Excerpts from Return Of The Bird Tribes by Ken...

April 2016 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell www.cayelincastell.com 1 April 2016 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell Excerpts from Return Of The Bird Tribes by Ken Carey …the better part of the Bird Tribes have not been incarnate in human form during historical times, though always we were there in nature and in the spirit worlds around you. Some twenty-five centuries ago most of us departed, to wait for the return of your intelligence and the slow turning of the sacred cycles that would favor your awakening. We are returning now, appearing like the first stars at the predawn clearing of a storm. Into your consciousness we come, appearing subtly at first, a whisper among your dreams. But steadily our presence grows, soon to shine as distinctly as the Sun of morning. We come now with a message that will prove vital to you in these last years of history’s night. We call to you, human ones, beings of light. Rise up from your tradition-bound past and become our creative partners in the continuing unfoldment of wonder…. We are the Bird Tribes. And we are returning. We are here to teach you how to fly…. White Buffalo Calf Woman speaks… “My tribe is the Fire Bird…I am one of the Bird People, whose tribe once covered this Island of the Turtle. Do you remember the Winged Ones of heaven? The Fire Birds? The Thunder Tribes? How long has it been since you called to us in your councils?… Your people have forgotten…that which is more precious than water. You have forgotten your connection with Great Spirit. I have come…with a fire from heaven to kindle again your memory of what has been and to strengthen you for the times to come”. On my 60th birthday last month my beloved Peter and I had a magical journey to Avalon via Catalina Island. Peter asked me what would be memorable and special journey we could do to honor my 60 th ? When I tuned in and I asked the part of me the knows - I kept getting a magical sense about Catalina Island, a place I have never been. Peter thought it was a great idea because of course he was up for anything I wanted to do.

Transcript of Excerpts from Return Of The Bird Tribes by Ken...

April 2016 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell www.cayelincastell.com 1

April 2016 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell

Excerpts from Return Of The Bird Tribes by Ken Carey

…the better part of the Bird Tribes have not been incarnate in human form during historical times, though always we were there in nature and in the spirit worlds around you.

Some twenty-five centuries ago most of us departed, to wait for the return of your intelligence and the slow turning of the sacred cycles that would favor your awakening.

We are returning now, appearing like the first stars at the predawn clearing of a storm. Into your consciousness we come, appearing subtly at first, a whisper among your dreams.

But steadily our presence grows, soon to shine as distinctly as the Sun of morning.

We come now with a message that will prove vital to you in these last years of history’s night.

We call to you, human ones, beings of light. Rise up from your tradition-bound past and become our creative partners in the continuing unfoldment of wonder….

We are the Bird Tribes. And we are returning. We are here to teach you how to fly….

White Buffalo Calf Woman speaks… “My tribe is the Fire Bird…I am one of the Bird People,

whose tribe once covered this Island of the Turtle. Do you remember the Winged Ones of heaven?

The Fire Birds? The Thunder Tribes? How long has it been since you called to us in your

councils?… Your people have forgotten…that which is more

precious than water. You have forgotten your connection with Great Spirit. I have come…with a fire from heaven to kindle again

your memory of what has been and to strengthen you for the times

to come”.

On my 60th birthday last month my beloved Peter and I had a magical journey to Avalon via Catalina Island. Peter asked me what would be memorable and special journey we could do to honor my 60th? When I tuned in and I asked the part of me the knows - I kept getting a magical sense about Catalina Island, a place I have never been. Peter thought it was a great idea because of course he was up for anything I wanted to do.

April 2016 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell www.cayelincastell.com 2

So we made our reservations for the ferry (free for the birthday person) and planned our time in San Diego where my daughter, Jenna, lives. She and her twin brother Ian have a birthday 2 days after me so we got to celebrate her birthday too. Ian is living in Germany so we had to settle for catching up with him on Skype. Catalina Island Magic We had a beyond the beyond time. I think I have shared in past Celestial Timings I made a decision a few years ago "NO more so-so birthdays." Peter has been so supportive and engaged in that decision enjoying our adventures as much as me. We have been to Tubac, Sedona (more than once) and Prescott for my birthday and had great adventures in all those places. In the past, I have lots of birthdays I don't remember, some were down right awful. So a few years ago, I decided it was up to me to take responsibility for co-creating my reality. It has been so fun to create a different birthday experience as I learn new ways to celebrate the gift of My life in small ways each day and in a BIG way once each year. I have been practicing paying attention to the messages I get from the world around me for many years. Some days the messages are magical and inspiring. Somedays are more challenging and not so easy to pay attention to, even though I know some part of me is telling me something I need to know.

