Exam 18 ICSE Guess Papers

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  • 7/25/2019 Exam 18 ICSE Guess Papers


  • 7/25/2019 Exam 18 ICSE Guess Papers



    for March 2014 ICSE Class 10 Examinations

    Std. 10

    Marks: 80

    Time: 2 hours


    (Attempt all four Questions)

    Question 1.

    (Do not spend more than 35 minutes on this question)

    (a)Write a composition (350-400 words) on any one of the following:

    Most of us always remain stressed, suggest same ways to minimize it.

    Ans. These days everybody agrees to the fact that life is full of stresses and strains, wherever and

    whenever we meet people the topic of discussion generally revolves around changing life-styles, rat-

    race in all walks of life and how it is affecting our healthWith more technological advancement and more mechnisation, the luxuries, no doubt, are much more

    at our disposal as compared to a decade ago. Yet it has not created a stress free environment. On the

    other hand there is an increase in the life-style disease such as hypertension, diabetes and cardiac

    diseases. The more mental pressure is actually resulting into a physical one also. Every age group o

    the society is under strain, it is high time we sit in silence and introspect to find as to what is ailing us

    First and foremost is that we need to modify our life-style and learn the techniques to unwind and de-

    stress our self

    The idea of meditation has just flashed my mind, as we do not need much equipment to perform it,

    and the results are great. It involves different breathing exercises. It is not difficult to learn as lots ofliterature in print and videos in visual form is available in the market or one can also learn from

    television, many channels show different programmes on meditation and yoga with proper techniques

    What is actually meditation? In meditation we break the barriers of words, language, hatred and

    violence and we learn to vibe with each other mentally. If speech is silver, silence is golden, for in the

    vast treasure of deep silence can find a large source of peace and tranquility. In that moment of

    silence and introspection, we become conscious of our self and we try to analyse our thoughts

    Another factor that has made man restless is alienation from nature. On this race of progress and

    materialism, man has lost touch with his own emotions. In spite of so much noise all around him, he is

    feeling empty and lonely. This sadness is eating him inside, having all the amenities, money and good

    things of life ---even then he is not happy. Some corner of his heart is yearning for that peace and love

    By destroying nature gradually, man has nearly killed his conscious also

    It is high time that man should learn from earth the quality of preservation and resurrection, how from

    dead remains a neglected small seed can give rise to plant. Just when it appears that everything is lost

    and we are downed and are under stress, that is the time to seek peace and tranquility through

    meditation and it is also the time to resurrect yourself like a tiny plant.

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    Licensed to Eric Bhathawala with Phone 9824588040 and Email address: [email protected]

  • 7/25/2019 Exam 18 ICSE Guess Papers


    b) The commercialization of festivals has eroded their real significance. Express your views either

    for or against this statement.

    Ans. A festival is an occasion for rejoicing and celebration. It conjures up scenes of gaiety and merry

    making. It is an occasion for family rejoicing and community celebrations. Festivals break the

    monotony of life, bring peace and joy to the masses and above all promote social interaction and

    harmony. All nations have their religious and colorful festivals. Being a multi-religious, multilinguaand multi-racial country, Indians celebrate a number of festivals all through the year. However, Indian

    festival are known to attract the world due to their harmony variety, color and excitement

    But now we see their significance has been eroded by their commercialization. Now these have

    become just important occasions, to promote personal and commercial purpose. We know, Indian

    festivals are as varied as the people themselves. All communities, all religions and all nations have

    their festivals. But nowhere do they form such an integral part of life as they were earlier used to be

    These festivals can broadly be divided into three categoriesnational or political, religious and

    seasonal. Most Indian festivals usually have their origin either in religion or in the myths and legends

    of popular faiths. Some are connected with the memory of venerable men and events and are

    therefore, commemorative in nature. They are intended to keep alive the memory of those days and

    personalities and inspire people to emulate their examples. But now, real purpose have been

    abandoned. In the name of those men and occasions, celebrating the event have become a means to

    attract funds, provided in the name of those functions

    National festivals, like the Republic Day, the Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti and others are

    supposed to be celebrated with great patriotic fevour. These have been declared as national holidays

    and are celebrated in all parts of the country and in the state capitals with a lot of pomp and show.

    The organizer of these functions never bother to follow the principles of those great men, i.e., of

    simplicism and non-violence, they rather fight with their coordinators to be ahead in the lime lightThe capital, New Delhi is the seat of national celebration on all occasions. It witnesses one of the mos

    majestic parades on the Republic Day. Apart from the Armed Forces, school children from across the

    country also participate in the parade. The normal practice is that the states exhibit their talents

    depicting the states resources or recent achievement and the best one achieve rewards. But now, it is

    an open fact that achievement has nothing to do with the reward. One, who has great source o

    authority, places can get the place in the line. Moreover, the glory of those reward doesnt last long

    The winners steal the medias show for the time being. After a time, they are lost in commercial gloom

    as the commercializing agents make hay while the sun shines

    The same is the case in religious festivals. Diwaliis celebrated all over India. On this day, the people

    worship Lakshmi, the goodess of wealth. On this day, everybody illuminates his house with rows o

    lights. Every town or village appears gorgeous on this night of mirth and festivity. Lights of al

    descriptions from the ordinary clay lamp to the costliest chandelier are artistically displayed with

    splendid effect but the ordinary clay lamp to the costliest chandelier are artistically displayed with

    splendid effect but to show personal supremacy. In the larger cities, gas and electric lights of various

    colours and degrees of luminosity make the night as bright as midday without bothering that they are,

    more or less, misusing the necessary resources. Vocal and instrumental music, stage performances

    and cinema shows keep people awake till late hours. Fireworks are displayed on house-tops and the

    frequent whizzing of sky-rockets and explosive bombs continue to be heard from sunset to midnight

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  • 7/25/2019 Exam 18 ICSE Guess Papers


    The divine glory of the festival seems to have been lost behind all this show

    For young merry-makers, the Diwalinight is the ideal night. They spend lavishly on crackers and have

    sumptuous feasts. They never prefer to do some efforts to make the day memorable for those who

    have not pocket power to celebrate it. Sweets are consumed in huge quantities but not for sacred

    purposes. Juniors gift them to seniors to make them happy so that, in turn, they would get their favorMany desecrations like these have crept into the celebration of this festival

    The season of festivals is at its peak each year during the months of October and November. There

    may be poor souls lost in hectic routine having no idea of festive season. There are ump teem ways to

    remind one that the festival months have arrived. To begin with there would be numerous tents on

    roadside with bhajans blaring from the loudspeakers and temporary stalls serving piping hot food on

    payment. Then there are innumerable Dandiya with DJs that go on for nine days. Its time for brisk

    business for all. Shops, big and small display For Sale or other schemes to attract customers

    Most of the Indian festivals which have come down to us from antiquity are connected with the course

    of nature and the fruits of the soil. Many legends from Hindu mythology have been associated with

    festivals. The relationships are the essence of celebrations. But does this spirit exist in todays fast

    paced competitive, nuclear families?

    c) I heard a gentle knock at my door. Write a short story beginning with the above sentence.

    Ans. I heard a sweet know at my door as I was busy finishing writing an article. What I saw was truly

    amazing, a girl ten to twelve years old was standing there. She was giving me a nice and pleasant

    smile, beaming from ear to ear. She was a thin framed child wearing a knee length dress and bare feet

    There was uncanny yet friendly expression on her face which made me all the more curious about her.

    I asked her what does she wants? She did not ask anything but from her frail figure I could see the

    expression of satisfaction on her face that elated my heart immensely.

    In some corner of my heart, I was feeling good after rendering a helping hand to one of the victim of

    the gravest natural calamity which was of recent happening and has rendered many people homeless.

    Many of them have just been washed away after the cloud burst in the torrential rain. Those alive

    have been brought to the streets to fend for themselves. I was also thanking god for selecting my door

    for that sweet and gently knock.

    d) Study the picture and poem given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it

    suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or may take suggestions

    from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition.

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  • 7/25/2019 Exam 18 ICSE Guess Papers


    What Makes a Dad?

    God took the strength of a mountain,

    The Majesty of a tree,

    The warmth of a summer sun,

    The calm of a quiet sea,

    The generous soul of nature,

    The comforting arm of night,

    The wisdom of the ages,

    The power of the eagles flight,

    The joy of a morning in spring,

    The faith of a mustard seed,

    The patience of eternity,

    The depth of a family need,

    Then God combined these qualities,When there was nothing more to add,

    He knew his masterpiece was complete,

    And so, he called it Dad.

    Ans. I also love to say --- My Daddy strongest. From the

    heart of hearts, I feel that God has combined all the good qualities

    and made a masterpiece i.e., my dad. He is a man of a very coo

    and sweet temperament. I have never seen him angry. He

    presents a smiling face to everybody. He knows how to smile his way into the heart of everybody. He

    smiles and whistles under all difficulties. He is as patient as a woman and as cheerful as a child. He is

    always calm and quiet. He seldom allows anything to disturb his peace of mind. There is perfect

    harmony in our house due to his such qualities.

