evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. VIL-N-O. 105, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS,...

PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. VIL-N- O. 105, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2. L888. &vtvxstmtni8. ipomistmuits. ATTO K NEYS-AT-LA- W . USTSTJR AJSTCE. WM. McCANDLESS, Mo. 6 Queen Street, JOHN bPBTTANCR 8. L.. STANLEY. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS 410 Front St., San Francisco. 2 tf fcw KoyalFlre Insurance Co., of .Liver Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of New Zealand. Insurance Co., San Francisco (Marine;. Ulejcarburs: General Ius. Co., ofMegar-bur;- ; (Marine). FIRE INSURANCE effected on all kinds of insurable property, and MARINE INSURANCE vessels, cargoes, commissions and freights at current rates. J. S. "Walker, Agent for Hawaiian Islands. Tlie Risdon Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of Real and Howard Streets FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA II. TAYLOR v. Present S. MOORE Superinteti ent GUILDERS OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN ALL its branches; Steanihoat, steamsnip, uiuu Engines and Boilers, uigu pressure or oum-poun- d. STEAM VESSELS of all kinds bnilt cornpltte with hulls of wood, iron or composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad- visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con- structed with reference to the trade in which they are to be employed. Speed, tonnage aud draft of water guaranteed. SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinery made after the most approved plans. Also, 1 Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitable lengths for connecting together, or Sheets rolled.punched and packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water Pipes made by this establishment, riv- eted by hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality of work being far superior to hand work. SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made after the most approved plans. SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa- cific Coast of the Home Safety Boiler. PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation or city works' purposes, buil with the celebrated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. N. S. WILLIAMS : : : Honolulu Room No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block, tf Agent for Hawaiian Islands. '.! i sspreckels Wm. G. Irwin. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO,, BANKEES. FIONOLUL HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, Draw Exchange on the principal parts of the world. Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a geueral banking ana exchange business. Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav " - -- FERTILIZERS. !70R PLANTATIONS, GARDENS. LAWNS, ETC. JU For sale by HANSON & SMYTH. We are now prepared to receive all orders for the above rHiTornf a sunp.rinr nnalitv. thoroughly cured and warranted one of the best articles of the kind in the market. Orders may be left with L. P. HANSON, 200 Queen street. G. M. SMYTH. Hawaiian Hotel St. NOTICE. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF MANILA CIGARS, Of theBest Assorted Brands in the Market, which we will sell at lowest Iriees. either in Bond or Inty Iall. Fresh Lots received by every Steamer. MEE FOjSTG & CO.. King St., Bet. Miumakoa ami Xhiihiiii. 3ni . S. H. BBOWN T. J. BASS & CO. Artists' - Materials, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Turpentine. Manufacturers oi iioumiup.i'1"0 inca eti pfc . etc. 14 aud 16 EI Ii 'street, iiear Market SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 63lmayHtf BUH ACH! TilE GREAT CALIFORNIA INSECTICIDE. Beware 01 Imitations, WLlcb are being put upon the market. THE GENUINE BUHACH sold only by Benson 5 Sole Agents in the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS FOR THE Buhacli Producing and Mfg. Co. STOCKTON, CAL. 78 anc!2tf H. F. BEBTELMANN, Contractor inul Builder. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON WOOD, RR1CK OR STONE. P JLLlSrS DRAWN Cabinet and Carpenter Work done to order. KING STREET. - Dell Telephone 10 TlljelCtf . THE INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAV- IGATION COMPANY, (I.iintte!), Keep constantly on hand, for sale, STEAM FAMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a genera. assortment of BAR IRON. JMbly Schweitzer & Co. Importers and Jobbers of FANCY GOODS. HOSIERY, GLOVES, CORSETS, White ;omIm, i:mbroilerieH, Jlitmlker eliiels. I.at en, KillMMis. Iulien V liillrenV t;mlerear. 29 and 31 Battery St., San Francisco 4tC fel10'8H E. H. Bucknam & Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in SHIP STOVES, Tiu, C'ojier, 'roelery nnd Sheet Iron Wares, Ship I,anleru ami Signal MI, 22 Stewart St., bet. Market and Mission SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Ship and Job Work and Stove Repairing of al' kinds a specialty. 187 feblD'HS To tlie IPiiblic. The Pacific Transfer Co., Office with Jaa. I. Dowsett, Sr., Queen Street. BOTH TELEPHONES NO. 15. I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayage, hauling or moving work, all of which I will gnat antee to execute faithfully. D. ill VIDA, Manager. J. E. Brown & Co. 28 MERCHANT STREET. Bell Telephone 172. P. O. Box AQJ Mutual Telephone 391. ACCOUNTANTS AND General Commission Apis General Agency for llawaiian Islands of the Burlington and Chicago Railroad ACROSS AMERICA. Connecting at Boston with the Azores an- - Madeira. Merchandise stored and sold on commission. Consignments solicited. 2TPropert!es Leased, Rente" .nd Sold. Legu Documents Drawn. Books Auut.ed and Adjusted Accounts Collected. 788augl2tf H. HA0KFELD & CO., GE5?AL c,08IM,S!n &?3ESi XHB DAILY lifil tan witial Advertiser 1S PUBUSHBD joining Except HundnjB. pool. I , vKRTisKK, one year- - tj ? tU " Sun , ADVKKTISKK 50 Q & 'J' ADr'vT Cone year 5 00 .... . . flV r. ,.- - A, IUUUUU16 tioii. - a sn r ....rajrej . . . t on FOOK LUN & CO., tf 113 Nuuanu Street, UIPORTEBS AND DEALERS IN Chinese & Japanese Goods , frac'-e- r New resigns in Clips and ana all kinds of Fancy sj Cigar, SAN I,;alw shipments i.y every steamer. R. W. L Notice of Removal. THOMAS LINDSAY Wacturing Jowoler, HAS REMOVED TO .Ilomas Block, Kins: St. NOTICE TO ARRIVE BY THE I S. Australia To-d- ay ! Apple?, Sweet ami Raking. Rears. Prunes. Jams and Jellies. J. Ciune-- Fruits. Potatoes, Onions. (Jarlic, Cabbages. Cauliflower, Etc. Walnuts, Hazel Nuts. Italian Chestnuts. Almond Nuts We have now a .steam nut roasting mac- hine in full running order. f9Twenty-fiv- e extra heavy corn fed tokeys on hand. mia Fruit Market. Kins Street Australian Mail Service. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Hie new and fine Al steel steamship "ALAMEDA." twOoHanieSteamsliip will be due Honolulu from sy.hipy and Auckland on or about 4th, 1888, A:f for,th l've port with mails and , (.nor about th Hat. tjr irvifht Ac0XIM?,datt, JS. having SUPERIOR to Win. U. irwin & Co., AGENTS. For Sydney mil Auckland. Mill The 'JeWandnne VI steel steamship dBISSo1&' PPany. will be or Vr T han "Cisco lh1 10th, 1888. I o5 . SS- - w'th ma"s " I " i0Vc .aSvin? SUPERIOR A(J 1 iu. t BROWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AXU CECIL Public, Campbell's Block, Merchant street. 77Caugyu M, THOMPSON, ATTORNEY -- AT-LAW, Office in Campbell's . Block, corner Fort and i i it r Merchant streets, Jionoiuiu, n. i. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. (spwvion ipeirPfi veil! Hvfi th law in a writ ten opinion, as to the probable result of the contention upon the facts stated 44tf J. 1YI. M0NSARRAT, 86 ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. i:tate in any pari oi me Keal Bought, Sold aud Leased on Commission Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn NO. 27 MERCHANT STREET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. a-- tf '111 jilv'' -- K MPIBE Steam, Coffee and Spice Mills. Importers of Teas, Coffees, Spices. Chartres Java Coffee, Yeast Powder, Cream Tar tar, Soda, Salaeratus, urouna tonee, xur-eig- n and Domestic Matches. 410-41- 2 Clay St. bet. Sansome & Battery SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. P. O. Box 1580. 635mayld 88 bone meal !! rretared to re mi, ,ia;rr,n,i arfl nnw ALIO UUUtDlh"vu " ' ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer from the manufactory of Buck & Ohiandt San Francisco: The following is a report oi tne compu-oT,- t. Tarts. as obtained by Chemical analy- - Bis: Water AU Organic Matter Silicious M'atter 4.65 T.imP 31.70 Phosphoric Acid 23.11 " Oxide of Iron 85 " Carbonic Acid 1.89 " Alka Salts 52 " '100.00 Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. Cirde.ru Received will have Pron and Careful Attention. W. Gr. Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Islands. JOHN PHILLIPS, Practical Plumher, Gasfitter AND Coppersmith., 71 King Street, Honolulu, H. I. HOUSE AND SHIP JOB WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Bath Tubs, Water Closets, Wash Bowls, Plumb ng Oooda of all kinds always on hand. 705-junel-5tf Wsh Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEAL MUTTON , FISH, etc. Family and SViinninc Orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of an Kjnas suppiieu iu 711 9W YENNEK, & 00. 92 Fort Street, Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate, Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ttNnRAVINO AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing in all its lranclies. t0 Sole Agents for King's Eye Preset vera. AlUBriCail BlSCMUt (jO. Corner of Battel y & Broadway Sts., iVniipiNPo : : t'aliiornia James D inn, Supt. SUCCESSORS to the CALIFORNIA CRACKER CO. 3m MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All accounts for Advertising and Job Print! at the Pacific Commercial Alvrtiser Office will from this date be presented or bif' h , 18S5. MAOFARLANE & CO-- , Tf eral Jobbers in wiiNa auu iiiyuun Ji: 12 KaaUnmaifcTt Street, HONOLULU. 28- -t Boat IBiiil der Ami CJcueral Jobber. All kinds of work and repairs and other work executed with promptness on reasonable terms. Workshops at the rear of Lucas' Plai lag lill. LEWIS & CO. lluiworter-im- l Dealers lu Groceries, Provisions, .Etc. Ill FORT STREET, P. BOX 297 : : .TELEPHONE 210 FOR SALE. HAVE A LARGE QUANTITY OF OLD WE d. which will be sold . I I uunojr- - ' . , for 25 cents a hundred. They are useiui iur wrapping parcels, laying unaer caipeis, e. P. C. ADVERTISER. S. P. TAYLOR & CO., Paper Manufacturers, AND DEALERS IN Paper Bags, Twines, Fte., 414 and 416 Clay street, SAN FRANCISCO Pioneer and San'ieronlmo Paper Mills. South Coast Paper Mill, Soquel, Santa Crnz Conuty.Cal. Irrja25 '88 M. PHILLIPS & Co., anil Wholesale Wealers I Importers Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish tngr and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumann .street Hodo lu. H. I. 25tf-w- tf AVER SAISH NO. ? PORT STREKTi Opposite Wilder fc Co.'s J. Noite, 3E OPEN FOU 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M UliST-CLAS- S LUNCHES, COFFEE, TEA, SODA WATER, GINGER ALE, Cigars and. Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant 8RUSSWICS & CO. BILIMB TABLE on the Premises. to receive a call The Pioprietor would be pleased from his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a tUHClI, A SMOKE, OK A GAME OF BILLIABBS. H. J. N0LTR 34-- tf Geo. C Shreve & Co., MANUFACTURING JEWELERS Ami Importers of Diamonds, Watches, Silver "at PAUL NEUMANN'S Law Office, Street : : Honolulu 4 fjereliant if CI.AU8 BPRKCKBLS. WM. Q. IRWIN & Go., OUGAU FACTORS and ,"lf"J"a O AOhMS. Houolula. H. I. J. 1YANC0VICH & CO. Impor,er8. 'ssssr "stn Foreign & Domestic Fruit. 600 Washington, and Ml. e03 & 605 Sanson.. Sis.. SAN FRANCISCO. oWestlisW bon.. to tW. Thl. is tb. lin. of business in San Ira Misco 'SffiSlSA"? pTck'sJ11.!! lina. of FKU1T for long distance markets. is Rollcite.1 your.ratronaso 645 marlO oo ir'Vin & Co., uiasses, v -- , - Goods, Opera MAntsromery anl Sutter 8t.. ik FRANCISCO. 443ja25'88 AGENTS UA" "

