evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/18130/1/1894021401.pdf ·...

Vol. II, ISTo. 38. IS PUBLISHED Every afternoon EXCEPT SUNDAY BT THE Holomm Publishing Co. At, King St (Thomas block), Honolulu, H. I. SUBSCRIPTION, per Month, 50 Ots. Tho paper is delivered by Carriers in the town and suburbs. Single Copies for Sale at the News Dealers and at the Office of publication. Edmund Norrie, - - Editor ABRAHAM FERNANDEZ, Manager jSTOTIOE. All Business Communications should bo addressed to Abraham Fernandez, Ilono-lul- u, II. I. Correspondence and Communications for publication should bo addressed to the Editor Hawaii Holomua. No notice will be paid to any anonymous communications. Business Cards A. P. PETERSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: 113 Kaahunianu Street, Honolulu Hawaiian Islands. CHARLES OREIGHTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: 113 Kaabumanu Street, Honolulu Hawaiian Islands. PAUL XEUMANN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 31-- i Merchant Stroot, Honolulu, Mutual Tolophono 415. OLABEXOE TV. ASHFOBD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office: Old Capitol Building, (Honolulu , . Hale), adjoining Post Office, Honolulu. J.-M- . DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 306 Merchant St., Office (Mutual) ToL ISO, BesidenceGT, JOHN LOTA EATJLTJKOU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, oornor King it Bethel Sts. A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. id'Kaahum'anu Si. , Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Estate and General Auctioneer. Comer Fort and Qnjtcn Streets, Honolnls Personal attention given to Sales of Furniture, Heal Estate, , Stock asd General Merchandise. HitiJ?T3nw.2W 'ZQn.e ILiife of" t3a.e Land Is ZSsta,"folis3n.ea In. Slg-teouLsrLes- s. Honolulu, "Wednesday, Business Cards H. E. MoLNTYRE & BBO., Grocery, Feed Store & Bakery, Corner of King and Port Sts., Honolulu. MACFARLANE & CO. Dealers' in Wines and Spirits Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu. H. F. BERTELMANN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, 86 King St., Bell Telephone 107. F. H. REDWARD, CONTRACTOR AMD BUHNER, No. 506 King Street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. dr. Mclennan, 131 Fort Street.' Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 12 M.; 3 to 5 P.M. Office Tel. GS2MtrrnAL-Residen- ce Tel. 2S7. Bell Telephone 3SI. P. O. Box 32 TV. TV. TVRiGHT & SON, Carriage and Wagon Builders IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 79 and SO King Street, Honolulu, H. I. Elias Kaululaau Wright 8" DENTIST, Cornor of jKing and Bethel Sts., Upstairs, Entrance on King Street. Office Hours From 9 a.m. to 12 m., 1 to i p.m. Sundaj-- s excepted. J. PHILLIPS, PRACTICAL PLUMBER, GAS.FITTER COPPER-SMITH- , House and Ship Job TVork Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street, Honolulu. 1--1. LOSE, Notary Public. Gollcctor and General Business Agent. Patentee of Lose's Chemical Compound for Clarifying Cane Juice. Sub-Age- nt for several of the Best FIRE INSURANCE COS. Mutual Telephone a. P. 0. Box 33S. Merchant street, Honolulu. WING W0 TA! & Co., No. 214 Ncuonu Street, commission MERCHANTS, Importers and Dealers In GENL MERCHANDISE. Fine Manila Cigars, Chinese and Japanese Crock ryware.Mattines Vases of all kinds, Camphorwood Trunks, Rattan Chairs, a Fine Assortment of Dress Silks, Best Brands of Chinese and Japanese Teas of Latest Importations. Inspection of New Goods Re spectfully Solicited. Mutual Tel. 2GG, P. O. Box 158 Business Cards G.W. MACFARLANE & 00., Importers and Commissioii Jfeciiants, Honolulu. - Hawaiian Islands THOMAS LINDSAY; Manufacturing' Jeweler and Watchmaker, Mclnerny Block, 403 Fort St., Honolulu. HARRISON BROS., 3? CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, 20SFort St., Honolulu. MERCHANT'S EXCHANGE, S. I. SHAW, Pkoprietor, CHOICE LIQ UORS and FINE BEER, Corner of King and Nunanu Sts. , Mutual Tel. 423. Honolulu. BRUCE & A. J. GARTWRiCHT Business of a Fiduciary Nature Transacted. Prompt attention given to the management of Estates, Guardianships, Trusts, etc., etc., etc. Offices, : Carlwright Building, Merchant Street. Honolulu. "FAT BOY." BAY HORSE 53 SALOON ! P. McINERNY, Proprietor, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. Corner Bethel asd Hotel Sts. PACIFIC SALOON, Corner King and Nuuanu Streets." J2DW. WOLTER.. . .Manager. The Finest selection of LIQUORS and BEER, sold anywhere in the town. First-clas- s attendence. Call and judge for yourself. noSO-tf- . Hlmpire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, Proprietor. Fine Wineg, "Liquor, Bestf, ALWAYS ON HAND. Corner Nuuanu and Hotel Streets Bell Telephone 331. Post OSce Box 32. W.W.WRIGHTS SON Gsimage Wagon Builders In All Its Branches. Horseshoeing A SPECIALTY.-7- 9 Vand SOlviagiSL, Honolulu February 4a IS -- Advertisements City sa Meat Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, Established 1883. JOS. TINKER, BGlycEEE Maker of the Celebrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Try Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of the City and Suburbs. Mutual Telephone Number 2S9. Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA, another Invoice of the celebrated JOHN "WEIL AND PALS LACEEt JXv Also, a Fresh Invoice of 1- 1- Ij -- FOR- L. H. DEE, Proprietor. KWOHG SDIG CHOK 4 (10: Corutxactox 3?aintiiigs &c. . 23 e also keep on hand Bedsteads;' Mattrasses, Tables. Bookcases, Mirrors, Etc,, AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES ; JSfo.216 King it t Honolulu - Cde4 3nl 94. Per THE ProTisional -:- - Goveimt OFFICIAL LIST OF MEM. BERS AND LOCATION OF BUBEIUS. Executive Council. S. B. Dole, President of trie Protiston.it Govern- - mentor tne Hawaiian islands, ana Minister of Foreign Affairs. J. A. Kinjr, Minister of the Interior. S. M. Damon, Minister of Finance. . u. smitn, Attorney-Genera- l. Advkort Council. W. C. Wilder, nt of the Provisional Government of tho Hawaiian Islands. C.Bolte. John Emmelnth. Cecil Brown, E. D. Tennev. John Nott, W. F. Allen, John Ena. Ilenry Vaterhouo, James F. Morgan A. Yonnsr, Kd.Shr, F.5i. Hatch, Jos. P. Mendonca. Chas. T. Rodgers, Secretary Ex. and Adr. councils. Stpeeme Coubt. non. A. F. Jndd, Chief Tnstlee. Hon. R. F. BIcfcerton, First Associate Justice. Hon. . F. rrenr. Second Associate Jnstice. Hrnrr Smith. CThM Hurt Geo. laic s, Deputy Clerk. C. F. Peterson. second Denutv Clerk. J. Walter Jones, Stenographer. CiKccrr Judges. First Circnit: jKc ' Oahn Second Circnit: (Mnnl) A. N. Kepoitai. Third and Fourth Circuits: (Hawaii) S. L. Austin . . . . . t: r. v. ri i t Offices and Conrt-roo- in Court House. King street. Sitting in Honolulu The first Monday in February, May, August and Novem- ber. Depaetmest of Foreign ArrAiES. Office In CrtDitol Uuildinr. Klnp street. Hl Excellency Sanford B. Dole, Minister of Foreign Geo. a Potter, Secret rv. . Horace right, Lionel Hart, Clerks. DEPABTHEJiTOK IKTERIOE- - Office In Executive Building, King street. His Excellency J. A. Kinir. Minister of Interior. Chief Clerk, John A. Hass neer. Assistant Clerks: Jumes U. lloyd, M. K. Keoho-kalol- e. Stephen Mahauln, George C. Ross, Bureau or Agriculture and Forestry. President: His Excellency tbe Minister of Interior. Win. G Irwin, Allan Herbert, John Ena, Joseph Marsden, Commissioner and Secretary. Chiefs or Bureaus, Interior Depart est. ' Surveyor-Genera- l, XV. D. Alexander. Supt. Publ:c Worb, W.E. Rowell. Supt. Water Works, Andrew Brown. inspector, Electric ugnts, John Crfssldy. uegisirar oi u nTevnnces, i. u. i nmm. Road Supervisor. It nolulu.W. II Cnmmlizs. Chlef Engineer Fire Dept., Jas. II. Hunt. Supt. Insane Asylum, Dr. A. McWayne. Depaetjiet orFlKASCE. Office, Executive Building, King street, Minister of Finance, His Excellency S. M. Damon. Auditor-Genera- l, George J. Ross. ttegisiwroi Accounts, . u. Astiiey. Clerk of Finance Office, E. A. Mclnerny. Col.'ector-Grnera- l of Custom. J-t- B. Cutle. TaxAsessor. Othn, Joa4.S w. ueputy 'i ax Assessor, Vi.C Weedon. Pusta.aster-Gener- !, J. Mort Out, Ccstoxs Bureau. Office, Custom House. Esplanade, Fort street. Collector-Genera- l, Js. B. Cnstlel iepuiyHi.eor t. u. iicsvcKer. Harbormaster, Captain A. Fuller. Port Survevor. M. x Senders. Storekeeper, George C Stratemeyer. or Attorset-Gexeral.- 1 Office la Executive Building, King street. Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Smith. Deputy Attorney.Genera!, G. K. Wilder. CIerk,J.M.Kea. Marshal, E. G. Hitchcock. Cirri: to al, It. M. Dow. Deputy Marshal, Arthur if. Br irn. Jailor Oibu Prison, J. A. Low. Prison Pnysiciiin, Dr. C B. Cooper. Board or Ixxigsatiox. President. His Excellency J. A. Kins-Memb- er of tbe Hoard of immigration: Hon. J. B. Atherton, Jas. B. Castle, Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, James G. Spencer, Mark. P. Bobinwn. Secretary, Wray Taylor. Board or Health. OScein around of Court House Buildic- -, comer of MSKiani and Queen streets. Members: Dr. Dav. Dr. Miner. Dr. Andrew. J. T. Walerhouse Jr John Ena, Then. i Lariiing k AKOtatj-utara- u aqua, Prftjldent Hen. W. O Smith. Secretary Cass. Wilcox. Executive Officer C B. Remolds. InsTjectora'id Massgerot Garbage Serrice L. u ut nerre. lespector G. . C- - Jones. Port PhysicUa. Dr.G. B. Andrews, Disjnsarr, Dr. II. W. HomtroV Leper tetUeaedt, Dr. R. K. Oliver. Soaks or Esccatjos'. Court Hswae BafldIa?,"Klni; sireet. PresHenl, Won. C. J Bb&a. Secretary, W. James Ssita. las peetcr of Scftooli, A.T. Atilasee. Police SUt BWlcy, Mcreia.Kt txeet A.G.M. RobertsoaxiMrati. x JaaJia A.TbufsB, Cliri - - . Month. 50 Ots. WI. DATES, RIGGER, STEVEDORE iXD WRECKER. ESTIMATES AND COKTRACTS,ON... ALL EIXDS OF WOKE.. The Schoooner MAHIaLAHI, will run regnlarly between this porfan'd1 Wiualaa, Eawaitapfti, Moknleia, Keawenhi and Kuiki on the island of Oahu. For freight, etc , apply to tho Captain. " decl6-t- f LEWIS & CO. Wholesale and Retail Grocers AND PEOYISI02? DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA SALMON ON'IOT- - Bv Every 8an Francisco Steamer. Salt Salmon in Barrels a Specialty. in Fori Si., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P.O. Box 297. GHAS. GIRDLER, Importer and Commission - Merchant. SPECIALTIES: . " J. & P. Coats' Machine Thread Jonas Brooks' Machine Thread Barbour's Linen Thread Pears' Soap P. O. Box 353. Mntnal Telephone 356; 13 Kaahumanu Street. QrjEX Street, Between Alakea & Bicbard Sts. THE UNDERSIGNED are prepared to nil kinds of Iron Brass, Bronze, Zinc, , Tin and Lead Castings. Also a ' General Repair Shop for Steam Engines, Bice Alffls, Corn Mills, Water Wheels, Wind Mills, etc. - Machines tor the Cleaning of Coffee, Castor Oils, Beans, Ramie, Sisal - Pineapple Leaves & other Fibrous Plants, And Paper Stock' Also Machines for Extracting Starch fro a the Manioc, Arrow Boot, etc. Esf All Orders promptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN tfl CO. Cement idew ASD Estimates given on all kinds' of Concrete a SEECLiLTr; - ? jau!7 3uT - : . . fr .A- . -

