Evolutionary origin of insect Wolbachia nutritional mutualism · most sophisticated forms of...

Evolutionary origin of insectWolbachia nutritional mutualism Naruo Nikoh a,1 , Takahiro Hosokawa b,1 , Minoru Moriyama b,1 , Kenshiro Oshima c , Masahira Hattori c , and Takema Fukatsu b,2 a Department of Liberal Arts, The Open University of Japan, Chiba 261-8586, Japan; b Bioproduction Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba 305-8566, Japan; and c Center for Omics and Bioinformatics, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa 277-8561, Japan Edited by Nancy A. Moran, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, and approved June 3, 2014 (received for review May 20, 2014) Obligate insectbacterium nutritional mutualism is among the most sophisticated forms of symbiosis, wherein the host and the symbiont are integrated into a coherent biological entity and un- able to survive without the partnership. Originally, however, such obligate symbiotic bacteria must have been derived from free-living bacteria. How highly specialized obligate mutualisms have arisen from less specialized associations is of interest. Here we address this evolutionary issue by focusing on an exceptional insectWolbachia nutritional mutualism. Although Wolbachia endosymbionts are ubiquitously found in diverse insects and generally regarded as facultative/parasitic associates for their insect hosts, a Wolbachia strain associated with the bedbug Cimex lectularius, designated as wCle, was shown to be essential for hosts growth and reproduc- tion via provisioning of B vitamins. We determined the 1,250,060- bp genome of wCle, which was generally similar to the genomes of insect-associated facultative Wolbachia strains, except for the presence of an operon encoding the complete biotin synthetic path- way that was acquired via lateral gene transfer presumably from a coinfecting endosymbiont Cardinium or Rickettsia. Nutritional and physiological experiments, in which wCle-infected and wCle-cured bedbugs of the same genetic background were fed on B-vitaminmanipulated blood meals via an artificial feeding system, demon- strated that wCle certainly synthesizes biotin, and the wCle- provisioned biotin significantly contributes to the host fitness. These findings strongly suggest that acquisition of a single gene cluster consisting of biotin synthesis genes underlies the bedbugWolbachia nutritional mutualism, uncovering an evolutionary transition from facultative symbiosis to obligate mutualism facilitated by lateral gene transfer in an endosymbiont lineage. S ymbiotic associations are ubiquitous in the biological world, in which obligate insectbacterium endosymbiotic associa- tions are among the most sophisticated forms wherein the host and the symbiont are integrated into a coherent biological entity and cannot survive without the partnership (1, 2). For example, in the aphidBuchnera nutritional mutualism, the host depends on the symbiont for supply of essential amino acids that are needed for hosts protein synthesis but are scarce in the hosts plant sap diet (3). In the tsetseWigglesworthia nutritional mu- tualism, the symbiont provides B vitamins that are deficient in vertebrate blood the host exclusively feeds on (4). Through the intimate relationship over evolutionary time, these and other endosymbiont genomes have been reduced drastically, losing many genes needed for independent life and streamlined for specific biological roles to support their hosts (5, 6). Novel bi- ological properties acquired through endosymbiosis have played substantial roles in adaptation, evolution, and diversification of insects and other organisms (1, 2). Although currently compris- ing elaborate symbiotic systems, such endosymbionts must have originally been derived from free-living ancestors. How highly specialized obligate endosymbionts have arisen from less spe- cialized bacterial associates is of evolutionary interest. Members of the genus Wolbachia are well known as faculta- tive bacterial endosymbionts ubiquitously associated with diverse insects, generally conferring negative fitness consequences to their hosts and often causing hostsreproductive aberrations to enhance their own transmission in a selfish manner (7, 8). Re- cently, however, a Wolbachia strain associated with the bedbug Cimex lectularius, designated as wCle, was shown to be es- sential for normal growth and reproduction of the blood- sucking insect host via provisioning of B vitamins (9). Hence, it is expected that a transition from facultative association to ob- ligate mutualism may have occurred in an ancestor of wCle. What evolutionary processes and mechanisms are involved in the emergence of the insectWolbachia nutritional mutualism? In this study, we determined the complete genome of wCle, which was similar in size and composition to the genomes of facultative Wolbachia endosymbionts associated with other insects, except for the presence of an operon encoding biotin synthesis pathway that was presumably acquired via lateral gene transfer from an unrelated bacterium. Using wCle-infected and wCle- cured bedbug strains under the same genetic background, we experimentally demonstrated that wCle is capable of synthesiz- ing biotin and wCle-provisioned biotin significantly contributes to the host fitness, thereby uncovering a genomic basis of the insectWolbachia nutritional mutualism. Through comprehensive Significance How sophisticated mutualism has arisen from less-intimate asso- ciations is of general interest. Here we address this evolutionary issue by looking into the bedbug. Wolbachia endosymbionts are generally regarded as facultative/parasitic bacterial associates for their insect hosts, but in the bedbug, exceptionally, Wolbachia supports the hosts growth and survival via provisioning of vitamins. In the bedbugs Wolbachia genome, we identified a gene cluster encoding the complete synthetic pathway for biotin (vitamin B7), which is not present in other Wolbachia genomes and is presumably acquired via lateral transfer from a coinfecting endosymbiont. The Wolbachia-provisioned biotin contributes to the bedbugs fitness significantly, uncovering an evolutionary transition from facultative symbiosis to obligate mutualism facilitated by lateral gene transfer in the endo- symbiont lineage. Author contributions: N.N., T.H., M.M., and T.F. designed research; N.N., T.H., M.M., and K.O. performed research; M.H. and T.F. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; N.N., T.H., M.M., K.O., and M.H. analyzed data; and T.F. wrote the paper. The authors declare no conflict of interest. This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. Freely available online through the PNAS open access option. Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the DNA Data Bank of Japan database, www.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/index-e.html (accession nos. AP013028 and AB934986AB934989). 1 N.N., T.H., and M.M. contributed equally to this work. 2 To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. 1073/pnas.1409284111/-/DCSupplemental. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1409284111 PNAS | July 15, 2014 | vol. 111 | no. 28 | 1025710262 EVOLUTION Downloaded by guest on March 31, 2020

