Exercises - Cloud Object Storage | Store & …s3.amazonaws.com/.../ExerciseLifestyle-Manual.pdffor...


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ExercisesChoose a vigorous exercise to do 3-4 times per week and more mild exercises 2-3 times per week. Make sure to get 1 day of TOTAL rest per week. I recommend you wake up and exercise before starting the rest of your day.

Here are some amazing exercise options to get you started...


Walking is the best exercise for weight loss, toning up, and helps you to process emotion. In the transformational process there’s no such thing as walking too much. You want to walk as much as you possibly can.

20 minutes of walking per day will produce good results. 30 minutes a day will produce excellent results. 1 hour a day of walking will produce massive change.

Exercise & Lifestyle


Rebounding helps to tone the body better than any other exercise.

20 minutes of rebounding per day will produce good results. 30 Minutes a day will produce excellent results. And 1 hour of rebounding will completely transform your body faster than anything else.

Exercise & Lifestyle


Cycling is an amazing, low impact, high-oxygen exercise. I highly recommend getting a bike and using it at least 2-3 times a week.

20 minutes of cycling 2-3 times per week will produce good results. 30 minutes per session will produce excellent results. 1 hour per session will produce massive change.


Yoga and Stretching is for flexibility. It helps with detox and strengthening and keeps you young and flexible.

20 minutes of yoga or stretching per day will produce good results. 30 minutes a day will produce excellent results. 1 hour a day will produce massive change.


Swimming is an amazing low impact exercise to increase cardiovascular strength, muscle, and tone up the entire body.

20 minutes of swimming per day will produce good results. 30 minutes a day will produce excellent results. 1 hour a day will produce massive amounts of acceleration. You can swim in a pool or the ocean, even playing in the water is great for you!

Weight Lifting

Weight lifting the best for building muscle and burning fat. It is also great for the brain and will help keep men and women’s hormones balanced. It also helps with digestion, absorption, and utilization of foods. Start out slow and work your way up. Get a trainer if you need too and stay motivated!

20 minutes of weight lifting per session will produce good results. 30 minutes a day will produce excellent results. 1 hour per session will produce massive results.


Hiking is a great exercise to build power in your legs, and strength in your heart and lungs. Hiking is also amazing because it gets you out in nature and in the fresh air. Fresh air is key to your transformation.

20 minutes of hiking per day will produce good results. 30 minutes a day will produce excellent results. 1 hour a day will produce massive amounts of acceleration.

Gardening Or Other Light Outdoor Activity

Playing outside in nature is good for the soul!

20 minutes of activity per day will produce good results. 30 minutes a day will produce excellent results. 1 hour a day will produce massive amounts of acceleration.

The more fresh air

and oxygen you get,

the faster you will

transform your life.

Oxygen is the key to a

happy healthy life.



If you really want to accelerate the transformation process, get a series of about 6 colonics within a 2-week period. The Colon Hydro therapist might think this is too much. Find someone that is willing to do 3 colonics per week. My opinion and experience is that you can’t take too many colonics when you are in cleansing and transformation mode. Colonics are incredibly beneficial and should be applied for the duration of your lifetime. Colonics should be a tool in your toolbox to maintain health and proper hygiene.

Enzymes and Probiotics

Enzymes should always be used when cooked food is in

the diet. Using enzymes, especially Puradyme Enzymes, can

be used to accelerate the transformation process. Enzymes

break up proteins and are anti-inflammatory. Enzymes break

up protein plaque and mucoid plaque increasing blood flow

circulation and flexibility. Enzymes are pure life force energy

and beneficial throughout all of life.

Probiotics are beneficial because of the lack of

biodiversity in the gut that modern man is experiencing

due to processed foods and chemicals. Probiotics assist

in digestion, utilization and absorption, and neutralize

inflammation in the gut. Probiotics are good for leaky gut,

irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, flatulence,

bloating, digestive issues. You can take Probiotic

capsules, probiotic powders, or you can make yogurts

and cheese with the probiotics. Again, probiotics are

extremely beneficial for all of us in the modern world.

Always keep probiotics on hand for food poisoning,

digestive upset, heartburn, or acid reflux.


Meditation balances the left and right hemispheres in the brain allowing you to be more centered and balanced as a human being. 20 or 30 minutes of meditation a day is life changing and very beneficial for this transformational program. Meditation will help you stay focused on your goals.


Massage is very beneficial for your nervous and lymphatic system. Massage also releases chronic muscle tension and allows you to heal, regenerate, and transform in massive ways. During this transformational program, it is good to get one massage per week if you can afford it. If not, just get as many as you possibly can.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are concentrated plant medicine that works specifically in the nervous system. Essential oils can be used internally to help purify the blood and eliminate pathogens. The absolute best essential oil to alleviate symptoms of candida, viruses, fungus, yeast, mold and parasites is oregano oil. Start with 1 drop in 2 oz. of water and work your way up to 4 drops in 2 oz. of water twice per day. You can use essential oils topically in times of emotional stress or physical pain. I suggest using essential oils as part of your healing transformation.

Music Therapy

There’s lots and lots of free music on YouTube for relaxation and regeneration. Listening to relaxing music in the background or even when you sleep at night can help to accelerate the healing process. What you listen to has a profound effect on your nervous system and your consciousness. Make sure you are choosing high vibrational meditational music with a good intention.

Continued Education

My favorite books I recommend you read:

• Gabriel Cousins - Spiritual Nutrition• Dr. Robert Morse - The Detox Miracle Sourcebook• Arnold Erhet - Mucusless Diet Healing System.• Hilton Hotema - Long Life in Florida• Paul Bragg - The Miracle of Fasting• Dr. David R. Hawkins - Power vs. Force• Swami Sivananda - Bliss Divine

Sunlight and Oxygem Therapy

The more raw food that you eat, the more sunshine you will be able to handle. Green juices make it easy to spend more time in the sun. Sunlight purifies and energizes you on a very deep level. So, get more sunshine.

Oxygen is the absolute key to the whole thing. In order to transform your life, you need to go outside and breathe as much fresh air as possible. You also want to breathe as much fresh air as possible during the night. The more fresh air you have flowing through your room as night, the better off you are going to be. The most important thing you will ever learn from me is the importance of fresh air, don’t neglect it.

Hot and ColdTherapy

The hot bath expands the blood vessels and allows blood to get more deeply into your extremities. Then the cold shower at the end drives the blood back into the vital organs and glands. So basically, hot and cold therapy is a low impact work out. It’s really good for the cardiovascular system. It relieves tired achy muscles and releases acid waste.