Transcript of evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/18130/1/1894021401.pdf ·...

Vol. II, ISTo. 38.



Holomm Publishing Co.

At, King St (Thomas block),Honolulu, H. I.

SUBSCRIPTION, per Month, 50 Ots.

Tho paper is delivered by Carriers in thetown and suburbs. Single Copies for Saleat the News Dealers and at the Office ofpublication.

Edmund Norrie, - - Editor


jSTOTIOE.All Business Communications should bo

addressed to Abraham Fernandez, Ilono-lul- u,

II. I.Correspondence and Communications for

publication should bo addressed to the EditorHawaii Holomua. No notice will be paidto any anonymous communications.

Business Cards



Office: 113 Kaahunianu Street, HonoluluHawaiian Islands.



Office: 113 Kaabumanu Street, HonoluluHawaiian Islands.



31-- i Merchant Stroot, Honolulu,Mutual Tolophono 415.




Office: Old Capitol Building, (Honolulu, . Hale), adjoining Post Office,




306 Merchant St., Office (Mutual)ToL ISO, BesidenceGT,



Office, oornor King it Bethel Sts.



No. id'Kaahum'anu Si. , Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands.


Real Estate and GeneralAuctioneer.

Comer Fort and Qnjtcn Streets, Honolnls

Personal attention given to Salesof Furniture, Heal Estate,

, Stock asd GeneralMerchandise.


'ZQn.e ILiife of" t3a.e Land Is ZSsta,"folis3n.ea In. Slg-teouLsrLes-s.

Honolulu, "Wednesday,

Business Cards


Grocery, Feed Store & Bakery,

Corner of

King and Port Sts., Honolulu.


Dealers' in Wines and Spirits

Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu.



86 King St., Bell Telephone 107.



No. 506 King Street, Honolulu.Hawaiian Islands.

dr. Mclennan,131 Fort Street.'

Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 12 M.; 3 to 5 P.M.

Office Tel. GS2MtrrnAL-Residen- ce Tel. 2S7.

Bell Telephone 3SI. P. O. Box 32


Carriage and Wagon Builders


79 and SO King Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Elias Kaululaau Wright


Cornor of jKing and Bethel Sts., Upstairs,

Entrance on King Street.

Office Hours From 9 a.m. to12 m., 1 to i p.m. Sundaj--s





House and Ship Job TVork

Promptly Executed.No. 71 King Street, Honolulu.

