Evolving Multimodal Robot Behavior via Many Stepping ... · CMOEA can preserve stepping stones that...

1 Evolving Multimodal Robot Behavior via Many Stepping Stones with the Combinatorial Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Joost Huizinga and Jeff Clune Abstract—An important challenge in reinforcement learning is to solve multimodal problems, where agents have to act in qualitatively different ways depending on the circumstances. Because multimodal problems are often too difficult to solve directly, it is often helpful to define a curriculum, which is an ordered set of sub-tasks that can serve as the stepping stones for solving the overall problem. Unfortunately, choosing an effective ordering for these subtasks is difficult, and a poor ordering can reduce the performance of the learning process. Here, we provide a thorough introduction and investigation of the Combinatorial Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (CMOEA), which allows all combinations of subtasks to be explored simultaneously. We compare CMOEA against three algorithms that can similarly optimize on multiple subtasks simultaneously: NSGA-II, NSGA-III and -Lexicase Selection. The algorithms are tested on a simulated multimodal robot locomotion problem with six subtasks as well as a simulated robot maze navigation problem with a hundred subtasks. On these problems, CMOEA either outperforms or is competitive with the controls. As a separate contribution, we show that adding a linear combination over all objectives can improve the ability of the control algorithms to solve these multimodal problems. Lastly, we show that CMOEA can leverage auxiliary objectives more effectively than the controls on the multimodal locomotion task. In general, our experiments suggest that CMOEA is a promising algorithm for solving multimodal problems. Index Terms—Many-objective optimization, Evolutionary mul- tiobjective optimization, Multimodal problems I. I NTRODUCTION A pervasive challenge in reinforcement learning is to have agents autonomously learn many qualitatively different be- haviors, generally referred to as multimodal behavior [1, 2]. Problems that require such multimodal behavior, which we will refer to as multimodal problems (also known as modal problems [3]), are ubiquitous in real-world applications. A self-driving car will have to respond differently depending on whether it is on a highway, in a city, in a rural area, or in a traffic jam. A robot on a search-and-rescue operation will have to behave differently depending on whether it is searching for a victim or bringing a survivor to safety. Even a simple trash- collecting robot will have to behave differently depending on whether it is searching for trash, picking it up, or looking for a place to recharge. Because multimodal problems require an agent to learn multiple different behaviors, they can be difficult to solve J. Huizinga and J. Clune are with the Evolving Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, 82071 USA and Uber AI Labs, San Francisco, CA, 94104 USA e-mail: [email protected]. directly. A key insight for solving multimodal problems comes from how natural animals, including humans, learn complex tasks. Rather than learning all aspects of the combined task at once, we learn simpler, related tasks first. Later, the skills learned in these earlier tasks can be combined and adjusted in order to learn the more complex task at hand. These related tasks thus form the stepping stones towards solving the complete task. Methods that incrementally increase the difficulty of tasks have been successfully applied in animal training [4, 5], gradient-descent based machine learning [6, 7], and evolutionary algorithms [8–14]. Unfortunately, defining a proper set of subtasks and an effective ordering is a non-trivial problem, and choosing poor subtasks or presenting them in the wrong order can severely reduce the effectiveness of the learning process [15, 16]. Population-based Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) may pro- vide a unique opportunity to combat the problem of choosing and ordering subtasks, because the population as a whole can try many different ways of learning the subtasks and evolutionary selection can preserve the methods that work. For example, imagine training a robot that has to be able to both run and jump, but in order to learn both tasks, it is imperative that it learns how to jump first before it learns how to run. In an evolutionary algorithm, one lineage of robots may start out being better at running, while another lineage may initially be better at jumping. If learning to jump first is an essential stepping stone towards learning to both run and jump, the lineage that started by being good at running will never learn both tasks, but the lineage that started by being good at jumping will, thus solving the problem. However, without proper tuning, most evolutionary algorithms are prone to converge towards the task that is easiest to learn at first, as learning this task will result in the most rapid increase in fitness. For example, if learning to run is much easier than learning to jump, the lineage specialized in running may outcompete the lineage of those specialized in jumping before they have the chance to adapt (Fig. 1 left). As these jumping individuals were an important stepping stone for learning how to both run and jump, this stepping stone is now lost from the population, and because the population is now dominated by runners, it is unlikely that the jumping-only behavior will ever be visited again. It is important to note that we usually have no way of know- ing in advance what the important stepping stones are [17–19]. As such, one of the best ways of preserving stepping stones may be to maintain as many forms of different behavior in the arXiv:1807.03392v2 [cs.NE] 10 Dec 2019

Transcript of Evolving Multimodal Robot Behavior via Many Stepping ... · CMOEA can preserve stepping stones that...

Page 1: Evolving Multimodal Robot Behavior via Many Stepping ... · CMOEA can preserve stepping stones that may be lost in other EAs. In this hypothetical example, a four-legged robot has


Evolving Multimodal Robot Behavior via ManyStepping Stones with the CombinatorialMulti-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm

Joost Huizinga and Jeff Clune

Abstract—An important challenge in reinforcement learningis to solve multimodal problems, where agents have to act inqualitatively different ways depending on the circumstances.Because multimodal problems are often too difficult to solvedirectly, it is often helpful to define a curriculum, which isan ordered set of sub-tasks that can serve as the steppingstones for solving the overall problem. Unfortunately, choosingan effective ordering for these subtasks is difficult, and a poorordering can reduce the performance of the learning process.Here, we provide a thorough introduction and investigationof the Combinatorial Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm(CMOEA), which allows all combinations of subtasks to beexplored simultaneously. We compare CMOEA against threealgorithms that can similarly optimize on multiple subtaskssimultaneously: NSGA-II, NSGA-III and ε-Lexicase Selection.The algorithms are tested on a simulated multimodal robotlocomotion problem with six subtasks as well as a simulatedrobot maze navigation problem with a hundred subtasks. Onthese problems, CMOEA either outperforms or is competitivewith the controls. As a separate contribution, we show that addinga linear combination over all objectives can improve the ability ofthe control algorithms to solve these multimodal problems. Lastly,we show that CMOEA can leverage auxiliary objectives moreeffectively than the controls on the multimodal locomotion task.In general, our experiments suggest that CMOEA is a promisingalgorithm for solving multimodal problems.

Index Terms—Many-objective optimization, Evolutionary mul-tiobjective optimization, Multimodal problems


A pervasive challenge in reinforcement learning is to haveagents autonomously learn many qualitatively different be-haviors, generally referred to as multimodal behavior [1, 2].Problems that require such multimodal behavior, which wewill refer to as multimodal problems (also known as modalproblems [3]), are ubiquitous in real-world applications. Aself-driving car will have to respond differently depending onwhether it is on a highway, in a city, in a rural area, or in atraffic jam. A robot on a search-and-rescue operation will haveto behave differently depending on whether it is searching fora victim or bringing a survivor to safety. Even a simple trash-collecting robot will have to behave differently depending onwhether it is searching for trash, picking it up, or looking fora place to recharge.

Because multimodal problems require an agent to learnmultiple different behaviors, they can be difficult to solve

J. Huizinga and J. Clune are with the Evolving Artificial IntelligenceLaboratory, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, 82071 USA and UberAI Labs, San Francisco, CA, 94104 USA e-mail: [email protected].

directly. A key insight for solving multimodal problems comesfrom how natural animals, including humans, learn complextasks. Rather than learning all aspects of the combined taskat once, we learn simpler, related tasks first. Later, the skillslearned in these earlier tasks can be combined and adjustedin order to learn the more complex task at hand. Theserelated tasks thus form the stepping stones towards solvingthe complete task. Methods that incrementally increase thedifficulty of tasks have been successfully applied in animaltraining [4, 5], gradient-descent based machine learning [6, 7],and evolutionary algorithms [8–14]. Unfortunately, defining aproper set of subtasks and an effective ordering is a non-trivialproblem, and choosing poor subtasks or presenting them inthe wrong order can severely reduce the effectiveness of thelearning process [15, 16].

Population-based Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) may pro-vide a unique opportunity to combat the problem of choosingand ordering subtasks, because the population as a wholecan try many different ways of learning the subtasks andevolutionary selection can preserve the methods that work.For example, imagine training a robot that has to be ableto both run and jump, but in order to learn both tasks, it isimperative that it learns how to jump first before it learns howto run. In an evolutionary algorithm, one lineage of robotsmay start out being better at running, while another lineagemay initially be better at jumping. If learning to jump first isan essential stepping stone towards learning to both run andjump, the lineage that started by being good at running willnever learn both tasks, but the lineage that started by beinggood at jumping will, thus solving the problem. However,without proper tuning, most evolutionary algorithms are proneto converge towards the task that is easiest to learn at first,as learning this task will result in the most rapid increasein fitness. For example, if learning to run is much easierthan learning to jump, the lineage specialized in running mayoutcompete the lineage of those specialized in jumping beforethey have the chance to adapt (Fig. 1 left). As these jumpingindividuals were an important stepping stone for learning howto both run and jump, this stepping stone is now lost from thepopulation, and because the population is now dominated byrunners, it is unlikely that the jumping-only behavior will everbe visited again.

It is important to note that we usually have no way of know-ing in advance what the important stepping stones are [17–19].As such, one of the best ways of preserving stepping stonesmay be to maintain as many forms of different behavior in the








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Page 2: Evolving Multimodal Robot Behavior via Many Stepping ... · CMOEA can preserve stepping stones that may be lost in other EAs. In this hypothetical example, a four-legged robot has


Common problem: Stepping stones get lost CMOEA: Stepping stones are preservedWhen jumping is harder to learn than running, individuals that jump can be replaced. If jumping should be learned beforerunning, an important stepping stone is lost.

By maintaining a separate bin for every combination of training tasks, CMOEA can preserve these stepping stones.

Normal population Move bin

Jump bin

Move & jump bin


Stepping stonepreserved

Stepping stonelost






Run: goodJump: none

Run: goodJump: mediocre

Run: goodJump: none

Run: goodJump: mediocre

Run: noneJump: mediocre

Run: poorJump: poor

Run: noneJump: decent

Run: goodJump: mediocre

Run: mediocreJump: none

Run: noneJump: mediocre

Run: goodJump: none

Run: decentJump: mediocre

Run: goodJump: good

Run: mediocreJump: none

Run: excellentJump: decent

Run: noneJump: excellent

Run: noneJump: decent

Run: poorJump: poor

Figure 1. CMOEA can preserve stepping stones that may be lost in other EAs. In this hypothetical example, a four-legged robot has to learn multimodalbehavior that involves both running and jumping. Running is initially much easier to learn than jumping, but learning to jump well first is an importantstepping stone in order to become excellent at both tasks. Arrows indicate ancestor-descendant relationships that can span many generations. (Left) Exampleof losing an important stepping stone. Initial generation: Some individuals are better at running while others are better at jumping, but all individuals areevaluated roughly equally by the fitness function. Intermediate generations: Because running is easier to learn than jumping, individuals that are good atrunning are rated more favorably than individuals that are average at jumping, and those specialized in jumping are not selected for in future generations.Final generation: All individuals have converged to the same local optima, where they are good at running, but only mediocre at jumping. (Right) Example ofhow CMOEA can preserve important stepping stones. Initial generation: Individuals that specialize in different combinations of tasks are assigned to differentbins. Intermediate generations: Individuals that are average at jumping do not compete against individuals that are good at running and they are thus preservedwithin the population. Final generation: Because jumping turned out to be an important stepping stone, the descendants of individuals that initially specializedin jumping have increased performance on all combinations of tasks.

population as possible. Here we introduce the CombinatorialMulti-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (CMOEA) [20], amultiobjective evolutionary algorithm specifically designed topreserve the stepping stones of multimodal problems. CMOEAwas briefly described before in Huizinga et al. [20], but herewe provide a more thorough description of the algorithm, anextension that allows the algorithm to be applied to at least 100objectives, and a more detailed experimental investigation thatincludes three different controls and one additional problemdomain. CMOEA divides the population into separate bins,one for each combination of subtasks, and ensures that thereis only competition within bins, rather than between bins. Thisway, individuals that excel at any combination of subtasks arepreserved as potential stepping stones for solving the overallproblem (Fig. 1, right).

We compare CMOEA against three multiobjective evo-lutionary algorithms: the widely applied NSGA-II algo-rithm [21], the more recent NSGA-III algorithm [22], and theε-Lexicase Selection algorithm, which was also specificallydesigned to solve multimodal problems [23] and can handleproblems with at least 100 subtasks [24]. We compare the algo-rithms on both a simulated multimodal robot locomotion prob-lem with 6 subtasks and on a simulated robot maze-navigationproblem with 100 subtasks, and show that CMOEA eitheroutperforms or is competitive with the control treatments. Notethat, while both presented problems involve a robotic agent,CMOEA is not restricted to robotics problems. Tasks that re-

quire multimodal behavior can also be found in other domains,such as video games [1, 2] and function approximation [3],and CMOEA should be similarly applicable in those domains.In fact, the maze navigation problem presented in this paper isvery similar to navigation problems presented in video-gameand grid-world domains [25, 26], providing some evidence thatCMOEA is applicable in those domains as well. As a separatecontribution, we show that adding a linear combination over allobjectives as an additional objective to the control algorithms(which are popular in their own right) can improve their abilityto solve multimodal problems. Lastly, we demonstrate thatCMOEA is able to effectively incorporate auxiliary objectivesthat increase the evolvability of individuals by selecting forgenotypic and phenotypic modularity. With these auxiliaryobjectives, CMOEA substantially outperforms all controls onthe simulated multimodal robot locomotion task, while thecontrols do not benefit as much or even perform worse whenthese auxiliary objectives are added. These results indicate thatCMOEA is a promising, state-of-the-art algorithm for solvingmultimodal problems.