Transcript of evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. VIL-N-O. 105, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS,...

Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. VIL-N-O. 105, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2. L888. ipomistmuits. &vtvxstmtni8. ATTO KNEYS-AT-LA-W . USTSTJR AJSTCE.







Spruance, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine


410 Front St., San Francisco.2 tf fcw

KoyalFlre Insurance Co., of .Liver

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co.of New Zealand.

Insurance Co., San Francisco(Marine;.

Ulejcarburs: General Ius. Co., ofMegar-bur;- ;


FIRE INSURANCE effected on all kinds ofinsurable property, and MARINE INSURANCE

vessels, cargoes, commissions and freights atcurrent rates.

J. S. "Walker,Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

Tlie RisdonIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Real and Howard Streets


II. TAYLOR v. PresentS. MOORE Superinteti ent

GUILDERS OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN ALLits branches; Steanihoat, steamsnip, uiuu

Engines and Boilers, uigu pressure or oum-poun- d.

STEAM VESSELS of all kinds bnilt cornplttewith hulls of wood, iron or composite.

ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con-

structed with reference to the trade in whichthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnage auddraft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinerymade after the most approved plans. Also, 1

Boiler Iron Work connected therewith.WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any

size, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled.punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work andWater Pipes made by this establishment, riv-eted by hydraulic riveting machinery, thatquality of work being far superior to handwork.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa-

cific Coast of the Home Safety Boiler.PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation or

city works' purposes, buil with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otherpump.

N. S. WILLIAMS : : : HonoluluRoom No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block,

tf Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

'.! i sspreckels Wm. G. Irwin.



Draw Exchange on the principal parts of theworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a geueral banking anaexchange business.

Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav

" - - -

FERTILIZERS.!70R PLANTATIONS, GARDENS. LAWNS, ETC.JU For sale by HANSON & SMYTH. We arenow prepared to receive all orders for the aboverHiTornf a sunp.rinr nnalitv. thoroughly curedand warranted one of the best articles of thekind in the market.

Orders may be left withL. P. HANSON, 200 Queen street.G. M. SMYTH. Hawaiian Hotel St.




Of theBest Assorted Brands in the Market, which

we will sell at lowest Iriees. either in

Bond or Inty Iall.Fresh Lots received by every Steamer.


King St., Bet. Miumakoa ami Xhiihiiii.3ni


T. J. BASS & CO.Artists' - Materials,Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Turpentine.

Manufacturers oi iioumiup.i'1"0inca eti pfc . etc.

14 aud 16 EI Ii 'street, iiear MarketSAN FRANCISCO, CAL.



Beware 01 Imitations,WLlcb are being put upon the market.


sold only by


Sole Agents in the


Buhacli Producing

and Mfg. Co.

STOCKTON, CAL.78 anc!2tf




PJLLlSrS DRAWNCabinet and Carpenter Work done to order.

KING STREET. - Dell Telephone 10TlljelCtf .



(I.iintte!),Keep constantly on hand, for sale, STEAMFAMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a genera.assortment of BAR IRON. JMbly

Schweitzer & Co.Importers and Jobbers of


White ;omIm, i:mbroilerieH, Jlitmlkereliiels. I.at en, KillMMis. Iulien V

liillrenV t;mlerear.29 and 31 Battery St., San Francisco

4tC fel10'8H

E. H. Bucknam & Co.Manufacturers and Dealers in

SHIP STOVES,Tiu, C'ojier, 'roelery nnd Sheet Iron

Wares, Ship I,anleru amiSignal MI,

22 Stewart St., bet. Market and MissionSAN FRANCISCO, CAL.

Ship and Job Work and Stove Repairing of al'kinds a specialty. 187 feblD'HS

To tlie IPiiblic.

The Pacific Transfer Co.,

Office with Jaa. I. Dowsett, Sr., QueenStreet.


I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayage,hauling or moving work, all of which I will gnatantee to execute faithfully.

D. ill VIDA,Manager.

J. E. Brown & Co.


Bell Telephone 172. P. O. Box AQJ

Mutual Telephone 391.


General Commission ApisGeneral Agency for llawaiian Islands of the

Burlington and ChicagoRailroad


Connecting at Boston with the Azores an--Madeira.

Merchandise stored and sold on commission.Consignments solicited.

2TPropert!es Leased, Rente" .nd Sold. LeguDocuments Drawn. Books Auut.ed and AdjustedAccounts Collected.



GE5?AL c,08IM,S!n &?3ESi


lifil tanwitial Advertiser


joining Except HundnjB.pool.

I , vKRTisKK, one year- - tj ?


& 'J' ADr'vT Cone year 5 00.... . .flV r. ,.- - A, IUUUUU16

tioii. - a snr ....rajrej . . . t



113 Nuuanu Street,


Chinese & Japanese Goods

, frac'-e- r New resigns in Clips andana all kinds of Fancysj Cigar,


I,;alw shipments i.y every steamer.R.W.


Notice of Removal.


Wacturing Jowoler,


.Ilomas Block, Kins: St.


I S. Australia To-d- ay !

Apple?, Sweet ami Raking.Rears. Prunes.

Jams and Jellies. J.Ciune-- Fruits.

Potatoes, Onions.(Jarlic, Cabbages.

Cauliflower, Etc.Walnuts, Hazel Nuts.

Italian Chestnuts.Almond Nuts

We have now a .steam nut roasting mac-

hine in full running order.

f9Twenty-fiv- e extra heavy corn fedtokeys on hand.

mia Fruit Market.Kins Street

Australian Mail Service.


Hie new and fine Al steel steamship

"ALAMEDA."twOoHanieSteamsliip will be due

Honolulu from sy.hipy and Aucklandon or about

4th, 1888,A:f

for,th l've port with mails and,(.nor about th Hat.tjr irvifhtAc0XIM?,datt, JS. having SUPERIOR


Win. U. irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

For Sydney mil Auckland.