1--1. LOSE,Notary Public.

Gollcctor and General BusinessAgent.

Patentee of Lose's ChemicalCompound for Clarifying

Cane Juice.

Sub-Age- nt for several of theBest


Mutual Telephone a. P. 0. Box 33S.

Merchant street, Honolulu.

WING W0 TA! & Co.,

No. 214 Ncuonu Street,


Importers and Dealers In


Fine Manila Cigars, Chinese andJapanese Crock ryware.MattinesVases of all kinds, CamphorwoodTrunks, Rattan Chairs, a FineAssortment of Dress Silks, BestBrands of Chinese and JapaneseTeas of Latest Importations.Inspection of New Goods Respectfully Solicited.

Mutual Tel. 2GG, P. O. Box 158

Business Cards


Importers and Commissioii


Honolulu. - Hawaiian Islands


Manufacturing' Jeweler andWatchmaker,

Mclnerny Block, 403 Fort St., Honolulu.



20SFort St., Honolulu.


S. I. SHAW, Pkoprietor,



Corner of King and Nunanu Sts. ,

Mutual Tel. 423. Honolulu.


Business of a Fiduciary Nature Transacted.

Prompt attention given to the managementof Estates, Guardianships, Trusts,

etc., etc., etc.

Offices, : Carlwright Building,Merchant Street. Honolulu.



P. McINERNY, Proprietor,

Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer.

Corner Bethel asd Hotel Sts.


Corner King and Nuuanu Streets."

J2DW. WOLTER.. . .Manager.

The Finest selection of LIQUORS andBEER, sold anywhere in the town.

First-clas- s attendence. Call and judgefor yourself. noSO-tf-.

Hlmpire Saloon,JAMES OLDS, Proprietor.

Fine Wineg, "Liquor, Bestf,


Corner Nuuanu and Hotel Streets

Bell Telephone 331. Post OSce Box 32.


Gsimage Wagon Builders

In All Its Branches.

HorseshoeingA SPECIALTY.-7- 9

Vand SOlviagiSL, Honolulu

February 4a IS


City sa Meat

Oppo. Queen Emma Hall,

Established 1883.



Maker of the Celebrated

Cambridge Pork Sausage !

Try Them.

Meat Delivered to Any Part of

the City and Suburbs.

Mutual Telephone Number 2S9.

Criterion Saloon


another Invoice of the celebrated





Also, a Fresh Invoice of

1- 1- Ij

-- FOR-

L. H. DEE,Proprietor.



3?aintiiigs &c.

. 23 e also keep on hand

Bedsteads;' Mattrasses,

Tables. Bookcases,

Mirrors, Etc,,


; JSfo.216 Kingit t Honolulu- Cde4 3nl

94. Per


ProTisional -:-- Goveimt




Executive Council.

S. B. Dole, President of trie Protiston.it Govern- -mentor tne Hawaiian islands, ana Ministerof Foreign Affairs.

J. A. Kinjr, Minister of the Interior.S. M. Damon, Minister of Finance.

. u. smitn, Attorney-Genera- l.

Advkort Council.

W. C. Wilder, nt of the ProvisionalGovernment of tho Hawaiian Islands.

C.Bolte. John Emmelnth.Cecil Brown, E. D. Tennev.John Nott, W. F. Allen,John Ena. Ilenry Vaterhouo,James F. Morgan A. Yonnsr,Kd.Shr, F.5i. Hatch,Jos. P. Mendonca.Chas. T. Rodgers, Secretary Ex. and Adr.


Stpeeme Coubt.

non. A. F. Jndd, Chief Tnstlee.Hon. R. F. BIcfcerton, First Associate Justice.Hon. . F. rrenr. Second Associate Jnstice.Hrnrr Smith. CThM HurtGeo. laic s, Deputy Clerk.C. F. Peterson. second Denutv Clerk.J. Walter Jones, Stenographer.

CiKccrr Judges.

First Circnit: jKc ' OahnSecond Circnit: (Mnnl) A. N. Kepoitai.Third and Fourth Circuits: (Hawaii) S. L. Austin. . . . .t: r. v. ri i t

Offices and Conrt-roo- in Court House.King street. Sitting in Honolulu The firstMonday in February, May, August and Novem-ber.

Depaetmest of Foreign ArrAiES.

Office In CrtDitol Uuildinr. Klnp street. HlExcellency Sanford B. Dole, Minister of Foreign

Geo. a Potter, Secret rv.. Horace right, Lionel Hart, Clerks.


Office In Executive Building, King street.His Excellency J. A. Kinir. Minister of Interior.Chief Clerk, John A. Hass neer.Assistant Clerks: Jumes U. lloyd, M. K. Keoho-kalol- e.

Stephen Mahauln, George C. Ross,

Bureau or Agriculture and Forestry.

President: His Excellency tbe Minister ofInterior. Win. G Irwin, Allan Herbert,John Ena, Joseph Marsden, Commissionerand Secretary.

Chiefs or Bureaus, Interior Depart est. '

Surveyor-Genera- l, XV. D. Alexander.Supt. Publ:c Worb, W.E. Rowell.Supt. Water Works, Andrew Brown.inspector, Electric ugnts, John Crfssldy.uegisirar oi u nTevnnces, i. u. i nmm.Road Supervisor. It nolulu.W. II Cnmmlizs.Chlef Engineer Fire Dept., Jas. II. Hunt.Supt. Insane Asylum, Dr. A. McWayne.

Depaetjiet orFlKASCE.

Office, Executive Building, King street,Minister of Finance, His Excellency S. M.

Damon.Auditor-Genera- l, George J. Ross.ttegisiwroi Accounts, . u. Astiiey.Clerk of Finance Office, E. A. Mclnerny.Col.'ector-Grnera- l of Custom. J-t- B. Cutle.TaxAsessor. Othn, Joa4.S w.ueputy 'i ax Assessor, Vi.C Weedon.Pusta.aster-Gener- !, J. Mort Out,

Ccstoxs Bureau.

Office, Custom House. Esplanade, Fort street.Collector-Genera- l, Js. B. CnstleliepuiyHi.eor t. u. iicsvcKer.Harbormaster, Captain A. Fuller.Port Survevor. M. x Senders.Storekeeper, George C Stratemeyer.

or Attorset-Gexeral.- 1

Office la Executive Building, King street.

Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Smith.Deputy Attorney.Genera!, G. K. Wilder.CIerk,J.M.Kea.Marshal, E. G. Hitchcock.Cirri: to al, It. M. Dow.Deputy Marshal, Arthur if. Br irn.Jailor Oibu Prison, J. A. Low.Prison Pnysiciiin, Dr. C B. Cooper.

Board or Ixxigsatiox.

President. His Excellency J. A. Kins-Memb- er

of tbe Hoard of immigration:Hon. J. B. Atherton, Jas. B. Castle, Hon. A.S. Cleghorn, James G. Spencer, Mark. P.Bobinwn.

Secretary, Wray Taylor.

Board or Health.

OScein around of Court House Buildic- -,comer of MSKiani and Queen streets.Members: Dr. Dav. Dr. Miner. Dr. Andrew. J. T.

Walerhouse Jr John Ena, Then. i Lariiingk AKOtatj-utara- u aqua,

Prftjldent Hen. W. O Smith.Secretary Cass. Wilcox.Executive Officer C B. Remolds.InsTjectora'id Massgerot Garbage Serrice L.

u ut nerre.lespector G. . C-- Jones.Port PhysicUa. Dr.G. B. Andrews,Disjnsarr, Dr. II. W. HomtroVLeper tetUeaedt, Dr. R. K. Oliver.

Soaks or Esccatjos'.

