Evolution of Core Transport Architecture - TERENA | Infinera Confidential & Proprietary Need to...

1 | Infinera Confidential & Proprietary Evolution of Core Transport Architecture Chris Liou – Infinera JRA1 T1/T2 Workshop - Copenhagen November 20 2012

Transcript of Evolution of Core Transport Architecture - TERENA | Infinera Confidential & Proprietary Need to...

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Evolution of Core Transport Architecture Chris Liou – Infinera

JRA1 T1/T2 Workshop - Copenhagen

November 20 2012

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Increasing capacity growth leads to super-channels • Bandwidth services ≠ Wavelength rates

• Decoupling services from wavelengths necessary to maximize flexibility

CapEx pressures forcing platform convergence • Simpler networks, fewer silos

Bandwidth services often unpredictable • Flows increasing in size

Cost/switched-Gb for Transport still << IP • Conventional IP/Optical approach yields sub-optimal utilization

• Ample opportunity to re-architect network using switched transport

True control plane interoperability remains elusive

What is Happening in the Core? Dynamics & Observations

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Need to Re-architect the Network


Data Center

Service Provider Network

Complex Layers of devices, connections, resources, operations



Multiple Layers in


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“Everything-over-IP” approach is over-burdened • Service termination + switching + grooming + transport + protection +…

• Optical transport relegated to transmission only

Control plane “locks” service into router platform

No cross-stratum communication

Reactive network planning is de facto pratice

PMO Network Architecture Unscalable “All eggs in one basket”

$Cost of BW




Services Tied to

Control Plane

Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3


Dumb optics

Cntrl plane Cntrl plane Cntrl plane

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Create network slices between dozens of data centers and millions of users…

Provision network connections over multi-domain packet, optical and LTE networks over the most optimal path automatically…

Roll out new services to users located anywhere in a matter of minutes…

Manage and change of VPN’s, SLA’s, firewalls and switches without a single truck roll…

Support network operating systems & databases, inventory, status at real time, auto provisioned, self monitoring…

How can this be achieved with minimum total network cost?

What if it were possible to …

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Scalable bandwidth where/when needed

Minimize OpEx through


Multi-layer, Multi-domain,


Max efficiency, performance, sharing, @min OpEx

Key Challenges in the Core

Core Network Network


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An Infinite Pool of Intelligent Bandwidth

Massive WDM Capacity

Virtualized & Flexible

Automated & Reliable

Converged & Optimized

Vision for the Optical Core

Can Bandwidth follow computing & evolve into an on-demand utility?

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Scalable, flexible optical transmission capacity • 100G, FlexCoherent, super-channels

Flexible & rapid turn-up of capacity • Capacity-with-a-click and Bandwidth-on-demand

Multi-tiered transport switching • Optical switching (wavelengths, super-channels, FlexGrid)

• Sub-wavelength (digital) for grooming onto carriers (packet, OTN)

Multi-layer, multi-domain, multi-vendor control plane • SDN’s concept of logically centralized topology may be key

• Integrated protection/restoration schemes

Automation protocols & programmable APIs • GMPLS coexistence with SDN

Key Ingredients of Vision Architecture

Convergence is essential for simplifying the network

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Optical Bandwidth


Digital Bandwidth


• Flexible ROADM capabilities

‒ Super-channels, wavelengths ‒ FlexGrid ‒ Configurable capacity/reach ‒ Optical restoration

Digital Bandwidth Management

400/500Gbps and 1 Tbps super channels

Core Packet


•Hybrid circuit/packet switching

•Scalable non-blocking switching

•Multiple protection/restoration schemes


•Shared Mesh Protection

Multi-Tb OTN


Optical Bandwidth Mgmt

Hierarchical Bandwidth Management Architecture

Hybrid switching maximizes efficiency & flexibility.

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Economics Drive Platform Convergence in Core

Phase 1 Status Quo

Converged OTN/DWDM


Phase 2



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Applications Rapid & Flexible Bandwidth

• Turn-up bandwidth quickly to support applications

Simplify/Automate Operations

• Multilayer, multivendor & multi-domain orchestration

Efficient Resource Utilization

• Coordinate & optimize between layers, select optimal path

Speed New Service Deployment

• Services created faster w/direct API access to transport

Extending SDN to Transport:


SDN Controller

Bandwidth Abstraction

Discover, Monitor, Control

• Multi-layer • Multi-vendor • Multi-domain

Packet flows OTN circuits

Optical wavelengths

Physical Resources

ONF on-going efforts around definition of Open Transport Switch.

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Conventional IP architectural approach does not scale • Router Cost/bit efficiencies not materializing

• Over-provisioning methodology Excessive unutilized capacity

Emerging advances in optical transport layer present new level of flexibility & agility • Scalable WDM with integrated digital/optical switching

• Elastic bandwidth can play significant role in router offload & bypass

Multi-layer, multi-vendor, multi-domain complexity has alternative approach • SDN key concepts gaining momentum, but niche applications

• SDN extension to transport in process – abstraction is key!


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Thank You [email protected]