'JeWandnne VI steel steamship

dBISSo1&' PPany. will beorVr T han "Cisco

lh1 10th, 1888.

I o5. SS-- w'th ma"s "

I " i0Vc .aSvin? SUPERIOR A(J

1 iu. t

BROWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AXUCECIL Public, Campbell's Block, Merchantstreet. 77Caugyu



Office in Campbell's.Block, corner Fort and

i i it rMerchant streets, Jionoiuiu, n. i.PRACTICES IN THE COURTS.

(spwvion ipeirPfi veil! Hvfi th law in a written opinion, as to the probable result of thecontention upon the facts stated 44tf




i:tate in any pari oi meKeal Bought, Sold aud Leased on CommissionLoans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn

NO. 27 MERCHANT STREET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. a-- tf

'111 jilv''

-- K MPIBESteam, Coffee and Spice Mills.

Importers ofTeas, Coffees, Spices.Chartres Java Coffee, Yeast Powder, Cream Tar

tar, Soda, Salaeratus, urouna tonee, xur-eig- n

and Domestic Matches.410-41- 2 Clay St. bet. Sansome & Battery

SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.P. O. Box 1580. 635mayld 88

bone meal !!

rretared to remi, ,ia;rr,n,i arfl nnwALIO UUUtDlh"vu " 'ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Buck & OhiandtSan Francisco:

The following is a report oi tne compu-oT,- t.

Tarts. as obtained by Chemical analy- -

Bis:Water AU

Organic MatterSilicious M'atter 4.65T.imP 31.70Phosphoric Acid 23.11 "Oxide of Iron 85 "Carbonic Acid 1.89 "Alka Salts 52 "

'100.00Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.Cirde.ru Received will have Pron

and Careful Attention.

W. Gr. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.

JOHN PHILLIPS,Practical Plumher, Gasfitter


Coppersmith.,71 King Street, Honolulu, H. I.


Bath Tubs, Water Closets, Wash Bowls, Plumbng Oooda of all kinds always on hand.


Wsh Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEALMUTTON , FISH, etc.

Family and SViinninc Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of an Kjnas suppiieu iu

711 9W

YENNEK, & 00.92 Fort Street,

Have on hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plate,Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing in all its lranclies.t0 Sole Agents for King's Eye Preset vera.

AlUBriCail BlSCMUt (jO.

Corner of Battel y & Broadway Sts.,

iVniipiNPo : : t'aliiornia




All accounts for Advertising and Job Print!at the

Pacific Commercial AlvrtiserOffice will from this date be presented or

bif' h , 18S5.


Tf eral Jobbers in wiiNa auu iiiyuun

Ji: 12 KaaUnmaifcTt Street,HONOLULU. 28- -t

Boat IBiiil derAmi CJcueral Jobber.

All kinds of work and repairs and other work

executed with promptness on reasonable terms.

Workshops at the rear of Lucas' Plai lag lill.


lluiworter-im- l Dealers lu

Groceries, Provisions, .Etc.


P. BOX 297 : : .TELEPHONE 210


HAVE A LARGE QUANTITY OF OLDWE d. which will be sold.I I uunojr- - ' . ,

for 25 cents a hundred. They are useiui iurwrapping parcels, laying unaer caipeis, e.



Paper Manufacturers,AND DEALERS IN

Paper Bags, Twines, Fte.,414 and 416 Clay street, SAN FRANCISCO

Pioneer and San'ieronlmo Paper Mills.South Coast Paper Mill, Soquel, Santa Crnz

Conuty.Cal. Irrja25 '88


anil Wholesale Wealers IImportersBoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnishtngr and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumann .street

Hodo lu. H. I. 25tf-w- tf


Opposite Wilder fc Co.'s

J. Noite, 3E




Cigars and. TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant


on the Premises.to receive a call

The Pioprietor would be pleased

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire a



H. J. N0LTR34-- tf

Geo. C Shreve & Co.,


JEWELERSAmi Importers of

Diamonds, Watches, Silver "at


Law Office,Street : : Honolulu4 fjereliant



WM. Q. IRWIN & Go.,

OUGAU FACTORS and ,"lf"J"aO AOhMS. Houolula. H. I.


Impor,er8. 'ssssr "stnForeign & Domestic Fruit.600 Washington, and Ml. e03 & 605 Sanson.. Sis..


oWestlisW bon.. to tW.Thl. is tb.

lin. of business in San IraMisco

'SffiSlSA"? pTck'sJ11.!! lina. of FKU1T

for long distance markets.is Rollcite.1your.ratronaso

645 marlO ooir'Vin & Co.,

uiasses, v -- , -Goods, Opera

MAntsromery anl Sutter 8t..ik FRANCISCO. 443ja25'88


Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. VIL-N-O. 105, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2. L888. ipomistmuits. &vtvxstmtni8. ATTO KNEYS-AT-LA-W . USTSTJR AJSTCE.


3&&fU:snnfms.AdcrrtisenuntsTO CHINA DIRECT.THE DAILY

Summer Goods ! Siiiii,rMortgagee's Notice of Fore-

closure and of Sale. :o:Pacific Commercial Advertiser Spreckels Brothers to Control

Another Competing Line.

Latest Novelties In S1111IlTS PUBLISHED

ls O W O P K N A T T IIThe C'HimdiHii Iaclfi Fixes Fponi Shii Francisco a It Terminusi by Sea as Well as by Kali.

EVKRY MORNING.Popular Millinery 10-- :o:


In accordance with a power of containedIn a certain mortgage made by Hung Wo Co. t

Aswan, dated the 14th "day of September, A. D.1887, recorded in liber 109, pases 332, 333 and334.

Notice is hereby given that said mortgagee In-

tends to foreclose said mortgage for conditionbroken, and upon said foreclosure will sell atpublic auction at the salesroom of J. F. Morgan,

in Honolulu, on Wednesday, the

28th Day of May, 1888,At 12 o'clock noon of sid day, the propertydescribed in said mortgage, as below specified.

Further particulars can be had of W. C. Achi

attorney for mortgagee.ASWAN, Mortgagee.

Property to be sold is interest of Hung Wo Co.

in lease of premises at J. Alapai's premises, to-

gether with the buildings thereon, being samepremises leased to said Hung Wo Co. from YongIn et al.

104 Fort St., HonoluluN. S. SACHS, 1TOB1ETQR

and New Wash Fabrics, showing the latest materials, and iit-W- t v1 , f


er annual. f 6 00


Per ili on Ui 0t;

Sits4-riili4n- 4 t'Hj Hble Always inAliVHUCC.

CoiuuiuiiioRLloiis from all parts or tli KingdomilulwHr3 be very acreptable.

Persons residing in any part of the United statescan remit the amount of subscription due by Post

Uce money order.Matter iutendeI lor publication in the editorial

col u iii should be addressed to

EOITOH PACIFIC ('OMMKKC'IAL A DVKKTISKE.tJiisiuess communications and advertisements

snouh' be addressed simplyF. V. A DVKKTISKR,

an I riot to individuals

ness on board and has a perfectly cleanbill of health.'

"He answered that it didn't make aparticle of difference, that the rules mustbe complied with.

" 'But,' said I, 'let the passengersknow this, and they will simply transferthemselves to the Pacific Coast steam-

ships and come that war. They willthen be permitted to land immediately,yet they are the a ry same persons youwould keep out in the bay for two weeksif they come on the other steamer.'

" 'Can't help it,' he said. 'We mustcomply with the regulations.' Now itstrikes me these are very queer regula-


"If the Parthia was to come to thisport, passengers and all, there wouldbe a nice little item of expense to besettled.

'The ship could not remain in quaran-tine, so the passengers would have to betransferred to some old hulk or other,the rent of which would cost, say $100per day for fifteen days. That's $1,500to start with. Then there's the cost of

arranging proper sleeping accommoda-tions and fixing up a kitchen, besidesthe actual cost of the food and otheritems of expense which I won't mentionnow. Altogether, however, the quaran-tine would cost the company $3,C00 atthe very least.

"Still, I am not saying that the Par-

thia will not come. In fact I think shewill. She has 9C3 tons of freight onboard consigned to this port an itemwhich must be seriously considered,even if the passengers come by the CoastSteamship line. Yes, I think she mustcome after all, and that very soon. Byher schedule time she is due here on the17th of this month, and she w ill probablynot be long behind. At all events,"concluded Mr. Spreckels, "as soon asthis quarantine is lifted things will im-

mediately begin running as they should,a true schedule will be arranged, andeverything placed in first-clas- s workingorder for the transaction of the greatbusiness it is confidently expected thenew line will do."

tup: a lima cloth.THE LATEST, light weight, and durable in the now

Brown and Saphire Blue. ie'Tin,!

SUMMER CAMEL'S HAIR In Sicilian stripes an.l solM (Xiu' ,

WHITE FLOWERED ALPACA S New and very stvli.),.



