Evidence-based evolution of an integrated nutrition...

Evidence-based evolution of an integrated nutrition- focused agriculture approach to address the underlying determinants of stunting Nancy J. Haselow, Ame Stormer and Alissa Pries Helen Keller International, Asia Paci c Regional Ofce, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Abstract Despite progress in reducing hunger and malnutrition since the 1990s, many still suffer from undernutrition and food insecurity, particularly women and young children, resulting in preterm birth, low birthweight and stunting, among other conditions. Helen Keller International (HKI) has addressed malnutrition and house- hold food insecurity through implementation of an Enhanced Homestead Food Production (EHFP) programme that increases year-round availability and intake of diverse micronutrient-rich foods and promotes optimal nutrition and hygiene practices among poor households. This paper reviews the evolution and impact of HKIs EHFP programme and identies core components of the model that address the underlying determi- nants of stunting. To date, evaluations of EHFP have shown impact on food production, consumption by women and children and household food security. Sale of surplus produce has increased household income, and the use of a transformative gender approach has empowered women. EHFP has also realized nutrition improvements in many project sites. Results from a randomized control trial (RCT) in Baitadi district, Nepal showed a signicant improvement in a range of practices known to impact child growth, although no impact on stunting. Additional non-RCT evaluations in Kailali district of Nepal, demonstrated a 10.5% reduction in stunting and in the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh, revealed an 18% decrease in stunting. Based on evidence, the EHFP has evolved into an integrated package that includes agriculture, nutrition, water/hygiene/sanitation, linkages to health care, womens empowerment, income generation and advocacy. Closing the stunting gap requires long- term exposure to targeted multi-sectoral solutions and rigorous evaluation to optimize impact. Keywords: stunting, nutrition-sensitive agriculture, homestead food production. Correspondence: Nancy J. Haselow, Helen Keller International, Asia Pacic Regional Ofce, No. 43Z43, Chakrey Nhek Tioulong (St. 466), 12301 Phnom Penh, Cambodia. E-mail: [email protected] Introduction Despite progress in reducing global hunger and malnutrition over the past 25 years, factors such as food price increases, sporadic social and political unrest and increasing inequity have resulted in a stagnation of this progress with many people still suffering from hunger, malnutrition and household food insecurity. According to the Food and Agricul- ture Organization (FAO), 842 million people in the world still do not have enough to eat, with most of those living in Asia. Asia has the largest number of hungry people over 550 million (The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2014). Women and young children remain the most vulnerable to hunger and food insecurity. Undernu- trition is responsible for 45% of all under ve child deaths or 2.6 million child deaths each year (WHO 2014; Black et al. 2013). Hidden hunger, including iron, vitamin A and zinc deciencies is also still highly prevalent in Asia and has long-term develop- mental consequences contributing to the burden of child mortality, poor birth outcomes and lower pro- ductivity in affected populations. According to a recent estimates of child malnutrition, 50 million children under 5 years of age are wasted (too thin for their height) and 159 million children under ve (24%) are stunted (too short for their age) in the world © 2016 The Authors. Maternal & Child Nutrition published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd Maternal & Child Nutrition (2016), 12 (Suppl. 1), pp. 155168 155 DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12260 Original Article This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduc- tion in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Evidence-based evolution of an integrated nutrition-focused agriculture approach to address the underlyingdeterminants of stunting

Nancy J. Haselow, Ame Stormer and Alissa PriesHelen Keller International, Asia Pacific Regional Office, Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Despite progress in reducing hunger and malnutrition since the 1990s, many still suffer from undernutritionand food insecurity, particularly women and young children, resulting in preterm birth, low birthweight andstunting, among other conditions. Helen Keller International (HKI) has addressed malnutrition and house-hold food insecurity through implementation of an Enhanced Homestead Food Production (EHFP)programme that increases year-round availability and intake of diverse micronutrient-rich foods and promotesoptimal nutrition and hygiene practices among poor households. This paper reviews the evolution and impactof HKI’s EHFP programme and identifies core components of the model that address the underlying determi-nants of stunting. To date, evaluations of EHFP have shown impact on food production, consumption bywomen and children and household food security. Sale of surplus produce has increased household income,and the use of a transformative gender approach has empowered women. EHFP has also realized nutritionimprovements in many project sites. Results from a randomized control trial (RCT) in Baitadi district, Nepalshowed a significant improvement in a range of practices known to impact child growth, although no impact onstunting. Additional non-RCT evaluations in Kailali district of Nepal, demonstrated a 10.5% reduction in stuntingand in the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh, revealed an 18% decrease in stunting. Based on evidence, theEHFP has evolved into an integrated package that includes agriculture, nutrition, water/hygiene/sanitation, linkagesto health care, women’s empowerment, income generation and advocacy. Closing the stunting gap requires long-term exposure to targeted multi-sectoral solutions and rigorous evaluation to optimize impact.