On my birthday the messages from the Bird People were coming in loud and clear. About a week before we left Peter and I saw a White Heron on our morning walk through a nearby neighborhood that was totally unexpected. A few days before we left for San Diego, Peter and I were walking in the park and we saw four Falcons flying overhead about the time we also saw two dear friends. I often see Falcons there but hadn't seen four all at once before. So I knew that was a message. As we boarded the ferry on my birthday I was noticing not only sea gulls (no surprise there) but also a Great Blue Heron, ducks and lots of pelicans. Lots of Pelicans! I had this thought go through my mind about the Bird Tribes showing up but didn’t know exactly what that meant until later in the day. While on Catalina Island I saw a man walk by and as he passed he made a call and then his trained Falcon landed on his gloved hand WOW. He wasn’t drawing a crowd or doing a performance either. I did manage to get a quick picture as he walked by now with the falcon on his hand. (see first page for image) Then just last week Peter and I took a trip to the Desert Museum with our oldest son and his girlfriend, who were in town visiting for Spring Break. They are both teachers on the Navajo Reservation. The day we went was their free flying raptors show, with falcons, ravens, owls and hawks. (see image on this page) May 2000 Dream about returning to live with the Bird People I had a one of my most vivid dreams I have ever had in the early morning hours of May 4, 2000. In the dream I didn’t recognize where I was as I looked down on the clouds below. When I asked someone where is this, the answer was "Oh you have returned to live with the Bird People." I woke up wondering who are the Bird People?

April 2016 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell www.cayelincastell.com 3

It turns out that day happened to be the Taurus New Moon with a rare planetary alignment that also included Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn - though all invisible due to their proximity to the Sun. I just so happened to be with several of my priestess sisters at Mesa Verde in Colorado ready to do ceremony for this very special New Moon. The dream location was reminiscent of the cliff dwellings we visited later that day. And the message from the dream continued into waking life as the very next day I received a Fire Bird ring in a give-away ceremony that I wear to this day to remind of the magic and mystery of that time. The day after I was given the ring, we stopped in to see a priestess sister near Flagstaff on our way back to Tucson and I saw on her book shelf a book titled Return of the Bird Tribes by Ken Carey. (same cover as on first page) I was stunned. When I opened the book I opened right up to the passage of White Buffalo Calf Woman speaking about the Bird People and how she was from the Fire Bird tribe. At the time, these synchronicities were (and still are) beyond magical and profound for me and I find myself knowing there is something more for me to remember almost 16 years later with the Bird Tribes showing up so clearly for me on and around my birthday. I wonder - how do we remember the wisdom of the Bird Tribes and fully appreciate the unfolding of these challenging and simultaneously magical times? In the book Return of the Bird Tribes, White Buffalo Calf Woman reminds us:

Creation does not take place where there is a scattering and dissipation of energies. Creation requires a gathering together and focusing of your power within a circle of commitment – like a seed, an egg, a womb or a marriage. If you would create and not destroy, you must remember always the Sacred Hoop. Consider wisely the ways in which you would use your power and then around those ways draw the sacred circle of commitment. In the warm atmosphere of that circle, the power of love builds and builds like a storm above the wet summer prairie until suddenly the circle can hold no more and explodes in the conception of the new.

PS…on our return ferry trip from Catalina Island and the town of Avalon we had a bonus siting of whales and dolphins. The captain turned the boat around and got as close as he could without harassing them. Another BIG WOW for us. PSS an unusual bird message on March 25…

April Planets

Mercury is enjoying its highest apparition of 2016 for those observing at mid-northern latitudes getting as bright as -1.5 magnitude. As April begins Mercury is low on the western horizon after sunset, rising higher until April 18 when it reaches its greatest elongation of 20° from the Sun still shining brightly at zero magnitude. 45 minutes after sunset in mid-April Mercury is still at least 10° above the horizon. By April 25 Mercury dims significantly to +1.5 magnitude and by 28 April goes retrograde – longer visible as it moves to transit the face of the Sun on May 9. Venus rises less than a half hour before the Sun as April begins. It is likely Venus is not visible in early April but for sure has completely disappeared from view by April 9 depending on your latitude, air clarity and eyesight.