Because multimodal problems are ubiquitous in many prac-tical applications, a wide range of strategies have been devel-oped for solving them. Many methods are based on the ideaof incremental evolution, where complex problems are solvedincrementally, one step at a time [8].

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One incremental method is staged evolution, where theevolutionary process is divided into separate stages, each withits own objective function [10, 11]. The process starts in thefirst, easiest stage, and the population is moved to the next,more difficult stage when the first stage is considered “solved”according to stage-specific success criteria. Staged evolutionrequires each stage, the order in which the stages are presented,and the success criteria to be defined manually, but the designof the controller being evolved can be fully determined byevolution. Staged evolution can be made more smooth ifthe environment has parameters that allow for fine-grainedadjustments, such as the speed of the prey in a predator-preysimulation [8]. Such fine-grained staging has also been referredto as environmental complexification [14]. Closely related tostaged evolution is fitness shaping, where the fitness functionis either dynamically or statically shaped to provide a smoothgradient towards a final goal [27, 28]. Fitness shaping providesthe benefits of staging without the need to define the stagesexplicitly, but it does increase the complexity of the fitnessfunction, which needs to be carefully designed by hand.

Another successful incremental-evolution method is be-havioral decomposition [14], where a separate controller isoptimized for each task and higher level controllers can buildupon lower level controllers [12, 13], similar to hierarchicalreinforcement learning [29]. Variants of behavioral decompo-sition techniques frame the process as a cooperative multiagentsystem, where each agent optimizes the controller for a par-ticular subtask, such that a group of these agents can combinetheir controllers and solve the task as a whole [30, 31]. Onedownside of these behavioral decomposition methods is thatit becomes the experimenters responsibility to decide whichtasks should get their own controller, which controllers buildupon which other controllers, and in what order controllersshould be trained, all of which are difficult decisions that canseverely impact the effectiveness of the method. In addition,because the controllers are optimized separately, there is noopportunity for the optimization process to reuse informationbetween controllers or find atomic controllers that work welltogether, meaning computational time may be wasted dueto having to reinvent the same partial solutions in severaldifferent controllers.

A completely different way of approaching multimodalproblems is to focus on behavioral diversity [32]. Behavioraldiversity based approaches attempt to promote intermediatestepping stones by rewarding individuals for being differentfrom the rest of the population. As a result, a population willnaturally diverge towards many different behaviors, each ofwhich may be a stepping stone towards the actually desiredbehavior. One canonical example of an algorithm based onbehavioral diversity is Novelty Search, where individuals areselected purely based on how different their behaviors arecompared to an archive of individuals from previous gener-ations [33]. Novelty Search has been shown to be effectivein maze navigation and biped locomotion problems [33],though it is unclear whether these problems required mul-timodal behavior. By selecting for behavioral diversity andperformance, Mouret and Doncieux [34] were able to evolverobots that would exhibit a form of multimodal behavior where

a robot would alternate between searching for a ball anddepositing it in a predefined goal location. The main drawbackof behavioral diversity based approaches is that the spaceof possible behaviors can be massive, meaning that it maycontain many “uninteresting” behaviors that neither resemblea potential solution nor represent a stepping stone towards anyother relevant behavior. One method for avoiding the problemof having too many “uninteresting” solutions is by having afixed number of behavioral niches [18, 35]. By discretizingthe behavior space, Cully et al. [35] were able to evolve manydifferent modes of behavior for a hexapod robot, which formedthe basis of an intelligent trial-and-error algorithm that enabledthe robot to quickly respond to damage. Similarly, Nguyenet al. [18] were able to evolve a wide range of differentlooking images by having separate niches for images assignedto different categories by a pre-trained neural network, analgorithm called the Innovation Engine. CMOEA also buildson the idea of having different niches for different types ofsolutions, but instead of defining its niches based on differentbehaviors or different classes, it defines its niches based ondifferent combinations of subtasks.

The strategy of solving multimodal problems considered inthis paper revolves around framing it as a multiobjective prob-lem, where each training task is its own objective [3, 14, 28].We will refer to this strategy as multiobjective incrementalevolution and, as with staged evolution, it requires the problemto be decomposed into a set of subtasks, each with its ownfitness function. However, in contrast to staged evolution, thesubtasks do not have to be explicitly ordered and there is noneed to explicitly define success criteria for each stage.

There are many ways to obtain an appropriate set ofsubtasks. For example, it is possible to use prior knowledgein order to define a separate training task for every modeof behavior that might be relevant for solving the overallproblem, such as having separate subtasks for moving andjumping. Alternatively, it is also possible to generate differentenvironments and have each environment be its own trainingtask. Provided that the environments are diverse enough (e.g.some environments include objects that need to be jumpedover while other environments feature flat ground that needsto be traversed quickly) they can similarly encourage differentmodes of behavior. Subtasks could even involve differentproblem domains, such as image classification for one taskand robot locomotion for another task. The main idea is that,as long as a task is unique and somewhat related to theoverall problem, it can be added as an objective to promotemultimodal behavior.

That said, while it is relatively straightforward to splita multimodal problem into different subtasks, there is noguarantee that classic multiobjective algorithms will performwell on this set. The main reason is that the set of subtasks willoften be much larger than the number of objectives generallysolved by multiobjective algorithms; rather than a multiobjec-tive problem, which generally refers to problems with threeor fewer objectives [36–40], it becomes a many-objectiveproblem, a term coined for problems that require optimizationof many more objectives [37–40]. For example, the mazenavigation problem presented in this paper required at least

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100 subtasks in order to promote general maze solving be-havior (preliminary experiments with 10 subtasks generalizedpoorly and even with 100 training mazes generalization is notperfect, SI Sec. S3.1). Many popular multiobjective algorithmshave trouble with such a large number of objectives becausethey are based on the principle of Pareto dominance [36–40].According to the definition of Pareto-dominance, an individualA dominates an individual B only if A is not worse on anyobjective than B and A is better than B on at least oneobjective [41]. With the help of this Pareto-dominance relation,these algorithms attempt to approximate the true Pareto front,the set of solutions which are non-dominated with respectto all other possible solutions. However, as the number ofobjectives grows, the number of individuals in a populationthat are likely to be non-dominated increases exponentially.When nearly all individuals in a population are non-dominated,a Pareto-dominance based algorithm may lose its ability toapply adequate selection pressure. There exist many differentmethods to increase the maximum number of objectives thatthese Pareto-based algorithms can handle [37, 42, 43], andthese methods have been shown to be effective up to 10objectives if no assumptions about the problem are made [42],and up to 30 objectives if the majority of those objectives areredundant [37]. However, because of the exponential relation-ship between the number of objectives and the dimensionalityof the Pareto front, it is unlikely that purely Pareto-basedmethods will be able to scale much further.

There also exist many multiobjective evolutionary algo-rithms that do not rely on Pareto dominance [3, 41, 44, 45].Such techniques may be especially relevant for multimodalproblems because multimodal problems do not necessarilyrequire an approximation of the true Pareto front. Instead,multimodal problems simply require adequate performanceon all objectives, which generally means searching for onlya small area or point on the true Pareto front. In theory,searching for a point on a Pareto front can be achieved bysimply optimizing a weighted sum of all objectives [41]. Themain problem with such a weighted sum approach is that, evenwhen the desired tradeoff for the optimal solution is known,the trajectory for finding this optimal solution may not be astraight line, but may instead require the algorithm to find anumber of solutions with different tradeoffs first [41]. Thisissue will almost certainly be present in the context of multi-modal problems because different modes of behavior can varygreatly in difficulty, meaning that “straight line” optimization(i.e. attempting to learn all modes simultaneously) is likely tofail. As such, multimodal problems may be best tackled byalgorithms that do not strictly rely on Pareto dominance, butthat still explore many different tradeoffs during optimization.



The goal of CMOEA is to provide a large number ofpotential evolutionary stepping stones, thus increasing theprobability that some of these stepping stones are on the pathto solving the task as a whole. To do so, we define a bin forevery combination of subtasks of our problem. For example,

if we have the two subtasks of moving forward and movingbackward, there will be one bin for moving forward, onebin for moving backward, and one bin for the combinationof moving forward and backward. The algorithm starts bygenerating and evaluating a predetermined number of randomindividuals and adding a copy of each generated individualto every bin. Next, survivor selection is performed withineach bin such that, afterward, each bin contains a number ofindividuals equal to some predetermined bin size. For each bin,selection happens only with respect to the subtasks associatedwith that bin. After this initialization procedure, the algorithmwill perform the following steps at each generation: (1) select anumber of parents randomly from across all bins, (2) generateone child for each selected parent by copying and mutatingthat parent (no crossover is performed in the version presentedin this paper), (3) add a copy of each child to every bin, and(4) perform survivor selection within each bin (Fig. 2).

For survivor selection to work on a bin with multiplesubtasks, we need some way of comparing individuals whomay have different performance values on each of thesetasks. While there exist many selection procedures specificallydesigned to work with multiple objectives [41, 46–48], thesemultiobjective selection procedures tend to have difficulty withmany objectives (see Sec. II), which is exactly the problemCMOEA was designed to solve. As such, within bins, CMOEAcombines performance values on different tasks into a singlefitness value by taking their arithmetic mean or by multiplyingthem. Multiplication can be more effective than taking thearithmetic mean because it requires individuals to obtain atleast some non-zero performance on every relevant subtaskwithin a bin, rather than being able to specialize in a subsetof those subtasks while neglecting the others. Note that thesame properties can be obtained by taking the geometricmean, but multiplication is computationally more efficient tocalculate and both methods result in the same relative ordering.Multiplication does require clipping or shifting values in away that avoids negatives, as negative values could completelyalter the meaning of the combined performance metric. Thatsaid, it is generally considered good practice to normalizeperformance values regardless of whether values are combinedby taking the arithmetic mean or through multiplication, asoverly large or overly negative values can negatively impactthe effectiveness of both aggregation methods.

While CMOEA does not prescribe any particular selectionprocedure for the survivor selection step within each bin,we implement the multiobjective behavioral diversity methodby Mouret and Doncieux [32]. In this method, the multi-objective evolutionary algorithm NSGA-II [21] selects forboth performance and behavioral diversity, which allows it toavoid local optima and fitness plateaus [32]. We apply it as awithin-bin selection procedure because it ensures that each binmaintains individuals that solve the same subtasks in differentways. In addition, this method outperformed a method basedon novelty search with local competition [49], which is anotheralgorithm that optimizes for both performance and diversity(SI S3.2). For any particular bin, the performance objectiveis the main objective associated with that bin (e.g. moveforward, move backward, move forward × move backward,

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etc.). The behavioral diversity of an individual is calculatedby first measuring some relevant feature of the behavior of anindividual, called the behavior descriptor, and then calculatingthe mean distance to the behavior descriptors of all otherindividuals in the same bin. As such, the larger this distance,the more unique the behavior of the individual is with respectto the other individuals in that bin. Behavioral diversity metricsdiffer per domain, and details can be found in sections IV-Band IV-C.

Maintaining a bin for every single combination subtasksmay not be feasible on problems with many subtasks. Forexample, in the simulated robot maze navigation problem wedefine 100 subtasks (see section IV-C1 for details), whichwould result in 2100 − 1 = 1.27× 1030 different bins. Whileit may seem that such exponential scaling would preventCMOEA from being applied to larger problems, it is importantto note that what we really require from CMOEA is thatit provides a sufficiently large number of different steppingstones. As long as there is a sufficiently large number ofdirections in which improvements can be discovered, evolutionis unlikely to get stuck in local optima, and can thus continueto make progress. As such, if the number of bins is large,only a subset of bins may be necessary to provide therequired stepping stones. One method for constructing sucha subset, demonstrated in our maze navigation experiment(section IV-C1), starts by including the bin for each individualsubtask as well as the bin for the combination of all subtasks,and then adds random bins to the subset until a desirednumber of bins is reached. The code for CMOEA, as wellas for all experiments and control treatments, is available at:www.evolvingai.org/cmoea.

To assess the performance of CMOEA relative to otheralgorithms, we compare CMOEA against three successful mul-tiobjective algorithms, namely NSGA-II [21], NSGA-III [22]and ε-Lexicase Selection [23]. To verify the usefulness ofhaving many CMOEA bins, we also compare CMOEA againsta variant that only has a single bin with all of the subtasks. Adescription of each of these treatments is provided below.