Keywords: stunting, nutrition-sensitive agriculture, homestead food production.

Correspondence: Nancy J.Haselow,HelenKeller International, Asia Pacific RegionalOffice, No. 43Z43, ChakreyNhekTioulong (St. 466),12301 Phnom Penh, Cambodia. E-mail: [email protected]


Despite progress in reducing global hunger andmalnutrition over the past 25 years, factors such asfood price increases, sporadic social and politicalunrest and increasing inequity have resulted in astagnation of this progress with many people stillsuffering from hunger, malnutrition and householdfood insecurity. According to the Food and Agricul-ture Organization (FAO), 842 million people in theworld still do not have enough to eat, with most ofthose living in Asia. Asia has the largest numberof hungry people – over 550 million (The State ofFood Insecurity in the World 2014).

Women and young children remain the mostvulnerable to hunger and food insecurity. Undernu-trition is responsible for 45% of all under five childdeaths or 2.6 million child deaths each year (WHO2014; Black et al. 2013). Hidden hunger, includingiron, vitamin A and zinc deficiencies is also stillhighly prevalent in Asia and has long-term develop-mental consequences contributing to the burden ofchild mortality, poor birth outcomes and lower pro-ductivity in affected populations.

According to a recent estimates of childmalnutrition,50 million children under 5 years of age are wasted (toothin for their height) and 159million children under five(24%) are stunted (too short for their age) in the world

© 2016 The Authors.Maternal & Child Nutrition published by John Wiley & Sons LtdMaternal & Child Nutrition (2016), 12 (Suppl. 1), pp. 155–168 155

DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12260

Original Article

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduc-tion in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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today (UNICEF et al. 2015). Although global preva-lence of stunting decreased from 33% in 2000, the num-bers remain alarmingly high. The largest percentage(56%) and number of stunted children (96 million) livein Asia (UNICEF et al. 2012).

Stunting can begin before birth. Because most of thegrowth faltering occurs well before the age of 2 years, itis imperative for programmes to focus interventionsthat address the causes of child growth during the first1000 days – from conception through age two – in orderto have an impact on stunting. Stunted children becomestunted adults who will never realize their full develop-mental potential. Severe stunting is associated with anIQ loss of 5–10 points (Strauss & Thomas 1998). Lowbirth weight babies have been found to have IQs fivepoints lower than non-low birth weight babies(UNICEF 1998).

The Framework for action to achieve optimal fetaland child nutrition and development illustrated in the

2013 Lancet series, identifies household food security(including availability, economic access and use offood), feeding and caregiving resources and practices(including maternal, household and community levels)and access to and use of health services as well as asafe and hygienic environment (i.e. food, care andhealth) as key determinants of optimal child nutri-tion, growth and development (Black et al. 2013).The Lancet Series also proposed 10 interventions thatif implemented at 90% coverage could prevent onemillion under five child deaths per year, but wouldavert only 20% of global stunting (Bhutta et al.2013; Ruel et al. 2013). Clearly, additional evidenceis needed to design an integrated package to achievea more significant impact on reducing stunting. Theinterventions found in Box 1 have been categorizedas nutrition specific, with direct pathways to nutritionoutcomes, and nutrition sensitive, with indirect path-ways to nutrition outcomes.

Key messages

• Integrated nutrition-sensitive and nutrition-specific programmes, such as HKI’s Enhanced Homestead Food Produc-tion, can impact stunting by addressing its underlying determinants, including: supporting optimal nutrition, care andhealth practices among disadvantaged women of reproductive age and infants and young children, reducing food in-security, empowering women and improving water, sanitation and hygiene.

• Closing the stunting gap requires a mix of interventions based on evidence-based solutions. Long-term exposure tothese targetedmulti-sectoral solutions and rigorous evaluation is necessary tomeasure impact onwomen and youngchildren.