Fire Bird Ring

April 2016 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell www.cayelincastell.com 4

Retrograde Jupiter is visible fairly high in the sky after sunset and is visible most of the night within the constellation of the Lion but in the seasonal sign of Virgo throughout this month and we'll reach its stationary direct point on May 9. Jupiter is fading slightly from magnitude -2.4 to -2.3 magnitude. Mars is rising around midnight as April begins and by 9 pm at the end of the month. Saturn is rising about 40 minutes after Mars at the beginning of the month and about 30 minutes after Mars by the end of the month. Both Mars and Saturn are following the track of the winter Sun so for those in the northern hemisphere Mars and Saturn remain lower on the horizon similar to how the Winter Sun tracks across the sky. Mars stations retrograde with Antares (9 Sag) on April 17 moving back into the constellation of the Scales during the retrograde process, stationing direct at 23 Scorpio on June 29. Mars and Saturn both continue their dance near Antares, the heart star of the Scorpion this month in a powerful activation of this Behenian Star. According to the book Starlight Elixirs and Cosmic Vibrational Healing by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld http://hilarion.com/stars.html Antares assists those who have a desire for understanding information and knowledge gained in altered states of consciousness such as meditative states and the dream state. Retrograde Saturn is moving west back towards Mars and across the stars Saturn has already passed as it continues its retrograde motion. The gap between Mars and Saturn shrinks from 9° to 7° this month until about April 17 when Mars begins its own retrograde motion. Mars appears orangey gold and Saturn appears golden white. The Moon passes Mars on April 24 and Saturn on April 25. Mars is gaining in brightness from a -0.6 magnitude to -1.4 magnitude. Saturn brightens up slightly from a +0.3 magnitude to a +0.2 point two magnitude. For comparison, Antares has an average magnitude of +1.06 so both Mars and Saturn are much brighter than Antares. Uranus reaches its annual conjunction with the Sun on April 9. The waxing crescent Moon is to the upper left of Mercury after the Sun sets on April 8. Closest New Moon of the year is April 7. The Moon occults Aldebaran during the afternoon of April 10 in the United States so though technically visible can only be seen with a telescope due to the daylight hours. This is the 17th Moon occultation over Aldebaran in this series of 49 occultations that started in January 2015 and lasts until September 2018. The waxing gibbous Moon hangs below Regulus on the evening of April 16 and is very near Jupiter on April 17. The waning gibbous Moon forms a triangle with Mars and Saturn at dawn on April 25 and a straight line with them the next morning.

My 60th Birthday Reading Special for both Updates and First Time Sessions Up to 90 minutes for $260 HERE are the Details or go

to http://cayelincastell.com/personal-readings/

April 2016 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell www.cayelincastell.com 5

There is Still Time to Join this Magical and

Transformative Sacred Journey

April 14-19, 2016

With Cayelin K Castell

and Shelley Tatlebaum at the pyramids of Teotihuacan

near Mexico City for a special sacred event

marrying Toltec Wisdom and Shamanic Astrology

The Pyramids, Plazas and Temples of Teo have long been a place of deep healing and self-discovery where the veils between the seen and the unseen are lifted. Come join us and experience ancient Toltec wisdom, along with the AS ABOVE SO BELOW mysteries where we will play in all worlds and universes, past, present and future in the flow of present time, when Venus is in the Underworld and Mars is stationing Retrograde along with the rare Jupiter North Node conjunction in Virgo continuing to expand humanity’s sacred destiny! This is about having a direct experience of Teo's unique magical energy carefully designed by an ancient culture to amplify your capacity for personal transformation and ever evolving self-awareness. For more information contact Shelley Tatelbaum at [email protected] MORE Details are HERE

Heart Wisdom from the Great Above as it relates to Our Great Below experience is featured all this year as

Saturn and Mars connect with the heart star of the Scorpion, Antares. Also Jupiter is returning to be within 13 degrees of the heart of the Lion, Regulus by the time it stations direct on May 9. These heart star activations remind us of the importance of honoring our own hearts and tuning into the wisdom and guidance our heart offers us every moment of every day.

