Exadata V2 Webinar V6

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  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Oracle Exadata V2 Webinar

    EMEA Region

    7 October 2009

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential2 > 3/6/2014



    What is Exadata V2

    Exadata V1 vs. V2 Comparison

    Exadata Challenges

    Benchmarking Guidance

    Competitive Messaging

    For more information

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Exadata V2 Introduction

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential4 > 3/6/2014

    Exadata V2 Caveats

    Just announced on September 15> Not seen yet in the field

    > Expect first availability in November

    More hardware at higher price nearly 2x

    Few software improvements

    Claimed benefits likely to be exaggerated

    Lack of success of Exadata V1> Similar claims as V2,

    > Benchmark results and field deployments tell different story

    > Oracle needs to prove its V2 claims

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential5 > 3/6/2014

    Key Points for Exadata V1

    Oracle has discontinued selling the HP Oracle Database

    Machine V1.> Discontinued the Most Successful Product in Oracles


    > Product rollup pushed ahead of planned release at OracleOpen World to cutoff Sun loses

    > Expect significant Oracle sales disruption> Oracle back to square 1

    > Oracle has alienated all hardware vendors including HP,IBM, Hitachi etc.

    > Oracle is getting critical comments from IBM, Netezza,

    Greenplum and many industry analysts

    Oracle V1 has only two known production references> Mobiltel (Exadata storage only and happy TD customer)

    > Giant Eagle (US Grocery Chain); not publically talking

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential6 > 3/6/2014

    Key Points for Exadata V2

    Sun Oracle Exadata V2 Announcement:

    > Oracle is back to square 1 with a totally new system

    > Very Risky for all but early adopters:

    Newhardware components and memory hierarchy

    Newdatabase feature software (11gR2), (bugs?)

    NewSun relationship

    >Database must be upgraded to 11gR2 beforeExadata installation

    Only 18% adoption rate

    Difficult upgrade with lots of new functionality

    > Initially intended for OLTP only. (Two to One)

    > System availability. Middle November US. Unknownfor international. Affects on-site and benchmarks

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    7/51Teradata Confidential7 > 3/6/2014

    Key Points for Exadata V2

    Zero References for Exadata V2. Not even beta testers

    > Push back on Oracle to prove their claims.> Dont let the prospect put the burden of proof on TD

    Performance claims based on scan rates only> Is there any validity to what they are saying?

    2x the performance for 2x the cost> Dont we expect this?

    Oracle is no longer hardware and software agnostic> Must run exact configuration. No changes allowed

    Our future product lineup in evolving rapidly> We will make competitive adjustments rapidly (Infohub)

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    8/51Teradata Confidential8 > 3/6/2014

    Key Points for Exadata V2

    Great opportunity for Teradata to exploit theOracle changes, market confusion, and missteps byleading with our proven ability to deliver worldclass data warehousing solutions.

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    Exadata V2 Architecture

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    10/51Teradata Confidential10 > 3/6/2014

    Exadata V2 Products

    Sun Oracle Storage Server

    Sun Oracle Database Machine

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    11/51Teradata Confidential12 > 3/6/2014

    Sun Oracle Database Machine

    Preconfigured system

    8 Sun x4170 Oracle Database servers> 2 quad-core Intel Xeon E5540 processors> 72 GB RAM> Oracle Enterprise Linux

    > Oracle RAC 14 Exadata Storage Cells

    > Up to 28 TB uncompressed user data (SAS)> Up to 100 TB uncompressed user data (SATA)> Up to 5 TB Flash Cache storage

    3 InfiniBand switches> 36 ports at 40 Gbps 1 Gigabit Ethernet switch

    Grow to multiple racks

    > Limited by RAC scalability

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    Sun Oracle Database Machine Configurations

