospace and defense industry groups inthe U.S."

- Alan Gill, VW Company

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Focus on expertise, thought leadership, metrics, and visibility to existing potential market(the Primes) for suppliers.

Professionalism and expertise within the industry are key. If the site’s language, look andfeel, or implementation of functionality suggest the creators are not professionals withintheir industries, it undercuts the idea that Exostar is an industry leader. Some examples andspecific recommendations for web delivery improvements are discussed in the following"Information Architecture and Usability" and "Messaging and Content" sections. Theseapproaches are intended to reinforce Exostar’s position as the expert. These are not smallissues within the minds of Exostar’s potential customers. Poor execution on any level willundermine Exostar’s credibility and drive potential customers to the competition. Greatexecution builds and reinforces larger issues of trust.

An important component of establishing trust is the presentation of thought leadership.Exostar should explore ways to provide thought leadership on key industry, technology, andexchange trends. These should include thought leadership areas that meet the kinds ofsolutions Exostar will ultimately provide. Examples of thought leadership include: whitepapers, reprints of articles from publications like Computerworld, and case studies.

Another emerging area of thought leadership presentation involves the use of streamingvideo over the Internet. Interviews or speeches about key business ideas are typicalstreaming video presentations.

Metrics carry a great deal of credibility with those who are looking for financial or efficiency-oriented improvements. Value calculators, ethnographic research (observing and measuringhow people work with or without site tools), and client satisfaction statistics are worthhighlighting on the Exostar site. Even speculative numbers related to improvement areworth displaying, though the speculative nature of such data should be explicit.

Exostar should give more visibility to the volume of product that the Primes seek topurchase through Exostar.

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Exostar’s greatest challenge is the supplier who resists adoption – perhaps joining acompetitor with a more supplier-oriented offering, or simply adopting a wait-and-seeattitude.

Exostar looks like a buyer portal, and suppliers fear being left behind or forced intocompeting on the buyers’ terms. Right now, fear of being made obsolete is the suppliers’main reason for joining Exostar. But this fear doesn’t create the appropriate level of urgencywithin the supplier market. While Exostar hopes to offer suppliers global visibility andrevenue generating opportunities, the functionality in that area just isn’t robust enough yet.The only real visibility suppliers have right now is price.

Relationships, additional services, and unique selling advantages don’t really come into playyet. The best case scenario for suppliers is on the indirect side – through the elimination ofrenegade buying from non-approved suppliers and the streamlining of the buyer’srequistioning process. "Every person’s desk becomes a requisitioning station." However, thisdoesn’t work with direct suppliers (see earlier mention of governmental regulations). Thedirect suppliers are going to be most interested in Exostar’s vision for the next twelvemonths.

Exostar needs the suppliers, and its present supplier-oriented value proposition isincomplete or ineffectively communicated. Suppliers provide a major aspect of the value tothe Primes and other buyers. They also have the potential to undercut Exostar by backinganother aerospace exchange, joining a horizontal exchange, or creating one themselves.


Suppliers must be convinced that Exostar will serve them directly. Emphasize the presentadvantages for suppliers more boldly – gaining visibility to the Primes, reducing "renegadebuying," and streamlining their purchasing processes. Engage the suppliers to discover whatservices are most useful to them – perhaps with online questionnaires or other feedbackmechanisms. Much of the functionality that suppliers will be most interested in is plannedfor the future. In order to keep suppliers interested now, the future value propositions mustbe communicated effectively (see the communication strategy recommendations in thefollowing section).

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Exostar’s biggest value propositions for the future are:

A Complete Service OfferingExostar has not yet implemented all of its functionality, but its vision is to be the mostcomplete aerospace exchange in the market. Given the nature of the exchange business –that very few can exist successfully in a single industry space – this vision enhances thescope of services, the number of invested parties, and the likelihood that Exostar will be along-term player.

Well-Positioned For Future GrowthAs mentioned previously, Exostar has already captured some of the primary players (thePrimes) in a complete system.


Focus on Exostar’s backing and funding, the big vision, global reach, and potential volume.

The completeness of vision should be communicated without overextending. Exostarshould be clear about its vision to reach all aspects of the supply chain. However, it shouldbe equally clear about what benefits are currently available, as opposed to futureenhancements. Vision vs. reality becomes key. Clarity, in Exostar’s case, is essential. Toomany people in the exchange space have been burned by vague promises. Exostar doesn’tneed to blow smoke. Even with functionality that is not yet in place, it merely needs to beclear about its vision.

A complete communication strategy should be formed around the growth of Exostar’sofferings. This strategy should lay out, over time, the sales cycle for each of its intendedcustomers, and a strategy to maintain good relations with present clientele. Within thisstrategy, there should be targeted messages soliciting customers’ participation (particularlyon the supplier side) to build new functionality. Customers should know that Exostar isinterested in their feedback.

Another important aspect of this strategy will be how and when certain functionality comesonline. Finally, Exostar should acknowledge that it understands that the "best" exchangesees beyond just streamlining indirect procurement processes. Exostar should underline theenhancements of relationships that are facilitated between the Primes, users, and suppliersin the future complete system. Special attention should be paid to the visibility that Exostarwill provide suppliers beyond price.

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"My customer base will go down if I continueto do business the old-fashioned way."