Box 1. Interventions

Nutrition Specific

• Promote appropriate breastfeeding and complementary feeding• Micronutrient supplementation• Management of acute malnutrition (including screening and referral)• Balanced energy and protein supplements to women

Nutrition Sensitive• Agriculture & food security• Social safety nets• Women’s empowerment• Water, sanitation & hygiene• Health and family planning services• Early child development & child protection programmes

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Evolution of an integrated programmemodel that links agriculture to nutritionfor food security and nutritionoutcomes

Over a 25-year period, Helen Keller International(HKI) has developed an integrated nutrition-specificand nutrition-sensitive programme model that uses ag-riculture as the delivery platform through which disad-vantaged households receive a package of services toimprove nutritional status among the most vulnerable– young children and pregnant and lactating women.The programme, called Enhanced Homestead FoodProduction (EHFP), is designed for implementationin rural food insecure areas. It now includes agriculture,nutrition, health, gender and income generation strate-gies that simultaneously promote optimal nutrition,care and health practices and establishes a system foryear-round food availability and intake of diversemicronutrient rich foods. The model marries produc-tion of plant and animal source foods (through homegardens, small animal rearing and agriculture supportmechanisms) with nutrition education and behaviourchange communication using the essential nutrition ac-tions (ENA) framework, highlighting promotion ofoptimal breastfeeding and complementary feeding(Guyon et al. 2009; WHO 2013). Ensuring that ade-quate water, hygiene and sanitation interventions arepromoted, including uptake of essential hygiene actions(EHA), is also key to optimize the programme’s suc-cess. The EHFPmodel targets women, especially preg-nant women and those with children under 2 years ofage, and empowers them as the primary beneficiariesof training, services and inputs. The model estab-lishes Village Model Farms (VMF) by providing ad-ditional training and inputs so the VMF can serve asa sustainable support mechanism for the 10–20household farmers in her group and become a smallprivate enterprise selling future inputs to the com-munity. A monitoring (multi-stage cluster randomselection of households every 3–4months) and eval-uation system that collects key process and impactdata for continual adjustment and programme im-provement is integral to the design as well. TheEHFP model has evolved over more than 25 yearsin response to evidence collected by HKI and others

and now addresses six of the 10 Lancet Seriesnutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interven-tions (in bold in Box 1), with mechanisms in placefor identification and referral of acute malnutritioncases as well.

Developing the basic homestead food productionprogramme model

The programme was initiated in 1988 as a pilot homegardening project in Bangladesh to improve year-round production and consumption of vitamin-Arich fruits and vegetables among children under5 years of age after a national blindness survey re-vealed that households with gardens were less likelyto have children with night blindness (HKI & Insti-tute for Public Health and Nutrition 1983). Basedon the pilot evaluation results, the project modelwas fine-tuned to include improved gardening tech-niques for year-round production and nutrition edu-cation to ensure optimal consumption for womenand young children, and expanded to additionalhouseholds. A major improvement to the pro-gramme model occurred during the late 1990s, whenevidence revealed that the bioavailability of vitaminA and other micronutrients from plant source foodswas lower than originally thought – as conversionfactors for estimating vitamin A obtained from plantfoods were revised from 6:1 to 21:1 for a mixed diet(12:1 for fruits and 26:1 for vegetables) (μg β-carotene: retinol activity equivalent) (West et al.2002; de Pee & Bloem 2007). In response, the modelwas revised to include small animal husbandry –

mostly poultry, together with promotion of meatand egg consumption among women and young chil-dren and named the Homestead Food Production(HFP) programme. Breastfeeding and appropriatecomplementary feeding counselling (using HFP pro-duce) were also incorporated in order to target in-fant and young child feeding practices. Later, inresponse to the Avian Influenza outbreak, diversi-fied sources of animal protein were encouraged bytesting an aquaculture option in Cambodia andIndonesia. Participants in Bangladesh could alsoopt to rear pigs or goats in addition to chickens.During these years observational, monitoring and

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evaluation results from various projects in Asia alsoinformed the programme process and implementa-tion procedures. For instance, the sequence of activ-ities, the duration of exposure to training, technicalsupport and supervision, the kind and amount ofagriculture inputs and the key communication mate-rials and messages were all refined.

Enhancing the nutrition-sensitive component

In 2007, based on the demonstrated impact of theENA approach to improve delivery of nutrition-specific interventions to mothers and young chil-dren, HKI revised the HFP model to incorporateENA as the basic framework for nutrition improve-ment and renamed it the EHFP programme(USAID 2006; Guyon et al. 2009). The new ap-proach included using behaviour change communi-cations approaches to promote key doable actionsat every opportunity to enhance uptake: maternalnutrition; early initiation of breastfeeding; exclusivebreastfeeding for 6months; the introduction of ade-quate complementary foods at 6months, includingthe animal-source foods that are increasingly beingshown as crucial for child growth; continuedbreastfeeding through 2 years or beyond; nutritional

care for the sick child; the integrated control ofanaemia and intake of key micronutrients (Dewey& Adu-Afarwuah 2008). Capacity building of andstronger links to the government health sector athealth facilities and in communities was undertakenin order to ensure consistency and accuracy of keynutrition messages and to ensure adequate supportfor health services, better care and referrals particu-larly for pregnant women and malnourished andsick children.

