Exam 1_well Logging

Exam 1, Well logging and interpretation Max points [20] Name different well logging methods. Explain them in details. What can we measure by those methods? [4 points] Draw invasion profile and explain in details [2 points] Give some examples of “ usage of logs’’ [2 points] Explain caliper logging in details. Draw curve of caliper and explain. Explain your drawing in detail. What does it show? [2 points]. What is acoustic method? What can we measure by acoustic methods? [2 points] Explain diffusion and liquid junction potential in details. [2 points] What is SP log? What does it measure? Explain following figure in details. [6 points].



Transcript of Exam 1_well Logging

Page 1: Exam 1_well Logging

Exam 1, Well logging and interpretationMax points [20]

Name different well logging methods. Explain them in details. What can we measure by those methods? [4 points]

Draw invasion profile and explain in details [2 points]

Give some examples of “ usage of logs’’ [2 points]

Explain caliper logging in details. Draw curve of caliper and explain. Explain your drawing in detail. What does it show? [2 points].

What is acoustic method? What can we measure by acoustic methods? [2 points]

Explain diffusion and liquid junction potential in details. [2 points]

What is SP log? What does it measure? Explain following figure in details. [6 points].