Court Hswae BafldIa?,"Klni; sireet.PresHenl, Won. C. J Bb&a.Secretary, W. James Ssita.laspeetcr ofScftooli, A.T. Atilasee.

Police SUt BWlcy, Mcreia.Kt txeetA.G.M. RobertsoaxiMrati. x

JaaJia A.TbufsB, Cliri - - .

Month. 50 Ots.






The Schoooner MAHIaLAHI,

will run regnlarly between this porfan'd1Wiualaa, Eawaitapfti, Moknleia, Keawenhiand Kuiki on the island of Oahu.

For freight, etc , apply to tho Captain. "

decl6-t- f


Wholesale and Retail Grocers




Bv Every 8an Francisco Steamer.

Salt Salmon in Barrels

a Specialty.

in Fori Si., Honolulu. Tel. 240,

P.O. Box 297.


Importer and Commission -

Merchant.SPECIALTIES: . "

J. & P. Coats' Machine ThreadJonas Brooks' Machine Thread

Barbour's Linen ThreadPears' Soap

P. O. Box 353. Mntnal Telephone 356;

13 Kaahumanu Street.

QrjEX Street,

Between Alakea & Bicbard Sts.

THE UNDERSIGNED are prepared tonil kinds of

Iron Brass, Bronze, Zinc, ,

Tin and Lead Castings. Also a '

General Repair Shop for Steam Engines,Bice Alffls, Corn Mills,

Water Wheels, Wind Mills, etc. -

Machines tor the Cleaning of Coffee,Castor Oils, Beans, Ramie, Sisal -

Pineapple Leaves & other Fibrous Plants,And Paper Stock'

Also Machines for Extracting Starch froathe Manioc, Arrow Boot, etc.

Esf All Orders promptly attended to.


Cement idew


Estimates given on all kinds'


Concrete a SEECLiLTr; -


jau!7 3uT -







'CXiy fXfy t j

SSunyjrtii 3! AiAmwftPROGRESS.

Trie Life of the Land is Establishedin Righteousness.

HONOLULU, FEB. 14,1894.


They Follow the Cau-

casian Lead.

N One of tho gravest issues of theday is now staring the provisional government iii the face. To-

night a mass-meetin- g of allChinese rosidenls will be held atthe Chinese Theatre, where a pro-

test will bo entered against theproposed new restriction lawagainst the Asiastics. The lan-

guage used will be so emphaticalthat the government will havegood reason to pause and thinkbofore leaping into a situation sofull of complications that theresult may bo of dire disaster totho country. We are not pro-Chines- e

by any means, but wo

are endeavoring to bo just, oudwo do not consider that the actwhich it is proposed to pass hasoven tho slightest flavor of justice.We are strongly opposed to theintroduction of any more Chineseinto' tho country, but wo bolievothat those who are here as law-abidi- ng

citizens and contributenefourth of tho taxes to tho gove-

rnment should bo treated withjustice and fairness. It is un-

necessary to enumerate thereasons why Chinoso should notbo encouraged to como to theseIslands. Tho main and mostpotent reason is that it is con-

trary to tho rules of good govern-ment in any state to exceed thonumber of males over fomales inany marked degree. Tho Chineseincrease tho male population oftho country only and therebycause a serious disproportion bo- -

twoon tho sexes which are con-

trary to all social and moralethics. From n politico-economic- al

view they only contributethoir taxes to tho stato, whilo thoysend all thoir surplus cash out ofcountry, a proceeding which thonatural by is detrimental to thenational capital. They aro fur-

ther on a distinct migratory popu-

lation and they never becomepermanently domesticated orafliliato themselves with thocustoms and people of tho coun-

try. For these reasons wo de-

cidedly object to a furtherimportation of Chinese; but inregard to those now in tho coun-

try, wo object to an) laws ormoasuros which place them be-

yond tho rights and priveloges ofothor nationalities. They pay,

ias wo navo saul avouo a largeproportion of thoraxes and theyaro largo importers and dealers.They aro theroforo cortaiulyentitled to bo treated with at leastdecency and somo showof fairness. It may havebeau a mistake ever to haveintroduced Chineso into the country, but it is no uso crying overspilt milk. They aro hero andmust be treated like humanboings and with that equality andfairness which is the boast of all

.truo Amoricaus. Tho special ob

jection wlucu tuo Uiimeso raiseagainst the proposed law is inregard to tho license demandedfor all who desire to enter intomechanical occupation. Also theclause which makes it optionalwith the Minister of Interior togrant licenses to storekeepers andwhich prevents a ng of alicense to a in.m who once had be-coin- ea

bankrupt. The registrationact is also a cause of great; opposi-tion. But mark well that the Chi-

noso do not oppose these laws onthe merits alone, but especiallybecause they are made exclusivelyfor them and all other --aiationali-ties

are exempted. "Why shoulda white man bo permitted to gata new license after his bankruptcywhen a Chinese storekeeper isrefused it? Why should a sneyd-mcchan- io

bo allowed to pursuekis business to the injury of askilled mechanic without a licensesiwply . lMwe he hails from

orimwiM er Qrelaa; 1

while a Chinese mechanic is

bamd.tpf.,,,s tf"? ,?procuring a license? "Why shoulda Chinaman be made to registeras an accomodation for the gov-

ernment which desires to checkvagrancy, while hundreds of whiteloafers and toughs are infestingthe street-corn- ers and politicalorganizations with impunity? Itis these questions which will beasked to-nig- ht at the Chinesetheatre and we can predict thatthe answer will be such that itwill make the Provisional Gov-

ernment tremble in their boots.Trample on the worm too longand at last he turns and stings.


A Mass-meetin- g Fro"batle

Tnere is a move must amongthe intelligent Japanese residentsto call a mass-meetin- g and discusswhat steps it will be proper fir theJapanese colony to take for thepurpose of obtaining representationin the P. G. government of Hawaii.The immediate canse for this stepwhich may have some very ser:ousresults for the Government is theidiotic piece of school-bo- y work inallowing a certain political organization to hold a sham election and to

dictate to the government whoshall sit in the council and who'

shall not. The Japanese are eminently a quiet and tractable people,

They have heretofore left it fortheir own government to obtain therights to which Japanese citizenain Hawaii are entitled and thematter has on account of the reve-lutio- n

here so far been kept inabeyance when the intelligent andprominent leaders among the Japanese here now see that all "that isnecessary to obtain representation

is to form' themselves into a political organization and from the rostrum of such a league make sufficient noise to be heard in thegovernment building and therebyintimidating our present rulers thesituation assunus a different aspect.There are absolutely no reasons lorthem to wait Jor the Japanesegovernment to help them. Theycan do that themselves and by

passing a number of resolutions

and presenting them to the councils

in a peremptory manner they can

gain their point. The Japanesehave not the same causes of

Grievance as have the Chinese butit is well understood that the two

nations propose to work togeth

and ioin issues. What theend will be, nobedy can foresee just

now, but it looks as if the govern

ment will have its hand full before


The Advertiser correspondentwho critized the army a few daysago has been relieved, we under-stand from further connectionwith that groat military body.Tho gag-law- s of the P. G. areevidently not confined to thopress or to the royalists.

The Annexation Club is issu-

ing certificates of membership ina most promiscuous manner bothto members and to non-membe- rs.

Anything for a vote.

The usual kicker was prominent in tie volcancparty whichreturned this morning. ManagerLee and Pursor Beckley whistlediu a duet "wait till the cloudsroll by Pele" and then theysmiled.

Wouldn't it be well now fromSmith of the Star to give thepublic the history of Smith oftho Lsague before ho gets intotho Councils? There was n timewhen the reform organs used anunlimited amount of pet nameswhen writing about Mr. D, B.