The Culture of the Heart as shared by Suzanna Bair of I AM HEART Institute for Applied Meditation on the Heart allows each of us to contribute meaningfully to the happiness of everyone, while strengthening our own hearts. As we each develop our hearts individually, we have a collective effect upon the society as a whole. The heart of humanity is developed as people experience the One Heart in their own heart. And the breakthroughs occurring anywhere in the heart of humanity arise as inspiration back in each individual heart. As we live from our hearts, we change the atmosphere in our homes and groups, and this contributes to building a Culture of the Heart in the world. The Culture of the Heart is a shift from the culture of the mind and it is already forming; we see a greater acceptance of the differences of others, more consideration for the needs of others, an emphasis on seeking happiness, and an acknowledgment of an emotional wisdom that surpasses mental intelligence, occurring in education, in business, and in government. Alongside these advances, there are many examples of the opposite, but this is to be expected in a transition period. Inevitably, the approach of the heart will increase because it results in better health, increased creativity, greater productivity, and greater adaptability to change. In short, it works better and feels better. Find out more here I AM HEART Institute for Applied Meditation on the Heart

April 28 Resonance Repatterning Contact Teri Bybee for details [email protected]

April 2016 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell www.cayelincastell.com 6

2016 Daily April Celestial Timings (All Times are PDT unless otherwise noted)

April 01, Friday. All Fools Day. The genesis of our current understanding of April Fool’s Day grew out of the 1582 change in the calendar instituted by Pope Gregory shifting New Year’s Day from April 1 to January 1. News traveled slowly in those days and for various reasons many continued to celebrate New Year's Day on April First. Those who celebrated New Year’s in April became known as April Fools as a way to pressure individuals into conforming to a calendar that was designed to focus awareness on physical evidence and promote materialism and commerce. It has been highly successful not only in focusing consciousness on materialism but also in disconnecting us from the magical world including the natural cycles of the Earth and Sky. The mission of Shamanic Astrology is to remind us of the magical connection between the Earth and Sky while also recovering a deeper connection to the natural cycles in ways that enhance our intuitive knowing and consciousness connection to Great Mystery. It is up to each of us to reclaim this awareness and connection to magic of these cycles. The Moon moves into Aquarius at 6:37 pm transmitting the mysteries of the cosmic revolutionary making innovative changes that support evolutionary growth. The Aquarian mysteries teach us about expanded states of consciousness and connecting to the BIG picture to get a sense of where we are in the unfolding divine plan. The shadow of Aquarius shows up as being light polarized - meaning it denies there is a shadow or that the dark realms have any value or power. However, whole beings of light have integrated both their light and shadow aspects. When you turn on a light in a room the shadow is absorbed into the light. Whole Beings of light are keys in unlocking the energy codes of infinite connection and communication between all the realms and dimensions that are now possible.

April 2016 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell www.cayelincastell.com 7

When we are consciously aware and living from the power of love and the light we all carry within our DNA, this light upgrades the frequencies of life acting as a catalyst for growth and evolution. The Moon is amplifying these light codes and mysteries as it passes through Aquarius until 10:46 pm on April 3. April 02, Saturday. Jupiter and the North Node are still opposite Chiron and the South Node offering us continued opportunities for healing the past in ways that support healthy movement into our future destiny. This configuration magnifies the healing power of forgiveness as a powerful transformational key in helping and healing ourselves and others. In addition to all the forgiveness techniques out there (including Hoʻoponopono) another helpful technique is to use the transforming power of the Violet Flame. The Violet Flame is a 5th dimensional frequency available for humanity to use in accelerating the process of awakening our awareness around being conscious co-creators. We all have access to the gift of the Violet Flame. It is as simple as invoking its power to transform our lives by intentionally asking the violet flame to assist us in transmuting fear, guilt, shame, pain, blame, limitation, scarcity, anger, frustration, judgment of self and others, confusion, uncertainty, etc. Here is a simple invocation from Patricia Diane Cota-Robles and her book The Violet Flame God’s Gift to Humanity

