Excellent Life Lessons from the Movie PK

Life Lessons from the movie What happens when we start seeing from our inside to outside visit www.kamyabology.com for best management ppts

Transcript of Excellent Life Lessons from the Movie PK

Life Lessons from the movie What happens when we start seeing

from our inside to outside

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PK- The movie

!  We enter this world just like PK- naked, without knowledge about what the world contains or any understanding about right or wrongs.

!  We are taught everything as we grow up and start believing what people tell us and what we see.

!  But what we are taught is correct? How do we know that? And then we start asking logical questions which some people have problems with.

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!  The movie PK, directed by Rajkumar Hirani,

starring Amir Khan and Anushka Sharma in the

lead role, makes viewers look at the truth and make believe reality that we live in

!  This is the story of an alien who lands upon planet earth, nude, without any understanding of language or any way to communicate, just as a child is born into this world

!  He loses his remote with which he can go back home and is stuck on planet earth where he encounters the weird beliefs of people in God and God men

!  He exposes God men who promise to resolve problems by asking people for money, donations and converting people into dominant religions while blaming other religions

!  PK makes people think about the kind of world we live in and makes people look at God with a different perspective

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Wrong number

!  Alien PK talks about wrong numbers

!  He says that these God men dial wrong numbers and give wrong suggestions and solutions to people who search for a way

!  These God men say they have direct connection with God but they seem to be dialling a wrong number because the solutions are lame

!  He raises his voice against these wrong numbers and that is not liked by the God men

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1. Raise your voice

!  Many times we see many wrong things happening in front of us

!  But how many of us raise our voices against it?

!  We just become a mere spectator to injustice

!  Very few questions the past practice..they just assume

!  Do the right thing and promote right doings in life

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God men

!  PK believes there is God, the one

who has made this entire Universe

!  What he doesn’t believe in is these

God men who try and fool others by acting as agents of God

!  He says these God men live to instil fear among people- the fear of God, that if anything wrong they do, they will go to hell and that God is watching

!  They ask people to go for ‘yatras’ or wear different kinds of stone rings so that their good luck will start

!  People believe such stories as they fear something bad might happen to them

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2. Believe in God, not God men

!  PK movie asks everyone to believe in God and trust God to

make things right

!  But makes people think logically to trust themselves in doing what is correct and not go and follow such liars of a God men who say they are close to God

!  As it is rightly said in the movie ‘God made us and he gave each of us the ability to reason and think logically’

!  We live in fear instead of asking questions and just assuming the solution told by others

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Your loved ones are important

!  In the movie a man asks the God man what he should do for his wife who is paralyzed

!  The God man tries to communicate with God and suggests the man to travel immensely and visit a mountain close to God in order to cure his wife

!  At this PK replies that it is wrong. Instead the man should spend time with his wife and make life easy for her

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3. Spend time with loved ones rather than searching for God

!  Your loved ones, your family and friends are the people who need you and believe in you

!  For them to be happy and healthy, you should be available with them to spend precious time

!  Today people, trusting in these fraud God men, believe in superstitions and do things which are highly unnecessary thinking that it will help their loved ones from dangerous diseases

!  But the fact is, your loved ones need

you in times of need and your prayers

and time are precious for them

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My religion is superior

!  In the movie, the God men make others believe that their own religion is superior

!  The alien PK is confused- he is thrown out when he enters a church with a Puja Thali and then he enters a Mosque with bottles of wine for Jesus

!  Everyone thinks their religion is superior and has some specific do’s and don'ts

!  PK questions- does God give a mark on everyone saying the person is from a specific religion?

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4. There is One God, Religions are man made !  Has anyone seen God? Does God say that HeSshe is a Hindu or Muslim or

Christian or Sikh?

!  It is only we people that have made different religions and communities and the warfare amongst them are also created by humans for their own personal interest

!  No God will want anything bad to happen for their children

!  Believe in God, but do not alienate people or discriminate them based on what religion they are

!  Humanity is the utmost religion that

should be followed

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No money- no value! !  When PK sees that people are giving a piece of

paper with Gandhi’s photo on it and getting back

food, he becomes excited

!  He collects all pictures of Gandhi and goes to the shop to buy carrots

!  The shopkeeper gets confused when PK offers him various Gandhi posters. But when he offers him a Rupee 50 note with Gandhi’s picture, he gives PK some carrots

!  Then PK understands that the man in the photo, aka, Gandhi, has value only when his picture is on the Rupee

!  Once PK puts up a block of stone with red tika and some money in front of a college gate

!  Students, scared of examinations, come and worship the stone thinking it is God

!  In the same vicinity a tea seller has to call students to have some tea in order to make money

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5. Work hard, what follows is your destiny !  PK says, hard work has no value, while fear and money have value in life

!  The tea seller knows he will not earn so much by selling tea, but he does his work with dedication

!  Fear, God, money- do these really count in life?

!  What counts is- what kind of a person you are? Whether you give your hundred percent to your work and family?

!  One should always give their best in any job they are and should not worry about what follows

!  Money will be with you today and it

might not be there tomorrow- but it is up to

you to contain the happiness in your life

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Be responsible

!  In the movie there is a

misunderstanding created between

Jaggu and her love interest from Pakistan- Sarafaraz

!  Waiting for the boy in the church, in order to get married, Jaggu interprets a letter wrongly and so does Sarfaraz

!  Due to this they neither call each other and think the other betrayed them

!  It was PK who solved this misunderstanding by asking Jaggu to think clearly as there was no name in the letter and the letter might have been for the other girl at the church

!  They try to trace Sarfaraz and come to know that in fact he was there at the church and he also read he letter thinking it was from Jaggu

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7. Take responsibility for your actions- don’t be judgemental !  We sometimes want to see thinks/judge from only our point of view

!  If someone has instilled in us a wrong thinking and misled our direction, that goes on in our minds and we do not try to see the other’s perspective

!  Then we run away from the truth and live our life thinking the other person wrong and blaming them for actions which they might not have done

!  We do not want to see our mistakes or take responsibility for our actions

!  We need to speak to people who we judge and misunderstand and if we are wrong we should be open

enough to take responsibility of the

wrongs that we have done

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You are a mere speck

!  PK talks about how people on earth think they are superior to everyone else.

!  Just a little bit of achievement in money/job/position

!  They think they are utmost creatures, but forget that they are mere specks in an entire Universe filled with uncountable galaxies

!  Even people living in certain regions think they are superior than people living elsewhere, people with money are superior than people without money, people who can speak English are superior than people who cannot.

!  Similary a little challenge or failure seems as the end of the world

!  We forget to look at the larger perspective in life

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8. Look at the broader perspective

!  For a person to be humble and successful it is important to look at a larger perspective in life

!  Rise above from mere ‘I’ to a ‘We’

!  The world does not revolve only around you, there are others that have and are helping you survive

!  Even when we have a small problem or issue, we tend to sit and brood about it

!  Look at the broader perspective and the solutions rather than sitting in misery

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!  We cannot tell everyone to stop believing in God men or religions or caste

!  But we can change ourselves and a mere change in our perspective towards life and people can go a long way

!  Do believe in God but do not follow superstitious beliefs and notions

!  As rightly said in the movie- God made us and gave us the ability to think logically and reason

!  Do not follow people blindly- use your own grey matter and decide what is right and what is wrong

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