B. Single Bin CMOEA

To verify that having many CMOEA bins actually providesa practical benefit, we run a control that features only a singleCMOEA bin, called the Single Bin treatment. The Single Bintreatment is the same as CMOEA, except that it only has onebin, namely the bin that is associated with all subtasks. Toensure a fair comparison, this bin is resized such that thenumber of individuals within this bin is equal to the totalnumber of individuals maintained by CMOEA across all bins(the Single Bin treatment with a population size equal to thenumber of new individuals created at each generation (1,000),which is a common default in EAs, performed worse, see SIFig. S5). In addition, the Single Bin treatment also implementsthe Pareto-based tournament selection procedure for parentselection from NSGA-II, which is expected to increase theperformance of the Single Bin treatment, and thus ensures acomparison against the best possible implementation of thistreatment [21].

Task 1 bin Task 2 bin All tasks bin

Select parents randomlyfrom any bin

Genereate offspring

Copy and mutate

Add copy of offspring toevery bin

Perform localselectionin every bin




Task 1 & 2 bin




One bin for every combination of tasks For each generation, do:



















































Diversity Diversity

Diversity Diversity Diversity Diversity

Diversity Diversity Diversity Diversity

Figure 2. Overview of CMOEA. At every generation, CMOEA first selectsa number of parents (1 in this example) randomly from across all bins. Itthen creates offspring by copying and mutating those parents and one copyof each offspring is added to every bin. Afterward, a local survivor-selectionmethod determines which individuals remain in each bin. In this example,survivor selection is performed by the non-dominated sorting algorithm fromNSGA-II, with performance on the tasks associated with the relevant bin asone objective and behavioral diversity within the bin as the other objective.


NSGA-II [21] is a Pareto-based multiobjective evolutionaryalgorithm that, because of its popularity [20, 21, 28, 32, 34,36–39, 42, 43, 50–52], functions as a recognizable benchmark.Briefly (see Deb et al. [21] for details), NSGA-II works bysorting a mixed population of parents and children into rankedfronts where each individual is non-dominated with respect toall individuals in the same and lower ranked fronts. Duringselection, NSGA-II iteratively adds individuals, starting fromthe highest ranked front and moving towards the lowest rankedfront, until a sufficient number of individuals have beenselected to populate the next generation. The last front in thisprocess generally can not be added to the next generation inits entirety, meaning that a tie-breaker is necessary. The tie-breaker in NSGA-II is a crowding score that prefers individu-als whose neighbors on each objective are far apart from eachother [21].


NSGA-III differs from NSGA-II only in the tie-breaker thatdetermines which individuals are selected from the last frontthat is copied to the next generation. While this is a smallchange algorithmically, the tie-breaking behavior can greatlyaffect performance on many-objective problems because, onthese problems, the majority of the population may actuallybe on the same front, meaning the tie-breaker can be themost important selective pressure applied by the algorithm.The tie-breaking behavior of NSGA-III is described in detailin Deb and Jain [22], so here we describe it only briefly.In order to deal with differently scaled objectives, NSGA-IIIfirst normalizes all objective scores. It then defines a numberof reference lines in this normalized space that are evenlydistributed over different trade offs between objectives (e.g.

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with two objectives and three lines, the trade offs will be [0, 1],[.5, .5], and [1, 0]). It subsequently assigns each individual tothe reference line that is closest to it. From there, NSGA-IIIfirst selects from the individuals that are closest to each line,never selecting the same individual twice. If that step did notprovide sufficient individuals, it randomly selects an individualfrom a line that has thus far provided the fewest individualsfor the next generation, ignoring lines that have no individualsassociated with them (i.e. NSGA-III will alternate selectingone individual from each line).

We have implemented NSGA-III as described in Deb andJain [22], with the exception that we normalize by the highestvalue found along each dimension of the objective space,rather than by the intercepts found based on the extremepoints of the population. The reason for this change is that,in preliminary experiments, the extreme points often did notspan the entire space, thus making it impossible to calculatethe intercepts. In addition, always performing normalization bythe highest value outperformed an alternative where we onlynormalize by highest value when the intercepts could not becalculated (SI S3.7). Following the standard implementation,the number of reference lines was chosen to be as close aspossible to the population size [22].

NSGA-III provides the possibility to add additional ref-erence lines corresponding to trade offs of interest. In allexperiments we added a reference line for the combinationof all objectives, as this is the trade off of interest.

E. ε-Lexicase Selectionε-Lexicase Selection is a state-of-the-art algorithm for solv-

ing multimodal problems and it thus presents another goodbenchmark to compare against [23]. The ε-Lexicase Selectionalgorithm is an extension of the Lexicase Selection algo-rithm [3], where each individual is selected by first choosinga random order for the objectives, and then selecting theindividual that is the best according to the lexicographicalordering that results from the randomly ordered objectives (e.g.if the random order of objectives is {Forward, Backward},first all individuals that have the maximum performance onthe Forward task will be selected and then the performanceon the Backward task will serve as a tiebreaker). Because theorder of objectives is randomized for every individual beingselected, Lexicase Selection will select specialists on each ofthe objectives first, with ties being broken by performance onother objectives.

While Lexicase Selection works well when subtask perfor-mance is measured in a discrete way (e.g. when performance ispassing or failing a particular test case), it tends to break downwhen the subtask performance is measured in a continuousspace, such as when performing regression. The reason forsuch failure is that the probability of having ties becomes closeto zero in a continuous space, meaning Lexicase Selectionwill regress to selecting the individual that is best at thefirst objective in the random order, while ignoring all otherobjectives. As a result, Lexicase Selection on continuoussubtasks effectively selects one specialist for each subtask, butit will not produce solutions with some performance on allsubtasks.

The ε-Lexicase Selection algorithm resolves this issue bydefining an ε margin such that a solution is considered tiedon a particular objective if it scores within ε of a particularthreshold on that objective. In [53] three versions of ε-Lexicase Selection are presented: static ε-Lexicase Selection,semi-dynamic ε-Lexicase Selection, and dynamic ε-LexicaseSelection. In static ε-Lexicase Selection, ε is either chosen inadvance or calculated based on the Median Absolute Deviation(MAD) on the objective among the entire population and thethreshold on each objective is either based on a preset maxi-mum or equal to the highest score on that objective among theentire population. In semi-dynamic ε-Lexicase Selection, ε isstill static, but the threshold is now the highest score amongthe individuals that are still considered for selection (e.g. ifthree individuals were considered tied on the first objective, thethreshold for the second objective will come from these threeindividuals, rather than from the entire population). Lastly,dynamic ε-Lexicase Selection calculates both the thresholdand ε based on the individuals still considered for selection,rather than across the entire population. To chose a versionto compare against (including regular Lexicase Selection), weperformed extensive preliminary experiments for each prob-lem, and we chose the version and parameters that worked bestin those preliminary experiments (SI S3.5). For the multimodallocomotion problem the best performing variant was semi-dynamic ε-Lexicase Selection with a fixed ε = 0.05. Forthe simulated robot maze navigation problem most variantsperformed equally well, and we chose dynamic ε-LexicaseSelection for comparison.

In previous work, ε-Lexicase Selection was implementedas part of an evolutionary algorithm where evolution happensby selecting a number of parents equal to the populationsize, and then having the children of these parents replacethe old population [23, 53]. To ensure a fair comparisonwith CMOEA, which maintains a population size that canbe much larger than the number of offspring created ateach generation, we have similarly decoupled the size of thepopulation and the number of offspring per generation for ε-Lexicase Selection. In our implementation, a predeterminednumber of parents are selected to produce an equal numberof offspring, and then survivors are selected from among thecombined population of parents and offspring until the numberof remaining individuals equals the intended population size.We apply ε-Lexicase Selection to both parent selection andsurvivor selection.

F. Combined-Target Objective

In order to perform well on a multimodal problem, inaddition to preserving important stepping stones, an evolu-tionary algorithm will also need to preserve solutions thatmake progress on the multimodal problem as a whole. In theproblems presented in this paper, progress on the multimodalproblem as a whole is defined as a linear combination overall objectives. After decomposing the multimodal probleminto sub-problems, due to practical limits on population size,there is no guarantee that a multiobjective evolutionary algo-rithm will preserve individuals that make progress on such

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a linear combination. However, many of them will preservethe best individual on each objective, as they are guaranteedto be on the Pareto-front and they tend to be preferred bymeasures intended to preserve a diverse Pareto-front (e.g.crowding score [21] or reference lines [22]). As such, if alinear combination on all objectives would be added as anadditional objective, which we will call the Combined-Target(CT) objective, individuals that have increased performanceon the multimodal problem as a whole may have a muchhigher chance of being preserved, which can thus increase theperformance of many multiobjective evolutionary algorithmswhen solving multimodal problems. In this paper, we test theCT objective with each of our controls, and we show that itimproves their performance in almost all cases. We did not testthe CT objective with CMOEA because CMOEA already hasa bin specifically dedicated towards optimizing this objective.


A. Settings and plotsFor all experiments, the number of individuals created at

every generation was 1,000. Because the population size ofCMOEA can not be set directly, as it is partially determinedby the number of subtasks, it has to be tuned by settingthe bin size. We set the bin size such that each bin wouldbe large enough to allow for some diversity within eachbin while keeping the total population size computationallytractable. For a fair comparison, the population size for allother treatments was subsequently set to be equal to the totalpopulation size maintained by CMOEA (we tested some ofthe controls with a population size equal to the number ofindividuals created at every generation, which is a commondefault in EAs, but those treatments performed worse, seeSI Sec. S3.3). All experiments involved the evolution of anetwork with NEAT mutation operators [54], extended withdeletion operators as described in previous work [20] (i.e. weimplemented delete node and delete connection mutations inaddition to the mutation operators already available in NEAT),and the treatments did not implement crossover. Experiment-specific settings are described in the relevant sub-sections.

All line plots show the median over 30 runs with differentrandom seeds. Unless stated otherwise, shaded areas indicatethe 95% bootstrapped confidence interval of the median ob-tained by resampling 5,000 times and lines are smoothed by amedian filter with a window size of 21. The performance of arun at a particular generation is defined as the highest perfor-mance among the individuals at that generation. Symbols inthe bar below each plot indicate that the difference betweenthe indicated distributions is statistically significant (accordingto the Mann-Whitney-U test with α = 0.05). Because thesesignificance indicators result in a large number of statisticaltests, we have applied a Bonferroni correction based on thenumber of treatments being compared. We did not apply aBonferonni correction based on the actual number of tests,because we believe that the large number of tests performedbetween the same treatments actually helps in identifyingspurious positives (see SI S1.1 for details). Unless otherwisespecified, all statistical comparisons are performed with theMann-Whitney-U test.





Forward Backward Turn-left

Turn-right Jump CrouchFigure 3. Six-tasks robot and problem. (a) The hexapod robot has 6 kneejoints with one degree of freedom and 6 hip joints with 2 degrees of freedom(up-down, front-back). (b) The six tasks that need to be learned by the robot.

(a) (b)

X1 BiasX2 Y1 Y2 Z1 Z2





Figure 4. The spatial network layout, MSS planes, and associated CPPNfor the multimodal locomotion task. (a) Spatial layout of the network forthe multimodal locomotion task. Neurons are shown in a cube that extendsfrom -1 to 1 in all directions and neurons are placed such that the extremeneurons lie on the boundaries of this cube. The letter above each of the sixinput neurons specifies with which task that neuron is associated: forward (F),backward (B), turn-left (L), turn-right (R), jump (J), and crouch (C). Besidesthese task-indicator neurons, the network has no other inputs. The color ofevery node and connection indicates to which MSS plane it belongs and itmatches the color of the CPPN outputs that determine its parameters. (b) TheCPPN for the multimodal locomotion task. Colored letters above the CPPNindicate the following outputs: weight output (W), link-expression output (L),bias output (B), and time-constant output (T). There is no bias or time-constantoutput in the CPPN for the red MSS plane because that plane governs the inputneurons of the CTRNN, which do not have bias or time-constant parameters.Inputs to the CPPN are the three coordinates for the source (x1, y1, z1) andtarget (x2, y2, z2) neurons and a bias input with the constant value of 1.

B. Simulated multimodal robot locomotion domain

1) Multimodal locomotion domain experimental setup: Wehave tested the performance of CMOEA on two differentproblems. The first is a simulated robotics problem known asthe six-tasks problem [20], where a simulated hexapod robothas to learn to perform six different tasks (move forward, movebackward, turn left, turn right, jump, and crouch) dependingon its inputs (Fig. 3). Neural network controllers (Fig. 4) areevaluated by performing a separate trial for each task, withthe information about which task to perform being presentedto the inputs. How performance and behavioral diversity aremeasured on this task follow Huizinga et al. [20] and aredescribed in SI Sec. S1.2. The robot was simulated with theBullet1 simulator.

