evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · jjjjjjjj Established July 9, 1850. VOIi. XXI.. JSfO, 3992....

jjjjjjjj Established July 9, 1850. VOIi. XXI.. JSfO, 3992. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLAINTDS. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1895. TRICE: 5 CENTS. Business (Earbs. Uusincss CarDs. Business (Tarits. REVENUE HUM HAS SAILED. ; THE GREAT BRITAIN OF ASIA squadron of cavalry, 1 company of en- gineers 5500 effectives. Tbe other six divisions of tbe regular army have au effective force of 06,000 men, i.': field guns and 113 mountain guus. The reserve consist of 104,000, not in- cluding the land Laudwehr of M4,000. Thus Japan commenced the war with 250,000 perfectly equipped and thor- oughly disciplined troops. Moreover, the officers of both army and navy are carefully educated for their duties in the Japanese naval and military academies, while many of them have been sent by the Gov- ernment to complete their profession- al studies in the United States and Germany. And thus it has come to pass that Japan entered the war under such conditions as to render her aao-ces- s, by sea and land, as assured as human foresight could prepare the way. Financially, Japan is in excellent condition. Her regular revenue is $85,000,000 a year; her public expendi- ture averages $2,000,000 less than her revenue. Her home debt $270,OtH),000, her foreign debt only $5,000,000. Her currency unit is the go.d yen, equal to our dollar, but she maintains her sil- ver yen at par with gold ; most of her money circulation Is Government paper ($31,000,000), which is at par with gold. Hem e, it is evident that financially Japan was as well pre- pared for the war as in the perfect equipment of both army and navy. And to complete the element- - of success the people of Japan accord- ing to the reports of our naval officers are in hearty sympathy with the Government. The whole nation has acted like a single man, bending all its energies and resources to attain a single object; with a practically tin limited supply of troops, ships, m m and money for carrying on the wai and an unbounded enthusiasm and confidence of victory. Japan weli counted upon an issue favorable to her flag. When Commodore Perry, forty years ago, opened Japau to the world, Japan was quite another country than it ia today. The nominal Emperor of Jap- an, the mikado, was secluded from mortal eyes and all power was vested in the tycoon, who made treaties in his own name and exercised supreme power. The country was au Oriental feudal despotism; sooiety was divided into castes as rigidly as in India: First came the mikado's family; sec-on- d, the hereditary shoguu (general), commonly called 1 the tycoon;" third, the high nobles dalmios 250 semi-independ- ent feudal nobles, with im- mense revenues and armies; fourth, the samurai, or feudal caste the M. E. Grossman, D.D.S. DENTIST, 98 HOTIL 8TKIIT. 'Ornos Housa 9 a. k. io 4 r. m. New Goods A FINE ASSORTMENT. TILES FOR FLOORS ! And for Decorating Purposes ; Matting of all Kinds, Manila Cigars. WING WO CHAN & CO. W. F. O'HALLORAN, Contractor and Builder Estimates given on all kinds of Brick, Stone and Wood Work. WB" Jobbing prompt' attended to. 506 KING STREET, F. H. Redward's Old Stand. CONSOLIDATED Soda Water Works Company, Limited Esplanade, Corner Allen and Fort St. HOLLISTER & OO.t Agents. H. JAOUEN, Practical Gunmaker Will Cruise Leisurely Around Maui I and Watch Oahu. LAKliE K KC PI' Ol N T.KK AltOAKD Sixteen Men Constitute the Crew. Expedition In Charge of Port Sur- veyor Sanders To Intercept Fili- buster From Port Townsentl, Wash. Active operations were carried eu yesterday toward preparing the Gov- ernment revenue cutter Lehua for sea. It was not generally known until late in the evening that she would go out last night. Shortly before 9 o'clock a detach- ment of thirteen men, under com- mand of Captain Good, marched to the wharf, and a 3J-inc- h Krupp gun, I Ik Hi STEAMER The latest addition to Inter-Islan- d Steam 1 I if I BREWER & CO, LIMITED Queen Street, Honolulu, 71. I. AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Co., Onomea Sugar Co., Honomu 8ugr Co., Wailnku Sugar Co., Waihee Sugar Co., Makee Sugar Co., Haleakala Ranch Co., Kapa-pa- la Ranch. Planters' Line San Francisco Packets . Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston Packets. Agents Boston Board of Underwriters. Agents Philadelphia Board of Under- writers. LIST OF OFFICERS: P. C. Jonks President Geo. H. Robertson Manager E. F. Bishop Tree, and Secy. Ool. W. F. Allen Auditor 0. M. Cooke ) H. Waterhouse. .. V Directors A. W. Caster ) The Hawaiian Investment Co. REAL ESTATE AND- - LOANS. FOR SALE. Pesirable Property in all parts of the Oity. Four Houses on Punchbowl street at bargain. A re Lot at Makiki. Lots 4 and 5, Block 25, Pearl Oity. A2)-ac- re Lot at Kalihi. Residence, at Kalihi with barn, pig pens and chicken coop, 120x10 ; suitable tor a Chicken Ranch. 13 and 15 Eaahnmana Street. Telephone 639. Near Postoffice. Castle & Cooke L'd. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS AGENTS FOE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL Life Insurance Company OF" BOSTON. Itoa Fire Insurance Company OF HARTFORD. HONOLULU CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY! W.W. WRIGHT, Proprietor. Carriage : Builder AND REPAIRER. 'All orders from the other islands in the Carriage Building, Trimming and Fainting Line, will meet with prompt attention. T. O. BOX 321. 80S. 128 AND 130 FORT STREET P.O. Box 3S6. Mutual Tel. 544. NAMU COMPANY, LIMITED, Commission Merchants IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Japanese -:- - Provisions AND QKNERAL MERCHANDISE, 411 KING STREET, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. New Goods by every steamer. to anive today in command of Captain Godfrey. The new steamer is a trim- - 1 T 1 J 1 1 . 1 i m m ml .il A. 1 t ' l m m I .1 Ulin ou.ni vessel aim auiniraoiy auapieu lur euanim irnue. our vims uuiu , un Francisco in 1878. Her registered gross tonnage is 339.74 ; net, 207.23 ; length, 164 JENNIE L. HILDEBRAND, M. D. Homeopathic Physician. Corner Fort and Beretania streets. Office hours : 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. Telephone No. 923. LEWIS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers 111 FORT STREET, Telephone 240. P. O. Box 29 Atlas Assurance Company OF LONDON, ASSETS - 810,000.000. H. W. Schmidt & Sons, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. A. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT IAW And Notary Pnblic. Office: Over Bishop's Bank. WILLIAM G. PARKE, ATTORNEY - AT LAW Agent to tk Aeltnoladgmtnt. Ornox No. 13 Kaahumam. Street. Hono- - lulu, H.I. GONSALVES & CO, Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merchants, 225 Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. H. may & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers 98 FORT STREET. Telephones 22 . P. O. Box 470 HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., HARDWARE, Cutlery and Glassware 807 Fort Street. BEAVER SALOON, FORT STREET, OPPOSITE WILDER A CO.'S H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. First-cla- ss Lunches served with Tea, Cof- fee, Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk. gjk& OPEN FROM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M. Smokers' Reouisites a specialty. WM. F. THRUM, SURVEY 'OR. Room No. 11, Spreckels' Block. C. J. WHITNEY, Teacher of Elocution and Dra- matic Art, Arlington Hotel. G. E. SMITHIES, Accountant, Collector and Copyist. Office : With C. D. Chase, Safe Depo- sit Building. Telephone 184. The collection of Government Bills a specialty. 3931 6m H. W. McCHESNEY & SONS WHOLESALE GROCERS AND DEALERS IS Leather and Sboe Findings HONOLULU. liTETNTQ Honolulu Soap Works Co., jUIJSillO Honolnln Tannery. H. HACKFELD GO , General Commission Agents Cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. Imperial Flour Is the only blended flour ever offered on theee Islands. It is a new "Patent Proeeeb" of blending together thf Beat Known varieties of whsat for strength and color, thereby producin g j Japans Physical Strength Gives Her that Place. TKI1K COMPARISONS ARjf IHA. Conditions of Armj . Navy and Finances. Wonderful Advance Since Overthrow of Feudalism As One Man Public Schools, Libraries and Newspapers. The conditions that have given Japan the standing which her citi- zens celebrate today is described by a writer in the Boston Tran- script as follows : Japan in its area, population and geographical relation to the adjoining continent may be described as the Great Britain of Asia. In 191 it had 40,453,461 inhabitants; Great Britain COSMOPOLIS. Navigation Company's fleet, bhe is expected power, 110. name and put immediately into servi' f. has 37,879,285. Its area is 147,035 square miles; Great Britain's area 120,849 square miles. Both consist of two large and eeveral email islands, opposite and within a few miles of the continent. .Both are inhabited by an adventurous maritime people and have a dense population, and conse quently a natural desire to acquire laud for their surplus population. JNor does the parallelism stop here; for both governments are limited con stitutional monarchies, with parlia ments and parliamentary cabinets, which constitute the real government; and the results, thus far demonstrated by the present war. show that Japan is the great naval power of Asia to quite as great a degree as England la the great naval power of Europe, while, if we may trust the published opinions of our naval officers at the seat of war, the Japanese manoeuvre and fight their ships with an intelli- gence and professional skill that would do honor to any navy In the world. With well-disciplin- ed troops armed with the modern small-bor- e magazin- e-rifle using smokeless powder, a battle front of one thousand yards will deliver five times as effective fire as can be delivered by a similar battle front armed with the large-bo- re Remington rifle using black powder, with which the crack corps of the Chinese army is armed. It is needless to expect that the Chinese with their now antiquated arms, how- ever brave, can resist the Japanese attacking force; the mere difference in arms makes the attacking force five- fold as strong five against one is too much odds for any successful resist- ance. Thus the result of battle between Japanese and Chinese could hardly have been otherwise than as have been reported. It may be added that the hospital service, according to published letters of our navy surgeons, is admirably managed ; that the Japanese army surgeons are thoroughly educated and skillful, and use the most approved instruments, ana)sthetic and anti- septic treatment. Wi.h regard to their army, there are reasons to believe that, in organi- zation, administration, armament and mobility, it deserves to rank with the beat troops in Europe or America. The Japanese infantry are armed with a magazine rifle of thirty-on- e calibre, using smokeless powder and a nickel-cover- ed steel bullet; in range, accur- acy, velocity of shot and rapidity of lire, it was found fully equal to the Mannlicker rifle of Germany; it was invented by a Japanese officer, Gen- eral Murata, and both this rifle and its ammunition are manufactured at the Government arsenal in Japan. The artillery of the Japanese is of the most approved modern system for both field, garrison and ship use. Al- together, toe Japanese army entered the campaign perfectly equipp d and : orgauized for active service. The Im-Mit- el Guard consists of 2 brigades of i infantry, 1 regiment of artillery, 1 ' "two-swo- rd men" who numhrred 2,000,000; fifth, the heimin, or indus- trial castes; and lastly, the hiuln (which means "not men"), who were the serfs and paupers of Japau. The feudal system was in full opera- tion when Commodore Perry entered Yeddo harbor In 1854. The shogun and the daimios were the govern- ment; tbe mikado was an unseen figure-head- . Japau was as completely feudal an was France in the days when Pepin, the "mayor of the pal- ace," and the princes and dukes of ancient France kept up the solemn farce of calliug the Carloviugiau king their sovereign; the country was di- vided into principalities among the daimios, whose castles surpassed the mediaeval castles of Frauce, England or Germany in magnitude ami host of armed retainers; the people were in the condition of the people of Europe in the time of the Crusaues. Iu 1867, only thirteen years later, the present miktdo (whose correct title is kotei, or emperor) called upon tbe ruling tycoon (or shogun; to re- sign his powers into the Emperor's hands; this was accomplished after a short struggle and the daimios, or feu- dal dukes, were compelled to yield their feudal fiefs back to the Fmperor. This overthrow of the feudal Hynt-m- , commenced in 1871, was completed in 1877, after a sanguinary struggle. The present constitution of Japan, promulgated in 1889, establish. i a constitutional monarchy. The Em- peror is the hereditary head of the Empire, the source of ail power, who exercises his executivo powers through cabinet ministers appointed by him and responsible to him. The Emperor alone can declare war, make peace and form foreign treaties; he exercises bis legislative powers through a Parliament, consisting of a House of Peers and a House of Repre sentatives, each comprising about 300 members. The Representatives are elected by the people who can prove a small property qualification. No law can go into effect until it has been passed by the two houses or Parlia ment. The Emperor appoints the judges, who cannot be removed except by impeachment. The Emperor swears to maintain tbe con- stitution and laws, and we have, in this development of constitutional monarchy in the establishment of public schools, containing 7,195,412 scholars in 1890, of normal schools u) and universities (3), of public libraries (20) and of newspapers and magazinea (716) the proof of Japan') right to claim that it is a civilized govern- ment, firmly established ami constitu- tionally governed. What Japan has done within tbe last few months proves her right and power to bo respected as a strong government, to be respected ami treated as such bf the great powers of Europe uml America. Marvellous has le D Japan's ad- vance in tbepe forty years aince sho first made a foreign treaty! Superintendent Andrew Brown will endeavor to complete pipe-layin- g neceseary to connect the new pumping plant by noon today. Work of pumping into the mains will commence immediately after. feet; beam, 32 feet; depth, 10 5; horse The vessel will be Riven an Hawaiian with cases containing some two hun- dred rounds of ammunition were brought along. The cannon was hoisted aboard the Lehua and placed in position on the starboard side, with several feet of the gun projecting over the rail. Everything being in readiness, the revenue cutter hauled silently out into the stream, leaving a perplexed and wondering crowd on the dock. The Lehna is under sealed orders. From good authority, it was learned last night that she will make a lei- surely circuit of Maui and, on return- ing, cruise around Oahu. "What is the object of the trip?" wras asked by a representative of this paper to a well-inform- ed gentleman last night. The answer received was short, but to the point. "The Government has had positive information of a filibust- ering expedition from Port Townsend, and is sending the Lehua to intercept it." The gentleman eaid further: "The story of meetings on Maui, which ap- peared in the columns of your paper some time ago, seems to have been well founded. It appears that the Port Townsend expedition wishes to make a landing at some point on Maui. The Lehua will watch that island particu- larly, and pay attention to Oahu as j well. The crew of the revenue cutter ia made up of the following persons: J. I It. Macauley, captain; William Law- - rence, mate; H. ftathke, J. Pepalaski, Frank Williams, D. Lamar, J. Kail- - j berg, C. L. Childs, sailors; Charles Horswill, chief engineer; Frank j Lind, assistant engineer; O. Shaw and H. McMinniman, firemen. Port Surveyor Sanders id in charge ol the expedition. Archie Turner, of the Custom House force, and J. D. j McVeigh, of the Board of Health, were among the number taken by the Lebua. The cannon is in charge of Sergeant Elvin, Company E, who has seen ser- vice on a United States revenue cutter. As the Lehua hauled out into the stream, the men on board lifted their ha's as if by a common impulse. They said nothing, but looked grim and determined. New Furniture Store. A large stock of furniture and undertaking goods arrived by the Alameda for H. H. Williams. He is now .busily engaged in opening them at his new store, corner of Beretania and Fort streets, and hopes to be ready for business next week. A magnificent hearse was purchased by Mr. illiams while at the Coast. It was delivered Will do any kind of repairing to Fire- arms, also Browning and Blueing and restocking equal to Factory work. Satis- faction guaranteed. Union street, with C. Sterling, Painter. PIONEER Steam Candy Factory and Bakery F. HORN, Practical Confectioner and Baker, NO. 71 HOTEL 8TBEET. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.. Steam Engines, B-.ler- Sugar If 111a, Coolers. Eras and JLead Castings, And machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ships' blacksmithing. Job work excated on the shortest notic. LEWERS & COOKE, Successors to Lewers & Dickson. Importers and Dealers in Lumber And all Kinds of Building Materials. KO. 83 FORT BTREiKT, HONOLULU OTO KUMANO, Carpenter, Builder and Joiner All kinds of estimates given on Contracts . Jobbing promptly attended to. 3965-- 1 m 133 Nuuann Street. KAHULUI HOTEL, Kahului, Maui. gAM EINO. - - Proprietor. "Special attention to the travel- ing public MEALS AT ALL HOURS. ' 3982 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, Corner of King and Nuuanu Streets. .sfJust received by the Australia, a fresh invoice of Enterprise Beer and Oysters FOB COCKTAILS. 13sTTelephone 805. J. T. Lund, 15 Bethel street, PRACTICAL GUN and LOCKSMITH ; Repairing of all des- cription?, Electrical Corrigated and Ar- ch itectura1 Iron Work; Ornamental Iron Gates and Fences ; Frowning, Blueing and Restocking Guns and Bicycle Repairing a specialty. 3949 Massage. JT BS. PRAY WOULD ANNOUNCE iVJL that she will attend a limited num- ber of patients. Address at H. M. Whitney's, King at. ; Bell Telephone 75. 3223-t- f WM. L. PETERSON, Notary Public, -- : Typewriter AND COL1ECTOB. Office : Over Golden Rule Bazaar. DR. J. UCHIDA, Physician and Surgeon. No. 5, KUKUI LANE. ffioe Hours: 8 to 12 a. m. and S p. m. O Mutual Tel. 532. a flour that will give th- - best possible baking results for the housekeeper. gjtA&k your grocer for a trial sack it will cost yon no more. A. L. MORKIS & CO., 3937-6- ra Wholesale Agents.