NOTICE. Also a full assortment of Nun's Veiling, Solid Colors .Uhi uWash Fabrics, White and Fancy. A complete assortment ofVaJ,white and colored, consisting in part of White India 1 ,inen, jiitOpen Work Stripes, Cream Batistes, White Linen I .awn, yv v


sooks, White and Cream, Persian Lawn, White and Cream lMtuColored Dotted Swiss, Etc., Etc.

Mav 2d

MIE UNDERSIGNED, BEING KEG1STEKED1 firms of Honolulu, in theLATEST NEWS.island of O.-ih- Lave formed a

Colored Dress Wash Fabrics.Tlie Australia riu;; Dates to Apr 3" '21.together under the firm name of the Quon OnCompany, in the business of ship owners andshipping merchants, between Honolulu and for-eign ports, and with places of business in Hono-lulu and Hongkong.


Honolulu, April 22, 1888.

We have a full assortment, prominent among which are , .Materials, Fancy Striped Seersuckers, Fancy Striped M n.-l- in ',Plaids, Light Blue and Pink Chambry Suits with Einhroidiv toiirLinen Lawn, Etc. A fine variety of

Ladies' Embroidered Box Suits,

In White and Fancy Colors, at Lower Prices than ll(.r(,


Tlie Australia arrived yesterday fromSan Kruno is co with ilat.es to the 24th oiApril. Following is a summary:

Tlie Ueriiian i:uiicror.On the 14th of April the condition of

the Emperor Frederick became verymuch worse and fears were entertainedthat his end was dru wing near. A dis-

patch from Berlin, April L'od, says: Abulletin issued at 9 o'clock this morningsays: "Although the Emperor wastroubled' by couching last night, tieotherwise passed a tolerably fair night.His fever is low." The Emperor's gen-

eral condition is satisfactory. The dis-

charge from the throat is copious. Theswelling of the glands has decreased.The very latest is :

Bkklix, April 24th, 1 a. m The Em-

peror coutinues to improve. His fever isdecreasing.

lion tit of Uoscoe Con It I ins-- .

Ex-Senat- or Uoscoe Conkling died inNew York April 18th. At the bedsideof the dying man were Mrs. Conkling,Judge Cox, Dr. Anderson and Mrs. Oak- -

Waterhouse & J jester.IMPORTERS OF


CARRIAGE MATERIAL16 to '12 Heale street. San Franeisco. apli


We are glad to know that an intelligent connnunitv appreciate arjan institution that has FIRST, LAST and ALL TIIK TIME


given particularlyWilliams, Iiinontl Co." Circular,

Dated April 24tu.

S. F. Examiner, April 11th,

"Yes, it is a fact," remarked John D.Spreckels last evening to a representa-tive of the "Examiner," "hereafter theterminus of the Canadian Pacific'ssteamship line will be at San Francisco,and our house will hold the agency.This is settled, and you can state it onmy authority.

"There are a good many rumors, allmore or less incorrect, floating around inreference to this matter, but I will giveyou the facts, and they are these :

"About a month and a half ago theagent of the Canadian Pacific Railroadcame up into our office, and after statingthe wishes of his principals as to makingSan Francisco the practical terminus of

their system, invited us to accept theagency. He stated that he had beencommissioned to select some San Fran-

cisco firm for the place, and he thoughtour house could handle the business tobetter advantage than any other.

"We took time to consider the propo-

sition and finally accepted, believingthat the arrangement would prove mut-

ually advantageous."Shortly afterward, or about three

weeks ago, we received a letter fromEngland, written by McGregor, whorepresents Mr. Pierce, the owner of theline of steamers which the CanadianPacific has secured to do their ocean car-

rying. Mr. McGregor stated that Piercealso wished us to become the agents of

the Canada road, as well as his line ofships. As I said, we have done so, andhereafter San Francisco is to be theterminus both of the land and waterroutes of the Canadian Pacific, and weare the agents.TIIK SUGGESTED CANADIAN PACIFIC CUT.

"What I have given you," continuedMr. Spreckels, "is a correct statement ofthe matter as it now stands, as I havesaid, there have been a good many otherthings stated in connection with thematter by those who claim to know con-

siderably more about it than we do our-

selves. For example, it is said that atremendous amount of cutting in over-

land freight and passenger rates is to beimmediately inaugurated. If the Cana-dian Pacific has any such intention wehave not been informed of it. Then,too, it is stated that this company andour own are to become practically one ;

and further, that the Canadian PacificRailroad is to give us a social and dis-

criminating rate on our Eastern sugarshipments, that we may be enabled tocrush out all competition at home andabroad. All this is sheer nonsense, andno arrangements of the kind have beenas much as suggested.

"I do not say though, that there maynot be some rate cutting on the oceantrip from Hongkong to San Francisco.That seems not at all unlikely, and it ispractically certain that in the coastwisetraffic between San Francisco and thenorthern ports, figures will be consider-ably altered. There will be brisk com-petition then, no doubt.

"Then, as to the statement that wehad to make some such arrangement,since only thus could we render harmlessour bitter enemy, Pierce of the Cana-dian Pacific's China steamship line.Now, that is simply nonsense. We areon the most friendly terms with Mr.Pierce, and it was from him, as you mayremember, that we bought the Zealandiaand Australia.

Brilliant Bargain SaleNOTICE.We have existed, and by the PEOPLE'S VOTE we desire to exit.

after drive have we given, and thousand upon thousand lii:l! prired

out to the populace at comparatively SMALL COST.

J. E. BROWN ii CO. AREMESSRS.to collect subscriptions for the dailyACIF1C C OMMERCIAL, ADVERTISER.Honolulu, January 17, 1888.

Win. G. Irwin & Co. Live the Bargain kLong

Our last circular was dated March27th, per Australia.

Sugar. The condition of the localmarket remains unchanged, and pricesof refined are the same as the lastquoted.

The American Refinery has finishedloading the ship Henry B. Hyde forNew York, which is the second vesselloaded by that refinery this year. Theonly change to note in the Cuba basissince our last circular is an advance of1-l- Cc on the 11th inst., making the basis5)oC for 96 test. Since that date therehas been no further change reported.

Eastern and Foreign Markets. Thegeneral condition of the New York mar-ket has improved since our last report,and prices of raws have advanced fully1- -1 (ic per pound. The demand for re-

fined has been quite active and increas

So Sav tlie l3eo)le!OFFER FOR SALE:

:o :- -

S TJ G .A. n S This Week We Continue Our Special Cheap


4'nbe hikI fowilereri.ing.Our $4 00 JERSEYS will be sold for : : :

Our $5 00 JERSEYS will be sold for : :

Our .t6 00 JERSEYS will be sold for : : :

Our $8 00 JERSEYS will be sold for : :Iu Barrels, Half-Barre- ls and Boxes.Or-- latest mail advices from New

York, Of the 18th inst., state that thebusiness transacted in raws for the week

Special Bargains in Ribbons, Hat. 1


inan. Mr. Conkling passed away with-out moving a limb. He looked as thoughpeacefully sleeping. The funeral tookplace on the 21st at the Calv;iy Chapel,Utica.

raisedThe report from St. Petersburg that

the Russian Government is withdraw-ing troops from the western frontier ofthe country in view of the pacific dispo-sition of Germany and Austria, is llatlydenied in London. It is stated on thecontrary by the most reliable authoritythat Russia has recommenced the move-ment of her force with renewed energy,and the direction of her vigorous mili-tary measures is chiefly toward theAustrian frontier.

Dexter, the famous trotter, died April21st at the stable of Robert Bonner inNew York City, lie was :0 years old.He died of old age and exhaustion.Dexter was the greatest trotter of hisday. He was the first horse to trot amile in 2:17, and for a long periodthat remained the best time on record.

The Paris Municipal Council hasadopted a protest against the attentionbeing paid to Boulanger.

Queen Victoria has been visiting theEmperor of Austria.

The revolt in Ron mania has been sup-pressed.

Blaine has been shown marked at-

tention in Rome.Minister Pendleton had a slight stroke

of paralysis April 22d.It is reported that Chamberlain will

enter the British Cabinet.Arbitrators have been selected to set-

tle the Tangier dispute.


and Odds and Ends.Salmon in Barrels.r :i XT T

Fairbnuk Canning; C'o.'s

ending on the above date was limited,but this was owing to the firm views ofholders, who are unwilling to make anyconcessions, and in some instanceshave asked higher prices than have yetbeen paid. Buyers have also beenrather indifferent until recently, butmore interest is now being displayedevery day and they are disposed to bidfull figures on large lots.

The London market has shown verylittle improvement in prices for themonth, but generally the feeling is firmand higher prices looked for in the nearfuture.