    He is fully conscious of his duties and rights. He worries for his duties more than for his rights. He is

    public spirited and puts the country and the people above self. He is conscious of the debt he owes to

    society. He gives to society in the same measure as he receives from it.

    He refrains from doing harm to others in any shape or form. He is law-abiding. He is pure in thought

    word and deed. His actions are in keeping with his words. He never goes back upon his world. He is a

    gentleman par excellence.

    He regards physical fitness as a moral duty. He keeps himself in perfect health to be of service to his

    country. He is a slave to duty and not a slave of his passions. Last but not the least, he is true to

    himself own self. He is always guided by moral considerations.

    I make every effort to follow in his footsteps. I look upon him as many mentor and friend, philosopheand guide.

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  • 7/25/2019 Exam 18 ICSE Guess Papers


    Question 2.

    (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question)

    Select one of the following

    1. You have been embarrassed by an incident involving a group of your friends. Write a letter to

    your mother relating the incident. Express your feelings and state how you intend to overcome

    the impact of the incident.


    H.No., 12, P.G. Road


    June 1, 2004

    Dear Mother,

    Hope this letter of mine will find you in good health. I am fine here and enjoying my college life. My

    college life is quite different from the school environment. On the first day, when I was going to

    college with a group of friends, we met an old man. He was bald and was rather shabbily dressed. He

    was arguing with an auto rickshaw driver, over mere two rupees. One of my friends told the old man

    to give the driver his proper due. I know why she had to interfere. She passed a few critical remarks at

    him, saying, she could not understand why some people were so stingy. Two of my other friends also

    joined her in passing remarks at him.

    The incident was soon forgotten and we reached the college. We waited in the classroom for our firs

    Biology class. We were aghast, when the same old man, walked in. He was our Biology teacher

    Mummy, you can imagine the state we were all in. In really, wished the earth would open up and

    swallow all of us. Our teacher behaved as though he hadnt known anything and taught us very well

    We were extremely embarrassed. We are planning to write an apology letter to him and hand it over

    personally to him. We hope that he will pardon us.

    Please convey my regards to Daddy and accept them yourself too.

    Your affectionate daughter,


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  • 7/25/2019 Exam 18 ICSE Guess Papers


    2. You are in-charge of the Welfare Club of your school. Write a letter to the District Magistrate o

    your city requesting him to inaugurate a special project that the club was going to launch soon.Inform him of the details of the inauguration ceremony, the nature of the project and what you

    expect to achieve.

    Ans. 105, Defence


    New Delh


    Sept., 1995

    The District Magistrate,

    Lodhi Colony,

    New Delhi.


    Dear Sir,

    We, the students of Delhi Public School have recently opened a Welfare Club. We organize activities to

    raise funds in order to help the weaker sections of society.

    The welfare club is launching another project Adoption of a neighboring village. For its inauguration

    we would like an eminent and learned person like you, to preside over the function. We would

    appreciate it greatly if you could deliver a lecture, encouraging people for initiating such activities. Theinauguration ceremony is scheduled to be held on the 15

    th of September. The programme wil

    commence at 6:00 p.m. There will be a cultural programme followed by your speech.

    We wish to teach the villagers the importance of good health and hygiene. For this, we ourselves, wil

    go into the cleaning of the roads and the surrounding areas. We also propose to provide clean drinking

    water sources to them and to provide education free of cost. Adult education is also in your agenda.

    Employment will given, as far as possible, to all the worthy youths. They will be doing something

    usefull instead of wasting precious time in idle gossip. We hope to receive immense encouragement

    by our presence itself. Please make it convenient to be present.

    Thanking You.

    Yours sincerely,

    Rohit Verma

    (Incharge, Welfare club)

    Question 3.

    Read carefully the passage given below and then answer the questions (a), (b), and (c) that follow :

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  • 7/25/2019 Exam 18 ICSE Guess Papers


    You seemed at first to take no notice of your school-fellows, or rather to set yourself against them

    because they were strangers to you. They knew as little of you as you did of them, so that this would

    have been reason for their keeping aloof from you as well, which you would have felt as a hardship

    Learn never to conceive a prejudice against others because you know nothing of them. It is bad

    reasoning and makes enemies of half the world. Do not thinkor them till they behave ill to you; andthen strive to avoid the faults which you see in them. This will disarm their hostility sooner than pique

    or resentment or complaint. I thought you were disposed to criticize the dress of some of the boys

    as not so good as yours. Never despite any one for anything that he cannot help never at all, for his

    poverty. I would wish you to keep up appearances yourself as defense against the idle sneers

    of the world, but I would not have you value yourself upon them. I hope you will neither be the dupe

    nor victim of vulgar prejudices. Instead of saying above, Never despise anyone for anything that he

    cannot help --- I might have said, Never despise anyone that you are glad and congratulate yourself

    on their familiar misfortunes. The sense of inferiority in others, without this indirect appeal to our self

    love, is a painful feeling, and not an exulting one.

    You complain since, that the boys laugh at you and do not care about, and that you are not related as

    you were at home. My dear, that is one chief reason you may meet with in life. You cannot always be

    with me, and perhaps it is as well that you cannot. But you must not expect others to show the same

    concern about you as I should. You have hitherto been a spoilt child, and have been used to have your

    own way a good dela, both in the house and among your playfellows, with whom you were too fond of

    being a leader but you have good nature and good sense, and will get the better of yourself, and who

    have something else to attend to besides humouring your whims and fancies; and you feel this as a

    repulse or piece of injustice. But the first lesson to learn is that there are other people in the world

    besides yourself.

    There are a number of boys in the school where you are, whose amusements and pursuits (whateverthey may be) are and ought to be of as much consequence to them as yours can be to you, and to

    which therefore, you must give yourself, you will only expose yourself to be the more thwarted and

    laughed at. True equality is the only true morality or true wisdom. Remember always that you are but

    one among others, and you can hardly mistake your place in society. In your fathers house you might

    do as pleased: in the world, you will find competitors at every turn. You are not born a Kings son to

    destroy or dictate to millions; you can only expect to share their fate, or settle your differences

    amicably with them. You already find it so at school; and I wish you to be reconciled to your situation

    as soon with as little pain as you can.

    Five words or phrases are given below. Give the meaning of each used in the passage:

    (i) think ill= think bad (of person)

    (ii) disarm= to give up your or take away someones weapon, demilitarize.

    (iii) despise= hate, detest.

    (iv) thwarted = frustrated, foiled.

    (v) amicably = in a friendly way.

    Answer the following questions in your own words:

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  • 7/25/2019 Exam 18 ICSE Guess Papers


    i. The passage is addressed to a young school boy by an elderly person of great experience. What

    could be the relation between the two? Which sentence that gives the clue?

    ii. Why do the school fellows after joining a new school keep themselves away from one another?

    iii. How do we make enemies of half the world?

    iv. Explain : The first lesson to learn is that there are other people in the world besides yourself.


    What is the idea implied when the writer says , You are not born a kings son?vi. How can differences be settled amicably? Write a sentence suggesting one or two ways of

    setting differences.

    Ans. (i) The relation between the two is of father and son. The sentence In your fathers house

    you might do as you pleased gives the clue.

    (ii) They keep themselves away from one another at the time of joining a new school as no one knows

    about the others.

    (iii) It is somewhat psychological that we grow some prejudices or form ill-founded opinions against

    those whom we do not know. The other party also does the same. Thus we lose the opportunity o

    befriending most of the people.

    (iv) One should not give oneself more airs of self-importance. In a big school, there are many boys

    with various interests and jobs. It is ridiculous to think that everybody will give to attend to you. So it

    is better to realize that you are not the only person in the world.

    (v) A kings son can do whatever he pleases. At ones home one can do, to a certain extent, what one

    pleases. But in a school, amid a larger group, one has to adjust oneself in the group. One has to shareones joys and problems with others.

    (vi) Differences can be settled amicably by meeting with one another, discussing, understanding

    others point of view and accepting ones mistakes, if any.

    In not more than 60 words of your own describe the main points of the advice given:

    Ans. One should not form prejudices against others without knowing about them fully well. Try to

    avoid others fault. Never look down upon anyone for his misfortunes.

    Do not take airs of self-importance. Consider everyone equally important. Remember you are one

    among others. You have to adjust with the group and share your joys and problems with them.

    Question 4

    Rewrite the following sentence according to the instructions given after each and making other

    changes that may be necessary without changing the meaning of each sentence : [5]

    1. I was not sure that it was you.

    (Use doubtful instead of sure)

    Ans. I was doubtful whether it was you.

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  • 7/25/2019 Exam 18 ICSE Guess Papers


    2. She complained that the roomas too hot.

    (Begin : She complained of )

    Ans. She complained of the room being too hot.