Transcript of evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · jjjjjjjj Established July 9, 1850. VOIi. XXI.. JSfO, 3992....

Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · jjjjjjjj Established July 9, 1850. VOIi. XXI.. JSfO, 3992. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLAINTDS. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1895. TRICE: 5 CENTS. Business (Earbs.


Established July 9, 1850.


Business (Earbs. Uusincss CarDs. Business (Tarits. REVENUE HUM HAS SAILED. ; THE GREAT BRITAIN OF ASIAsquadron of cavalry, 1 company of en-gineers 5500 effectives. Tbe othersix divisions of tbe regular army haveau effective force of 06,000 men, i.':

field guns and 113 mountain guus.The reserve consist of 104,000, not in-cluding the land Laudwehr of M4,000.Thus Japan commenced the war with250,000 perfectly equipped and thor-oughly disciplined troops.

Moreover, the officers of both armyand navy are carefully educated fortheir duties in the Japanese navaland military academies, while manyof them have been sent by the Gov-ernment to complete their profession-al studies in the United States andGermany. And thus it has come topass that Japan entered the war undersuch conditions as to render her aao-ces- s,

by sea and land, as assured ashuman foresight could prepare theway.

Financially, Japan is in excellentcondition. Her regular revenue is$85,000,000 a year; her public expendi-ture averages $2,000,000 less than herrevenue. Her home debt $270,OtH),000,her foreign debt only $5,000,000. Hercurrency unit is the go.d yen, equal toour dollar, but she maintains her sil-ver yen at par with gold ; most of hermoney circulation Is Governmentpaper ($31,000,000), which is at parwith gold. Hem e, it is evident thatfinancially Japan was as well pre-pared for the war as in the perfectequipment of both army and navy.

And to complete the element- - ofsuccess the people of Japan accord-ing to the reports of our naval officers

are in hearty sympathy with theGovernment. The whole nation hasacted like a single man, bending allits energies and resources to attain asingle object; with a practically tinlimited supply of troops, ships, m mand money for carrying on the waiand an unbounded enthusiasm andconfidence of victory. Japan welicounted upon an issue favorable toher flag.

When Commodore Perry, forty yearsago, opened Japau to the world, Japanwas quite another country than it iatoday. The nominal Emperor of Jap-an, the mikado, was secluded frommortal eyes and all power was vestedin the tycoon, who made treaties inhis own name and exercised supremepower. The country was au Orientalfeudal despotism; sooiety was dividedinto castes as rigidly as in India:First came the mikado's family; sec-on- d,

the hereditary shoguu (general),commonly called 1 the tycoon;" third,the high nobles dalmios 250 semi-independ- ent

feudal nobles, with im-mense revenues and armies; fourth,the samurai, or feudal caste the

M. E. Grossman, D.D.S.


'Ornos Housa 9 a. k. io 4 r. m.



And for Decorating Purposes ;

Matting of all Kinds,

Manila Cigars.



Contractor and BuilderEstimates given on all kinds of

Brick, Stone and Wood Work.

WB" Jobbing prompt' attended to.

506 KING STREET,F. H. Redward's Old Stand.

CONSOLIDATEDSoda Water Works Company, Limited

Esplanade, Corner Allen and Fort St.


H. JAOUEN,Practical Gunmaker

Will Cruise Leisurely Around Maui I

and Watch Oahu.


Sixteen Men Constitute the Crew.Expedition In Charge of Port Sur-veyor Sanders To Intercept Fili-buster From Port Townsentl, Wash.

Active operations were carried euyesterday toward preparing the Gov-ernment revenue cutter Lehua for sea.It was not generally known until latein the evening that she would go outlast night.

Shortly before 9 o'clock a detach-ment of thirteen men, under com-

mand of Captain Good, marched tothe wharf, and a 3J-inc- h Krupp gun, I



The latest addition to Inter-Islan- d Steam


I if


Queen Street, Honolulu, 71. I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Co., Onomea

Sugar Co., Honomu 8ugr Co., WailnkuSugar Co., Waihee Sugar Co., MakeeSugar Co., Haleakala Ranch Co., Kapa-pa- la

Ranch.Planters' Line San Francisco Packets .

Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of BostonPackets.

Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Under-


P. C. Jonks PresidentGeo. H. Robertson ManagerE. F. Bishop Tree, and Secy.Ool. W. F. Allen Auditor0. M. Cooke )H. Waterhouse. . . V DirectorsA. W. Caster )

The Hawaiian Investment Co.



Pesirable Property in all parts of theOity.

Four Houses on Punchbowl street atbargain.A re Lot at Makiki.Lots 4 and 5, Block 25, Pearl

Oity.A2)-ac- re Lot at Kalihi.Residence, at Kalihi with barn, pig

pens and chicken coop, 120x10 ; suitabletor a Chicken Ranch.

13 and 15 Eaahnmana Street.

Telephone 639. Near Postoffice.

Castle & Cooke L'd.LIFE AND FIRE



Life Insurance CompanyOF" BOSTON.

Itoa Fire Insurance Company




W.W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.

Carriage : BuilderAND REPAIRER.

'All orders from the other islandsin the Carriage Building, Trimming andFainting Line, will meet with promptattention.

T. O. BOX 321.

80S. 128 AND 130 FORT STREET

P.O. Box 3S6. Mutual Tel. 544.



Japanese -:- - ProvisionsAND QKNERAL MERCHANDISE,

411 KING STREET,Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

New Goods by every steamer.

to anive today in command of Captain Godfrey. The new steamer is a trim- -1 T 1 J 1 1 . 1 i m m ml .il A. 1 t ' l m m I .1 Ulinou.ni vessel aim auiniraoiy auapieu lur euanim irnue. our vims uuiu , unFrancisco in 1878. Her registered gross tonnage is 339.74 ; net, 207.23 ; length, 164


Homeopathic Physician.Corner Fort and Beretania streets.

Office hours : 9 to 12 a. m. and 2to 4 p. m. Telephone No. 923.


Wholesale and Retail Grocers


Telephone 240. P. O. Box 29

Atlas Assurance CompanyOF LONDON,

ASSETS - 810,000.000.H. W. Schmidt & Sons,

Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


And Notary Pnblic.Office: Over Bishop's Bank.



Agent to tk Aeltnoladgmtnt.Ornox No. 13 Kaahumam. Street. Hono- -

lulu, H.I.


Wholesale Grocers and WineMerchants,

225 Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I.

H. may & CO.,

Wholesale and Retail Grocers

98 FORT STREET.Telephones 22 . P. O. Box 470



Cutlery and Glassware807 Fort Street.


H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.First-cla- ss Lunches served with Tea, Cof-

fee, Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk.gjk& OPEN FROM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M.

Smokers' Reouisites a specialty.


SURVEY 'OR.Room No. 11, Spreckels' Block.


Teacher of Elocution and Dra-matic Art,

Arlington Hotel.

G. E. SMITHIES,Accountant, Collector and

Copyist.Office : With C. D. Chase, Safe Depo-

sit Building. Telephone 184.

The collection of Government Bills aspecialty. 3931 6m



Leather and Sboe FindingsHONOLULU.

liTETNTQ Honolulu Soap Works Co.,jUIJSillO Honolnln Tannery.


General Commission Agents

Cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu.


Is the only blended flour everoffered on theee Islands. It is a new"Patent Proeeeb" of blending togetherthf Beat Known varieties of whsat forstrength and color, thereby producin g j

Japans Physical Strength GivesHer that Place.


Conditions of Armj . Navy and Finances.Wonderful Advance Since Overthrowof Feudalism As One Man PublicSchools, Libraries and Newspapers.

The conditions that have givenJapan the standing which her citi-

zens celebrate today is describedby a writer in the Boston Tran-script as follows :

Japan in its area, population andgeographical relation to the adjoiningcontinent may be described as theGreat Britain of Asia. In 191 it had40,453,461 inhabitants; Great Britain

COSMOPOLIS.Navigation Company's fleet, bhe is expected

power, 110.name and put immediately into servi' f.

has 37,879,285. Its area is 147,035square miles; Great Britain's area120,849 square miles. Both consist oftwo large and eeveral email islands,opposite and within a few miles ofthe continent. .Both are inhabited byan adventurous maritime people andhave a dense population, and consequently a natural desire to acquirelaud for their surplus population.JNor does the parallelism stop here;for both governments are limited constitutional monarchies, with parliaments and parliamentary cabinets,which constitute the real government;and the results, thus far demonstratedby the present war. show that Japanis the great naval power of Asia toquite as great a degree as England lathe great naval power of Europe,while, if we may trust the publishedopinions of our naval officers at theseat of war, the Japanese manoeuvreand fight their ships with an intelli-gence and professional skill thatwould do honor to any navy In theworld.

With well-disciplin- ed troops armedwith the modern small-bor- e magazin-e-rifle using smokeless powder, abattle front of one thousand yardswill deliver five times as effectivefire as can be delivered by a similarbattle front armed with the large-bo- re

Remington rifle using blackpowder, with which the crack corpsof the Chinese army is armed. It isneedless to expect that the Chinesewith their now antiquated arms, how-ever brave, can resist the Japaneseattacking force; the mere differencein arms makes the attacking force five-fold as strong five against one is toomuch odds for any successful resist-ance.

Thus the result of battle betweenJapanese and Chinese could hardlyhave been otherwise than as havebeen reported.

It may be added that the hospitalservice, according to published lettersof our navy surgeons, is admirablymanaged ; that the Japanese armysurgeons are thoroughly educated andskillful, and use the most approvedinstruments, ana)sthetic and anti-septic treatment.

Wi.h regard to their army, thereare reasons to believe that, in organi-zation, administration, armamentand mobility, it deserves to rank withthe beat troops in Europe or America.The Japanese infantry are armed witha magazine rifle of thirty-on- e calibre,using smokeless powder and a nickel-cover- ed

steel bullet; in range, accur-acy, velocity of shot and rapidity oflire, it was found fully equal to theMannlicker rifle of Germany; it wasinvented by a Japanese officer, Gen-eral Murata, and both this rifle andits ammunition are manufactured atthe Government arsenal in Japan.The artillery of the Japanese is of themost approved modern system forboth field, garrison and ship use. Al-together, toe Japanese army enteredthe campaign perfectly equipp d and :

orgauized for active service. The Im-Mit- el

Guard consists of 2 brigades of i

infantry, 1 regiment of artillery, 1 '

"two-swo- rd men" who numhrred2,000,000; fifth, the heimin, or indus-trial castes; and lastly, the hiuln(which means "not men"), who werethe serfs and paupers of Japau.

The feudal system was in full opera-tion when Commodore Perry enteredYeddo harbor In 1854. The shogunand the daimios were the govern-ment; tbe mikado was an unseenfigure-head- . Japau was as completelyfeudal an was France in the dayswhen Pepin, the "mayor of the pal-ace," and the princes and dukes ofancient France kept up the solemnfarce of calliug the Carloviugiau kingtheir sovereign; the country was di-

vided into principalities among thedaimios, whose castles surpassed themediaeval castles of Frauce, Englandor Germany in magnitude ami host ofarmed retainers; the people were inthe condition of the people of Europein the time of the Crusaues.

Iu 1867, only thirteen years later,the present miktdo (whose correcttitle is kotei, or emperor) called upontbe ruling tycoon (or shogun; to re-sign his powers into the Emperor'shands; this was accomplished after ashort struggle and the daimios, or feu-dal dukes, were compelled to yieldtheir feudal fiefs back to the Fmperor.This overthrow of the feudal Hynt-m- ,

commenced in 1871, was completed in1877, after a sanguinary struggle.

The present constitution of Japan,promulgated in 1889, establish. i aconstitutional monarchy. The Em-peror is the hereditary head of theEmpire, the source of ail power, whoexercises his executivo powersthrough cabinet ministers appointedby him and responsible to him. TheEmperor alone can declare war, makepeace and form foreign treaties; heexercises bis legislative powersthrough a Parliament, consisting of aHouse of Peers and a House of Representatives, each comprising about 300members. The Representatives areelected by the people who can prove asmall property qualification. No lawcan go into effect until it has beenpassed by the two houses or Parliament. The Emperor appoints thejudges, who cannot be removed exceptby impeachment. The Emperorswears to maintain tbe con-stitution and laws, and we have, inthis development of constitutionalmonarchy in the establishment ofpublic schools, containing 7,195,412scholars in 1890, of normal schools u)and universities (3), of public libraries(20) and of newspapers and magazinea(716) the proof of Japan') right toclaim that it is a civilized govern-ment, firmly established ami constitu-tionally governed. What Japan hasdone within tbe last few monthsproves her right and power to borespected as a strong government, tobe respected ami treated as such bfthe great powers of Europe umlAmerica.

Marvellous has le D Japan's ad-

vance in tbepe forty years aince shofirst made a foreign treaty!

Superintendent Andrew Brownwill endeavor to complete pipe-layin- g

neceseary to connect thenew pumping plant by noon today.Work of pumping into the mainswill commence immediately after.

feet; beam, 32 feet; depth, 10 5; horseThe vessel will be Riven an Hawaiian

with cases containing some two hun-dred rounds of ammunition werebrought along.

The cannon was hoisted aboard theLehua and placed in position on thestarboard side, with several feet of thegun projecting over the rail.

Everything being in readiness, therevenue cutter hauled silently out intothe stream, leaving a perplexed andwondering crowd on the dock.

The Lehna is under sealed orders.From good authority, it was learnedlast night that she will make a lei-

surely circuit of Maui and, on return-ing, cruise around Oahu.

"What is the object of the trip?"wras asked by a representative of thispaper to a well-inform- ed gentlemanlast night.

The answer received was short, butto the point. "The Government hashad positive information of a filibust-ering expedition from Port Townsend,and is sending the Lehua to interceptit."

The gentleman eaid further: "Thestory of meetings on Maui, which ap-peared in the columns of your papersome time ago, seems to have beenwell founded. It appears that the PortTownsend expedition wishes to makea landing at some point on Maui. TheLehua will watch that island particu-larly, and pay attention to Oahu as j

well.The crew of the revenue cutter ia

made up of the following persons: J. I

It. Macauley, captain; William Law- -rence, mate; H. ftathke, J. Pepalaski,Frank Williams, D. Lamar, J. Kail- - j

berg, C. L. Childs, sailors; CharlesHorswill, chief engineer; Frank j

Lind, assistant engineer; O. Shawand H. McMinniman, firemen.

Port Surveyor Sanders id in chargeol the expedition. Archie Turner, ofthe Custom House force, and J. D. j

McVeigh, of the Board of Health,were among the number taken by theLebua.

The cannon is in charge of SergeantElvin, Company E, who has seen ser-vice on a United States revenuecutter.

As the Lehua hauled out into thestream, the men on board lifted theirha's as if by a common impulse.They said nothing, but looked grimand determined.

New Furniture Store.A large stock of furniture and

undertaking goods arrived by theAlameda for H. H. Williams. Heis now .busily engaged in openingthem at his new store, corner ofBeretania and Fort streets, andhopes to be ready for business nextweek. A magnificent hearse waspurchased by Mr. illiams whileat the Coast. It was delivered

Will do any kind of repairing to Fire-arms, also Browning and Blueing andrestocking equal to Factory work. Satis-faction guaranteed. Union street, withC. Sterling, Painter.

PIONEERSteam Candy Factory and Bakery

F. HORN,Practical Confectioner and Baker,


Steam Engines,B-.ler- Sugar If111a, Coolers. Eras

and JLead Castings,And machinery of every description madeto order. Particular attention paid toships' blacksmithing. Job work excatedon the shortest notic.

LEWERS & COOKE,Successors to Lewers & Dickson.

Importers and Dealers in LumberAnd all Kinds of Building Materials.


OTO KUMANO,Carpenter, Builder and JoinerAll kinds of estimates given on Contracts .

Jobbing promptly attended to.3965--1 m 133 Nuuann Street.

KAHULUI HOTEL,Kahului, Maui.

gAM EINO. - - Proprietor."Special attention to the travel-





Corner of King and Nuuanu Streets.

.sfJust received by the Australia, afresh invoice of

Enterprise Beer and OystersFOB COCKTAILS.

13sTTelephone 805.

