Evo-Stik League South, West Sat 26th Aug 2017 Kick Off 15:00 26 Aug 2017 v2 compact... ·...

£2 Yate Town Sat 26th Aug 2017 Kick Off 15:00 Evo-Stik League South, West Magpies’ Main Sponsor Official Matchday Programme

Transcript of Evo-Stik League South, West Sat 26th Aug 2017 Kick Off 15:00 26 Aug 2017 v2 compact... ·...


Yate Town

Sat 26th Aug 2017Kick Off 15:00

Evo-StikLeague South, West

Magpies’Main Sponsor

Official Matchday Programme

From the Directors’ Box

Good afternoon, and welcometo Cuthbury to our visitorsfrom Yate. We extend our

hospitality to the officials, players,staff and supporters, and hope youenjoy your time with us and have asafe journey home.We turn our attention back to theleague campaign after a disappoint-ing defeat in the FA Cup replay dur-ing the week.I wrote in the Andover programme onTuesday that we have a poor recordagainst Wessex League sides in theCup (5 teams have beaten us overthe last 6 or 7 seasons now) andTuesday proved to be another disap-pointing early exit in front of a goodsized mid-week crowd. I’m not sureanyone can put their finger on whywe have such a poor record in theFA Cup but unfortunately it struck usagain this year.I know Matty is bitterly disappointed,as we all are, on the playing frontwhilst from the board room the lossof the prize money also hurts espe-cially as the next round was at hometo a lower league side. However,frustrating though it is – and welldone to Andover and good luck to

them in the next round, we have tolook forward not back and nowknuckle down in the league againstYate today and then the short trip toWinchester on Monday.Elsewhere just a reminder that theFamily Fun Day takes place tomor-row on the bottom pitch. Louise hasbeen working hard behind thescenes to pull this together and hasdone a great job. Please come alongto support her efforts and all thoseactivities and stalls who have signedup to attend – the entrance price of£1 is being donated to Julia’s Houseso you’ll be helping out both the cluband the charity by coming along.

Thanks as always for your support.

Wimborne Town Football Club Ltd is a private company limited by shares andregistered at Companies House with registered number 03640938. ParmiterHoldings Ltd owns 77% of the issued shares and Adam Batchelor owns 17%.

Front cover photo by Steve Harris …shows Lee Francisl in action in the pre-season game against Weymouth.

Wimborne Town F.C.Club Line-up 2017-18

MAGPIES ONLINEWebsite: www.wimbornetownfc.co.uk Twitter: @WimborneTnFCnew Facebook: Wimborne Town FC

IN THE DIRECTORS’ BOX Club President Ken Stewart Acting Chairmen Tony Grant Ken Stewart Commercial Director Graham Bell Clubhouse Director Louise Davis Director of Football Matty Holmes Finance Lee Merrifield Football & Youth Development Director Terry Wateridge

ON THE PITCH Manager Matty Holmes Assistant Manager Danny Holmes Coach John Macey Shane Traynor GK Coach David Walsh Sports Therapist Laurence Russell Kit Jeff RobbinsDevelopment Squad Mngr Martin Clarke Head of Recruitment Terry Wateridge Groundsman Brian Sibley

YOUTH SECTION Chairman Gus Phillips Secretary Sally Woods Welfare Officer Julianna Miller Treasurer Kieron Smart

BEHIND THE GOALClubhouse Manager Louise Davis

Secretary Peter Barham Treasurer Geoff Maxted Matchday Co-ordinator Tony Grant Club Podiatrist Dr. Michele Spruce Matchday Host Michele Govier Chief Steward Mike Randall Stewards Kevin Hart Peter Stroud Adam Teuber (First Aid) Darren Jones Tannoy Dee Dee Thornton Webmaster Paul Barlow Web-site Forum Dave Webber Commercial Asst Simon Plank Special Events Brian McIntyre Videos Dave Briggs Photographer Steve Harris Match Reporters Dave Briggs Graham Dunn Club Travel Excelsior CoachesGround Maintenance Brian Sibley Turnstiles Rudi Cucka Colin Blake Tea Room Ann Barham Elaine Plank Trish Robbins BBQ Phill & Will Main 50/50 Seller Bryan McCann Shop Chris Dale Complimentary Gate Tony Jackson Vermin Controller Freddie Joyce Hon Bldng Surveyor Eric Lewis Hon Seamstress Barbara Bolton Programme Seller Brian Brewer Supporters Club Chris Dale Programme Editor Graham Dunn e: [email protected]

Clubhouse tel.no.: 01202 884821

From the DugoutGood afternoon everyone and wel-

come to our league game v YateTown, I would like to welcome

the players, staff and supporters of YateTown to Wimborne for the game today.Todays game v Yate will be anothertough task. They won here at the end oflast season and finished the season ona high with some good results so theywould have had good momentum com-ing into this season.The FA Cup defeat to Andover on Tues-day was hard to swallow. Over both tieswe feel it was an opportunity lost afterbeing in a controlling situation in bothmatches. Once the game settled down,we dominated the first half going 1-0 upthrough a great move and Dan Cannscoring. From there we continued tomiss chance after chance which, likeSaturday, cost us the game.We spoke after Saturday’s game aboutdefending the long ball which we didvery well on Tuesday. As a manager youwant the team to react to things we didnot do well from the previous game, An-dover were a good team but caused noreal threat but won the game with thetwo individual mistakes that we made.Our challenge now as a whole team is toeradicate individual mistakes.

Our first 2 league games and 2 cupgames have seen us dominate all thegames for long periods, so we are frus-trated at the moment that we are not yetat the stage of seeing a game through. Itwill come as I believe the squad thisseason, although the same as last sea-son, is stronger, we can’t expect to winevery game 3-2!!!We hope Scotty will play a game nextWednesday on his road to recovery. Hispresence will give the place a real boostonce he starts full training and playsgames with the lads.Josh Hartley has a hamstring injury, andhe will be out for some time now, WillPrior is waiting for a date for an opera-tion on his knee.I hope you all enjoy the game this after-noon.Best Wishes


Next Fixtures at CuthburySat 2 Sept 15:00 Magpies vs Larkhall Athletic Evo-Stik League South, WestSat 9 Sept 15:00 Magpies vs Bristol Manor F Evo-Stik League South, WestWeds 20 Sept 19:45 Dev Squad vs AFC Portchester Wyvern LeagueSat 30 Sept 15:00 Magpies vs Cinderford Town Evo-Stik League South, West

Match Day Packages for the 2017-18 seasonWith the arrival of Matty Holmes as 1st Team Manager and his new brand of attrac-tive football, Wimborne Town FC is going places. This is your opportunity to growyour business by being one of our partners.To make your match days special we have the following packages.If you would like to discuss your Match Day Hospitality Package please callPaul Barlow on 07771 963923 or email him at [email protected]

Match Mascot Package £50+VATPre-match kick about with the playersWalk out with the players Photo with the playersAdmission for Mascot plus three othersA signed match day programme PA Announcements at the ground

Match Ball Package £195+VATAdmission for 5 people to the game in reserved covered seatingPre-match lunch for 5 people, plus half time hospitality in the 1878 suiteA match day programme each A6 advert in the match day programmePA announcement at the groundWimborne Town FC website & social media posts

Supporters Package £295+VATAdmission for 10 people to the game in reserved covered seatingPre-match lunch for 10 people, plus half time hospitality in the 1878 suiteA match day programme each A6 advert in the match day programmePA announcement at the groundWimborne Town FC website & social media posts

Sponsor Package £350+VATAdmission for 10 people to the game in reserved covered seatingPre-match lunch for 10 people with wine, plus half time hospitality in the 1878 suiteVoting towards Man of the MatchA match day programme each A5 advert in the match day programmePA announcement at the groundWimborne Town FC website & social media posts

Corporate Package £750+VATAdmission for 25 people to the game in reserved covered seatingPre-match buffet lunch for 10 people with wine, plus half time hospitalityVoting towards Man of the MatchA match day programme each A5 advert in the match day programmePA announcement at the groundWimborne Town FC website & social media posts

Packages for fewer people are available on a pro rata basis as are custom packagesto suit any budget or requirements.

From the Dressing Room

Hi, and welcome to our secondhome league game of the sea-son, today it’s against Yate. In

both of our league games against themlast season the away team won 3-0. Weput on one of our best displays of 2016-17 at Lodge Road in late August whenStef, Stokes and Toby scored, and theyplayed really well here near the end ofthe season in April.For me personally, it’s been a really frus-trating time this season. I’d recoveredwell from my hip op, and then turned myankle in our very first training session. Iwas hoping to have 90 minutes playingfor the Development Squad on Wednes-day, but working with our new physioLaurence, we’ve decided to delay thatuntil next Wednesday. If we don’t get myrecovery right, then it’ll be back tosquare one, so I’ve got to be patient.Matty wants me to get a couple ofgames under my belt before he consid-ers me for selection.I so want to be out on the pitch helpingthe boys. They’ve played really well attimes in all four matches so far, butwe’ve got to do it in both halves, andwe’ve got to cut out individual errors,because at the moment it seems everymistake we make is being punished.In that first game against Cleeve, westarted brightly, and the Luke-Toby com-bination got our season going. WhenMattyO scored from Luke’s corner wewere in control of the game at 2-0. Butthen we gave them a life-line just beforethe break, and 2-1 with ten men couldhave been difficult. But Matty re-porgan-ised and the boys had a good secondhalf with Jack scoring a third.