Because this problem features six subtasks, CMOEA main-tains 26 − 1 = 63 bins (one for each combination of subtasksexcept the permutation with zero subtasks). For this problem,


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Robotics Task Performance

Combined-Target NSGA-IINSGA-IICombined-Target ε-Lexicaseε-LexicaseCombined-Target NSGA-IIINSGA-III

CT NSGA-IIp<0.016

NSGA-IICT ε-Lexicase ε-Lexicase

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000Number of Generations


Figure 5. The CT variant of each treatment performs significantlybetter than that same treatment without the CT objective. Note thatperformance values appear to be extremely low because it is the productof six numbers between 0 and 1, but an individual with a fitness greater than0.001 generally demonstrates some basic competency on all six tasks, whileand individual with a fitness smaller than 0.0003 does not (videos are availableat: www.evolvingai.org/cmoea).

the size of each bin was set to be 100, meaning that all controlshad a population size of 6,300. Following previous work [20],the controller was a Continuous-Time Recurrent Neural Net-work (CTRNN) [55] encoded by a Compositional Pattern-Producing Network (CPPN) [56], which was extended witha Multi-Spatial Substrate (MSS) [57] and a Link ExpressionOutput [58]. For details about the aforementioned algorithmsand extensions, we refer the reader to the cited papers.Parameters for the CTRNN and the evolutionary algorithmwere the same as in Huizinga et al. [20] and are listed in theSI for convenience (SI Sec. S1.2).

2) Multimodal locomotion domain results: The first thingto note is that CT NSGA-II significantly and substantially out-performed regular NSGA-II (Fig. 5). Similar, though smaller,effects can be observed for NSGA-III and ε-Lexicase Selection(Fig. 5). While this figure only shows results for semi-dynamicε-Lexicase Selection with ε = 0.05, the positive effect of theCT objective was observed in all versions that we tested (SIFig. S7). These results demonstrate that the CT objective isan effective method for alleviating the effects that the high-dimensional Pareto-front has on NSGA-II on this particularproblem, and that it can aid other multiobjective evolution-ary algorithms as well. This enhancement for multiobjectiveevolutionary algorithms is an independent contribution of thispaper.

Second, ε-Lexicase Selection and NSGA-III, with or with-out the CT objective, perform far worse than CT NSGA-II. It is unclear why these algorithms perform worse onthis multimodal locomotion task. For NSGA-III it may bethe case that, as it is better than NSGA-II at maintaininga well distributed Pareto front [22], solutions that performwell on the multimodal problem as a whole are not foundas quickly as with NSGA-II. This suggests that evolvingmultimodal behavior by splitting the desired behavior intosubtasks is not a regular multiobjective problem and that ahigh performance on classic multiobjective benchmarks does









Robotics Task PerformanceCMOEACombined-Target NSGA-IISingle BinCombined-Target NSGA-IIICombined-Target ε-Lexicase

CMOEAp<0.005 vs:

CT ε-LexicaseCT NSGA-IIISingle BinCT NSGA-II

CT NSGA-IICT ε-LexicaseCT NSGA-IIISingle Bin

Single Bin CT ε-LexicaseCT NSGA-III

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000Number of Generations

CT NSGA-III CT ε-Lexicase

Figure 6. CMOEA performs significantly better than the control treat-ments in early generations. After roughly 5,000 generations, the differencebetween CMOEA and CT NSGA-II is no longer significant, though thedifference between CMOEA and the other treatments remains significant.

not necessarily indicate a high performance on multimodalproblems. ε-Lexicase Selection may suffer from a similar issueand also has a second problem where the automatic calculationof ε does not work as well on this multimodal locomotionproblem as there are many tasks on which performance isoriginally 0, meaning the Median Average Deviation becomes0 as well. As a result, the version of ε-Lexicase Selection thatperformed best on this domain was a semi-dynamic versionwith a fixed ε (SI S3.5), but such a fixed ε may not be aseffective as an automatically adjusted ε because the optimal εmay change over generations. Other methods for calculatingε may work better, but we believe that those experiments areoutside the scope of this paper.

Because the CT versions of all of NSGA-II, NSGA-III andε-Lexicase Selection performed better than their regular coun-terparts, we consider only the CT versions for the remainderof the multimodal locomotion task results.

When we compare the controls with CMOEA, we seethat CMOEA performs significantly better than any of thecontrols for the first 5,000 generations (Fig. 6). After those5,000 generations, the significant difference between CMOEAand CT NSGA-II disappears, though the difference betweenCMOEA and the other treatments remains significant. CTNSGA-II also performs significantly better than the othertreatments besides CMOEA. The fact that the Single Bintreatment performs substantially and significantly worse thanboth CMOEA and CT NSGA-II is indicative of the importanceof having multiple different objectives. While the Single Bintreatment dedicates all of its resources to the combination ofthe six objectives, such a strategy did not lead to the bestperformance on this problem, presumably because it fails tofind all the necessary stepping stones required to learn thesebehaviors. Instead, both CMOEA and CT NSGA-II dedicatea substantial amount of resources towards optimizing subsetsof these objectives and these subsets then form the steppingstones towards better overall performance.

Given that both CMOEA and CT NSGA-II were stillgaining performance after 15,000 generations and that it was

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Robotics Task Performance (75,000 generations)CMOEA Mod.CMOEACombined-Target NSGA-II Mod.Combined-Target NSGA-IICombined-Target ε-Lexicase Mod.Combined-Target ε-LexicaseCombined-Target NSGA-III Mod.Combined-Target NSGA-III

CMOEA Mod.p<0.00625 vs:



CT NSGA-2 CT NSGA-2 Mod.CT ε-Lexicase CT ε-Lexicase Mod.

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000Number of Generations


Figure 7. While CT NSGA-II outperforms CMOEA in extended runs,CMOEA performed significantly and substantially better than CTNSGA-II when auxiliary objectives were added. The auxiliary objectivessignificantly improve the performance of CT ε-Lexicase Selection, have noobservable effect on the performance of CT NSGA-III, and significantlyreduce the performance CT NSGA-II. A magnification of CT ε-LexicaseSelection and NSGA-III with and without modularity is provided in the SI tovisualize the difference (SI Fig. S1).

unclear which algorithm would perform better in the longrun, we extended the experiments with these treatments up to75,000 generations (Fig. 7). While the difference is relativelysmall, CT NSGA-II starts outperforming CMOEA after about40,000 generations, though the difference is not significantafter the (potentially overly conservative) Bonferroni correc-tion. This result suggests that, similar to CMOEA, CT NSGA-II is capable of maintaining the evolutionary stepping stonesrequired for performing well on this task. In addition, giventhat CT NSGA-II maintains only seven different objectives(the six main objectives and the CT objective), it is likelythat CT NSGA-II is capable of dedicating more resourcesto individuals that perform well on the CT objective thanCMOEA, thus explaining why CT NSGA-II eventually out-performs CMOEA. If this is true, the performance of CMOEAcan possibly be improved by increasing the relative populationsize of the bin responsible for the combination of all subtasks.That said, even without such optimization, CMOEA remainscompetitive with CT NSGA-II for the majority of the 75,000generations.

Previous work has shown that it may be helpful to haveauxiliary objectives [59, 60] that influence the structure of theevolved neural networks, such as by promoting modularityor hierarchy [50–52]. In particular, the paper that brieflyintroduced CMOEA [20] demonstrated that selecting for geno-typic and phenotypic modularity increases the performance ofCMOEA on the six-tasks robot locomotion problem. In thispaper, the modularity of the genotype (i.e. the CPPN network)and the phenotype (i.e. the neural controller itself) was mea-sured through a computationally efficient approximation [61]of the modularity-Q score for directed networks [62], and thesetwo modularity scores were subsequently added as additionalobjectives to be maximized within each CMOEA bin. Mod-ularity may be beneficial on this problem because, once thephenotypic network has developed modules, those modulescan be involved in different types of behavior (e.g. there may

be a separate module for moving and a separate module forturning), allowing those behaviors to be optimized separately.However, because the network is indirectly encoded [63], amodular phenotype alone may not be sufficient to allow thosemodules to be separately optimized, as a local change inthe genotype may cause a global change in the phenotype.Supporting this hypothesis, previous work demonstrated thatperformance only increases with simultaneous selection forboth genotypic and phenotypic modularity, and not with selec-tion for either genotypic or phenotypic modularity alone [20].

Note that these two auxiliary modularity objectives are dif-ferent from the subtask objectives in that they are completelyunrelated to the problem that needs to be solved, meaning thatindividuals can gain performance on these objectives withoutmaking any progress towards the overall goal. Instead, theseobjectives promote genotypic and phenotypic structures thatincrease the evolvability of individuals, thus possibly increas-ing the potential of these individuals in later generations. Aswas shown in [20], being able to effectively make use of theseauxiliary objectives can greatly improve the effectiveness of analgorithm. As such, we examined whether our controls couldsimilarly benefit from the objectives of maximizing the Q-score of the genotype network and the phenotype network,which we will refer to as our auxiliary objectives.

For CMOEA, these two auxiliary objectives were addedto the NSGA-II selection procedure within every bin, thusensuring that every individual maintained by CMOEA wouldbe subject to selection for genotypic and phenotypic modular-ity [20]. While adding these additional objectives causes thenumber of objectives within each bin to increase to four, whichcould have been too many for the NSGA-II-based selectionprocedure, we hypothesize that the Pareto front within eachbin does not collapse because the objectives are not fullycompeting (i.e. increasing the modularity of the networkor its genome does not necessarily lead to a reduction inperformance or diversity). We refer the reader to [20] for amore in-depth discussion of this result.

Our controls do not have a selection procedure that is equiv-alent to CMOEA’s within-bin selection procedure. As such,the two most straightforward ways of adding the modularityobjectives to the controls is to either include the modularitymetric as a weighted sum with the primary objectives or addthe modularity objectives alongside the primary objectives.However, because the modularity metrics have a differentscale with respect to the primary performance objectives (e.g.the modularity metrics tend to be greater than 0.2 while thecombined performance objective does not become greater than0.01), a naive weighted sum is unlikely to work without exten-sive tuning of the weighting. As such, we believe that addinggenotypic and phenotypic modularity as separate objectives tothe controls is the method that is likely to perform best, andwhich thus represents the most fair comparison.

CT NSGA-II performed significantly worse when the mod-ularity objectives were added (Fig. 7). A likely cause for thiseffect is that, because these auxiliary objectives are completelyseparate from the main objectives, the algorithm maintainsindividuals that are champions at having a modular genotypeor a modular phenotype, but not in combination with actually

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performing well on any of the main objectives. CT ε-LexicaseSelection performs slightly (but significantly) better whenmodularity is added, suggesting that the algorithm is betterat finding tradeoffs between modularity and performance thanCT NSGA-II. The modularity objectives have no observableeffect on the performance of CT NSGA-III. It is unclear whythis is the case, but it is possible that, with 9 objectives,there are too few reference lines that actually describe relevanttradeoffs between modularity and performance. CMOEA en-sures a proper tradeoff between modularity and performanceby having the auxiliary objectives be present in every bin, thusforcing all individuals to invest in being modular, regardlessof which subtasks they solve. Because it may be harder toincrease performance at low performance values than at higherperformance values, care should be taken when comparingthe relative impact of the modularity objectives. That said,the benefit of the modularity objectives on the performanceof CMOEA is substantially larger than that of the controls,suggesting that CMOEA may be more effective when it comesto utilizing auxiliary objectives.

Note that, instead of adding the selection pressure forgenotypic and phenotypic modularity to every CMOEA bin,it is possible to allocate additional bins for individuals thatcombine genotypic and phenotypic modularity with perfor-mance (e.g. having one bin for jumping alone and anotherbin for jumping × genotypic and phenotypic modularity). Themain downside of such an approach is that it requires thetradeoff between modularity and performance to be explicitlydefined. However, because such an approach would increasethe number of potential stepping-stones that are preserved,it is possible that doing so would improve the performanceof CMOEA even when the modularity and performance ob-jectives are not properly balanced. Examining the effect ofadding additional bins that select for a linear combinationof modularity and performance remains a topic for futureresearch.

C. Simulated robot maze navigation domain

1) Maze domain experimental setup: The second problemis a simulated robot maze navigation task, where a wheeledrobot is put into a randomly generated maze and has tonavigate to a goal location. In contrast to the six-tasks problemdiscussed before, we do not define the different modalities ofthe problem explicitly. Instead, we have the modalities arisenaturally from the problem instances.

The mazes were generated according to the maze generationalgorithm from [64] (originally introduced in [65]), wherea grid-based space is repeatedly divided by a wall with asingle gap. The mazes for our experiments were generated bydividing a 20 by 20 grid 5 times with the goal placed in thecenter of a cell randomly selected from the grid. The grid wassubsequently converted into a continuous space where eachcell in the grid represented an area of 20 by 20 units. The robothad a circular collision body with a radius of 4 units, givingit plenty of space to move within a cell, and always startedat the center of the maze facing north. Walls were 2 unitswide and the gaps within each wall were 20 units wide. This

(a) (b) Rangefinder



Figure 8. Example maze and robot schematic. (a) Example maze generatedby the maze generation algorithm. The green lines represent the rangefindersensors of the robot. (b) The schematic of the maze exploration robot (adaptedfrom [33]).

maze-generation algorithm resulted in mazes with a house-like quality, where the space was divided into separate roomsconnected by doorways and the goal positioned somewherewithin one of those rooms (Fig. 8a). The robot was simulatedwith the Fastsim simulator [34, 66].