    Basic Rack Rack Full Rack

    Database Servers 1 2 4 8

    Exadata Cells 1 3 7 14

    Infiniband Switches 1 2 2 3

    User Data (SAS) 2 TB 6 TB 14 TB 28 TB

    User Data (SATA) 7 TB 21 TB 50 TB 100 TB

    Disk Bandwidth SAS 1.5 GB/s 4.5 GB/s 10.5 GB/s 21 GB/s

    Disk Bandwidth SATA 850 MB/s 2.5 GB/s 6 GB/s 12 GB/s

    Flash Storage 384 GB 1.1 TB 2.6 TB 5.3 TB

    Flash Bandwidth 3.6 GB/s 11 GB/s 25 GB/s 50 GB/s

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    13/51Teradata Confidential15 > 3/6/2014

    Exadata V1 vs. V2 Comparison

    More powerful processors> estimate 80% higher throughput More memory

    > RAC servers 2.25x more RAM> Exadata cells 3x more RAM> Improved caching of frequently used data

    New Flash storage> 384 GB per Exadata cell> 50GB per sec. bandwidth> Improved caching of frequently used data

    More disk storage> SAS 33% more disk space> SATA 200% more disk space

    Faster data access> SAS - 50% higher bandwidth> SATA 13% higher bandwidth

    Faster Interconnect> 2x higher bandwidth

    Bottom line Throwing even more hardwareat a softwareproblem

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    Exadata Flash Storage



    RAM PCI-e cards in Exadata Cells> 384 GB - 4 cards x 96 GB per card

    > 5.3 TB per cabinet 14 Exadata cells

    Cache for frequently accessed DB objects> Table and index blocks

    > Query Result cache Designed and optimized for OLTP> Different algorithm than LRU buffer cache

    > Expected smaller benefit for DW

    > Better on small data volumes benchmarks

    To reduce flash cache benefits> Large tables, working sets read from disk

    > Ad hoc, non-localized query patterns

    > Mixed workload, updates

    Built for OLTP, unknown benefit for DW

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    15/51Teradata Confidential17 > 3/6/2014

    Data Mart Consolidate with Exadata V2

    Oracles claim> Single platform for OLTP and DW

    > Imply single integrated DB


    > Able to host multiple RAC databases onintegrated Exadata grid

    > Separate DBs for OLTP & DW

    > Multiple DW marts

    > Different access patterns dictate

    separate Oracle databases> Data movement over Infiniband

    interconnect at higher speed

    Teradata integrated AEDWstill unique

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Exadata V2 New Database Features

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    Exadata Specific Database Enhancements in11gR2

    Hybrid Columnar Compression> Not a pure columnar data store

    > Column arrays stored for group of rows in a multi-blockcompression unit

    > Oracle claims up to 10x compression gains with up to 2xfaster query performance.

    > No evidence this is real

    > Significant write penalty, grows with compression factor

    > Data is intended to be loaded once and read many times.High overhead penalty for data that needs updates.

    Grid Disks> DBA manually specifies hot data on outer sectors/tracks

    > Reduces I/O read times

    > TD automatic movement of hot data to faster storage is aTD advantage

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    Exadata Specific Database Enhancements in11gR2

    Exadata Storage Indexes

    > Similar to Netezzas zone maps

    > Each data block holds min/max values

    > Physical reads may be reduced by directing reads to onlyrelevant blocks

    > Good partitioning effectively nullifies the benefits of SIs

    Data Mining Offload to Exadata

    > Specific scoring functions are run on the Exadata storage

    > Data Mining is an optional Oracle product with low adoption> User Defined Functions (UDFs) are not offloaded

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    Exadata V2 Pricing

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    Exadata V2 Pricing

    Basic Rack Rack Full Rack

    Exadata Hardware $110K $350K $650K $1.15M

    Exadata Software $120K $360K $840K $1.68M

    Oracle DBMS Software $376K $856K $1.71M $3.42M

    Total $606K $1.57K $3.2M $6.25M

    Price per TB User Data* $303K $261K $229K $223K

    * For SAS disk configurations

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential23 > 3/6/2014

    Exadata V1 vs. V2 Pricing Comparison

    Hardware cost nearly doubled - $650K to $1.15M

    Modest increase in software and maintenance costs Annual maintenance at 22% of software costs