In the game at Didcot they had the bet-ter of the first half-hour, and we gavethem a 2-0 start. Canny pulled one backnot long before the break, and Jacknearly equalised with a header againstthe post. At the start of the second halfthe boys were on fire, and could havehad three before Stokes scored fromBill’s cross / shot. At that stage welooked as though we’d go on and win.But we let Didcot back into it althoughthe 4-2 scoreline was not a fair reflectionof the game.We were well in control at 2-0 after halfan hour in the cup tie at Andover, whenwe played some of our best football ofthe season. but then we had a mad 5minutes and let them back in the game.It’s something we’ve got to learn, andfast. When you’re on top you’ve got tokill the game off.It was the same on Tuesday night. Wewere in control in the first half but didn’ttake our chances. We let them into thegame just after half-time, and then weseemed to go quiet.In our last three games we’ve conceded4, then 3, then 2 so maybe this after-noon we’ll get close to our first cleansheet. Like us, Yate were knocked out ofthe FA Cup, by Cadbury Heath who An-dover play next, so both teams havesomething to prove. It should be a goodgame.I hope you enjoy it..Scott Arnold

In this tale of two towns, an evening thatstarted with great expectations endedwith the Cuthbury feeling like a bleakhouse. For the second successive sea-son, Wimborne were knocked out of theCup at the first stage by a team in theWessex League from Hampshire begin-ning with “A”.As in the first game at Andover on Sat-urday, Wimborne let an early lead slip,as Andover capitalised on two defensivemistakes in the second half to win.Manager Holmes made two changes tohis starting XI, Billy Maybury and StefanPenny replacing Sam Davidson and theinjured Josh Hartley.Andover started brightly and forcedthree corners in the first five minutes.Having dealt with those, Wimborne be-gan to assume a measure of control.Dan Cann fed Luke Holmes from the leftbut his shot went over the bar. Matt Old-ring and Penny combined before thelatter’s stinging shot was well saved bykeeper Thomas. Jack Lovell volleyedover from Penny’s cross, and JamesStokoe’s chip forwards caused prob-lems for the visitors’ defence as Tho-mas had to save from his defender’sheader.On 21 minutes the Magpies took thelead they had been threatening. Lukesent Toby Holmes galloping down theright and his low cross was converted atthe far post by the stretching Cann.With their defence smothering Ando-ver’s attacks, Wimborne continued tocreate chances. Lovell headed Penny’scross just wide, Toby lobbed from theleft, and Lovell’s cross was turned in butdisallowed for offside.

Andover’s first shot, which was blockedby a resolute home defence, came aminute before half-time.Would the spurned chances of the firsthalf come back to haunt Wimborne? Wehad our answer within four minutes ofthe restart. A missed tackle on Ando-ver’s left allowed Gosney to cross intothe penalty area. Silver was bundledover and the ref pointed to the spot.Gosney gave Gerard Benfield nochance as he drilled the penalty into thebottom corner.And the dynamics of the gamechanged. Andover were now quicker tothe ball and looked dangerous on thebreak. Their second goal came ten min-utes later. Wimborne’s free kick wide onthe right was cleared high and long.Penny was deceived by the bounce,and Rusher pounced onto the loose balland calmly lobbed Benfield from dis-tance.With a lead to defend, Andover showedthe greater determination. AlthoughWimborne forced the pace in the last 20minutes, they were unable to find thatsecond goal to take the tie into extra-time.

Wimborne Town 1 Andover Town 2 - 22 August 2017Emirates FA Cup Preliminary Round Replay - Graham Dunn reports

Match Stats Wimborne AndoverGoal Attempts -on target

6 2

GAs - blocked 3 1GAs - off target 7 3Corners 5 3Fouls 13 8Off-side 3 4Cards 2 Y 3 Y

Evo-Stik League South, West - 21 Aug 2017Home Away Total GF GA GD Pts

1 AFC Totton 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 6 2 4 62 Taunton Town 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 4 1 3 63 Bideford 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 64 Salisbury 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 7 2 5 45 Bristol Manor Farm 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 8 5 3 46 Larkhall Athletic 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 5 2 3 47 Evesham United 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 3 2 1 48 Kidlington 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 3 2 1 49 Didcot Town 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 4 3 1 310 Winchester City 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 4 3 1 311 Wimborne Town 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 5 5 0 312 Cirencester Town 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 3 3 0 313 Slimbridge 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 3 4 -1 314 Swindon S’mne 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 215 Paulton Rovers 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 3 4 -1 116 Yate Town 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 3 -1 117 Cinderford Town 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 -1 118 Shortwood United 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 5 7 -2 119 North Leigh 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 3 6 -3 120 Bishops Cleeve 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 2 6 -4 021 Barnstaple Town 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 6 -5 022 Mangotsfield Utd 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 7 -6 0

In our league there have been 22 games:● 6 home wins 27%● 10 away wins 46%● 6 draws 27%● 77 goals average 3.5 goals per game.

Biggest win: Mangotsfld U 0 - 5 Salisbury 12 AugBiggest aggregates: North Leigh 2 - 5 Bristol Manor Farm 12 Aug

Biggest attendance: Salisbury vs Paulton Rov 588Smallest attendance: Bishops Cleeve vs AFC Totton 68



Avge 2016-17with Hereford

Avge 2016-17without Hereford

Salisbury 1 588 696 641

Taunton Town 1 393 425 392

Evesham United 1 329 330 268

Mangotsfield United 1 246 172 151

Bideford 1 236 244 224

AFC Totton 1 220 274 251

Cirencester Town 1 212 N/a N/a

Wimborne Town 1 202 265 252

Swindon Supermarine 1 193 216 186

Larkhall Athletic 1 177 155 132

Slimbridge 1 167 126 88

Didcot Town 1 153 Closed doors 132

Yate Town 1 153 209 175

Barnstaple Town 1 145 249 226

Bristol Manor Farm 1 145 N/a N/a

Cinderford Town 1 143 N/a N/a

Winchester City 1 116 174 159

Paulton Rovers 1 105 133 116

Shortwood United 1 96 108 83

North Leigh 1 85 96 83

Kidlington 1 77 N/a N/a

Bishops Cleeve 1 68 139 78

Evo-Stik League South, West - attendances

Bristol Manor Farm made a fantasticstart to life in the Evo-Stik League SouthThe Toolstation Western League cham-pions hammered North Leigh 5-2. DeanStamp and Ben Bament were the ManorFarm heroes with a brace apiece –Stamp in the 33rd and 83rd minutes andBament in the 51st and 74th minutes.Jack Durrant added the other for thevisitors 20 minutes from time, with theOxfordshire hosts having Ed Stevens ontarget twice in the 15th and 29th minuteto have them two-up at one stage.Cirencester Town, relegated from thePremier Division, started off poorly go-ing down 2-0 at the Corinium Stadium tolast season`s play-off losers TauntonTown, whose Lewis Powell bagged abrace in the 10th and 75th minutes.Steve Claridge`s Salisbury FC side gotoff to a flier by hammering Mangotsfield5-0 at Cossham Street. Claudio Herbertafter 23 minutes and a Mark Francispenalty 5 minutes later put the Whites incontrol. Kane O`Keefe added a thirdafter 72 minutes and Eddie Perrett afourth 10 minutes from time. The Man-gos had Darren Edwards dismissed 3minutes later, with Herbert adding hissecond and Salisbury`s fifth.Pat Cox has been a prolific marksmanat this level for a while, and he netted ahat-trick to help his latest side, Winches-ter City, to an opening day 4-2 win atShortwood. Ollie Bailey had given City

the lead before Cox struck on 50, 55 &71 minutes, with Levi Cox and JordanMorris scoring late on for the hosts.City`s neighbours AFC Totton also start-ed off well with a 3-1 Testwood Park winover Barnstaple Town, whose Karl Rick-ard replied to goals from Craig Feeney,Stuart Mott and Nimes Pina.A Billy Tucker penalty 4 minutes afterthe break earned Bideford the spoils athome to Didcot Town, while Marley Tho-mas scored both of Slimbridge`s goalsin their 2-1 win at Paulton Rovers,James Byrne responding from the spot.Toby Holmes put Wimborne Town infront against Bishops Cleeve. Matt Old-ring added a second before JackSkienar`s penalty reply. Jack Lovell con-firmed victory for the Magpies.Declan Morley-Lyne gave relegated Cin-derford a 7th minute lead at Causewayagainst Swindon Supermarine, whoseRyan Morgan equalised just after thebreak, while Larkhall Athletic were two-up after 63 minutes at home to fanciedEvesham United, who battled back toearn a point in the final 12 minutes.Mike Baker`s 25th minute opener forYate Town lasted barely a minute be-fore Mark Bell levelled for switched Kid-lington. Brad Norris restored theBluebells lead right on half-time, but aLewis Coyle spot-kick earned the Ox-fordshire hosts a point.