Transcript of Evolutionary origin of insect Wolbachia nutritional mutualism · most sophisticated forms of...

Page 1: Evolutionary origin of insect Wolbachia nutritional mutualism · most sophisticated forms of symbiosis, ... intimate relationship over evolutionary time, these and other endosymbiont

Evolutionary origin of insect–Wolbachianutritional mutualismNaruo Nikoha,1, Takahiro Hosokawab,1, Minoru Moriyamab,1, Kenshiro Oshimac, Masahira Hattoric,and Takema Fukatsub,2

aDepartment of Liberal Arts, The Open University of Japan, Chiba 261-8586, Japan; bBioproduction Research Institute, National Institute of AdvancedIndustrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba 305-8566, Japan; and cCenter for Omics and Bioinformatics, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences,University of Tokyo, Kashiwa 277-8561, Japan

Edited by Nancy A. Moran, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, and approved June 3, 2014 (received for review May 20, 2014)

Obligate insect–bacterium nutritional mutualism is among themost sophisticated forms of symbiosis, wherein the host and thesymbiont are integrated into a coherent biological entity and un-able to survive without the partnership. Originally, however, suchobligate symbiotic bacteria must have been derived from free-livingbacteria. How highly specialized obligate mutualisms have arisenfrom less specialized associations is of interest. Here we address thisevolutionary issue by focusing on an exceptional insect–Wolbachianutritional mutualism. Although Wolbachia endosymbionts areubiquitously found in diverse insects and generally regarded asfacultative/parasitic associates for their insect hosts, a Wolbachiastrain associated with the bedbug Cimex lectularius, designated aswCle, was shown to be essential for host’s growth and reproduc-tion via provisioning of B vitamins. We determined the 1,250,060-bp genome of wCle, which was generally similar to the genomesof insect-associated facultative Wolbachia strains, except for thepresence of an operon encoding the complete biotin synthetic path-way that was acquired via lateral gene transfer presumably froma coinfecting endosymbiont Cardinium or Rickettsia. Nutritional andphysiological experiments, in which wCle-infected and wCle-curedbedbugs of the same genetic background were fed on B-vitamin–manipulated blood meals via an artificial feeding system, demon-strated that wCle certainly synthesizes biotin, and the wCle-provisioned biotin significantly contributes to the host fitness. Thesefindings strongly suggest that acquisition of a single gene clusterconsisting of biotin synthesis genes underlies the bedbug–Wolbachianutritional mutualism, uncovering an evolutionary transition fromfacultative symbiosis to obligate mutualism facilitated by lateralgene transfer in an endosymbiont lineage.

Symbiotic associations are ubiquitous in the biological world,in which obligate insect–bacterium endosymbiotic associa-

tions are among the most sophisticated forms wherein the hostand the symbiont are integrated into a coherent biological entityand cannot survive without the partnership (1, 2). For example,in the aphid–Buchnera nutritional mutualism, the host dependson the symbiont for supply of essential amino acids that areneeded for host’s protein synthesis but are scarce in the host’splant sap diet (3). In the tsetse–Wigglesworthia nutritional mu-tualism, the symbiont provides B vitamins that are deficient invertebrate blood the host exclusively feeds on (4). Through theintimate relationship over evolutionary time, these and otherendosymbiont genomes have been reduced drastically, losingmany genes needed for independent life and streamlined forspecific biological roles to support their hosts (5, 6). Novel bi-ological properties acquired through endosymbiosis have playedsubstantial roles in adaptation, evolution, and diversification ofinsects and other organisms (1, 2). Although currently compris-ing elaborate symbiotic systems, such endosymbionts must haveoriginally been derived from free-living ancestors. How highlyspecialized obligate endosymbionts have arisen from less spe-cialized bacterial associates is of evolutionary interest.Members of the genus Wolbachia are well known as faculta-

tive bacterial endosymbionts ubiquitously associated with diverse

insects, generally conferring negative fitness consequences totheir hosts and often causing hosts’ reproductive aberrations toenhance their own transmission in a selfish manner (7, 8). Re-cently, however, a Wolbachia strain associated with the bedbugCimex lectularius, designated as wCle, was shown to be es-sential for normal growth and reproduction of the blood-sucking insect host via provisioning of B vitamins (9). Hence, itis expected that a transition from facultative association to ob-ligate mutualism may have occurred in an ancestor of wCle.What evolutionary processes and mechanisms are involved inthe emergence of the insect–Wolbachia nutritional mutualism?In this study, we determined the complete genome of wCle,