    3. He couldnt seem to get out of the habit.

    (Begin : He seemed )Ans. He seemed not to get out of the habit.

    4. What long hair you have!

    (End with is )

    Ans. How long your hair is!

    5. Please read this and see if there are many mistakes.

    (Use go in place read).

    Ans. Please go through this and see if there is any mistakes.

    (b) In each of the following sentences there is a blank which can be filled in by a single word. Fill in

    each blank with the word which is appropriate: (Do not write the sentences) [5]

    (i) Children often quarrel their toys.

    (ii) The waiter laid the table dinner.

    (iii) She was annoyed being disturbed.

    (iv) He was anxious to be popular everyone.

    (v) It was kind . him to be so helpful.

    (vi) He lives Agra in India


    This job is his capacity.(viii) He married money.

    (ix) Nothing will come nothing.

    (x) It is cool May.

    Ans. (i) over, (ii) for, (iii) at, (iv) with,(v) of, (vi) at, (vii) beyond, (viii) for, (ix) of, (x) for.

    (c) In the following passage, fill in each of the numbered blank appropriate to the blank space.

    Example : (0) (ask)

    Ans. (0) asked.

    Once a well dressed man at Sadar Bazar (0) (ask) me for some money to go home. He told that his

    pocket (1) pick. I (2) (see) the man at station again last week and yesterday, at bus stand I (3) (hear

    him repeating the same story to one of my friends. Dont believe him, I (4) (say) running towards

    him. He (5) (be) a fraud. By my friend (6) give him 50 Rs already. If I (7) (not be) so far away. I (8

    (be ale) to warn him. My friend and I (9) (never fall) for such stories again but what if someones story

    (10) be true?

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    Ans. (1) had been picked, (2) saw, (3) heard, (4) said, (5) is, (6) had given, (7) had not been, (8) would

    have been able, (9) will never fall, (10) is.

    (d) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence, without using and, or so.

    (i) The fire was put out. This took only an instant.

    Ans. The fire was put out in an instant or instantly.

    (ii) We started a society under the name of Diamond.

    Ans. We started a society under the name of Diamond.

    (iii) He went to the farm. He saw a snake.

    Ans. Going to the farm, the saw a snake.

    (iv) The weather was fine. We enjoyed the walk.

    Ans. The weather being fine, we enjoyed the walk.

    (v) He is a doctor as well as s social worker.

    Ans. He is a doctor as well as a social worker.

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  • 7/25/2019 Exam 18 ICSE Guess Papers



    for March 2014 ICSE Class 10 Examinations

    Std. 10

    Marks: 80

    Time: 2 hours



    As You Like It: Shakespeare

    Question 1.

    Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :

    Rosalind : That he hath not.

    Celia : No, hath not ? Rosalind lacks then the love

    Which teacheth thee that thou and I am one :

    Shall we be sunderd ? Shall we part, sweet girl ?

    No, Let my father seek another heir.Therefore devise with me how we may fly,

    Whither to go, and what to bear with us :

    And do not seek to take your change upon you,

    To bear your griefs yourself and leave me out;

    For, by this heaven, now at our sorrows pale,

    Say what thou canst, Ill go along with thee.

    Rosalind : Why, whither shall we go ?

    (i) According to Celia, in what way has Duke Frederick indirectly banished her ?

    Ans. Celia loves Rosalind so much that she considers her as even closer than a sister, almost as two bodies

    with one soul. She cannot even think of being parted from Rosalind. So she says that by banishing

    Rosalind, Duke Frederick has also banished Celia, his own daughter because Celia will not be

    separated from Rosalind. Wherever Rosalind goes, Celia will also go, even if it is into banishment.

    (ii) Quote from the extract one line that shows that Celia has decided to break her relationship with her


    Ans. The line is : No : let my father seek another heir.

    (iii) Why does Celia tell Rosalind that the former is associated with the latter in sorrow ?

    Ans. When Celia asks Rosalind not to be more unhappy than she is Rosalind replies that she has more

    cause for unhappiness than Celia. At this Celia says that it is not true because in banishing Rosalindthe Duke has also banished Celia because the two of them are so joined together in love that they can

    never be parted.

    (iv) Where do the cousins plan to go ? What danger do they foresee during the journey ?

    Ans. When the two girls are thinking of where they can go, Celia comes up with the idea of joining he

    uncle and Rosalinds father in the forest of Arden. Rosalind is worried that because they are young

    and beautiful they will face danger on such a long journey. She says that beauty tempts thieves even

    more than gold does.

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  • 7/25/2019 Exam 18 ICSE Guess Papers


    (v) What precautions do they plan to take against such a danger ?

    Ans. Celia and Rosalind decide to disguise themselves because it will not be safe for them to travel so far in

    their own rich clothes and natural beauty. Celia says that she will dress in poor clothes and colour he

    face with a brown pigment called umber so that they can travel unnoticed. She suggests that Rosalind

    should do the same. Rosalind thinks that it will be better if she disguises herself as a man because sheis so tall. She says that she will put on the fierce and boastful behavior of a man, whatever womanly

    fears may lie hidden in her heart.

    Question 2.

    Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :

    Rosalind : I have promisd to make all this matter even.

    Keep you our word, O duke, to give your daughter;

    You yours, Orlando, to receive his daughter;

    Keep you your word, Phebe, that youll marry me,

    Or else, refusing me, to wed this shepherd;

    Keep your word, Silvius, that youll marry her,

    If she refuse me : and from hence I go,

    To make these doubts all even.

    [Exeunt-Rosalind and Celia]

    Duke Senior : I do remember in this shepherd boy

    Some lively touches of my daughters favour.

    (i) What promises did the Duke and Orlando make to Rosalind earlier ?

    Ans. Duke Senior had promised to bestow his daughters hand on Orlando even if had a huge dowry to give

    with her and Orlando had promised to accept the dukes daughter, Rosalind is marriage even if he was

    the king of all kingdoms.

    (ii) Who is the shepherd referred to in the extract ? What promise does Rosalind extract from Phebe

    regarding the shepherd ?

    Ans. The shepherd referred to in the extract is Silvius. Roslaind had made Phebe promise that she would

    marry Ganymede but if, at the time of the marriage, she refused to do so, she would marry Silvius.

    (iii) Give the meaning of :

    (i) To make all this matter even.

    (ii) Touches of my daughters favour.

    Ans. (a) Rosalind, as Ganymede, has promised that she will resolve all the problems and all three couples

    will be married according to their wishes.

    (b) When Ganymede and Cilia leave the Duke comments to Orlando that the face of the shepherd boy

    Ganymede, reminds him of his own daughters features, that he sees a resemblance to Rosalind in


    (iv) Why did Phebe spurn the love of Silvius ? Under what conditions did Rosalind agree to marry Phebe ?

    What happens at the end ?

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    Ans. Phebe was very attractive and was proud of her beauty. She thought she was too good for Silvius and so

    spurned his love. Moreover, Silvius was doglike in his devotion and she wanted a strong and

    dominating man, which she thought she had found in Ganymede.

    Rosalind agrees to marry Phebe on the condition that if Phebe herself refuses to marry Ganymede, she

    will promise to marry Silvius instead. When Rosalind appears in her own clothes, Phebe realizes that

    Ganymede is actually a girl. She cannot possible marry a girl and so she marries Silvius.

    (v) Briefly explain how Rosalind solved all the problems of the play.

    Ans. Since coming to forest of Arden Rosalind has been transformed from a sad and rather timid girl, always

    conscious of her fathers banishment and her own position, into a lively, mischievous, witty and

    intelligent young woman. In this final scene, she takes full charge of the whole situation and gives

    evidence of her ingenuity. She shows herself to be a woman of action who fulfills what she promises

    She produces the Dukes daughter and Orlando behaved so that Orlando is finally able to marry the

    woman he loves so deeply. She tricks Phebe into promising to marry Silvius in the event of her refusing

    to marry Ganymede. Since Ganymede is a woman and Phebe cannot marry her, Silvius gets the wish of

    his heart and marries his Phebe whom he loves with such devotion. Along with these couples

    Touchstone and Audrey also get married.

    Loyalties : John Galsworthy

    Question 3.

    Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :

    Winsor : You must have been marked down and followed here.

    De Levis : How would they know my room ?

    Winsor : Might have got it somehow. [A knock from the corridor.] Come in.

    [Treasure, the Butler, appears, a silent; grave man of almost supernatural conformity. De Levis gives him a

    quick, hard look, noted and resented by Winsor.]

    (i) What is being talked about in the extract? who has been marked and followed? What does Winsor say

    about the method of theft?

    Ans. The loss of money from De Leviss room at Meldon Court is being talked about in the extract. Winsor is

    suspecting that somebody must have seen De Levis getting money from Kent man and must have followed

    him to his room. Winsor thinks that someone must have entered the room through the open window o

    must have had a skeleton key to the room.

