Exam approach advice

A2. 'Most texts today mix genres.' How true is this of your three main texts?. [30] Exam Approach Remember our Film texts apply to Genre, Representation or Narrative questions only.



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A2. 'Most texts today mix genres.' How true is this of your three main

texts?. [30]

Exam Approach

Remember our Film texts apply to Genre, Representation or Narrative questions only.

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(2)Main body


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(1)Introduction Remember in your actual exam you will need to identify all 3 texts.

-Complete a 2-3 sentence introduction, responding to the questions content. -This is a chance to really show off theory knowledge but make sure it clearly links to the question! -Our example question states the words “Genre” and “mix” This clearly links to a theory.

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(1)Introduction The Post Modernism theory states there is no longer such a thing as original art. The theory often judges media texts as; hybrids, parodies or pays homage to texts that came before. My particular studied text, District 9, is seen to adhere to the statement that “most media texts mix genres”. This is evident by the text conforming to both Sci-Fi conventions and documentary stylistic conventions. This hybridity would attract a wider audience and offers a text that a post modernist would argue mimics originality.

= Good use of language/terminology

=Refers directly to the question

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(2)Main body The identify and justify technique. This method questions whether the text adheres or subverts to the questions statement. One particular science fiction convention that District 9 clearly conforms to is ……..this can be seen within the narrative when….. Remember; if you can link theory or analysis of technical codes in this section to help answer the question you will gain high marks. There are various documentary stylistic conventions District 9 conforms to, such as ………., this is used within the narrative to……..

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(3)Conclusion Summarise your answer thus far and simply answer the question. Again, you have a brief chance to show off your knowledge and add some flare to your answer. By analysing the genre conventions present within my text it is clear District 9 adheres to the statement, “most media texts mix genres”. The text increases its preferred audience by conforming to multiple genres and contains a broad range of genre conventions that will gratify a wider range of audience.

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Tips -You have 2 and a half hours to answer 3 questions in your exam. -50 minutes on each question -16-17 minutes on each text -You should make 3 points on each text