Smith, chief-olectricia-n to HisMajesty Kalakana and a knightof tho Crown of Hawaii.

Bats implies that two government officials at South JKona,Hnwaii, aro about to have a duel.Tho marshal has gone forward to.act in a blessed manner, as paci-ficator. It is not expected thateither men will bo injured al-

though .news of tho resoll iswaited for in saspess.


Some Literary Chickens


We publish a few letters from

Hawaiian residents male andfemale which have a appearedin the New York Sup, and whichgive a pretty good idea of thespread-eagl- e tone used by thepersons who furnish the correspondence bureau of the Sun withmaterial. It is worthy of noticethat President Dole's wife isamong the correspondents to thejournal in question, and that sheevidently believes that the UnitedStates are an adjunct of her kule-a- na.

Hence the expression myUnited States. Little "EI wood"

who is labelled as being 10 yearsold' and an annexationist wouldundoubtedly bo much improvedif his fundamental part wasbrought somewhat closer intoconnection with one of hisfather's shingles. A Chineseslipper might serve the purposethough. The third letter fromanother old gossip tells the worldsomo. news in regard to a whole-

sale bribery of Clevelaudj Blountand the Queen. Tho writer's"old man" evidently doesn't con-

cur in his wifey's opinion; if howasn't so henpecked ho wouldundoubtedly have prevented hisbetter (?) half from making moreof a fool of herself than natureabsolutely intended to do.

"Honolulu, Dec. 8, 1S93.

"My dear Friend: Wo havereceived your letter of Nov. 17and my husband and I thank youheartily for your expressions- - ofsympathy. This is indeed a timewhen wo need all the friends tostand by us. Mr. Cleveland'spolicy with regard to restor-ing the ex-Que- en came upon uslike a thunderbolt. It seemed tome almost incredible that it couldbe so. But the Provisional Governmont is brave and strong andunited, and it means to resist

5 attacks from whatever source thoycome. 1 am proud of it evenwhile I tremble.

"But I do not no, I cannotbeliove that the President of myUnited btates will ever instigateso disgraceful a deed as to sendhis navy to fight Americans whoare defending themselves in thoholy causo of liberty! We feelnow that the great Americanpeople are with us, and next toGod our trust is in them. Theway they have risen up in right-oou- s

wrath is a fine thing to behold, and if Congress takes thisthing in hand as 1 believe itmust do now, we think we shallbe all right. With re- -uowed thanks for your sweet sym-pathy, and with sincere 'aloha.'

Anna C. Dole."

Honolulu, Nov. 2G, 1893."The Queen (?) is not yet re-

stored ! ! ! You will get paperswhich tell of tho mass meetingheld last night. The Govern-ment does not mean to back downat the request of the UnitedStates Minister, and as yet hehas not made such request. Ifancy he does not know just howto present tue subject lie issurprised to find an intelligentitcommunity nere: everything isdifferent from his expectations;so he told us when we called onhim. The officers of tho Provisional Government, he said,would compare well with men inthe United States in like posetion,and he doesn't know what tomake of them. He did not attempt to carry out his orders; hewrote home for further instructions, and that give us a chanceto hear from abroad what he wasexpected to do. The Champion,H. B. M. S., is in port, and we

see by the San Francisco papersthat Wodehouse has promised,the Queen, British protectionwhen she is restored. I am gladCapt. Wi tse did not live longenough to be censured by thisAdministration. The one joy wo

have in all this is the outcry ofthe American people. A queerthing happened a few weeks ago.A rumor was whispered that theSagar Trust had bribed Cleve

land to veto annexation. 2fow it J

is town talk. It is said that onomillion dollars is to be given toCleveland for refusing annexationand one million for restoring theQueen.

"At first my husband said h6did not believe it If the SugarTarast; who wrs to git thu

1 bribe, had really done so, they, would not tell of :t; but now hebelieves there is something init the sly way which Clevelandhas pursued all through, andwhich is more plainly manifestevery day, Blount's neglect of

every one, as far as he dared,who was known to be an annex-ationist, his willingness to re-

ceive their witness, then thisfinal act, having, as he supposed,already accomplished the restor-ation, and refusing annexationwithout submitting the thing toCongress at all. I think you willadmit that we have reason tofeel that there is truth in thestory, still it seems hard, and itis very humiliating to feel thatthe Chief Magistrate of our owndear, dear country could stoop toanythiuge so degrading as this,though tho bribe is such a bigone. Of course you will not useany names when repeating thisnews. The story is now talk in

Honolulu, out these names arenot generallv used, and the more

I think of it the more ready I amto believe it, because it explainsso much that puzzled us in Mr,Blount's course. He was to gethis share as ray special "commissioner."

Honolulu, Dec. 16, 1S93."My Der Frixd: Papa and I

wish you could be here now, it isso exciting. Everybody is talkingabout Cleveland and politics, and Ihave just been telling papa thatwant him to buy me a gun andfight him. It takes bigger menthan me to fight, but I guess theycan do it. If Cleveland is like hispictures he must be pretty shor- t-

winded, and would be knocked outfirst round. I'd llike to pelt himwith a few cocoanuts. Wouldn't itbe fine if Iould play David to

Goliah Blount? I think our big

burning volcano, Kilauea, was intended for offering just such sacrifices (?) to Pele as Cleve, Gres, andParamount, with Liliuokalanithrown in for flavoring. 1 guessPele would think them tho biggestand most acceptable pigs that sheever struck.

"When I was down at Wing Wo

Chan's store yesterday I asked oneof the clerks to which party did hebelonged, and he squeezed up hiseyes and said: 'I belong to Meh- -can parly. Melicans got plentymoney. E likee President Dole,with his pig-taile- d whiskers. I no

fightee for Dam Blountand KanakaQueen.' I told him that I woulds.ving on his pigtail if he did soSo yuu see how we. feel down hereon the Hawaiian problem. In theafternoon I went down to Brewer'swharf, where I waited for a steamlannch to go to the Philadelphia(Capt. Barker is a dandy Jim andinvites me over ulten), and whilewaiting on the wharf I thought Iwould pump the native boatmenand first they said they were alroyalists, but before I boarded thelaunch the' one and all said thatthey would to have KaiulaniQueen, and then let her ask forannexation; but they want thu miY

sionary Americms doing it forthem. So y u se, how encouragedwe ought to feel.

"The Afong wedding was fine,and Mine Afong gave me lots o

cake and ice cream, and it gave mecolic, but E am better today.

'I still wear the American flagver my heart. I love vou still.



The following numbers of theHolomua:

1S93. May SO Ko. o32Jane 22 513

549Jalv 23. "7.7" 567


Aug. 5SS539590591592593594600

Xe-s- - Seras, Kot. 1 35

Ten centj a copy of each num-

ber will be paid at the Holomgaoffice. tf



Past TWELVE YEAJ15 in command osInier.Xsknd Steasseis, aSen his serrioas &f


pott or liatHa-- in the Hawuian Islands.

3f Bst of refereseas, isqnixe st oSceol J. S. WjoSR ere SfKaekel's beat, orWsizd irr BkH , Fort Street.