Beet has ruled rather dull, with slightfluctuations. Prices reached as high as14s llod on the 9th inst., but declinedagain to 13s 9d on the 17th inst., and ourlatest quotation is los od. The Cubacrop is nearly completed, and the esti-

mated yield shows a decrease of 10 to 20per cent compared with last year. Pricesare quoted firni on basis of 4 13-- 1 Gc forMuscovado 89 test, and 5.c for 96 testcentrifugals. On cost and freight termsthere have been sales in New York at

Celebrated Preserved Meats ! Notice to tlie Public of I illlit-- EAGLE ERAND- -

: o:- -

CoriKHl. Itoast and Rolled Beef,


"The steamships of the new Chinaline will run between Hongkong andSan Francisco, stopping, of course, atVancouver and Yokohama, which willpractically become way ports. The lineat present comprises three steamers, theParthia, the Abyssinia and one other,the name of which I can't recall just at

In one aud two poundtins. WEDDING CAKEl,pakvfjf

iauies or gentlemen who contemplate giving orders for

Steam U, ,to call at the Honolulu Pioneer

7 before going to any other house,.i.,..,nas in)

respectfully requestedPotted Tongue and Ham,

Soips5 Etc.Bakerv. established 180T, -

lnarT!V!?TVi. .. i rK..,l,,lii not Willi. i"luuiiniviji iiie uiuy esiauiis'imieiii. m nuiiuimu lien?3ulous, empty, and pompous newspaper blowing and puflinjr.

this moment. Several others, however,are also to be put on at the earliest datepossible.

"The new arrangement is already inforce, and would have gone practicallyinto effect but for the existingquarantineregulations, which have delayed matterssomewhat. The Parthia, which was tohave been the first steamer to make thethrough trip to this city, that being the

procured to give the greatest satisfaction to the most refine' ,,r;

table wtncuornament of exquisite workmanship on yourConfectionery

pieces when cut, but be a credit to the line art oi meBLUE MOTTLED SOAP,only for twenty-fiv- e years, but still bids competition defiance

tempts in any other establishment are inferior to mine, ari' ,

. ... ... . .. !i. :l tTW" ,,

English creditors of the American Ex-change in Europe will get about threeshillings to the pound.

The steamer Biela was wrecked by acollision off Deal, England, and ten ofher crew were drowned.

Matthew Arnold, the famous author,died at Liverpool April 16th.

Troublesome Lepers.Yesterday afternoon a number of

lepers who were to be shipped from Ka-kaa- ko

to Molokai caused slight troubleat the former place. When the wagonswent to the Branch Hospital to get themand their eifeets they would not allowthe wagons on the premises, and forsome time they held the tort. Howeverthey had finally to give way, and by 6o'clock all were on board the steamerIxjund for Molokai.


3c for 96 test Centrifugals near athand and buyers have bid 3 3-1- 6c forloading cargoes, but sellers ask Sc.Muscavado is held at 2Jgc for 89 test,with 2 13-1- 6c bid. Offerings are lightin both instances.

Beet Crop' Cables of 12th inst. statethat sowing are very late and prospectsof crop unfavorable.

Our latest telegraphic advices of jes-terd- ay

from New York quote value ofCuba Centrifugals, 96 test, at 54c Mar-

ket dull, but firm. Statistics continueto improve. London, same date, beets88 test, 13s 3d. European markets dulland declining, ow ing partly to Emperor'ssickness. Beet crop prospects unfavora-ble. Cuba, West Indies, Philippinescrop promise poorly.

you pay. It is an indisputable fact that all over me -liaj

ductions are always cheaper than halfmade ones are. I,av,n,nt Oj

tury's practical experience, the undersigned is enabled o

and the highest styles of the art.Sugar Bags 22x30.P. HOM

Il--f V

iProprietorThe onlv Practical Confectioner in all branches- -

REED'S Candy Factory and Bakery. Hotel between Fort a

II. I.


intention when she sailed from Hong-kong, is now at Vancouver awaitingfurther orders. She would be already onher way here probably had I not tele-graphed advising them to keep herthere, owing to our existing quarantineregulations.

"These same regulations are certainlyvery queer, according to my notion.When the Parthia reached. Vancouverthey telegraphed me all the particularsregarding her. She had a perfectlyclean bill of health, and there had notbeen a case of sickness of any kind onboard of her. So I went to Dr. McAl-lister, the Quarantine Officer, and askedif she could come to San Francisco. Hesaid yes, but that the passengers wouldhave to be quarantined for two weeks.'But that,' I objected, 'is just what youdo with tho-- e coming on infected ships.This vessel has not had a case of sick


Royal Hawaiian Hotel.Following are the late arrivals at the

H awaiian Hotel: W. B. Augustine,Jacques Nathan, San Francisco; J. G.Gribble, Win. Wright, London; Mrs.and Miss Edith Turton, Lahaina ; Mrs.Kundeson and 2 daughters, J. B. Pres-ley, Santa Rosa; Washington IrvingBishop, Edward George, Boston, Mass.;Prof. Pomeroy and wife, San Jose ; Mr.and Mrs. D. Parker, Passadena ; R. P.Leary, U. S. N.

Groceries, Provisions

Kea:l This.One of the largest breweries in the

United States is the Anhauser-Busc- h

Brewery, of St. Louis, Mo. They sendtheir draught b er to all parts of theworld, Hawaii included, for yesterday aninvoice was received on the Australiafor the Pantheon Saloon. There wasquite a demand for it, and no wonder,for it is a genuine article. If you do not

think eo, try it.


Uoods received by every pacnet from the Eastern hi ls dfM' 'NewMILL TIMBERS. Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended iu, llt(.etl. l"city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guai

22 tf Telephone No. 92

Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. VIL-N-O. 105, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2. L888. ipomistmuits. &vtvxstmtni8. ATTO KNEYS-AT-LA-W . USTSTJR AJSTCE.



,,f,... Mr H- - llayselden One of the In.jurri.

Idsp ay. May 1.

11 C livutllette, 7 A dispatch from Philadelphia, April15th, says: The most serious railroadHP A11'

0 THEaccident which has occurred within thej city limits for some years took place at

3:30 o'clock this morning on the ele- -

indeed. The Committee of Arrange-ments was Lieutenant E. F. Bishop, Cor-poral J. S. Turner and Private Young,Jr.Reception Committee, Major II. F. Heb-ber- d,

Captain G. McLeod, Captain W.Unger and Lieutenant Alex. Robertson.Floor Committee, Lieutenant Bishop andPrivate Young, Jr. The programme ofdances was a very pretty little souvenirand contained fifteen dances. Mr. Ber-ger- 's

string band played for dancing.During the evening light refreshmentswere served, and towards midnight allpartook of an elegant supper. CompanyB must be congratulated upon the entiresuccess of the affair.

. .. i l KlpFl 1U" May 1.

for Hitiuikuafai!l-l'OU-


1 1 .Maui aw. i rm- -

io v

NATIONAL BEEWEET!IV. Aw". uan.f..rXwiliwili.Wal- -

'iHanalei and

vs " t,. for

KAL1HI VALLEY,I, 1,,. i"-- r"-,"- '-

,. H e'a for Klo!:t"

I tins.

.. .r An.siralia, May 1st

Is now one of the Permanently Established Industries of the HawaiianKingdom, and the Company to whose Enterprise its Existence is due have forthe first time solved the problem of Brewing in this Country a

L i'ift PrM i: t'omeroy and wife. M

f3JCbi! i E Geor. W Irving1 f .".u.r.. and two daughters, 1, I'J Mrs 3'Vv,.i,..n Miss U Berwiu, Jno PUKE, WHOLESOME, PALATABLEfiialiy. J - i .r ,htr Mr W 11

American Interests In Hawaii.At a meeting of the San Francisco

Chamber of Commerce, April 22d, thefollowing letter was read from Secretaryof State Bayard :

Department of State, )

Washington, D. Ci"Chamber of Commerce, San Francisco:

I have received your communication etthe 20th inst., accompanied by a certifiedcopy of the resolutions adopted by the SanFrancisco Chamber of Commerce relativeto the protection of American interests inthe Hawaiian Islands. In reply, I desireto say that the Government, as the acts ofthe Executive for several years haveshown, is not unmindful of the magnitudeand political importance of the relations OfHawaii, and that the Secretary of theNavy has for some months past main-tained most of the available vessels of theEastern Pacific, on duty in and near theHawaiian Islands. I remain your obedi-ent servant. T. F. Bayard.

r:i,Jr-Mr- . Mi Nellie Brown, MisVi ' 'iVj; C S N. Geo E Fair- -

7 1 3sdf and maid.'S Mrs M Ilyman and

J rrly. A C Fax- -flDFIrdif-- .

W''1 ":?flnd Man, per steamer W G Hall,

F'S ar. Hun A Jaeger. W A McKay,Vli "

. rVvii'.a v iiV.Hev Father Leonora,B,i"r M? II N Miss N E Ful-yM- A

r5:'A , V' - 1"U liogw and 51 deck pas- -

- nV Al'.TL'IlES.

liertur Waialeale, May lst-C- ol 7u' I


mm J Kaukokalaui and several

3::e'":. ; cf.nr Mikahala. May 1st W K

S m,sSM IseuLerg .W II Cumaud Uiauy others.,:SiCBUyKn'iar

That it possesses these qualities in a very marked degree, and is a Bever-

age Admirably Adapted tor Consumption in a Tropical Climate, is ADMITTEDBY ALL WHO HAVE TRIED IT.