    (ii) Who is Treisure and why has he been called? What information did Winsor get from Treisure?

    Ans. Treisure is Winsors butler who has been with him for a long time. Winsor wants to make some enquiry

    regarding the where abouts of the servants in the house from Treisure and thats why he has been called

    Winsor asked the name of De Leviss valet and at what time had he gone to bed. He was also asked about

    the character of the valet, Robert.

    (iii) What is meant by supernatural conromity? What is Winsors attitude to this man?

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    Ans. Treisure is a silent, grave man who appears like a supernatural being. Winsor Trusts Treisure as he has

    been working for him for years. He also seems to value his opinion as proved in the questions regarding

    the valet.

    (iv) Why does De Levis give him a hard look and why does Winsor resent it?

    Ans. De Levis doesnt trust anybody in the house. He views Treisure also with suspicion and this is the reason

    why he gives him a hard look. Winsor trusts Treisure and doesnt like De Leviss suspicious look at the

    butler, moreover, De Levis is a Jew and he suspecting the English butler is resented by Winsor.

    (v) Has Treisure been able to serve the purpose for which he was called?

    Ans. Treisure was called to get information regarding the valet of De Levis. Winsor was making enquiry about

    the loss of money from De Leviss room. Treisure, being an old servant at Meldon Court, knows a lot abou

    the people working there. He gives the information that Robert has been the valet and he was dismissed at

    eleven in the night. He is also asked whether he had seen any stranger loitering about. One can say that he

    has been able to serve the purpose for which he has been called.

    Question 4.

    Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :

    Dancy : De Levis is known to be rolling, as I am known to be stony.

    Canynge : There are a good many people still rolling, besides Mr. De Levis, but not many people

    with so large a sum in their pocket-books.

    Dancy : He won two races.

    De Levis : Do you suggest that I bet in ready money ?

    (i) What does rolling and stony mean ?

    Ans. Rolling means in money i.e.very rich and stony means short of money or broke i.e.totally penniless

    Here De Levis is said to be rolling in money and Dancy doesnt have money.

    (ii) What is the pocket---book being talked about ? Who has won two races mentioned here?

    Ans. The pocket---book being talked about is the purse of De Levis from which the notes were found

    missing. De Levis has won two races and has made a lot of money.

    (iii) He won two races Explain ?

    Ans. De Levis was described as the young man who has too much luck. The cheerful Youngman has won

    two races that day. He is very rich man now. He was also a winner at the game of Bridge. People are

    rather jealous of this young man who happens to be a Jew.

    (iv) What is the ready money ? From where did he get the money that was stolen ?

    Ans. Ready money is the cash that De Levis carries about him. He got the money from Kentman the bookie

    for the sale of Rosemary filly. He was paid at the paddock.

    (v) What does Canynge do soon after and what was his reaction ? What does his discovery prove ?

    Ans. Canynge put his hand on Dancys arm and puts his hand up to his face in surprise. Later we come to

    know that Dancys coat was wet. The discovery proves that Dancy was out in the rain when the theft

    took place, contrary to his statement that he was in the hall writing letters.

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    The Golden Lyre

    Question 5.Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :

    Or rather ---He passes Us---

    The Dews drew quivering and chill---

    For only Gossamer, my Gown---

    My Tippet---only Tulle---

    [Because I Could Not Stop For Death by Emily Dickinson]

    (i) Who is He and who are Us ?

    Ans. He is the setting sun. Us are the poetess and Death, who are travelling in Deaths carriage and pass the

    setting sun.


    Why did the poet say or rather ? What happened earlier in the context ?Ans. Earlier in the context the poet had said that on her final journey in Deaths carriage, accompanied by Death

    himself, they passed the setting sun. Then she realizes that she is already dead and the carriage is he

    hearse. Since she is dead, it was not possible for her to pass the setting sun. So she corrects herself by

    saying that it was not they who passed the setting sun, rather it was he who passed them. Like Death and

    Immortality, the setting sun has also been personified.

    (iii) What did the passing of Deaths chariot by the setting sun show ?

    Ans. The setting sun signifies old age or the evening of life. The passing of Deaths chariot by the setting sun

    shows that the poetess had passed her old age or the evening of her life. She was now dead and was

    travelling towards her grave.

    (iv) What made the poet conscious of her thin dress ?

    Ans. The setting sun signifies the evening when the drew begins to fall and the night becomes chill. When the

    poetess and death pass by the setting sun, she realizes that it is evening and she is wearing only a thin,

    gossamer gown. This signifies that she realizes that she is dead and the sudden realization chills her. Til

    now the journey has been so pleasant that she has not realized that she is dead.

    (v) What was the destination of Deaths carriage ?

    Ans. The destination of Deaths carriage was a house. This house was actually the grave of the poetess, her fina

    resting place.

    Question 6.

    Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :

    Wide through the landscape of his dreams

    The lordly Niger flowed;

    Beneath the palm-trees on the plain

    Once more a king he strode;

    And heard the tinkling caravans

    Descend the mountain-road [The Slaves Dream by H.W. Longfellow]

    (i) What happened earlier in the context ?

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    Ans. The slave was cutting and gathering the harvest of rice for his master and owner. His labour and the heat

    of the sun had exhausted him and he fell asleep just where he was in the field. As he slept he dreamt of his

    past life in his native land of Africa.

    (ii) Which river did he see in his sleep ? How has it been described ?

    Ans. The slave saw the river Niger of Africa following in the landscape of his dreams. It is mighty river because it

    has been described as wide and lordly.

    (iii) What did the slave see in his dream ?

    Ans. The slave saw his native land of Africa in his dreams. Through the landscape he saw the might river Nige

    flowing. He saw the palm trees that grew on the banks of the river.

    (iv) Who was the slave before he was forced into slavery ?

    Ans. In his native land the slave had been a king, a tribal chief. He enjoyed both freedom and power and was

    respected by his people. Now he has been sold into slavery is a total contrast from his previous one.

    (v) What were the sounds that he heard in his dream ?

    Ans. The slave heard the sweet tinkling of bells attached to the covered wagons in the caravan that were coming

    down along the hilly road. Probably there were some of his own people returning to their village afte

    transacting some business.


    A Treasure Trove of Short StoriesQuestion 7

    Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :

    But her husband was on his hands and knees groping wildly on the floor in search of the paw. If he

    could only find it before the thing outside got in. A perfect fusillade of knocks reverberated through the


    (i) Why was her husband looking for the paw ?

    Ans. The husband Mr. White was looking for the paw because he wanted to make his third wish. After the

    death of their son it was very hard for them. Mrs. White found it very difficult to live without her son

    So she asks her husband to make a second wish and get the son back which Mr. White does. But thenwhen he heard the knocking at the door he becomes sure that it was his son but now he was afraid

    that his wife would not be able to see her son, because, due to the accident his body was mutilated

    beyond recognition. That is why he wants to wish that he be gone.

    (ii) Why does Mrs. White rush to open the door ?

    Ans. Mrs. White was finding it very difficult to live without her son. By any means she wanted her son back

    and that is why she even forced her husband to make his second wish. But in her grief she did no

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    realize how her son would look. She just wants him back. Now, when there is knocking at the door she

    is sure that her son has come back and she hastily goes to open the door.

    (iii) Do you think that it was Herbert knocking at the door ?

    Ans. Once Mr. White had made his second wish he and his wife are waiting for something to happen. Along

    with them the readers are also ready to believe that as a result of his second wish the visitor at thedoor was none other than their son Herbert. Because the first wish was granted now they as well as

    the readers are sure that the second one would also be granted. So I think it was Herbert knocking as

    the door though nobody is shown at the door. We can only guess that it was Herbert in his totally

    mutilated body at the door.

    (iv) Was the third wish fulfilled?

    Ans. The third wish also seems to have been fulfilled. After the first wish the old couple received a sum o

    two hundred pounds. It makes us believe that the monkeys paw had the magic spell about it. Second

    time after the wish there is knocking at the door which meant that Herbert had come and the knocking

    stopped soon and this is enough indication that the third wish was also granted.

    (v) What is the lesson that the old fakir wanted to teach?

    Ans. The old fakir had put a spell on the monkeys paw. He wanted to show that fate ruled peoples lives

    and that those who interfered with it did so to their sorrow. When Sergeant proffered the paw and

    told them how he got it, Sergeant Major had warned Mr. Morris by saying that if he must wish then he

    should wish sensibly and thus had invited their sorrow. They showed greed in asking for materialistic

    things like money, without realizing that they would have to pay a price for getting that money

    Though the wishes are granted but all the three who used the paw regretted having asked for the

    wishes. In other words we can say that when we aspire for material things we might be happy only fo

    a short while but in the long term they cannot make us happy rather they are the cause of pain and

    misery that human beings undergo.

    Question 8.