- Allan Emas, Cyber Tool

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Messaging and Content

Given the import and ultimate expense of transactions that Exostar has been built tomanage, the need for trust and clarity at all site touchpoints is obvious. However, thecurrent site’s messaging is disorganized and without focus. Its lack of customer focus,urgency and call-to-action results in uncertainty as to what Exostar does, what value Exostarprovides, and why users should participate. The resulting reactions – confusion,indifference, and inertia – are counter-productive to Exostar’s brand, which is aboutengaging people.

Value Proposition


Currently, the home page does an inadequate job of introducing Exostar to users. At thiscritical first-impression point, Exostar’s value proposition is weakly presented; the new useris left wondering what Exostar does and how participating in the exchange can benefit hisor her business. What is the value to me – a buyer or supplier – of joining and usingExostar? Crucial messaging points – such as Exostar’s target industry and purpose – areburied within deeper content. Unless Exostar’s main message is successfully delivered atthis make-or-break point, users will either exit the site or half-heartedly surf with littleunderstanding of site context.


Treat home page messaging as the vital point at which to deliver Exostar’s value proposition– clearly, succinctly and compellingly. One or two paragraphs of concise, persuasive copycan adequately inform users of Exostar’s purpose and value, and encourage furtherexploration of the site for detailed information. An immediate, informative overview ofExostar will also provide much needed focus and clarity to a complex service offering.


Throughout the rest of the site, Exostar’s value proposition is convoluted and buried. Itsdifficult presentation makes the reader work to decipher its relevance. The “Solutions &Services” section provides an example of a value proposition hidden within unnecessary,distracting content. Note that the first paragraph of "Non-production procurement" isdedicated to a description of the inefficiencies of paper-based, non-production procurement

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“The site should have one voice – speak auniversal language."

- Stefan Bishop, BAE Systems

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– the aspects of which most anyone involved in the process would be aware. Not until thesecond paragraph is Exostar’s solution to the problem described – a significant risk if thereader impatiently exits the page (or site) before reaching the second paragraph. Usersdon’t need to be convinced of the problem – they only need to be convinced Exostar is thebest solution.


At all points and on all pages, position the value proposition directly and upfront. Instead offirst describing the business problem and then following with the business solution –chancing the loss of a reader before he or she reaches the value proposition – presentExostar’s answer to the problem first.


Currently:"Non-production procurement covers a vast array of products and services, from officesupplies to cafeteria services to plant maintenance. The typical non-production procurementprocess is paper based and labor intensive, which adds time and cost." This paragraphcontinues with additional disadvantages of the typical non-production procurement process.

Later in the next paragraph, the value proposition is finally presented; "Exostar provides one-stop online shopping that automates labor-intensive, paper-based purchasing processes,thus reducing non-production procurement-processing costs and saving time."

Suggestion:"Exostar reduces the time and cost of non-production procurement by streamlining thetypical paper- and labor-intensive process. Our one-stop, online shopping service automatesprocurement of everything from office supplies to cafeteria services to plant maintenance."

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Effective call-to-action messaging strategies generally follow the format of "here’s what wedo; here’s how you benefit; now participate." The natural sequence of messaging providesreaders with all the decision-making information they need to do what you want them to –whether it’s submitting a request for additional information or registering to become amember.

Presently, the Exostar site does not adhere to this messaging progression. The only call-to-action message, "Register now as a buyer or supplier and become an Exostar tradingpartner today," is located on the right-side navigation bar – physically and psychologicallyisolated from any value proposition messages. The pages where a call-to-action would bemost valuable – "Buyer Services," "Supplier Services," "About Exostar," and "Why chooseExostar?" are all without a call-to-action. The lack of a distinct, persuasive, and urgent call-to-action presents several user-experience risks:

• Users are confused as to what the "next step" is. Even if they are compelled by the valueproposition, there is no immediate information to tell them what they need to do to benefit.Users wonder what to do next – and do nothing.

• Users are encouraged to exit the site without taking action. The lack of a persuasive call-to-action creates an unintentional push to put Exostar out-of-mind. The user has all thenecessary information – what else would he or she need? Without even thinking about thefact that he or she may want to take an extra step to get involved, the user finishes his orher Exostar experience.

• Users may leave with the intention of returning later to register, not seeing any necessityto enroll today. The delay is another opportunity for the competition to target – and capture– what was once your potential partner.

As a result, the lack of a compelling call-to-action represents a huge opportunity cost forExostar.

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Follow the format of decision-making information, user benefit, call-to-action within allappropriate site content. Integrating simple call-to-action messages can effectively persuadereaders to take the extra step to participate.


Currently:"The net effect is that buyers and sellers from across the industry will be able to conduct allof their business in one comprehensive, open and secure marketplace. Original equipmentmanufacturers (OEMs) can use the exchange to procure parts for production, airlines canuse it to order after-market parts, and service providers can use it to connect with new andexisting clients. Altogether, representatives from a wide variety of companies will use theexchange on a daily basis to buy and sell the materials they need to run their businesses.From order placement and shipping to billing and payment, all transactions are expeditedquickly, cost effectively and securely.

About Exostar’s Brand (link)"

Suggestion:"… From order placement and shipping to billing and payment, all transactions areexpedited quickly, cost effectively and securely.

Register now to experience the benefits of the Exostar exchange (link)"

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In addition to its lack of call-to-action, exostar.com’s messaging also lacks a sense ofurgency. The challenge to convince users to change from their current modus-operandi to anew way of transacting business is difficult. In order to convince users that the status-quois not the most beneficial option, they must see the need to join Exostar now.


