EVENTS IN THE COUNTIES THE BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO HEAD ... · Daily Californian Two Fair Scorers Who...

Walter J. Seaborn; who Will Try To Lower Racing Time THE^ SAE ERA^QISCO; CALL, iFKIDAY, ; J ULY 22, 1910 EVENTS IN THE COUNTIES BORDERING ON THE BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO HEAD SHOPLIFTER ADMITS HER GUILT GARDEN WEDDING IS UNIQUE AFFAIR ART WORK PROPOSED FOR NEW CITY HALL Dudley J. Cates New Editor in Chief Of Daily Californian Two Fair Scorers Who Will Officiate At Card Tourney STUDENT EDITOR TO TAKE UP PEN CITY CLERK AIMS AT SPEED RECORD ; -'Another feature of the decoration of the hall taken up by v " Hornbostel- will be the installing of a clock inthe lofty tower. (He 'favors a clock that will chime the hours in day, and give elec- \u25a0 trie signals by night. As the building will be 11 stories, the lights would be : visible from all parts of the city at night. " . In his estimates Hornbostel learned! that by spending a, little larger sum than the bond money, the city could place in the basement of the hall a municipal electric plant, capable of iV luminating the building and of lighting the electroliers-.which \u25a0 have been set in streetsin various sections. This would mean a large reduction of the monthly lighting bill. ; .Hornbostel said today that with the money in hand the board of public works will find it advantageous to au- thorize him to employ Maxfield Par- rish and a sculptor for decorations and to^ install the : type of clock he has planned. \u2666 •/>" i 1 Hornbostel; an authority on decora- tive architecture, finds that the bond money, allowance would not be exceeded if the city were to" employ Parrish's talents for mural work,, and' to place statuary of the 'highest type-in- the alcoves and grounds of the hall. More detailed information" will be prepared for the board by Hornbostel. \u25a0OAKLAND, July .2l.—Mural decora- tions for the council chambers of the new $1,000,000 city, hall from the brush of t Maxfield Parrish, one "of America's most distinguishedartists, wilTbe pro- posed, to the board of public works by Henry Hornbostel, the; noted New York architect, whose firm drew tlie £lans for the building. has already taken up the subject with Mayor Mott, and has made estimates showing the full sum of $1,050,000 will be. suf- ficient for: the erection of the hall and for its decoration. Architect Suggests Mural Paint- ings, Statuary and Clock for Municipal Building WOMEN TO RAISE FUNDS FOR CHURCH Cates'will outline his policy, for the Californian next week, when he ar- rives from his home in Richmond, Ind. i He is well known in; fraternity cir- cles and Is affiliated with the Alpha Delta Phi society,' as well as the Wingled Helmet honor, organization of the junior men. ' For three years he has been a mem- ber of/the staff of the campus publica- tion and has risen from the positions of reporter, associate editor, news ed- itor and managing editoi-. . BERKELEY, July 21.— Dudley J. Cates, editor elect •of the Californian, the student daily at the university, is expected to arrive here in a few days to look over the field preparatory to issuing the college paper. Cates was selected as. editor by the executive com- mittee of the students last year. Dudley J. Cates Will Be Chief of Daily Calif ornian, Official Organ of University Mrs. Harkins and Henry have con- fessed to thefts from .Hale Brothers. Eleventh and Washington streets; Smith Brothers' clothing store. Tenth and Washington streets; Smith's book etore in Thirteenth street between Broadway and Washington; Abraham- eon's dry goods store, Thirteenth and Washington streets; Capwell's dry goo'Js store. Twelfth and Washington streets, and Esmiol's furnishing goods eh op. Pretending to be a customer, Mrs. Harkins would talk to a salesman and have the goods laid on the counter. Hinry Harkins woulJ deftly slip arti- cles of value into the folds of the cape. At a signal the couple would leave tbe shop, give the loot to Peter llar- jrens, .who would put it in the black bag in the suitcase and leave. The plan of operation in all cases was the. same. Here in Oakland the three would leave their quarters at 743 Eighth street in the forenoons. Peter Hardens would carry a suitcase, in it a large black bag. He would take his place outside the store to be robbed. Mrs. Harkins and h<?r husband Henry would enter, the. man carrying her long black »cape over his left arm. TLA2V OF OPERATION There is a recently enacted statute providing: for felony charges against shoplifters. "Where intent to steal can be shown on the part of any person entering a store the authorities may try that person for burglary, Instead of petty larceny, as the law formerly provided. . With the penitentiary yawning be- fore her, Mrs. Ella Harkins displayed a spirit of bravado, of pride in her prowess as a thief and a leader of thieves. She freely admitted that she planned crimes which were committed in Oakland. San Jose and several other coast towns. As evidence of his success, she said they had obtained In a few months goods worth thousands of Uollars from