I AM my Beloved I AM Presence, invoking the full power of the Violet Flame to transmute, cause, core, effect, record and memory every thought, feeling, word or action I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown that reflects _____fear__________ of any kind. (Fill in the blank…example from the book…poverty consciousness, lack and limitation or you could use judgment, guilt, blame, and/or shame etc…)

Patricia suggests memorizing this invocation and using it frequently throughout the day for whatever situations may arise that you desire to transmute in your life as well as the greater collective. This helps us to experience this reality in new ways through new eyes and new ears as our senses are refined to resonate with these 5th dimensional frequencies. Here is more about the Violet Flame April 03, Sunday. The Moon enters Pisces at 10:45 pm. This is a great time to tune into inner guidance including through you night time dreams and what next steps to fulfill the dreams for your life. If you don’t have dreams for your life - now is the time to tune into what they might be. What do you want to live and experience on a daily basis? April 04, Monday. The Moon catches up to Neptune (10°Pisces 48') at 4:42 pm amplifying our dreaming and inner knowing that comes from being attuned to our dreams. April 05, Tuesday. The Sun is trining Saturn (16 Sag) at 9:09 am something that happens just after an outer planet stations retrograde. This is a time between time and perfect for stepping back to evaluate what needs to change and what actions will help manifest it in this reality. Venus enters Aries at 9:51 am energizing the fierce feminine who is here to protect the cosmic order of life.

April 2016 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell www.cayelincastell.com 8

Mercury enters Taurus at 4:10 pm reminding us that taking time to digest and assimilate information is exactly what is needed now. The Moon catches up to Chiron (22°Pisces 34') at 11:50 am transmitting information about how we can help and heal ourselves as well as others. Then Moon enters Aries at 11:46 pm Pacific Time, or 3:46 AM tomorrow Eastern Time energizing a time for taking action to further the causes we feel are worthy and worth promoting. April 06, Wednesday. The Moon occults Venus (00°Aries 47') at 1:01 am amping up this time between time as Venus drops out of the morning sky and begins a nearly three month journey with the Sun. Occultations always accelerate the energy, similar to an eclipse, so this is an extra potent Venus Moon conjunction that is technically visible but not necessarily actually visible. (see April Planets for more on this as well as the Venus and Moon slide) The Sun (17°Aries 27'( squares Pluto (17°Capricorn 27)' at 1:10 pm signaling the Pluto retrograde about to happen on April 18. April 07, Thursday. The Aries New Moon (18°Aries 04)' is exact 4:24 am is with Uranus and is the closest New Moon to Earth this year amping up the unpredictable energies of Uranus revolutionizing our perception around the Greater Cosmic View of life.

April 08, Friday. The Moon catches up to Mercury (04°Taurus 46') at 6:41 am transmitting messages about how to experience greater pleasure and comfort in our reality. April 09, Saturday. The Moon enters Gemini at 10:59 pm. The Sun reaches exact conjunction with Uranus (20°Aries 27') at 2:27 pm. Looking west northwest after sunset for the next two weeks you'll see Mercury at it's best evening apparition of 2016. Tonight Mercury is to the lower right of the thin crescent Moon April 10, Sunday. The waxing crescent Moon occults Aldebaran (10 Gemini) accelerating and amplifying the light codes from this royal star also connected to Archangel Michael. This is a good to ask for Michael’s help in transforming our inner demons. (see April Planets for more)