Along with a distinct call-to-action, provide messaging that points out the value to joiningExostar now. Answer the questions: If how I do business now works, why should I changeit? Why shouldn’t I wait a year to join Exostar to see if it ‘s worth it? How will implementingExostar help my bottom line if I have to spend a lot to begin using it?

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Writing effectively for the web is much different than writing for print. Media specificissues – such as reading from a back-lit screen (vs. ink on a page), reduced blink rates,moving text (vs. print’s fixed text), and an inability to adjust material to a comfortablereading distance – create significant eye-strain for web readers. While print readers canpore over each word with ease, web readers scan pages, looking for key words or phrases("clues") to help them understand content.

The current writing style of exostar.com is more appropriate for print. Lengthy, wordysentences; long paragraphs; and lack of content clues require painstaking reading. Twomessage-critical pages – "About Exostar" and "Solutions & Services" are especially difficultto read or to garner take-away information. Though bullets and subheads are usedoccasionally throughout exostar.com, they aren’t used pervasively enough to enablepractical skimming.


Clarify sentences by removing extraneous words, breaking long sentences into twothoughts, and putting most important thoughts up front.


Currently:"Drawn from the deep industry knowledge of its trading partners, the exchange’s best-in-breed, integrated solution provides a complete set of supply chain and productdevelopment services."

Suggestion:"Exostar is founded on the deep industry knowledge of its trading partners. It provides best-in-breed, integrated and comprehensive supply chain and product development solutions."

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Break up paragraphs of content with headers, subheads, and minor subheads. This not onlyorganizes content into a hierarchy of overall topics and supporting points, but allows readersto skim the page for information that interests them. The brevity of headers, subheads, andminor subheads is also conducive to their use as key take-away points.

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Voice and Tone


The current site messaging has a tendency to use a passive voice – a less effective choicefor a company presenting itself as an industry leader.


An active voice will lend a stronger, more credible messaging presence to exostar.com.


Currently:"Providing timely information and insights about aerospace and defense is a key feature ofExostar." (passive voice)

Suggestion:"Exostar provides timely information and insights about aerospace and defense." (activevoice)

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The pervasive use of ellipses [...] suggests a train-of-thought, meandering, apprehensivequality, which is counteractive to Exostar’s goal to instill confidence in its visitors. (Note:this odd choice of punctuation is even more persistent in Exostar’s offline marketingmaterials.)


Use of semi-colons, colons or em-dashes instead of ellipses will make thoughts seemgrounded and confident.

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A main goal of Exostar is to engage the people who make up the aerospace and defenseindustry. However, the site presently has no messaging that connects with users asindividuals. In effect, the site has a very remote feel – which could be seen as a negativequality, considering the audience’s hesitation to entrust Exostar with its business. The off-putting nature of Exostar’s messaging contradicts its intent to create a community of users.


Develop messaging that speaks to readers as individuals instead of mere links of the A&Dsupply chain.


Currently:"Exostar is one of the aerospace and defense industry's best opportunities to reduceprocurement costs, streamline supply chains, and reach new markets."

Suggestion:"Exostar is one of the best opportunities for members of the aerospace and defenseindustry to reduce procurement costs, streamline supply chains, and reach new markets."

It is also recommended that the site includes Exostar client testimonials or case studies,which would have a two-fold benefit: First, they would add an additional element ofcredibility to Exostar’s value proposition. Second, they would provide an approachable,relatable, human element to the site.

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Exostar plans to be the global aerospace and defense exchange. To effectively do this,exostar.com must accommodate a worldwide audience. Many "global" sites do notappropriately account for the varying cultural needs of their audiences and consequently failto achieve a truly global reach. Exostar must recognize that disregarding language or culturalbarriers can obstruct worldwide trading partner adoption.


exostar.com needs to be available in languages other than English. Localization will provideaccess to a wider range of audiences and facilitate exostar.com’s use as a businessexchange. An analysis of Exostar’s market and customer acquisition strategy must be doneto determine the priority and sequencing of translation.

Supporting multiple languages will affect the web templates created for Exostar.Consideration of the variable length of languages will affect template design. Additionally, acultural sensitivity review should be performed to ensure site imagery is not offensive toother cultures.

Where English is used, global English should be employed. Global English differs fromAmerican English because it avoids U.S.-specific lingo and figures of speech. Global Englishrequires a slight shift in writing styles and an enhanced awareness of the perceptions of thenon-native speakers of English who use the web. It is essential to write web content withclearer, smoother sentence structures; fewer idioms; and less jargon. It should be notedthat writing in global English is already equated with effective web writing – morespecifically, avoiding slang; writing direct, clear sentences; and keeping both sentence andparagraph length to a minimum.

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Information Architecture

and Usability

Home Page


While labels are one of the most obvious ways to clearly show the user the organization ofa site, they are often overlooked. We rely on our labels to create accurate associations inusers’ minds of what content resides behind what links and buttons. Users who get lost orcan’t find what they’re looking for become frustrated. The best case scenario is that theylose a little trust in the company. The more likely result is that they leave the site and nevercome back.


Many of the controls on the home page are unclear. Before clicking on a link or button, theuser should have a clear idea of to what type of page he or she is going, based on adescriptive label. An example appears near the top of the page: "General.” It is unclear whatresides in this section, especially when the button is grouped with "Buyer" and "Supplier."Assuming the user figures out that this button might lead to general company information,he or she would likely be confused because there is another entire section named "GeneralInformation" at the lower left.