Improving household income generation fromHFP

Based on a need expressed (during monitoring andsupervision visits) by participating women whofound that they had remaining produce after house-hold use, HKI added a small marketing componentto create linkages and provide training for the saleof excess produce and animal products. This was un-dertaken with the understanding that even small in-come in the hands of women can benefits maternaland child nutrition and health (Engle 1993; Roushdy2004; Quisumbing & Maluccio 2000). Programmemonitoring and evaluation (pre and post cross-sectional surveys comparing intervention and con-trol group) data (Table 1) have shown that this

Table 1. Proportion of households in Bangladesh and Cambodia that spent income earned by selling garden produce, poultry and egg on various items atendline


Bangladesh* (in last 2 months) Cambodia (in last 1 month)

% household spendingincome from selling homegarden products on:

% household spendingincome from selling eggand poultry on:

% household spendingincome from selling homegarden products on:

% household spendingincome from selling eggand poultry on:

Food 70 46 92 82Education 30 26 1 3Productive/reinvestment

22 25 1 3

Clothes 14 22 0 3Saving 11 24 0 0Medicine 8 0 2 6Housing 1 3 0 0Amusement 1 2 0 0Social activities 0 1 1 2Other 0 0 3 1

*In Bangladesh, respondents could choose as many commodities as applied. Talukder et al., 2010

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income is in fact often used to purchase high qualityand other needed food items or to pay for health andeducation costs (Talukder et al. 2010). All EHFPprogrammes now include marketing education andtraining for participants.

Enriching gender equity within EHFP

Although EHFP has been women-centred from thebeginning, monitoring and evaluation data acrossprojects indicated a need to strengthen the approachto better empower women in decision making, to in-crease male participation in childcare and other tra-ditional women’s tasks and to encourage support formothers from influential family and communitymembers. The Nurturing Connections© manualwas created by HKI (in Bangladesh) to implementa transformative gender approach within EHFP(Kotze et al. 2014). The approach consists of a rangeof participatory activities where all main decision-makers of the household acquire communicationand negotiation skills to discuss and challenge tradi-tional norms that impact nutrition, health and over-all well-being of the households.

Addressing WASH through EHFP

The inclusion of EHA and a stronger water, sanitationand hygiene (WASH) component was a further refine-ment to the model after the Nepal Action AgainstMalnutrition through Agriculture (AAMA) researchproject showed less impact on improving child nutri-tional status and growth than expected (McNulty et al.2013). In addition to the handwashing and diarrhea pre-vention that already existed in the model, EHA addedthe creation of handwashing stations, disposal of feces,de-worming, water purification and proper food storageto the EHFP.

Most recently, HKI has incorporated activities toaddress environmental enteropathy based on evidencefrom a randomized control trial (RCT) in Zimbabweindicating that environmental enteropathies couldimpact stunting even in the absence of diarrhea(Humphrey 2014). An earlier study conducted withZimbabwean toddlers found that the greatest cause ofintestinal damage, as measured by Escherichia coli,was because of ingestion of chicken feces (Ngure et al.

2013). HKI therefore tested the use of safe and sanitaryplay areas in Nepal (as was used in the SHINE study),but found that mothers were resistant to the idea thatdirt and chicken feces made children sick so there waslittle interest in uptake despite intensive behaviourchange messaging. Instead more than 60 000 chickencoops have been built and are being utilized in projectareas (Save the Children & HKI 2014). Further forma-tive research is needed to determine messaging andstrategies to improve use of the play areas.

Better targeting to optimize impact

The AAMA results, along with the Scaling Up Nutri-tion Movement and the 2013 Lancet series papers, ledHKI to prioritize targeting the programme to house-holds with children under 2 years of age and pregnantwomen in order to address the growth faltering withinthe 1000-day window (Scaling up Nutrition 2012; Ruelet al. 2013; Bhutta et al. 2013; Adair et al. 2013). Theprogramme focused even more attention on nutritionservices related to interventions that span this criticalwindow from pregnancy into the first 2 years of life(World Bank 2006).