    Hardware maintenance (3 yrs) included

    HP ODBM Sun ODBMExadata Hardware $650,000 $1,150,000

    Exadata Software $1,680,000 $1,680,000

    Oracle DBMS Software $3,216,000 $3,424,000

    Total $5,546,000 $6,254,000

    Annual Software Maint. $1,077,120 $1,122,880

    Price per TB User Data $265,095 $223,357

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Exadata V2 Challenges

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential25 > 3/6/2014

    Exadata V2 2 layer query processing

    Oracle Database layer> Aggregation

    > Sort, group by

    > Data redistribution

    > Complex joins non-partition-wise

    > Functions, UDFs, stored procs

    > SQL OLAP extensions

    > All other SQL processing

    Exadata layer

    > Projection select list columns

    > Restriction where clause predicates

    > Join filtering via Bloom Filters


    Exadata Server



    Oracle Server




  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential26 > 3/6/2014

    Exadata V2 Added Value Improved I/O

    Eliminates I/O bandwidth bottlenecks> Network faster than disks

    Enables fast sequential scans> Peak at 1.5 GB/s per Exadata cell

    > Approx. 21 GB/s per cabinet

    Offloads I/O processing from RAC Servers Offloads initial filtering from RAC Servers

    > Column projections

    > Row predicate restrictions

    > Join filtering Bloom filters

    Flash Cache> 5 TB per cabinet

    > 50 GB/s bandwidth

    > Faster access to frequently used data


    Exadata Server

    960 MBps



    Oracle Server







  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential27 > 3/6/2014

    Exadata2 is Still Oracle

    Exadata2 does not solve most of Oracleschallenges> Shared Data Architecture:

    Underlying Exadata is Oracle RAC, a shared memory and disk system

    > Parallelism and Performance: Oracle RAC still has problems with query parallelism

    Exadata only sequential IO performance Exadata benefits shrink as queries grow more complex.

    > Simplicity: Exadata inherits Oracle complexity Exadata adds multiple layers of query processing Exadata requires significant hardware resources

    Hardware resources are managed separately> Mixed Workload Management

    Exadata still wrestles with scalability and concurrency issues causedby resource contention in its shared architecture.

    These are areas that have crippled Oracles ability to competeagainst Teradata in the past and still exist with Exadata

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    Teradata Confidential28 > 3/6/2014

    High concurrency inhibits Exadata I/OPerformance

    Exadata reads large blocks 4 MB

    Each parallel worker reads from all Exadata disks At 80 MBps 20 concurrent IOs possible

    Intra-query and inter-query contention lower throughput

    Under high concurrency, DB parallel query worker processesqueue for IO





    Exadata Exadata Exadata

    . . .




    ParallelQuery 1

    ParallelQuery 2

    ParallelQuery 3

    ParallelQuery 4

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential29 > 3/6/2014

    Active Updates Inhibit Exadata SmartScan

    Oracle uses Multiple Version Concurrency Control (MVCC)> Ensures consistency of data in an active update environment> SCN checking (for correct data version) done in DB layer> SCN stored on data block

    Exadata has two modes> SmartScan - Filter rows and columns and return result set> No SmartCcan - Passthrough unfiltered data blocks

    Dirty buffers turn off SmartScan





    Exadata Exadata Exadata

    . . .











    (SCN 12033)


    Scan path

    Data blocks

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential30 > 3/6/2014


    Data Sophistication

    Exadata is Still Oracle

    Continuous Update &

    Time-Sensitive Queries

    Become Important



    Takes Hold

    ACTIVATINGMAKE it happen!