The robot had two different types of sensors: range-findersensors, which detect the distance to the closest wall in acertain direction, and goal sensors, which indicate whetherthe goal lies within a specific quadrant relative to the robot(Fig. 8b). In contrast to previous work [33, 64], our goalsensors did not work through walls. As a result, the problemhad two different modes: in the first mode the robot has totraverse different rooms in order to find the room containingthe goal, and in the second mode the robot has to movetowards a goal that is located in the same room. These twobehaviors are different modes because they require the robot tooperate in different ways. The most straight-forward methodfor traversing all rooms is probably a wall-following strategy,as it implicitly implements the classic maze solving strategyof always choosing the left-most or right-most path. However,moving towards the goal requires the robot to leave the walland exhibit homing behavior instead, as the goal may not belocated next to a wall.

In this problem, rather than selecting for each mode ofbehavior explicitly, we simply generate a large number ofmazes that may, by chance, emphasize different modes ofbehavior. For example, in some random mazes, the robot willstart in the same room as the goal, meaning that all it has to dois move straight towards the goal without any wall-followingbehavior. In other mazes, the robot may be in a different roomfrom the goal, but the goal may be located right next to a wall.In those mazes, wall-following behavior alone can guide therobot to the goal, without any homing behavior being required.Lastly, some mazes will put the robot and the goal in differentrooms, and put the goal somewhere in the center of a room,thus requiring both wall-following and homing behavior to benavigated successfully.

This experimental setup is especially relevant because itreflects a practical way of applying CMOEA. While it may behard to define in advance exactly all the different behavioralmodes that are important to solve a particular problem, it isusually much easier to define different instances of the sameproblem. As with our mazes, different instances of the sameproblem may emphasize different modalities and, as a result,

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these different instances may provide effective scaffolding forlearning to solve the problem as a whole.

In this experiment, the problem as a whole is not to solve aparticular maze, or even any specific set of mazes, but rather tosolve these house-like mazes in general. As such, any solutionevolved to solve a particular set of mazes has to be tested ona set of unseen mazes to assess its generality. To do this,for every run, we generated a training set of 100 mazes tocalculate the fitness of individuals during evolution and wegenerated a test set of 1,000 mazes to assess the generality ofindividuals. The generality of solutions was evaluated every100 generations for plotting purposes, but this information wasnot available to the algorithms.

Given that there are 100 mazes in our training set, there are100 different subtasks. As such, it is not feasible to maintaina bin for every combination of subtasks. Instead, we define amaximum number of bins (1,000 with bin size 10, meaningeach bin contains 10 individuals, in this experiment) to whichwe assign different sets of subtasks. First, we assign the combi-nation of all subtasks to one of our bins, as this combinationrepresents the problem we are trying to solve. Second, weassign every individual training task to a bin, as those providethe most obvious starting points for our algorithm. Lastly, theremaining bins, which we will call dynamic bins, are assignedrandom combinations of subtasks. To create a random set ofsubtasks, we included each training task with a probabilityof 50%, meaning most bins were associated with about halfof the total number of subtasks. We choose this method forits simplicity, even though a different approach could haveoffered a smoother gradient from bins that govern only a fewsubtasks to bins that govern many subtasks. Examining theeffectiveness of smoothed bin selection methods is a topic forfuture work.

To make sure the algorithm does not get stuck becauseit was initialized with poor sets of subtasks, we randomlyreassign the subtasks associated with one of the dynamicbins every generation. While this does mean that many ofthe individuals previously assigned to that bin will now bereplaced (as the selection criteria may be completely different),some research has suggested that such extinction events mayactually help an evolutionary process in various ways [67–69]. We did not attempt to find the optimal rate at which toreassign the subtasks of the dynamic bins, but we found thatthe arbitrary choice of one bin per generation performed wellin this particular domain.

Performance of an individual on a maze was defined asits distance to the goal divided by the maximum possibledistance to the goal for that maze (i.e. the distance from thegoal to the furthest corner of the maze). A fitness of onewas awarded as soon as the body of the robot was on topof the goal, at which point the maze was considered solved.Performance on a combination of mazes was calculated as themean performance over those mazes. We did not calculate themultiplicative performance on this problem because individu-als did not over-specialize on easy mazes, probably becauseno additional fitness could be gained after a maze was solved.Every simulation lasted for 2,500 time-steps or until the mazewas solved. The wheels of the robot had a maximum speed

of 3 units per time-step and the speed of each wheel wasdetermined by scaling the output of the relevant output neuronto the [−3, 3] range.

The robot controllers were directly-encoded recurrent neu-ral networks with 10 inputs (6 for the rangefinders and 4for the goal sensors), 2 outputs (one for each wheel), andsigmoid activation functions. Neural network and EA settingsfollowed Stanton and Clune [70] and are listed in SI Sec. S1.3.

2) Maze domain results: By the end of 1,000 generations,all treatments evolved a well-known, general maze-solving so-lution, which is to pick any wall and follow it in one directionuntil the goal is reached (see video on www.evolvingai.org/cmoea). Here, the solution is also multimodal, as individualsswitch from wall-following behavior to goal-homing behaviorwhen they see the goal.

In preliminary experiments, the CT objective helped forboth ε-Lexicase Selection and NSGA-II, but slightly hurt theperformance of NSGA-III in this domain (SI S3.6). As such,we include only CT ε-Lexicase Selection, CT NSGA-II, andregular NSGA-III in the experiments presented here.

With respect to performance on the training set, CMOEAand CT ε-Lexicase Selection performed significantly betterthan any of the other controls during the first 100 generations,and they both quickly converged near the optimal performanceof 1, with CT ε-Lexicase Selection converging slightly fasterthan CMOEA (Fig. 9a). The Single Bin treatment convergedslightly slower than CMOEA and CT ε-Lexicase Selection, butit reached a similar near-perfect performance after about 200generations, indicating that the additional bins were helpfulduring early generations, but not required for solving thisproblem. After 600 generations, the Single Bin treatmentactually performs significantly better than CMOEA, not interms of its median performance, but in terms of the numberof runs that obtain perfect performance (Fig. 9a inset). Thisdifference is also apparent in terms of the number of mazessolved after 1,000 generations (Fig. 10a), as all but threeSingle Bin runs solved all training mazes perfectly, whilethe success rate of CMOEA was not as high. Both NSGA-III and Combined Target NSGA-II were slower in findingnear-optimal solutions, demonstrating the debilitating effectof 100 objectives on these Pareto-dominance based methods.That said, after 1,000 generations NSGA-III solves all trainingmazes in all but four of its runs, whereas Combined TargetNSGA-II solves significantly fewer (Fig. 10a).

For the most part, observations that held for performanceon the training set also held for performance on the testset, both in terms of performance (Fig. 9b) and in terms ofmazes solved (Fig. 10b). That is, CMOEA and CT ε-LexicaseSelection converged faster than the other treatments, but theother treatments caught up eventually (Fig. 9b). After 1,000generations, solutions found by NSGA-III have the highestperformance on the test set (Fig. 9b) and solve significantlymore mazes than the other treatments (Fig. 10b).

In general, solutions found by NSGA-III generalized bestrelative to their performance on the training set; NSGA-IIIis not significantly different from CMOEA, Single Bin, andCombined Target ε-Lexicase Selection on the training set,but it outperforms those treatments on the test set (Figs. 9b

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100 maze - performance training set

CMOEAp<0.005 vs:

CT NSGA-IINSGA-IIISingle binCT ε-Lexicase

CT ε-LexicaseCT NSGA-IINSGA-IIISingle bin


0 200 400 600 800 1000Number of Generations













100 maze - performance test set

CMOEA (bin sampling)Single binCombined-Target ε-LexicaseCombined-Target NSGA-IINSGA-III

CMOEAp<0.005 vs:

CT NSGA-IINSGA-IIISingle binCT ε-Lexicase

CT ε-LexicaseCT NSGA-IINSGA-IIISingle bin


0 200 400 600 800 1000Number of Generations



Figure 9. On the maze domain, CMOEA and CT ε-Lexicase Selection significantly outperformed the other treatments during early generations,though NSGA-III eventually has the highest performance on the test set. (a) On the training set, the median performance of each treatment, except CTNSGA-II, converged to 1. CT ε-Lexicase Selection and CMOEA are the first to converge, followed by the Single Bin treatment and finally NSGA-III. Theinset shows a zoom in of the indicated area, but instead of showing a confidence interval of the median it shows the interquartile range, which makes it clearthat the significant difference between CMOEA and the Single Bin treatment around 700 and 900 generations is because the Single Bin has more runs thatconverged to a performance of 1. (b) Median test-set performance of the individual with the highest training-set performance from each replicate, with tiesbroken arbitrarily. Because performance on the test set is only evaluated every 100 generations, lines are not smoothed by a median filter. On the test set,CMOEA and CT ε-Lexicase Selection significantly outperformed the other treatments at generation 100. NSGA-III started outperforming all other treatmentsfrom generation 800 and onward, though its difference with the single bin treatment is not significant.

and 10b). It is unclear why this is the case, but it is possiblethat NSGA-III maintains a larger diversity of solutions thanthe other treatments because it attempts to maintain a welldistributed 100-dimensional Pareto front. Maintaining such alarger diversity may have increased the survival of individualsthat generalize well, thus resulting in slower convergence butbetter generalization.

Overall, CT ε-Lexicase Selection is the treatment thatconverges fastest on this problem, while NSGA-III has thebest test-set performance after 1,000 generations. However,both CT ε-Lexicase Selection and NSGA-III perform sub-stantially worse than CMOEA on the multimodal locomotionproblem. Conversely, while CT NSGA-II performed betterthan CMOEA on the multimodal locomotion problem, it doesnot perform as well on the maze navigation problem. Assuch, while CMOEA is not the best performing algorithm oneither problem, it is competitive with the best algorithms onboth problems, thus making it the most generally effectivealgorithm on these two problems.

Lastly, note that the Single Bin treatment performs wellon this problem, as it converged faster than NSGA-III andgeneralized better than CT ε-Lexicase Selection, suggestingthat the maze navigation problem does not actually require analgorithm specialized in solving multimodal problems. Thatsaid, the maze navigation problem still highlighted differentconvergence and generalization properties of the tested algo-rithms and was useful for demonstrating how CMOEA canpotentially scale to at least 100 subtasks.

We hypothesize that CMOEA converges slower than CT ε-Lexicase Selection because, on this maze navigation problem,it is relatively easy to find near perfect solutions on the trainingset. Once the population gets close to the global optimum ofthe search problem, CMOEA will spend a lot of computationalresources in areas of the search space that are no longer

relevant to the problem being solved, whereas CT ε-LexicaseSelection maintains a pressure on the entire population to solvethe remaining mazes. However, we argue that this is only a mi-nor disadvantage for most practical problems, as it is unlikelythat an evolutionary algorithm will actually get near the trueglobal optimum for a real-world problem. In those problems,diversity and different stepping stones are likely to remainrelevant for the entirety of an evolutionary run. However, evenif this is not the case, one can switch from CMOEA withmany bins to CMOEA with a single bin when there is a beliefthat additional bins are no longer beneficial. For example, onecould switch after a predetermined number of generations orwhen performance gains slow down. Alternatively, one couldestimate the contribution of each bin separately by measuringthe number of generations since a child from this bin managedto survive in a different bin, and slowly remove the numberof bins over time. Either way, these strategies would allowCMOEA to maintain selection pressure, even when close tothe global optimum. Analyzing the effectiveness of such aversion of CMOEA is a fruitful topic for future research.


