Example Letter to Be Translated

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Transcript of Example Letter to Be Translated

  • Dear Mr. Chen

    I would like to start this letter by offering you my anticipated gratitude for taking your time to read this

    letter, I cant even begin to imagine the hard work you put into taking care of your family, so I

    understand how valuable your time is, not only that, but I understand you must hundreds of reasons to

    hate me, so again, thank you for your time.

    It saddens me to realize that I cant sit down and have a talk with you privately due to our language

    barrier, for that reason I made the decision of writing this letter and getting it translated privately and

    anonymously, I truly believe that aside from family, the second most important thing is a families pride,

    for that reason I choose to keep this all private.

    I met your son approximately 3 years ago, its something ironic, initially we met only through messages

    over the internet, after a few months we lost contact, at the time I was living far away, we really never

    exchanged any personal information, it was always cordial conversations and we exchanged

    compliments with each other, eventually I ended up moving away from where I was living and I moved

    to Queens, New York, and that is why I say its ironic, without having any knowledge of your sons

    whereabouts, I ended up moving a 10 minute walk distance from your son, and thats how we met.

    Your son and I met, and shortly after I found out about his mothers death, he also mentioned to me

    how he remarried, how you would beat his brother with belts, and he also told me you was his hero and

    that he loved you above all things, but most importantly I could see he was unhappy and disturbed in his

    home, but I still gave distance to the situation and did my best to not get involved, something in my

    subconscious mind told me it was not my place to get involved, after a while what started as a

    friendship turned into a relationship, and little by little my life crumbled into pieces.

    I remember the time when I was sitting in your sons living room, and your honorable wife walked into

    the room with a plate of fruit, never in my life did I ever feel so welcomed, and finally I felt like I was

    going to be able to have a cordial relationship with you, allowing me the opportunity to speak to you

    about your son because I knew things were not good for him, from the very beginning before young

    Chen showed any symptoms or cause all this pain to everyone, I knew he was not ok but no one was

    willing to listen to me.

    Day after day I would tell your son family was everything, that school grades were important, day after

    day I told your son that family was everything, but more important, the honor of the family is the most

    important thing, I tried day after day to make sure he had a healthy relationship with you, but most

    important to respect you, as I was aware how he would argue with you, even a time where he pushed

    you and I spoke to him about it.

    I was raised very differently from you and your family, Im sure of it. My life saw pain from the day I was

    born, I was the son of a drug using prostitute who made a living by selling her body and dancing naked

    at a local bar, my father was an older man 75 years of age, sick and dying, up to this day I wonder what

    made a 75 year old man marry a 19 year old girl, only disturbing thoughts can come to my mind.

  • My mother left me to die in a small baby crib with a dying old man, I was eventually rescued by the local

    police nearly dying of hunger in my rotten diapers filled with parasites, I was lucky to have made it, at

    that age I was only 2 year old and I had already had liver surgery due to effects of a pregnant mother

    doing drugs, if there is one person who is against drugs and alcohol beverages is me, one thing is to use

    something, another is to hurt your body and abuse illegal substances.

    As far as family, to keep it simple I will simply tell you I was born into a family of degenerates, at the age

    of 12 years old I was smart enough to run away and make a life of my own, I did whatever I could to

    survive in life, at this age I can tell you that I have seen the horrors mankind is capable of, I have seen

    the pain people can make others go through, but I can also say that I have seen small enough of

    kindness to show me the value of having someone there for you, or better yet, I have learned whats it

    like to not have anyone at all and be completely alone.

    For these reasons I stuck to your son for so long, I can assure you theirs always 2 sides to the coin, and 2

    versions to every story, I cant expect you to take my word of your sons whos your flesh and blood, and

    I dont intend to seek that, but I would like to shine a little light on everything that happened so you can

    understand your sons situation with a bit more clarity.

    Your son is in great debt, Im sure thats something we can both agree on, but I can assure you I was not

    spared, your son would have anger attacks to where he would violently beat me, at times I had no

    choice to defend myself, and even at that point I would restrain myself because Im aware of our size

    different, but your son went from being a friendly loving individual, to a destructive violent individual

    who pulled away from me and everyone around him, many times I would beg him to try and spend the

    night with you or come over to your house for dinner on Tuesdays but all attempts gained no success, at

    times he would speak ill of you and his step mother, it was clear he did not like her and he felt

    resentment, he would tell me about situations where he felt like she controlled your money, and how

    she treated him indifferently, he would express to me that his brother felt the same way towards her

    and avoided her at any cost, it was clear to me that he was not happy, but as I mentioned before it was

    clear that he loved you more than anything in this world but he felt there was things that kept him from

    getting closer.

    Chuans anger and attitude affecting me to such a point that I fell into a deep depression, he would

    always make erratic decisions that would affect us both, create problems for him with you, get himself

    into debt, or even leaving me homeless because he would make me invest my time into moving

    together and then he would disappear, I did not want him to move in with me anymore then you did,

    but it was clear that if I did not accept it, he would end up losing more control, I can recall of multiple

    occasions where I sat and had talks with your son about things he was doing that were dangerous and

    reckless, I was the only person around your son long enough to be able to see what he was doing and

    have some sort of restraint to keep balance, but it cost me my health, my hair began to fall out, I had to

    cut my hair extremely short so that the multiple bald spots would not be noticeable, depression was

    destroying my life.

  • Eventually it lead to neurological problems and today I am seeing over 7 different doctors and taking

    over 4 different types of medication just to function, from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to

    sleep Im suffering of severe pain all over my body nonstop, and till this day doctors cant figure out

    what I have, but I can promise you one thing, if I had to go back in time, I would do it all over again.

    Your son was worth that and much more, I can assure you I dont care or love your son as a man, I love

    your son as a friend, as a brother, I love your son as if he has my own blood, I never had anyone being

    raised and I cared for your son because I felt for what has was going through.

    Up to this day I worry for him and his mind, I really do hope he gets better, I also feel like it is good that

    he is home with you and I feel he should do that. I think maybe he should take a break from school so he

    can focus on finding himself again, or maybe going part time, unless in fact he enjoys it then he should

    just continue, I can tell you your son is frail, he needs help and attention.

    I also believe that allowing me and your son to have a friendship would be great for him, but I think you

    as a father should try be a part of that friendship, become a part of your sons life before you find him

    hanging from his closet, I hope the gods protect him and that no harm ever comes over him, but I can

    show you text messages that I have received from him that are truly disturbing and they make me worry

    about the wellbeing of his mind.

    Lets not lose him and lets work together to bring him back.

    I want to set up a day where I can come by the house and return him personally his personal belongings,

    but I would love it if you could be there that day so we can all have a decent and positive conversation,

    maybe even share a beer and do the best we can to be responsible adults and make some peace for

    your sons own good.

    I sincerely hope that your able to get back to me, perhaps you can talk to your niece and have her call

    me, I would really love it if you could at least give me a response, but I do beg you, please allow me to

    give your son the closure he deserves and allow him to grow from this experience and maybe we can all

    together contribute to his wellbeing. Its no longer about us, and it never was, its all about Chuan and

    his recovery.

    Once again thank you so much for reading my letter, and I ask kindly for a response on your behalf, Im

    truly concerned for your son, my friend my family, Chuan is all I got, good or bad, fair or unfair, I have

    love for him, hes my family.