Everyone deserves to be treated with basic, human

8/21/2020 1 Everyone deserves to be treated with basic, human dignity Everyone must be assumed to be doing the best they can with what they have at any given time. Listen attentively Do not interrupt Respond Reasonably Be aware of your tone and body language Do your fair share Use words that build up rather than tear down Be courteous Be kind

Transcript of Everyone deserves to be treated with basic, human



Everyone deserves to be treated with basic, human


Everyone must be assumed to be doing the best they

can with what they have at any given time.

Listen attentively

Do not interrupt

Respond Reasonably

Be aware of your tone

and body language

Do your fair share

Use words that build up

rather than tear down

Be courteous

Be kind





Work will be assigned in two formats:

1. Paperless: Any assignments that I give

should be done using online formats (docs.

Sheets. Etc.)

2. Any written work will go into your

composition notebook

The composition

notebookIf you see this symbol in the top left corner of the screen, it means this assignment will go into your composition notebook.

In your notebook you should include the date and the title of the bell ringers, notes or assignments.



Everything is on classroom

It’s not my job to give you supplies.

The Randomizer, Dandomizer

Raising your hand

Your grade is based on the work you turn in. I don’t give grades, I record grades

Pen (blue or black ink only), Pencil #2 Graphite

Can I go to the bathroom

Using the pencil sharpener

The Bell does not dismiss you.



There is no need to use your cell phones. You have a Chrome Book. All work can be done on the Chrome Book.

If you forgot your Chrome Book..…don’t!

No Cell Phones Out in Class

Everything is right in front of you and dated.

You know when the tests are coming



Comp Books



Notes (Online Lectures)



Zeros will be added to the gradebook at

the end of the school day on the due date

Talk to me…I will work with you

The Website