If a buyer comes to the site and wants to login, does he or she click on "Login," "Buyer,""Buyer Services," or "Exostar BuySite"?

Additionally, some links lead to content sections whose titles do not match up with the link.For example, "Our Communities" leads to a page entitled "Who Trades on Exostar."

Another issue of concern is the use of brand or industry names for functions. The averageuser may not know what "BuySite," "MarketSite," or "SupplyOrder" mean at first glance.

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What’s behind this button?

Where does a buyer go to login?

In preliminary usability testing of the existingsection labels, only two of five respondentscorrectly guessed what kind of content residesbehind the "Training Resources" button.

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Clarify the labeling scheme. If the best way to describe a section’s content is "Services forBuyers," consider making that the name of the link rather than "Buyers." While there is valuein brief, concise link names, the value is lost if users can’t guess what content residesbehind the button.

Regarding the brand names, such as "BuySite" or "MarketSite," it may be of significant valueto Exostar for users to learn by name what those services mean. If that is the case, moreattention should be paid to offering some explanation, or at least a hint, of what the serviceis. For example, "BuySite" might have a brief line underneath it: "Procurement processmanagement." This kind of clarification not only makes it more obvious to the user wherehe or she is going, but also reinforces the brand names of Exostar’s service offerings.

See Sample Information Map

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Navigation & Organization

One of the advantages of the existing Exostar site is that it has fairly comprehensivecontent available. However, the challenge with a content-rich site is filtering and organizinginformation in a way that is intuitive, hierarchical, and manageable.


As it stands now, the home page navigation lacks focus and organization. There are somany links, in so many different locations on the page, that it is unclear where the usershould start. There are cases where two links go to the same page (e.g., "Buyer" button attop, and "Buyer Services" link at left). This disorganization is likely to cause confusion in theuser’s mind.

Many links on the home page lead to actual functionality – places where the user signs inand uses the exchange. Other sections are devoted to informing the user about Exostar.However, it is currently unclear which is which. For example, if the user wants to find outmore about the "MarketSite" service, he or she might naturally click on the "MarketSite" link.However, this link currently leads directly to a login screen, with very little explanation ofwhat that service is. The user is then forced to return to the home page and hunt for anexplanation of "MarketSite."


Reduce the number of navigational links by creating a one-to-one relationship of each link toits corresponding site area or function. Consolidate and organize some sections into ahierarchy so that they can be accessed by one control, rather than several separate links.

Perhaps most importantly, group the links in a more logical organization. Visitors willtypically fall into one of two “user scenarios”: they will either be looking for information, orlogging in to use the exchange. Therefore, controls that lead to information about the siteshould be obviously distinct from those that lead to actual exchange functionality.

The sections that require a login name and password to access should be clearly indicatedas such. For example, the "MarketSite," "BuySite," and "Auctions" section might be groupedtogether under a heading called "Tools for Exostar Members," or even more to the point,"Members Login Here." It should be clear that this is where the user goes to start using thesystem, as opposed to where he or she goes to find out about the system.

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Will these links tell the user more about theseservices, or allow him to login to the functionality?

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In addition, navigational cues should direct users from different audience segments toinformation most relevant to them. If the user is a buyer, for example, it should be clearwhat path should be taken to find out what the value of the site is for him or her, and thenhow to get started as a member.

However, care should be taken not to segment the audience too rigorously. While “buyers”and “suppliers” are obvious divisions, Exostar encourages suppliers to buy from theexchange as well. With that in mind, it may make more sense to segment visitors by “needstates”; i.e., what their intentions for coming to the site are on that specific instance.

See Sample LoFis

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There are currently six ways to login from the home page. This arrangement causesconfusion in several ways. First, the user is not clear which link he or she should choose tologin. It’s impossible to tell what the difference is between clicking "Login" at the top left ofthe screen, or “Exostar MarketSite." Secondly, new users don’t know if they need to loginto use all portions of the site, or just the exchange functionality. Finally, the five links in theleft-side menu that do lead to login screens are not clearly labeled as such (see "Labeling"above for more).


Simplify the login options as much as is allowed by the Commerce One system. Ideally,there would be one master login screen that would send users to the appropriatefunctionality based on user name and password. However, if the current technicalarchitecture requires separate logins for each product, the login links should at least beclearly indicated as such on the home page. The generic "Login" button at the top leftshould be eliminated, as it is completely ambiguous.

See Sample LoFis

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At 800x600-pixel resolution, the most common resolution currently used on the web,scrolling is required to see some of the main content links. Part of the "General Information"section and all of the "Training Resources" section are below the screen cut-off. Therefore,many users may not realize those links are there.


Make every effort to keep all the main content links "above the fold" at 800x600-pixelmonitor resolution, by using the screen real estate more efficiently.

See Sample Design Treatments

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All of the content below the dotted line is cut off at 800x600 resolution.

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The treatment of active buttons versus purely informational "headers" is often ambiguous.For example, the same type style and graphic treatment is used for the "Login" button andthe "Terms of Use" header – they look exactly the same. Users expect controls that look thesame to behave the same – an identical treatment should not be used for completelydifferent types of controls. "Buyer Services" looks like a header to a group of links, yet itactually acts as a link to access information that can otherwise not be found (AuctionFeatures, Technology, etc.).


Use distinct graphic styles for purely informational headers and functional, active buttons.

See Sample Design Treatments

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One of these is an active button; the other is aninactive section header.