The EHFP programme impactpathways

Through identification of gaps and testing of new strat-egies, the components of EHFP have evolved to morecomprehensively address the underlying food, healthand care determinants of stunting. The current inte-gratedmodel is expected to improvematernal and childnutritional outcomes through several pathways,namely: (1) increased access to and consumption ofmicronutrient-rich fruits, vegetables and poultry orsmall animal products, (2) improved breastfeeding andcomplementary feeding practices, (3) increased use ofpublic health services by mothers and children, (4) in-creased income through the sale of surplus products fromthe home gardens and small animal husbandry, and (5)empowered mothers by improving their knowledge andskills and influence over household decision making.The model has added a sixth pathway in order to reduceinfections (particularly diarrhea disease and intestinal

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worms) namely (6) improved water, sanitation and hy-giene (WASH) practices.

The Suaahara project, implemented in disadvan-taged areas of Nepal, reflects the current model forHKI’s EHFP programme, incorporating critical re-search findings from AAMA and other research to tryto optimize the impact on stunting. The Suaahara pro-ject is a 5-year USAID funded project with Save theChildren and other partners and uses the ENA frame-work to improve nutrition; maternal, newborn andchild health (MNCH) services; reproductivehealth/family planning services; WASH and home-based food production in 41 districts throughout thecountry. Figure 1 below describes the Suaahara EHFPProgramme Impact Pathways.

Impact of HKI’s EHFP on determinantsof stunting

EHFP across the Asia-Pacific region has improvedhousehold garden and animal husbandry practices,

food production, consumption and dietary diversityamong women and young children. EHFP has alsobeen shown to improve uptake of essential nutritionand hygiene actions by mothers and other caretakers,improve linkages to the health sector and enhancewomen’s decision making power in the household.EHFP has been shown to reduce anaemia andnightblindness (vitamin A deficiency) prevalence amongyoung children and women of reproductive age in someprojects and has improved women’s nutrition; however,more evidence on its impact on child growth is needed.

A review of EHFP programme evaluations (pre andpost cross-sectional surveys comparing interventionand control group) from 2003 to 2007 in Bangladesh,Nepal, Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines indi-cates that HKI’s EHFP has positively impacted poorhouseholds’ year round food production and availabil-ity, particularly for women and children 6–59months ofage (Talukder et al. 2010). As illustrated in Fig. 2 below,programme evaluation research by HKI in Bangladeshand Cambodia showed that as gardening practices

Fig. 1. Suaahara Programme Implementation Pathway Helen Keller International, 2012.

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improved from traditional gardening (seasonal withlimited crops grown) to developed gardening promotedby HKI (year round production with a variety of cropsgrown at all times), the quantity and number of vegeta-bles varieties grown increased, as did consumption ofvegetables by children. The diversity of vegetable con-sumption by young children in the week before the sur-vey was four types eaten when households practicedtraditional gardening compared with 13 types eaten

when households practiced developed gardening.Frequency of consumption of vegetables by chil-dren was 1.6 times higher among children in house-holds with developed gardens relative totraditional gardens. Consumption of vitamin A richfoods among children was also improved (Talukderet al. 2010).

The results also demonstrated an increase in women’slevel of influence in household decision-making along











No Traditional Improved Developed

Garden Type






















child veg cons (d/wk) No of varieties Production (kg)

Fig. 2. Type of garden111 related toproduction and consumption ofvegetables in Bangladesh(2003–2005) and Cambodia(2005–2007) at endline(consolidated).

BL= Baseline, EL= Endline


92% 86%94% 88% 86%






7% 13%



1% 4% 3% 5% 2% 4% 1%12%

5% 4%1% 1%











Confident to stand in ashousehold bread winner if


Comfortable expressingdifferent opinion from


Can freely discusshousehold money matters

with spouse.

Spouse is higher prioritythan themselves in hh food


Can discuss contraceptionwith spouse

Intra-household Influence of Married Beneficiaries

Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Fig. 3. Women’s Empowerment Making Markets Work for Women Final Report. 2012.

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with increased household income controlled by women(Talukder et al. 2010).

An external evaluation (comparing current HFPhouseholds, former HFP households and controls) inBangladesh confirmed that throughHFPwomen’s influ-ence in the household improved across all parameters aswomen were empowered with increased knowledgeand skills and also were able to control a small amountof income from sale of excess EHFP produce(Bushamuka et al. 2005). A more recent evaluation ofthe pilot project, Making Markets Work for Women(M2W2), an EHFP and livelihood intervention with450 extremely poor landless women in Bangladesh, con-firms these findings (HKI 2012). As seen in Fig. 3 below,endline data revealed that respondents had higherlevels of comfort with expressing opinions anddiscussing money matters and family planning issuesthan at baseline. Additionally, a recent qualitativeassessment has indicated that households participatingin Nurturing Connections as part of EHFP share house-hold food more equitably, pregnant and lactatingwomen receive support for domestic duties from otherhousehold members, and household members engagemore in joint decision-making regarding food purchasesand use of income (HKI-Bangladesh 2015).

