Evolution of Lead Routing for Real Estate Via Instant Video

Evolving Real Estate Lead Optimization


Real Estate Lead Routing Instantly Via Streaming Video

Transcript of Evolution of Lead Routing for Real Estate Via Instant Video

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Evolving Real Estate Lead Optimization

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The real estate industry has largely been neglected by innovative technology companies

Many of today’s real estate agents still rely on outdated marketing methods  

As the online real estate market becomes consolidated, agents are struggling to differentiate themselves

The new generation of home buyers expects tools to keep up with their digital life styles

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“No form of real estate is exempt from the exponential expansion of technology” – PwC report Emerging Trends in Real Estate® The global outlook for 2015

89% of people use their real estate agent as a major source when buying a home. 45% use a mobile website or application during the process. We enable agents to connect with their clients regardless of the device being used

Forrester Research found that Web pages with videos are 53 times more likely to appear in the first page of Google search results than text-only pages.

73% of buyers are more likely to work with an agent who utilizes video, yet only 12% of agents even have a Youtube account. The old Euphemism, adapt or die rings true!


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Why InstaCollab? Address leads instantly Face To Face with live video

Close customers while their attention is focused on you, not later when they may be busy

Form a trusting relationship with the customer Face to Face

Load property information and photos instantly, answering all questions on the spot

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Massive Rapidly Expanding Market

Over 2 million active real estate agents in the US

Over 100,000 real estate brokerage firms in the US

88% of buyers purchased their home through a real estate agent or broker—a share that has steadily increased from 69 percent in 2001

The housing market has been growing annually since the low of 2011 and is already over 65% recovered since the 2007 high

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Key Advantages

Installation and plugin free video with WebRTC

Light weight high quality video connection, no distractions to the customer

Support on most major browsers Chrome, Firefox and recently IE

First mover advantage - first to offer mobile enabled live video

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Easily customize product to fit your brand

Single Sign-on is easy for customers and gives you more data

Implementation is as simple as inserting a link

Integrate in Minutes

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Intuitive Agent Dashboard

Set agent availability on demand and receive offline messages when not available

Actively see who is browsing your page and what they have looked at

Actively engage leads in conversation or run passively in the background, being alerted only

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Streaming video utilizing WebRTC

P2P connection utilizing customer bandwidth means the overhead is very low

Mobile Enabled:• Deliver video to all mobile platforms including iOS. • Rapid responding native mobile application for agents initially for iOS• Push Notifications enable passive functioning of application in the background

Intelligent robust back-end with multiple capabilities:• Scalable video based on available bandwidth• Powerful analytics engine to capture customer data and help the agent utilize it in an intuitive dashboard

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Business Model

Freemium model which keeps video functionality, but removes branding for non-paying users keeping churn low and customers engaged

Tiered Payment SaaS model starting at key sub-$20 price point – cheap enough to keep subscription even for less active users.

Technology is easily adaptable for expansion into new verticals

Overseas R&D keeps company lean. Coupled with high margins we project break even in first year of operations.

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Experienced Team

Emil Babadjov

Chief Executive Officer/Owner Of Many Hats

Extensive sales & marketing experience in collaboration space

Early Stage investment background – Knows the shortcuts to scaling quick and efficiently

Project management Professional – Optimize our available resources

Widely developed network of investors and companies who can bring value.

Nick Bankov

Chief Product and Mobile Guru

15+ years mobile software development

Managed teams of 20+ developers in Silicon Valley

Collaboration Product Design expert

Two exits to public companies

Slav Hadjidimitrov

Chief Architect/Back-end Master

15+ years of development experience

Developing WebRTC since its release

Team lead with successful deliveries on six figure projects

Expert at collaboration software

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July, 2014Company officially founded, product definition determined

Nov, 2014Beta Customers Signing on rapidly – Brokerage firms and individual agents from 2 of the top markets in the country

Jan, 2015Oct, 2014Prototype completed, Additional developers hired to bring to market ASAP

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Nov, 2014MVP – Closed Beta before Thanksgiving, Active Fund raising, Soft Commitments

Jan, 2015Jan 2015 MVP 2.0 – Open Beta, rapid scaling of users, Seed Funding Completed, Leading Regional Brokerages as Users

Feb 2015Paid Version released, Leading National Brokerages as customers

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Raising $600,000 Jan, 2015Pre-Money Valuation $4,000,000

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Jan, 2015

Emil Babadjov, CEO Mobile: (818) [email protected]