J. T. Lund,15 Bethel street, PRACTICAL GUN andLOCKSMITH ; Repairing of all des-cription?, Electrical Corrigated and Ar-

ch itectura1 Iron Work; Ornamental IronGates and Fences ; Frowning, Blueing andRestocking Guns and Bicycle Repairinga specialty. 3949


iVJL that she will attend a limited num-ber of patients. Address at H. M.Whitney's, King at. ; Bell Telephone 75.



Notary Public, -- : Typewriter


Office : Over Golden Rule Bazaar.

DR. J. UCHIDA,Physician and Surgeon.

No. 5, KUKUI LANE.ffioe Hours: 8 to 12 a. m. and

S p. m.O Mutual Tel. 532.

a flour that will give th- - best possiblebaking results for the housekeeper.

gjtA&k your grocer for a trial sackit will cost yon no more.

A. L. MORKIS & CO.,3937-6- ra Wholesale Agents.

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · jjjjjjjj Established July 9, 1850. VOIi. XXI.. JSfO, 3992. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLAINTDS. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1895. TRICE: 5 CENTS. Business (Earbs.



MASONIC -:- - TEMPLESaleClearaoce

' "d mi my 'i " jsa

Lieut. Geo. W. R. King Ordered to

Answer Serious Charges.For eeveral days there have been

ail sorts of rumors about town concerning serious charges havingbeen preferred against LieutenantGeo. W. R. King, of Company E. Asis usual in such cases the reportswere magnified and to such an extent that friends of LieutenantKing became alarmed.

In order to learn the truth aboutthe matter a representative of thispaper visited Lieutenant King atthe barracks yesterday. He admitted that charges had been pre-

ferred against him, and could notwith propriety discuss them, butwould request his friends to reserve judgment until the investigation had been concluded.

Charges and specifications wereserved on Lieutenant King yester-day, calling on him to appear be-

fore a court-martia- l Monday even-ing and make answer.

The Commission will be com-posed of Captains Oscar White,Paul Smith, Lieutenant J. W.Jones and others, with Quarter-master George Ashley as Judge-Advocat- e.

The charges againstLieutenant King are said to be themost serious ever brought before acourt-martia- l in the Islands, andon that account are attracting agreat deal of attention among themilitary.

Lieutenant King will conducthis own defense and a stubborncontest is expected. As there willbe a large number of witnesses,several days will be required tofinish the trial. The accused hasbeen deprived of his sword and isunder arrest, confined to the bar-racks and grounds.

Charges have also been preferredagainst Second Lieutenant Ira A.Burgett, of Company F.



Elaborate Luau Given by PurserGeorge Beokley Sunday.

The forty-sixt- h anniversary ofGeorge Beckley'a birth will be aday long remembered by the 200guests who enjoyed his hospitalitylast Sunday. The luau in honorof this event was given on CocoanutIsland, Hawaii, and was attendedby the officers of the steamers Ha-waii, Kilauea Hou, Kinau anda large number of island friends.These steamers were elaboratelydecorated with flags and bunting,the largest flag ever hoisted on theisland flying from the masthead ofthe Kinau.

The luau was all that could bedesired, and hearty good cheerruled the day. Many were thecongratulations showered upon thehost, and expressions of manyhappy days to come. Thirty-tw- o

years of Mr. Beckley's life he hasfollowed the sea, the last twenty-fiv- e

being with the Wilder Steam-ship Company. It was sixteenyears ago yesterday that he startedout to bring the steamer Lehua tothis country, being at the time thefirst Hawaiian to navigate a vesselfrom San Francisco to this port.

Seqnah's Remedies.Sequah addressed a large meet-

ing in Union Square last night andmade reference to a number ofHonolulu residents who have al-

ready derived considerable benefitfrom the Sequah remedies. At theclose of the lecture an elderly man,crippled with rheumatism, intro-duced himself to the lecturer andexpressed his desire to test thetreatment. He will be treated atSequah's lecture tonight at 7 :30.Those wishing to see the Sequahremedies put to a test should availthemselves of the opportunity to-


Leilani Boat Club.A special meeting of the Leilani

Boat Club was held at the Ha-waiian Hotel last evening, whichresulted in the election of Messrs.W. H. Mclnerney, J. S. Low andG. E. Smithies as delegates tomeet those from other boat clubs,to form a rowing association.

Race Horses Coming.V. H. Corn well will take a

prominent part in the June racemeeting, entering three or morehorses. Billy C, Lord Brock andone other owned by him will ar-rive by the Claudine Sundaymorning. The pacing mare Silkeywill also arrive by the same vessel.

D. B. Smith has presented thealligators which have been an at-traction in the window of the Ma-nufacturer's Shoe Company to Pu-uaho- u

College, where they will beused ia the study of natural




The Australia will bring a consignmentof ENTERPRISE BOCK BEER, thelaBt shipment of the eeason.for the PAN-



The largest shipment oi Beer everbrought to the Islands will arrive by theAustralia today for the PANTHEON.

Ccme Early Aid Avoid The Rush!!3985- - tf

Commissioner' Sales.

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT,Circuit. HawaiiaL ds In Equity.

Commissioner's Notice of Sale.The undersigned, Corxmisf ioner to sell certain

real estate belonging to Ah Hoy. a minor, byvirtu0 of an order made by the Hon. Henry E.Cooper, Second Judge of the Circuit Cnirt,First Circuit of the Hawaiian Islands, civesnotice that be will expose for sale at the frontdoor of Aliiolani Hale in the City of Honoluln.on MONDAY, the 6th day of May, at 10o'clock a. m., all the right, title and interest ofsaid Ah Hoy in and to an undivided one-hal- f ofthose premises situate at KaJihi, Oahu, asfollows:

Division C of Lot 6,Beginning at the N. W. corner of this lot being

the N. corner of Lot 7 at the fence and runningN. 31 deg 44 min. W. true 61 feet; N 46 deg. 40min. E. true :i84 feet along Division B; 8. 7 deg.00 mic. E. true 98 fret along Beckley Street; S.45 des. 10 min. W. 277 feet along Division D toLot 7 to point of beginning. Area 28840 squarefeet, the same being a portion of the laDd de-scribed in Royal Patent 2509 and also a portionof the land conveyed by Kekuaihi to D. Keawe-ama- hi

by deed recorded in the Register Office,Oahu, in Liber 88 page 815.

Said sale being subiect to the confirmation ofthe Court. Terms cash, U. S. Gold Coin. Deedsat the expense of the purchaser.

(Signed) C HAS. LUCAS,Commissioner.

Dated Honolulu, April 16th. 1895.

The above sale has been post-DA- Y,

pontd to W&vlsz. May 15, 1S95.8988-t-d

The Silver Question

Is drawing the attention of thepublic in the United States, and thecoming aspirant for presidential honorswill be forced to declare his intentionsas regards the silver plank.

SILVERWAREof good quality made by responsi-

ble houses are always stamped with themanufacturers' name.

We invite the public (tourists especial-ly to make a thorough examination ofour rtock and prices, in Sterling 8ilverware, Souvenir Spoons, Plated Ware,Watches and Diamonds. NativeJewelry manufactursd in unique designsand to order.

Jacobsou & Pfeifter.FORT STREET.

Wenner & Co V Old Stand.


13 Head of California Mules !

From 3 to 4 Years Old.

Call at Wsiulae Kanch.

PAUL R ISENBEKtr.3987 162--1 w

Commercial Saloon,Corner Nuuanu. and Eeretania Stieets.

T. KEVEN. Manager.



Fine Whiskies, Brandies, WinesAND FRENCH LIQUORS.

Table Claret a specialty.

BET MANHATTAN GIN andGKE8HAM CuCKTAtLS whea youhave a thirst on ( I hurt-ton)- .


I. X. L. Brand.FOR SALE BY

Castle & Cooke.J99I-- tf

The Advertiser and Gazette onsale at Hilo, J. A. Martin news agent.

?1R NTI HON?t Hawaiian Gazette Office.




French Fancy Goods, Gloves, Lacesj

Silk Waist,Ladies' Fine French Linen,Underwear. Etc.

Sold at Very Low Prices


M. POULAIN.Glovei AVarrautet not to Itreak or


Any Kind of Underwear madeto Order.

3960 TELEPHONE 478.




JUST TO IIAJ.D I'EB B. B. uraunfkls ;



Bavarian BeersSpateubiau Quarts,

Franciqcanerbrau Quarts ami Fiuta,Lsvenbrau Quarts,

schorrlrau Quarts,

H. HACKFELD & CO.3975-3- w


WOULD RESPECTFULLY IN-for- mI my friends and the public thatI am still in the Tinsmith and Plumbingbusiness That I am now offering forcash regular size 2x6 feet, Zinc LinedBath Tubs, with Plug, Chain and smallpiece of pipe ready for connection foronly $10 each. Also Stove Pipe at bed-rock prices : 6 in., 45c. a length ; b in.,40c a length ; 5 in . , 35c a length.

ptf&U kinds of Jobbing promptlyattended to.

JpflRing up Telephone 844 and yomorders will receive prompt attention atlowest prices. JAH NOTT, Jr.



LEASE Building and Iron Bnilding inrear of same, eituated on the corner ofHotel and Smith streets. Lease has31 years to run.

j"Kor full particulars, enquire of3S79 2w MKE FONG & CO.

Second Door Above Motel btreet, onFort Street.

The American Novelty !



AV Su MOXF.Y.Watches cleaned $ 75Mainsprings 75Balance staff 1.25Jewels and Pivots 50Clocks cleaned from 50

N.B. This is for first-cla- s- work.




Said land contains an acreage of about1200 acres, 200 of which is the best coffeeland, and the balance is grazing nndkalo land.

A good House and a fine well of sweetwater included in the above.

ZW Enquire ofE. G HITCHCOCK,At Marshal's Office, Honolulu

1634-3- m

Do You Want a Home?

We are prepared to sell you a

n Let of Land


Pensacola aad Piikoi Streets

On a new street to be opened.Size of Lot 80 feet by 176 feet.

We will erfct a Dwellingdonee on the Lot, plan of whichmay be approved by you, to bepaid for upon very easy termsand at a low rate of interest.For pirticulars apply to





30 DAYS !

I Am Overstocked.Everything, including shelves

and counters are loaded withgoods.

I Must Have Roomand have marked prices downto inaugurate a Great Sale.

Special Saleof Borne article each day, whichwill he displayed in the windoweach day prior to the day of Bale.

This will be a grand time for

for the people of Honolulu tosecure bargains.



Don't Forget the Date

MARCH 1st.

Temple of Fashioo,

M. G. SILVA, Prop.



Gentlemenly Gentlemen

That in order to appear well before theLadies they must dresB neatly.

K. FURUYAIs up to the time in

Gents -:- - Furoishings

And invites your attention to his latest

importations of

SILK SCARFS,8hirts in plain, fancy and Percale

bosoms. Newest and freshest designs.

Underwear in all grades.

Blankets ! Blankets !

In 10-- 4 and 11- -4 at prices that will as-tonish you.


Robinson Block, Hotel Street


Between Hotel and King Street.American and English Groceries.

Fresh Canned California Fruits,Provisions of all kind.

New Goods received by everysteamer from the Coast and Europe.Satisfaction guaranteed. Purchases de-livered to all parts of the city.


GEO. IVTcHSTTYRTCThe Hawaiian Gazette Company

manufacture rubber stamps of alldescriptions.

TWM' ,,: A


SEQUAH,Now attracting large audiences in Union

onstrate the powers of hie Remedies on





All Shades !

All Shades !

Latest Designs in Solids andStripes !

25 CENTS !


be25 CENTS !


IWAKAMI,Hotel Street, Robinson Block

Pacific TraiiDg


The bnsinees house knowu as the"ITOEIAN" will he known in thefuture as the


Trading Company.We import direct from Japan Dry

Goode, Cieots' Furnishings, Lacquer,Chinese and Japanete Porcelain Ware,Screen, etc , etc.

When deeiring anything, Japanesedon't iorget, that ou- - stock is the mostcomplete in all departments of any storein Honolulu.

Pacific Trading Company,

204 and 206 Fort Street,

8992--1 m Fpplanade.

Big Revolution Coming!

LATE CORRESPONDENCE IBY informed that a filibustering ex-pedition in being organised on the PacificCoaet. Guns and ammunition are indemand. Anarchists and exiles haveoffered their services. Schooners arebeing fitted out. It is whispered theyare coming to Honolulu to take pait in abig rev lu ion.

There is but one way (o avoid anotherrevolution and that is to locate on thecorner of Alapai and Quarry streets,where you can view the beautiful harborof Honolulu and the Paradise of the

I have for Fale a Lot, 75x150 feet,New Hour- - of 6 rooms, tarl withstalls for seven hor-e- s and Fe d Room.I will sell it to suit the. purchaser's con-ditions, or will sell it or takea mortgage on the property orwill sell it on the installmentplan. I will rent it furnished or un-

furnished to the right party.If you have no money to buy ' it or

rent, call on Smith the Bu3S Man, andhe will lend it to you.

fflfFor further particulars, apnly toF. fMlTU'S BU-- S AND LIVERYSi ABLE-- , King street, between Fortand Bethel.


Fquare every evening, ami who will dema rheumatic cripp'e tonight at 7:30.


Honolulu. - Hawaiian Islands.Draw exchange on the principal partsthe world and transact a general bank-in-g



L- -

Doesn't look embarrassed. He is lookingforward toward a pleasant evening. Heknows his dreBS is exactly what it should

as the suit was made by us.We have reduced our Suits from $?0 tot. Now is your chance if you want to

get dressed in fine stjle for little money.

MEDEIROS & CO.,S. Decker, Manager.

Hotel ptreet, opposite Kine Rros.


ft sB S3 Iif m c

fili i! I1 HI! fenjj jp

8lPI rtJ K

Board and Itooms

FIRST-CLAS- S BO KD, WITHrice cool rooms nt 19 mma st.,

mks McCartney.8991-3- 1


T. W. RAWLINS HS FULLMRS. of attorney daring the ab-sence of T. W Kawlins from theRepublic. ' . W. RAWLINS.

3990-- 3t

Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · jjjjjjjj Established July 9, 1850. VOIi. XXI.. JSfO, 3992. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLAINTDS. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1895. TRICE: 5 CENTS. Business (Earbs.



1345 aiio urrnt. imsWhen doctorsdisagree a

Tall and Handsome Son of Hawaii

Talks to Reporters.

J, i;. .judd Gl Some Very CorrectView I'pon Local Adalrn.

Annexation Strong.

who shall decide? Who in-dee- d?

You will always no-

tice that when the trouble THESTAN0A5?fl PURITVJis weakness, debility, nervous- -

ness, neuralgia or impure bloodthat the doctors do invariablyaerec on iron the patient must Baking powdER

ALL OTHERS ARE IMITATIONS.Nothing- -take iron? strange

about that, because iron isnature's natural strengthener.But here comes the rub! Iron

in t n c KERRtill forms inwhich is

givencau ses



European and American Dry GoodsELECTRICIAN NIKOLA TE8LA.

f y Nikola Te si i. tliw young Servian inventor whose workshop waft recently dewtroyedby fir in N:v York, is rivaling Edison as an electrician. He mis messages withouta wire, produces elM-tri- ; light by induction, allows 200,1 " iltn r MM through hisbody when 1,000 will kill, and performs other marvelon feate. He IS 3J years old.

A tall, handsome young manamong the arrivals at the Willardyesterday registered bis name asJ. R. Judd, Honolulu, says theWashington Post of April 15th.He is the eon of Chief JusticeJudd, of the Republic of Hawaii,one of the leading men in theaffairs of the republic of islands,who, like his son, was born andreared in Honolulu. The grand-

father of the young Mr. Judd wasa native of Paris Hill, a small com-

munity in the northern part ofNew York State, who went to Ha-

waii as a young man, a graduate ofan American medical college, andwho was the first physician to lo-

cate in the islands. The youngman who is here is a student atYale, being now in his second yearat that institution of learning, fromwhich his father graduated beforehim.

"I can't tell you anything recentabout Hawaiian affairs," said Mr.Judd to the reporter, "for my lastmail from home is some weeks old,and was sent before our people be-

came aware of the persona nongrata dismissal of Minister Thurs-ton from this country. I am of theopinion that they will not feelpleased over his return under suchcircumstances, as he is a remarka-bly popular man and has been astaunch supporter of the republican

Just to Hand:

JJcl HUH,headaches and injures anddiscolors the teeth. Whatthen? Why, if you are to takeiron, take BROWN'S IRONBITTERS only. Its effects aremarvellous on the system. Itsuse does not discolor the teeth.IPs constant use means perfecthealth but get the genuine.Look for crossed red lines onlabel.

New Suitings, Serges and Tailors' Requisites, Denims,Drills, Flannels, Blankets, White Cottons, Towels, Mos

quito Nets.



DRESS GOODS.Victoria Lawns, India Linens, Nainsooks, Lace Stripe,

Sateens, Cotton Pongees.

