Evo summative1 review

Evolution REVIEW Learning Targets 1 - 6

Transcript of Evo summative1 review

Evolution REVIEWLearning Targets 1 - 6

The scientist who developed the theory of

evolution by natural selection?

1. Thomas Malthus

2. Charles Lyell

3. Charles Darwin

4. Jean Baptiste Lamarck

The theory of evolution by natural selection explains?

1. How individual organisms change over time.

2. How species go extinct.

3. How populations of living things change over time.

The theory of evolution by natural selection explains?

1. How individual organisms change over time.

2. How species go extinct.

3. How populations of living things change over time.

What were some of the scientific ideas changing

during Darwin’s time?

Take 20 seconds to write a short answer (one word is okay)…

James Hutton and Charles Lyell came up

with the idea of…?

1. Artificial Selection.

2. Population Growth and Food Shortages.

3. Acquired Characteristics.

4. Deep Time.

* Helpful hint to remember: Hutton and Lyell turned back the sundial. They proposed that the age of the Earth was not 5,000 years but MILLIONS of years old...they turned back the clock - big time.

Jean Baptiste Lamarck proposed

what?1. The old age of the Earth.

2. Acquired Characteristics.

3. Too many people are born each year and there is not enough food.

4. Classifying species by relationship.

Helpful hint to remember (thanks Abby!):

Lamarck had bad statistics about acquired characteristics.

Thomas Malthus suggested that:

1. The Earth was really, really old.

2. Too many people are born each year and there is not enough food.

3. Organisms pass along their acquired characteristics.

4. Who is Thomas Malthus?

Helpful hint to remember: Mouthy Malthus had too many mouths to feed!

Distantly related species on different parts of the planet can look very similar when

they occupy similar habitats.

1. Species vary locally

2. Species vary globally

3. Species vary over time

*Helpful hint to remember: Species located on different parts of the planet are generally NOT closely related, even if they do look similar.

If they are located on different parts of the globe...then how do they vary?!!!

Closely related species living in the same local area can

look very different when they occupy different habitats/niches.

1. Species vary locally

2. Species vary globally

3. Species vary over time

This graphic is an example of:

1. Species vary locally

2. Species vary globally

3. Species vary over time

Darwin called the selective breeding of plants and animals to promote the

occurrence of desired traits…

1. Artificial Selection

2. Natural Selection

3. Acquired Characteristics

4. Fancy Business

Look that variation present in this graphic. If you were a dog breeder, how might you combine some of these variations to make a special breed?

Natural selection is the process by which

organisms:1. With traits favorable to humans

leave more offspring.

2. Adapt to their environment over time.

3. With variations most suited to their environment survive and leave more offspring.

There are THREE conditions necessary for

Natural Selection to occur.

How confident are you that you can name all three?

1. Super confident

2. Pretty sure

3. Nope – not going to happen

More individual are produces than can survive…members of a

population must compete for resources.

1. Survival of the Fittest

2. The Struggle for Existence

3. Variation and Adaptation

Individuals have natural variation among their heritable traits. Some variants are better suited to live in their environment than others….

1. Survival of the Fittest

2. The Struggle for Existence

3. Variation and Adaptation

Individuals with adaptations that are well suited to their environment can survive, reproduce, and leave

more offspring…

1. Survival of the Fittest

2. The Struggle for Existence

3. Variation and Adaptation

Natural Selection is not Evolution.

What additional component is necessary for evolution to occur?

1. A desire to adapt.

2. Separation of populations.

3. Disease.

4. Time.

A heritable characteristic that increases an organisms ability to survive and reproduce in its


1. Fitness

2. Survival

3. Adaptation

4. Common Descent

How well an organism can survive and reproduce in

its environment:

1. Fitness

2. Survival

3. Adaptation

4. Common Descent

All species – living and extinct – are descended from ancient ancestors according to what

principle?1. Survival of the Fittest

2. The Principle of Acquired Characteristics

3. Natural Selection

4. Common Descent

Explain what Darwin meant by common descent using this graphic?

Give an example of two closely related species or groups of organisms?Distantly related?