The royalists need at presentdo nothing except lie quietlyback and amuse themselves bytaking in the circus which is being performed between the Leaguetho club and the government.The poor missionaries are not m

it. They have sown the windand the are reaping tho whirlwind. The American leagueis constituted and composed of

oodness know who has swamped

tho conservative annexation clubfnhillv .nnd has forced noon thegovernment, a man who certainly has no affinities with the missionary element The leaguewhich represents a radical crowdof more or less strangers led by afew demagogues and professionalward-politicia- ns is dominant andthe moneyed interests with thoirrepresentatives have met a snowstorm. Tho respectable god-

fearing church-goin- g reform purtyhas had to sit still at a meetiulistening to such sentiments asthe following from the lips of astranger, one G. Smith: "Ihope it will be impressed on allour friends who dissent from us,that iu this era, theradical movement must, and shalland will have it way's." Theideal government of tho reformparty we have always been toldwas the Wilcox, Brown cabinet.Tho ideals of tho radical party i

which "shall" "must" and willhave its way are evidently Smiththe shooman, Smith the .writer,Murray the well what is he?

The reform party is deadand we have no tearsto shod over the corpsebut for the good of this countrywe think that something shouldbe done to check-- a move whichwill lead us some day to tho abyssof anarchy and riot. "Who are themembers of tho American Lea-

gue who presume to dictate to

the country? We are told that thereare about 500 members of thatorganization and we are also in-

formed that more than 200 ofthem have not resided iu thiscountry for one year. Is it tosuch that the control of thegovernment is to be given? Whereare tho Germans, the British andtrie Portuguese citizens? Arethey going to sit tamely by andsee a mob grab the reins of thegovernment and run the countryto ruin at tho biddingof a man like Tim Murray and hissupporters? We hardly believeit possible and we hardly believein spite of Mr. Frank Hatch'sassurances that there is only har-

mony, love and fraternal feelingsamong the men who support theP. G. Mr. .Samuel Damon inhis unfortunate but inborn desire for popularity has opened thodams and let loobe the flood ofmob rule. He will find that itis much easier to let it loose thanever to stem it again, and if notchecked now it will carry himand his inteiests with it to thedeep and bottomless sea. TheAmerican League appears nowin its true colors. The membersaro all members of the Annexa-tion Club, but dissatisfied withtho brotherhood of tho other nati-onalities represented therethey have isolated themselvesand by their actions depri-ved tho other members oftbo annexation club of all voice inthe government. If it was t't thatwe deeply feel the danger whichthreatens the welfare of the comm-'lnit- y

and of the country, we shouldonly rejoice to sea the men wh .

concocted and helped in the laterevolution, hoisted by their ownpeiard3 and politically shelved bya lot of foreign adventurers andfilibusters. Of course the council?will lack the moral, courage torefuse a seat to Mr. D. B. Smith,and select in his place a man who,can, as far as the real annexationists are concerned, can be calledrepresentative and satisfactory. ThatMr. D. B. Smith ja neither is theopinion of every man who knowshis record in this country and whodoesn't consider an endorsement- - cfthe League a criterion of ability.respectability or honesty.



Fashionable Tailor



Good Variety of Fine Gloth

in Stock.

Cleaning and RepairingNcatiy Done.

Terms Reasonable. Give me a Trial.


Opposite AnHonolulu-fe- l



Spirits,& Beers.

HOTEL ST., botweon Fort andBethel streets.


Tho uudersigned bog leave tocall tho attention to a largo as-

sortment of tasteful and elegantJewelry, suitable for ChristmasPresents.


in different sizes.

. -

I CL V V f I C 1. I 1

--T -I.r -


a specialty.

If yon want to buy an ologantand at tho same time an inexpen-sive Christmas Present, callaround and inspect my stock.

THOS. LDjD SAX,ilclnorny Block, Fort St.Honolula

deel tf

Sans. Sdu'ei

iri in ii i t11U LCjL


ht ml ill

First-Cla- ss Accommooa-iion- s


Tourists and Island


Superior Bathing Facilities,

Private Cottages for Families.



She gotomun Calcwlar.

Febi-uar-r. 1894.So 3l!Tn' w fTh ; Fr Sat! ilcwa's Phases

l!23 New iloon,February 5.

& 7 S 9. 10 First Quarter,February id.jit Id 13! H 15! 16 Fall Moon,

jts; loj ajlgij 22?gLastPshnurr


25. 2flj 27! 2S! ! j Febrnarr27.

Foreign Mail Service.

Steamships will leave for nd arr'vefrom San Francisoo and other foreignports, on or about the following dates,till the dose of ISfil.

Leave Howccix'Dirr. at honoluluroa Sax Fju.m6co.SFm. Sa- - Fea'cisco

Australia Feb. 3 Mariposa Jan. IS

Alameda Feb. S Wammoo, from Van- -

Owank Feb. 12 eoover.....Jan.23"Australia Mar. 3 Australia Jan. 27

Mariposa Mar. S Arawa Feb 1- -2

Xktian Mar. 20 China Feb. 7

ftusiralk liar. 3i;Mooovrai Feb. 15

Moaoi Apr. 5 Australia .... Feb. 24AsfUr&lia Anr.2S Oceanic. Mar. 6Alameda May 3 Alameda Mar. 15GesBe May 14 Australia Mar. 24AsstraKa May 28 Mariposa Apr. 12Maiipow May 31 China Apr. 17

Australia June 23 Australia. ... Apr. 21ilosowai June2S-Moiwvra- i May 10iBfttmlia Jnly21 Australia May 19.Alameda July 20 Alameda Jane 7.Australia Ahr lS,An&tralL Juno 16Mariposa Ang.23Mariposa July 5ABtmMft Sept. 15 Australia July 14

Mo&owai Sept. SO.Monowai Aug. 2'Australia.... Aug. 11Alameda. ... Aug. 31Australia Sept. 3Mariposa . . . .Sept. 20Australia Oct. 8Monowai .... Oct. 25

Vessels in Port.NAVAL VBSBLS.

II 11 Ms S Ohauiplon, Rooke.U S S Ailauw, Nfrtaon.U S S l'hiladelphia, Barker.II 1 J M'j) S Naniwa, Togo, Japan


TJer Bk J. C. rfluRor, Woltors, Bremen.Am bkt Wrestler, Bergmann, N Castle.Am bk S 0 Allen, Thompson, S F.Am bkt Inngard, Schuiiilt, S F.Bark C D Bryant, Jaoolnen, S F.Htw bk Maunn Ala, Smith, S F.Am bkt Geo C Perkins, Maas, S F.Jim bk Colusa, Baokus, Departure Bay.Am bk S X Castle, Hubbard, S F.

Foreign Vessels Expected.

This List does not Include Steamers

vessels. where from. due.

Ger bk Xautilus L'pool. . .Jan 1G--19

M Haekfeld (aid Sept 25) .L'pool. .Dec 25-3-1

Ger bk Galveston Anioy Jan 10-- 20

Am bkt Discovery S F Jnn 1G

Ger sh Terpsichore. . . .X S W.. . .Xov 20-3- 0

Am bk Harvester S F (Hilo). . .Jan 21

Haw bk Helen B. e er (sltl Xov 7) . X YMar 1- -5

Am bkt Skagit Port Gambia.. Dec 31

Hrshn Knsteraft (dd Xov 25)XSV.Jan 1- -5

Am bet Lurline S F Hilo) Jan 14

Gor bk J C Glade. . - Liverpool Apr -10

Am Fohr Bbt Lowers. .S F Jan 15

Am bk Albert S F Jou 17

Bk Xantippe X S W Jan 20-- 31

Am schr Solrntor. ...NSW Jau 29Am bkt Jlilo NSW Jan 31Haw bk Leahi .NSW Feb 5-- 10

Lyman D Foster X S W Feb 12

Am vh bk Gavheail. .New Zealand, . .Mar


The Nightingales Visit' Pele.

The Missos Albu and managerPhmkett returned from Hawaiithis morning after a visit to Hiloand to tho Volcano.