Evo-Stik League South, West - opening day round-up by Steve Whitney

12 AugustAFC Totton 3 - 1 Barnstaple TBideford 1 - 0 Didcot TCinderford T 1 - 1 Swindon SCirencester T 0 - 2 Taunton TKidlington 2 - 2 Yate T

Larkhall Ath 2 - 2 Evesham UMangotsfield U 0 - 5 SalisburyNorth Leigh 2 - 5 Bristol M FPaulton Rov 1 - 2 SlimbridgeShortwood U 2 - 4 Winchester CWimborne T 3 - 1 Bishops Cleeve

Football Shorts - Seven months out after celebration backfiresHamburg lost their winger Nicolai Muller for seven months after he ruptured hisanterior cruciate ligament while celebrating a goal. Muller scored the only goal ofthe game in the win over Augsburg in Germany and ran off to perform a “helicop-ter” celebration. Unfortunately the 29 year-old landed awkwardly after his spin inthe air before falling into the corner flag as team-mates joined him. Muller quicklyrealised the pain of his self-inflicted injury and now faces a lengthy rehabilitation.

The Times “The Game” 21 Aug 2017

Football Shorts - the joys of booking a hotel on-line“11 miles from Pompey my ars*!” bemoans Walsall supporter Davey Drew (@Dav-eysaddler) on Twitter having booked a hotel on the Isle of Wight for his team’s visitto Portsmouth. The match ended in a 1-1 draw.

The Times “The Game” 21 Aug 2017

Evo-Stik League South - leading goalscorers as at 22 Aug

WestP.Cox Winchester C 3D.Stamp Bristol M F 3L.Cox Shortwood U 3M.Groves Larkhall Ath 2M.Thomas Slimbridge 2G.Reid Didcot T 2C.Herbert Salisbury 2K.O’Keefe Salisbury 2L.Powell Taunton T 2E.Stevens North Leigh 2M.Wright Taunton T 2C.Feeney AFC Totton 2

PremierD.Angus Redditch U 4J.Williams Bish Stortford 3B.Thomson Weymouth 3C.Parker Kings Lynn T 3J.Louis Banbury U 3G.Price Kings Langley 3

EastN.Shariff Rushden & D 4J.Hall Dunstable 3

Evo-Stik League South, West - Fair Play Table as at 17 Aug4 pts per caution, 10 or 12 pts for sending off

Mangotsfield U 44Kidlington 24Cinderford T 24Yate T 24Cirencester T 20Bideford 20Paulton Rov 20Shortwood U 16

Larkhall Ath 16Didcot T 16Evesham U 16Wimborne T 14Bristol M F 12Taunton T 12AFC Totton 12Barnstaple T 12

Slimbridge 12Salisbury 12North Leigh 8Winchester C 8Swindon S 4Bishops Cleeve 4

Only three teams have managed to wintheir opening two matches, while fourare still looking to get off the mark.AFC Totton, Taunton Town and Bide-ford all won on Tuesday night to make itback-to-back victories.The Stags inflicted a second successivedefeat on Bishops Cleeve by beatingthem 3-1 on their own patch. CraigFeeney gave the visitors a 13th minutelead that Jacob Sloggett levelled 8 min-utes into the second half. Just 3 min-utes later though, Stuart Mott restoredTotton`s lead and Nathaniel Sherbornemade sure with a third.Taunton beat Mangotsfield United 2-1at Wordsworth Drive – the Mangos sec-ond loss. Matt Wright bagged a bracefor the Peacocks in the 19th and 71stminutes after Lewis Ellington had equal-ised in the 26th minute.Bideford`s Craig Allan scored the onlygoal at Yate 11 minutes into the secondhalf to make it two wins out of two..Joining Mangotsfield and Cleeve on `nil-point` are Barnstaple Town who lost 3-0at home to a Larkhall Athletic. It wasgoalless at the interval, and then 5 min-utes in, Jamie Adams put the Larksahead and a Matty Groves brace on 60and 64 minutes sealed Barum`s fate.Didcot Town and Kidlington won theirfirst games of 2017/18 – Diddy beatinga Wimborne Town side who had won

their opener, 4-2 at home with goalsfrom George Reid with two, a JackLovell own goal and Matty Woodley –Dan Cann and Jamie Stokoe replying.Neighbours Kidlington beat WinchesterCity, Lewis Coyle scoring after 24 mins.Salisbury had to be content with a pointat the Ray Mac against Paulton Rovers.A crowd of 588 saw Kane O`Keefe givethe Whites an early 7th minute lead thatJoe Hillard cancelled out after 26 min-utes. Kailan Gould then put the visitorsahead in the 56th minute, only for TomWhelan to ensure Salisbury had a point.New boys Bristol Manor Farm andShortwood United shared a 3-3 thrillerin which the home side were three-upwith goals from Jordan Metters, JamesTurner and Dean Stamp by the 54thminute. But a quick response from LeviCox and then 2 goals in 7 minutes ei-ther side of the hour-mark from RyanMeredith and Cox again earned a firstpoint for Shortwood.A first point too for North Leigh afterGeorge Seacole`s 65th minute equalis-er earned them a point at Swindon Su-permarine, whose Josh Parsons hadput them ahead after 25 minutes.On Wednesday, Evesham scored theonly goal four minutes from time, whileCirencester bagged a first win withgoals in the 14th, 32nd, and last min-utes.

Evo-Stik League South, West - mid-week round-up by Steve Whitney15 AugustBarnstaple T 0 - 3 Larkhall AthBishops Cl’ve 1 - 3 AFC TottonBristol Manor F 3 - 3 Shortwood UDidcot T 4 - 2 Wimborne TSalisbury 2 - 2 Paulton RovSwindon S 1 - 1 North Leigh

Taunton T 2 - 1 Mangotsfield UWinchester C 0 - 1 KidlingtonYate T 0 - 1 Bideford

16 AugustEvesham U 1 - 0 Cinderford TSlimbridge 1 - 3 Cirencester T

Evo-Stik League South, West club Man-gotsfield United have confirmed, thatmanager David Mehew resigned follow-ing defeat to Toolstation WesternLeague side Odd Down in the EmiratesFA Cup Preliminary Round.Mehew returned to the Mangos in Octo-ber 2015 following the departure of Ri-chard Thompson.‘Boris’ as he`s widely known, first joinedMangotsfield in June 2014 followingseven successful years in charge ofGloucester City, after previously beingassistant to Tim Harris.

A striker with Leeds United, Walsall andBristol Rovers, he was a coach at BristolManor Farm and also played locally withBath City, Forest Green Rovers, Wes-ton-super-Mare, and others.However, this season to date has seenMangos lose both of their openingleague games and then exit the FA Cupto lower league Odd Down.Veteran former Bristol City goalkeeperSteve Phillips will be in charge of first-team affairs whilst the committee searchfor a replacement.

The EVO-STIK League South’s topgroundsmen have been honoured at theFootball Association's 2017 Grounds-men of the Year Awards.Salisbury’s Mark Savage, Hereford’sBen Bowen and Taunton Town’s KevinSturmey were congratulated bygroundsmen across the national gameon Wednesday at St George's Park as

the top turf men in the EVO-STIKLeague South’s three divisions camefirst, second & third place respectively.Salisbury’s Mark Savage also scoopedoverall winner in the national awards atSteps 3/4 for his success on the surfaceat The Raymond McEnhill Stadium overthe 2016-17 campaign.