GINGHAM8.Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Flowers and

Feathers; Sailor Hats; Silk Handkerchiefs and Shawls;Buttons; Braids.


Celebrated "Pearl" Sewing Machines


Wholesale Agents.

LAND FOR SALE!form of eovernment all the waythrnuerh. However, our people cannot afford to express fault, and will

Km brae Ins; all the Latest Improvements and Attachments.not. 1 feel certain mat tney winnot send Mr. Willis, the United A TRACT OF LAND ON ONE

of the other Islands; to be sold enStates Minister, home. The reason QUEEN STREET,HONOLULU.L. B. KERR,why our people will not do that,

and will not exoress dissatisfaction r toover the course pursued with rela- -

t:on to Mr. Thurston, is tnai mey

tire or in quantities to suit, irom20 to 1000 acres, or more.

The land is composed of Wet, Dry andForest, soitable for Coffee, Rice, Cane,Taro and Grazing.

PRICE $5 TO $.00 PER ACRE.3981 3m "J.F.." Advertiser Office.

Firewood for Sale.

are constantly looking forward tosi.nnftx-n.tinn-

. Thev are now tjry $ fflnearly unanimous in the wishto hflnome a nart of theUnited States. They do not hopefor much from the present Administration in this country, but lookforward to the next with some lmtiatience. Everv letter I get from

AND SPLIT ALGEROBAOUT in quantities to 6uit, at $12per cord, delivered to any part of thecity limits, free of charge. Apply at yardof California Feed warehouse, next to O.R. & L. Co. depot. Telephone 195.

JACK. KEE.home indicates the growth of thisfeeling.

?.932-3- m Proprietor.

ThR nW MOrJNE WHEEL WALKING PLOWS wenow carry in stock and can fill orders for same promptly.Thmr Vinv hoon thnrrmdv t.riftd and the fact that W6 navesold SEVENTEEN on the island of Hawaii alone during thepast two months shows that the planters know a gooa tningwhen they see it.T! "J1

RubberStampsMade toOrderat theGazetteOffice.

We still sell the well-know- n Hall lireaker, izt i 10 ana16 inch, which is also made by the MOL1NE PLOW COM- -

Are more charming than the book. Even the mind is not more open to impres-

sions than tbe leet. It's c araoteristic of our ehoes that they alwavs make ai de PANY. One of our latest customer- - says tnis:"Stanr-- mft a. Ifi inii 4HallV Breaker. 1 have tried otherlightful imprest-ion- , not only on tlie leet out on me eyes as wen. xe oiy 7 "U1

. , - , i.i i .t. li'd nVimro a v lt'a ofibior than Wil kmc makes lately and find they do not do the work that yours will."footwear is ine i ni u v . an ae ku, vuu ilc k - - rdown hill to set a teriect nt ncm our iuik, vun.e men e.wuwy ouu

eVic. an of ease and comfort. There are ro ehoes like ours and cer We have all sizes ol Plows from 4 to id mcnes; aiso siuehill and furrow Plows.tainly no prices like ours for euch ehoes as these.

We have the most complete assortment of lool.s ot allkinds for cleaning sugar or coffee lands.

Almost BlindInflamed Eyes and Run


Our stock of SHIP CHAW JJL Eli i ana uori nas oeenadded to lately and we can furnish almost anything needed.

"WAUKEGAN" BARBED WIRE is far ahead of any othermake; try it and you will be surprised with the results. Ifyou prefer galvanized or black plain Fence Wire we have aheavy stock.

If you want a perfect wire stretcher send to

E. O. Hall & Son.

516 Fort Street.BIG SHOE STOKE,The Success of Hood's causesGreat Rejoicing A Perfect Cure.

"Yes, I know Tresident uoievery well. He is a graduate ofWilliams College, a big, brave,brainy man. When I was at home

n my vacation last summer Iwent out deer hunting with him.He is a fine shot and an ardentsportsman. I am simply takingmy Easter vacation, seeing 'Wash-ington for the first time. It is theprettiest city I have ever seen, andI am more than glad that I came.I return to New Haven and Yaleabout the middle of the week."

During last Saturday's game ofbaseball, bets two to one in favor ofthe Stars winning this season'schampionship could be easily se-

cured. Owing to the non-arriv- al

of Behrens and King, the Star en-

thusiasts are not so outspoken.-

Hous-iiol- l Itrt-vitN'--

Clean hard finished walls with am-

monia water.Rub whitewash spots with strong

vinegar.Rub soft ease over tar and then

wash in warm soda water.Straw matting is best cleaned with a

cloth wet with sale water. Wipo dry.

If the drain to an iron sink becomesclogged with grease, have recourse topotash.

Grapo fruit is more popular year byyear, and it is recommended by physi-cians as better as a breakfast fruit thanthe orange.

Two or three spoonfuls of kerosene ina pail of water greatly lessen the workof washing windows and mirrors.

When threading a needle in a dimlight, hold in such a way as to outlinea white thread against your dark gown.If using dark thread, the hand or any-

thing white makes a holpful back-

ground.Darn thin places in blankets as you

would stockings.Oilcloth may be improved in appear-

ance by rubbing it with a mixture of ahalf ounce of beeswax in a saucerful ofturpentine. Set this in a warm placeuntil they can bo thoroughly mixed.Apply with a flannel cloth and then rubwith a dry flanuel.

The Income Tax In London.42 ner cent of the in



RICHARD A. McOVRDT Premidr.nl.

Assets December 31st, 1894 : $204,638,783.96o

A Good Record, the Best Guarantee for the Future.


Miss Cora B. EbertBarnesvllle, Pa.


Honolulu520 Fort Street S. B. ROSE,OfrTiTn.l Aerent for 1vnH.

C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. :

" I feel lt a duty to state what Hood's Sars-parll- la

has done for .me. I was almost blind,being compelled to stay in a darkened room onaccount of inflammation of the eyes. I alsosuffered with running sores on my body. I waain terrible condition. My mother tried everythins she knew about and I was attended bytwo doctors but without helping me. FinallyHood's Sarsaparilla was recommended and Ihad not taken two bottles before I began to getbetter. The Inflammation left my eyes and theores healed, and the result was that

I Became Stronger,and was restored to perfect health. At thattime I was only twelve years old ; now I amnineteen and I have not since been troubled




with my eyes or noticed any sign of a return ofthe sores on mv body. I can recommend Hood'scome tax of England and Wales, and its

m a. A. V, -

THE HAWAIIAN FERTILIZING COMPANY keepe always and couatantand offers them for sale a.FERTILIZERSCHEMICALon hand all the well known

the llQmvX High Grade Fertilizer, to any enecial formal, an,guarantee the analysis, and all that other firms do.

Planters would do well to write the undersigned before ordering anywhere Mm

Sarsaparilla as an excellent blood purifying EX GAELIC, NEW GOODSgovernment ana management cost uwuumedicine." Miss Cora ebert, uarnesvnie, ra.

f35,00U,UUU a year.

t, TLareest Herbarium. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly andA dollar saved is a dollar made.efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 25c

HOBRON DRUG COMPANY,Wholesale A cents.

The Michigan agricultural college

herbarium is said to be the largest inConsisting of Floor and Furniture Matting of all grades.

Underwear Crepe and White shirts; Parasols and Umbrellas : Straw HatB ofsuperior quality ; Flower and Vegetable Seeds of great variety ; Bamboo andFlower Baskets of all eizes ; Black and Green leas. A. F. COOKF,

Proprietor and Manaeer Hawaiian Fertilizing Company.the world. It now contains , o, uoo .pe-meu-


The Advertiser is the leadingdaily paper of the Hawaiian Islands.It has a larger circulation and adver-tising patronage than any paperpublished in the Hawaiian Islands.Telephones 88.

. TAKEMURA,405 KING STREET. Join the Columbia Bicycle Club.

At Gazette O&ce.


Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · jjjjjjjj Established July 9, 1850. VOIi. XXI.. JSfO, 3992. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLAINTDS. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1895. TRICE: 5 CENTS. Business (Earbs.


The Pacific Commercial Advertiser Jimly 5opio5 HYMAN BEOS.,Except(ued Every


iy, by th April 22, SOLE AGENTS K O R THEHawaiian Gazette Company

CELEBRATEDAt No. 318 Merchant Street.

patrol of every island of the groupand an itemized search of everyparcel, of whatever kind, cominginto the country could prevent theimportation of opium, and evenunder these circumstances we areinclined to doubt whether smug-

gling could be entirely wiped out.The vigilance of the customs off-

icials keeps the amount of opium inthe country to a minimum. The con-

sequence is that arrests are con-

stantly made, and great tempta-tions are open to the police whoare engaged in arresting offenders.

The trade in it affords great op--


Flour !DaytonMAY 11, 1895.SATURDAY,

As the work of the next presidential campaign in the United Have just received a shipment by S. S. Warnmoo which thoy

offer to the trade only


Sunday Serviers of the VariousCity Congregations.

Central Union Chlbch, corner Bere-tani-a

and Kicha ds street?. The Kev.Douglas F. Birnie, minister. ServicesSunday. May li'th. Public worshipwith sermon at 11 a. ru. and 7 :30 p. m.In the evening will be given the thirdof the series of addresses on the holyplaces in the life of Christ, "Jordan andthe baptism. " Sunday School at 0:55a.m. ; Bible classes at 3 :30. The JuniorY. P. S. C. E. will meet in the chapel at3:30; prayer meeting of Young People'sSociety of Christian Endeavor at 6:3010 a.m., Japanese Sunday School at theLyctum; Portuguese Sunday School atchurch on Miller street at 2 .30; MakikiSunday School at 2:30. On Wednesday,at 7:30 p.m., church prayer meeting;topic, "The Present Opportunity of tneCnurcb." The public is cordially invitedto attend these services.

Geiman services everv Kundav, at 11a.m., in Y. Iff. C. A. Hall, by Rev. L. E.Schneider.

St. Andrew's Cathedral The ser-vices of the Second Congregation of St.Andrew's Cathedral tomorrow, Sunday,will be as follows: 9:45 a.m., Venite,Bamby in D; Glorias, Hayes in IS flat; TeDeum, Berg in C; Benedictus, Taylor inE flt; anthem. " O how amiable areThy dwellings,'" West; hymns 137,220.tt:30 p.m., Glorias, Hayes in E flat ; Mag-nificat, Maunder in FS flit ; Nunc Dimittis,Freemantle in E flat; anthem, 'Sweetis Thy mercy," Barnby ; hymns 136, 217.

First Methodist Episcopal ChurchRev. H. W. Peck, pastor. Sumiay

services, May 12th. 10 a in., Sundayschool, Mr. C. J. Day, superintendent.Sermon, 11 am.; subject, " Matthew'sconversion." 7 p.m., street service ; 7:30

States takes tangible form, presi- - portunity for "boodle," and it is adential bees are found buzzing in Vast corruption fund. We do notmany political bonnets. To suchan extent, in fact, that the first-name- d

leaders are cast quite in the AT PEE BAEEEL13.10

Any one who reads Mr.Ashford's sayings to San Fran-cisco reporters must read be-

tween the lines to understandthat he does not mean halfthat he is reported as saying.Mr. Ashford was long enoughin Hawaii to convince the peo-ple that he can tell the differ-ence between "a 'awk han a'au saw," and that he under-stands full well the value ofsilence. He has about asmuch intention of heading afilibustering expedition as hehas of returning here andstanding as a candidate foroffice. C. W. is a little jokerand the interview with the re-

porter in 'Frisco was one of hisjokes. When Mr. Ashfordleft here, his main thoughtwas to do something in thebehalf of his brother. Thepeople here who know himwill hot believe that a filibus-tering expedition is in the lineof assistance to that person.

Some time ago, we pur-chased a lot of European wireand immediately afterwardsome parties circulated a re

shade. There is still plenty oftime for mushroom booms to attainfull growth and disappear before

advocate the importation of opium,but, if, as the medical authoritiesstate in the report made by theRoyal Commission, the use of it isnot more injurious than that ofalcohol, it is well for us to under-stand the subject, and possiblylook about us for ways and meanswhich shall hold the sale of opiumto medical purposes and at thesame time remove the sale of thiscommodity as a factor in politics.

the national conventions are called.The molding of party lines and the

A Cash Discount of 8 Per Cent.

Will be allowed for prompt cash payment.

Honolulu, April 24th, 1S95.

manipulations of machine politicians never presented a more interesting study than will be affordedin America during the comingyear. The tariff bids fair to drop

THE SALOONS AGAIN.to third place with the financialnroblem and foreien policy as

BUGGIESSidebar or End Spring, Light

and Stylish.

SUKUJEYSCutnnder, for Public or

Private Use.Mr. Editor: I see that the liqnorleaders. dealers nave petitioned tne Councilsfor remuneration for the loss theyThe attempts ot tne cruiser experienced on account of martialaw during the recent rebellion.Olympia's crew to cast discredit

p.m.. sermon ; Bubject, "Victory throughDeath." Prayer meeting Wednesday at7:15 p.m. Meetings held in hall overTracy's store, corner of Foit and Hotelstreets. A cordial we'come to all.

Christian Chur h Harmony Hall,King street, between Fort and Alakeastreets. T. D. Garvin, pastor. Preach-ing at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morningtheme: " The Necessity f r Infancy andBoyhood of 'The Christ.'" Eveningtheme: "When the Lord has openedthe heart; what then?" Bible class at

jpon their omcers Dy stones oi I sincerely hope the Governmentwill be very slow in granting theirdemand. Why should the liquormaltreatment and abuse will in

jure the men who are making the trade be tne only private business always demanding some kind oftrouble more than anyone else

port that the quality had beenaffected by some unknowncause and that it was not upto the standard of the Am-erican product. We had a half

coddling on the part of the Govern- -The officers and men of every shipI rnnnf? Worn f ha cq nrn mnn f ha

in the United btates navy are un only ones who suffered by the rebellion? Was not almost every basider the same rules and regulationsness house in the city closed duringso far as the treatment of the men

is concerned. The Olympia wasall or part of that notable weekwhile we were hunting rebels among


Makers of Fine Carriages, No. 70

Queen Street, Honolulu.our mountains and valleys? It willunfortunate in being obliged to fit

out with such material as could be probably be said that these businessplaces closed willingly, of their own

the parsonage, Alondav at 4 :iu p.m.Lesson : The 1 Uh, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15thchaptei s of Genesis. Prayer meetin onTuesday at 7:30 p.m. Sunday school at9:45 a.m. All are made welcome.

Y . M. C. A. Services Sunday : Bovs'Meeting 3pm.; Gospel praise service6 :30 p.m. Subject, " Saved By a Look ; "reference, No-j- . 21 : 4 to 9.

Latter Day Saints ReorganizedChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter DaySaints; Mililani Hall, rear of OperaHouse. Services will be held on Sundayas follows: 10 a. m. Bible class; 11 :15a. m. and 6:30 p. m., preaching.

Salvation Army Sunday, 7 a. m.,Knee Drill; 11 a. m., Holiness Meet-ing; 3 p. m , Family Gathering; 7:30p. m.j Net Drawn In.

scraped up and, as might be ex accord; while the saloons were compected, it is not of the best. The pelled to do so by law. If the dry

good stores and groceries and hard-ware stores were willing to lose theofficers, like those of every other

ship in the navy, are men of edu trade of days, for the sake of letting

dozen coils of the wire testedat the Iron Works and itshowed a tensile strength ol2760 pounds. When this re-

port was published in thiscolumn, the wire was soughtafter by plantation managersand individuals from Niihau toHawaii. The other day, to ob-

lige a skeptic, we ordered ahundred coils of Americanwire from the Coast and asit reached the store, we senta half dozen coils to the foun-dry to have it tested. Theresult showed a tensilestrength of 768 pounds orabout 2000 less than the Eu-

ropean article. We violate no

cation and honor, and it is doubt- - their clerks join the loyal army, onewould reasonably expect that theyful whether they would dare to would claim remuneration from theGovernment, rather than those whopractice abuses had they been so

disposed. There is a class of men only closed on compulsion. Andhow about the tramway companyand other public conveyances, whichin the world whose mutterings of Auction Solrs.

discontent increase in direct pro- - lost nearly a week's business, whileportion to the good treatment they having to pay their men and feed PHAETONS

Canopy or Folding Top.BREAKS

Honolulu patternJames JP. Morgan.tneir norses an ine same, ana nowreceive. The Olympia has evi

dentlv a good representation of IRIS DAY.about the steamboats and sailingvessels that were obliged to lie idlyat our wharves? Are these all tothis class in her crew.

conhdence wnen we ten youreceive "remuneration1' for their loseof business during the enforcement AUCTIOK SALE

FROM ASTHMASUFFERERSJapan, the Great Britain of Asia, of martial law? that this American wire willnot be sold by us. We haveI have known of business men whois a comparison by no means over

came down from the other islandsdrawn, though the former countryOld Lumber and Coral Stones!just before tne rebellion, and who

has been fortunate in having ex- -an abundance of the Europeanarticle and can supply all sizesand in any quantity. This wire

were obliged to stay here much ARB REQUESTED TO PERUSE THE PAMPHLET

ON THEagainst their will, long after theiramples to follow and not being

obliged to work out its political bripess ,wa? transacted, to the greatOn Saturday, May nthtransitions by slow stagea. Japan

AT IO O'CLOCK A. W.,has taken on the aggressive spirit Are they too, to receive remuneration Himalya Asthma Eemedyfor their losses during the enforceAt the Kawaiahao Church, I will sell atment of martial law?