which was similar in size and composition to the genomes offacultativeWolbachia endosymbionts associated with other insects,except for the presence of an operon encoding biotin synthesispathway that was presumably acquired via lateral gene transferfrom an unrelated bacterium. Using wCle-infected and wCle-cured bedbug strains under the same genetic background, weexperimentally demonstrated that wCle is capable of synthesiz-ing biotin and wCle-provisioned biotin significantly contributesto the host fitness, thereby uncovering a genomic basis of theinsect–Wolbachia nutritional mutualism. Through comprehensive


How sophisticated mutualism has arisen from less-intimate asso-ciations is of general interest. Here we address this evolutionaryissue by looking into the bedbug. Wolbachia endosymbionts aregenerally regarded as facultative/parasitic bacterial associatesfor their insect hosts, but in the bedbug, exceptionally,Wolbachiasupports the host’s growth and survival via provisioning ofvitamins. In the bedbug’s Wolbachia genome, we identifieda gene cluster encoding the complete synthetic pathway forbiotin (vitamin B7), which is not present in other Wolbachiagenomes and is presumably acquired via lateral transfer froma coinfecting endosymbiont. The Wolbachia-provisioned biotincontributes to the bedbug’s fitness significantly, uncovering anevolutionary transition from facultative symbiosis to obligatemutualism facilitated by lateral gene transfer in the endo-symbiont lineage.

Author contributions: N.N., T.H., M.M., and T.F. designed research; N.N., T.H., M.M., andK.O. performed research; M.H. and T.F. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; N.N.,T.H., M.M., K.O., and M.H. analyzed data; and T.F. wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.

Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the DNAData Bank of Japan database, www.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/index-e.html (accession nos. AP013028and AB934986–AB934989).1N.N., T.H., and M.M. contributed equally to this work.2To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected].

This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1409284111/-/DCSupplemental.

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survey of Wolbachia genomic data, we discuss evolutionary hy-potheses as to how and when the biotin operon was acquired bywCle in the course of insect–Wolbachia coevolution.

Results and DiscussionDetermination of wCle Genome. We carefully dissected 26 adultbedbugs of the monosymbiotic strain JESC infected with wCleonly without secondary symbionts (9), collected their bacter-iomes, and extracted total DNA from the symbiotic organs. TheDNA sample was subjected to shotgun library construction andSanger sequencing. Of 18,432 reads obtained, 12,491 reads wereassembled into 30 major contigs with sequence similarity toknown Wolbachia genomes, and gap filling yielded a 1,250,060-bpcircular bacterial genome (Fig. 1). The genome of wCle encoded1,216 putative protein-coding ORFs with an average size of771.6 bp, which covered 75% of the whole genome (Table S1).The genome size, GC content, coding capacity and density, andabundance of pseudogenes and insertion sequences of wClewere similar to those of facultative insect-associated Wolbachiastrains such as wMel, wRi, and wPip (Table S1). The absence ofremarkable genome degeneration in wCle suggests that, unlikethe ancient aphid–Buchnera and tsetse–Wigglesworthia nutri-tional mutualisms (3, 4), the bedbug–Wolbachia mutualism is ofrelatively recent evolutionary origin. Of the 1,216 protein-codinggenes, 816 were assigned to putative biological functions, 321matched hypothetical proteins of unknown function, and 79were not assigned to any genes in the databases. Overall,cluster of orthologous groups category composition of thewCle genome was similar to those of other insect-associatedWolbachia genomes (Table S2), indicating basically similarmetabolic capacities among the different Wolbachia strains.

Identification of wCle-Specific Synthetic Pathways for B Vitamins.However, inspection of synthetic pathways for B vitamins re-vealed a notable peculiarity of the wCle genome. Although allknown insect-associated Wolbachia genomes commonly possessa complete pathway for riboflavin (vitamin B2) and partialpathways for pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and folate (vitamin B9), the

wCle genome additionally contained a complete pathway forbiotin (vitamin B7) and a partial pathway for thiamine (vita-min B1) (Fig. 2 A and B). The biotin synthesis genes bioC,bioH, bioF, bioA, bioD, and bioB formed a compact operon onthe wCle genome. Almost the same operon structure was iden-tified on the genome of a facultative endosymbiont Cardiniumhertigii (Bacteroidetes) causing cytoplasmic incompatibility in theparasitoid wasp Encarsia pergandiella (10), on the genome ofa swine pathogen Lawsonia intracellularis (Deltaproteobacteria)(11), and also on the plasmid of a Rickettsia strain (Alphapro-teobacteria) isolated from the tick Ixodes scapularis (12), but noton the genomes ofWolbachia and allied alphaproteobacteria (Fig.3A). Molecular phylogenetic analyses of these biotin synthesisgenes consistently exhibited similar evolutionary patterns: closelyallied to the corresponding genes of Cardinium, L. intracellularis,and the Rickettsia plasmid and also related to the correspondinggenes from diverse bacterial lineages representing Alphapro-teobacteria, Deltaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Cya-nobacteria, Chlamydiae, and others (Fig. S1 A–F). These patterns suggest that the biotin synthesis genes were acquired asa whole operon by an ancestor of wCle from an unrelated bac-terium, which was presumably a facultative endosymbiont (likelyeither Cardinium or Rickettsia) coinfecting the same insect host.In addition, three genes involved in a thiamine salvage path-