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The logos of the four founding partners are prominently featured on the home page.However, there is no explanation of why they’re there, or what they have to do withExostar. In order to find out, the user would have to know to navigate to the "AboutExostar: Trading Partners" section. If the user clicks on a logo in an effort to find out more,he or she is taken directly to the trading partner’s website. Not only does this not informthe user of Exostar’s relationship with the partner, it also encourages leaving the Exostarsite and becoming distracted with another site.


Include a brief explanation of the value of having these companies as Exostar’s tradingpartners, without spending too much screen real estate. Also, indicate that the user shouldclick a logo for more information. Once a logo is clicked, the user should see a page, stillresiding on exostar.com, that explains Exostar’s relationship with the partner. The user maythen be presented with a link to the partner’s site, along with an explanation that he or sheis leaving exostar.com.

See Sample LoFis

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Exostar Logo


The current Exostar logo is appropriate to its business, both in type treatment and color.The attributes it exudes are strong, dynamic, solid, and trustworthy – all desirable qualitiesfor the aerospace and defense industry, as well as for this exchange product.


No changes recommended.

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Beyond the logo, many of the site’s other design elements are not in sync with thebranding "promise." The "dots" or "bubbles" that appear all over seem fanciful andlighthearted – contradicting Exostar’s characteristics of strength and stability.

The use of photos to convey the subject matter is also ineffective. The photos on the homepage are all too small or unrecognizable to provide any emotional impact. The large"starburst" masthead photo at the top of the page falls into this category.

In addition, there are several instances where graphics are used in inefficient or unattractiveways. For instance, the complex gradients and badly dithered images on the home pageindicate a lack of experience in the web medium. These choices may lead visitors toquestion Exostar’s overall expertise in implementing web-based services.


All of the design elements should flow out of the strong, trustworthy feel established bythe Exostar logo.

Considering the aerospace and defense subject matter of the site, there’s a greatopportunity to use strong, dramatic photography that not only enforces the desired brandcharacteristics, but also creates an emotional reaction. People in the aerospace and defenseindustry are very passionate about their field, so an attempt should be made to capitalize onthat further through strong imagery.

The use of solid blocks of web-safe color, highlighted by strategically placed photos orimages, is a preferable online design technique to the less efficient methods mentionedabove. These decisions can create some discrepancy between the site and printedmarketing materials. However, since Exostar customers will primarily experience thecompany through exostar.com, the site should dictate the offline marketing materials, notthe other way around.

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"[There’s an] online community of people whoare passionate about this aerospace anddefense industry.”

- Stefan Bishop, BAE Systems

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The Flash animation on the home page is ineffective. For the amount of screen real estateit takes up, it does not provide a clear message of what the site and company actually do.In addition, it doesn’t seem to be a critical enough use of the technology to force users todownload and install the Flash plug-in.


Eliminate the Flash animation from the home page. Place priority on developing clearermessaging of what Exostar is, and present it in an easy-to-read, standard HTML format.

See Sample Design Treatments

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Color and Type


The pervasive blue color throughout the site may not be the most cohesive color choice towork with the branding established by the logo. In addition, the white type on the medium-blue background is difficult to read, especially in the lightweight sans-serif font that’s used.The pale yellow links suffer from the same visual flaws.


Complete a full branding exercise to establish a consistent, appropriate color palette andstyle guide for the site.

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Sub-level Pages


While the Exostar site currently contains a tremendous amount of content, there are gaps.One of the most obvious needs is an easy to find, understandable explanation of whatservices Exostar offers. What does the site do? How does it work? Once I know theanswers to those questions, how do I start using the exchange?


Re-vamp the content of the "Solutions and Services" section. Rename it slightly to "Servicesand Solutions" to clarify further what the section contains. Concentrate on the specificservices that Exostar offers, segmented by buyers and suppliers. For each specific serviceoffering (MarketSite, BuySite, etc.), clearly explain:

• What the service is

• How the service works – both at a high-level visual overview, and in detail

• How to begin using the service – a call-to-action leading to the registration area

The closest that the current site comes to this direction is an example from theSupplyOrder training module. Buried within that application, we find a diagram that showsan easy to understand, five-step overview of a process (shown at left). This kind ofinformation should be brought more to the forefront to explain the product offerings.

In addition, a well-designed demo or “preview” of each service would be beneficial topotential customers. The demos would walk visitors through the program, showing howthe interface looks and operates, how the program flows, and what options exist. Inaddition to educating visitors, demos would likely also eliminate the need for “guest” loginsto the actual exchange.

Finally, the site content should be more sensitive to the stages that users go through wheninteracting with Exostar. Whether the visitor is “just looking,” has already submitted “levelone” registration information, or is a full-fledged user of the exchange, information shouldbe appropriate to that particular user’s current level of participation.

See Sample Information Map

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Include more high-level explanations of the servicesExostar offers.

"Exchanges need to look at ways to bettercategorize their products.”

- Juan Saldarriaga, Colamco

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Many of the second-level pages in the Exostar site are filled with links. While a few of thelinks lead to other pages, most of them are intra-page "anchors" that lead to the various sub-sections of the current main content area. The anchors often link only a few lines down thepage. This structure causes confusion in navigation, as users often have trouble discerningthe difference between intra- and inter-page links.

Additionally, since all sub-sections are combined into one second-level page, the navigationscheme creates an extremely long page, which can be overwhelming to the user.

Adding to the chaos is the use of underlined yellow text as section headers, which lookexactly like links.