Public Auction,And I should like to ask why thesaloons were closed by martial law? THE NEWLY DISCOVEREDOLID LXJM13EK !


Everybody knows it was becausetheir business tends to foster thevery crimes we were risking ourlives and prosperity to put downnamely, aDarchy, treason and rebel


with the steel stays and gal-vanized washers comprise thematerial necessary to use inmaking the celebrated Jones'Locked Fence than which nostronger, cheaper or betterfence was ever made.

Our new stock of Dietz OilStoves are going as rapidly ascan be expected with times ashard as they are. That it is agood stove, no one who hasever tried them will deny.They are absolutely safe, be-cause there is no possible wayby which they can explode;they are free from unpleasantodors, because they are made

lion. Their closed doors gave us agreat feeling cf safety during those

Xas. F, Morgan,i992-2- t AUCTIONEER.

The Pamphlet doesn't lost anything the enre onlytrying days. Their open doorswould have been a menace to the


of England for controlling new ter-

ritory in all its phases and as ithas advanced from the old feudalsystem with such rapidity it is notto be wondered that its new foundmartial power should make itselffelt with equal rapidity. Our Jap-anese colony has double causeto rejoice today, since the educa-tional and commercial aggressionhas gone hand in hand with theincreased military power. Thoughother nationalities may look uponthe new power with more or lessapprehension, there is much to ad-

mire and commend in the mannerin which it has conducted its af-

fairs. Every new competitor mustbe watched, but so long as its ac-

tions are toned with justice, eventhose who suffer must credit honor

Two Dollars.F"Call on or address theTI 111 !Furniture(I -:- -floiisenoi

H0LLISTER DRUG COMPANYon the most approved plans;they are economical, becausedirectly you are through 523 PORT STREET. HONOLULU.


At the Residence of VI. DAVIS, Esq.,"Alma Cottage," Waikiki, 1 will

sell at Public Auction the House-hold f urniture, comprising


cooking you extinguish theflame. Twenty-fou-r dollars in The Beautyvested in one of these stoves

whole community.Again, why did we arrest at that

time the representatives of manyother lines of business, lawyers andbuilders and store keepers andplanters? The doors of the storesand offices of some of them are closedyet, and are likely to be for sometime to come. Why? Because thesemen too if abroad were a menace tothe community. Because their pres-ence on our streets would threaten arepetition of the crimes of treasonand anarchy and rebellion we hadsucceeded in putting down for thetime being, and because the wholecommunity felt safer to have themand their capabilities behind closedand locked doors. Are those mengoing to demand of the Government"remuneration" for their loss of busi-ness during the years that they arecompelled to close their doors?

One would think we had alreadyenough on our heads as the directand indirect assault of the saloonbusiness, and I cannot see whatclaims the liquor dealers have fortenderness ou the part of our Gov-ernment, nor for sympathy in theirlosses. ANTI-SiXOO- N.

Old pieces, of Furniture made highlydecorative by an application of our

ART ENAMEL PAINTSto whom honor is due.


will save you a pot of moneyin twelve months.

The Australia brought usthe latest thing in tea strainers;they fasten close up to thespout and the leaves are bound


Is only ''case deep." It is much easierto make a handsome case than it is toput music into it. A tolerablemechanic can do the onethe oiherrequires the best thought of a muei-ca- l


In view of the fact that the im-

portation of opium into this country is prohibited, the report of theRoyal Commission of the BritishParliament, given in another col The Kroeger Pianos

No skill is required and one can getany shade wanted.

Tissue Paper,

Asbestos Paper !

Wires for paper flower work now onhand.

Picture Framing

umn, should be read with care.Whatever the policy of the Gov

Upholstered Parlor SetMarble-to- p Center Table,

Center and Sofa Rugs,Paintings and Engravings,

Eaiy Chairs and Lounges,

Massive Carted Walnut Bedroom SetCurled Hair Ma' tresses,2 Black Walnut Wardrobes, Mirror Fronts1 Fine Oak M. T. Bedroom Set,Dining Room Furniture,

Massive Oak SideboardOak Extension Dining Table,Cutlery, Plated and China Ware,

1 New Singer Sewing MachineTable and Bed Linen,Kitchen Stove ard 1 tensila.

eminent here is, the conclusions of

to be caught in the strainer.Handsomely nickel plated andwe sell them for fifty cents.

We are having a run on theAlaska refrigerators, becausethey are the best ever broughtto Honolulu. We sold one toa lady who had been takingtwenty pounds of ice a day.When we assured her that shecould reduce the quantity halfthe amount, she laughed at us.It was just ten days after shecommenced using it that shecame in and reported that shenow buys just half the quantityof ice she formerly did.

All have handsome, tasteful,durable cases; but in theirfactory constant, careful, stu-dious attention is given to theproduction of a perf ct and lastingtone. The beauty and hones'y of aKroeger begins with the varnish onthe case, and goes straight throughto the iron plate that holds thestrings. We'd like to show you theinside of a Kroeger.

Pianos kept in tune for one yeargratis.

OJd instruments taken in part pay-ment.

Tuning and Repairing a specialty.

we are con-desig- ns

inIs our specialty for whichstantly receiving newmouldings.

Lawn Mower and Garden Tools,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., 'We are now offering something

first-cla- ss in Colored Photos.

a body of men who have elabor-ately examined the subject shouldbe studied with interest. There arereasons which justify the prohibi-tion of the importation of thearticle into these islands, even if itis not injurious, but, on the otherhand,there may be some reas6ns whythe importation might be admitted,under proper restrictions.

It is pretty well understood thatin spite of all attempts to preventthe smuggliug of this article, it canbo had at a "reasonable price'' byany one desiring it. The efficiencyof the Custom House officers is notquestioned. Nothing but a close

A special car will ave the cor

Electric Carriage Lamps.Theo. Hoffman, manager of the

Hawaiian Electric Co., drives themost stylish buggy in Honolulu.He has just introduced a fad incarriage lamps. An electric storagebattery uuder the seat of the buggyfurnishes light to the side lamps atnight time. This arrangementaffords a steady, brilliant illumina-tion, lastiDg all night if necessary,and the expense, beyond the pur-chase of the battery, is only nomi-nal. It will soon be adopted in allvehicles and will cast in the shadethe yellow, peanut-kerosen- e glim,which is generally unreliable anddemands so much attention.

ner of Fort and Kiug street at g:z$ a. m.sharp on the morning of sate.



The Hawaiian Gazette Companymanufacture rubber stamps of alldescriptions

Tbe Hawaiian Hardwire & UL

Jas. F. Morgan,39fc9-- td AUCTIONEER.

You can bay the latest dates of thispaper at Hilo of J. A. Martin.


Page 5: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · jjjjjjjj Established July 9, 1850. VOIi. XXI.. JSfO, 3992. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLAINTDS. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1895. TRICE: 5 CENTS. Business (Earbs.




Events for Today.Cricket practice, Makiki grounds

at 4 :30 p. m.Royal and Fort Street School

clubs play baseball on the leaguegrounds at 10 a. m. EX GAELIC, NEW SILK DRESS GOODS !

Japanese Rues, Bamboo Screens ; Beat Silk ami Cotton Crepe Shiits made byYAMATOYA & KIOYA.

A new, fall assortment of everything Jananefe desired by our patronn.Call and inspect. VERY LOWlSbT UV TRICKS.




Groceries, Provisions and Feed.

New and Fresh Goods received by every packet from California, Eastern Htatf,and European Markets.

Standard grades of canned Vegetables, Fruits ami Fih.Goods delivered to any part of the city. Satisfaction guaranteed.Island trade solicited.

P. O BOX 145.

WRINKLED BEAUTIES SHOULDUse Lola Montez Crkme. Skin Food and Tissue Builder. Doesnot cover, but heals and cures blemishes of the skin. Makes thetissues firm and builds up the worn-o- ut muscle 6bers, and makesthem Dlump. Lowest in price and best in value. 75 currs labob pot.

Mrs Harrison's Face Bleach. Cures most aggravated casesof Freckles, Blackheads, Flesh Worms. Sunburn. Sallowness. and





Mrs. Nettie Harrison.


WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian Island.

PLANING MILLProprietors.

Moth Patches. Quick in action and permanent in effects. Prick $1.Mrs. Harrison's Face Powder. Pure adhesive and positively invisible.

Three shades white, flesh, biuuette. Will not clog the pores, stays on all day.Price 50 cents.

Mrs. Harrison's Hair Vigor. Stops Falling Hair in one or two applications.Prevents Gray Hair and causes rich and luxuriant growth of Hair to grow on baldheads. Cases of years standing specially invited to a trial. Price $1.

Mrs. Harrison's Hair Restorer. Only four to ten days required to restorehair to its natural color Is not a dye or bleach. No sediment or stickiness. Coloris permanent when once your hair is restored to its natEral shade. Hair becomesglossy and clean. Price $1.

Mrs. Harrison's Frizz. For keeping the hair in curls a week at a time ; notsticky ; don't leave a white deposit on the hair. Price 50 cents.

MRS. NETTIE HARRISON, America's Beauty Doctor.26 Geary Street, San Francisco, Cal.

For sale by HOLLISTER DROG COMPANY, 523 Fort Street, Honolulu.Any lady call at Hollister Drug Company will be given a Lady's Journal

containing a Beauty Lecture written by

Royal Insurance Co.,OF LIVERPOOL.


buch Is the Verdiot of England'sRoyal Opium Commission.

Provide! It Is Led iu Proper fMianti- -

ties Not as IdJuz-Io-

as Alcohol.

JMBW lOKK, April Zf. rue sun's.London special says: The report ofthe Royai Commission on the Ube ofopium, presented in Parliament thisweek, will much astonish many people, especially in America, buK itmust be accepted as the decisive ver-dict of truth and science upon thisvexed subject. The inquiry was conducted on a great scale, and the decision was practically unanimousOnly 1 20 witnesses were examined,including 152 called at the desire ofthe Anti Opium Society. Every carewas taken to obtain representativetestimony, and the Commission recordthe conviction that the e idence formstrustworthy ground for the conclusionsreached.

Upon the crucical issue,whether theuse of opium, as habitually practicedin India, is cr is not injurious, theCommission relied Co a great degreeon the statements of 1051 medical wit-nesses. The evidence of the doctors inthe service of the government waspractically unanimous. It is cor-roborated by other medical men inprivate practice, and by somemedical missionaries. Medical wit-nesses who advocated prohibitionAverefew, and all of them were moreopposed to the ue of alcohol thau tothat of opium. The general effect ofthe medical testimony is declared inthe report to be that "the temperateuse of opium in ludia should be viewedin the same light as the temperateuse of alcohol iu England. Opium isharmful, harmless or even beneficial,according to the measure of discretionwith which it is used."

That is the judgment of scienceupon the actual cousequences of theopium habit. Natives of India, onthe whole, agree with the doctors, butthey attach greater value to the drugthau science directly warrants. It isuniversally allowed that excessiveconsumption of opium is au evil,though an evil of which the ef-

fects have been grossly exaggerated.Opium is largely taken as a stimulantby those past middle age. They useit, in the striking phrase of one of thewitnesses, "as a prop to a fallinghouse." Tne opinion of the greatmajority 01 native medical practition-ers and representatives of large andinfluential classes is that this employ-ment of the drug is attended by bene-ficial results.

Opium-eate- rs of fifteen to twentyyears' standing appeared before theCommission. They believed the habithad done them good Their appear-ance and vigor satisfied the Commis-sioners, at all events, that it had donetheui no possible harm.

Opium is also used as an occasionalstimulant in physical emergencies.It has been issued, by medical advice,to troops engaged in fighting androad-makin- g among the mountains ofSikkim. It is taken occasionally bycamel-drive-rs who work in the ex-tremes of heat and Cold that prevailin Rajputaua desert. Many consumersin the Punjab use the drug in the win-ter months only.

Another striking fact about theopium habit is that it prevails amongsome of the most mauly, hard-workin- g,

thrifty races of India. Thesplendid fcsikh soldiers and peasants,Marwari traders and Ilajputs areamong the opium eaters. Opium isconsumed iu the native army, and thewitnesses say does no perceptibleharm, and is often beneficial. It isused among the natives in the publicservice and in the service of railroadcompanies, planters and mill owners.

The evidence of employers is all tothe same effect. Dismissals for intem-perance iu tne use of opium are prac-tically uukuowu. Opium, ijir WilliamItoberts observes, does not appear tobeget any specific disease. Opium-eate- rs

bear surgical operations as wellis non-eonsumer- s, and the manager of

a large iusurauce company said thatafter twenty years' experience hiscompany charged no extra premiumon the lives of moderate opium-eaters- .


Ramehamehss and Stars Will CrossBats This Afternoon.

An interesting game of baseballwill bs played on the leaguegrounds at 3 :30 this afternoon be-

tween the Star and Kamehamehaclubs. ' With the exception of E.Wodehouse in place of J. O. Carter, Jr., at second base, the Starswill Dlav the same team ns lastSaturday.

Following is the make-u- p of theclubs.

Star Position KamehahaHarrv Wilder c R. PahauLionel Hart p.. B. LemonJ. Ganzel Lb P. DavisB. Wodehouse 2 b 8. ManukaSam Woods ; b W. AhiaG. Angus 1 f O. CrowellD. McNicoll c f C. KaanoiW. C. WiUIer,Jr..r f A. LawelaweW. Wilder. ... S 8.. ..c. Bridges

Union Mill Company.

Assets January 1st, 1892, - $42,432,174.00

(From U. Jonr-i-i- ' V- - r W".)rrof.W.ll.Pek,whomsk- - iptebkj of Pptler?T,has withont donbt treated and omtl inor- - mm thacany living Physician ; t is success is atunihin;r. Vtiavc heard of cases of year-"-- ! iruUr.ircured by h:m.He publishes avaluablework OOthisdiMMM which heponds with a lare bottle of hi- - alnt cure, free 1o

any sufTerer who may send tht-i- r P.O. and KaytCM ad-

dress. We ad in? anvone wishing a cure to atldrv-.- -.

Prof. V. H. PKHXX, F 1., Cedar ;t., New JOHkm

See the Grand Chariot Parade

at 3 p m., Today !




MmAT 7:30 AT



Band -- i In i-- Attendee





Sequah will be at thehall THIS AFTERNOON be-

tween 2:30 and 4:30 to accom-

modate those who desiretreatment by his remedies.


'The best Corset in theworld for the money.

IgfCome and



And return them if theydon't suit you.

These Corsets are made instyle to fit and suit every-body and their purses.

They are in forty-seve- n dif-

ferent styles and range inprice from SI to $5 per pair.

Ask to see the Extra Long-Wai- st

Sonnette for $2.25,They can't be beaten.

If you cant get Corsets longenough, remember you can getthe "Sonnette" with sixHOOKS.

Should you want a CorsetWith REAL WHALE BONE, getthe "Sonnette."

Anyway come in and seethem,

J. J. EGAN.Sole Agent for Hawaiian


'Fire rtsas on ah sinis of Insurable property taken at Oarront ratae

Japanese celebration of peace inthe Unent from o a. m. to 10 p. m.by marches and sports at Indepen-dence Park.

Second league game of baseballbetween Kamehamehas and Starsat 3:30 P m.

Marshal's Sale.


issued out of the DistrictCourt, on the 25th day of April, A- - D.1895, against Lum Kwai Wo, defendant,in favor of Chick Ken Tong, plaintiff, forthe sum of $21 80, I have levied uponar d shall expose for sale, at the PoliceStation, in the District of Honolulu, Isl-and of Oahn, at 12 o'clock of SATUR-DAY, the 1st day of June, A. D. 195. tothe highest bidder, all the right, title andinterest of the said Lam Kwai Tong, de-fendant, in and to the 'oUowing property,unless said judgment, interest, costs andmy expenses be previously paid.

List of property for sale:1 White Sewine Machine, 1 Picture.

A. M BROWN,Deputy MarvhaL

Honolulu, May 2d, 1895. 3985-6- t

Marshal's Sale.

VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXE- -cution, issued out of tho District

Court, on the 17th day of April, A. D.1895, aaainst Wone Yip and Lin Hon,defendants, in favor or Hop Wo Yuen &Co., piaintiff, for the sum of $89 10,1have levied upon and shall expose forsale at the Police Station, in the Districtof Honolulu, Island o! Oihu, at 12 o'clockof MONDAY, the 3d day of June, A. D.lb9o, to.the highest bidder, all the right,title and interest of the said Wong Yipand Lin Hon, defendants, in and to thefodowing property, unless said lodgement, interest, costs and my expenses bepreviously paid.

