1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. I Jackie 1. ……………………… (not come) to work today because she 2. ……………………… (feel) well. She 3. ……………………… (stay) at home because she 4. ……………………… (not want) anyone to get ill. II Rachel 5. ……………………… (think) about building an extra room onto her house. Her oldest son is fifteen years old and he 6. ……………………… (not understand) why he 7. ……………………… (share) a room with his younger brother. III I wonder how much that old bike 8. ……………………… (cost). It 9. ……………………… (not look) new but I 10. ……………………… (not mind). All I 11. ……………………… (want) is a bike. IV The whole family 12. ……………………… (watch) that silly reality TV programme tonight. Right now they 13. ……………………… (eat) a very quick dinner, so they won’t miss it. Even my little sister 14. ……………………… (help) to clear the dishes. V Mum 15. ……………………… (taste) the curry right now. She always 16. ……………………… (taste) the food to make sure it 17. ……………………… (not need) more salt or pepper. 2. Complete the extract from After Twenty Years by O. Henry with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect Simple. Jimmy 1. …………………………… (not see) his old friend, Bob, for more than 20 years when one day, he 2. …………………………… (receive) a call from him. They 3. …………………………… (arrange) to meet in front of Bill’s Café on the main street. Jimmy 4. …………………………… (look forward to) meeting him again. Things 5. …………………………… (change) since his last meeting with Bob – Jimmy was now a policeman. That night, before he 6. …………………………… (leave) the police station to meet his friend, he 7. …………………………… (tell) his partner about his plans. Jimmy 8. …………………………… (arrive) at the café on time and saw a man who 9. …………………………… (stand) outside. As Jimmy 10. …………………………… (come) closer, the man 11. …………………………… (strike) a match to light his cigar, and Jimmy 12. …………………………… (see) his face clearly. He 13. …………………………… (recognise) his old friend Bob. He 14. …………………………… (not change) much. But Jimmy was shocked when he 15. …………………………… (realise) it was also the face of a criminal wanted for murder in another town. He 16. …………………………… (see) this face on a poster in the police station earlier that day but 17. …………………………… (not realise) who it was. What should he do now? 3. Complete the telephone conversation with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple. Sandra: Hello, Bill? Are you OK? Bill: No! This is a disaster! I don’t know why I 1. ……………………… (agree) to do it. When Mrs Davis 2. ……………………… (ask) me to babysit, I thought it would be easy. But I 3. ……………………… (be) wrong. Sandra: Oh dear! What 4. ……………………… (happen)?


Examen final de 1º de bachillerato



1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

I Jackie 1. ……………………… (not come) to work today because she 2. ……………………… (feel) well. She 3. ……………………… (stay) at home because she 4. ……………………… (not want) anyone to get ill.

II Rachel 5. ……………………… (think) about building an extra room onto her house. Her oldest son is fifteen years old and he 6. ……………………… (not understand) why he 7. ……………………… (share) a room with his younger brother.

III I wonder how much that old bike 8. ……………………… (cost). It 9. ……………………… (not look) new but I 10. ……………………… (not mind). All I 11. ……………………… (want) is a bike.

IV The whole family 12. ……………………… (watch) that silly reality TV programme tonight. Right now they 13. ……………………… (eat) a very quick dinner, so they won’t miss it. Even my little sister 14. ……………………… (help) to clear the dishes.

V Mum 15. ……………………… (taste) the curry right now. She always 16. ……………………… (taste) the

food to make sure it 17. ……………………… (not need) more salt or pepper.

2. Complete the extract from After Twenty Years by O. Henry with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect Simple.

Jimmy 1. …………………………… (not see) his old friend, Bob, for more than 20 years when one day, he 2. …………………………… (receive) a call from him. They 3. …………………………… (arrange) to meet in

front of Bill’s Café on the main street. Jimmy 4. …………………………… (look forward to) meeting him

again. Things 5. …………………………… (change) since his last meeting with Bob – Jimmy was now a

policeman. That night, before he 6. …………………………… (leave) the police station to meet his friend, he 7. …………………………… (tell) his partner about his plans. Jimmy 8. …………………………… (arrive) at

the café on time and saw a man who 9. …………………………… (stand) outside. As Jimmy 10. …………………………… (come) closer, the man 11. …………………………… (strike) a match to light his

cigar, and Jimmy 12. …………………………… (see) his face clearly. He 13. ……………………………

(recognise) his old friend Bob. He 14. …………………………… (not change) much. But Jimmy was shocked

when he 15. …………………………… (realise) it was also the face of a criminal wanted for murder in

another town. He 16. …………………………… (see) this face on a poster in the police station earlier that

day but 17. …………………………… (not realise) who it was. What should he do now?

3. Complete the telephone conversation with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple.

Sandra: Hello, Bill? Are you OK?

Bill: No! This is a disaster! I don’t know why I 1. ……………………… (agree) to do it. When Mrs Davis 2. ……………………… (ask) me to babysit, I thought it would be easy. But I 3. ……………………… (be) wrong.

Sandra: Oh dear! What 4. ……………………… (happen)?