The interface is currently somewhat "dynamic" in that the left-side navigation links "expand"to show the sub-sections of a main second-level page. However, as mentioned above, theintra-page links cause the pages to be very long. Additionally, the entire side navigation barsand central content area of the site scroll together. This renders the expanding leftnavigation fairly useless, because the user may be many "screen scrolls" away from the topof the page where the navigation is located.

Some of the anchor links are also worded as "Back to…". Using the term "Back" implies thatthe user will be taken to a previous page, not just to a higher-up sub-section of the currentpage.


Eliminate the use of intra-page anchors as the default navigation scheme for second-levelpages. Instead, establish a clearer "In this section" navigation scheme. Keep each currentsecond-level sub-section as a separate third-level page, to be accessed from the second-level page. These third-level pages will be much shorter, and thus easier to read. Thenavigational controls will also be more accessible, since the pages will not require as muchscrolling to get to the top.

Use clearly differentiated styles for links, page headers, and section headers.

See Sample Design Treatments

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This “Non-production procurement” link leads only afew lines down the page, to a section header thatlooks just like another link.

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The right-side navigation changes at different pages of the site. For example, if the userclicks into the "Why Choose Exostar" section, the "Industry Calendar" section disappears. Ifthe user clicks into the "Guest Book" section, two selections from the right-side navigationdisappear.


Establish a global navigation scheme and stick with it. If navigational controls are defined as"global" – meaning they’re always available – they should consistently appear in the sameplace and work in the same manner.

See Sample LoFis

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Some content has disappeared from the right-sideglobal navigation.

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The "Home" button is positioned in an unusual place, and is grouped with other controls thatare functionally dissimilar to it. This placement makes the button difficult to locate. It ismuch more common to place the "Home" button at top left or top right – locations to whichthe user can most rapidly move the cursor. Many sites use the company logo as a link tothe home page, either by itself or in addition to a well-placed "Home" button.


Use the Exostar logo as a link to the home page, and create a more intuitively-placed"Home" link.

See Sample LoFis and Sample Design Treatments

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As the user moves from the Exostar informational/marketing content into the CommerceOne functionality, there is a severe disconnect in look and feel. All of the screens from loginforward look and operate completely differently from the main Exostar site. In addition, themany login screens don’t even share a common look and feel among them – they are allquite different from each other. This disconnect can cause a myriad of usability issues, fromusers becoming confused over how to operate the interface, to thinking that they’re nowon another site entirely. Lack of confidence in the company is often the result.


The ideal solution to this identity breakdown is to re-design the exchange’s commerceenvironment to match the look and feel of the main Exostar site. While users should realizethat they’re in a different part of the site (functional vs. informational), it should still feel likethe same site.

There is the reality that an environment built from third-party software is not always entirelycustomizable. However, sites like Exostar need to push the limits of those customizationoptions. Even if the overall structure of the environment cannot be changed, every effortshould be made to match the colors, logo presentation, and terminology of the main site. Atthe very least, the various incarnations of the Commerce One login screen should remainconsistent within Exostar.

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Login screens not only don’t look like the rest of thesite, they don’t look like each other.

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Training Resources


There are two training sections currently available on the Exostar site: "Auctions" and"SupplyOrder." Initially, it is unclear exactly what these cover. "Auctions" may pertain to thebuyers’ involvement in the Auctions, or the sellers’. "SupplyOrder" is a term that does notappear anywhere else on the home page, so a new user would likely not have any idea towhat it pertains.

The two training sections are extremely different from each other in both structure andgraphical look and feel. In addition, they are both significantly different from the rest of theExostar website. Therefore, users of the training modules are essentially forced to learnhow to navigate two additional sites.

The SupplyOrder training module uses a cartoon character that has no relationship to theExostar brand, and no explanation of why it exists. The character adds no value to thetraining module, and in fact may diminish its effectiveness by adding a distraction.SupplyOrder training also introduces a completely new Flash-based navigation scheme. Theuser is required to download and install the Flash plug-in, to find that the only obviousadded "interactivity" is the animated character and a non-intuitive control panel.


Make it clear what the training sections cover by naming them more descriptively. Re-design both training modules so they are cohesive in look and feel, and use similarnavigational controls as the rest of the Exostar site. Create the training resources usingstandard HTML, so the user does not need a plug-in to view the content. Finally, FreddieFox should be permanently retired from the site.

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Freddie Fox

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Recommended Information Map

An Information Map defines the structural hierarchy of a website. It shows how the content is labeled and organized. This Information Mapdetails a recommended approach to the top few levels of the existing exostar.com content.

(Continued on next page)

39Exostar User Experience Audit closerlook, inc.


Level one Level two Level three

VisionWhy choose Exostar?Frequently asked questionsLogo downloads

About Exostar

Press releasesExostar in the newsIndustry event calendar

News & events

AssociationsGovernmentPublicationsOther resources

Industry links

Listing of available positionsApplication instructions


Buyer services Auctions BuySite MarketSite

Supplier services Auctions


What is it?How does it work?How do I get involved?Demo

Same Level Three structure asabove for each Service

Services & solutions

Suppliers Major subcontractors and sub-assemblers Component and commodity suppliers Small assembly suppliers Indirect goods suppliers Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) Carriers that supply parts and maintenance services Parts manufacturing approval companies (PMAs).