List of property for sale :

All that certain crop of taro now almostripe, growing in tour patcnes owned byMrs. D. Kaapa, and fcituated atKalihiwaena.

A. M BROWN,Deputv Marshal.

Honolulu, May 2d, 1895. 3985-- 5t

Note That the WarIs over, and it is the duty of every citizento support the existing form of govern-ment. Although things may not movewith the cordialty that would insure aneverlasting pece, still they may be al-lowed to subside into that Indifferencewithout animosity, tnat would alloweither party to work out their bestint- - rests.

All things considered it may be for thebest, but time, the only arbitrator in suchcases, must alone decide that. J. G.STEWART is a plumber, and will doyour work in a shape and at figures thatwill give satisfaction.

3949--tf 15 BETHEL STREET.





jjl years, grown in favor with both doctors andmoiners mrousnout tne worm, ana is now un-questionably not only the best substitute formothers' milk, but the food which agrees withthe largest percentage of infants. It givesstrength and stamina to resist the weakeningeffects of hot weather, and has saved the lives ofthousands of infants. To anymother sendingher address, and mentioning this paper, we willsend samples and description of Pestle's Food.Taos. Leemtng 3t Co., Sole Ag'ts, 99 Murray St., N. Y.

The Agency for


Hollister Drug Company, Limited

523 Fort Street, Honolnlu, H. I.


Chalk marks properly made on clothto conform with your figure, are sure togive you a fit.

I guarantee to fit you in pants or eu:tsor we don't wan your trade.

Give me a trial and you will comeaain. C. AKIMA,

3955 46 Nunanu Street.

Kead This i

F YOU WANT A MOTIVE POWER,i order a Rkgas Vapor or PacificGas Esgixk ; they are the best, safestand simplest in the world.

JOS. TINKER,Sole Agnt.

J3J7"'!?end for rataloirnee. Honolulu.H.L

There is no one in the worJdso cheerful as a woman whoknows she has on a pretty



Xowhere will you see sucha collection, such a variety, aswe offer.

The styles are elegance itself, while the prices are soregulated that those of themost slender means can keepwell within the range offashion. These Capes willadd grace and beauty to anyform, and soften and refinethe figure that knows how togrow old gracefully.




Never before were we bet-

ter equipped to supply yourwith Shirtwaists, we arestrictly in it and so will yoube if you purchase one of ours.




Easy and comfortable, theyalways look well, we have anendless variety of patterns topick from. Look at them.




Pair of ShoesFOR

Ten Minutes Work

The question among the businessmen of Honolulu is. . .



To solve the problem as well as toascertain whether advertisements at-

tract the attention of newspaperreaders, we offr a pair of our bes$5 00 shoes (6 50 anywhere else) tothe person who sends us, under thehead of "Wanted," the cleverestadvertisement of our shoes.

It must be original, concise, and tothe point. It must not be longerthan any ordinary want ad. found inthe daily papers.

Advertisement to be written on oneside of white paper and signed bythe competitor's full name and ad-

dress. State the name of the paperin which you saw this notice and en-

close your effort in an envelopemarked

McTnerny's .Shoe Store,

Honolulu.Ad. Competition.

The attention of out of town subscribers is particularly called to thiscompetition We want your ad .

Honolulu competitors may droptheir envelopes in the box just insidethe 6tore door.

Competition Closes at Noon, Jane15, 1895

Competent judges will decidewho is entitled to the prize.

mm 1 bhoe Store



J . S.3140


OFFICEAlafeea and Rlcbardts cear


MOULDINGS,Sash, Blinds, Screens, Frames,




Prompt attention !oa!i orders.T K L E P II


Give the Baby



Queen Street, Honolulu, n. 1



Perfee I Nu inmen tfor Growing Cniinma


nnl ' : Aural, MMlla A"ui- - illiM-o- njMI'll Wfintil'u MMMM


Best Foodfor Hand-fe- d Infanta

oi k noon rr in amcftiHtl: -,' Tlj ( iirf U4 Fri-l- n

of InCnrtf, " v ill ih- dmDi i 'n any adlrem, iim: requvii


Cents per Month

BENSON, SMITH & CO.,Hole Aeenta for the Hawaiian Iilnnl.


Is Burned Out, but Still Prepared to

Superintend or Build Anything from

a One-roome- d House to a New

City Hall.

All Orders Left With John Nott, KingStreet, Will be promptly Attended to.

4 T THE ANNUAL MEETING OFj th;s Companir held at heir office,Kohala. this dy, 'the following officerswere elected fof.the ensuing year :

President J. RentcnVice-Preeid-ent H H. RemonTreasurer T. R Walker

H. H. ttenronAudi'or T. R. Ke worth

U. H BENTON,Secretory.

Kohala, May 6rh; 1895.8992 1654-l- w

Daily Advertiser, 75

Page 6: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · jjjjjjjj Established July 9, 1850. VOIi. XXI.. JSfO, 3992. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLAINTDS. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1895. TRICE: 5 CENTS. Business (Earbs.


JAPANESE TO MAKE MERRY, IT PROVEDProgramme of Events at Indepen



If there is one thing aboveanother that will depress thespirits and make life miserable,it is fau. ly digestion.


is soothing, healing, strength-ening to the stomach andbowels. It aids digestion, neu-

tralizes and removes poisonousproducts from the intestinesand regulates the digestive or-

gans, making them able to prop-erly perform their part in theeconomy of nature.

GO et. and Sl.OO.

to me that good goods and low prices are

still appreciated in Honolulu. 1 therefore

intend to give my customers and the public

in general another opportunity. I beg to

call attention to the special bargains in our



Sale will commence MONDAY, April 22d.

M Q T fVYunvi, Fort Street.

The beet in the market odorless.



W A RFramed at $1.25

Rubber Grarden Hose;Mechanics' Tools, ft specialty;

Heady Mixtd Paints; Paints In Oil;Dry Paints; Varnishes; Paint Oil;

1 xt.col and. Linseed.,Paint Brushes, Blasting Powder,



Wood Preserving Oil.Endorsed by the Press, Scientists and

Preserves all wood above or underground, in fresh or salt water. Preventsdampness in walls and renders brickwork waterproof. Destroys vermin, insects,house fungus, disinfects premises.

CARRIAGE WHIP8 a new invoice.Agents for the celebrated VACUUM OIL.

Pacific HardwareFort Street,

dence Park Today.

Evening Exercises at Japanese Theatre.Fireworks of Different Kinds Lan-

tern VroseKslon Preceded by Band.

The Japanese will own the towntoday so far as celebrating goes--W --W a m invery Japanese suDject wno canreach the city will join in the jollification over the settlement ofpeace witn inina. ine ceremonies of the day will begin at 1

o'clock at Independence Parkwhere the following progamme willbe carried out :

L Address of Chairman.. Mr. Goro Narita

Three Cheers for the Emperor.Music, Kimierayo (Japanese National

Anthem).2. Reading: the Imperial Edict" ....

...H. I. J. M.'s Consul S. ShimizuMusic, Kigen Setsu.

S. Salutatory Reading....Mr. K. Imanishi

Music, Imayo.4. Address .....Dr. J. Uchida

Music, Osaka.5. Address Mr. B. Shimizu

Music, Masashige.6. Address Mr. G. Sato

Music Sakura.7. Address Mr. S. Matsumura

Music, Hime Matsu.For Japan... Japanese Anthem


1. Overture "Festival" Lortziug2. Overture ".Light Cavalry"... Suppe3. Fantasia "Let's be a Soldier"

Eilenberg5. Selection "Popular Airs"..Kappey

PART H.5. March "Peace Jubilee" Berger6. Waitz "Over Waves" Rosas7. Selection "'Japanese Airs"..Berger7. (a) "Washington Post" Sousa8. (b) "Republic of Hawaii" Berger

"Kimlgayo." "Hawaii Ponoi."


Firworks.Wrestling at 2 p.m. Japanese Fencing

at 2 p.m.Dakiu (Japanese game) two times.Foot Race, 100 yards, go and back

two times.Blind Race for Flag, 100 yards, go and

back two times.Race Putting Thread to a Needle,

100 yards, go and back two times.Race Picking Potatoes, 15 yards, go

and back two times.Catching Flag Race, 100 yards, go and

back two times.Three-foot- ed Race by two men, 100

yards, go and back two times.Bag Race, 50 yards, go and back two

times.Delivery of White and Red Flags- -

one time.Tug-of-W- ar one time.Dancing With a Sword.

AT NIGHT.Japanese Theatre Magic Lantern

Music.Fireworks, several kinds.Lantern procession at 10 p.m., pre-

ceded by band.The committee of arrangements

state that thero will be no reservedseats, and no person will be ad-

mitted to the park without a cardfrom one of the committee. Thesecards may be obtained from G.Narita, K. Imanishi, B. Shimizu,S. Matsumura, Yokohama Bazaarand other Japanese business houses.The committee of arrangementssuggests that those having Japan-ese in their employ allow them ahalf-holida- y. Ten cars were sentto Ewa last evening to bring theworkmen from that place thismorning.


Beardmore Easily Wins the Eventin Rather Fast Time.

The read race ast night, thoughnot as close as expected, was notlacking in good points. Five con-

testants started from Waikikibridge at 8 :05 o'clock. All led offwith quick pace.

Beardmore and Brewster seemedthe best men from the beginning. 1

Brewster kept up with Beardmoreuntil King street was reached,when the excellent running quali-ties of the latter began 4,o tell,Brewster being gradually left be-

hind. Beardmore kept up his reg-ular pace and made a fine finishin 22 minutes, 08 4-- 5 seconds,reaching the finish at the King 2street gate of the Executive build-ing apparently as fresh as when hestarted.

Brewster finished in 25 minutes,15 seconds ; Bolster in 27 minutes ;

Petrie in 27 minutes, 30 seconds,and Lyle in 29 minutes.

At a late hour last night wordras received from the Queen's

Hospital that J. Neiper, the in-

jured expressman, was resting com-fortably. No serious results areexpected in his case.

The annual meeting of the UnionMill Company was hold in Kohala,May 9th, and the following officerselected : President, J. Renton ;vice-presiden- t, H. H. Renton ;

treasurer, T. R. Walker; secre-tary H. H. Renton ; auditor, T. R.Key worth.



Are too Large forme

But they fit papa the nicest of any thathe has had made in


If you don't know where the plAce in,

ask the policeman on the corner to

show you

413 Fort Street.

While ordering a suit, you can also be

fitted out in all classes and grades of


Don't Forget the Number

Johnston i Storey.


W ish to announce to heipatrons, that she has re-ceived EX GAELIC a con-signment of goods comprisingall the latest and freshes de-signs in


Dress Goods, Scarfs, Morn-ing Gowns for ladies andgents, Silk Kimonos, SmokingJackets, Silk Pajamas, Japa-nese and China Ware. ScreensPortieres, Lamp Shades, etc.

The latest thing in LacquerWare, is the Cherry Lacquermade up in handsome designswhich cannot help to pleasethe most fastidious.

l3"Remember, I have theleading store for first-clas- s

Japanese Goods.





ENCYCLOPEDICIs a term that has been justly ap-plied by many to the treatmentgiven subjects in the

The New Standard Dictionary

A dozen new ways of finding theword you want. A Scientific Alphabet to aid in the pronounciation. Is recognized authority.

jfcfli For particulars, address

A. W. EVANS,3986 Agent, Gereral Delivery.


OFFICE: 137 Fort StreetjaTelephone 181.Honrs : 9 to 11 a m.,2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m.Sundays : 9 to 11 a. m and 7 to 8 p. m.Gnduate of best German Colleges.

Practiced several years in Berlin.3974-l-ra


-- AND-


Manufactariog Optician !


P. O. BOX 342.





GEN ERALMerchandise

We have just received by the barkTriton, a large shipment of

English Goods

Among them which will be found

Iron Chain, 811


Bar Iron, .Ml Sizes:Brass Bode. Sheet Brass,

Galvanized Tubs,Galvanized Buckets,



Annealed and Tested, j

Slack & Brownlow's Water Filters,Ball Blueing,

Counter and Bag Twine,


Boiled Linseed Oil

White Lead, Zinc,AND- -



Hardware nd General Merchandise

Our books "Health" and "Eeauty" sent free.



hobron mm co.,Wholesale Agents,




Jockey Club

fii l1 LEM

JUNE ntb, 1895.

Official Programme,RACES TO COMMENCE AT

10 A. 31. SHARP.

1ST-BICY- CLE RACE.Pjj"z9: Gdd Medal, valued at $20. En-Fre- e

trance fee $1.50. 1 mile dash.for all.

2D BICYCLE RACE.Prize: Gold Medal, valued at $30. En-da-sh.

trance fee $1.50. 5 mileFree for all.

3D HONOLULU PURSE. $200.Running Race; mile dash. Free

for all .

4TU 31E RG HANTS PURSE, $200.Trotting and Pacing, to Harness; 2:40

;lss : mile heats, 3 in 5.Free for all.


Running Race; 1 mile dash. Free forall. Winner of Cup to beat recordof Angie A (1 :43)) and receive $50extra.


Trotting and Pacing, to Harness; mileheats, 3 in 5. Free for all.


Running Race ; V mile dash. Hawai- -ian Bred.

8TH PONY RACE, PURSE $100.mile dash, for all Ponies 14 hands

or under.9TH KALAKAUA CUP PURSE, $150.Running Race ; 1 mile dash, for Hawai-

ian Bred Hones owned by membersof the Club. Winner to accept $100in lieu of Cup.


:50 Class ; mile heats, 2 in 3. Freefor all.


Running Race 1 mile dash. Freefor all.

All entries are to be made withthe Secretary before THL KSDAY,June 6th, 1S95. Entrance fees to be 10per cent, of puree, unless otherwisespecified.

All Races to be run or trottedunder the rules of the Hawaiian JockeyClub.

All Horses are expected to start,unless withdrawn by 9 o'clock a. sc. onJune 10th, 1S95.

General Admission 50 centsGrand Stand h.xtra 50 cents and $1Carriages, inside of course J each. ..$2.50Quarter Stretch Badgee $5

S. G. WILDER,Secretary Hawaiian Jockey Club.

3991-t- d

each and Upwards.

Giant Powder, Caps and Fuse


leading Architects throughoat the World.

Company, Limited,Honolulu



Wicker Ware,Rugs and Portiers of all sizes,

Shaving-- Stands,Card Tables,


la Oak or Cherry,and other goodstoo numerous to mention.

Repairing of all kinds prompt-ly attended to. Furniture packedfor the other islands. Specialcare given to Piano moving.






Choice Havana Oisrars

Hollister & Co

Page 7: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · jjjjjjjj Established July 9, 1850. VOIi. XXI.. JSfO, 3992. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLAINTDS. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1895. TRICE: 5 CENTS. Business (Earbs.



l - r ll' M

b 111! a 9 -

C. & C.


Bailey severely burned his handsin doing so.

Edward Coffin, a resident of theislands for the past forty years, diedat Queen's Hospital yesterdaymorning at 1 o'clock of paralysis.He was born in Nantucket, Mass..and was 66 years of age.

The Pacific Trading Companyis the name by which the businesshouse Itohan will be known in thefuture. This house imports drygoods and general merchandisedirect from Japan.

The Cash grocery store on Hoteland Union streets formerly ownedand conducted by the late J. H.Guy, is cow carried on by Mrs. IdaC. Patterson, wife of CaptainThomas H. Patterson, harbor po-liceman.

When the Japanese are not cer-tain of the identity of a deceasedfellow-countryma- n they cut off thetoe-nail- s, knock out a couple ofteeth, pluck bunches of hair andsend these relics to the nearestrelative. This was done in a recentcase here.

Several soldiers of the regularcompanies are thinking of makinga tennis court in the Executivebuilding grounds. The corner ofLikelike and King streets is

tap' To My Patrons and FriendsI have just opened at my office, 113

Bethel street, Honolulu, H. I., anArt Exhibition of the latest designsand novelties in Embroidery Work,Drawn Work, Rope Silk, KensingtonWork and Etchings. I would re-

spectfully invite you and your friendsto call and inspect these good9.

B. Bekoersen.

gjST" Furnished Rooms for rentby the day, week, or month at theSailors' Home.

Mrs. R. L Green.

Ring up Hack No. 7, Hawaiian Express Company. Telephone477. Carriage for shopping, calling, andparty driving. L. H. Dee, residence,Telephone 921.

To the Public C. R. Collins is better prepared than ever tomanufacture Single and Double Har-ness, Saddlery of all kinds, CarriageTops and Trimmings. Workshop, 210King street.