An external review/secondary data analysis of HKI’sEHFP in Bangladesh by the International Food PolicyResearch Institute (IFPRI) revealed that the programmeincreased diversity and quantities of food produced andconsumed, and also increased women’s involvement inhousehold decision making, noting, ‘there is sufficient evi-dence to conclude that (EHFP) is improving householdfood security, and in some cases nutrition and other

intermediary outcomes’ (Iannotti et al. 2010). Intake ofmicronutrient rich fruits and vegetables by mothers andyoung children among poor families in Bangladesh im-proved substantially in just 1 year, as a result of additionalproduction year round and promotion and instructionof how to prepare the foods for children (Talukderet al. 2000). Evaluations of other nutrition-sensitiveagriculture interventions support these findings,showing consistent improvements in the volume anddiversity of vegetables and fruits produced, diversityof foods consumed and women’s involvement in fam-ily decision-making, all of which are determinants forchild health (Masset et al. 2012).

To address the dearth of evidence on nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions impact on nutritionstatus, HKI designed a study to assess the impact ofthe EHFP model on child nutrition and growth(anthropometry), as well as women’s nutritional status.As part of aUSAID-fundedChild Survival InnovationsProject, HKI implemented two EHFP studies in Nepal(AAMA Project) from 2009 to 2012 in Baitadi andKailali districts that addressed the food, health and carecauses ofmalnutrition in the area. The project, coveringapproximately 11 000 households, was an integratedEHFP model including home gardens, poultry-rearing,ENAbehaviour change communication led by commu-nity healthworkers, a hygiene component and activitiesto improve linkages to health services.

The main research study within the AAMA projectwas a cluster RCT that assessed more than 2000 fami-lies with children 12–48months of age at baseline andendline in intervention and control areas. Resultsshowed that there was a significant improvement in











6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58




n o

f ch


n s



Child age in months

Baseline - February/March 2010 Endline - May/June 2012

Fig. 4. Percentage of stuntedchildren at baseline and endline,Making Markets Work For Women,HKI Bangladesh.

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household food security (using the Household FoodInsecurity Access Scale; Coates et al. 2007) amongintervention households compared with controls, withthe greatest difference realized among severely foodinsecure households. EHFP improved early initiationof breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, complemen-tary feeding practices, hygiene practices of mothersand children and had a significantly positive impact onchildren’s/mother’s participation in preventative healthservices as well. At endline, anaemia was significantlylower among mothers and children in the intervention(EHFP) group, and mothers participating in the EHFPwere significantly less likely to be underweight(BMI< 18.5kg/m2) than those who were not in theprogramme. However, there was no impact seen onchild anthropometry (Haselow & Osei 2014).

The study did show that an integrated agriculture-nutrition focused intervention can play an important rolein improving determinants of stunting such as householdfood security, maternal hand-washing and child feedingpractices, as well as reducing anaemia among womenand children and decreasing maternal underweight.

The Kailali district project was not a cluster rando-mized controlled trial, but did use an intervention–comparison evaluation design. Difference in differenceanalysis between intervention and control groupsshowed a reduction of 10.25% (P value 0.008) in stuntingbetween baseline and endline. Furthermore, the M2W2evaluation in Bangladesh demonstrated a reduction instunting among participating households (see Fig. 4below). The baseline and endline surveys revealed that54% of children suffered stunting at baseline and, ofthose, 19% were severely stunted. By endline stuntinghad been reduced to 36%, and severe stunting wasreduced to 16% (HKI 2013). However, there was nocontrol group for the project and because of the censusmethodology utilized – some of the same children weremeasured in households at base and endline, whichcould lead to ageing effects, distorting the true impact.

Despite these positive results from EHFP, dataacross nutrition-sensitive agriculture programmes haveshown inconsistent impact on nutritional status of chil-dren, and in particular they have shown little impacton child growth. Some reasons for this may be thatfew evaluations of agriculture programmes have in-cluded nutritional indicators, and those that have, have

not utilized sufficiently rigorous evaluation designs inorder to detect change (Masset et al. 2012). In addition,both the duration of the exposure to the interventionbefore evaluating the impact and targeting of the inter-vention may have been suboptimal. Programmes maynot have addressed all of the aspects included in thethree determinants of malnutrition adequately, namelyfood, care and health (including adequate attention toensuring clean water and proper sanitation andhygiene) (UNICEF 1997). Finally, the indicators usedtomeasure the determinants may not have been specificenough to capture an association with stunting (i.e. own-ership of toilet vs. use of toilet). In the case of theAAMA trial mentioned above, reasons for lack of im-pact seen on child growth may be that the design wascross-sectional rather than longitudinal, the age rangeof children studied may have been too broad and tooold and the duration of exposure to the interventionmay have been too short to show impact. In addition,the WASH component of the integrated model maynot have been adequate to control infection.