It was predicted at the outset that7 l HiV-ni- . per stmr In nan. May 1stfjr

,Ue Hon W II Daniels. V V Ashfonl.".'m ,,r P i'eleioii. W OAchi.Panljwi,... Justice McCully,fftlw, 0 II Mak,-e- , Miss K E Chat- -

f.til.t"' ami i ii r. n uiuv-- T

THE STEAM BEERMiurri.vu xoi'es.

re jajuiie?e training frigvte Tsukuba will

4J torn? oi' coa! to-d;i- y.

Tv.irH)oaerIIeei.ia.:ived lar.t evening from OF THE

Tlie San I'ablo Wrecked.A cablegram was received at San

Francisco April 22d from Shanghai,stating that the O. & O. Company'ssteamship San Pablo had stranded onTurnabout Island, off the coast of China.The dispatch stated also that all the pas-sengers, mails and specie had been takenoff and brought to Shanghai, and assist-ance had been sent out to the strandedsteamer. On the 23d the owners re-

ceived the following dispatch :

Shanghai, April 23d.San Pablo a total wreck. Reed and crew

in Shanghai. No lives lost.The San Pablo was a staunch vessel,

331 feet long, 42 feet wide, 19 feet depthof hold and registered about 3,0D0 tons.She has been at this port several times.

4.v.v.i noa;KM ui me i ennsyivania lian-roa- d,

one hundred west of the Thirtieth-stree- tsignal tower. At that place the

"owl" train, which leaves New York forWashington at 12:15, and which leaveshere at 3:50, collided with a "loose"locomotive moving westward on thesame track.

At least 1G persons were severely in-

jured, and the total number hurt is va-

riously reported at from 17 to 24. Bothlocomotives were wrecked. The "loose"engine was partly thrown down the em-bankment at the bottom of which runsthe Philadelphia, Wilmington & Balti-more tracks. The other engine brokeits couplings in the collision, and des-pite its shattered wheels, ran down thetracks almost to the bridge over theSchuylkill before it was checked. Themail and baggage car, the smoking car,a passenger coach and the Pullmansleeper were overturned and badlybroken up.

Mr. Fred. II. Haysclden was one of thepassengers on the train, and receivedrather severe injuries to the head. Hewas picked up in an insensible condi-tion. Mr. Adolph Spreckels, who wasin the vicinity and heard of the acci-

dent, at once went to Mr. llayselden'sassistance, and finding he was ratherbadly hurt, telegraphed to Mrs. Haysel-de- n,

who was in New York. At lastaccounts Mr. Ilayselden was gettingalong very nicely.

Samoa.At Washington, April 23d, Moivow of-

fered the following resolution in theHouse :

Wtiiereas, Certain European Powershave recently pursued in the Pacific Oceanan aggressive policy of annexation andcolonization, which has resulted in thealmost complete destruction of native in-

dependence and autonomy in that quarterof the globe ; and,

Whereas, In view of the growing im-

portance of the commercial interests of theUnited States in the Pacific Ocean, it is de-

sirable that there should be maintainedwhatever remains of independent govern-ment in that part of the world free fromEuropean domination and control; and,

Whereas, In the S.unoan Islands, one ofthe few remaining independent groups inthe Pacific Ocean, recent events have seri-

ously tended to impair, if not absolutelydestroy, their independence and auton-omy ; and

Whereas, The United States, both as afriendly power having commercial inter-ests in the said ilamJs, ami as the firstGovernment to respect and encouragetheir independence and to enter into treatyrelations with them, is interested in main-taining their autonomy and independ-ence; therefore be it

Resolved, That the present condition ofaffairs at Samoa requires that this Gov-

ernment should aid the people of theseislands in securing by diplomatic agree-ment, an independent native government,free from the claim of territorial jurisdic-tion of any European Power; and to theend that this purpose may be speedily andeffectually accomplished, the President ofthe United States is hereby requested to

continue to interpose the good office ofthis Government in an effort to adjust andsettle the present difficulties at Samoaupon a satisfactory and solid foundationand for the restoration of peace and goodorder, under the establishment of a re-

sponsible native independent government.

TNJ ationa I Brewery Co.Would soon find favor in the Community after it had been given a trial.

In the course of a few short months the prediction has been amplyrealized.

The Reasons Why It Has Achieved Success are Not

Far to Seek.

Tbe missionary r'-a:- barkeutiue Morning." ,eeu lowtTt'd from the Marine Railway.

pe Americ.ii) Lark Amy Turner sailed fromjtYork tor Honolulu, via Boston, April. 20th.

TiescbooEer Ka il kai brought iSGl bags sugarfcrjLafcain.i May 1st.

re Ameri.-a- n brirautine Lurline, Captain W.I'ranc'sco April 16th, !1tsson, arrived at San

jjvjirdai Uilo. Hawaii, and the German barkFrielru h on the 'lid, 33 days from Honolulu.

Tie A ueric m barkentiues S. G. Wilder, Capt.A H.Paul, and 1'Lii.ter. Cipt. Perriman, arrivediiSaFraucisco April 221, lC1 and lSl-- j days

soe, respective ly.

The llawaiiau l ark Kalakaua, which put iuitrtss at Manila from Hongkong about two

Willis ajjo, arrived at San Francisco April 2-- d

SLvsfroiu the latter port.The steaaisliip Cinelic ai.ived at San Francisco

The war on dogs has comnionced.Draught beer at the Pantheon Saloon.Work on the street ra'lroad will com-

mence at once.The Australia brought 32 bags of mail

tor the Post Oftice.

The Australia sails next Tuesday at noonfor San Francisco.

(Jents Indian gauze undershirts at 25cents each at FishePs.

Usual service at St. Andrew's Cathedralthis evening at 730 o'clock.

A full line of gents' straw hats of thelatest styles at 75 cents at Fishel's.

Purser II. M. Bedolfe of the Australiahas our thanks for full files of late papers.

Messrs. Theo. II. Davies & Co. advertise asmall consignment of genuine English ale.

A regular stated meeting of Pmgine Co.No. 1, will be held this evening at the usualhour.

Mrs. Hugh Gunn returned on the Aus-tralia after visiting San Francisco for sev-eral months.

The Dutch man-of-w- ar Zilveren Krniswas to have left San Francisco April 25thfor Honolulu.

Two Chinese were each fined $50 in thePolice Court yesterday for haying opiumin possession.

Commander 11. P. Leary arrived on theAustralia and will relieve Captain Kempffof the Adams.

The last heard of L. M. Mather was hisborrowing $2 from a resident of Honoluluin Los Angeles.

This evening His Majesty the King willgive a ball at the Palace in honor of SirWilliam Wiseman, Bart.

Mr. Washington Irving Bishop, the mindreader arrived on the Australia and isstopping at the Hawaiian Hotel.

At the Pantheon Saloon you can getdraught beer from the celebrated An-haus- er

Bush Brewery, St. Louis.The P. C. Advertiser is the only morn-

ing paper in the Kingdom that gives allthe current news. Subscribe for it.

II. R. H. Princess Ldiuokalani will holdher monthly reception at the Palama res-

idence to-morr- (Thursday) afternoon.Mr. J. E. Brown has received from the

United States Patent office letters patentfor a sash fastener of his own invention.

A lot of stylish hats in black, white andcolored, at $1 and .$1 25 each at the PopularMillinery House, N. S. Sachs, proprietor.

The Hawaiian bark Kalakaua has ar-

rived at San Franci c 143 days from II orgkong. She had to put in at Manila for re-

pairs.A combination of nine of the leading

Chinese firms has been formed to controlthe shipping trade between this port andChina.

At 10 o'clock this morning Mr. J. F.Morgan will sell the household furniture atthe residence of Mr. V. Stegemann, Kinaustreet.

Mr. liobt. J. Creighton has resumed hisposition as jcting resident agent for theNew Zealand Potal department in SanFrancisco.

Mrs. Captain Shepherd, George P. Castleand family, Mrs. Turton and Miss EdithTurton returned to their island home onthe Australia.

The Attorney General tried to talk Ha-

waiian in the Police Court yesterday, butwas a failure. He almost sent the Courtinto convulsions.

By the Australia, Mr. L. J. Levey, theauctioneer, received the news of the deathof his grandmother, Mrs. Lewis Lyons, atthe ripe age of 9J years.

A large and well selected stock of milli-

nery goods, fine wings, fine birds, fancyfeather pon pons, choice flowers and fancyedged watered ribbons, at Sachs' store.

On April 23d at the San Francisco Stockand Bond --Exchange the following saleswere made: 300 Hawaiian CommercialCompany, 17 25; 50 do. $17 12; 100 do.$17; 50 do. $10 75.

Children's hats: children's hats trimmedand untnmmed, in fine leghorn and finewhite Milans, also a good assortment inschool hats, at one dollar each at Sachs'store, 101 Fort street.

Owing to a moderate demand and largerreceipts the rice market in San Franciscohas weakened. Spot values have beenmade at 5 3-- S cents, 2 per cent for spot andbli cents net to arrive.

Upon arrival in San Francisco on theast trip of the Zealandia, Captain vonOterendorp was- - presented with a goldwatch and chain as a token of the passen-ger's appreciation of the kindness receivedduring the trip from the Colonies.