    Continuous Update/Short Queries

    Event-Based TriggeringPrimarily Batch &

    Some Ad Hoc Reports

    Increase in

    Ad Hoc Analysis


    did it happen?








    Ad Hoc


    Query complexitygrows

    Workload mixturegrows

    Data volumegrows

    Schemacomplexity grows

    Depth of historygrows

    Number of users grows



  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Benchmarking Against Exadata

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential32 > 3/6/2014

    Benchmarking Pointers

    Benchmarks are risky> Rarely show real world complexities

    Data volume, Concurrency, Mixed workload

    Usually do not focus on critical performance issues

    > Vendors play games

    Exadata V2 is a good benchmark machine Oracle can fully cache a small databases

    Ex Oracles latest TPC-H with 11gR2

    > Rarely demonstrate ability to solve real customer problems

    > Illusion of empirical measure, but usually political

    > Benchmarks add risk to sales process Focus on the overall business problem

    > Size the system to meet the customer needs

    > Use references to demonstrate real-world proofs

    Discuss your needs with the Benchmark Center

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential33 > 3/6/2014

    Benchmark Queries:Potential Oracle Issues and Teradata Strengths

    Shared Data DBMS Layer> Require more data many rows and many columns Complex analyses

    Select list functions

    Multiple sort, grouping, join, having conditions, top n

    > Multi-way joins

    > Sort, group by, conditional logic, having

    > Advanced OLAP functions, aggregation

    Shared Nothing Exadata layer> Large tables, large working sets

    > Realistic concurrency levels Exadata strength is sequential I/O

    Break it up to neutralize

    Teradata has more disks per node that support higherconcurrency

    > Mixed workload inserts, updates, queries Requires block IO, not just smart scans

    > Complex where clauses, compression


    Exadata Server

    960 MBps



    Oracle Server





  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential34 > 3/6/2014

    Influencing Benchmarks

    Complex queries> Multi-way joins of large tables> Complex criteria, non-literal values> Order by, Group by, Having, Top N> Analytic functions

    > Conditional logic> Many predicates w non-literals

    Mixed workload> Updates and queries> Strategic and tactical queries> Strict SLAs

    Higher concurrency Larger data volumes

    Sequential query tests

    Simple queries> Simple star-schema joins

    > Equality predicates, literal values

    > No order by, group by

    > Selective predicates

    > Few columns in select list

    Load performance tests

    Maintenance operations> Partition deletes

    UnFavorable to Exadata Favorable to Exadata

    Competitive response

    > Include realistic tests that favor Teradata, weigh these heavily

    > Oversize TD configs for simple, sequential queries & loads

    > Consult GBC for latest configuration recommendations

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential35 > 3/6/2014

    Query Examples

    Select Example

    EasierCompare last weeks sales for my store to the sameperiod last year


    List top 20 customers by profitability for each

    month in the past year, where:


    Join Example

    Easier Join transaction to store = 1 to date = yesterday

    Harder Join transaction to customer to household

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Key Differences vs. Oracle

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential37 > 3/6/2014

    Teradata Differentiators

    Oracle RAC Scalability, Setup and Stability

    > Oracle is still a shared memory and disk system. They willnot scale linearly.

    > Oracle struggles when approaching an 8 way RAC withmodest concurrency and workloads. Beyond 8 ways wehave seen dramatic performance loss and instability

    > Oracle claims to scale out but have shown scale up in V2

    Oracle parallelism is difficult to implement,manage and maintain.

    > Parallelism is conditional based on workload

    > Unpredictable response times

    > High DBA support levels

    > Difficult for stage 3+ warehouses running strategicenterprise applications

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential38 > 3/6/2014

    Teradata Differentiators

    Support (patches/upgrades/on-site help)

    > Oracle Premier level: phone support only

    > TD Business Critical. Done by TD experts

    > Exadata requires special tuning and support

    Very few people inside Oracle understand Exadata

    Very few trained field personnel Most of Oracle not DW personnel

    OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager); high DBA costs

    > No single view of entire system.