April 11, Monday. Mars (8 Sag 42) and retrograde Saturn (16 Sag 10) are within less than 8 degrees moving to within less than 7 degrees before Mars stations retrograde on April 17. Both within range of the magical Behenian Star Antares, the heart of the Scorpion. Taking decisive heart directed action that creates even more expanded awareness of the truth of who we are is highly recommended. The Sun is conjunct Eris (22 Aries) activating the wild card nature of Eris who is also known as the Goddess of Discord. Mythically Eris is described as using subterfuge to create chaos. One of the ways she does this is by going against the accepted rules of society. In Greek myth her tactics are viewed as underhanded and sneaky, because she is the one who put into motion the conditions that started the Trojan War, all because she wasn’t invited to a wedding party. The question for today might include what is the gift of disruption that causes chaos and discord as an activation for new ways of being that are more inclusive? Another words it is time to make sure we invite Eris to the party. April 12, Tuesday. The Moon enters Cancer at 1:06 am. (see April 13) April 13, Wednesday. The Cancer First Quarter Moon (18° Aries 04') is exact at 8:59 pm asking us to look at how we are creating a safe place in this world for ourselves, our children, and our local and global community? This includes looking at the shadow of Cancer expressing through our profit based economic system that is only interested in how “I” and “my

April 2016 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell www.cayelincastell.com 9

family or tribe” survive and thrive disregarding everyone else. A healthy expression of these mysteries is understanding how we are all interconnected, meaning if anyone is suffering it affects everyone. How do we create a healthy economic system that abundantly supports everyone and not just an elite few? April 14, Thursday. The Moon enters Leo at 6:53 am reminding us to consider how we are doing with loving ourselves? It begins with self-acceptance, self-approval, and self-respect! April 15, Friday. Tax Day. Mercury reaches 15 Taurus today, the degree of the exact Beltane Cross Quarter where the Sun will be on May 5. This is the season of spring time beauty, honoring the gift of being embodied and the opportunity to experience sacred pleasure. April 16, Saturday. The Moon enters Virgo at 4:23 pm amplifying the mysteries of Spider Woman who weaves the web of life and reminds us of the sacred pattern. Tonight the waxing Moon is shining 3 to 4° below Regulus, the heart of the lion. April 17, Sunday. The Moon is just 3° below near Jupiter exact at 8:04 pm amping up the expansive sacred mysteries of the patterning of life, including the seasons and cycles of our lives. Mars (08°Sag54') stations retrograde at 5:14 am, going direct on June 29 at 23 Scorpio03. This means Mars is retracing the part of the sky just crossed – and will be moving back past the head of the Scorpion taking a deeper look at this part of the sky. The beginning of this retrograde represents the final synthesis of the current Mars journey exploring new ways of experiencing conscious equal partnership with all life but especially the feminine. When retrograde Mars reaches opposition to the Sun in May a new Mars quest begins. April 18, Monday. Pluto (17°Capricorn 29') stations retrograde at 12:23 am diving deeper into the process of dying to the old, out dated beliefs and ways of being so healthier more alive ways of being can emerge into something new and more empowered. When a planet stations there is no visible movement, just as is experienced at the Still Point there is no discernable movement, and yet profound changes are occurring. Pluto has been sitting still since the end of March and continues to sit still from now and until past the Pluto trine with the Sun on May 7th creating an alchemical portal of possibilities to dissolve the old shadow elements that have interfered with humanity’s awakening to who we really are. The Pluto station retrograde accelerates the process of transformation when we willingly surrender to what IS. Surrender is the key as Carl Jung reminded us when he said “what we resist will persist”. Acceptance and allowing are powerful ways to participate in this process of transformation. April 19, Tuesday. The Moon enters Libra at 4:24 am transmitting the ancient mysteries of conscious equal relationships guided by Spirit or Great Mystery. This harkens back to a time before recorded history when the masculine and feminine lived in harmony and balance with each other, meaning all humans lived in greater harmony with each other. It is time to remember this and bring the pure essence of these mysteries into current time. The Sun enters Taurus at 8:30 am illuminating the mysteries of sacred pleasure. In The Charge of the Goddess found in Starhawk’s book The Spiral Dance the Goddess tell us: All acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. This references a time when sacred pleasure was valued as a highly spiritual experience. 6500 years ago as the matriarchy was ending and the patriarchy was beginning many of the ceremonial traditions were overturned in favor of religious concepts designed to remove people from a direct spiritual connection with the Divine so they could be more

April 2016 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell www.cayelincastell.com 10

easily controlled. This began the erosion of the understanding and experience of sexuality and pleasure as ways to directly connect with Spirit, creating instead a belief that that these things were evil or bad. This led to a belief that sacrifice through pain and suffering were more worthy sacraments.