We regret, to announce that CaptainLouis KempfT of the V. S. S. Adams is

called upon to mourn the loss of anotherson nine years of age. The sad event tookplace recently in San Francisco, the newscoming by the Australia.

The Portland "Oregonian" of April 10th

says: Kev.'J. W. Sellwood and wife leavefor California on the G.& C. this afternoon.After reaching San Francisco they' will

take a sailing vessel for Honolulu. Theywill be absent about six months. Rev.Sellwood has been the pastor of St. David'seight vears.

The S. F. "Call" of April 20th says:Henry Gregory, a ship carpenter, has li-

beled the American bark C. D. Bryant forthe recovery of $117. He alleges that heshipped January 25th, 1888, for a trip toHonolulu and back at the rate of $40 amonth, and performed his duties throughthe voyage in a satisfactory manner.

The S. F. "Call" says: Society affairs atIlonoluludiave been particularly active of

late, owing to the presence in that harbor of

four men-of-wa- r. The war ships giveweekly receptions, and dinner parties arefrequent ashore. The most successfulevent of the season was a breakfast partygiven by Mrs. William G. Irwin, who is


Tuesday, May 1st.Estate of Henry Cooper. Godfrey

Brown is appointed administrator under$2,C00 bond. F. M. Hatch for petitioner.

BEFORE DOLE. J.L. A. Thurston vs. C. R. Bishop et al.,

ejectment. Hearing in vacation byagreement. Jury waived. Partly heard,and continued to May 3d.

BEFORE JUDD, C. J.Kaualoa (w) et al. vs. J. N. Guinn et

al., ejectment. M. Thompson and W.C. Achi for plaintiffs, Antone Rosa andW. A. Kinney for defendant. Termcase. Jurv waived. Further heard.

ArnI 14tii from Hongkong and Yokohama, viaEjuolulu.

Tlf steamer W. (i. Hall arrived May 1st fromHmiiauJ M;uii with ti,T20 bag3 su'ar, U'.; bagsiii, hags coffee, 17 hides, 40 head cattle and

I wkiges sundries.Tii American bark C. D. Bryant, Captain John

In, fuilel from San Francisco for Honolulu

SCIENTIFIC EXPERIENCE AND PRACTICAL SKILL began the workand have carried it through.

A COOL AND HEATHY SITE was selected for the Works.

AN ABSOLUTELY PURE WATER SUPPLY' has been obtained from anartesian source 670 feet deep.

The ingredients used in the manufacture are THE BEST WHICH THEMARKETS OF THE WORLD AFFORD.

THE MACHINERY is of the most modern and improved type.1gVflvntb'emnt$


i;:il22l, and the liarkentine Mary Winkelmauto days later.

The following vessels were loading at SanF:i3cic April 24th for this poit; Harks Saranac:iylou, and tern W. S. Bowne.Siuceourlasi advices the following vessels

WiveJ at Sau Francisco from this KiDgdoin:Mh, hark Ceylon, 21 days hence; April

ilia, stfiiiHhip and tern W. S. Bowne,Ji :. iiiys LeacH, respectively; April ICth,uirk ;eeu, l.t days hence, aud brigau-'Ju- e

Lnrliue, 31 days fioui Ililo; April 17th,iseiiiisbip Aiiritralii, 7 :, days hence, and barkFerris S. Ttoiupson, 2H days from Kahului; April--d.bark I'no lru-- ;i:s days, bark Cail.arien 27Jiys, barkeutiue Planter 18'. days, and barken-S- -

G-- wiUer W., days from Honolulu: April

3ttb,8hiP Alesa.ld.-- McNeil and bark So omafrjtu this port.

Partnership Notice. THE STEAM BEEROF THE

JULIUS HOTING AND HEINRICHMESSRS. are admitted as partners into ourfirm. F. A. SC1IAEFER & CO.

Honolulu, May 1, 18SS. lw N a tioTial Brewery Co.Oceanic Steamship Codii:j.KElIppt Itl San Francisco, April l?th, Louis

jUrreaitL . i.eloved .sou of Cornelia Selby andtu.niniu.ler Lo.ih Kempff, U. S. N., aged 9yiiuoutlisandl-idAys- .

Is fast supplanting the imported article in popular favor.Iaeiii Ocean Snrve.y.On April 23d a joint resolution was to

be introducod into the House of Repre-

sentatives, Washington, directing theSecretary of the Navy to make such sur-

veys in the Pacific Ocean as may benecessary to determine the existence

vital statislics.January Report lr Moiiili I.iMliiitf


It is sold in KEGS ranging from FIVE GALLONS and upwards.Tho Al steamshipT! t"ta! iui,ui.,.r of deaths reported for the"th nf April wus :.L!, .livtrii.itted us follows :

laier l v..., .... 99AUSTEAL1A, ALSO I1ST BOTTLES.Friti.i - , J, 1 4t to "a!. ,.', , ,; ljlY.uu .() to 0-

Prim,-- ,, , " ' liFr.mi t;o to 7Um tp ll'Vfl GF'li you have not already done so,

. 8

. 3

. 3o

.. 7

. 21

. 0

. 8

Ma!'. j Keinub's

a vi;hil.H I iiited Stutt s ....

reat Britain ...Oiltei nationalities 2

Will leave Honolulu for the above port on

TUESDAY,1VXA.Y 8tii, 1888,

At Noon.For freight or passage apply to

Wm. (i. Irwin & Co.,AGENT8.

Try it !

lutl uumation. . . .

FxhaustiouHemorrhage. Try it !

-- urnsnt .


!U Birth

T,;UTll'i.ms..or Lean

1i Whooping Cough

7 j Old Age"

j l'ara'ysisl l'tiitonitis

uj Tumor

1! Unknown Try it !


i w..

Iit-;- r

Cancer irJtaI 50

1 !


Analysis has shown it to be a FIRST-CLAS- S ARTICLE.... 15... 8

and exact position of dangers reportedin the tracks of commerce and naviga-

tion, and particularly to make an exam-

ination of the ocean in the general path-

way between the Pacific Coast, the Sand-

wich Islands, New Zealand and Australiafor the purpose of ascertaining theproper location for submarine telegraphcables to connect these or other localitiesin the Pacific. Twenty-fiv- e thousanddollars is appropriated to begin thework.

m m

A IdiiiHivay.Shortly before noon yesterday there

was a lively runaway. A gray mare at-

tached to an express driven by a nativenamed Aiona got beyond his controlnear the Custom House, and dashed upFort street, colliding with severalwagons. The driver jumped out whenhe saw what was up. At the corner of

Fort and Queen street a Portuguesenamed Frank Feirera, with much cour-

age, made a dash at the animal's head,and catching hold of the reins, broughtthe runaway to a standstill opposite the"Bulletin" office. Fortunately verylittle damage was done. The gray mareis a spirited animal, and needs a moreexperienced driver. Aiona gave thePortuguese $2 for stopping the horse.

Company 11 Ball.Last evening Company B of the Hon-

olulu Rifles gave a most enjoyable ballat the Armory. The interior of thebuilding was most tastily decorated withflags and evergreens. At one end on a

white ground was the word "Busy," un-

derneath which was a large bee. Itcaused much amusement. There was avery large company present and all ap-

peared to enjoy themselves very much

A mou r.vi.i tv,ril k.. 1

f,r-l-, K ' 4J I April, ls7 .

"t.... IHI. KA' wD'.t


l00 fv)r month, 2G.10.

H. Bruwx,AKent Board of Health.

You are sure to like it and it will do you good, so

Try it ! Try it ! Try it !



Gnnuine ArticleFor Sale Clieap.



I,,e Austral

DELIVERED PROMPTLY in tlarge or small quantities at customers'residences, upon receipt of orders, by

I 'Haarrii niany'S eteamshipi ay

illn 1,ort at noon yester- -

i PUce f11'0' Sh left the

! Wkh era"t! felronS N- - W. breezeI VariaUe Ire,- -,

b0a' lheUCe to Prt HSht

! !rUte trade, fl tWfc,ltHr hours mod- -

1 br4t 7 I-- K' The Aus- -

rn Kr.Mu!1S01 cargo. Shej Hoon. Tuesday at

GILBERT WALLER, Manager.famed for the elegance of her entertain-ments. Among those present were: LordDalrymple, S:.r William Wiseman, Bart.,Mr. and Mrs. Wormer, and Major Wode-hous- e

(British Commissioner), and Mrs.Wodehouse. Mrs. Wormer is a daughterof Baron de Worms, Colonial Secretary inLord Salisbury's administration.


collect all the bills due to the firm of TuckWo Lung & Co. as they have turned evervthingover to ine.

S- - EPHRAIM.Honolulu, Mav let, 1888.