    > DBA must monitor 22 servers, and equipment.

    Teradata Viewpoint

    > Single simple system view

    > Proactive customer involvement

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential39 > 3/6/2014

    Teradata Differentiators

    Benchmarks and POCs

    > V2 system availability mid-November in US; Internationalmay be considerably longer

    > Some Exadata V1 benchmarks are finishing up

    Oracle wants to avoid on-site POCs> Control costs

    > Oracle only trusts a few highly trained people. Resourceshortage opportunity

    Benchmark sizing guidelines

    > Please work directly with the benchmark center for thelatest sizing information and guidance

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Strategy: Its Not About Speeds andFeeds

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential41 > 3/6/2014

    Teradata Strategy Against V2

    Configure to Win> Size System to Customers/Prospects Problem and Needs Do not get forced into unfair match-ups. Do not over configure

    Force competition to sell what is needed (ex. 1/4 cabinet)

    Demonstrate linear scalability. Sell price/performances asneeded.

    > Lead with Aggressive Pricing on the 2555 Dont focus on price per TB but usable disk space

    Compare Apples to Apples (full SW cost, no compressions, etc)

    Stay ahead of Oracle on the pricing discussion

    > As always, if possible avoid benchmark activity Oracles system is new and risky. Teradata is proven

    Benchmark outcomes are uncertain

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential42 > 3/6/2014

    Teradata Strategy Against V2

    If Benchmark/POC is unavoidable:> Demonstrate real world workloads where Oracle struggles

    Expect to win and lose on individual tests Exploit RAC scaling issues Defeat Exadata Smartscan queries Overload RAC nodes with large workloads/complexity

    Demonstrate Mixed Workloads, Parallelism, Concurrency,and Ease of Use

    > Aggressively use new benchmark and relavent customerreferences

    Size system to win the benchmark!> Explain Oracle oversized hardware configurations> Demonstrate Teradata linear scalability> Benchmark sizing dependent on workload

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential44 > 3/6/2014


    Q: Oracle claims 5x performance over Teradata

    A: These numbers are strictly based on raw scan rates deriveddirectly from the flash cache hardware specifications, and aremeaningless because user data is not stored in flash cache.This is not based on any real world workloads or actualbenchmarks. Teradata has NOT run any benchmarks against

    the Sun Exadata database machine V2 so these numbers arenot worth the paper they are written on.

    Q: Oracle claims Teradata cant do OLTP.

    A: Teradata can indeed do OLTP (on-line transaction

    processing), just ask Ping, who runs their order operation andanalytics on a Teradata database, but its not Teradatas areaof focus. Teradata is built for decision support and notoptimized for OLTP.

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential45 > 3/6/2014


    Q: Oracle claims to be $5.7K per TB

    A: Oracle is playing pricing games for marketing purposes.Oracle is using the 2TB SATA drives in their price per TBcalculation. Oracle does not recommend SATA drives forreliability and high user workloads/usage. They are also usingoverly aggressive compression numbers of 3x in their

    calculations. They are simply not comparing apples to apples.Oracle is still leaving out the DB and software licensing costsin their numbers. This DB machine is now double the cost foronly 2x the performance benefit. You would expect payingdouble would double your performance. The hardware price

    increases dramatically from $650,000 to $1,150,000. Totalmachine price with Exadata software, hardware and licensesnow costs $6,254,000 from 5,300,000.

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential46 > 3/6/2014


    Q: Why the switch to Sun and another version of Exadata?

    A: The timing of these events has to do with Oracle acquisitionof Sun more than any innovative product launch. Oracle hasabandoned HP, the provider who helped them develop whatthey claimed to be the most successful launch in Oracleshistory. We believe these claims were greatly overblown with

    less than 5 known production installations and only 20 salesannouncements; hardly a huge success. Oracle is no longerselling the HP ODBM and it is now obsolete. Oracle needed tostem Suns large losses to hardware competitors and as aresult Oracle rushed the introduction of the Sun Exadata

    database machine V2. Oracle is now no longer hardwareagnostic and has alienated hardware partners such as IBM,Hitachi, and HP.