Lessons learned from implementing anutrition-focused agricultureprogramme model

HKI’s EHFP programme has been replicated andadapted to the local context to reach over 1.2 millionhouseholds in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal,the Philippines andVietnam as well as to three countriesin Africa. Adapting and scaling the programme to incor-porate evidence that leverages impact on the underlyingdeterminants of stunting have led to the following keylearnings summarized in Box 2 and expanded below:

(1) Agriculture is critically important but not enoughto improve nutrition of vulnerable populations infood insecure areas. For agriculture interventionsto optimize nutrition outcomes of the most vulner-able, they should be designed through a nutritionlens, addressing local food, care and health deter-minants of malnutrition. This requires workingwith partners across sectors to ensure all aspectsof the local determinants of undernutrition are ad-equately addressed.

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(2) It is crucial to target pregnant women and womenwith children under 2 years of age. This targetingfocuses attention on the critical 1000-day develop-mental window and builds women’s knowledgeand confidence to make good nutrition and healthchoices for their children and themselves.

(3) Geographic targeting is also important consideringthe cost of inputs and training required: nutritionfocused agriculture programmes have the greatestimpact when implemented in food insecure areasamong disadvantaged households.

(4) In order to maximize health and nutrition out-comes for women and children, programmesshould be designed to empower women in their im-portant role as the gatekeepers of household foodsecurity, food production, and hygiene and childnutrition. This also means educating and enlistingother influential members of the household, suchas mothers-in-law and husbands, to provide bothemotional and physical support.

(5) The design and adaptation of the integrated pro-gramme delivery model should be based on evi-dence from the project area.

(a) An equity analysis should be performed to providean understanding of the social/gender dimensionsthat must be addressed to implement effectiveprogrammes that reduce gender/social barriersand enable men and women to better access re-sources, livelihood opportunities and improvednutrition and food security.

(b) The behaviour change communication strategyshould be based on formative research and testedto facilitate lasting change. The research should in-clude an analysis of the barriers and facilitators forimproved nutrition and should be used to developa strategy for positive change regarding agricul-ture, nutrition, health, WASH and livelihoods be-haviours. The messages should be consistent andreinforced through multiple channels (interper-sonal communication, community mobilization,mass media) at all levels.

(c) A practical training package for agriculture, nutritionand health should be adapted to the local context andtested. The training content should be updated to in-clude state of the art information and appropriatetechnology in nutrition, health, WASH and

agriculture that could be usable and available in theproject area. Agriculture practices and planningshould address climate change issues in the targetarea.

(6) Have an entry and exit strategy. Participatory andlearning methods are essential for community en-try and to ensure full participation and ownershipamong stakeholders. There should be an initialand ongoing support mechanism built into the pro-gramme model with a qualified technical and man-agement team available to build capacity of localresources in order to ensure households can re-ceive the support they need, and be prepared tocontinue without much assistance.

(7) A local source for continued agriculture inputsand support is important for access (particularlyin more remote areas), affordability and sustainabil-ity of the agriculture component. It is best whenthese are civic-minded, community-selected house-holds that receive additional training and can estab-lish a VMF as a private household enterprise.

(8) Building multi-sector collaboration at national, re-gional and local level is important to maximize nu-trition outcomes and use limited resources wisely.Locally, this also means that links to existing agri-culture resources, both private and public sector,and to markets must be established in the project.Strong links to the existing health, nutrition andWASH resources should be embedded in the pro-ject, as well as working closely with local authori-ties to support community improvements andleverage additional resources.

(9) A monitoring and evaluation system that providescontinuous learning is necessary when adaptingthe model successfully and sustainably to newareas, environments and cultures. Nutrition indica-tors should be included in any intervention with theaim of improving nutrition, including agricultureprojects. A rigorous evaluation designed specificallyto assess impact on nutrition is important in order tobuild the evidence base for integrated approaches.

(10) Documentation, publication and dissemination arecritical to advocate for policies that support inte-grated nutrition-specific and -sensitive approachesand to compel donors to invest in these kinds of in-terventions for poor communities.