Many real-world problems require multimodal behavior,from self-driving cars, which need to act differently dependingon where they are, to medical robots, which require a widerange of different behaviors to perform different operations.Unfortunately, complex multimodal behavior may be difficultto learn directly and classic evolutionary optimization algo-rithms tend to rely on manual staging or shaping in orderto learn such tasks. Such manual staging or shaping of atask requires extensive domain knowledge because finding thecorrect stepping stones and the order in which they should betraversed is a difficult problem, making it hard to estimatewhether any particular staging or shaping strategy is truly

Page 13: Evolving Multimodal Robot Behavior via Many Stepping ... · CMOEA can preserve stepping stones that may be lost in other EAs. In this hypothetical example, a four-legged robot has


CMOEA NSGA-III Single bin CT ε-Lexicase CT NSGA-II0









p = 4.6e-02 p = 2.9e-01 p = 6.3e-02 p = 2.8e-04p = 5.8e-03 p = 2.7e-06

p = 2.2e-01p = 1.2e-04

p = 1.7e-01p = 1.7e-03

Statistically significant differences (p<0.005) are in bold

Training mazes solved after 1000 generations(a)

CMOEA NSGA-III Single bin CT ε-Lexicase CT NSGA-II0









p = 1.3e-05 p = 4.3e-03 p = 2.1e-02 p = 7.7e-02p = 1.0e-03 p = 1.9e-03

p = 3.6e-04p = 5.0e-05

p = 1.7e-01p = 2.4e-01

Statistically significant differences (p<0.005) are in bold

Test mazes solved after 1000 generations(b)

Figure 10. All treatments except CT NSGA-II perform roughly equally in terms of number of mazes solved on the training set, but NSGA-IIIoutperforms all other treatments on the test set. (a) The number of training mazes solved by the individual with the highest training-set performance fromeach replicate, with ties broken arbitrarily. On the training set, CT NSGA-II solved significantly fewer mazes than the other treatments. There is no significantdifference between any of the other treatments. (b) The number of test mazes solved by the individual with the highest training-set performance, with tiesbroken arbitrarily. On the test set, NSGA-III solved significantly more mazes than any other treatment, closely followed by the Single Bin treatment. Thereare no significant differences between CT ε-Lexicase Selection, CMOEA, or CT NSGA-II.

optimal for the problem at hand. In this paper, we haveintroduced the Combinatorial Multi-Objective EvolutionaryAlgorithm (CMOEA), an algorithm specifically designed tosolve complex multimodal problems automatically, withouthaving to explicitly define the order in which the problemshould be learned.

We have shown that CMOEA is effective at solving twodifferent tasks: (1) a simulated multimodal robot locomotiontask and (2) a simulated robot maze navigation task. Wehave also introduced the Combined-Target (CT) objective,which improves the performance of NSGA-II, NSGA-III andε-Lexicase Selection when evolving multimodal behavior. Onthe multimodal locomotion task, CMOEA outperforms CTNSGA-III, CT ε-Lexicase Selection, and a variant of CMOEAwith only a single bin, and it is competitive with CT NSGA-II.On the maze domain, CMOEA converges faster than NSGA-III, CT NSGA-II, and Single Bin CMOEA, though it doesnot generalize as well, and it is competitive with CT ε-Lexicase Selection. Thus, at least on these two problems, itis more generally effective than any other single algorithm.Lastly, we have shown that CMOEA is more effective atincorporating auxiliary objectives that increase the evolvabilityof individuals, and these auxiliary objectives enable CMOEAto substantially outperform all controls on the multimodallocomotion task.


We thank Christopher Stanton, Roby Velez, Nick Cheney,and Arash Norouzzadeh for their comments and suggestions.This work was funded by NSF CAREER award 1453549.


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Supplementary materials for:Evolving Multimodal Robot Behavior via Many Stepping Stones with the

Combinatorial Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm


A. Plot significance indicators

Most line plots presented in this paper and its SI show“significance indicators” below each plot, which indicatewhether there exists a statistically significant difference(Mann-Whitney-U test with α = 0.05) between two treat-ments. Together with the 95% bootstrapped confidence inter-vals, they are intended to provide the reader with an indicationof where apparent differences between two treatments mayrepresent an actual difference in the underlying distributions.Depending on the number of generations, about two dozentests are performed for each comparison between two treat-ments.

Under the assumption that these tests are independent,performing this many statistical tests greatly increases theprobability of observing false positives. However, such falsepositives can be easily detected, because they will generally beisolated points without neighbors. We do not hide such falsepositives from the reader, but we only consider a differenceto be statistically significant if, under the assumption thateach test is independent, there exists a consecutive series ofsignificance indicators such that the probability that all ofthem are false positives is smaller than our chosen α of 0.05(which is two consecutive positives for up to 20 tests andthree consecutive positives for up to 410 tests). However, it isimportant to note that the statistical tests are not independent;if there exists a significant difference between two treatmentsat time t, it is likely there will be a significant difference attime t+ 1, and if there was no significant difference betweentwo treatments at time t then it is likely that there will not be asignificant difference at time t+1. In the strongest case, wheretwo consecutive tests will always give the same result, multipleconsecutive positives do not indicate a reduced probability ofthere being a false positive, but the additional tests also donot increase the probability of a false positive (e.g. either nonof the tests are false positives, or all of them are). For ourexperiments the behavior will be somewhere in the middle, butin either case, given the precaution of looking for a sufficientnumber of consecutive positives, these additional tests shouldnot increase the probability of false positives to be higher thanthe chosen α.

In addition to performing many consecutive tests, we alsocompare many different treatments. In the main paper, to re-duce the probability of false positives as a result of comparingmany different treatments, we apply a per-figure Bonferronicorrection based on the number of treatments being compared.

We did not apply a similar correction to the SI, as these graphsare intended to explain our decision making progress, ratherthan be results on their own. As such, in the SI, the significanceindicators should only be considered as a visual aid, rather thanas a proper indicator of significance.

B. Simulated multimodal robot locomotion experiment

Below is a description of the settings for the multimodallocomotion experiment. All settings are from [20].

1) Performance evaluation: Performance for the differentrobotics tasks is calculated in six separate trials, one for eachtask. During each trial, the neural network input associatedwith the task being evaluated is set to 1, and the other inputsare set to 0. At the start of each trial, the robot is moved to itsstarting position of [0, 1, 0]. Performance values on the forward(pf ), backward (pb), and crouch (pc) tasks are calculated as:

pf =xT12.5

pb =−xT12.5

pc =1



(1− ||~ct − [0, 0, 0]||)

Where ~ct = [xt, yt, zt] is the center of mass of the robotat time-step t, and T is the total number of time-steps in anevaluation. 12.5 is a normalizing constant that was estimatedbased on the maximum performance reached on this objectivein preliminary, single-objective experiments. Performance val-ues on the turning tasks, turn-left (pl) and turn-right (pr), arecalculated as:

pl =25

T − 1


(∠l(~xt, ~xt−1)ut)+min(1−1



||~ct−~c0||, 0)

pr =25

T − 1


(−∠l(~xt, ~xt−1)ut) +min(1− 1



||~ct −~c0||, 0)

Where ~xt is a vector pointing in the forward direction of therobot at time t, ∠l( ~x1, ~x2) is the left angle between ~x1 and ~x2,and ut is 1 when the robot is upright (the angle between therobot’s up vector and the y axis is less than π

3 ) and 0 otherwise.In short, turning fitness is defined as the degrees turned whilebeing upright, with a penalty for moving more than one unitaway from the start. 25 is a normalizing constant that was

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Parameter ValuePopulation size 6,300CMOEA bin size 100CMOEA number of bins 63Add connection prob. 9%Delete connection prob. 8%Add node prob. 5%Delete node prob. 4%Change activation function prob. 10%Change weight prob. 10%Polynomial mutation η 10Minimum weight CPPN −3Maximum weight CPPN 3Minimum weight and bias CTRNN −2Maximum weight and bias CTRNN 2Minimum time-constant CTRNN 1Maximum time-constant CTRNN 6Activation function CTRNN σ(x) = tanh(5x)


estimated based on the maximum performance reached on thisobjective in preliminary, single-objective experiments. Lastly,jump performance (pj) is defined as:

pj =

{ymax : ymax · uT ≤ 0.5ymax + 1− ||~cT − ~c0|| : ymax · uT > 0.5

Where ymax is defined as maxT/2t=1(1 − ||~ct − [0, 2, 0]||).During the first half of the evaluation, this equation rewards therobot for jumping towards a [0, 2, 0] target coordinate. Duringthe second half of the evaluation, provided that the robot wasable to jump at least half-way towards the target coordinateand that it is upright at the end of the trial, it can obtainadditional fitness by returning to the starting position. Thissecond half was added to encourage a proper landing. For binswith multiple subtasks, performance values are multiplied toobtain the fitness of individuals. The number of time steps was400 for the forward and backward tasks and 200 for the othersubtasks.

2) Behavioral diversity: To calculate the behavior descrip-tor for each individual, we first recorded 6 training-task vectorsby setting the input for one of the subtasks to 1, and thenbinarizing the values of the 18 actuators over 5 time-stepsby setting all values > 0 to 1 and other values to 0, whichresulted in 6 binary vectors of 90 elements each. We thencreated a seventh majority vector by taking the element-wisesum of the 6 training-task vectors, and binarizing the resultsuch that values > 3 were set to 1 and others were set to 0.Lastly, we XORed the majority vector with every training-taskvector and concatenated the 6 resulting vectors to create thebehavior descriptor. Distances between behavior descriptorswere calculated with the hamming distance.

3) Parameters: The network for the robotics task wasrepresented by the HyperNEAT encoding, meaning that aCPPN genotype detemined the weights of the neural network

Function Definition

Sine σ(x) = sin(x)

Sigmoid σ(x) = 21+e−x − 1

Gaussian σ(x) = e−x2

Linear (clipped) σ(x) = clip(x,−3,3)3


controller [56]. The CPPN was evolved with the followingNEAT mutation operators: add connection, delete connection,add node, delete node, change weight, and change activationfunction (probabilities are listed in table S1). The changeweight and change activation function mutations were per con-nection and per node, respectively. Weights were mutated withthe polynomial mutation operator [71]. The possible activationfunctions for the CPPN were: sine, sigmoid, Gaussian andlinear, where the linear function was scaled and clipped. Seetable S2 for the definitions of each activation function. Nodesdid not have an explicit bias, but a bias input was provided tothe CPPN. After mutation, all weights were clipped so theywould not fall outside the minimum and maximum values(see table S1). Initial CPPNs were fully connected withouthidden neurons and with their weights and activation functionsuniformly drawn from their allowable range. The CPPN hadseparate outputs for the weights, the biases, and the time-constants of the CTRNN, and those outputs were scaled to fitthe minimum and maximum values of the respective CTRNNparameter (see table S1). For the CTRNN, the activationfunction of the hidden neurons was scaled to [0, 1] to ensureinhibited neurons would not propagate signals.

C. Simulated robot maze navigation experiment

Below are the settings for the maze navigation experi-ment. Evolutionary algorithm and neural network settings arefrom [70].

1) Performance evaluation: As mentioned in the mainpaper (Sec. IV-C1), performance of an individual on a mazewas defined as its distance to the goal divided by the maximumpossible distance to the goal for that maze, with a performanceof 1 awarded if the robot would hit the goal itself. The equationis:

p =

{1− (dist/maxDist) : dist ≥ radius1 : otherwise

Here, dist is the distance between the robot and the goal atthe end of the simulation, maxDist is the distance betweenthe goal and the furthest corner, and radius is the radius ofthe circular robot. A maze would be considered solved as soonas dist < radius, and the simulation would end immediatelywhen this condition was met.

2) Behavioral diversity: The behavior descriptor for a sin-gle maze was defined as the (x, y) coordinate of the individualat the end of the simulation. The behavior descriptor of

Page 18: Evolving Multimodal Robot Behavior via Many Stepping ... · CMOEA can preserve stepping stones that may be lost in other EAs. In this hypothetical example, a four-legged robot has


Parameter ValuePopulation size 10,000CMOEA bin size 10CMOEA number of bins 1,000Add connection probability 15%Delete connection probability 5%Rewire connection probability 15%Add node probability 5%Delete node probability 5%Change bias probability 10%Change weight probability 10%Polynomial mutation η 15Minimum weight −1Maximum weight 1Activation function σ(x) = 1



an individual over all mazes was a one dimensional vectorcomposed of the final (x, y) coordinates over all mazes.Distance between behavioral descriptors was defined as theManhattan distance between those vectors.

3) Parameters: In the maze experiment, the controller wasa directly encoded recurrent neural network. The controllerwas evolved with to the following NEAT mutation opera-tors: add connection, remove connection, rewire connection,add node, remove node, change weight, and change bias(probabilities are listed in table S3). The change weight andchange bias mutations were per connection and per node,respectively. Weights and biases were mutated with the poly-nomial mutation operator [71]. After mutation, weights andbiases were clipped to lie within their allowable range. Todetermine whether a rewire connection mutation would beapplied, the operator would iterate over all connections, applythe rewire mutation with the indicated probability (Tab. S3),and stop iterating as soon as the mutation was applied once.The ordering of the connections in this process was arbitrary.When applied, it would change either the source (50%) orthe target (the other 50%) of the connection, and randomlydraw a new source or target from the available candidates.Multiple connections with the same source and target wouldnot be allowed. Initial networks were created with between 10and 30 hidden neurons and between 50 and 250 connectionsand their weights and biases were uniformly drawn from theallowable range.


A. Main paper figure 7 magnification

Because the performance of Combined-Target ε-LexicaseSelection and NSGA-III is low relative to the other treatments,the effect that selection for modularity has on these treatmentsis difficult to see in the original figure (main paper Fig. 7).Here we provide a magnification of that figure (Fig. S1). Thefigure shows that, while the extra objectives of maximizinggenotypic and phenotypic modularity have little effect on










Robotics Task Performance (75,000 generations)CMOEA Mod.CMOEACombined-Target NSGA-II Mod.Combined-Target NSGA-IICombined-Target ε-Lexicase Mod.Combined-Target ε-LexicaseCombined-Target NSGA-III Mod.Combined-Target NSGA-III

CMOEA Mod.p<0.00625 vs:



CT NSGA-2 CT NSGA-2 Mod.CT ε-Lexicase CT ε-Lexicase Mod.