Bedioom Sets, Wardrobes,Ice Boxes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps,Rugs, Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Steamerand Veranda Chairs, Bed Lounges,Sofas, Baby Cribs, Clothes Baskets,Sewing Machines, Whatnots, MeatSafes, Trunks, etc., sold at the lowestCash Prices at the I. X. E., corner ofNuuanu and King streets.

When you wish to discontinuehousekeeping let Chas. Hawkinsbid on your furniture in its entirety.It will avoid inconvenience of sellingin pieces or sale. King and Alakeastreets.

Chas. Hawkins make estimates on all classes of painting, wallpapering and upholstering. All workguaranteed. King and Alakea streets.

New and second-han- d furniture, all kinds of second-han- d books,jewelry and diamonds bought andsold. Contracts for painting.

Chas. Hawkins.

"Say ! Ho yon know that theEagle House has changed hands?"And that is not the only change.Talk about a table Well, just try itonce. Everything first-clas- s. Specialrates to regular boarders.

WSF Pacific Carriage Company.Stand, corner Nuuanu and Hotelstreets. First-clas- s rigs with compe-tent drivers can be had at all hours ofthe day or night. Prices to suit thetimes. Telephone 442.

yon want to sell outyour Furniture in its entirety, call'at the I. X. Li.

gjST" Hawaiian Boat House,

Footof Richards street,Have line pleasure boats of all des-

criptions for rent by the hour or day.Balls & Shaw.

1ST Beach Grove, Waikiki, nearBishop's Switch Bathing and PicnicResort. Reserves for families, ladiesand children. Term3 reasonable.

Chas. F. Warren, Manager.

Patronize Uaniwai Baths,Waikiki. Tramcars pass the door.

W. S. Bartlett, Proprietor.

BfT For Bai gains in New andSecond-han- d Furniture, Lawn Mow-el'- s,

Wicker Chairs, Garden Hose,etc., call at the I. X. L.; corner ofNuuanu and King streets.

G. R. Harrison, Practical Pianoand Organ Maker and Tuner, can fur-nish best factory references. Ordersleft at Hawaiian News Co. will receiveprompt attention. All work guaran-teed to be the same as done in factory.


Searcher of .RecordsAB9TRACTS AD

Certificates of Title.Having had 6 f teen years experience as

a Searcher I am prepared to do all workin myline reasonably and accurately.

00T All work guaranteed to be abso-lutely correct.

OFFICE: 31S FORT STREET392 W. O. Smith's Office.

Guardian's Notice.

HAVING THIS DAY BEENguardian of James Love, a

spendthrift, notice is hereby given that Iwill not be responsible for anv bills contracted by him or by any person in hisbehalf, unless authorized by me inwriting. (Sig.) J. ALFRED 3IAGOON.

Dated Honolulu. Februarv 14, 1895.3920-t-f

The Advertiser and Gazette onsale at Hilo, J.A.Martin news agent.

Lf none of the below mentioned pro-perties rail you, I have others, andplenty of lime to find just vcu want if Ihaven't it now.

4 Lots on Beretania street.5 Lots on Alexander street.2 Lots on Magazine street.8 Acres in Nuuanu Valley.18 Acres in Manoa Valley.39 Acres in Kalihi Vallev.4 Houses and Lots on Punchbowl

street.2 Houses and Lots on Beretania street.1 House and Lot on Wilder Avenue .

C. D. CHASE,Safe Deposit Building,

3931 TELEPHONE 184.



Accountants and Commission Agents

House, Land and General DueinessAgency.

Conveyancing and Legal Documentsdrawn up.

Drawings and tracings made.

Transalations in French, German,Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Italianand Hawaiian.

Bills collected and accounts adjusted.

OFFICE: 308 Merchant St.3959

California and Hawaiian Fruit


King Street, - Opp. 0. R. R. Depot

Groceries, Provisions and Ice HouseGoods, Fish, Vegetables, Frozen Oysters,etc., received by every steamer fromSan Francisco and Vancouver.

'The shipping trade supplied.

Geo, Cavanagh, Manager.Telephone No. 755. 3952


Havana, Manila and Domestic Cigars

We also carry a full line ol Tobaccos,Pipes, etc., etc.


JpMStep in on your way to the cityfront and get a cold drink and a goodcigar.

No. 208 Fort St., Esplanade3877


(Successor to Chas. Hammer.)

HARNESS -:- - MAKERKing and Fort Streets,

Is prepared to manufacture all kinds andgrades of Hand-ma- de Harness at shortnotice.


All work guaranteed to be satisfactorybefore leaving the shop.

3967--1 m


Painter, and Upholsterer.

Will make estimates on alli

Sizes of Contracts,Work for Fainting,

Wall Papering,and Upholstering

I do my own work and guaranteesatisfaction.

Leave orders at Hawkins FurnitureStore, corner King and and Alakeastreets. 3978-6- m


HORSESHOERS.Neat Work and Satisfaction Gua-




Three doors Waikiki of Richards street.397n-6- m

To All Whom It May Concern

THIS 18 TO GIVE NOTICE THATmoneys due me from this date

are payable to the Pacific HardwareCompany, Honolulu, who are the onlypersons authorized to collect and receiptfor the same.


May 7, 1895. 3989-- 1 w


A CHATN BRACELET. THE FIND-e-rwill be suitably rewarded upon

leaving it at the Honolulu Librarv.3989--tf

The undersigned is now i re paredto sell

FitESH POND MULLETFrom the celebrated Fishpond of

Weloka, Ew3, (C. I. Iaukea, Proprietor)on

Mondays and FridaysOF EACH WEEK.


Special orders will be promptly at-

tended to.C. L. HOPKINS.

Honolulu, May 1st, 1895. 8983-t- f

Building Lots

AT WAIKIKI ON CAR LINEand on PA LAMA ROAD nearFertilizer Plant. These Lots are

very cheap and will be sold on easyterms. Desirable ACRE TRACTS nearthe city and other properties for sale.

BRUCE WARING & CO.,503 Fort Street, near King.


Store and CellarTO LET,

No. 23 Nnuanu street, premises formerly.occupied by Tahiti Lemonade Works.

CflT-Ap-pI y to

Benson, Smith & Co.3735-t-f

CRITERION SALOONFort. Near Hotel Street.

CHAS. J. MCCARTHY, - Manager.

Popular Brands of Straight Goods


Try the Great Appetizer THE BROWNIECOCKTAIL, a specialty with thisresort.



GOO IKIM,411 Nuuanu Street,


European and Chinese Dry and

FANCY GOODS.By the latest vessel, we received a full

and complete line of Ladies' Trimmedand Untrimmed Hats, Gents' Famishingand Clothe, consisting of the latest pat-terns and designs.

Cation me for your fine clothes, etc.AflBest Black and Oreen Chinese

Teas in quantities to suit.3Q35 GOO KIM, Proprietor.


DruinuioDd & .ToIijikoii, I'ropriet r.FIRST-CLAS- S FAMILY EOTEL

Rooms en cuite or Single.

Detached Cottages Connected With tlMHouse.

Our table is supplied ith the best themarket affords.

Rates : $2 per day: $12 per week ;

$45 per month.

Jftf. H. Drummond, L. M. Johnson,3958

Sailors' Home Dining Room

Will be opened to the public THTJRS-the- y

DAY, April 11, when will servemeals as follows :

5 a. m. to 10 a. Ha, 11 :30 a. m. to 2 p. m. ,and 5 p. m. to 7 :30 p. m.

MEAL TICKETS $4.50 and $5.50

Private rooms for families.3962-l- ro

S. NISHIMURA,Foster niock, Nuuanu Street.

Ex Gaelic, New Goods,CONSISTING OP

Silk, Cotton and Silk Crepe

DRESS GOODS,Straw Hats, Scarfs for Ladies and Gents

Choice Japan Teas and Provisions atWholesale and Retail at lowest figures.

All Goods warranted. 39K4

Notice.R. G. E. BOARD-MA- 18 AU-accoun- tsM thorized to collect all

for William Bros.ED. A. WILLIAMS,

3891-t- f Manager

Half and Halt"Is a great appetizer, makes the weakstout and puride3 the blood. Sold at the

EMPIRE SALOON,Two for 25 Cents.


Has gained the con-

fidence of all con


Prices below any

other No. i Stand

ard Flour in market.



Theo. H.




Fireman's Fund Insurance Comp'y

The Thlrtyaeconrl Annual StatementDecember 31, 1804, ihowi

ASSETS $3,240,861I.I. HI LI TI Kg.

Capital Paid-u- p in Cash $ 1,000,000 00Net Surplus 84,267 81

ItKHICRVE.(Cal. Standard) Fire $ 1,168.698 04Marine 5:.01 38


Jan. Asgets He-In- s. Net1st Reserve Burplns

1880 f 741,487 244,603 $153,1721886 1,20.895 407.998 208,33218fM) 2,431,718 797.910 484.1381895 3,240,861 1,222,299 K4;,207

JOHN 11. PATY,3939 Agent.



Castle & Cooke, Limited.Government tests show that there

is no better quality of Oil in this market.We guarantee it in every respect.PEARL OIL DELIVERED TO

A PART OF THE CITY at $2 35 percase C. O. D.

Castle & Cooke, L'd.3922--tf



First-clas- s Market in every respect , bsides carrying a full line of Meats,

we make a specialty of

X3rrkfast 8auag,Hand C7heft,

Preased Cor itfV7ESTBR00K ft GARES,


H. G. BIART,Formerly with Wenner A Co. J

Jeweler -- : aod :- - Watchmaker,

515 FORT STREET,Hawaiian Jewelry

and Diamond SettingA SPECIALTY.

SOUVENIR SPOONS at v. m lowprices.

iDon't forget the nnmb'-- r 515Fort street. MM

June races one month from today.

No callers will be received atthe Japanese consulate today.

On account of illness, Mrs. Dolewill not receive this afternoon.

Look at your hands and readHobron Drug Company's "ad.77

Three persons were arrested yesterday for non-payme- nt of taxes.

Public inspection of the Philadelphia from 1 to 5 this afternoon.

Colonel McLean made officialcalls on the diplomatic corp3 yesterday.

Nigel Jackson is thinking of enlisting as a bluejacket on the Phil-adelphia.

A Chinaman was caught smok-ing opium near the merry-go-roun- d

yesterday.Smith, the bus man, has a house

to rent or sell, corner Alapai andQuarry streets.

Claus Spreckels & Co., bankers,draw exchange on the principalbanks of the world.

Today's issue of The Time con-tains a timely cartoon on Ashford'sadieu to the Cabinet.

Purser Beckley reports rainyweather along the Hamakua coast,from Hilo to Kohala.

Madeiros & Company, S. Decker,manager, has reduced the price ofcustom-mad- e clothing.

Special meeting of HawaiianLodge No. 21 F. & A. M. tonightto work the first degree.

Captain J. C. Rice, of the tugEleu, is able to be out after a se-

vere illness of several weeks.

The Cosmopolis will bring alarge consignment of hay and grainfor the California Feed Co.

Morgan will sell old lumber andcoral stones at Kawaiahao Churchthis morning at 10 o'clock.

The jewelry store of J. E. Gomeswas found open last night. A po-

liceman was stationed at the door.Over a hundred Japanese dressed

as soldiers paraded up and down infront of the Custom House lastnight.

Yesterday was a dull day in thePolice Court. Two natives werefined $3 and costs each foj beingdrunk.

Several Chinese merchants aresomewhat alarmed over the Jap-anese celebration. They fear ademonstration will be made againstthem.

No admission fee will be chargedat the Japanese celehration at In-dependence Park today. Hundredsof "invitation tickets have been dis-tributed.

Entries for the boys' tournamentto be given under the auspices ofthe Pacific Tennis Club next Satur-day will close today at Thrum'sbookstore.

Four horses came by the Kinaufrom Hawaii yesterday. One ofthem was a Shenandoah colt fromKapapala ranch for Dr. W. T.Monsarrat.

The many friends of Jerry Sim-onso- n

will learn with regret thathe is lying at the point of deathbrought on by an attack of bloodpoisoning.

There will be no concert atEmma Square this afternoon. TheHawaiian Band will be in attend-ance at the Japanese peace celebra-tion during the day.

The Mutual Telephone Companyhave employed every available ex-perienced lineman to assist in re-

constructing their lines. Work isnow being carried on.

All members of Carter's cavalryare requested to assemble at theold baseball grounds promptly at2:30 p.m. this day. The squadwill go to Waialae for drill.

Pending other arrangements theseason of the Honolulu CricketCub will open this afternoon atthe old baseball grounds at 4 :30.Members are. requested to turn outfor net practice.

Woven Wire Bailey's factory, onHotel street, had a narrow escape :

Thursday. A pot of paint on anoil stove became ignited, and aconflagration only averted throughprompt action in throwing both thestove and paint into the street.

thought to be the best location.There are several crack playersamong the soldiers.

Japanese in the vicinity of thefish market constructed a minia-ture war vessel yesterday andmounted two small cannon at thebow. It was drawn out near thewater's edge and one of the gunsfired just "to try it," as a Jap ex-plained to Captain Parker whenhe put a stop to the proceedings.

On Sunday evening at the Cen-tral Union Church Mr. Birnie willgive the third in the series of talkson "The Holy Places in the Life ofChrist" "Jordan and the Bap-tism." The river is one of themost wonderful in the world fornatural conditions and for the history made on its banks.

Kaiserlich Deutsches Konsufat.

IE IN DEM AMTSBEZIRKE DESD Kaiserlich deutschen Konsula's zuHonolulu, H. I., wohnenden deutechenStaatsangehoerigen werden hierdurchbendchrichtigr, dass Anmeldungen be-h- ufs

Eintragung in die von dem Konsu-lat- e

gefuebrte Matrikel an jedemWocheiitage in den Siunden von 3 bis 5nachmittas Uhr muendlich oderschriftlich erfoleen koennen. Bei derMeldung eind dit-ienige- n Papiere(Hei- -matschein, Pass, isrsatz-reserve-che- in,

Seewehr-Schei- n u a. w.) vorzulegen,durch welehe nacbgewiesen wird, daesder Einzutraeende die Staatsange- -hoerigkeit in einem der zum DeutschenReiche gehoerendeu Bundesstaaatebeeirzt Darch die Eintrauune in dieMatnkel wird die zehnjaehrige Fristunterbrochen, nach dtren Ablaufdeutsche taatsanjiehoeriee infolge desA.ufenthaltes im Auslande itaro Staat--sangehoerigkeit veilieren.

Der Ka;s. rhche'KonsulI. V.

J. P. HACKFELD.3992-- 1 w 1 654-- 2 w


GERMAN SERV.CR WILL BEV held by Rev. Schneider at the Y.

M. O. A. Hall, on SUNDAY, Mav 12th,at 11 o'clock A. if. 3992 It

Hawaiian Lodge No. 2r, F. & A.M.

A THERE WILL BE AvFjr' Special Meeting of HawaiianV Lodge No. 21 F. & A.M., at its hall, Masonic Temple,corner of Hotel and Alakea streets,THIS (Saturday) EVENING, May11, at 7 :30 o'clock, for

. Work in First Cegksk.

Members of the Lodge Le Progres andall sojourning Brethren are fraternallyinvited to be present.

Bv order of the W. 31 .T. E. WALL,

39Mt Secretary.

Open Your EyesAND SEE

Wher you can buy cheapest and best,and vou will find


Is the place to deal.Ail our goods are the freshest and

best that money can buy. Goods de- -IIVSRSD.

VOELIiER & CO,3990 Waring Block, Beretanii Street.

To the Public.S TREGLOAN' & SON WISHH to announce to the public that

they have re eived ex Austrt'ia a newSTOCK OK fc.NGl.I3H AND FRENCH WoiLENS.

389 3t


on Alapai fctet, only twovfoL minutes walk from Beretania

stieei. Apply toA. C. FESTANA,

At Messrs. Gcnsalves & Co , Queen st.3989-2-

Page 8: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · jjjjjjjj Established July 9, 1850. VOIi. XXI.. JSfO, 3992. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLAINTDS. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1895. TRICE: 5 CENTS. Business (Earbs.


fANADlAN AUSTRALIAN JOHN N0TT.Oahu Railway & Land Co.'s

TIME TABLEFrom and Jitter Jupe 1, 1S013

The Philadelphia will be thrownopen this afternoon between theLours of 1 and 4 o'clock for in-

spection of visitor-- .

Crowds congregated in the vicin-ity of the fi&hmarket yesterday to

New Library Books.The following new books have

been received at the Honolulu Li- -

brary :

"American Charities," by Amos DWarner.

"An Englishman in Paris.""Czar and sultan, by Archibald

Forbes."The Cat of Bubastes,'- - by G. A

Henty."The Young Carthaginian," by G

A. Henty."The Children of the Cold," by

JbreaeriCK tocnwatKa."Tales from Shakespeare," by

Charles and Mary Lamb."From the Greek to Darwin," by

Henry F. Osborn."Diplomatic Correspondence of the

American Revolution,'' by FrancisWharton.