    Write a note on the techniques employed by the writer to produce an atmosphere of horror in the story

    The Monkeys Paw.

    Ans. The Monkeys Paw is a short story written by W.W. Jacobs. The story revolves around a mummified paw

    of a dead monkey which is a talisman that grants its possessor three wishes. The wishes come true but

    with an enormous price. To generate the enigma and horror the writer has implemented techniques o

    scene setting, choice of time when the incident occurs, use of situation and events, dialogues and

    description of the characters etc. that greatly contribute to build up the horror in the story.

    One of the most effective techniques used by the writer, in the story is the setting. The opening scene is a

    cold, damp night in an English village on the edge of a moor. The house, Laburnum Villa is situated in a

    secluded out of the way place. It is isolated and lonely. It is winter and this scene is set at night and to add

    gloominess to the setting, it is raining. This description adds the dark tone in the setting, which signifies

    evil. Mr. White the owner is not at all happy with the location of his house as it is isolated. He calls his

    place beastly, slushy and out of the way, with this the writer prepares the readers for anything to

    happen. The opening scene where Mrs. and Mr. White with their son are in the sitting room, we are told

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    they are waiting for a guest. Throughout in the story an element of wait is added to bring about the

    curiosity. From the first scene to the last the Whites as well as the readers are anxiously waiting fo

    something to happen. The strong wind blowing outside is suggestive of the impending doom. The storm

    outside prepares the readers for the storm to come in the lives of the three members of the family. The

    writers has very effectively used intermingling of the alternating mood of somber events, anxiety, grief,

    cheerfulness and light heartedness of the family which is unaware of the tragedy that is going to fall on

    them. The complicated situations and the simplicity of the nature of the characters bring that necessary

    contrast in the story which is very important.

    The technique of description of events or incidents, dialogues, narrations and actions are used effectively to

    build a feeling of horror. The explicit mention of far of oriental lands, and stories related to jugglers

    magicians and fakirs, the mummified monkeys paw that has a spell cast on it, sets the mood for some

    super natural happening. The spell put by the old fakir that fate ruled peoples lives, and that, those who

    interfered with it did so to their sorrow, governs the whole story. They make the readers curious to know

    how this spell is interpreted in the story.

    The writer prolifically uses descriptions especially with adjectives and dialogues to create an eerie

    atmosphere like his blotchy face whitened, his tones were so grave that a hush fell upon the group, but

    I warn you of consequences, death, horror, but if you wish, wish for something sensible, the

    contrasting situation between outside The wind was higher than ever, and inside Silence unusual and

    depressing constantly generate apprehensions about the forthcoming events. The incidents like the

    movement of the paw like a snake on asking for the first wish and when Herbert is seeing faces in the fire

    add to the horrifying effect. The use of this incident that though Herbert pretends not to believe in the

    powers of the paw yet he is afraid, deep in his heart shows that the faces he sees in the fire are a projection

    of his own fears. The story ends when it is night and dark outside.

    By this time the readers have experienced varied emotions of happiness, gloom, sorrow, fear, horror

    suspense and all these add to the setting of the atmosphere that the author is preparing us for

    The element of supernatural is inter woven throughout the story and is so convincing that the readers alsomake up their mind not to interfere with the ways of destiny and fate. The writer has very effectively used

    the technique of foreshadowing. There are hints given to the readers from time to time about what is

    going to happen. Mr. White we are told is a very impatient man. he has been warned by Morris that he

    should be sensible while asking for a wish, he was not sensible and so the tragedy occurred. The writer

    W.W. Jacobs has used symbolism to create the desired effect. In the beginning there is a mention of the

    fire place which is symbolic of the warmth that exists in the family. When Morris throws the Monkeys Paw

    into the fire it suggests that he wants to get rid of the spell or magic put on it. When the tragedy is to fal

    on the family the candle in the room is blown out. This symbolizes the impending darkness that is about to

    prevail on the family. The oncoming hollowness, the emptiness and the desolation, in the lives of Mr. and

    Mrs. White are represented by the view of the deserted road, when she opens the door, and nobody is

    there, it is all empty and desolate. The climax of the story when Mr. White makes the second wish ogetting his son back to life from grave and then the realization that dawns on him about how mutilated

    Herberts body was, he tries to convince his wife not to open the door at the knocks and then he seems to

    have actually matured when he makes a third wish of sending the ghost of Herbert back.

    The author has amalgamated different techniques of scene setting, mood setting, occurrence of events,

    dialogues, actions etc. perfectly well to successfully produce an element of horror in the story which can be

    almost perfectly visualized by the readers and enough to send a chill down their spines.

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    for March 2014 ICSE Class 10 Examinations

    Std. 10

    Marks: 80

    Time: 2 hours


    (Attempt all four Questions)


    Question 1.

    (a) Simple interest on a sum of money for 2 years at 4% is ` 450. Find the compound

    interest at same rate for 1 year if interest is reckoned half yearly.

    (b) Dr. Dravid saves ` 120 every month and puts in a recurring deposits scheme paying8% simple interest per annum. In order to receive a total amount of ` 8,664. How

    many instalments (monthly) must be deposit ?

    (c) Find the value of p and q. If (x + 2) and (x 1) are factors of expression3 2

    2x px x q+ + .

    Question 2.

    (a) The points (2, 1), (1, 4) and (2, 2) are mid points of the sides of a triangle. Find its


    (b) If I is the unit matrix of order 2x2. Find the matrix M Such that

    2 55 3 8

    0 3M I + =

    (c) AB and CD are two parallel chords of a circle such that AB = 10 cm and CD = 24 cm.

    The chords are on opposite sides of the centre and the distance between them in 17

    cm. Find the radius of the circle.

    Question 3.

    (a) The boundary of the shaded region given in the diagram consists of

    three semi-circular arcs, the smaller two being equal. If the diameter

    of larger one is 10 cm. Calculate :

    (i) Length of boundary.

    (ii) Area of shaded region.

    (b) If a: b= 5 : 3, show that (5a+ 8b) : (6a 7b) = 49 : 9.

    (c) Prove that:

    cos sincos sin

    1 tan 1 cot

    + = +

    Question 4.

    (a) The catalogue price of a colour T.V. is ` 24,000/-. The shopkeeper gives a discount of

    8% on the listed price. He gives a further off-season discount of 5% on the balance.But sales tax at 10% is charged on the remaining amount. Find :

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    (i) The sales tax amount a customer has to pay.

    (ii) The final price he has to pay for the colour T.V.

    (b) If 2 sin A 1 = 0, show that :

    sin 3A = 3 sin A 4 sin3A.

    (c) Solve for x and give your answer correct to 2 decimal places.2

    10 6 0x x + = SECTION-B

    Question 5.

    (a) The following is the frequency distribution of marks obtained by 60 students of a

    class. The mean of the distribution is 64. Calculate the missing frequencies.

    Marks 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100

    No. of students 8 7 f1 15 5 f2 7

    (b) Two dice are thrown at the same time. Find the probability that the sum of twonumbers appearing on the top is 8.

    (c) Find the value ofx, which satisfies the inequation :

    1 2 52 1 ,

    2 3 6

    xx N

    Graph the solution on the number line.

    Question 6.

    (a) Two polynomialsp(x) and q(x) have H.C.F.x(x+ a) and L.C.M. = 12x2(x+ a) (x

    2 a).

    Ifp(x) = 4x2(x + a)

    2find q(x).

    (b) Find the equation of line passing through the point (2, 3) and having x intercept of 4


    (c) A (10, 5), B (6, 3) and C (2, 1) are the vertices of a triangle ABC. L is the midpoint of

    AB, and M is the midpoint of AC. Write down the coordinates of L and M. Show that

    LM =1


    Question 7.

    (a) A tank can be filled by one pipe in x minutes and emptied by another pipe in (x + 5)

    minutes. Both the pipes when open together can fill the empty tank in 168 minutes.

    Find the value ofx.

    (b) A B and C are three points on a circle. The tangent at C meets BA produced at T.

    Given that ATC=36 and that the ACT=48 , calculate the angle subtended byAB at the centre of the circle.

    (c) Find x and y if :

    3 2 5

    0 5 2




    Question 8.

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    (a) A man invests ` 8,800/- on buying shares of face value of Rupees hundred each at a

    premium of 10% in a company. If he earns ` 1,200/- at the end of the year as

    dividend, find :

    (i) The number of shares he has in the company.

    (ii) What is dividend percentage per share ?

    (b) Construct a triangle ABC, in which AC = 5 cm, BC = 7 cm and AB = 6 cm.

    (i) Mark D, the mid point of AB.

    (ii) Construct the circle which touches AC at C, and passes through D.

    (c) Write down the equation of the line whose gradient is 3/2 and which passes through

    P, where P divides the line segment joining A (2, 6) and B (3, 4), in the ratio 2:3.

    Question 9.