Bill: Well, I 5. ……………………… (try) to put the baby to bed, but he’s still crying. Mrs Davis 6. ……………………… (tell) me to put Jason to bed at 7.00 and Franklin at 8.00 but they 7. ……………………… (not get) their pyjamas on yet. Those boys 8. ……………………… (turn)

the whole house upside down! They aren’t allowed to watch TV, but they 9. ………………………

(not turn) it off since I 10. ……………………… (get) here. I 11. ……………………… (offer) to read

them a story after I 12. ……………………… (give) them popcorn, but that didn’t work. Finally I 13. ……………………… (warn) them that their parents would be home soon, but they only



Sandra: 14. ……………………… you ……………………… (study) for tomorrow’s test since you arrived?

Bill: You must be joking! I’ll never babysit again.

4. Complete the passage with the verbs below. Use the correct future tense. There may be more than one correct answer.

Next year, my family and I 1. ……………………………(go) camping, but there is a lot I need to do. First, I 2. ……………………………(talk) to the park guide at the nature reserve and make sure we 3. ……………………………(be able to) enter the nature reserve. I know everyone 4. ……………………………(be) very excited by the breathtaking views of lakes and forests. By the end of the month, I 5. ……………………………(complete) the plans. I’m so excited. My cousin from California 6. ……………………………(come) with her son. Other relatives 7. ……………………………(arrive) from far-away places like Peru and China. Hopefully, we 8. ……………………………(have) a great time together

5. Complete the passage with suitable relative pronouns.

When I was 15 years old, I looked for a summer job. My older brother, 1. ……………………… I greatly

admire, had got his first job at 15 and I was determined to do the same. First, I went to the local shops, 2. ……………………… I was certain I would find a job. However, I was mistaken. A shop manager 3. ……………………… I knew suggested I come back the following summer, 4. ……………………… I’d

have a better chance. I had no better luck in the restaurants 5. ……………………… I tried. No one was

interested in a waiter 6. ……………………… only experience was setting the table at home. Then my luck

changed. Our neighbour, 7. ……………………… was going on holiday, needed someone to walk his dog

and I got the job.

6. Rewrite the sentences using a relative pronoun and a relative clause. Make any necessary changes. There may be more than one correct answer.

1. The Colosseum is in Rome. I took my brother there.


2. We invited a lot of people to the wedding. They were family or friends.


3. Sam took his driving test yesterday. He passed it.


4. My favourite director is Woody Allen. His films are very realistic.


7.Rewrite the sentences with the modals below. Do not change the original meaning of the


1. I recommend that you get a haircut. (should)


2. It’s possible that the aeroplane will arrive late. (might)


3. Do you know how to read Japanese?(can)


4. Students aren’t allowed to stay out after 10.00 pm. (mustn’t)


5. Are dogs required to wear a collar in this town? (have to)



6. I’m sure his parents are rich. They just bought him an expensive boat. (must)


7. This isn’t my car. Mine is a dark blue. (can’t)


8. Complete the sentences with the modal perfects below and the correct form of the verbs in brackets. You will need to use one modal perfect twice.

shouldn’t have • could have • might have • should have • must have • would have

1. I’m not sure where my mother is. She …………………………… (go) to visit her sister.

2. You …………………………… (remind) me about the party. I completely forgot about it.

3. The garden’s all wet. It …………………………… (rain) last night.

4. We …………………………… (take) the car but we preferred to walk.

5. You …………………………… (wash) my jeans after you wore them.

6. Mary won’t talk to me now. I …………………………… (shout) at her.

7. She …………………………… (get) tickets for the show, but there weren’t any left.

9. Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

1. The manager announced the new plan to the staff.


2. Someone has just sent Kim some lovely flowers.


3. I’m sure the police will catch the thief soon.


4. My parents haven’t sold our house yet.


5. Someone is cooking tomato soup in the kitchen.


6. Sam shouldn’t have told your secret to everyone.


10. Complete the sentences in reported speech.

1. “The soup isn’t hot enough,” the customer complained.

2. “Don’t try to move the bed by yourself,” Richard warned me.

3. “The council has recently put recycling bins in our street,” I said.

4. “Can Agnes help me make a cake for the party tomorrow?” Ellen asked.

5. “Helen is going to take Jill to the school play,” Michael mentioned.

6. “I didn’t enjoy my yoga class last week,” Andrew told me.

7. “I wasn’t able to repair the pipe,” David said.

8. “Wear a helmet!” his father insisted.


9.. “When are you going to take your sister to the zoo?” we asked him.’ll return your laptop later today,” Sharon promised.

10. “We’re having a barbecue at the beach this evening,” the boys declared.

11. “Don’t pick those mushrooms because they’re poisonous,” Cameron warned.

12. “Why don’t you go to the cinema tomorrow”? he said to us

11. Look at the situations and write conditionals

1.You should take more exercise because that’s the way to get fit.

2 I can't take much exercise because I don't have enough free time.

3 Many people didn't realise that smoking was dangerous when they were young. Now they are middle-aged they are having serious health problems.

4 Hardly anyone was concerned about pollution in the 1960s. The first motorways were built then.

5 It's important to protect wildlife now or there will be nothing left for future generation.

6 People don't realise how important it is to conserve energy, so they do nothing about it.