Evo-Stik League South News - www.evostikleaguesouthern.co.uk/newsMangotsfield’s Manager Resigns

League’s top groundsmen honoured

Team Post code Dist Team Post code DistAFC Totton SO40 2RW 28 m Mangotsfield Utd BS16 9EN 65 mBarnstaple Town EX31 1JQ 117 m North Leigh OX29 6SL 105 mBideford EX39 2LH 125 m Paulton Rovers BS39 7RF 54 mBishops Cleeve GL52 3PD 123 m Salisbury SP4 6PU 31 mBristol Manor Farm BS9 2HS 82 m Shortwood United GL6 0SJ 84 mCinderford Town GL14 2QH 100 m Slimbridge GL2 7AF 87 mCirencester Town GL7 1HS 110 m Swindon S’marine SN3 4BZ 94 mDidcot Town OX11 7GA 88 m Taunton Town TA1 2HG 69 mEvesham United WR11 2LZ 126 m Wimborne Town BH21 4ELKidlington OX5 1AT 101 m Winchester City SO23 7SR 45 mLarkhall Athletic BA1 8DJ 54 m Yate Town BS37 7LE 68 m

Evo-Stik League South, West 2017-18

Wimborne Town was formed in 1878 and became a founder member of the DorsetCounty FA in 1887.In the 1930’s the Club won the Dorset Division Two title three times, the DorsetJunior Challenge Cup twice and the Dorset Junior Amateur Cup four times.Wimborne’s first senior honour came in 1937 with the Dorset Senior Amateur Cup,a feat not repeated until 1964. In 1981, Wimborne won the Dorset League DivisionOne championship without losing a match. The same year, Wimborne joined theWestern League and finished third in Division One in 1984/85.Wimborne Town joined the Wessex League in 1987 and so began a glittering chap-ter in the Club’s history. Over the following 22 years they won the Wessex Leaguethree times (1991/2, 1993/93 & 1999/00) and lifted the Wessex League Cup in1993/94 to become the first team to achieve the League and Cup double. They re-peated that feat in 1999/00 and also won the Dorset Senior Challenge Cup in1991/92 and 1996/97.Wimborne Town also have a history of achievement in FA competitions. In1982/83, they reached the FA Cup First Round where they played Aldershot, then aleague side. The dream ended there, however, with a 4-0 defeat.And in 1992, the Club reached the FA Vase final, thus becoming the first ever Dor-set club to play at Wembley. On a memorable day, under manager Alex Pike, theMagpies lifted the trophy with a 5-3 win over holders Guiseley. That same season,Wimborne also won the Dorset Senior Challenge Cup and Wessex League champi-onship to complete an historic treble triumph.2009/10 was another milestone for the Magpies as they gained promotion to theSouthern League for the first time in the Club’s history. After a difficult first two sea-sons Wimborne have now become established in the league.In 2014/15, after a run of 4 victories, the Magpies reached the FA Trophy first roundproper for the first time in the club’s history. A 3-0 home defeat by Oxford City of theConference North ended the excitement.

A disappointing start to the 2015/16 season led to Steve Cuss resigning as Managerin November. Club stalwart Paul Roast took over as caretaker boss before SimonBrowne was appointed as Manager, During this time new Directors came on board,but “ due diligence” of the finances uncovered a large deficit. Despite the playingbudget being slashed, and most of the squad leaving, relegation was avoided. Off thefield, a great effort led to the financial position being resolved.

For the 2016/17 season there was renewed optimism with a new Board in place.Matty Holmes took over as Manager, and assembled a strong but young squad whichachieved our highest position in the league.

This season all the squad have re-signed, so ambitions are high.

History of Wimborne Town F.C.

What's your football playing history?Poole Town FC throughout my Youthto First Team, Brockenhurst Collegeand Blackfield & Langley FC.What position do you prefer to play in?Prefer to play ideally anywhere on theleft side!What's the best game you've playedin?That would be winning the NationalColleges Cup Final at St. George’sPark during my 1st year at Brocken-hurst College amongst a team of pre-dominantly 2nd and 3rd years.Tell us about your best goal or pass ortackle or goal-line clearance?During the National College’s Cup Fi-nal we were 3-2 up whilst under im-mense pressure late on, I beat 2players down the wing and squared itfor our striker to finish in an open net toput us 4-2 up and give us a bit of com-fort in the closing stages of the game.Wasn’t the scorer of the goal but wasan incredible feeling none the less.Which professional player do you mostadmire, and why?Gareth Bale. I admire how much heimproved as a player, progressing froma left back at Southampton FC into anattacking winger at Real Madrid, one ofthe biggest clubs in the world.Which team(s) do you support?Liverpool and Coventry City as theseare both the places my parents wereborn and brought up and I was broughtup following.What was the first live game you canremember going to?A 6-2 tonking of Derby County in Cov-entry’s final game at Highfield Road.

What can we supporters expect fromyou?Hard work, determination and the cor-rect preparation off the field to be ableto play to the best of my ability for theteam and the supporters.What are your ambitions in football?Long term would be to continue im-proving as a player and play at thehighest possible level. Starting withwhat I hope will be a successful sea-son at Wimborne Town.What do you do for your "day job"?I work as a Railway Surveyor/TechnicalEngineer.What advice would you give to ayoungster who wants to make a careerof playing football?Be 100% dedicated to football on andoff the field.

Josh - thanks for your time.We wish you well, and hope that you’llsoon have an even better run and passto tell everyone about.

Introducing - Josh Buck

Matty Holmes Manager Appointed May 2016.Played 124 games for AFC Bournemouth. Also WestHam, Blackburn Rovers andCharlton. AFCB academy coach for the past 10 years.Danny Holmes Assistant Manager Appointed June 2016.Played for Middlesborough before moving to AFCB with loan spells at Farnborough,Aldershot and Salisbury. Has been coaching at AFCB academy for the last 8 years.Shane Traynor Coach Appointed June 2016.Played and captained Merstham in the Ryman league with coaching and manage-ment at Hamworthy, Weymouth and Poole. Also an AFCB academy coach.John Macey CoachBegan his career as a goalkeeper at Bristol City before playing for Grimsby Town,Newport County and Minehead amongst others.David Walsh Goalkeeper coach Appointed July 2017.David will be coach for all the club teams.Laurence Russell Sports Therapist Appointed July 2017.Has previous football experience with Plymouth Argyll FC.Scott Arnold Position: Defence DoB: 22.2.85, PooleRe-signed: July 2011 Previous clubs: Rossgarth, Verwood Town, AFC Bourne-mouth, Poole Borough, Wimborne Town (2003-10), Bournemouth FC.Scott is club captain.Sam Bayston Position: Forward DoB: 28.6.94 ,PooleSigned: Dec 2015 Previous clubs Hamworthy Utd,Poole Town and New MiltonGerard Benfield Position: Goalkeeper DoB: 28.9.97, PooleSigned: July 2016 Previous club Hamworthy Utd.“Most improved young player” award for last seasonRobbie Bradley Position: Midfield DoB: 02.10.99, SouthamptonSigned through our Development Squad.“Development player award” for last season.Josh Buck Position: Defence / Midfield DoB: 20.1.96, PooleSigned: August 2017 Previous club Blackfield & LangleyDan Cann Position: Forward DoB: 24.3.86, ReadingSigned: July 2016 Prev clubs Winchester, Poole, Hungerford, Blackfield & L.Jason Collins Position: Goalkeeper DoB: 09.05.90, HillingdonSigned: July 2017 Previous clubs: Bemerton Heath Harlequins, Christchurch.Sam Davidson Position: Defence DoB: 15.8.96, PooleSigned: March 2016 Previous club Hamworthy Utd.Jason Dyer Position: Midfield DoB: 14.05.99, PooleSigned through our Development Squad, also Eastleigh & Hamworthy Utd.

Wimborne Town - Management Team and Player Profiles

Lee Francis Position: Midfield DoB: 04.08.88, BarnstapleSigned July 2017 Previous club, Barnstaple TownJosh Hartley Position: Midfield DoB: 07.08.92, ChathamSigned: July 2016Luke Holmes Position: Midfield DoB: 7.3.97, PooleOriginally signed: Oct 2015, rejoined in June 2016 after brief spells with Poole andDorchester. Previously a scholar at AFCB.“ Young player of the season award “ last season.Toby Holmes Position: Forward DoB: 26.12.92, PooleSigned: June 2016. Previously at Dorchester TownAwards last season: “Manager’s player”,”Fantasy player”,“ Golden Boot” and “Sup-porters player”.Louis Kellaway Position: Midfield DoB: 27.2.97, PooleAn energetic player who has developed through the youth teams.“Chairman’s player” award for last season.Jack Lovell Position: Forward DoB: 19.11.93, SalisburySigned from Bemerton Heath Harlequins in 2016. Other clubs incl Verwood TownBilly Maybury Position: Defence / Midfield DoB: 2.9.93, PooleSigned: Aug 2012 Previous club AFCBLast season, “ Players player “ award.Ben Mogg Position: Forward DoB: 27.09.94, PooleSigned Aug 2017 Previous clubs: WTFC Reserves, Exeter UniversityRobinson Okumu Position: Forward DoB: 24.11.99, KenyaSigned through our Development squad.Matthew Oldring Position: Defence / Midfield DoB: 08.10.91, PooleExperienced player signed March 2017 from Dorchester Town.Stefan Penny Position: Defence / Midfield DoB: 20.08.92, PooleSigned August 2016 Previous club Hamworthy Utd.Will Prior Position: Midfield / Forward DoB: 06.12.98, DorchesterSigned through our Development squad.James Stokoe Position: Midfield DoB: 11.11.85, WinchesterSigned June 2013 Previous clubs include Eastleigh, Bashley, Lymington & NewMilton, Farnborough, Wimborne. He rejoined from Bashley after playing 191 gamesand scoring 68 goals for Wimborne between 2007 and 2011.This season will be his testimonial.Ben Walker Position: Defence DoB: 24.12.97, PooleSigned from Dorchester Town in 2016. Previously at AFCB for four years.