    (a) Vertical tower is 20mhigh. A man standing at some distance from the tower knows

    that the cosine of the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is 0-53. How far is he

    standing from the foot of the tower?

    (b) An exhibition tent is in the form of a cylinder surmounted by a cone. The height of

    the tent above the ground is 85mand the height of the cylindrical part is 50m. If the

    diameter of the base is 168 m, find the quantity of canvas required to make the tent.

    Allow 20% extra for folds and for stitching. Give your answer to the nearest m2.

    Question 10.

    (a) Circles with centres P and Q intersect at point A and B as shown in the figure. CBD is

    a line segment and EBM is taugent to the circle, with centre Q, at point B. If the

    circles are .congruent; show that CE = BD.

    (b) The given figure shows the cross-section of a cone, a

    cylinder and a hemisphere all with the same diameter 12

    cm and other dimensions are as shown. Calculate the


    (i) The total surface area.(ii) The total volume of solid.

    (iii) The density of material if its total weight is 2.1 kgs.

    Question 11.

    (a) Using the data given below construct the cumulative frequency table and draw the

    ogive. From the ogive determine the median.

    Marks 010 1020 2030 3040 4050 5060 6070 7080

    No. of students 3 8 12 14 10 6 5 2

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    (b) Construct an isosceles triangle ABC such that AB = 6 cm, BC = AC = 4 cm. Bisect C internally and mark a point P on this bisector such that CP = 5 cm. Find the points Q

    and .R which are 5 cm from P and also 5 cm from the line AB.


    SECTIONA1. (a) Let the principal = x

    S.I. on `xat 4% p.a. for 2 yrs.

    4 2. . . .

    100 100

    x P R TS I S I

    = =



    x = [S.I. = ` 450]

    x = ` 5,625

    Principal = ` 5,625

    C.I. on ` 5,625 at 4% p.a. for 1 yrs.C.I. reckoned half-yearly



    P 1+100


    = 5625

    2 14 / 2



    = 5625




    = 102 1025625100 100

    = ` 5852.25

    C.I. = 5852.25 5625 = 227.50 Ans.

    (b) Let the number of installments be n

    Then( )1


    n nT

    += years

    Interest = ` (8664 120 n) ...... (1)

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    Also, Interest = ( )1 8

    1202 12 100

    n n +

    = ( )2 1


    n n + ...... (2)

    = ( )2 15

    n n +

    Equating (1) and (2), we get

    ( )

    ( )

    ( ) ( )



    28664 120 1


    43320 600 2 1

    2 602 43320 0

    301 21660 0

    60 361 0


    n n n

    n n n

    n n

    n n

    n n


    = +

    = +

    + =

    + =

    + =


    Hence, the number of installments he must deposit = 60. Ans.

    (c) Here ( ) 3 2 2f x x px x q= + +

    Given (x+ 2) is a factor of

    ( ) 3 2 2f x x px x q= + +

    ( ) [ ]2 0 2 0 2f x x = + = =

    ( ) ( ) ( )3 2

    2 2 2 2 0

    4 12

    P q

    p q

    + + =

    = ....... (I)

    Again, given that:(x1) is a factor of ( ) 3 2 2f x x px x q= +

    ( )1 0f =

    [ ]1 0 1x x = =

    ( ) ( )3 2

    1 1 0


    P q

    p q

    + =

    = ...... (II)

    On solving equation I and II, we getp

    p = 5 and q= 8. Ans.

    2. (a) Let the vertices of the triangle be ( )1 1,A x y , ( )2 2,B x y and ( )3 3,C x y= .

    Let the given pint D (2, 1), E (1, 4) and F (2, 2)

    A (X1, Y1)

    F (2, 2)(2, 1) D

    B (X2, Y2) E (1, 4)C

    (X3, Y3)

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    Now 2 3 3 41 22 , 1 , 22 2 2

    x x x xx x + ++= = =

    1 2 2 3 3 14, 2, 4x x x x x x + = + = + =

    ( )1 2 3

    1 2 3





    2 2


    4 1

    1 4 5

    2 5 3

    4 3 1

    x x x

    x x x





    + + =

    + + =

    + =

    = =

    = + =

    = =

    Similarly, 2 31 21 ,42 2

    y yy y ++ = =

    3 122

    y y+=

    ( )1 2 2 3 3 1

    1 2 3

    1 2 3



    2, 8, 4

    2 10


    2 5


    y y y y y y

    y y y

    y y y



    + = + = + =

    + + =

    + + =

    + =


    y2= 8 7 = 1

    y1= 2 1 = 3

    A (1, 3), B (3, 1) and C (5, 7) Ans.

    (b) Given:2 5

    5 3 80 3

    M I

    + =

    1 0 16 405 30 1 0 24

    16 40 3 05

    0 24 0 3



    + =


    13 40

    0 27


    13 401

    0 275M








    (c) Center O and chord AB = 10 cm, CD = 24 cm. Let EO =x, then OF = 17 x. Joint AO and


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    In rt OEC

    OC2= OE

    2+ EC



    2+ 12

    2 .... (1)

    In rt. OFCOA

    2= OF

    2+ AF


    r2= (17x)

    2+ 5

    2 .... (2)

    On comparing eq. (1) and (2)



    + 144 = 289 +x2

    34x+ 2534x= 314 144

    34x= 170 x= 5Now from eq. (1)

    r2= 5

    2+ 12

    2= 25 + 144

    = 169

    r= 13 cm Ans.

    3. (a) (i) Length of the boundary

    = Circumference of larger semi-circular arc + 2(circumference of smaller semi-circular


    = ( ) ( ){ } ( )5 2 2.5 cm= 10 cm. + =

    2210 cm = 31.4 cm

    7 Ans.

    (ii) Now, Area of the shaded region = Area of larger semicircle area of smaller semi circle +

    area of smaller semi circle.

    Area of shaded region = Area of larger semi circle

    = ( )21 22

    52 7

    sq. cm.

    = 3929 sq. cm. Ans.

    (b) a : b = 5 : 3




    b =

    5 85 8

    6 76 7


    a b b

    aa b


    + + =

    55 8

    4935 9

    6 73

    += =

    Hence shown.

    (c) L.H.S. = cos sin

    1 tan 1 cot


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    = cos sinsin cos

    1 1cos sin


    =2 2

    cos sin

    cos sin sin cos


    =2 2

    cos sincos sin

    =( )( )

    ( )

    cos sin cos sin

    cos sin


    = cos sin . . .R H S + = Ans.4. (a) List price of colour T.V.

    = ` 24000

    (i) Discount =8

    100 ` 24,000

    = ` 1,920.

    Balance amount to be paid= ` 24000 ` 1920

    = ` 22,080

    Off season discount @5% on ` 22,080


    100 ` 22080

    = ` 1,104

    Remaining Amount = ` 22080 ` 1104

    = ` 20,976

    Sales Tax =10

    100 ` 20976

    = ` 2,09760. Ans.

    (ii) Final price the customer has pay

    = ` 209760 + ` 20,976 = ` 23,07360. Ans.(b) 2 sin A = 1

    i.e., sin A =1

    2= sin 30

    A = 30

    sin 3A = 3 sin A 4 sin3A

    sin 3 30 = 3 sin 30 4 sin330

    sin 90 =

    31 1

    3 42 2

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    =3 4 3 1

    2 8 2 2 =


    L.H.S. = R.H.S. Ans.

    (c) Solve : 2 10 6 0x x + = 1, 10, 6a b c= = =



    b b acx



    10 100 4 1 6

    2 1x


    10 76 10 2 19

    2 2x

    = =

    5 19 5 4 36 9 36.x= + = + =

    or 5 19 5 4 36 0 64x= = = Ans.


    5. (a)
































    1 242f f f = + + fx =2610

    +55f2+ 81f2

    f= 42 +f1 +f2 60 = 42f1 +f2 f1 +f2 = 18 ......... (1)

    and fxxx


    1 22610 55 85


    f f+ +=

    2610 + 55f1+ 85f2= 3,84011f1+ 17f2= 246 ........ (2)

    Solving these equations we get

    f1 = 10,f2= 8

    (b) Total ways = 6 6 = 36

    Ways in favor = (2, 6) (3, 5) (4, 4) (5, 3)

    (6, 2)No. of ways = 5

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    Probability =5

    36 Ans.

    (c)1 2 5

    2 1 ,2 3 6

    xx N

    1 1 2 1 11 1

    22 2 3 2 6 2


    5 2 8

    2 3 6


    15 4 8x 15 4x 8

    1 0 1 2 3 4

    15 24x

    x = {1, 2, 3}3

    3 24

    x Ans.

    6.(a) We know that

    p(x) q(x) = H.C.F. L.C.M.

    4x2(x+ a

    2) q(x) =x(x + a) 12x


    (x+ a) (x2 a


    ( )

    ( ) ( )( )

    ( )

    2 2 2




    x x a x x a x aq x

    x x a

    + + =


    = 3x(x2 a

    2) Ans.