P. O. BOX NO. 448.

Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. VIL-N-O. 105, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2. L888. ipomistmuits. &vtvxstmtni8. ATTO KNEYS-AT-LA-W . USTSTJR AJSTCE.




miner0Mm, Agricultural Imp Mvertis81 HIKU STBEET,


l1A n pn fG1



Now Opening New Goods in Our Linerot- -



Entirely New, Translucent, Waterproof, Dnrable.-- o-BUTCHERSThe following are some of the purposes to which it is applicable : Verandas,

prMis nml Covered Wavs. Boat Houses, and Engine Room Skylights, Conserva

Absolutely Pure.. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,etrength and vhoiesomencss. Mere economicaltiian the oHir.arv kinds , end cannot be sold in conpetitio 1 with iic multitude of low-te- st, shortweight, alum orphosphate owdrrs. SoldonlyibCANS. ItOYAI lUlil.NQ l'GWDiiit CO.. 1W WallJi. 3L



tories. Ferneries, Garden Frames and Summer Houses, Stables, Loose Boxes forHorses and Cattle, Barns, (Jow Houses and biiepnerds' nouses,bWl Houses and Kennels. Skvliirhts. Factory Windows, Workshops, Markets, JPUUMS1IED EVERY MOlftitySchools, Laundries, Portable buildings, Temporary Structures, and all other buildings requiring to be Light ana dry. AND

-- o-WANTED TO CHARTER JOHN NOT T, Navy Contractors.Office, 40 and 48 Merchant Street, IkA Vessel to I,oad Guano at

--:o.-Fanning's Island for Europe. TARO FLOUR FACTORY,Wailtiku, Slam,


COMMENCED OPERATIONS ON THURSDAY,May 26th, and are now prepared to supplyJ. S. Walker.

2mTAIiO FLOUR in any quantities.

THE ADVERTISERRepresents the Interests of the Politician, tlie Merch

Planter, the Storekeeper, the Lawyer, the Workman, j

With new and improved machinery and otherapparatus, the present Manager guarantees tosupply Tavo Flour that will make a better classof troi than ever produced.CHIt GEETZ, All orders to be sent to W. H. CUMMINS,Manager, at the Factory, Wailuku, Maui ; or to fact, all Ch-sse- s of the Community.Importer and Dealer in W. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents, Honolulu.


THE ADVERTISERGentH' Ladies' anil iClultlreu

Boots, Shoes & Slippers. MOTHERStoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods.Has for many years been noted for its Reports of Le

SEIGrEL'S Proce.e(lings Important Law Cases, etc. These are re

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Wort Verbatim when the importance of the occasion warrantsR7


Cigars and TobaccoKept ou Hand. OPERATING THE ADYEKTISEI!

RABE CHANCE MR INVESTMENT.ISTOrders from the other islands solicited.

JUST AitmvEDTIs a necessity to Every English.speuking Inhabitant A

GOVERNMENT BOND.BETTER THAN PILI S Kingdom who desires to keep pace with the times.OFFERED BY THE


$80,000,000.ASSETS OVER

Is copious and prompt in the publication of Local Pew

Household Ketviug- - Maeliliies, withlatest improvements and attachments.

Jlautl Sewing Machines.One Wasliiu Machine, n.Musical Instruments, Aristons, Ac-cordeo- us,

Guitars. Violins.lligrotpliones, a new and comical instru-

ment, can be played by anyone.

Guitar and Violin Strings.Velveteen Carpets and Rug's.

Ed Heffschlaesjer & Co.


Sluggish Liver,its readers are kept constantly posted as to the course of

The protection of Life Insurance combined with the Investment Principles of a SavingsBank. Example of a 20-ye- ar endowment policy for $10,000, taken out at the age ol 25 years;

Annual premium, ?487. Total premium in 20 years, $9,740. Cash fund then due, 518,110. Equiv-alent paid up policy for life, $43,800. Or, annuity for life, ?1,310.

Estimates for different amounts and different ages cheerfrlly given. Protect your familyfrom future want or provide for your own old age. Policies Free, Indisputable, NonforfeitableEtc., Etc. For further particulars apply to

Alexander J". Cartwrigrht,General Afreut, Hawaiian Islands.

in other parts of the world, particularly in the United St


UNLIKE many kinds of catharticdo not make you feelGEO W. LINCOLN.1876.Just Arrived.

1 ii:worse before you feel better. Their op-

eration is gentle, but thorough, and Bi- WeeMy Faio Oiisrsiaunattended with disagreeable effects,BUILDER such as nausea, griping pains, etc.

Seigel's Operating Pills are the bestfamily physic that has ever been discov Is specially adapted for residents of (he outlying

portions of the group.75 and TV Kinp-- Street, - - - - Honolulu ered. Thev cleanse the bowels from alle

FLESBUEG STOCK BEER, in quartsand pints.

CHAMPAGNES OFJoseph Perrier Fils & Co., in quarts and

pints.Carte d'Argent. Bouzy Mousseaux,

Grand Vin Mousseaux.

VEUVE AMIOTCarte d'Argent. Carte Rose.

irritating substances, and leave them ina healthy condition.65 Mutual Telephone No. 65.Bell Teleplione No. 275.

The best remedy extant for the banof our lives constipation and sluggishliver. Terms of Subscription:These Pills prevent fevers and allACKERMANN LAWRENCE

Carte Noir. GRASS SEEDS. kinds of sickness, by removing all poisonous matter from the bowels. Theyoperate briskly, yet mildly, without any

Daily Edition, per annum" " per half year ;

" " per monthWeekly Edition, per annum

SAM0AN VIEWS!By J. D. Strong,

Who accompanied the Hawaiian Embassy.

Ed. Hoffsclilaeffer & Co.KINO AND BETHEL, STREETS.

pain.If you take a severe cold, and are

' to Foreign Countries




threatened with a fever, with pains inthe head, back, and limbs, one or two


ATTENTION OF ALL INTERESTED INTHE the pasture lands of the Islandsis called to the above valuable seeds, which weoffer for sale in lots to tmit purchasers.

We have also on hand sample lot9 of WhiteClover, English Alsyke, Timothy, Rib Grass,Crested Dog's Tail, Tall Fescue, Italian RyeGrass and Lucerne seeds, which we offer insmall lots for trial, and will also receive ordersfor quantities of not less than half a ton weight,and execute same with dispatch.


T EC 0

J. J. Williams, Photographer,

(1041 Fort Street, Honolulu,.

Has on Sale a Series o!Views of

Samoan Life & CharacterAnd 'Historical Incidents "connected

with the Hawaiian Missionto Samoa.

doses of Seigel's Operating Pills willbreak up the cold and prevent the fever.

A coated tongue, with a brackishtaste, is caused by foul matter in thestomach. A few doses of Seigel'sOperating Pills will cleanse the stom-ach, remove the bad taste, and restorethe appetite, and with it bring goodhealth.

Oftentimes disease, or partially de-cayed food, causes sickness, nausea anddiarrhoea. If the bowels are cleansedfrom this impurity with a dose ofSeigel's Operating Pills, these disa-greeable effects will vanish, and good

Pacific Commercial Advert



Jnal'receiveu and forSale at



Commission Merchants, THE JOB PRINTINGUNION PEED CO., J.'Ti.An Immense Variety and Great Artistic


Is replete with every requisite which modern ingenuity t8health will result.

Seigel's Operating Pills preventill-effe- cts from excess in eating or drink-ing. A good dose at bedtime renders aperson fit for business in the morning.

These Tills, being sugar-coate- d, arepleasant to take. The disagreeable tastecommon to most pills is obviated.

Call and See Them.


Employment Office,Makai side of Hotel and Ewa side of Smith

street at the corner.

latest;novelties:inNotice to Creditors. t iThe Job Planting IDepar

Importers and dealers in all kinds ofChinese Provisions, Merchandise, Cigars,Ebony Furniture, Ebony and MarbleTables.

Chinese and Japanese Crockery Ware.Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Vases of all

kinds.Mattings, Camphor Wood Trunks,

Rattan Chairs, Clothing Baskets, etc.Silks, Satins. Embroidered Silk Hand-K- ei

chiefs.Grass Cloth, Crape Shawls and Crape

Silks.All kinds and all styles of China and

Japan Teas, of the latest importation.Opiosite W. C. Peacock Co., Nuu-an- u

street, Honolulu, H. I.

For Sale by all Chemists, nrajrgrlstami Med lei ue Vendors.


1 BlankEvery descriptiou of BOOK WORK. Tooks aw

rfHE UNDERSIGNED GIVES NOTICE THATX be has this day been appointed executor of

tho last will and testament of Walter MurrayGibson, late of Honolulu, deceased. All personshaving any claims against the estate of saiddeceased, whether secured by mortgage or other-wis- e,

are notified to present the same duly veri-fied and with proper vouchers, if any exist, tothe undersigned at his office in Honolulu withinsix months irom this date, or they will be for-ever barred. All persons indebted to said estateare requested to make immediate payment.

J. S. WALKER,Executor Estate W. M. Gibson.Honolulu, March 9th. 1888.

order.:o:--A J. WHITE, LIMITED,



Chinese Labor,Cooks, Yard Boy, Etc., obtained with

tbe utmost diMpatch.Mutual Telephone No. 18. P. O. ! Prices are strictly moderate and will compare favorably

other office in the city.Box 186. 3m