Wimborne Town - Management Team and Player Profiles cont’d

Date Opponents Comp Score Att. 1 2 3 4 5Aug 12 BISHOPS CLEEVE Lge 3 - 1 202 Benfield Hartley Davidson Maybury( R ) Oldring (1)Aug 16 Didcot Town Lge 2 - 4 153 Benfield Hartley Davidson Maybury( Y ) OldringAug 19 Andover Town FAC P 3 - 3 163 Benfield Hartley Davidson Kellaway OldringAug 22 ANDOVER TOWN FAC P9r) 1 - 2 248 Benfield Francis Penny Maybury (Y) OldringAug 26 YATE TOWNAug 28 Winchester CitySep 2 LARKHALL ATHSep 9 BRISTOL MANOR FSep 16 Evesham UnitedSep 23 BidefordSep 30 CINDERFORD TOct 3 WeymouthOct 7 North Leigh FATOct 14 North LeighOct 21 SWINDON SOct 24 Paulton RoversNov 4 SHORTWOOD UTDNov 11 Cirencester TownNov 14 Taunton TownNov 18 MANGOTSFIELD UNov 25 SlimbridgeNov 28 AFC TOTTONDec 2 Barnstaple TownDec 9 KIDLINGTONDec 16 DIDCOT TOWNDec 23 Bishops CleeveDec 26 WINCHESTER CJan 1 SalisburyJan 6 EVESHAM UTDJan 13 Yate TownJan 20 CIRENCESTER TJan 27 Shortwood UnitedFeb 3 BIDEFORDFeb 10 Larkhall AthleticFeb 17 NORTH LEIGHFeb 24 Cinderford TownMar 3 PAULTON ROMar 10 Swindon S’marineMar 17 KidlingtonMar 24 BARNSTAPLE TMar 31 Bristol Manor FarmApr 2 SALISBURYApr 7 Mangotsfield UtdApr 14 TAUNTON TApr 21 AFC TottonApr 28 SLIMBRIDGE

Results & Fixtures 2017 - 18

Home games - IN BOLD FAC=Emirates FA Cup FAT=Buildbase FA Trophy LCC=BigFreeBet.Com Challenge Cup

Evo-Stik League South, West FixturesSaturday 26 AugustAFC Totton vs SlimbridgeBideford vs Swindon SCinderford T vs Barnstaple TCirencester T vs Didcot TKidlington vs Bristol M FLarkhall Ath vs Winchester CMangotsfield U vs Bishops CleeveNorth Leigh vs SalisburyPaulton Rov vs Evesham UShortwood U vs Taunton TWimborne T vs Yate T

Monday 28 AugustBarnstaple T vs BidefordBishops Clve vs Cinderford TBristol M F vs Larkhall AthDidcot T vs KidlingtonSalisbury vs AFC TottonSlimbridge vs Shortwood USwindon S vs Cirencester TTaunton T vs Paulton RovWinchester C vs Wimborne TYate T vs Mangotsfield U

Tuesday 29 AugustEvesham U vs North Leigh

6 7 8 9 10 11 Substitutes - used / unusedFrancis Stokoe L.Holmes T.Holmes (1) Cann Lovell (1) Kellaway SB Penny BW MoggFrancis Stokoe (1) L.Holmes T.Holmes Cann (1) Lovell LK SP Walker Bayston STFrancis Stokoe L.Holmes T.Holmes (3) Cann Lovell Buck Penny SB BM BW DWKellaway Stokoe L.Holmes T.Holmes Cann (1) Lovell Bayston JC Buck BM BW Davidson

App Sub Goal Asst App Sub Goal Asst

Sam Bayston 1 1

Gerard Benfield 2 2

Josh Buck 2

Dan Cann 2 1 2 1

Sam Davidson 2 1 1 1

Lee Francis 2 2 1

Josh Hartley 2 1

Luke Holmes 2 3 2 2

Toby Holmes 2 1 2 3 1

Louis Kellaway 1 2

Jack Lovell 2 1 2

Billy Maybury 2 1 1

Ben Mogg 1

Matthew Oldring 2 1 2

Stefan Penny 1 1 1

James Stokoe 2 1 2

Ben Walker 1

Player Stats - 2017-18 League Cup

Change of Date - Wimborne vs Larkhall AthleticOriginally scheduled for Tuesday 26th Sept, this game will now be played on

Saturday 2nd September, kick-off 3pm

I C Bolton Plumbing & Heating Ltd

Rodford Engineering Ltd

J T Commercials

Howard Llewellyn Associates

Bathroom Elegance (Poole) Ltd

E Coleman & Co Ltd

Aquasmart Ltd

J&Bs Ltd

J M Scully Ltd

Olivers Heating Ltd

A & A King

Pure Gas Heating Ltd

Bells Fisheries

B E Willis Partnership Ltd

P G Arnold

Dacombes of Wimborne

The Reflexology Centre

Axent Embroidery

Paramount Window & Fascia Ltd

Falcon Construction

Frys Electrical Ltd

Interior Fit

Enenco Ltd

Glyn Bagley Building Contractors

Granton Joinery Ltd

T J Buckfield

Elite Fabrication & Welding Ltd

Dorset Soil & Aggregates

Christopher Batten Estate Agents

Alan & Thomas Insurance Group

Meridian Mechanical Services (Dor-

set) Ltd

Rodger Coakes Heating & Plumbing

Russell Long

Brooklyn Homes Developments Ltd


Copyrite Business Solutions Ltd

Criterion IT

PRC Streamline Taxis

Onshore Construction

Wessex Gammon - via Rudi Cucka

1st Prize : Coleman Insurance

2nd Prize : Bells Fisheries

3rd Prize : The Reflexology Centre

4th Prize : Pure Gas Heating

Patrons Draw Entrants 2017-18

Thank you to all who entered foryour support of The Magpies

Wimborne TownBlack & White Striped Shirts



Yate TownAll Yellow


Match Squads

Today’s OfficialsReferee: Robert Ablitt (Fareham)Assistant Referees: Thomas Berry (East Cowes, IoW) Sean Phillips (Shanklin, IoW)


Nigel Hawkins Director of Football and Coach.Nigel made 24 first team appearances for Bristol City before being transferred toBlackpool. He also appeared for Cheltenham Town and Weston S Mare. He thenturned to coaching young players, gaining a EUFA “B” Badge, and has been prima-rily responsible for the development of our successful youth programme.Paul “Polly” Britton ManagerPolly was appointed as Manager in April 2016, and was responsible for buildingbasically a new young team last season. He previously enjoyed considerable suc-cess as Manager of Bitton FC in the Toolstation Western League Premier Division.John Lester Assistant ManagerAppointed as Polly’s assistant during the 2016-17 close season, having been previ-ously associated with Bitton FC as Manager, Assistant Manager and player.Jay Kitgrave Physio Jay joined us for 2016-17. He has previous-ly been physio at Hartpury College and for the Gloucestershire FA County teams.Brad Abraham 30/07/90, Bristol Central midfielder who re-joined usat the start of this season, having previously left to join Paulton Rovers before play-ing for Mangotsfield United last term.Treyvond Anderson 03/11/95, Bristol A versatile defender who joined us atthe start of last season, Treyvond is a product of Bristol Rovers Academy. He hasalso played for Clevedon Town.Mike Baker 11/12/93, Bristol Mike joined us in January 2017 fromOdd Down FC. Played for Bristol Rovers schoolboy teams, and later joined OldlandAbbotonians and Mangotsfield United.Sam Boulton 16/11/97, Bristol Promising young defender who wastransferred from Frome Town in November 2016, so now in his second season withus. Sam was formerly captain of Yeovil Town’s Under 18’s.Georg Box 25/09/97, Bristol A striker, George is a product of ouryouth team, who played for Chipping Sodbury Town (Toolstation Western League)last season, before rejoining us at the start of this season.Ben Brooks 07/09/96, Newport A pacey striker who joined us at thestart of this season from Larkhall Athletic. Ben started his career with NewportCounty before playing for Mangotsfield Utd and then moving to Larkhall in 2016.Luke Bryan 04/05/90, Bristol In his second season with us, al-though he played for our youth team, and has previously played for Haringey Bor-ough and several Western League clubs, most recently Corsham Town.Mayson Evans 13/07/95, Bristol Promising young defender, now inhis third season with us, who joined from Bitton FC.Ciaran Greening 13/11/89, Bristol Ciaran is a strong central defenderwho played for Slimbridge in 2016-17, before joining us at the start of last season.He was with Bristol City as a youngster, and previously played for Hallen FC.