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000Number of Generations


Figure S1. Combined-Target ε-Lexicase Selection performs significantlybetter with selection for genotypic and phenotypic modularity, whilemodularity does not seem to have an observable effect on the performanceof NSGA-III. This figure is a magnification of figure 7 from the main paper.

NSGA-III, Combined-Target ε-Lexicase Selection performssignificantly better after roughly 20,000 generations.


A. Number of training mazes

In order to evolve general maze solving behavior, it isnecessary to have a sufficiently large training set that allowsindividuals to learn the general behaviors necessary to solvemazes. In initial experiments, we tested CMOEA (without bin-sampling and with a bin size of 10), the Single Bin control,and Combined-Target NSGA-II with a training set of only10 mazes (Fig. S2). All treatments reach perfect performanceon the 10 training mazes before 250 generations, but thehighest test-set performance is around 0.9, demonstrating thatthe treatments do not perfectly generalize to other mazes.Interestingly, CMOEA is the first treatment to solve all 10training mazes, yet it is has the lowest performance on thetest set, while Combined-Target NSGA-II is the last treatmentto solve all 10 training mazes, but it obtains the highestperformance on the test set. This result suggests that, whileattempting to maintain a Pareto-front over all objectives slowsdown progress on the combination of all objectives, such anapproaches also preserves more general strategies than the bin-wise approach implemented in CMOEA. We argue that thisissue can be resolved by providing CMOEA with a largernumber of training mazes, as is presented in the main paper(Sec. IV-C2), as this makes it harder to overfit to the trainingset.

Because there exist simple strategies that should general-ize well to all mazes (e.g. general wall following behaviorcombined with homing behavior), we would expect that anevolutionary algorithm should be able to find such a strategygiven a sufficiently large number of training mazes. Thatsaid, even when we increased the number of training mazesto 100, individuals that perfectly solved all 100 mazes stilldid not generalize to all 1,000 unseen mazes from the testset, regardless of which algorithm produced those individuals(Fig. S3). Visualizing these individuals on the test mazes that

Page 19: Evolving Multimodal Robot Behavior via Many Stepping ... · CMOEA can preserve stepping stones that may be lost in other EAs. In this hypothetical example, a four-legged robot has












ce10 Maze - Performance Training Set

CMOEACombined-Target NSGA-IISingle bin

0 200 400 600 800 1000Number of Generations

p<0.05 vsCMOEA Single bin












10 Maze - Performance Test Set

CMOEACombined-Target NSGA-IISingle bin

0 200 400 600 800 1000Number of Generations

p<0.05 vsCMOEA Single bin



Figure S2. A training set of 10 mazes does not lead to general maze-solving behavior on the test set. (a) On the training set of 10 mazes, all treatmentsquickly converge to the optimal value of 1, suggesting that all treatments can solve all training mazes. (b) On the test set of 1,000 mazes, none of thetreatments are able to reach a performance of 1, indicating that they are unable to solve all 1,000 test mazes and suggesting that the 10 training mazes wereinsufficient to evolve general maze solving behavior. Data for each treatment is from 30 independent runs.

CMOEA NSGA-III Single bin CT ε-Lexicase CT NSGA-II0









19 individuals 26 individuals 27 individuals 22 individuals 11 individuals

Test mazes solved by individuals perfect on training set

Figure S3. Even with a training set of 100 mazes, individuals do notperfectly generalize to 1,000 mazes. Plot shows the number of test mazessolved by the individuals from each treatment that were capable of solvingall mazes. Below each box is the number of individuals from the relevanttreatment that were able to perfectly solve all 100 training mazes.

they were unable to solve revealed that most failures happenedbecause of rare sensor values, such as being in the cornerof an unusually large room or seeing the goal through thedoorway of an adjacent room. These rare sensor values causedinefficient behavior that resulted in the robot not being ableto reach the goal in time. A video that includes some of thesefailed test cases is available at: www.evolvingai.org/cmoea. Itis likely that an even larger number of training mazes couldhelp these individuals learn how to deal with these cornercases, but doing so is a topic for future work.

B. CMOEA bin selection

In early experiments, we examined two survivor selectionmethods for within CMOEA bins. To ensure that CMOEA binswould not be populated by near-identical copies of the sameindividual, both selection methods included mechanisms thatwould be able to preserve within-bin diversity by maintaining

individuals that would solve the same combination of tasksin different ways. The selection methods were: (1) NSGA-II’s non-dominated sorting with behavioral diversity as asecondary objective [21], explained in detail in the main paper,and (2) a selection method inspired by Novelty Search withLocal Competition [49]. In this second variant, whenever anindividual had to be removed in order to reduce the numberof individuals in a bin back to the predefined bin size, thealgorithm would find the two individuals in the bin that wereclosest to each other in terms of their behavior (calculated withthe same distance metric used when calculating behavioraldiversity), and out of those two it would remove the individualwith the lowest fitness. As such, this method would promotea diverse set of individuals with fitness values that were highwith respect to their behavioral neighborhood.

In these experiments, NSGA-II’s non-dominated sortingalgorithm performed significantly better than the selectionmethod based on Novelty Search with Local Competition(Fig. S4a). One possible reason for this result is that theNovelty-Search-with-Local-Competition based method wouldlead to a higher diversity at the cost of a lower averageperformance inside each bin. Given that CMOEA alreadyhas its bins as a method of maintaining diversity, within binperformance may be more important than within bin diversityfor the purpose of solving multimodal problems.

It is important to note that, for these experiments, thenetwork layout was different from the layout used in the mainpaper (Fig. S4b). Specifically, input and output neurons werepositioned in a radially symmetric pattern corresponding tothe physical location of the sensors and actuators of the robot.Other preliminary experiments suggested that the grid basedlayout presented in the main paper performed better in general,so we did not perform any further experiments with the radiallayout. However, as we have no reason to suspect that networklayout would interact with the within-bin survivor-selectionmethod, we did not repeat the bin-selection experiments withthe grid-based layout.

Page 20: Evolving Multimodal Robot Behavior via Many Stepping ... · CMOEA can preserve stepping stones that may be lost in other EAs. In this hypothetical example, a four-legged robot has













Performance over timeCMOEA NSGA2CMOEA Div.

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400Number of Generations



Figure S4. (a) CMOEA combined with NSGA-II performed significantly better than CMOEA combined with a Novelty-Search-with-Local-Competitionbased method in preliminary experiments. Data for each treatment is from 30 independent runs. (b) The neuron layout for this preliminary experiment wasdifferent from the neuron layout of the main experiment. The neurons are depicted in a cube extending from -1 to 1 in all directions. Inputs are positioned asdescribed in the main paper, but the hidden layer consists of 6 rows of 5 neurons, where the rows form the radially distributed spokes of a circle perpendicularto the y-axis with a radius of 1. The first neuron in each row is positioned 0.5 units from the center, and the last neuron is positioned at 1.0 units from thecenter. Output neurons are positioned similarly, except that all output neurons are positioned at 1 unit from the center. Note that the output neurons for theknee and hip joints have overlapping positions; their positions are differentiated through the Multi-Spatial Substrate technique, which means that they haveseparate CPPN outputs [57].










Performance on Robotics Task

NSGA-II Pop. 6300NSGA-II Pop. 1000

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Number of Generations










Performance on Robotics Task

CT NSGA-II Pop. 6300CT NSGA-II Pop. 1000

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000

Number of Generations










Performance on Robotics Task

CT NSGA-II Pop. 6300 Behav. Div.CT NSGA-II Pop. 1000 Behav. Div.

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000

Number of Generations











Performance on Robotics Task

Single Bin Pop. 6300Single Bin Pop. 1000

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000Number of Generations


Figure S5. In general, the NSGA-II based control treatments perform slightly better with a larger population size. In the legend, CT NSGA-II standsfor Combined-Target NSGA-II. The NSGA-II, Combined-Target NSGA-II, and Single Bin treatments all perform significantly better when their population isincreased from 1,000 (same as the number of offspring created at each generation) to 6,300 (same as CMOEA on the six-tasks problem). The only exceptionis Combined-Target NSGA-II combined with a behavioral diversity objective, where a population size of 1,000 seems to perform better than a population sizeof 6,300. Data for each treatment is from 30 independent runs.

Page 21: Evolving Multimodal Robot Behavior via Many Stepping ... · CMOEA can preserve stepping stones that may be lost in other EAs. In this hypothetical example, a four-legged robot has









cePerformance on Robotics Task

CT NSGA-II Pop. 6300 No Div.CT NSGA-II Pop. 6300 Behav. Div.

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000

Number of Generations










Performance on Robotics Task

CT NSGA-II Pop. 6300 Mod. No Div.CT NSGA-II Pop. 6300 Mod. Behav. Div.

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000

Number of Generations










Performance on Robotics Task

CT NSGA-II Pop. 1000 No Div.CT NSGA-II Pop. 1000 Behav. Div.

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000

Number of Generations











Performance on Robotics Task

NSGA-II Pop. 1000 No Div.NSGA-II Pop. 1000 Behav. Div.

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Number of Generations


Figure S6. Behavioral diversity either has no significant effect or actively hurts the performance of the many-objective NSGA-II control treatments.In the legend, CT NSGA-II stands for Combined-Target NSGA-II. For Combined-Target NSGA-II with a population size of 6,300, adding behavioral diversitysignificantly reduces the performance on the six-tasks robotics problem. This effect is also present when genotypic and phenotypic modularity (the CT NSGA-IIPop. 6,300 Mod. treatments) are added as additional objectives. For Combined-Target NSGA-II and regular NSGA-II with a population size of 1,000, theaddition of behavioral diversity as an objective has no significant effect. Data for each treatment is from 30 independent runs.

C. NSGA-II Population size

In many evolutionary algorithms, including NSGA-II, thepopulation size defines not just the number of individualsmaintained by the algorithm at any point in time, but also thenumber of new individuals produced at every generation. Thisis not a practical choice for CMOEA, however, because thesize of the population is a function of the bin size and the num-ber of objectives to be optimized, which is often too large to bea feasible choice for the number of new individuals to createat every generation. As such, we have similarly decoupled thepopulation size from the number of individuals created at eachgeneration in our control treatments, and allowed our controltreatments to have a population size that is larger than thenumber of offspring created at each generation. In preliminaryexperiments, we verified that choosing a larger populationsize did not have unintended negative effects on our NSGA-IIbased control treatments. We did not repeat these experimentsfor NSGA-III or any of the Lexicase Selection variants toreduce the overall computational cost of our experiments, but

we have no reason to believe that these algorithms wouldrespond dramatically differently from NSGA-II.

Increasing the population size in NSGA-II has two potentialeffects. First, it increases the number of Pareto-optimal indi-viduals that are maintained, thus providing a better estimate ofthe Pareto-front at every generation. Based on this observation,a larger population size could increase the effectiveness ofNSGA-II, as a better estimate of the Pareto-front implies amore diverse set of individuals that can serve as the steppingstones towards optimal solutions. However, a larger populationsize also means that sub-optimal individuals have a higherchance of surviving in the population, thus diluting the pool ofparents that supply offspring for the next generation. Includingmore sub-optimal parents in the population can slow down theevolutionary process, and thus hurt the performance of NSGA-II.

Given the large number of objectives presented in ourresearch, we hypothesized that it would require a largepopulation size before non Pareto-optimal individuals would

Page 22: Evolving Multimodal Robot Behavior via Many Stepping ... · CMOEA can preserve stepping stones that may be lost in other EAs. In this hypothetical example, a four-legged robot has


start dominating the population, and thus that increasing thepopulation size should increase NSGA-II’s performance on ourproblems. This hypothesis was confirmed by our preliminaryexperiments, which show that most control treatments with apopulation size of 6,300 outperform the same control treatmentwith a population size of 1,000 on the six-tasks roboticsproblem (Fig. S5). The one exception is when Combined-Target NSGA-II is combined with behavioral diversity, asCombined-Target NSGA-II Behav. Div. with a population sizeof 1,000 outperforms Combined-Target NSGA-II Behav. Div.with a population size of 6,300. The reason for this effect isunclear but, because behavioral diversity tends to reduce theeffectiveness of Combined-Target NSGA-II (Sec. S3.4), wedecided not to include behavioral diversity in our NSGA-IIcontrols, meaning that this effect was not important for theresults presented in this paper. In light of these results, thepopulation size for all control treatments presented in the mainpaper was set to be equal to the population size of CMOEA.