Along with this, the major religions also carry with them threats of even greater pain if you sin, or break the rules (i.e. burning in the fires of hell for all eternity). It is easy to see why this has proven to be such an effective control program. Thankfully humanity is waking up to these deceptions and is ready to have new sacraments or sacred connection to the divine that emphasizes the experiences of bliss. As the Sun passes through the Taurus domain for the next 30 days it is a time for noticing how pleasure enhances your life. Do you allow yourself do enjoy the pleasure of life as one of the highest most sacred

experiences we humans can have? Are you willing to return to the Garden of Earthly Delight as your divine heritage by embracing and fully experiencing the gifts of sacred pleasure and bliss? Venus (17 Aries) is square retrograde Pluto (17 Capricorn) at 1:49 am suggesting this is a time for looking at the shadow or forgotten side of our feminine expression, bringing it to light so it can be transformed. April 20, Wednesday. The Moon is approaching Spica tonight, the main star of the divine feminine, low in the south east and will be within 4° visible before sunrise on April 21st in North America. April 21, Thursday. The Moon enters Scorpio at 5:17 pm and reaches exact fullness at 10:24 pm. This is Lunar Beltane or the Full Moon in Scorpio closest to the Solar Cross-Quarter when the Sun reaches 15 Taurus on May 5. The Full Moon in Scorpio is a highly charged experience of alive, primal life force energy enlivening passion, magic, personal power, and manifestation. April 22, Friday. Early this morning is the predicted peak of the Lyrid meteor shower around 2 AM Eastern time. This year viewing is hampered by the nearly Full Moon.

Venus is conjunct Uranus (21°Aries 11') at 2 pm happening very close to the fixed star Baten Katos marking the belly of the whale in the constellation known as Cetus, the whale and the dwarf planet Eris, goddess of Chaos. Cetus lives in an area of the sky where all of its neighboring constellations have some connection with water. East of Cetus is Eridanus, the Great River; north of Cetus is the Fish (a.k.a Pisces); west of Cetus are the Water Bearer (a.k.a Aquarius), and the Seagoat (a.k.a Capricorn); and to the south of Cetus lies the Southern Fish (a.k.a Piscis Austrinus) where the royal star Fomalhaut resides. Many ancient people often called this part of the sky "the

Sea" because of the many water-related constellations located here. In Greek myth Cetus is the whale in the mythic story of Queen Cassiopeia and her daughter Andromeda. In biblical myth, Cetus is the Whale in Jonah and the Whale.

April 2016 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell www.cayelincastell.com 11

In his book Hero With a Thousand Faces Joseph Campbell describes the “belly of the whale” as a stage of initiation or “passage through a magical threshold” taking the hero or heroine into the unknown. This also corresponds to initiations of self-annihilation where the hero/ine’s journey goes inward beyond ordinary time and space for the purpose of rebirth. This timing is about being willing to take action to further a noble cause or purpose you feel passionate about. That

purpose may be taking care of your own health and well-being, or it might be a relationship, or it might be your sacred

work. It might be committing to living and loving courageously with compassion for yourself and others. Whatever it

is…commit to it and take action, to energize that reality for you, today. (see April 23)

April 23, Saturday. The Venus Uranus connection exact yesterday and still at play today, is happening in vicinity of sky

where the dwarf planet Eris is currently located. Eris was discovered in January of 2005. This discovery created a huge

disruption in the astronomy community that ultimately led to the creation of dwarf planets as a new category.

Eris is 27% larger than Pluto and as the Greek Goddess of Discord we could say she is responsible for demoting Pluto

from planet status to dwarf planet status and for promoting the asteroid Ceres (at 3 Aries today) to dwarf planet status.

Symbolically this puts the Pluto and Ceres on equal ground.

This is significant because Ceres is the Roman name for Demeter the mother of Persephone who was abducted by

Pluto or Hades in Greek myth. Pluto (or the masculine principle in this version of the story) no longer has the power to

overwhelm the feminine principle, forcing her to act against her will.

This symbolizes the patriarchal power having been stripped away to

create an equality between the masculine and feminine principles.

They are NOT the same, but they are equal in importance.