Tho parly enjoyed their tripvery much, although, tho weatherwas most miserablo. Tho rain inHilo soems to bo as copious as inHonolulu. Tho volcano was very

active, and presented a highlyinteresting spectacle Mr. Plun-ke- tt

speaks in tho highest terrasof tho treatment which they re-

ceived from tho hands of thogonial manager of tho Volcano

Hoaso, Mr. Petor Loo. Theroworo sixteen tourists stayiug attho hotel, and the accommodati-

ons woro fouud excellent. On Sat-

urday night the famous singersgavo a concert in Hilo. Mr.Tr?lnn mntlQ tho latest time onrecord from tho volcano to Hiloto onable tho ladies to bo on timefor tho concert Ho covered thodistance in 5 hours and 40 minfs. The concert took ulace an

tho Court llouso which kindlybad been placed at tho disposition of tho singers by SheriffWilliams, and tho house wasfully packed. Tho audioncohighly appreciated the concertwhich was, as could be expected,a great success.

Tho Misses Albu .aro loud intheir praises of the hospitalityaud'eourtesies extended to thembo tho Hilo residents. Thegiftod vocalists will leave forCalifornia bv the Australia. Riidwill not givo any more concertsin Honolulu,


Bain, mnd, wrath.

There is no Hawaiian news.

There is no news of importancefrom abroad.

Aud still no sign of the over-du- o


A large newspaper mail will go

forward to San Francisco by thanext steamer.

Now doth the festive hackmanmake his hay, for those who ride,in rainy weather, mostly pay.

Native jurrs have been excus-

ed from service in the CircuitCourt until called on.

Mr. Julian A. Palmer Jr. thecorrespondent of the Boston

Transcript, has gone to visit theVolcano of Kilnuea.

Valentino day has come and isnearly gone. It does not look asthough the season was takenmuch opportunity of. The littlegod is pouty.

The Kona came in occasionalspurts this afternoon. If thewind'eontinues in the south theremay be a f ull-iledg- one tonight.

The "poisoning" investigationhas not yet been officially report-

ed. The soldiers who were takenill agree with the Holojiua thatit was filth in the cooking.

The P. G. band gave a concertat Emma square last evening.

Although there were very few

present, the selections, especiallythose from "Patience," wore well


A reception, official , will begiven by the socialists of theCentral' Union Church to tho

temporary pastor and his wife

in the church-parlo- rs, tomorrowevening.

As old Spoopendyko would sayMr. Hatch, while presiding attho meeting last night, would

have only required sonio rope anda board to have had a proper

Conductor Dement of the OahuBail way states that tho road-be- d

of tho lino from Honolulu to Ewais in good condition. The pro-cautio- ns

taken against, byprevious experience in having,washouts, have proved verysuccessful.

Company B took advantage of

tho absence of Captain HughGunn to displace that popularofficer and elect Judge Bobertsoncaptain of the company. It willbe rather a surprise to Gunnwlinn ho returns from Mam tofind that, he has "cone off theofficial list.

Thero is much trouble amongstcertain capitalists of tho city wholmve advanced nionev on mortgage of lands in which tho "partyof the second part" has latelyboen found to have only a lifeinterest. There is no .sympathyexpressed for tho capitalist ahone oven boins expressed thatho will bo "done brown."

Bobert Grieve a well-know- n

practical printer in town is thesuccessful bidder for the work of

printing and binding the licenseblanks of the Interior Depart-ment for tho coming biennialfiscal period. The Star and Ad-vertis- or

offices were competitors.

Tho nominees on the secretLeague ticket at the election onMonday evening were; L. C.

Abies, J. L. Carter, J. C. Cla--ney, C. H. Luther, J. S. Martin,F. W. McChesney, F. A. Smith,and D. B. Smith. All but Smith(D. B.) and Luther withdrewbefore the voles were cast aud D.B. Smith was elected as the no-nii- ueo

of tho Club in the AdvisoryCouncil.


P. G-.'-s Friends Fall Ont.

In response to the call for amass-meeti-ng of followers of thesecret League and the Annexa-

tion clubs at the Drill shed andfor the stated purpose of ratify-ing the nomination of DavidBowers Smith as a proper andacceptable person for positionamong the wise-acr- es of thenation who are now in the Advi-

sory Council, there came togetherlast evening an incongruons as-

semblage of people composed amainly of Portuguese with'a sprinkling of members of theCaucasian race, the total numberbeing withing three-hundr- ed andfifty sonls.

The chairman of tho meetingwas Mr. F. M. Hatch, who is

understood to have the nomina-

tion as minister of foreignaffairs in tha Executive Council,aud who by virtue of his positionas vice-preside- nt of the Annex,

ation club assumed control of theproceedings. Mr. Hatch statedhe purpose for which the meet of

ing was called, He was followed

by a member of the Annexationclub who, placed tho name of F.TV. McChesney before the mixedassemblage for nomination. Thenomination was seconded bntbefore vote was taken thereon the'olio wing resolution was read: .

TVhereas, The American Leaguehas named Mr. D. B. Smith for

this place, therefore be itBesolved, That.

thitf mass meet- -r n Tmc hereby endorses iur. u. x

Smith for the Advisory Council,and shall through its Secretary a nd'resident so mlorm the .bxpcutive

and Advisory Councils. to

The resolution was now votedon and it was seen that the An

nexation club members had takentumble and held their heads

and hands down. There was no

mercy shown by the victors forafter Smith's name being placedin nomination Jos. B. Atherton ofmoved that there be no more andit carried. Mr. Smith beingcalled on jumped ou the table,took'a paper from his pocket andread therefrom to the effect that,in the words of some one ormother annexation was sure, and ofno appreciated tne nonor oiabout being a member of theConncil.

Mr. James Xott, Jr., who was

formerly in the plumbing and;insinithing business but had metwith such business reverses thatho is now a gentleman of leisure,ascended the table, and read:

Whereas, In making changesho mass of tho supporters of the

Provisional Government have hadno voice; therefore be it

Besolved, That this masseeting of annexationists and

supporters of the ProvisionalGovernment hereby petitions theCouncils to enact a law increasing the membership of the Advisory Council from fourteen totwenty-fou- r.

The signal was given and hearty veils approved the document.The chair seemed non-pluss- eu;

rood annexationists looked at oneanother and tho light seemed to

dawn upou them that they were

very much immersed in the poli-

tical consomme as far as anyattempt at nominations went.Vote was had on Mr. McChes-

ney 's nomination and a few

staunch Annexation Club mem

bers held up their hands thusmisleading a few Portnguese whofollowed suit. The opposition to

the nomination being called theLeague members nearly all heldup both hands and another of theMac's was doomed to politica1

death.The chairman, Mr. F. M. Hatch.

with a true sense of order ruled

that tie resolution c uld not beconstpered by tins meeting as ithad beeu called for a special pur-pose only. There was where Mr.Hatch was thrown in with hisconferes of the annexation club andbefore he was aware of it he "was

also in the soup, another Smith,not Richmond bat TV G. apple!-


intr frnm his decision and woo. theocombination present deciding

agaisnt the chair. The resolutionpassed, and soon after, with theexception of a little disturbancecaused by a brick rolling along theiron roof, the meeting qnietlydispersed the secret Leagua mem-

bers exciting in their capture ofthe club. -


Two Days Later.

By the arrival of the Irmgardin port this afternoon dates ofJanuary 31st and Febuarv 1sthave been received, the latestnews is as follows:

Advices of Jan. 3l from statethat the TJ. S. Detroit had firedinto Admiral Mello's ship DaGamma. Mello offered to sur-

render but Admiral Binhamwould not accept him.

On the next day Mello fired intoGerman launch. He was told

that he would be blown out ofwater if done again.

Vote on the tariff bill is set forFebrnarv 1st.

Bad Weather.