way, tenA1, thiD, and ψthiM (wherein the last one is a pseudo-gene), formed a compact operon on the wCle genome. Similaroperon configuration was identified on the genome a fish fran-cisellosis pathogen Francisella noatunensis (Gammaproteobac-teria) (13), but not on the genomes of Wolbachia and alliedalphaproteobacteria (Fig. 3B). Molecular phylogenetic analysesof these genes consistently exhibited similar evolutionary pat-terns: closely allied to the corresponding genes of F. noatunensis,Brachyspira hyodysenteriae, and Legionella drancourtii and alsorelated to the corresponding genes from diverse bacterial line-ages representing Gammaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Spi-rochaetes, and others (Fig. S2 A–C). These patterns suggest thatthe thiamine synthesis genes tenA1, thiD, and ψthiM were ac-quired as a partial operon by an ancestor of wCle from an un-related bacterium. Here it should be noted that, although tenA1

Wolbachia wCle 1,250,060 bp

Fig. 1. Circular view of the wCle genome. On the GC skew circle, red andblue indicate GC rich and poor, respectively. On the CDS circle, colors in-dicate functional categories as shown at the bottom.

bioC bioF bioA bioD bioB Biotin (Vitamin B7)

GTP ribA ribB ribD ribE ribC Riboflavin

(Vitamin B2)

Erythrose-4P pdxJ Pyridoxine

(Vitamin B6) pdxH

GTP folP Folate

(Vitamin B9) folA

L-valine Pantothenate (Vitamin B5)

L-aspartate Nicotinate (Vitamin B3)

Thiamine (Vitamin B1)


thiM Thiamin salvage


Substrate Product Pathway in wCle genome A B

Malonyl-CoA bioH

Fatty acid synthesis

wMel wRi wPip wBmwCle













+ +



folB folK folC


folE ?

epd pdxB serC pdxA

ilvE panB panE panC

nadB nadA nadC nadD nadE

Wiggles- worthia Riesia

















thiE thiL

Fig. 2. Biosynthetic pathways for B vitamins in the Wolbachia genomes. (A)Biosynthetic pathways for B vitamins in the wCle genome. Solid arrows in-dicate genes present in the wCle genome, whereas dotted arrows showgenes absent in the wCle genome. Genes in gray color and smaller font aremissing genes, whereas genes with prefix ψ are pseudogenes. Red rectangleshighlight genes presumably acquired via lateral gene transfer from un-related bacteria. (B) Presence/absence of biosynthetic pathways for B vita-mins in Wolbachia strains wCle of bedbug C. lectularius, wMel of fruit flyD. melanogaster, wRi of fruit fly D. simulans, wPip of mosquito C. quinque-fasciatus, wBm of filarial nematode B. malayi, and wOo of filarial nematodeO. ochengi, and also obligate endosymbionts of blood-feeding insectsWigglesworthia glossinidia of tsetse fly G. brevipalpis and Riesia pediculicolaof human louse Pediculus humanus. +, pathway is complete; ±, pathway isincomplete; –, pathway is absent; *, pathway contains pseudogene(s). Formore details, see Table S3.

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Page 3: Evolutionary origin of insect Wolbachia nutritional mutualism · most sophisticated forms of symbiosis, ... intimate relationship over evolutionary time, these and other endosymbiont

is specific to wCle, its paralogs tenA2 and tenA3 are present in allof the insect-associated Wolbachia strains and likely representtenA gene copies authentic to the Wolbachia lineage (Fig. S2A).It is also notable that ψtenA3 has been pseudogenized specificallyin wCle (Fig. 2A, Fig. S2A, and Table S3), highlighting compli-cated evolutionary trajectories of the tenA gene families amongthe Wolbachia strains.From all these results taken together, it is conceivable, al-

though speculative, that the synthetic pathways for biotin, thia-mine, and other B vitamins have been moving across diversebacterial lineages in a dynamic manner (14), presumably as evo-lutionarily cohesive functional modules or selfish operons, likeantibiotic resistance genes and restriction modification genes, thatcan confer immediate functional advantage to the recipientorganisms (15, 16).

wCle Provisions Biotin and Riboflavin to Host Bedbug. By rearingnewborn nymphs of the wCle-infected bedbug strain JESC onnormal rabbit blood and rifampicin-supplemented rabbit blood,we generated symbiotic insects and symbiont-deficient insects ofthe same genetic background. By this antibiotic treatment, wClein these insects was killed, although remnant Wolbachia DNAtended to be detectable by PCR. These insects were able to growto adults but suffered significantly impaired growth rate, bodysize, and fertility (9). When these insects were subjected to ex-traction and quantification of B vitamins at the fourth instar, thesymbiont-deficient insects exhibited significantly lower titers ofsome B vitamins, including biotin and riboflavin, but not thia-mine and pyridoxine, in comparison with the symbiotic insects(Fig. 4 A–D). These results indicate that wCle is capable ofprovisioning biotin and riboflavin, but not thiamine and pyri-doxine, to the host bedbug, which is concordant with the wClegenome data (Fig. 2).