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Toward a more comprehensivestrategy to close the stunting gap

In light of the 80% gap that remains in reducing childstunting based on the Lancet series estimation, morework is needed to design an integrated nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive strategy that intensifiesthe current known solutions, improves targetingand/or includes additional interventions that may lever-age impact on stunting. This will also require that allsectors, public and private, form effective partnershipsand do their part to deliver quality services to disadvan-taged communities and households.

HKI is continuing to assess and refine the integratedEHFP model to help fill the gap. We are currently un-dertaking a number of studies to look at various aspectsof the model, including several RCTs to assess itsimpact on child growth. We are also conducting costanalysis of different versions of the model, mappingthe pathway by which income contributes to improvednutrition, assessing the spin off effect to demonstratethe potential scale up of the model to neighbouringhouseholds, and assessing the sustainability of themodeland model components at different times post project.

An important consideration is to begin targeting ofinterventions to prevent stunting earlier, beforepregnancy. Previous research has mostly assessedgrowth faltering of children after birth, demonstratingthat most of the growth faltering occurs once

complementary feeding begins. HKI is currently en-gaged in a study in Bangladesh to enroll women atmar-riage and assess the impact of EHFP on maternalnutrition and child growth. More research is neededon the impact of stunting beginning at the first day ofthe 1000-day period mark, and the impact of reachingadolescent girls and women before they are pregnant.

In many cases, the short length of exposure tonutrition-sensitive interventions may not be adequateto determine changes in stunting in field conditions.Because of project and research funding cycles, few, ifany, evaluations take place for extended periods oftime. HKI has recently initiated long-term projects(more than 5 years) involving rigorous evaluationand surveillance mechanisms in Cambodia and inBangladesh to look at impact over time.

Another important need is to refinemeasures that havealready been identified in previous studies in the areas ofdiarrhea, WASH and food consumption so that the cor-rect indicators on compliance and uptake are measured.For instance, measuring the presence of a latrine or avail-ability of soap and water at households is notadequate toassess whether people actually use the latrine or washhands after defecation and before cooking/eating, whichwill increase exposure and repeat parasitic infections.

Additionally, the body of evidence should includeboth monitoring and evaluation data to better under-stand where issues of uptake and compliance happenso that programme models, such as HKI’s EHFP, can

Box 2. Key learning to leverage impact of nutrition-focused agricultureprogrammes

1. Collaborate with local partners across sectors to ensure all food, health and care determinants of undernutri-tion are adequately addressed

2. Target interventions to pregnant women andwomenwith children under two years of age to best address childgrowth

3. Implement in food insecure areas among disadvantaged households4. Ensure the programme design empowers women5. Base the programme design and adaptation to the local context on evidence6. Have a programmatic entry and exit strategy7. Ensure there is a local source for continued agriculture inputs and support8. Work to build multi-sector collaboration at national, regional and local levels9. Provide continuous learning through an effective monitoring and evaluation system10. Document, publish and disseminate findings to advocate for policy and resource support

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be refined to achieve a greater impact. A greater num-ber of comprehensive, rigorous programme evaluationsconducted, which are long term and longitudinal, mustbe designed and funded to ensure that the fight to re-duce stunting is based on evidence.

Finally, one of the areas warranting further investi-gation is the relationship between maternal depressionand exposure to stressful events during and postpregnancy as contributing factors to child nutritionand growth. A recent meta-analysis revealed thatmaternal depression was linked to child stunting andunderweight in developing countries (Surkan et al.2011). Other studies found that stressful events occur-ring during the first and second trimesters of pregnancyincreased risk of preterm birth and perceived stressfulevents during first trimester were associated with a99.09-g decrease in infant birthweight (Glynn et al.2008; Littleton et al. 2010; Zhu et al. 2010). Exposureto stress and anxiety remains to be evaluated as partof nutrition-sensitive interventions, and measures todo so will need to be adapted to the developing coun-try context. Additional areas that might contribute to amore effective approach to reduce stunting includestrategies to improve resilience specifically of disad-vantaged communities and households and betterconvergence of nutrition-sensitive interventions bymulti-sectoral stakeholders in these communities.


The authors would like to thank Pooja Pandey andAkoto Osei for their contributions to the Nepal data,andMeredithDeGraffenried, JillianWade andRamonaRidolfi for their contributions to the Bangladesh data.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts ofinterest.


NJH drafted the manuscript, AS contributed to thewriting and AP provided valuable information for key

sections. All authors reviewed, edited and approvedthe final submission.


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