    (b) Line passing through (2, 3) andx-intercept =4

    Line passing through (4, 0) and (2, 3)

    ( )2 11 12 1

    y yy y x x

    x x


    ( )3 0

    0 42 4

    y x


    2 3 12y x =

    3 2 12 0x y+ = Ans.(c) 'L' Mid point of AB = 10 6 5 3,

    2 2


    coordinate of 'L' = (8, 1)

    'M' Mid point of AC = 10 2 5 1,2 2

    + +

    Coordinate of 'M' = (6, 3)

    Length of 'LM' = ( ) ( )2 2

    8 6 1 3 +

    = 4 4 2 2+ =

    Length of BC = ( ) ( )2 2

    6 2 3 1 +

    = 16 16 32+ =

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    = 4 2 BC

    LM= 4 2 2

    2 2=

    BC = 2 LM Proved.7. (a)Tank filled by one pipe in a minute



    Tank emptied by another pipe in one minute


    5x +

    When both the pipes are working tank filled in 1 minute

    = 1 1

    5x x


    1 1

    5x x

    += 1

    16 8

    ( )


    x xx x

    + +

    = 10168

    ( )25 5x x+ = 5 84

    x2+ 12x 7x 84 = 0 x (x+ 12) 7 (x+ 12) = 0 (x7)(x+12) = 0When x 7 = 0

    x= 7

    When x 12 = 0

    x= 12 (impossible)

    x= 7 Ans.

    (b)Let O b the center of the circle

    In ACTTAC = 180 (48 + 36)

    = 180 84 = 96

    CAB = 48 +36 = 84Clearly, OC CT (point of contact) OCA = 90 48 = 42

    = OAC (OA = OC) OAB = CAB OAC

    = 84 42 = 42

    Again OBA is isoscelesOBA = OAB = 42

    AOB = 180 (42 + 42)= 180 84 = 96 Ans.

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    (c)3 2

    0 5 2




    3 4

    0 10

    x +



    3x+ 4 = 5 3x= 5 4 3x= 9 x= 3and y= 100 Ans.

    8. (a)(i) M. V. of shares

    = ` 100 + 10 ` 100


    = ` 110

    No. of shares


    M. V. of a share

    = ` 8,800

    ` 110


    (ii) Dividend% =divident

    100N. V. of shares

    = ` 1200 100

    ` 8000

    = 15%

    (b) Steps of Construction are as follows:

    (i) Draw AB = 6 cm and take arc

    BC = 7 cm

    and AC = 5 cm

    they cut each other at C

    Complete the triangle ABC.

    (ii) Draw perpendicular bisector of AB, and mark D as the mid point.

    (iii) Draw bisector of CD.(iv) From C, draw a line segment perpendicular to AC, which intersect the

    perpendicular bisector of CD at O.

    (v) Take 'O' as centre and OD as radius draw the circle which is required.

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    (c) Let the coordinates of the point P be (x, y)

    x= 2 1mx nx

    m n



    =( ) ( )2 3 3 2

    2 3



    [Given: m: n= 2 : 3,x1= 2,x2= 3]

    =6 6 0

    05 5

    = =

    y= 2 1my ny

    m n



    =( ) ( )2 4 3 6

    2 3



    =8 18



    = 10 25


    [Given:m: n= 2 : 3, y1= 6 and y2= 4]

    The equation of line whose m =3


    passing through the point P (0, 2

    y 2 =3

    2(x 0)

    2y 4 = 3x

    3x 2y+ 4 = 0 Ans.9. (a) By Pythagoras theorem.


    2+ (20)



    + 400AC =

    2400x +

    cos = 053.Let the man is standing at a distance of 'x' from the foot of the tower

    cos =BC





    x +

    053 =2



    x +

    (on squaring)

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    (053)2 =2

    2 400


    x +

    02809 =2

    2 400


    x +


    + 11236 =x2

    x2 02809x2= 11236

    x2 =112 36

    0 7191

    x = 125 meters Ans.

    (b) Diameter = 168 m

    r =168

    2m = 84 m

    Slant height (l) =2 2

    r h+


    2 2

    84 35+

    = 7056 1225+

    = 8281 = 91 m

    Canvas required for the tent.

    = curved surface area of the cylindrical part + curved surface area of the conical part

    = 2rh+ rl

    = 222 22

    2 84 50 84 91

    7 7

    m +

    = ( ) 222

    84 100 917

    m +

    = 22 12 191

    = 50424 m2

    20% extra for stitching and folding

    22050424 10084 8 m

    100 =

    Total canvas required= 50424 + 100848

    To the nearest m2

    = 60509 m2


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    Science (Physics) PAPER 3

    for March 2014 ICSE Class 10 Examinations

    Std. 10

    Marks: 80

    Time: 1.5 hours


    Question 1

    (a) A body weighing 350 Newton, runs up a flight of 30 steps, each 20 cm high in 5 seconds.

    Calculate the power spent.

    (b)Which physical quantities do the following units represent?

    (i) Dioptre (ii) Kelvin

    (c) State one factor on which the magnitude of a non-contact force depends.


    Where is the centre of gravity of:

    (i) a uniform ring (ii) a rectangular lamina

    Question 2

    (a) Which material is used for making wire of standard resistance? Give reason.

    (b)Does land cool at a slower or faster rate than water? Give one reason for your answer.

    (c) Explain why steam pipes warm a building more effectively than hot water pipes in cold


    (d)A ray of light, after refraction through a concave lens, emerges parallel to the principal

    axis. Draw a ray diagram to show the incident ray and its corresponding emergent ray.

    (e)Does total internal reflection occur when light passes from a rarer medium to a denser


    Question 3

    (a) Which material is used for making wire of standard resistance? Give reason.

    (b)Why the poles of permanent magnet are concave cylindrical in a galvanometer?


    (c) The ratio of the amplitudes of two waves is 4:9. What is the ratio of their intensities?

    (d)A bat emits an ultrasonic sound of frequency 0.25 MHz. Calculate the time in which one

    vibration is completed.

    (e)Which of the two wires of similar dimensions, copper or nichrome, would you use for

    the electric heater element? Give reasons to justify your answer.

    Question 4

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    (a) Why should the internal resistance of a cell be low?

    (b)A flag is made up of three strips of cloth of yellow, white and cyan colours. Name the

    colour of a particular light in which this flag will appear to be of a single colour.

    (c) The wavelength of red colour is 7 x 10-7

    m and that of blue colour is 4 x 10-7 m. Will the

    speed of both the colours be the same in (a) vacuum (b) glass?(d)An electric kettle is rated 2.5 KW, 250V. Find the cost of running the kettle for two hours

    at 60 paise per unit.

    (e)A mass of lead is embedded in a block of aluminum which is 2mm thick. Radiations from

    a radioactive source incident on the side of the block produce a shadow on a fluorescent

    screen placed beyond the block. The shadow of the block of aluminum is fainter than

    the shadow of lead. Give reason for this difference.

    Section 2

    Question 5

    A truck driver can load oil drums into the back of the truck by pushing them up a sloping

    plank, or by lifting them directly. Each drum has a mass of 80Kg, and the plank is 3m

    long. Assume the back of the truck is 0.8m lifted above the ground.

    (i) How much force would be needed to lift a drum into the truck directly, without

    using the plank? (Take g = 10 m/s2



    How much energy would be converted in lifting the drum into the truck without

    the plank?

    (iii) If the force needed to push a drum up the plank is 300N, why is this less than the

    answer to question (i) ?


    When the truck is loaded, the driver drives off. List the major energy changes

    that take place in moving the truck.

    (v) The driver has to stop at the factory gates. What happens to the kinetic energy

    of the truck?

    Question 6

    (a) Differentiate between the following:

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    (i) Noise and Musical Note

    (ii) Frequency and Wavelength of sound.

    (b)The human ear can detect continuous sounds in the frequency range from 20Hz to

    20000Hz. Assuming that the speed of sound in air is 330m/s for all frequencies, calculate

    the wavelengths corresponding to the given extreme frequencies of the range.(c) Give reasons for the following:

    (i) A tuning fork has two prongs.

    (ii) Soldiers often march out-of-step while crossing bridges.

    Question 7

    The diagram shows part of a car electrical system, which operates some of the lights.

    (a) The diagram only shows one lead form the battery to each bulb, but a complete circuit

    must have two. How does the current get back to the battery?(b) If a car owner adds extra lights to the car, why must the paint be removed from the

    body where the electrical contact is made?

    (c) (i) The two rear lights are wired up incorrectly, and only light faintly. Why do they light


    (ii) Draw a diagram to show how the wires should be connected to make the lights shine


    (d)There are four side lights, and a number plate light. Each bulb is labeled 12V, 4W.

    (i) What does the label mean?


    How much current flows through each bulb assuming that it is connectedproperly?

    (iii) How much current does the battery supply to these bulbs altogether?