wCle-Provisioned Biotin Significantly Contributes to Fitness of HostBedbug. Symbiont-mediated provisioning of riboflavin has beenexperimentally demonstrated or suggested in aphid–Buchnera,tsetse–Wigglesworthia, louse–Riesia, and other insect–bacterium

symbiotic associations (17–19), and the complete synthetic pathwayfor riboflavin is consistently retained in these endosymbiontgenomes (3, 4, 20) and also in most of the Wolbachia genomesdetermined to date (Fig. 2B). Hence, it is suggested thatriboflavin provisioning by these symbionts, including Wolbachia,generally has biological roles in the symbiotic associations. Here,our focal interest is whether the wCle-specific Wolbachia’s ca-pability of biotin provisioning is biologically meaningful for thehost bedbug. By rifampicin treatment, we established a wCle-cured bedbug strain JESC−wCle from the wCle-infected bedbugstrain JESC (9). By feeding with rabbit blood supplemented with allB vitamins, the wCle-cured insects restored normal growth andreproduction (9), whereby we were able to maintain the wCle-cured bedbug strain continuously. When biotin was selectivelyomitted from the B vitamin-supplemented blood meal, the wCle-cured insects exhibited significantly reduced adult emergencerates in comparison with the wCle-cured insects reared on theblood meal supplemented with all B vitamins (Fig. 4E), con-firming that the biotin synthetic pathway of wCle plays an im-portant role for the host bedbug. By contrast, when thiamine wasselectively omitted from the B vitamin-supplemented bloodmeal, no significant fitness decline was observed in the wCle-cured insects (Fig. 4F), which probably reflects the incompletesynthetic pathway for thiamine in the wCle genome (Fig. 2A) andconsequent absence of the symbiont-derived thiamine supply(Fig. 4D).

Survey of Biotin Synthesis Genes of Diverse Wolbachia Strains. Theseresults strongly suggest that the wCle-specific biotin operon,which was presumably acquired via lateral gene transfer froma coinfecting endosymbiont, pivotally underpins the Wolbachia–bedbug nutritional mutualism. Here, our focal interest is theorigin of the biotin synthesis genes in the Wolbachia evolution.We surveyed all complete and draft genomes of insect-associated

1kb bioA bioD bioC bioH bioF bioB

bioA bioB bioF bioC bioD

bioC bioB bioA bioD bioF 292 kb 192 kb 197 kb 222 kb

bioA bioD bioC bioH bioF bioB

bioA bioD bioC bioH bioF bioB

bioA bioD bioC bioH bioF bioB

Anaplasma phagocytophila (Alphaproteobacteria)

1.9Mb bioH

Plasmid pREIS2 of Rickettsia from tickLawsonia intracellularis (Deltaproteobacteria)

Neorickettsia sennetsu (Alphaproteobacteria) Escherichia coli K12 (Gammaproteobacteria)

Wolbachia wCle(Alphaproteobacteria)

Biotin synthesis genes

Thiamine synthesis genes

thiD thiM

thiF thiD 19 kb 703 kb 29 kb

thiS thiL 240 kb


Wolbachia wCle(Alphaproteobacteria)

thiD thiM thiH thiG thiF thiE thiC thiS thiL thiI 1.7 Mb 2.0 Mb Escherichia coli K12 (Gammaproteobacteria)Anaplasma phagocytophila (Alphaproteobacteria)


thiD tenA1 thiL thiM thiE

Francisella noatunensis (Gammaproteobacteria)

bioA bioD bioC bioH bioF bioB

Wolbachia wOo (Alphaproteobacteria)

bioA bioD bioC bioH bioF bioB

Cardinium hertigii (Bacteroidetes)


Brachyspira hyodysen-teriae (Spirochaetia) thiD tenA thiM 283kb 1.3Mb

thiE 1.1Mb 283kb

thiH 187kb

thiD thiM

Legionella drancourtii (Gammaproteobacteria)

tenA thiE thiL thiF ? ? ? ?



Fig. 3. Operon structure of vitamin B synthesis genes on the genomes ofwCle, allied alphaproteobacteria, and other bacteria. (A) Biotin synthesisgenes. (B) Thiamine synthesis genes. Filled arrows and hatched arrows in-dicate intact genes and pseudogenes, respectively.

Riboflavin Thiamine Pyridoxine

+wCle wCle +wCle wCle +wCle wCle +wCle wCle


18 18 18 18


r (ng




y w




All 10 B vitamins

All B vitamins but biotin

No B vitamins


lt em





17 17 15 Adu

lt em





All 10 B vitamins

All B vitamins but thiamine

No B vitamins


19 19 13

* **

*********** ***



Fig. 4. wCle-mediated provisioning of B vitamins to the host bedbug.Quantification of biotin (A), riboflavin (B), pyridoxine (C), and thiamine (D)in whole-body extract of wCle-infected (+wCle) and wCle-cured (–wCle)fourth instar nymphs. Effects of omission of biotin (E) and thiamine (F) fromthe B vitamin-supplemented rabbit blood meal on adult emergence rates ofwCle-cured insects. Means and SDs are shown with sample sizes. Asterisksindicate statistically significant differences (likelihood ratio test: *P < 0.01;**P < 0.001; ***P < 0.0001; NS, no significant difference).