Buyers Primes, major sub-contractors and sub-assemblers Departments of Defense/Ministries of Defense International and regional carriers General aviation companies

Who trades on Exostar

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Recommended Information Map (continued)

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Value proposition of Auctions Case studiesValue proposition of SupplyOrder Case studies

Value for suppliers

Value proposition of Auctions Case studiesValue proposition of BuySite Case studiesValue proposition of MarketSite Case studies

Value for buyers


Register as a supplierRegister as a buyer

Register now

Contact e-mails/phone numbers Sales & marketing Public relations Webmaster



User guides

BAE Systems and Exostar Link to BAE Systems websiteTrading partner: BAE Systems

Links to Services & Solutionsfor more complete informaton

Links to Services & Solutionsfor more complete informaton

Enter Commerce One environmentSupplier login: Auctions

Enter Commerce One environmentSupplier login: SupplyOrder

Enter Commerce One environmentBuyer login: Auctions

Enter Commerce One environmentBuyer login: BuySite

Enter Commerce One environmentBuyer login: MarketSite

Boeing and Exostar Link to Boeing websiteTrading partner: Boeing

Lockheed Martin and Exostar Link to Lockheed Martin websiteTrading partner: Lockheed Martin

Raytheon and Exostar Link to Raytheon websiteTrading partner: Raytheon

Website terms of use

Privacy Policy

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Sample Home Page LoFi

A Low-fidelity Prototype, or LoFi, shows screen-by-screen what elements will appear on the site. It can also be thought of as a “storyboard” or“wireframe.” A LoFi begins to indicate how on-screen elements are prioritized in relation to each other, as well as how they are grouped.However, a LoFi is not intended to show graphic design; i.e., exactly where on the screen elements will ultimately be placed. (This LoFi, as wellas the following Sample Design Treatments, uses sample copy.)

41Exostar User Experience Audit closerlook, inc.

Home(link to Home)

Services& Solutions


Who Tradeson Exostar

News& Events



Contact Register Now

Member Login


Login to:




Real-time auctions

Management tools for Suppliers


Login to:




Real-time auctions and RFPs

Procurement process management

Exostar’s transaction marketplace

Welcome to Exostar

Exostar is the premier e-marketplace for the aerospace anddefense industry. We offer buyers and suppliers unprecedentedopportunity to reduce procurement costs, streamline supplychains, reach new markets, and achieve real business results.

Our independent and neutral services unite buyers and sellersfrom the entire supply chain to share industry knowledge,discover business opportunity, and increase profitability, all in asecure environment.

Click to find out more about the value of Exostar...

for Suppliers

for Buyers

Exostar's founding Trading Partners represent some of the mostsignificant players in the aerospace and defense marketplace.

Click any of the logos for more information on our relationship with...

Website Terms of Use | Privacy Policy






Greater visibility, global reach...

Lower costs, streamlined process...

Not a member? Register now.

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Sample Second-level Page LoFi

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(link to Home)

Services& Solutions


Who Tradeson Exostar

News& Events



Contact Register Now



About Exostar

In this section...

Vision | Why Choose Exostar? | Frequently Asked Questions | Logo Downloads

At Exostar, some of the world's leading aerospace and defense companies havejoined forces to bring you the trading exchange of the future, today. A neutral andindependently incorporated enterprise, Exostar provides an open Internet tradingexchange for aerospace and defense suppliers and buyers of all sizes, around theglobe.

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Sample Design Treatment 1 – Home Page

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Sample Design Treatment 1 – Second-level Page

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Sample Design Treatment 2 – Home Page

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Sample Design Treatment 2 – Second-level Page

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Accessibility Issues


Many users experience the web in contexts very different from those we generallyconsider:

• They may not be able to see, hear, or move to the fullest extent.

• They may have difficulty reading or comprehending text.

• They may not be able to use a keyboard or mouse.

Creating accessible websites is a sound marketing strategy, as the site’s message reachesa broader range of people. It also shows that your company is courteous, professional, andfocused on providing customer service. In addition, accessible web design is increasinglymandated by law.

Users with disabilities often employ "user agents" such as screen readers and screenmagnifiers to assist them. However, the cooperation of website developers is needed toensure that sites translate gracefully through these helper tools.


The most important step web developers can take is to provide alternate means ofinterpreting web pages. For instance, if a page is normally navigated via graphical buttons,the developer should also provide textual versions of those graphics. (A screen reader can’t"read" a graphic.) A common way to accomplish these alternates is to attach "ALT" tags tothe graphical buttons. These are simply text cues in the HTML – invisible to the average"visual" web user – that identify the button. So, if a graphical button is called "FAQ," theHTML tag might appear as:

<IMG SRC="faq_button.gif" ALT="Frequently Asked Questions button">

There are some cases where a simple "ALT" tag is not enough, though. For example,consider a photograph of a plane. If the main purpose of the photo is decoration, a simple"ALT" tag stating "Photo of Boeing B-1B Lancer" would be sufficient. However, if the point ofthe photo is to educate by illustrating specific features of the plane, more text information

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“Some 43,000,000 Americans have one ormore physical or mental disabilities, and thisnumber is increasing as the population as awhole is growing older.”

- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

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is required. HTML tools such as the "longdesc" (long description) tag can be useful forpresenting this type of information.

The critical direction from these examples is to make every effort to provide textequivalents of graphics. If the provided text conveys the same function or purpose as thegraphic, it can be considered a successful text equivalent.

Some web developers fear that accommodating people with disabilities means not usinggraphics on websites. In fact, graphics can be a great help for web users who can’t read orhave trouble seeing small text. The key is to provide both graphical and textual informationwherever possible.