April 24, Sunday. The waning gibbous Moon enters Sagittarius at 4:54 pm and is forming on an irregular quadrangle about 10° wide with Saturn, Mars and Antares. The Moon in Sag with Saturn and Mars are all exploring the mysteries of the Spiritual Quest continually seeking expanding levels of truth and meaning. As our conscious expands, so does our understanding of what is true. The Moon catches up to retrograde Mars (still around 8 Sagittarius) at 10:46 pm very close to Antares the magical heart star of the Scorpion. April 25, Monday. The Moon catches up to Saturn (15 Sag 38) at 12:47 pm. The Moon with Saturn amplifies Saturn’s intent to discover and formulate what we believe is the truth of this reality and reflect that back to us. Saturn’s form is reflected in our collective consciousness because Saturn's job is to create a reality that reflects our collective beliefs. As we change our perception (or awareness/consciousness) of what is true, what is spiritual, what truly has meaning for us, the structure of our reality changes. This is similar to the idea of how what we envision and dream is what becomes our reality. April 26, Tuesday. The Moon enters Capricorn at 4:45 pm passing over the Galactic Cross near Galactic Center. This monthly passage of the Moon over this part of the sky illuminates and transmits the incoming vibrational energies from this central galactic portal of light.

April 2016 Celestial Timings by Cayelin K Castell www.cayelincastell.com 12

There are three days each month when the Moon is transmitting directly from the Galactic Core providing us with easier access to the Codes and Energies available now. Knowing about and consciously engaging this Timing further opens and activates our abilities as conscious conduits in anchoring these energies in the Earth plane. Many are noticing this three-day window is intensifying whatever issues are still unresolved. Surrendering what we think we know and who we think we are - is an effective and useful strategy for experiencing a magical transformational opportunity as the Moon passes over the Galactic Cross near Galactic Center.

April 27, Wednesday. Mercury (23°Taurus36') stations retrograde tomorrow at 10:20 am deepening our perception of the Taurus mysteries of pleasure and beauty. (See April 2) Below is an imagery to contemplate as the transformational messenger (emissary Mercury) retraces the area of the sky it has just passed by until stationing direct on May 22. …the messenger Whole Light Beings who cultivate the divine seed and aid in the completion of its program of soul growth, are emissaries because they understand the mystery of undoing all the seals which were used to bind the soul between each expansion of the universe… (page 362 in the Keys of Enoch) April 28, Thursday. The Moon catches up to Pluto (17 Capricorn) at 2:20 am

illuminating our awareness around any fears we have connected to the continuing dissolution of our current reality - evidenced in part through our political and financial structures - excavating all the shadow issues we have personally and collectively. The collective shadow being brought to light include all the corruption, lies, distortions, greed, and whatever else has been hidden and denied. April 29, Friday. The Moon enters Aquarius at 1:47 am. AND the Aquarius Last Quarter Moon (10°Aq13') is exact at 8:29 pm transmitting the mysteries of the cosmic revolutionary, whose intent is to ultimately to revolutionize conscious awareness through the living expression of our divinity. This revolutionary energy pushes for the changes that are cathartic, liberating and evolutionary for the purpose of experiencing greater freedom. April 30, Saturday. Venus journeys through Taurus until May 24 when Venus enters Gemini. This is also the time when Venus has disappeared from the morning sky and is traveling with the Sun until July 13. This suggests that during this underworld time, one of the aspects Venus is focusing on, is letting go of all the ways she has forgotten how to receive the beauty and pleasure of life. Healthy receivership occurs when we can fully receive with genuine gratitude and appreciation. Inspired by the Bird Visitation March, 2016, the Buddhists suggest that when a bird comes to a person like this they are recognizing that person as a bodhisattva. What a great way addition to the Return of the Bird Tribes introduction!

Great bodhisattvas arrive at consummate skill in means;

they are always concerned with the welfare of all sentient beings, they do not reject the realm of common

ignorance, do not seek individual escape, do not cling to their own happiness. They only strive to edify and liberate others; they are

able to enter and exit meditations and liberations, and have attained mastery of all concentrations. They come

and go in birth and death as though roaming through a park,

never getting sick of it.

Avatamsaka Sutra