    (e) If the lights are on, they go dim when the car is started. Why?

    Question 8

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    (a) A person standing between two vertical cliffs and 640m away from the nearest cliff

    shouted. He heard the first echo after 45 and the second echo 3s later. Calculate:

    (i) The speed of sound in air

    (ii) The distance between the cliffs


    Which would be worse, the burn you get from holding your hand in a jet of steam orthat from boiling water both at 100

    oC? Give a reason for your answer.

    (c) In an experiment to measure the specific heat capacity of brass, 0.2 kg of hot water, at a

    temperature of 65oC, was poured into a heavy brass container of mass 1.5kg, initially at

    15oC. After stirring, the final temperature reached to 45

    oC. Assume that the specific heat

    capacity of water is 4200 J/kgo


    (i) Calculate the heat energy released by the hot water in cooling from 65oC to


    (ii) Assume that the heat energy calculated in part (i) is gained by the brass

    container in raising its temperature from 15oC to the final common temperature

    of 45oC.

    Calculate the heat energy absorbed by the brass container peroC rise in


    (iii) Using the result obtained in part (ii), calculate the specific heat capacity of brass.

    Question 9

    After a robbery, if a window has been broken, there will be tiny particles of glass. Some of these

    will be found at the scene of the crime and some may be caught in the thiefs clothing. If the

    police can prove that these particles are identical, they have a strong case.A method of doing this is to suspend the particles of glass in a special liquid. Light of a single

    colour is passed through the liquid and the particles viewed through a microscope. The

    temperature of the liquid is then slowly altered. This alters the speed of light through the liquid

    (i.e. it alters the refractive index). At one particular temperature the particles of glass

    disappear. If this happens at the same temperature for both sets of glass particles, they

    probably came from the same broken pane of glass.

    (a) Complete a copy of the diagram to show how light bends when it travels from the liquid

    to the glass and back to the liquid.


    If the light slows down in the glass.

    (ii) If the light speeds up in the glass.

    (b)Why is the light used in the police work of a single colour?

    (c) Under what two circumstances can light moving from a liquid to glass pass straight on

    without bending?

    (d)When do the particles of glass disappear in the police method?

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    Question 10

    (a) The emission of an -particle or the emission of a -particle is nearly always

    accompanied by what is known as -radiation.


    How does the ionizing power of -radiation compared with that of and particles?


    Is -radiation more or less penetrating than and particles?(iii)

    Is it possible to deflect -radiation in the ways that and particles can be deflected,

    using electric or magnetic fields?


    What is -radiation thought to be?

    (b)Radium 226 (226

    Ra88) is radioactive and emits -particles.

    (i) By how much does the atomic number of a radium nucleus (226

    Ra88) change

    when an -particle is emitted?

    (ii) By how much does the mass number of the radium nucleus in part (i) change?

    (iii) The new nucleus formed, when a nucleus of (226

    Ra88) emits an -particle is

    identified as a nucleus of another element fairly close to radium in the periodictable. Identify this element from the data: Polonium (PO84), Astatine(At85),

    Radon(Rn86) and Francium(Fr87)

    (c) What safety measures are needed in a nucleus power plant?


    Answer 1.

    (a) The weight of the body (mg) = 350 Newton

    Total distance covered by the body = 30 x 20 cm

    = 600 cm

    = 6 metres

    = 350 N x 6m / 5 seconds

    = 420 watts (Answer)

    (b)(i) Dioptre = Power of a lens.

    (ii) Kelvin = Absolute temperature

    (c) The magnitude of a non-contact force depends on distance.

    (d)(i)The centre of gravity of a ring is situated at the centre of ring.

    (ii) The centre of gravity of a rectangular lamina is situated at the point of intersection of

    its diagonals.

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    Answer 2.

    (a) Constantan is used for making wires of standard resistance because the resistance of

    constantan remains almost unaffected with the change in temperature.

    (b)Land cools at a faster rate than water because water has high specific heat capacity.

    (4200 J/KgC)(c) Steam at 100C condense to water at 100C loosing considerable amount of energy

    equal to its latent heat of vapourisation (2268,1/g).



    Answer 3.

    (a) 220 volts.

    (b)The concave cylindrical magnet

    (i) Intensifies the magnetic field.

    (ii) Makes the magnetic field uniform. This helps is setting a strong deflecting couple.


    Given : a1:a2= 4 : 9or I1: I2= 4

    2: 9

    2= 16 : 81

    (d)Given : f= 0.25 MHz = 0.25 x 106 Hz = 2.5 x 105 Hz






    2.5 = 4 x 10


    (e)Nichrome wire is used for electric heater element because it has high resistivity and high

    melting point.

    Answer 4.

    (a) Since

    I = E/ (R+r)

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    For the current delivered by a cell to be maximum (to have less potential difference

    across it) the internal resistance (r) should be minimum.

    (b)Green light.

    (c) (i) Yes

    (ii) No, the speed of red colour is greater than blue colour in the glass.(d)Power = 2.5 KW V = 250 V

    Energy in KWh = P x T = 2.5 KW 2h = 5 KWh

    Cost = 0.60 x 5 = Rs. 3 (Answer)

    (e) -particles given out from a radioactive source are able to pass through 2 mm

    aluminum block, while and - radiations are unable to penetrate through. So it

    produces faint radiation. Lead does not allow any of the ,or radiations to pass

    through, so it produces dark shadow.


    Answer 5.

    (i) Mass of the drum = 80 kg.

    and g = 10 m/s2

    Force of gravity on drum = m g= 80 x 10 = 800 N.

    (ii) Force of gravity on drum = 800 N.

    Total distance covered = 0.8 mWork done by the driver = Force x Distance = 800 x 0.8 m = 640 J.

    Energy converted = m g h= 640 J.

    (iii) When the force needed to push a drum up the plank is 300 N which is less than the

    answer to part (i) because plank make an angle with the road thus making an

    inclined plane which decreases the force or the efforts acting on the drum to push it

    up into the truck.


    The force exerted by the engine of the truck moves the truck and this work done bythe force changes into K.E. of the truck

    (v) When the driver has to stop at the factory gate this K.E. is converted into the work

    done by the resisting force to stop the truck.

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    Answer 6.

    (a) (i) A musical note is one which leaves a pleasing effect on the ears. Such a sound is

    generated by periodic and regular vibrations. Whereas noise is a sound that produces an

    unpleasant effect on the ears. A noise is produced by non-periodic and irregular

    vibrations accompanied by an abrupt change in frequency or wavelength.

    (ii) Frequency (f) : The Frequency of sound is the number of complete vibrations made

    by a vibrating particle of the medium in one second. The S.I unit of frequency is hertz


    f = 1/T where T is periodic time.

    Wavelength () : Wavelength is not the number of complete vibrations made by a

    vibrating particle but it is the distance covered by one wave. It is also defined as the

    shortest distance between two particles vibrating in the same phase. Its S.I. unit is

    metre, while that of frequency is in hertz. = / f

    (b)Wavelength corresponding to the given extreme frequencies

    = /f = (330 m/s)/(20 Hz) = 16.5m longest

    = /f = 330/20.000 = 0.0165m shortest Ans.

    (i) The two prongs of a tuning fork set each other in resonant vibrations which help to

    maintain the vibrations for a longer time.

    (ii) While crossing a hanging (or rope) bridge, soldiers are asked to break steps because

    if they are up in steps, all the separate forces being in the same phase, will produce

    strong energetic vibrations of a particular frequency. If the natural frequency of the

    bridge becomes equal to the frequency of the steps, the bridge will vibrate will larger

    amplitude due to resonance and hence the bridge might overturn or crumble down.

    Answer 7.

    (a) The current gets back to the battery since the metallic body of the car acts as the other

    terminal through which the current comes back to the battery after completing the


    (b) In order to make an electric contact, the paint which acts as an insulator, must be

    removed from the body where the electric contact is made.

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    (c) (i) The two rear lights shine dimly. It may be due to the fact that the two rear light are

    connected in series.

    (ii) See the circuit diagram below:


    Each bulb is labelled 12V, 4W, this means that when :

    (i) Each of the bulb is connected to a supply of 12W, the power

    consumed by each bulb is 4W.

    (ii) Since the lights are supposed to be connected in parallel p.d. across each is 12V.

    Since P = Vt

    i = P/V = 4/12 = 0.33 Amperes.

    Total current supplied by the battery is (0.33 + 0.33 + 0.33 + 0.33 + 0.33) Amp.

    = 0.33 x 5 = 1.65 Amp.

    (e) If the car starts, when the lights are on, the light go dim because a part of the e.m.f. is

    used in operating the self starter.

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    Answer 8.

    (a) (i) First echo is heard from the nearest cliff.

    Let d1be the distance of the nearest cliff from the person. Total distance travelled in

    going and coming back by the sound = 2d1= 2 x 640 m = 1280 m