There are several other recommendations for designing accessible sites. These include:

• Provide clear context, orientation and navigation cues.

• Maintain a simple, consistent page layout throughout the site.

• Use sufficient contrast between colors in both text and graphics.

• Define site formatting via style sheets, rather than within the individual page’s HTML.

• Indicate the "natural language" of a document.

• Use HTML tables for actual tabular data, not graphical screen layout (screen readingsoftware has a hard time interpreting graphics in tables).

• Avoid the use of frames.

• Avoid "embedded interfaces" and plug-ins, such as Flash, Shockwave, or PDF files.

The list is fairly long, and only a high-level summary is discussed here. However, webdevelopers will recognize that most of these recommendations are fundamental to anywell-designed website. While they are included here in the context of tailoring sites fordisabled people, closerlook considers these guidelines a baseline for overall site usability.

The current Exostar site’s shortcomings in these areas – accompanied by closerlook’sspecific recommendations for addressing them – are detailed elsewhere in this document,primarily in the "Information Architecture and Usability" section.

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Content Management Overview

Exostar seeks to implement a content management system that will allow dynamic contentupdates to be seamlessly and automatically integrated into the website. Currently, thewebsite must be updated via a time-consuming, manual process. An automated updatingprocess will enable Exostar to spend time focusing on the site content and providingcustomers with more accurate and up-to-date information.


Exostar currently utilizes a manual process for updating various areas of information on thewebsite. The following content areas were identified:

• General information (Human Resources)

• News and events (Marketing)

• Supplier adoption

• Exchange specific

• Training

When an area needs to be updated, the content-area owner must first create a documentthat contains the changed information. Once that document is finished, the modificationsare submitted to the Architecture group. The Architecture group is responsible for manuallyediting, reformatting and integrating the new content into the deployment website. Oncethe changes have been implemented and tested on the development server, content isposted to the staging server, where it is verified by the individual content-creator. After thisapproval, the changes are finally posted to the production server.

Although this process works, it is tedious and subject to error.

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The long-term content management needs must be outlined before coming to closure on acontent management strategy, process and tool selection. These needs can than be usedas a basis for a software and business process analysis to select the best software andprocess to support Exostar. While there are software packages that appear to meet theneeds of Exostar (MS Site Server, Interoffice, Web 500 A/S, and Interwoven TeamSite), athorough evaluation is necessary. Also, more discussion will need to take place withCommerce One as it appears they may already have a relationship with Interwoven.

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Search Engines Overview

It is critical that Exostar appear higher in the search engine rankings (e.g., Alta Vista) anddirectories (e.g., Yahoo). Many people use search engines and directories to locate sites tofulfill their needs.

The top search engines and directories use a variety of techniques to determine the listingplacement of a site. Humans (not software bots) typically create directories. As such, ahuman will review and validate directory-placement requests before including thesuggested site. Yahoo is an example of a directory.

Search engines, however, create their listings and rankings through the use of softwarebots and technology that index the pages of a site. Search engines like AltaVista use avariety of different tactics to determine where a site or a page will appear. The followinglists some of the considerations search engines use when "ranking" a site or page.

Keywords on a page: Search engines will evaluate the words on a page to identify the most relevant keywords(e.g., aerospace). They will judge this based on the placement and frequency with whichthe words appear on a page. They will place a higher emphasis on words that appear higheron the page.

Meta tags: The page’s Meta tags are used in a similar fashion as words on a page. In fact there is a"keyword" component and a "description" component. (The description component istypically the text that shows up in the search engine results.) Some search engines willcompare the Meta tag keywords to the words on a page to further validate and confirm therelevance of the keywords in the Meta tag.

Title/Header/Text tags: The Title tag for each page will also be used to determine the content of the page. This isthe text that appears on the top section of the browser. The Header and Text tags (whichare associated with text appearing in the body of the page) will also be used. The Headertags are used to identify sections on a page. The Text tags refer to "bold" and "italic" text.

Image Alt tags: This tag provides identification of an image for the search engines. Since search enginescannot interpret images, this is used to inform the search engine of the meaning of an

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image. This tag is also important for helping visually disabled users interpret images withreading devices.

Link popularity: Some searches will use link popularity to determine ranking. The number of other sites thatlink to a page determines link popularity. This is typically supplemented with some of theother techniques mentioned above. This technique speaks to encouraging other sites to linkto yours.

If Exostar’s pages are designed and created with these considerations, Exostar will have alarger degree of success with search engines. The challenge is that keeping your site at thetop of the rankings is an ongoing maintenance activity.

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Initial searches on terms like "Aerospace Exchange" or "A&D Exchange" do not showExostar in the listings.


Exostar must register for directories like Yahoo. The only way Exostar will appear is byregistering itself.

Exostar must incorporate a search engine process into its content development andeditorial process. This must include a guideline for content creation with a list of the mostimportant keywords and terms.

A process for ensuring that both the content creators and the people responsible forcreating the headers for the ASP pages use the words and terms that will have the mostimpact with the search engines.

The process for managing and monitoring search and directory listings must be defined.Someone must be responsible and accountable for reviewing Exostar’s rankings and thecompetitor’s rankings.

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closerlook Project Team

Amy Bybee, Senior [email protected]

Dan Hervey, [email protected]

Julian Jackson, Senior [email protected]

Becky Phillips, Content [email protected]

Brad Smith, Vice President of Client [email protected]

Jim Wildman, Technical [email protected]

John Yesko, Senior Information [email protected]

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