But little damage was done m

and about Honolulu by the lateheavy rains the main reason for

less destruction occurring, thanformerly, is the improved grading

the streets and the making of

gutters which carry the surpluswater to seaward. Along theedges of the iSuuanu stream thequickly rising waters, of theusually shallow and lazily flow-

ing river, encompassed, withoutwarning many domestic animalsand fowl, whoso habitat was land,and bore them downward with

other flotsam, to the waters of

tho harbor, where they were

quickly captured by tho manywreckers on such business bent.Last night the wind added force

the pelting rain and the not

very vivid lightning with muffled

growl of distant thunder gavo

added interest and effect to thewar of the elements. This morn-

ing the wind shifted from thesouth to the north-wes- t andh eavy

iain showers fell while an over

cast skv offered strong indicationscontinued bad weather. At

noon the wind had gone backinto the south again with weatherindications of a coming ELona.

The Bulletin states that theCustom House is the rendezvous

tho executive committee of the

Annexation Clnb.

Mr. E. 11. Hendry, the mana- -

. . Tr ". TT .1

ger ot the Hawaiian xxaruwarefin. has pone to Hilo and other

'points on Hawaii on a businessrip.

Company B took advantage ofhe absence of Captain Hugh

Gunn to displace that popularofficer and elect Judge Bobertson,captain of the company. It will

be rather a surprise to Gunnwhen he returns from Maui to find:liat he has "gone off" the offi.

cial list.


324 Nuuanu Street

All Suits GuaranteedTo Fit and in the Latest


Clothes" Cleaned and Bepaiied.nol7

ITor Sale

PIECE OF VALUABLEA Land situated on 2suuanuAvenue, two miles from town, below Mr. Coit Hobron s .place,containing 12 acres, partly


about 150 feet, on Nnuanu AvenueA small house on it, all fenced.

r - '':

. a n Ttt Tc rtniTctui. i 1 1 r uiiiimii;UlU Unu-- w - w.particulars, pledse apply'to thisoffice. jan 18-2- wd

; A. BOSA,


No:tlo Uaafiumanu St , Honolulu ,

. Hawaiian 'Islands.


For the Island of Oahu.

Agent to Take Acknowledgmentsto Labor Contracts.

Agent to Grant Marriage Licen-

ses, Honolulu, Oahu.

Agent for tho Haw'n Islands of

Pitt fc Scott's Freightand Parcels Express.

Agent for the Burlington Bonte.9S

Real Estate Broier and General Agent

Bell Tel. 31S; Mut. Tel.139; P. O. Jgpx 415.

OFFICE: No. 3S MERCHANTStreet, Honolulu, H. I.


OorLtxa-cto- r

2z Em.Ild.exIPainfcing3 fcc.

3T We also keep on hand

Bedsteads, MattBasses,Tables, Bookcases,

Mirrors, Etc,

at the lowest, market prices

No. 216 King st., Honolulude4 3m


Eeal Estate and General


Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu

Personal attention given to Salesof Furniture, Beal Estate,

Stock and GeneralMerchandise.

Mutual Telephone 238

W0 CHAN & Co.

Merchant TailoriKing street, Thomas' Block,next door to Holomna office.

All Suits Guaranteedto Fit, and


Clothes Cleaned and Bepaired,no2


"Wine and SpiritTVTVrrVh nut


Campbell Fire-pro- of Block,


LongBranch. -


This First-clas- s Bathing Besorthas been enlarged and is nowopen to the public. It is thebest place on tho islands to enjoya bath and there is no betterplace to lay off. Special accommodations for Ladies. Tram cars!pass the door every half hour andon Saturdays aud Sundays everyfifteen minutes.

C. J. SHERWOODProprietor,

dvex-fcisemeii- ts

H. MAY, & Co,.

Tea Dealers,




Fort Street. - Honolulu

Families, Plantations and Ships

supplied with choicest

European c0 American Groceries

California Produce by Every .



Several Kind of

Cotton Crape,

Latest Styie of Shirts

in different qualities.

mt Apartment of potfcelain

Tea Sots a Specialty

Japaneso Lanterns nnd manyCurios suitable for ChristmasGoods.

411 KING STREET, Honolulu.

Telephones, Bell 47-1- . P.O. Box 3S6.jintuai oil. no 13 lm








r n r iP W1 fl lYiaClllIieb

Haxd Sewing Machines,

EJTAH With tha Latest ImproTemenUSX


Organs, G-nita-r-

And Other Musical Instruments.

"Wines,- - Liquors; Beer



to' nnirncimiT innvm ni

King St.. oppo. Cttstla A-- Coolie's

OeneralA-dverfciseinents- . Insurance jSFotices.


Owing to our constantly increasing business and

the great demand of an appreciating community, we

have concluded to offer an opportunity to all parties

having capital. OUR LINE OF SCHOONERS

may be seen gliding over the Bar, Eilled to their

Utmost Carrying Capacity, with CLEAR, COOL and


FredericksburgJ LA(jER

At the "Anchor Saloon!"m

' To accommodate our Vast Fleet of Schooners, we have

built a fine large Refrigeraror, regardless of cost.

Is the only place where a Cool Glass of Fredericksburg

Boor on draught can be had in Honolulu. Stop forward

Gontlemon. now is the time.


The undersigned has received from the Eastern


Tlie JLargest Single Order of


Ever Imported to these Islands. It Concludes as


Cloth, 3 grades; '.:

-" Cues, assorted;

- Cushions by Block, patent;

Billiard Balls, composition and ivory;

Pool Balls, do., do.

Tips, Chalk,Pocket Castings, with leather andf fringe

:v complete;

Pocket Nettings, fringe and leather;. .

Rubber Covers,

Court Plaster, green and black;

New Stylo Chalk Holders,

Triangles,Shako Balls and Leather Bottles,

Pool Pins,

Markers, etc., etc.

The above Goods have been purchased at reduced

ratos, and the uudersigned is now prepared to do any and all


at roasonablo rates with dispatch. Also new and second

hand Billiard and Pool Tables for Salo.

please. Apply to J. P. BOYfEK,Perry Block, Hotel Si, Honolulu

l M! TX' E5 E f JI Ob (r.zi u n






New Goods Recfd:By every Picket from tho Eastern States and Europe.- -

Fresh California Produce by every steamer.

All orders faithfully attended, to, and Goods delivered toany part of the city FREE OF CMAilGE. .

' Island Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Postffioa Box No. H5, Telephone No.. 92.




- y


holom.ua -

PuWishing Company,


3CiaLgr Street, STorLOl-U-I-u.- -






J3uildQgs3 Merclianclise,DBLulls Cargoes

Uieiglits andCommissions



Royal Insurance Company, - Liverpool

Alliance Assurance Fire and Marine. London,

Wilhelma of Madgeburg General Insurance Co

Sun Insurance Company. - San Fra7icisco

J. S. WALKEK,Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

Fire, Life & MarineINSURANCE.


Assets, S 7,109,825.49


Assets, $ 4,317,052.00


Assets, $ 6,124,057100


Assets. S137.499.198.99

CO. BEKGER,Gen'l Agent for Haw'n Islands, Honolulu, H. I.

Telephones:Bell 351

Mutual 417



P. 0. Box 117



'Estimates G-we- n on All Kinds


All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade

Attended to.

FOR SALE:it; Brick, Lime, Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings,-- ,

Old & New Corrugated Iron, Minton Tiles,

j QmarryTiles, assorted sizes and colors;

California and Monterey Sand,

Granite Curbing and Blocks, etc., etc.

Comer King 1 Smith" Sts;OFFICE YARD : OSce Hours, 8Jto iaM.j ' s

(. x to 4 P. M.