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Wolbachia strains available in the DNA databases (SI Materialsand Methods), but no biotin synthesis genes were detected.Meanwhile, when we surveyed all genomic data of nematode-associated Wolbachia strains (SI Materials and Methods), a de-generate biotin operon, in which all biotin synthesis genes hadbeen pseudogenized, was identified in the complete genome ofwOo from Onchocerca ochengi (HE660029) (21) and the draftWolbachia genome from O. volvulus (ASM33837v1) (22). Al-though the biotin operon in the wCle genome was 5.4 kb in sizeand encoding six intact genes, the biotin operon in the wOogenome was 4.1 kb in size, wherein all six genes were disruptedby a number of stop codons, frame shifts, and deletions (Fig. 3Aand Table S3).

Hypotheses on the Evolutionary Origin of Biotin Synthesis Genes inWolbachia. Notably, the biotin synthesis pseudogenes ψbioC,ψbioH, ψbioF, ψbioA, ψbioD, and ψbioB on the wOo genome(Fig. 3A) were closely allied to the corresponding genes on thewCle genome (Fig. S3 A–F). Phylogenetic analysis based on 52ribosomal protein sequences showed that wCle and wOo forma well-supported clade in the Wolbachia phylogeny (Fig. 5), al-though wCle belonging to the Wolbachia F supergroup and wOorepresenting the Wolbachia C supergroup diverged early in theWolbachia diversification (23). These patterns are in favor of thehypothesis that the biotin operon was acquired by the commonancestor of wCle and wOo via lateral gene transfer, which hassubsequently been retained in the wCle lineage but disrupted inthe wOo lineage (Fig. S4A). On the other hand, the flankingregions of the biotin operon were not conserved between thewCle genome and the wOo genome (Fig. 6A), and the syntenicpatterns between the wCle genome and the wOo genome did notfavor the notion that the biotin operon of wCle is located at thehomologous genomic region of wOo (Fig. 6B). Considering thewandering nature of the biotin operon in the bacterial evolution(Figs. S1 and S3), these patterns may favor the hypothesis thatthe lineage of wCle and the lineage of wOo acquired the biotinoperon from the common bacterial source independently (Fig.S4B). The common bacterial source seems likely a coinfectingendosymbiont lineage on account of the frequent coinfection ofWolbachia with other endosymbionts including Cardinium andRickettsia (24) and the presence of a closely related biotin operonin the Cardinium genome and the Rickettsia plasmid (10, 11).

Meanwhile, it should be noted that the rampant intra- andintergenomic recombinations commonly observed in Wolbachiagenomes (25) may account for the apparent divergence of theflanking regions. Fig. S4 C and D depicts, although seemingly lesslikely, representative alternative hypotheses on the evolutionaryorigin of the biotin operon in Wolbachia. To address theseevolutionary issues conclusively, it is necessary to examinemore Wolbachia genomes, in particular those representing theC, D, and F supergroups.

Contrasting Mutualistic Wolbachia Genomes Associated with Bedbugand Filarial Nematodes. Previous antibiotic curing experimentsshowed that the Wolbachia strains wBm, wOo, and wCle areessential for their hosts B. malayi, O. ochengi, and C. lectularius,respectively (9, 26, 27). Although wCle was shown to provide Bvitamins to its bedbug host (Fig. 4) (9), it has been elusive whatmechanisms underlie the essentiality of wBm and wOo for theirnematode hosts (21, 28). Most of the synthetic pathways for Bvitamins are either absent or eroded in the wBm and wOogenomes (Fig. 2B and Table S3), indicating that the major bi-ological role of wBm and wOo cannot be provisioning of B vitamins.Although genome sizes of wBm (1.08 Mb) and wOo (0.96 Mb) areremarkably smaller than those of insect-associated facultativeWolbachia strains (1.27–1.48 Mb), such a genome reduction is notobserved with the wCle genome (1.25 Mb; Table S1). Taken to-gether, the bedbug–wCle mutualism seems to have evolved in-dependently of the B. malayi–wBm andO. ochengi–wOomutualisms.

Conserved Biotin Operon Inserted in the Wolbachia GenomeAmong Bedbug Populations and Allied Cimicid Species. In additionto the bedbug strain JESC mainly used in this study, three







Anaplasma phagocytophilum

Ehrlichia canis

Wolbachia wPip (mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus)

Wolbachia wRi (fruit fly Drosophila simulans)

Wolbachia wMel (fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster)

Wolbachia wCle (bedbug Cimex lectularius)

Wolbachia wBm (filarial nematode Brugia malayi)

Wolbachia wOo (filarial nematode

Onchocerca ochengi)






Fig. 5. Phylogenetic relationship of Wolbachia strains on the basis of 52ribosomal protein sequences. Unambiguously aligned 7,007 amino acid sitesare concatenated and subjected to the analysis. Bootstrap probabilities ofmaximum likelihood analysis and posterior probabilities of Bayesian analysisare indicated at the nodes.