Yate Town - Management and Player Profiles

Chris Gregan 15/09/95, Tower Hamlets A new signing at the start of this sea-son, Chris is a defender who has played for Frome Town for the last two seasons.Tom Harrison 28/01/00 Still eligible for our Youth team, Tomis a midfield player of huge potential who became a regular member of our firstteam squad last season.Charlie Hitchings 25/11/93, Bristol Club captain and central defenderwho originally joined us from Clevedon Town at the end of 2014. He started hissenior career with Cheltenham Town, followed by spells at Weston S Mare, GottneIF (Sweden) and Mangotsfield United. Charlie re-joined us in September 2016 af-ter beginning last season at Taunton Town.Eugene Keary 01/08/92, Bristol Signed at the start of last seasonfrom Bitton FC, where he was an integral part of their success in the ToolstationWestern League. A hard working and talented midfield player,Theo Llewellyn 08/10/99, Bristol Theo is a very promising young mid-field player who joined us in January 2017 after he decided to leave Bristol City,where he was a first year member of their Academy. Theo has represented Walesat Under 16 level, and was a member of their squad which won the Victory Shield.Brad Norris 08/05/94, Bath Brad is a striker who joined us at thestart of this season. Previously played for Larkhall Athletic, and also had a spell atBath City, but missed much of last season through injury.Harvey Rivers 24/11/95 Goalkeeper who was transferredfrom Cirencester Town in November 2016. Was originally involved with the Chel-tenham Town Youth set up, before moving to Gloucester City. Also played for Her-eford and Swindon Supermarine in 2015-16 season. Voted both “Supporters Playerof the Season” and “Players Player” for us last season.Mitch Tippins 09/01/90, Bristol Mitch re-joined us at the start of thisseason, having left us to play for Mangotsfield United in November last season. Heoriginally joined us from Chippenham Town in September 2013, having previouslyplayed for Mangotsfield, Bristol Manor Farm and Bitton FC.

Yate Town - Management and Player Profiles cont’d

Yate Town FC began life as Yate Rovers in 1906. WW 1 intervened, and althoughRovers reformed after the war, they later disbanded in the early 30s.In 1933-34 season Yate YMCA. was formed, entering Bristol & District Div 5. KeeperFrank Boulton, one of 4 brothers in the team, later played for Arsenal.After the Second World War, they reformed, still known as Yate YMCA, playing in theBristol and District League and the Avon Premier Combination. Yate YMCA wereamongst the founders of the Gloucester County League in 1958 and the followingyear they dropped the YMCA from their title in favour of Town.

Yate Town F.C. – a brief history

A major step forward came in 1983 when they joined the Hellenic League.Promotion to the Premier Division was accomplished in the 1984-85 season. Thefollowing season they won the Hellenic Premier League. That successful formulacontinued into the 1988-89 season when they retained the Championship. In thequest for further soccer prestige, Yate Town obtained election to the SouthernLeague, Southern Division in 1989.Yate Town moved to Lodge Road in 1984 having previously played at Yate Aero-drome and Sunnyside. Covered accommodation was erected in 1987 and flood-lighting in 1988.After 3 seasons in the Midland Division, the club was switched back to the South-ern Division.In the 1999-2000 season, after more regionalisation, Yate Town finished well adriftand were relegated to the Hellenic League. In 2001-2 Yate finished second behindNorth Leigh, who did not take-up the promotion place available, and so returned tothe Southern League.In 2004-5 they finished runners-up in Division One West, and secured promotionto the Southern League Premier Division for the first time. They also won the GlosF.A. Senior Challenge Cup for the first time, beating Bristol Rovers 2-0.Town exceeded all expectation in the 2005-6 season. Despite a poor start theyfinished in sixth position, and retained the Glos Senior Cup,.After 2 more encouraging seasons in the Premier Division, and a change of man-agement, the Club could not climb out of the relegation zone in 2008-09, and arenow in the South & West Division.The 2009-10 season saw a much-changed and relatively inexperienced squadfinish in mid-table. Despite the addition of several experienced players, the 2010-11 season saw little progress made, and Rob Cousins was installed as Manager.The 2013-14 season was notable for a superb run in the F.A. Cup. Victoriesagainst Poole Town, Winchester City, Oxford City and North Leigh saw us drawnat home to Conference giants Newport County in the final Qualifying Round. Aftera 3-3 draw at home, we won the replay 3-1 with two goals in extra-time. We weredrawn away to neighbours Cheltenham Town in the First Round, and again ex-celled ourselves before losing 3-0. We became victims of our own success, andthe close season saw the departure of most of the squad.Cousins was replaced by Craig Laird in March 2015, but a disappointing campaignled to another change in management with Paul Britton, assisted by Jon Lester,appointed before the start of last season.. They were targeted with introducingnew, young players into the team. The great majority of these players have re-turned for the 2017-18 season, augmented by further additions to the squad.

Yate Town F.C. – a brief history cont’d

Southern League Scores - Wimborne Town vs Yate Town - WTFC score first

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Home 0 - 3 0 - 2 5 - 1 3 - 3 4 - 2 2 - 0 0 - 3

Away 0 - 2 4 - 1 1 - 3 1 - 2 4 - 1 3 - 1 3 - 0

Wimborne Town in the Southern League - 2010-17

Season P W D L GF GA GD Pts Position

2010 - 11 40 10 5 25 45 81 -36 35 19 of 21

2011 - 12 40 8 11 21 50 77 -27 35 19 of 21

2012 - 13 42 15 10 17 59 60 -1 55 12 of 22

2013 - 14 42 16 7 19 78 70 8 55 13 of 22

2014 - 15 42 18 7 17 71 68 3 61 13 of 22

2015 - 16 42 12 8 22 65 80 -15 44 17 of 22

2016 - 17 42 17 6 19 67 68 -1 57 11 of 22



2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Southern League Positions

Wimborne T Yate T

WIMBORNE Town boss Steve Cussclaimed his team were “a match for any-one” after watching them end their win-less league run in emphatic fashion.The Magpies fought back from Edd Va-hid's early effort, taking full advantage ofsome good fortune and playing thetreacherous conditions well to crushplay-off chasing Yate at Cuthbury.Shaun Brian's diving header from AidanSainsbury's low centre levelled thematch against the run of play before JonBlake handed the hosts a half-time leadwith a shot from the edge of the penaltyarea which took a heavy deflection offYate defender Scott Thomas.Marauding defender Nathan Peprah-An-nan then extended the Magpies' leadwhen his floated cross from the leftevaded everyone to nestle in the top leftcorner of Lubos Ancin's net.Blake wrapped up the points by convert-ing Adam Costello's cross shot at the farpost before Brian plundered anotherheader from Sainsbury's free-kick withfive minutes to go.It was Wimborne's fourth win against theleague's current top six this season andboss Cuss insists his charges havenothing to fear from the division's bigguns.Cuss told the Daily Echo: “This resultand some of the others we have hadagainst the top sides show we are amatch for anyone in this league on ourday. Consistency has been the wordthrown around the dressing room allseason and we have all felt the frustra-tion when we haven't been able to findthe level of performance that we aspireto on a regular basis.”

“The performance was particularlypleasing because we had to show resil-ience and dig in. “Yate created plenty ofchances for a spell in the first half andthe lads deserve a lot of credit for theway we stuck to the task and didn't gounder at 1-0 down. We rode it out andreaped the rewards.“They also had some pressure at 2-1 sothe third goal was crucial, but we reallykicked on from there and I was delightedwith the performance and the result.”Cuss, whose team had failed to score inseven of their previous 11 leaguematches, admitted there was an ele-ment of luck to a couple of Wimborne'sgoals but insisted that fortune favoursthe brave.The Magpies manager added: “Youmake your own luck. We have been crit-ical of the players at times this season,and particularly in recent weeks, for notshooting, so you earn that luck by hav-ing a go.“We talked about sharing the goalsaround other areas of the team. Ourstrikers have gone through a bit of alean spell lately despite working hard toput it right, so getting goals from differ-ent areas takes the pressure off a littleand gives you the chance to win match-es.”

Magpies: Harvell, Arnold, Cole, Brian,Peprah-Annan, Blake, Sainsbury, Cos-tello, Smith (Mogg, 80), Davidson (Jef-fes, 78), Webb (Maybury, 74). Unusedsubs: Roast, Ackerman (g/k).

From the Daily Echo ArchivesWimborne Town 5 Yate Town 1 - 16 March 2013

When this article about goals in the Pre-mier League scored from corners waswritten, there had been 135 - which was13.9% of all the goals scored. WestBrom were the League’s top scorersfrom corners with 15 out of their total of41 goals (36.6%). At the other end ofthe scale, Man City had only scored 4 oftheir goals from corners.“A significant concentration of success-ful corners are delivered to the nearpost, which partly explains the apparentabundance of corners that don’t beatthe first man. The perfect near-post cor-

ner is the footballing equivalent of crick-et’s yorker: get it right and it’s nigh-onundefendable; err fractionally and youlook silly.”“There are other factors to consider -among them whether to hit an outswing-er or an inswinger. The data shows thatslightly more goals this season havebeen scored from outswingers, but in-terestingly, West Brom, the PremierLeague’s corner kings, strongly favourinswingers, which have yielded 12 oftheir 15 goals from corners.”