"Reports of U. S. Geological Sur-vey."

"The Seal of the United States."How it was developed and adopted.

"History and Functions of the Department of State of the UnitedStates."

You can bay the latest dates ofthis paper at Hilo of J. A. Martin.




Especial facilities for haudling Estates,Trusts, Guardianships and Private Busi-ness, Moneys carefully invested ; Loansnegotiated; Rente, Dividends aud Inter-ests collected. Property sold or leasedfor a small commission.

General Manager for the Hawaiian Isl-ands for the following Insurance Com-panies :

Equitable Li.'e Assurance Society of theUnited States, Assets $185,044,310 06

Commercial Union Assurance Compa-ny, L'd.,of London, Assets $16,517,786.00

Imperial Insurance Company, L'd., ofLondon, Assets $9,362,020 00

Lion Fire Insuracce Company.L'd., of London, Assets $4,125,000.00

The Board of Underwriters ofNew York.

The National Board of Marine Under-writers of New York.


mises on the East side of the oldMakiki playground. The Buildings aremodern, commodious, and in perfect re-

pair. The grounds are spacious andcarefully laid out in fruit aud ornamen-tal trees. Terms $30 per month.

4. THE RESIDENCE ANDaccompanying grounds at Marsh-fiel- d,

opposite Sunny South, Waikikiroad. The House is completely furnishedwith Antique Koa Furniture. There isan extensive and beautiful garden. Pad-docks and Stable accommodation. Arare opportunity to lease a beautifulhome. For terms, apply to theundersigned.

O. 5. THAT DESIRABLE LOT ONN the West side of Judd street, on theWaikiki side of the residence of C. Bolte,Eeq. This affords one of the finest build-ing sites in the city. A long lease onmoderate term3 to a desirable tenant.NO. 6. 30 ACRES OF LAND

or less) convenient to Hono-lulu; suitable for rica plantation. Along lease and easy terms will b9 madewith party sinking an artesian well onsame.

N'O. 7. TWO OFFICE ROOMS, ENsuite, on Kaahumanu street. These

rooms have been thoroughly repaintedand renovated and being in the heart ofthe business centre are extremly desir-able for professional gentlemen. Termsmoderate.

FOR SALE.O. 1. A FINE BANANA PLANTA- -N tion, 10 000 bearing trees, in Kalihi

Valley; 39 acres in fee simple, 19 acresbeing leasehold. Houses, Tools, Work-ing Stock, Good-wi- ll, all go with theplace. Land situate in Kalihi Valley,in a good arable belt, easily worked, goodclimate, fine view, good carriage road toplace. A bargain.

N 2 FOR SALE OR LEASE,Vacant Lot on Young street, near

Thomas Square. Desirable location nearthe residence of L. Dee. Price $2200.

5. THAT DESIRABLENO. on Beretania street betweenPiikoi and Keamoku streets, extendingthrough to Young street. At presentoccupied by Ira Lowell. Price $3,400.Terms : Cash $2000, balance on mort-gage 2 j ears at 8 per cent. Deeds atexpens of purchaser.

NO. 6. LAND AT KUMUELI,Molokai. Price $275. One-ha- lf

expense of deedsV O. 7. HOUSE LOT AT JvAMA-- Jl

i kela, No 15, near Liliha street, Ho-nolulu ; 75 feet frontage by 211 ftet deep.Price $650.

House Lot at Kamakela No. 16, adjoin-ing the above; 75 feet by 1S9.5 feet.Price $500.

House Lot at Kamakela No. 18; 59.6feet by 217.4 feet. Price $400.

All desirable lots, in a healthy neigh-borhood. One-ha- lf expense of deeds.

Besides the above I have other desir-able property for sale and lease. Forinformation call at the office,

Cartwright Block, Merchant Street.


Ship-Owner- s, Attention !

MOST FAVORABLE TERMSTHE now offered for insurance onDeep Water Vessels by the Fireman'sFund Insurance Company of San Fran-cisco. For particulars-- , applv to

JOHN H. PATY,3639-t- f Agent.

The Hawaiian Gazette is issuedon Tuesdays and Fridays.



House Keeping GoodsAND



Plumbing, Tin, CopperAND

Sheet Iron Work.


G. WEST,CommisjiiOD -:- - Merchan t


Carriage MaterialsOf Every Description Including


WHITE WOOD LUMBER,Spokes, all sizes ; Savern Wheels,Wood Hub Wheels, Sawed Felloes.Bent Kims from 1 to i inches,Dump Cart Shafts, Wagon Poles,Double-tree- s, Single-tree- s,

Wagon and Cart Hubs, all sizes ;


Trimmers9 MaterialsCarriage Hardware, Norway Iron,and Steel Tires.

Having a long experience in theCarriage Business, I am prepared to supply Carriage Builders, Plantations, etc.,with first- - class materials, personallyselected, at the very lowest cash prices.

0flP All Island orders will receiveprompt attention.

MASONIC BLOCK,Corner Alakea and Hotel Streets.

Telephone No. 350. 3878


The above is our special brand ofSAFETY MATCH,

First-clas- s in quality.Controlled by ourselves only and at

prices to suit the times.



8. NISHIMURA - Proprietor.


AND- -

Provision Merchants.NEW COODS EVERY STEAMER.

P. O. Box 277. Telephone 317.

Foster Block, Nuuanu Street.3921


. Dealers m

WOOD AND COAlAlso White and Black Sand which we !

will sell at the very lowest market ratee

SBhll Tblsphone No. 414.

'Mutual Telephone No. 414.34Q8

PORTS OF OAHU.Steamer Waimanalo,

B John Calway, Captain.

Quick dispatch for Waianae.Waialua and Waimanalo. Enquire onBoard Steamer. 3929

Steamship Line.

Steamers of the above line, runningin connection with the Canadian PacificRailway Co., between Vancouver, B, C.and Sydney, N. S. W.f and calling atVictoria B. C. Honolulu andSuva Fiji,

Are Due at HonoluluOn or about the dates below stated, viz :

From Sydney and Suva, for Victoria

and Vancouver, B. C:

S. S. "MIOWERA" JuljlS. 8. "WARRIMOO" June 1

From Victoria and Vancouver, B. ft, for

Suva and Sydney:

S. S. "MIOWERA" May 248. S. "WARRIMOO" June 24

Through tickets issued from Honoluluto Canada, United States and Europe.

00T"For Freight and Passage and allgeneral information t apply to

Theo.H.Davies & Co., L'd.GENERAL AGENTS.



Anstralian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

" ARAWA."Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu, from Sydney andAuckland, on or about

MAY 30th,And will leave for the above port withMails and Passengers on or about thatdate.

For Sydney & AucklandThe New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu, from San Francisco,on or about

MAY 9th,And will have prompt despatch withMails and Passengers for the above porta.

The undersigned are now preparedto issue



For further particulars regardingFreight or Passage appiy to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd.,GENERAL AGENTS.



Time Table.LOCAL LINE.

S. S. A1TSTRALIAArrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from 8. F. for 8. F.May 3 May 8

THROUGH LINE.From San Fran. From Sydney for

for 8ydney. San Francisco.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.ARAWA April 11 ALAMEDA Apr 4ALAMEDA May 9 MARIPOSA May 2


CH1S, BRIWtt & CO8

Boston Line of Packets.

Shippers will please takenotice that the


Leaves New York on or about MAY15 for this port, if sufficient induce-men- t

offers.gjSFor r,her information, apply to

Chas. Brewer & Co., 27 KilbySt., Boston,Mass , or to

O. BREWER & CO. (L'D.),Honolulu, Agents.

see the model of the Japenese war-ship to be used in the parade thisevening.

The brig Lurline, Matson master,arrived at Hilo Thursday morning,17 days from San Francisco. Shebrought a large cargo of generalmerchandise and six head of livestock.

The bark Templar, 910 tons,was seized by the Peruvian gov-

ernment at Callao. Captain Lee,now at San Francisco, has peti-tioned Congress for the recovery ofthe vessel.

The Canadian government hasgranted to United States vesselsthe privilege of coasting in theYukon district, British Columbia,until there are Canadian vesselsavailable for the service.

A committee presented medalsat Lloyds to Captain Barends, ofthe Hamburg-America- n steamshipNormania, and several others, whotook part in the rescue of the shipArno-1- crew in mid-ocea- n lastmonth.

Captain Ferguson has latelybeen transferred from the com-mand of the steamer Servia to thesteamer Etruria. Owing to theretirement of Commodore Hainsfrom the command of the Cam-pania, Captain Horatio McKay ofthe Lucania becomes the com?modore of the Cucard fleet. Cap-tain Walker, formerly of the Etru-ria has been promoted to the cap-taincy of the Campania.

St.' Paul (Minn.), April 30.DodwelJ, Carroll tfc Meyer, generalagents of the Northern PacificCompany at Hongkong, advise thetraffic officials of the road in thiscity that three new steamers, theStrathnevie, Evendale and theHankow, will be plsCfd ia the ser-vice, leaving Hongkong June 4th,June 25th and August 27th respec-tively. The three new steamerswill have double the carryingcapacity of the largest steamernow on the line. This will make,six steamers all told in the servicebetween Tacoma and Hongkong,instead of three as heretofore, thus,considering the increased capacityof the new ships, more than dou-bling the facilities of the line forboth freight and passenger service.

Look At

Your Hands

Are they rough, redor tusty from work orexposure ?

You can transform theminto smooth, white and re-fined looking hands by usingHinds Honey and AlmondCream night and morning.

This is a toilet article ofmerit, It clears the complex

ion byput tingthe cut-icle in aperfectly heal-thy con-dition.Justthethingfor

hands,faceandlips. He-rn o v e sfree- -K i e s ,

pimples and scaly eruptions.Ladies everywhere pronounceit a perfect toilet requisite.Better try it.

Get it at

TTrTT3V TT3TTnjrji jjdXiwi 1Xi U IT CO.,

Wholesale Agents.

FOK 8 A US !



Black Spanish. Dark J', r amah?.White Cochin. Light Brauiahs,Kuft Cochin, Black Lanshan!.Partridge .Cochin. Golden Poland.

A. McINERNY,3990-3- 1 Fort and Merchant Street?.


B B 4 D

IA P.M. P.M. P.M.

Leave Honolulu. .8:45 1:45 4:35 5:10Leave Pearl City .9:30 2:30 5:10 5:56Arrive Ewa Mill. .9:57 2 :57 5:36 6:22



P.M. P.M.

Leave Ewa Mill.. 6:21 10:43 3:43 5:42Leave Pearl City..6:55 11:15 4:15 6:10Arrive Honolulu. .7 :30 11:55 4:55 6:45

A Saturdays only.B Daily.O Sunday excepted.D Saturdays excepted.

The Pacific Commercial Advertiser

Issued Bvary Moirning, ExceptSunday, by the

Hawaiian Gazette Company

At No. 318 Merchant Street.

subscription kates:Thb Daily Pacific Commescial Adver-

tises, (8 paoks)

Per month ' 75Per 3 months if paid in advance. . 2 00Per year in advance S 00Per year, postpaid to United States

of America, Canada, or Mexico.. 11 00Per 1 year, postpaid other Foreign 14 00

Hawaiian Gazette, Semi-Week- ly (3pages Tuesdays and Fridays)

Per year 104 numbers $5 00Per year, Foreign Countries 6 00

Payable Inrariably in Advance.

Advertisements unaccompanied byspeciuC Instructions inserted till ordered

Advertisements discontinued beforeexpiration of specified period wiii becharged as it continued for full term.

Liberal allowance on yearly and halfyearly contracts.

Where cuts are inserted they must beALL METAL not mounted on woodotherwise we assume no risk of their pre-servation.

UEO. H. PARIS,Business Mauager.

SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1895.


4 rSKIVAT.S.Friday, May 10.

Stmr Kinau, Clarke, from Hawaii andMaui.

Stmr Mokolii, McGregor, from Molokai.Stmr Kaala, Brown, from circuit of


l.'IO'AKTL'KKf.Feiday, May 10.

Stmr VV O Hail, Simerson, for Mauiand Hawaii.

Stnir James Makee. Peterson, for Kapaa.otmr Kaala, Brown, for circuit of


VESSELS LEAVING TODA1Stmr Kiluuea Hon. Andrews, for Hawaii

at 2 p m.

IMPOKTS.Per Kinau 1400 bags sugar. 124 sheep, t

nogs, 300 bags potatoes, 100 bags corn, 500pkgs sundries,

Per Kaala 223 bags srgar, 119 bags rice, i110 bags paddy.


From Hawaii and Maui, ner stmr Kinau.May 10 Volcano: Dr J Yates, Miss H LYates. E A Jones, Geo Waite and son, GeoRoss, Mrs George Gibb, Yung Yung, C HKluegel, F Wilheim, W G Walker, Mrs WWaite. child and maid, S M Kanakanui, HF Wichman, L Asiu, Miss Annie Holmes,Mrs W Mersberg, Mrs G B Tu lock, 2 chil-dren and servant. Miss Blanche Corn well,T G Kudling, and 52 on deck.


For Maui and Hawaii, per stmr W G Hall,May 10 fcheriif L A Andrews, S Nowieinand wife, Fred Heyselden and daughter,Mrs George E Smithies. Dr A McWayne, JC Edwards, Mrs Lyle, Miss L.vle, RCatton,Dr Ewart, C Aton.'Ah Mau. Mrs A Bruns,Miss May Espinda, T C Wills, W A Walland wife, Lyle A Dickey, J Hutchins,Walter M Pomroy, G McDougall.

t--x XT- - ,AiAMumj head, iuay iu. iu p.m. i

Weather, clear; wind, light a.

The Troop has commenced totake on sugar.

The steamer Kilauea Hou leavesfor Hawaii this afternoon at 2o'clock.

A large crowd was present at thedeparture of the Hall yesterdaymorning.

No orders concerning the depart-ure of the Philadelphia were re-

ceived by the Alameda.The Kinau arrived from Hilo

yesterday. She will leave portagain on next Tuesday.

The Kaala arrived from thewe3t side yesterday with a cargo.She left again in the afternoon.

Of Interest to Managers of Flautations.

A Model Plant is not complete withoutElectric Power, thus dispensing withsmall Engine.

Whv not generate your power fromone CENTRAL Station ? One generatorcan furnish power to your Pumps, Centri-fugals, Elevators, Plows, Railways anilHoists ; ulna furnish light and power fora radius of from 15 to 20 miles.

Electric Power being used caves thelabor of hauling coal in your field, alsowater, and does away with hihg pricedengineers, and only have one engine tolook alter in your mill.

Where water power is available, itcosts nothing to generate Electric Power.

The Hawaiian Electric Company isnow ready to furnish Electric Plantsand Generators of all descriptions af.short notice, and also has on band alarge stock of Wire, Chandeliers, and allElectrical Goods.

All orders will be given prompt atten-tion, and estimates furnished for Light-ing and Power Plants; also attention i

given to House and Marine Wiring.THEO. HOFFMANN,

3940 Manager

Itnal Cane Shredder


Mr. John A. Scott, Managerof the Hilo Sugar Companygives the following wonderfu'record of the working of theNATIONAL CANE SHRED-DER, which was erected vjtheir works at the commencement of the crop just har-vested:

"During the past week theHilo Sugar Company's mill ex-

ceeded any of its formerrecords by losing the 125hours grinding with an outputof300ftons. This is fully 10per cent, more than the bestwork of former years.

"The three roller mill being26 in. by 54 in. and the tworoller mill 30 in. by 60 in. Thefirst mill doing this amount ofwork in an efficient mannerand with great ease, comparedwith work on whole cane,owing to thorough preparationof the cane by the NationalCane Shredder, recently erec-ted by the Company. Andby its use the extraction has been increased from3 per cent, to 5 per cent, on allkinds of cane, and in somecases 80 per cent, has beenreached; the average being 75to 78 per cent., according toquality.

"I continue to find themegass from shredded canebetter fuel than from wholecane.

"The shredder has beei.working day and night foiseven months and has givenme entire satisfaction, havingshredded during that timeabout seventy thousand ton-o- f

cane, and a large part of itbeing hard ratoons.

"The shredder and enginerequire very little care orattention."

t"Plans and specification i

of these shredders may be seenat the office of

Wm. G. Irwin fi Co. L'd.



National Iron Works.

QUEEN STREET,Between Alakea and Richard BlreeU.

UNDERSIGNED ARETHE to make all kinds of Iron,Brass, Bronze, Zinc, Tin and 1 ead Car-inas : also a general repair shop for SteamEngines, Rice Mills, Corn Mills, Wate.-Whee's- ,

Wind Mills, etc. ; Machines forthe Cleaning of Coffee, Castor Oile,Beans, Kamie, Sisal, Pineapple Leaveand other Fibrous Plants and PaperStock: also Machines for Extractingfitarcli from thp .Vftniw. Arrow


.mm m m 1

Allordtrs promptly altenaeu to.

White, Hitman & Co,3SS2