Fig. 6. Location of biotin operon on the genomes of wCle and wOo. (A)Structure of biotin operon and flanking regions on the genomes of wCle andwOo. Protein-coding sequences are shown in green, transposases are in black, andhypothetical genes are in gray. (B) Structural comparison between the genomesof wCle and wOo. Locations of biotin operon are highlighted by red arrows.Corresponding genes are connected between the wCle genome and the wOogenomes by lines, whose colors are arranged in gradient on the wCle genome.

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additional bedbug strains TUA (from Tokyo, Japan), TIH (fromToyama, Japan), and SYDL (from Sydney, Australia), and alsoan allied cimicid species, the Japanese bat bug Cimex japonicus(from Hokkaido, Japan), were subjected to cloning and se-quencing of the insertion site of the biotin operon on the Wol-bachia genome. The 7,724-bp region on the wCle genome, whichencodes six biotin synthesis genes franked by an ankyrin repeatgene and a purK gene, exhibited 100% (7,724/7,724) nucleotidesequence identity among the Japanese and Australian pop-ulations of C. lectularius (Fig. S5A). The biotin operon of thesame structure was identified at the same location of the Wol-bachia genome associated with C. japonicus, which was 7,721 bp insize and exhibited 98.1% (7,576/7,724 including indels) nucleotidesequence identity to that of wCle (Fig. S5B). These results indicatethat the biotin operon laterally transferred to the Wolbachiagenome was already present in the common ancestor of C.lectularius and C. japonicus and has stably been maintained innatural populations of C. lectularius. In C. japonicus, notably,frame shift mutations were identified in bioC and bioH geneson the inserted biotin operon (Fig. S5B). The partial erosionof the biotin synthesis genes may be, although speculative,relevant to biological, ecological, and evolutionary differencesbetween the bedbug and the bat bug, such as different nutri-tional compositions of human blood and bat blood and dif-ferent facultative/gut microbiotae associated with the bedbugand the bat bug.

Placement of wCle in the Wolbachia F Supergroup. To gain furtherinsights into the evolution of the bedbug-Wolbachia mutualism,we analyzed the phylogenetic placement of wCle within theWolbachia F supergroup on the basis of 16S rRNA genesequences available in the DNA databases. In the Wolbachia Fclade, wCle was the most closely related to the Wolbachia strainassociated with the Japanese bat bug C. japonicus and alsoclustered with Wolbachia strains associated with mite, bat fly,louse fly, grasshopper, ant, and termites (Fig. S6). Some FWolbachia strains are obligatorily associated with Mansonellaspp. and other filarial nematodes (29–31). However, they wereplaced in distinct lineages from the arthropod-associated FWolbachia strains including wCle, although statistical supportsfor the groupings were not necessarily significant (Fig. S6). In thebat fly, the louse fly, the grasshopper, and the termites, the FWolbachia infections are not fixed in the host populations, sug-gesting facultative nature of these host–symbiont associations(32–35). These observations suggest that (i) the bedbug–wClenutritional mutualism evolved independently of the nematode–Wolbachia mutualism within the Wolbachia F supergroup, (ii)the origin of the bedbug–wCle mutualistic association is morerecent than the origin of the nematode–Wolbachia mutualisticassociation, (iii) plausibly, an ancestor of the cimicid bugs ac-quired wCle from an unrelated arthropod host, (iv) in the donorarthropod, wCle was likely a facultative endosymbiotic associate,and (v) the establishment of the bedbug–wCle association pre-sumably entailed an evolutionary transition from facultativesymbiosis to obligate nutritional mutualism for the symbiontside. For the host side, it is elusive whether the acquisition ofwCle entailed establishment of a novel nutritional mutualism orreplacement of a preexisting nutritional symbiont. In otherwords, wCle may have been acquired by the common ancestor ofcimicid bugs or acquired later in a cimicid lineage via symbiontreplacement. To address this evolutionary issue, a comprehen-sive endosymbiont survey is needed for the family Cimicidae,which embraces more than 22 genera and 74 species of blood-sucking bugs in the world (36).

Conclusion and Perspective. With all these results taken together,we strongly suggest that acquisition of a single gene clusterconsisting of biotin synthesis genes underlies the evolution of the

bedbug–Wolbachia nutritional mutualism. This finding providesan impressive case of evolutionary transition from facultativesymbiosis to obligate mutualism that was facilitated by lateralgene transfer in an endosymbiont lineage. Here it should benoted that two lateral transfer events at different levels are in-volved in the evolution of the bedbug–Wolbachia nutritionalmutualism: (i) acquisition of the biotin operon by an ancestor ofwCle via lateral gene transfer and (ii) acquisition of the biotinoperon-bearing Wolbachia strain by an ancestor of the bedbug.Plausibly, the biotin synthetic capability of wCle played no majorrole in the original nonbedbug host, but, once acquired by thebedbug, it conferred significant fitness advantage to the host thatfeeds solely on vertebrate blood deficient in biotin and other Bvitamins. In this context, it is conceivable, although speculative,that the wCle-allied facultative Wolbachia strains associated withthe bat fly and the louse fly (Fig. S6) may have some auxiliarynutritional roles in the blood-sucking insect hosts.In this study, we elucidated the genomic basis of the excep-