How do you take a perfect corner? - James Gheerbrant The Times 10 May 2017








None One Two Three & more

Touches between corner and goal scoredTeam Corners Goalsfrom



West Brom 149 15 10.1West Ham 163 11 6.7Chelsea 191 10 5.2Southampton 179 5 2.8Tottenham 258 6 2.3Bournemouth 185 4 2.2Man Utd 208 4 1.9Man City 259 4 1.5

Club Notice Board

Magpies 100 Club

Results of the August draw:

£100 Garry Probyn

£50 Melanie Jones

£25 Peter Barham

You have to be in it to win it

Family Fun DaySunday 27th August 12 - 5 pm

A fun-packed day for all the familyAdults £1 - free entry for kids

Children’s Football Parties5-12 year olds; £12 per child

Contact Louise: 01202 884821

Ladies “Elvis Tribute” Night

Friday 13th October - £10

Contact Louise: 01020 884821

Fixture Posters for Display

Can you display one of the

Club’s fixture posters?

Printed ones, both A4 & A5,

and laminated too, available in

the Clubhouse Lobby.Thank you.

Walking Football at WTFCfor over 45s

Thursdays at 11:00on the back pitch

1 hour session - £3Contact Matty Holmes

e:[email protected]

Wimborne Town FCSaturday Football Club

Reception / Year 1 - 9-10amYear 2 and above - 10-11amPlease contact Kieran Burnett

Tel: 07464619495Cuthbury, Cowgrove Road

Wimborne BH21 4EL

What are the main responsibilities ofyour role at the club?To announce information in a clearand concise manner before, duringand after the football match.What part of the role are you mostlooking forward to?Using my vocalskills to the best ofmy ability.How did you getinvolved with Wim-borne Town FC?I saw an article inthe Stour & Avonmagazine request-ing a volunteer an-nouncer and itappealed to mebecause of my vo-cal skills.What's your sport-ing history?I do not really have any. I have playedtennis and done swimming but mysporting passion is to follow all GrandSlams and watch Wimbledon.

Do you have a favourite team andplayer?I do not support a team but my familysupport Southampton. I do not have afavourite player.What do you do for the rest of your

time?Up until Easter Iran 2 part timeperforming artsschools inSalisbury forchildren aged 4– 18 yearswhere theylearned to sing,dance and act.What can wesupporters doto help you inyour role?Supporters can

help me by bringing me information ingood time so that I may practice it priorto announcements.

Welome to WTFC, Dee Dee.

Introducing Dee Dee Thornton (our new P.A. Announcer)

Half-time Quiz - Ah yes, I remember it wellLooking back at last season, who were the winners of:

1. Premier League2. Football Championship3. Football League One4. Football League Two5. National League6. National League South7. Evo-Stik Southern League Premier Division8. Evo-Stik Southern League Division One Central9. Evo-Stik Southern League Division One South & West

10. Wessex League Premier DivisionAnswers on next page

On the road againTo encourage supporters to join Matty and the lads on their travels, the Club’s Di-rectors have set the cost of a seat at £10 - half-price for FA Vase VP Club.Please contact Peter Barham (tel: 07956 833316) to book your seat.However, there will not be a coach going to Winchester on Bank Holiday Monday.

Winchester City - Mon 28 Aug 2017 (45 Miles)The Simplyhealth City Ground, Hillier Way, Abbots Barton,

Winchester SO23 7SR Tel: 07768 848905

Season Tickets 2017-18The following season ticket packages are available from Louise in the club-house for the 2017-18 season.1 adult season ticket: £155 (gives entry to the pre-season friendlies & leaguefixtures - cup matches are excluded)1 OAP season ticket: £85 (gives entry to the pre-season friendlies & leaguefixtures - cup matches are excluded)1 adult / OAP / child reserved seat in the main stand to go with your seasonticket: £25 (secure your favourite seat / viewing point for every match - ex-cludes cup matches)Why not enjoy a pre-match hot meal with a drink & a half time cup of tea or cof-fee in the 1878 suite? £267.75 covers all 21 home league matches.

Season Ticket Seat LabelsSupporter Nigel Scott has kindly offered to print and laminate seat labels for sea-son ticket holders. If you’d like to take advantage, contact Nigel by email:[email protected] with your name and season ticket number.Nigel will then produce the label, and arrange to meet you by the steps in the burg-er cooking area.

Nigel - thank you for providing this service - Ed

Half-time Quiz - Ah yes, I remember it well - answers

1. Chelsea2. Newcastle United3. Sheffield United4. Portsmouth5. Lincoln City

6. Maidenhead United7. Chippenham Town8. Royston Town9. Hereford

10. Portland United

Wimborne Town F.C. Development Squad

Adam HolmesMidfield

Patrick CorreiaForward

Jason DyerDefender

Josh HallMidfield

George SmartDefender

Charlie TilsedDefender

Kieran BurnettCoacch

Martin ClarkeManager

The Development Squad play in the Wyvern Combi-nation League Mid-week Division

Mid-week Division:● AFC Portchester● Bashley● Basingstoke Town● Dorchester Town● Moneyfields● Poole Town● Salisbury● Wimborne Town● Winchester City

Results and next fixtures:16 Aug Basingstoke T Away L 0 - 4 LgeWeds 23 Aug 19:45 Moneyfields Home LgeWeds 30 Aug 19:45 Poole T Away LgeWeds 6 Sept 19:45 Laverstock & F Away WC CupTues 12 Sept 19:45 Verwood T Away JSMSWeds 20 Sept 19:45 AFC Portchstr Home Lge

Shae DyerMidfield

Rob OkumuForward

Robbie BradleyMidfield

It's black or white! Well it is with me. For a football club to be successful Istrongly believe it's all about having a desirable and healthy culture.The Neild family were fortunate to enjoy a successful 2016/17 season being a partof the Wimborne Town under 15 squad, enthusiastically managed by Gus Phillipsand his assistant, Andy Fripp. Our son Daniel, played for Bournemouth Electric fora number of seasons and whilst enjoying his football we all realised he needed anew challenge. In stepped Gus.Those of you who know Gus can't help but be captivated by his energy and com-mitment. His organisation is second to none and his e- mails are the stuff of legend.He's stepped down as manager and now the balding new management duo, ' Rightsaid Fred' have taken the reigns ....our younger readers of course won't have a cluewhat I'm on about!!I believe the club have made a superb appointment making Gus the Chair of theWimborne Town Youth section. Terry, it's your turn to experience the keyboard nin-ja in action!I've been asked to write this column because I was overheard articulating to all thenew boys and parents, at our trials day, that I couldn't quite believe how, in a sea-son, Wimborne Town Football club had grabbed me in a way I never anticipated.To such an extent that I agreed to be the manager of the under 16's this season -even though my boy Daniel has left for pastures new. More about this later.It would appear to me that we couldn't have joined Wimborne Town at a better time.After a period of uncertainty the club emerged into the 2016/17 season with asense of real optimism. Aside from the improved financial position, the masterstroke was enticing Matty Holmes and his back room staff to the club. By the end ofthe season WTFC first team had finished in their highest ever position in theleague. More of the same this season Matty.Whenever anyone joins somewhere new and wishes to change the dynamics it al-ways takes time, in a job, in a sports club or in life in general. I heard much aboutWimborne Town having a pathway to the senior team but I thought it was just rhet-oric. As the season unfolded it became clear though that positive change was un-derway. My boy was fortunate enough to play a few games for Darren's successfulunder 16 team last season and was made very welcome and treated fantasticallyby all concerned. The positive culture wasn't just in Gus's team it was clear that ittranscended the age groups.Gus decided to step down from running the Under 15's toward the end of the sea-son and I said I would help with his transition in the remaining few games. A greatgroup of parents enhanced this experience. I was invited to the youth managers'meetings where I observed an enthusiastic bunch who gave so much time and ef-fort for their respective boys and the youth section as a whole. Terry Wateridge withhis effortless style, provided clear direction and it was obvious to me that I was get-ting involved in something special.

Wimborne Town F.C. Youth Section by Gary Neild

Frankly, like most managers I'm sure, I haven't really got sufficient time to dedicateto Wimborne Town. I have less time now than I anticipated though, as we have togo to Yeovil for training three times a week and travel to games on a Saturday. Itwas Newport in Wales last week. You see my boy signed for the Yeovil Town FCUnder 16 Youth Academy and left me at Wimborne Town. Thanks Daniel!I think I surprised quite a few people by saying I would still run the team into the2017/18 season. Someone said that they bet I had to think long and hard about mydecision. The truth is it took me all of 30 seconds to rationalise my commitment toWimborne Town. Made easier of course by having an understanding wife!I started off the season simply as a supporting parent hoping that as a family, wehad made the correct decision. A few games in we had little doubt and soon webecome absolutely certain. I finished the season being well and truly ingrained inthe fabric of the club, something I hadn't expected.It's the quality of the people who make a club and it's accurate to state that thereare some brilliant individuals who put in a lot of time and effort at Wimborne. Asparents, as fans, you should never underestimate the work that goes on behind thescenes. A positive culture is not borne out of coincidence.One of the things that has really impressed me is how much people care. It's notabout egos, it's all about the boys . We only do this because we think we can makea difference.I started off saying it's black or white, for me it's now firmly black and white.