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    Teradata Confidential47 > 3/6/2014


    Q: Oracle claims Exadata V2 is Innovative. Is that true?

    A: As we have discussed this is mostly a hardware upgrade. Thereare some database 11gR2 upgrades around compression, dataplacement and indexes. Most of these will have little benefit for awell designed data warehouse. Remember that Oracle is still a shareddisk and memory architecture strapped with all of the known issues ofOracle RAC. Oracle is continuing to throw more and more hardware atwhat is primarily a software issue.

    Q: Is the Sun machine based on Sparc chips?

    A: No, this machine uses Intel based Nehalem CPUs and OracleEnterprise Linux.

    Q: Is the Sun machine available immediately

    A: Oracle has said it is available for sale now but prospects are beingtold the middle of November before any benchmarks or delivery ofequipment is possible. We believe the delay is the result of pushingup the announcement of the machine before the supply chain wasready to deliver.

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    For More Information

    InfoHub Oracle Competitive Home Page

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential49 > 3/6/2014

    InfoHub Oracle Competitive Home Page(Also checkout the Learn, Sell, TechSpot, Discuss, FAQ pages!)

    Oracle Flashes:- Competing Against Oracles Year End and Latest onOracle Database Machine/Exadata Activity

    - Response to Oracles Exadata Claims of 6X Faster thanTeradata

    Latest Additions:- White Paper: Exadata is Still Oracle

  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    Teradata Confidential50 > 3/6/2014

    Exadata V2 Reference Materials

    Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) Reprimands Oracle

    The violation occurred after Oracle ran a full page ad in the Wall Street Journalsaying that Sun and Oracle are faster than IBM but did not have a benchmarkresult available at the time of publication. Oracle has been fined and ordered totake corrective action. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/09/29/tpc_slaps_oracle/

    Thoughts on the integration of OLTP and data warehousing, especially in

    Exadata 2Curt Monash questions the viability of doing both OLTP and DW on one platform.http://www.dbms2.com/2009/09/29/integration-oltp-data-warehousing-exadata-2/

    Oracle Exadata Coming Up Short on Production References

    Curt Monash posts that Oracle has only supplied one talking production reference

    for Exadata (which we know to be Mobiltel). This is a great place to challengeOracle Exadata. http://www.dbms2.com/2009/09/25/the-hunt-for-oracle-exadata-production-references/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-hunt-for-oracle-exadata-production-references

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    Teradata Confidential51 > 3/6/2014

    Exadata V2 Reference Materials

    Oracle Exadata 2 Pricing Analysis

    Curt Monash has published an independent analysis of Exadatapricing. http://www.dbms2.com/2009/10/05/oracle-exadata-2-capacity-pricing/#more-1021

    Greenplums Response to Exadata V2 Titled When New is Old

    Greenplum takes a critical approach to Oracles overall RAC shareddisk and memory architecture along with the marketing hype.http://www.greenplum.com/news/blogs/

    Boulder BI Brain Trust Blog on Teradata

    Randy Lea talks about cutting through the marketing hype, our

    pricing perception and future confidence in our direction.http://boulderbibraintrust.org/brain_trust_blog/2009/09/teradata-bbbt.php

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    Teradata Confidential52 > 3/6/2014

    Oracle Competitive Contacts

    Allen [email protected]

    Rick [email protected]


    Dan [email protected]


    Oracle infohubhttp://sharepoint.teradata.com/infohub/oracle_competitive/default.aspx

    Oracle COI email list

    > Contact Allen to get added


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/12/2019 Exadata V2 Webinar V6


    No Better Time To Be at Teradata!