tional Wolbachia-mediated biotin provisioning in the bedbug,wherein lateral gene transfer underpins the peculiar metaboliccapacity of wCle. Notably, another peculiarity of wCle resides inits cellular tropism. Although most of insect-associated faculta-tive Wolbachia strains are sparsely distributed in various hostcells and tissues, wCle densely and specifically populates bac-teriocytes of the host bedbug (9). Here, the evolutionary tran-sition from facultative symbiosis to obligate mutualism mighthave occurred in parallel with the transition from systemic in-fection to bacteriocyte localization, which are consistently direct-ing toward a higher level of host–symbiont integrity. Molecular,cellular, and genetic mechanisms underlying the wCle-specificbacteriocyte localization are, although currently unknown, of evo-lutionary interest and deserving future studies.Recent studies have revealed that lateral gene transfers some-

times entail evolutionary consequences to adaptive ecologicaland physiological traits in insects and other organisms (37–40).Wolbachia endosymbionts occur ubiquitously (7) and rampantlyexchange their genetic materials with their cosymbionts and hosts(25, 41). Our results suggest that the biotin synthetic operon ofwCle was acquired from a facultative endosymbiont (likelyCardinium or Rickettsia) coinfecting the same insect host. Itwas recently reported that in the mealybug Planococcus citri,strikingly, the prokaryotic biotin synthesis genes bioA, bioD, andbioB, which are phylogenetically close to those found in wCle,Cardinium, and Rickettsia (Figs. S1D–F and S3D–F), are encodedin the host nuclear genome, significantly expressed in the bacter-iome, and presumably functioning in the endosymbiotic system(42). These findings highlight the evolutionary importance of en-dosymbiotic associations, wherein a host genome and multiplesymbiont genomes are continuously integrated into a coherentsystem, as arenas for symbiont–symbiont and symbiont–hostexchanges of genetic materials, which potentially lead to biologicalnovelties and innovations including capability of synthesizing es-sential nutrients. In this context, the origin of Wolbachia–bedbugnutritional mutualism compiles an additional dimension to thedynamic evolutionary perspective of symbiosis.

Materials and MethodsInsect Rearing. The wCle-infected bedbug strain JESC was maintained inplastic Petri dishes with a piece of filter paper at 25 °C under constant dark-ness. The insects were fed with purchased rabbit blood (Kohjin Bio) warmed at37 °C once per week using an artificial membrane feeding system as previouslydescribed (9). For curing of wCle, rifampicin was added to the blood meal ata concentration of 10 μg/mL. For rearing the wCle-cured insects, B vitaminswere supplemented to the blood meal as previously described (9).

Genome Analysis. For wCle genome sequencing, we dissected 26 healthyyoung adult bedbugs, collected 51 bacteriomes, and extracted DNA from thesymbiotic organs. The DNA sample (2 μg) was subjected to whole-genome

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shotgun sequencing and assembly as previously described (4). Gene pre-diction and annotation were performed as previously described (43).

Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis. Molecular phylogenetic analyses were con-ducted essentially as previously described (43). Multiple alignment wasperformed using MAFFT 5.6 (44). Maximum likelihood and Bayesian phyloge-nies were constructed using RAxML Version 7.7.6 (45) and MrBayes 3.1.2 (46).

Vitamin Analysis. Newborn nymphs of the wCle-infected bedbug strain JESCwere allocated to two experimental groups: one reared on normal rabbitblood and the other kept on the rabbit blood supplemented with 10 μg/mLrifampicin. Fourth-instar nymphs, which were collected 10 d after the lastfeeding at the third instar and weighed individually, were homogenized andhydrolyzed in 0.1 N HCl at 100 °C for 30 min. After adjusting to pH 4.5 with2.5 M sodium acetate, Takadiastase (Sigma-Aldrich) was added to eachsample and incubated at 37 °C for 16 h. After adding methanol for proteinprecipitation, the supernatant was lyophilized, suspended in 0.05% formicacid, 1.25 mM ammonium formate, and 50% methanol, and purified usinga polymer-based column (GL-Tip SDB; GL Sciences). The purified sample waslyophilized and quantitatively analyzed using a high-performance LC system

(Prominence; Shimadzu) coupled with a mass spectrometer (LCQ Duo;Thermo Fisher Scientific).

Fitness Measurement. First-instar nymphs of the wCle-cured bedbug strain,whose parents had been maintained on rabbit blood supplemented with allB vitamins, were reared to adulthood on nonsupplemented rabbit bloodto eliminate transgenerational carryover of B vitamins. These adult insectswere allowed to mate and lay eggs, and nymphs from these eggs wererandomly allocated to the following experimental groups: (i) all 10 B vita-mins were added to the blood meal, (ii) all B vitamins except biotin or thi-amine were added to the blood meal, and (iii) no B vitamins were added tothe blood meal. These insects were fed once a week and monitored until allof the insects either became adult or died.

See SI Materials and Methods for complete details on the materialsand methods.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This study was supported by the Program for Pro-motion of Basic and Applied Researches for Innovations in Bio-Oriented Industryand by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Grants22128001 and 22128007) from Japan Society of the Promotion of Science.

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