Gary Neild

Wimborne Town F.C. Youth Section by Gary Neild cont’d

Football Shorts - Everton best for English Youth - The Times 12 AugMinutes played by Englishmen aged 20 and under in the Premier League 2016-17

Everton 3,561Spurs 2,813Man Utd 2,194Leicester 1,734Bournemouth 1,185West Brom 635Hull City 502

Southampton 476Watford 309Arsenal 271Liverpool 171West Ham 145Burnley 23Chelsea 14

Crystal Palace 0Man City 0Middlesbro 0Stoke 0Sunderland 0Swansea 0

National League System

National LeagueStep 1

National League North National League SouthStep 2

Step 3 Isthmian LeaguePremier Division

Northern Premier LeaguePremier Division

Southern LeaguePremier Division

Step 4 Isthmian LeagueDiv 1 North

Isthmian LeagueDiv 1 South

Northern Premier LeagueDiv 1 North

Northern Premier LeagueDiv 1 South

Southern LeagueEast

Southern LeagueWest

Step 5 Combined Counties Premier DivisionEastern Counties League Premier DivisionEssex Senior LeagueHellenic League Premier DivisionMidland Football League Premier DivisionNorth West Counties League Premier DivisionNorthern Counties East League Premier DivisionNorthern League Division OneSouthern Counties East LeagueSpartan South Midlands League Premier DivisionSouthern Combination League Premier DivisionUnited Counties League Premier DivisionWessex League Premier DivisionWestern League Premier Division

Step 6 South West Peninsula League Premier DivisionWessex League Division OneWestern League Division One… and 14 other leagues

Step 7 includes Dorset Premier League

Cup dates and selected fixtures 2017-18

Buildbase FA TrophyOct 7 Preliminary RoundOct 28 1 Qualifying

Nov 11 2 QualifyingNov 25 3 QualifyingDec 16 1 Proper

Emirates FA Cup Preliminary Round replays - winners £1925

Buildbase FA Trophy Preliminary Round - 7 Oct - winners £3000Bishops Cl’ve vs Larkhall AthBristol Manor F vs Cinderford TEvesham U vs Cirencester TFleet T vs Yate TKidlington vs Winchester CMangotsfield U vs Thame UMoneyfields vs Bideford

North Leigh vs Wimborne TSalisbury vs Paulton RShortwood U vs Didcot TSlimbridge vs Hartley WitneySwindon S vs Barnstaple TTaunton T vs AFC Totton

Buildbase FA Trophy 1st Round Qualifying - 28 Oct - winners £3250Dorchester T vs Basingstoke TGosport B vs Bristol Manor Farm / Cinderford THereford vs WeymouthMangotsfield U / Thame U vs North Leigh / Wimborne T

FA Youth Cup 1st Round Qualifying - w/c 18 SeptSholing vs Wimborne T

BigFreeBet.com (League) Challenge Cup 1st Round - dates to be arrangedDorchester T vs SalisburyWeymouth vs Wimborne T

Winchester C vs AFC Totton

AFC Totton 5 - 0 Fleet TWimborne T 1 - 2 Andover T

23 Aug Evesham U vs Newcastle T

Emirates FA Cup - First Round Qualifying 2 Sept - winners £3,000

AFC Portch’str vs Dorchester TAndover T vs Cadbury HeathBideford vs Bishops CleeveBillericay T vs Didcot TBridport vs Barnstaple TCinderford T vs MoneyfieldsFarnborough vs SalisburyFrome T vs AFC TottonGosport B vs Bridgwater T

Hamworthy U vs Thatcham TNorth Leigh vs Biggleswade TOdd Down vs WeymouthPaulton Rov vs Winchester CSt.Margaretsbury vs KidlingtonStratford T vs Evesham / NewcstleTavistock vs Taunton TTuffley Rov vs Swindon S

Around the LeaguesSydenhams Football League (Wessex)

Premier Div - 22 Aug 2017P GD Pts

Baffins Milton Rov 6 5 13Blackfield & L 4 16 12Sholing 5 7 10Hamworthy U 4 7 10Horndean 4 6 10Andover T 3 9 9Hamble Club 4 9 8Lymington T 4 2 8Portland U 4 5 6Fareham T 5 2 6Brockenhurst 4 2 6Shaftesbury 4 1 5Cowes Sports 5 -1 4Newport (IoW) 3 -2 4AFC Portchester 3 0 3Alresford T 3 -3 3Amesbury T 4 -5 3Bournemouth 4 -7 3Petersfield T 5 -19 3Bashley 4 -7 1Bemerton Heath H 3 -10 0Team Solent 5 -17 0

Evo-Stik League South, Premier22 Aug 2017

P GD PtsBanbury U 3 9 9Kings Lynn T 3 5 9Kettering T 3 5 9Redditch U 3 6 6Slough T 3 4 6Weymouth 3 3 6Royston T 3 1 6Biggleswade T 3 -1 6Merthyr T 3 6 5Kings Langley 3 3 5Stratford T 3 1 5Chesham U 3 1 4Hereford 3 0 4St Ives T 3 0 4Tiverton T 3 0 4Frome T 3 -2 3Farnborough 3 -2 3Dorchester T 3 -5 3St Neots T 3 -1 2Hitchin T 3 -3 2Bishops Stortford 3 -3 0Basingstoke T 3 -6 0Gosport B 3 -7 0Dunstable T 3 -14 0

Vanarama National League South - 22 Aug 2017

P GD PtsSt.Albans C 5 7 15Chelmsford C 5 4 12East Thurrock U 5 4 11Braintree T 5 2 10Dartford 5 8 9Bognor Regis T 5 5 9Hemel Hempstead T 5 4 9Havant & W’looville 5 1 8Truro C 5 2 7Poole T 5 0 7Concord Rangers 5 -1 7

Bath C 5 -3 6Oxford C 5 -3 6Chippenham T 5 0 5Welling U 5 -1 5Eastbourne B 5 -1 5Hampton & Richmnd 5 -1 5Wealdstone 5 -3 4Hungerford T 5 -3 4Weston-super-Mare 5 -4 4Gloucester C 5 -5 4Whitehawk 5 -12 0

Caption CompetitionWe thought Alan Bolton’s suggestion for this photo of James after the BishopsCleeve game the best: “Who said he’s a has-bin?”Alan wins the star prize of a free hot drink - it doesn’t get much better than that.

Simply the best - as chosen by Dan CannWe asked Dan to name the best he’d played with or seen in these categories:

Best goalkeeper Jimmy Glass / Lewis PriceBest defender Will SpetchBest midfielder Matty HolmesBest forward James Stokoe (AFCB 2003)Best striker James HayterBest “headerer” Lamin Dibba (Poole)Best “dead-ball” specialist Steve DevlinBest passer Aaron SkeltonBest tackler Taffy RichardsonMost talented Brian StockFastest Alan O’Brien (Hungerford)

Best overall player Carl Pettifer

Dorset Dave’s Chuckle CornerThe name YATE is derived from the Old English word 'gete' or'grete' meaning 'A Gateway into a Forest Area'

Bearing this in mind here is a collection of relevant material:-

A man is sitting in a sidewalk cafe inEssex and he notices a couple ofblokes from the council working acrossthe street. One of the blokes digs ahole, and the other bloke comes alongbehind him and shovels the dirt back inthe hole. They go up and down the en-tire block like this. Finally, as they stopto work in front of the cafe, the manspeaks up "I've been watching the twoof you work, but for the life of me I can'tfigure out what it is that you're doing."One of the blokes looks at him andsays, "Oh, well normally there's three ofus, but the bloke who plants the trees isoff sick today."Q. What’s brown and stickyA. A StickHow do trees access the internet?They log on.

Did you know that I can cut down atree just by looking at it?It’s true. I saw it with my own eyes!What did the beaver say to the tree?It’s been nice gnawing you!A Friend went to a Star Trek fancydress party dressed as a tree. He wasthe Captain’s Log.My brother is tracing our family tree.He’s not very good at drawing.Someone stole my mate’s fake Christ-mas tree. It’s not fir.

And now Dave’s limerick:There was a young lady from YateWho was always exceedingly lateShe missed her holiday flightAnd was sent overnightIn the hold of a plane in a crate.

Dear John …A reader writes:Dear John, I gave a letter to the postman, he put it in his sack.But early next morning, he brought my letter back.What did I do wrong?

John’s answer: Your letter is very topical as it is 40 years since the death ofthe king, Elvis. You sent a letter to postman and then the next morning they sent itback Life can be cruel when you love someone and they don't feel the same.I imagine that you are feeling down at the moment.All I will say to you is just watch a couple of episodes of “East Enders” and you willthink life is not too bad after all. So don't sit in the corner because the grass isn'talways greener. I hope that I've been of some help Brian

Best Joke at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe - by Ken Cheng“I’m not a fan of the new pound coin, but then again, I hate all change!”

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