D. NSGA-II Behavioral diversity

Previous work has demonstrated that adding behavioraldiversity as an additional objective to NSGA-II can greatlyincrease its performance on problems with one or two ob-jectives [72]. However, it was unclear whether these benefitswould also be present on problems with six or more objectives.While a behavioral diversity objective could aid the evolution-ary process on a many-objective problem by increasing thediversity of the population, and thus increasing the number ofpotential stepping stones, it is also possible that adding yetanother dimension to the already high-dimensional space of amany-objective problem would only hurt the performance ofthe algorithm. To examine whether behavioral diversity wouldincrease the performance of NSGA-II on a many-objectiveproblem, we ran preliminary experiments with behavioraldiversity added to different variants of NSGA-II on the six-tasks robotics problem.

The results show that adding behavioral diversity signif-icantly hurts the performance of Combined-Target NSGA-II with a population size of 6,300, both with and with-out modularity objectives (Fig. S6). Furthermore, behavioraldiversity has no observable effect on regular NSGA-II orCombined-Target NSGA-II with a population size of 1,000.These results suggest that behavioral diversity does not in-crease the performance of NSGA-II when applied to many-objective optimization problems. As such, the NSGA-II basedcontrols presented in the main paper are implemented withoutbehavioral diversity.

E. Lexicase Selection variants performance

Because there exist many different versions of the LexicaseSelection algorithm (i.e. all variants of ε-Lexicase Selection,main paper Sec. III-E), and because it was not obvious whichvariant would perform best on the problems presented in themain paper, we performed preliminary experiments to decidewhich Lexicase Selection variant we would compare against.Because these experiments are computationally expensive, andbecause there were many different parameters to test, we ran

only five replicates for each treatment. While this is insufficientto obtain statistical certainty about which variant performs beston each problem, they present us with a rough estimate of theperformance of the different variants, and it prevents us fromchoosing a variant that performs pathologically poorly on anyof our test problems. After determining the most promisingvariant, we would then run a full-scale experiment with 30replicates, the results of which are reported in the main paper.

Because it is a computationally expensive problem, welimited the preliminary experiments on the simulated robot lo-comotion task to 5,000 generations. Because the performanceof ε-Lexicase Selection seemed pathologically poor in ourinitial experiments, we started by examining the effect of theCombined-Target objective on the different Lexicase Selec-tion variants. The results show that, without the Combined-Target objective, no variant is able to obtain a score greaterthan 0 within 5,000 generations (Fig. S7). However, withthe Combined-Target objective, performance values increaseproperly. As such, we added the Combined-Target objectiveto all Lexicase Selection variants in subsequent experiments.

The reason why non of the Lexicase Selection variants isable to obtain a score greater than 0 without the Combined-Target objective is likely a combination of factors. First,regular Lexicase Selection is strongly biased towards selectingonly individuals that perform best on one of the objectives,because ties between different individuals are unlikely in thespace of real numbers. Second, while the different variants ofε-Lexicase Selection should have been able to avoid this issuewith a proper ε, when ε is determined automatically it is setbased on the Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) metric, whichbecomes 0 when the majority of values is 0, which is the casefor many of the objectives in the multimodal locomotion task.With a MAD metric of 0, ε-Lexicase Selection reverts back tobehaving like regular Lexicase Selection, and thus performspoorly. We did not try static ε variants without the Combined-Target objective, but we hypothesize that they would workslightly better than any of the automatic methods. A differentmeasure of deviation could potentially have worked better, butwe believe that such experiments are outside the scope of thispaper.

When we compare different variants of Lexicase Selectionwith the Combined-Target objective against each other, wesee that a static ε of 0.05 outperforms all variants whichautomatically determine ε (Fig. S8). Once again, this is likelybecause the MAD metric becomes 0 when the majority ofindividuals score 0 on a particular objective. Interestingly, thesecond best performing variant is regular Lexicase Selection.The main difference between regular Lexicase Selection andthe Lexicase variants it outperforms is that regular LexicaseSelection will have an ε of 0 on all objectives, while thevariants it outperforms all attempt to determine ε automaticallybased on the MAD score, meaning their ε will only be 0 onobjectives on which the majority of the population receives ascore of 0, i.e. on the hard objectives. As a result, these variantsthat determine ε automatically are more likely to preservediverse individuals that obtain some performance on the easyobjectives, but they will be elitist on the hard objectives. Thisskewed selection pressure towards easy objectives is likely

Page 23: Evolving Multimodal Robot Behavior via Many Stepping ... · CMOEA can preserve stepping stones that may be lost in other EAs. In this hypothetical example, a four-legged robot has


0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000Number of Generations












Regular Lexicase with and without Combined-Target

LexicaseCombined-Target Lexicase

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000Number of Generations













Dynamic ε-Lexicase with and without Combined-Target

Dynamic ε-LexicaseCombined-Target Dynamic ε-Lexicase

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000Number of Generations













Semi-Dynamic ε-Lexicase with and without Combined-Target

Semi-Dynamic ε-LexicaseCombined-Target Semi-Dynamic ε-Lexicase

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000Number of Generations













Static ε-Lexicase with and without Combined-Target

Static ε-LexicaseCombined-Target Static ε-Lexicase

Figure S7. Adding the Combined-Target objective to Lexicase Selection improves performance for all variants that we tested. Lexicase Selectionvariants without the Combined-Target objective all maintain a score of 0 for 5,000 generations. We performed 5 separate runs for each treatment and we donot show significance indicators as those are not informative with only 5 samples.

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000Number of Generations










CT Semi-dynamic ε-Lexicase Fixed ε - Performance on Robotics Task

ε = 0.01ε = 0.05ε = 0.1ε = 0.15ε = 0.2

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000Number of Generations










CT Static ε-Lexicase Fixed ε - Performance on Robotics Task

ε = 0.01ε = 0.05ε = 0.1ε = 0.15ε = 0.2

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000Number of Generations










Performance on Robotics Task

Combined-Target Regular LexicaseCombined-Target Dynamic ε-LexicaseCombined-Target Semi-dynamic ε-LexicaseCombined-Target Static ε-LexicaseCombined-Target Semi-dynamic ε-Lexicase Fixed ε = 0.05

Figure S8. On the robot locomotion problem, Combined-Target Semi-dynamic ε-Lexicase Selection with a fixed of ε = 0.05 outperforms otherCombined-target Lexicase Selection variants. Interestingly, regular Combined-Target Lexicase Selection performs better than Combined-Target ε-LexicaseSelection variants that determine the ε automatically based on the MAD metric, probably because the MAD metric only works properly on objectives wheremost individuals in the population obtain a non-zero score. We performed 5 separate runs for each treatment and we do not show significance indicators asthose are not informative with only 5 samples.

Page 24: Evolving Multimodal Robot Behavior via Many Stepping ... · CMOEA can preserve stepping stones that may be lost in other EAs. In this hypothetical example, a four-legged robot has


0 200 400 600 800 1000Number of Generations











100 maze - performance training set

Regular LexicaseStatic ε-LexicaseSemi-dynamic ε-LexicaseDynamic ε-Lexicase

0 200 400 600 800 1000Number of Generations











100 maze - performance test set

Regular LexicaseStatic ε-LexicaseSemi-dynamic ε-LexicaseDynamic ε-Lexicase

0 200 400 600 800 1000Number of Generations












100 maze - performance training set

Combined-Target Regular LexicaseCombined-Target Static ε-LexicaseCombined-Target Semi-dynamic ε-LexicaseCombined-Target Dynamic ε-Lexicase

0 200 400 600 800 1000Number of Generations











100 maze - performance test set

Combined-Target Regular LexicaseCombined-Target Static ε-LexicaseCombined-Target Semi-dynamic ε-LexicaseCombined-Target Dynamic ε-Lexicase

Figure S9. On the maze navigation problem, all variants of Lexicase Selection perform well. The Combined-Target ε-Lexicase Selection treatmentsseem to converge slightly faster than regular Lexicase Selection or any of the variants without the Combined-Target objective. From among the treatments thatseemed to perform best, we arbitrarily chose Combined-Target dynamic ε-Lexicase Selection for the experiments presented in the main paper. We performed5 separate runs for each treatment and we do not show significance indicators as those are not informative with only 5 samples.

why these variants of Lexicase Selection appear to performworse than regular Lexicase Selection.

On the simulated robot maze-navigation task, all LexicaseSelection variants seem to perform well, including regularLexicase Selection (Fig. S9). This is likely because of theway the maze navigation task is presented (i.e. each mazeis its own test case), which closely resembles the problemsthat Lexicase Selection was originally designed to solve. Thatsaid, in combination with the Combined-Target objective,the ε-Lexicase Selection variants seem to outperform regularLexicase Selection in terms of how fast they converge tonear optimal performance. This is likely because, ε-LexicaseSelection is able to maintain a greater diversity of individualsduring the first few generations, when most mazes are onlypartially solved, and thus when most objective scores arestill real-valued numbers different from 1. Given that thereis little indication that any one of the Combined-Target ε-Lexicase Selection variants performs better than the others,we arbitrarily chose dynamic Combined-Target ε-LexicaseSelection as the variant to compare against, though any ofthe other variants would probably have resulted in similarconclusions. Because the variants in which ε is automaticallydetermined performed so well, we did not do a sweep overfixed values for ε.

F. NSGA-III Combined-Target objective

On both the simulated multimodal robot locomotion domainand on the simulated robot maze navigation domain we testedwhether NSGA-III would benefit from the Combined-Targetobjective in the same way as NSGA-II. The results on themultimodal locomotion domain are presented in the mainpaper (main paper Fig. 5), and suggest that NSGA-III canbenefit from the Combined-Target objective, but not as muchas NSGA-II. On the maze domain, the difference is similarlysmall, and while it seems that the Combined-Target objectivemay slightly hurt the performance of NSGA-III, the samplesize of five different seeds is not large enough to make any firmconclusions (Fig. S10). That said, based on these results, wecompare CMOEA against NSGA-III without the Combined-Target objective on the maze domain.

G. NSGA-III Normalization

The paper that introduces NSGA-III proposes an automaticmethod for normalizing all objectives based on what they referto as extreme points [22]. Before determining the extremepoints they ensure that the smallest value on each objectiveis 0 by finding the smallest value on each objective and thensubtracting it for all individuals. From there, the extreme point

Page 25: Evolving Multimodal Robot Behavior via Many Stepping ... · CMOEA can preserve stepping stones that may be lost in other EAs. In this hypothetical example, a four-legged robot has


0 200 400 600 800 1000Number of Generations











ce100 maze - performance training set

NSGA-IIICombined-Target NSGA-III

0 200 400 600 800 1000Number of Generations











100 maze - performance test set

NSGA-IIICombined-Target NSGA-III

Figure S10. On the maze domain, adding the Combined-Target objective to NSGA-III seems to slightly degrade its performance. For this reason,plain NSGA-III has been included in the experiments presented in the main paper. We performed 5 separate runs for each treatment and we do not showsignificance indicators as those are not informative with only 5 samples.

for a particular axis a is defined as the point x that minimizesthe following equation:

ASF (~x, ~wa) = maxi=1

(xi/wai ) (1)

Where ~wa is a unit vector pointing in the direction of axisa with all values of 0 replaced with the small number of 10−6

(after which it is no longer a unit vector). These points arethen supposed to define a hyper-plane that intersects all axissuch that the intercepts of this hyper-plane with each axis canbe used to normalize all objectives. The problem with thismethod is that, especially when the number of objectives islarge, it is not unlikely that the extreme points for differentaxis is actually the same point. For example, given the points[2, 2, 0], [1, 0, 1], and [0, 2, 2], the point [1, 0, 1] is the extremepoint for all three axis, and the corresponding hyper-planeis undefined. The NSGA-III paper [22], does not suggest asolution for this problem.

We resolved this problem by defining a backup normal-ization procedure which subtracts the smallest value on eachobjective among all individuals in the population from thatobjective for all individuals, and then divides by the largestvalue after subtraction (i.e. standard, per objective normal-ization, based on the minimum and maximum values foundin the population), which we use whenever the intercepts areundefined. This raises the question whether the intercept-basednormalization with the backup actually provides any benefitsrelative to always applying the backup normalization proce-dure. Our preliminary experiments demonstrate that alwaysnormalizing by dividing by the maximum value substantiallyoutperforms the intercept-based method with backup on themultimodal locomotion task (Fig. S11). This is likely becausethe intercept-based method with backup constantly changesits normalization procedure, as the hyper-plane will switchbetween being defined and being undefined, thus constantlychanging the selection pressures in a disruptive way. Based onthese results, the backup normalization procedure was used as









NSGA-III Normalization Comparison

NSGA-III Norm. By InterceptsNSGA-III Norm. By Max

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000Number of Generations


Figure S11. On the multimodal locomotion problem, our backup of nor-malizing by dividing by the maximum on each objective (after subtractingthe minimum), outperforms the intercept-based method described in [22]with this backup. The poor performance of the intercept method is likelybecause the intercepts are frequently, but not always, undefined, meaning thealgorithm will constantly change its normalization procedure, thus leading tounpredictable and probably disruptive selection pressures. We performed 30separate runs for each treatment.

the default normalization procedure in the main paper.