stores. OAKLAND,July 21. Mrs. Ella Har- Jtins., leader of the shop lifting gang arrested last Saturday by the local police, confessed to acting Captain of Detectives Hodgkins this morning, im- plicating her husband, Henry Harkins, snd her brother in law, Peter Har- fcinF, alias Hardens, in a multitude of thefts. The woman's confession was corroborated within half an hour by tlie admission of Henry Harkins of his complicity in numerous robberies of *tore counters. The police have had identified several stolen articles to sub- stantiate the tale told by the shop- lifters when the trio are arraigned next .Saturday morning in the police court. The confessions make possible tne prosecution of the cleverest shoplifters ever arrested here. Until Ella Jiarklns broke down and told of her escapades end of her cunning, the police had the jnerest shreds of proof of guilt. The words uttered first by Mrß. Harkins, Mifnby her husband, put a different aspect on the case. Complaints charg- ing burglary will probably be sworn to tomorrow. FACE BURGLARY CHARGES Mrs. Ella Harkins, Leader of Thieves, Implicates Husband and His Brother -Helsays that the sport is exhilarating and great exercise for. a. man whose office duties keep him indoors* the greater part of the day. ' , - "Inside-the-city limits young-. Seaborn does not speed, but on the.Orfnda'park road north of here he has been known to hit ; nearly, a. mile a minute clip over, the hills. . . Young Seaborn, who was; a globe trotter and took part in the boxertrou- bles in China,; is known; as .an athlete as well as an expert stenographer and type writer. He is a member of .the Berkeley; tennis club and is frequently seen\ engaged in, one of -hisJ favorite pastimes, horseback.riding. But the ' horse '\u25a0 has been cast ' aside for the speedjv motorcycle, and Seaborn has probably the most powerful ma- chine in'the city, more powerful than the new Thor wheel of the police de- partment, which can,. develop nearly- 6 horsepower. . ' V : '-'\u25a0 ::''\u25a0• ; : BERKELEY, July 21.— With hopes of breaking tlie Pleasanton track record of a mile in;s6 seconds with'the motor- cycle, City Clerk Walter J. Seaborn of this city is daily riding his/ four cylinder Pierce and will try for the record in a few weeks. Seaborn as- tonished the, spectators .last Sunday at Pleasanton by reeling off a mile in just a. minute, : and he made six miles at an average speed of 1 minute and 6 seconds. . Berkeley Official Will Ride- His Motorcycle a Mile Against^ 1 imc Among those present were: Mr. and Mr*. George L. SilTPrstpin W. Keelf-r Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. A. U Wbitlnj? Kcel*>r L. Shares - Mr. and Mrs. O. Precta- S. Chamblin tel U John Champion - D. E. Woodworth <\u25ba. Manders Mrs. A. Aodercmi F. Mast. Mr. and Mrs. .William Mr. and Mrs. C. Botta- Brand ." Tell J. B. Duncan . . Mr. and Mrs. U. Hig- Mrs. and Mrs. Ettaa gln^on . Top O. MnlhMii C. Engel H. I-j-nch Mrs. t.\ Brand ]Mr. and; Mrs. V. Osgood Mis« B. Brand ,' Mrc."Martna . Hand Stanl«?r Ellman ' Miss Ada Moore O. Oalon Uot". Dr. F. 11. Maar 1 Mrs. jr. Joseph ' * IVnvr Hand i Miss M. Joseph' ' Franklin Kooler , Miss Li.^ Keeler' : Ornollus Keeler Mrs. C. Bromley. •< (Soorge Wallace ~ -r Mrs. M. Tasnult - Mlps ,F. . Hlsslnson Mr*. J. Green - Miss Anna Brnnssen \u25a0 Mrs. A. SllTersteln " Clarence Keelet Miss Alice Brand R. Wiley William Brand The groom is 21 years old and the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Keeler, -who celebrated their silver wedding March 21. ' The grandparents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs.. George W. Keeler Sr. of San Francisco, celebrated their fiftieth anniversary May 21. The parents of the bride, Mr. James and Mrs. "Anna E. Duncan, came to Oakland in the early days from Scotland. Mrs. .Dun- can died in 1909* and her husband in 1902., The" bride is a popular leader in the younger social set with which she associates.- She is 21 years old. While refreshments were being served an appropriate program of vocal and instrumental - selections was rendered, led by Miss Anna Brunssen. At" the plate of each guest a red heart shaped card- was laid, upon which had been ( printed In- white:. "Mr. and Mrs. George W. Keeler, Jr. At home after- August 1 at 537 Thirty-fifth street."'. The wedding celebration commenced with the bridal march to Mendelssohn's popular strain, and- the young couple/ led by Miss Alice Brand, who scattered flowers along their pathway; Miss Ada Moore and Mrs. O. Brand, proceeded to an arbor of pink and white floral deco- rations in the parlor^of the hewne. The bride was escorted by George Mulhern, best man, who made the formal presen- tation after the ceremony. . , SIMILAR WEDDIJVG DATES _, Immediately after the nuptial knot had been tied the young couple led the wedding guests in a march to the gar-: den at the rear of the Keeler .: home," over which a great canvas awning had been spread. Aside from the unique setting and scenic effect, the open air party j was given unusual brilliancy by elaborate-electrical decorations. Tables were placed In groups amid clusters of pink and white carnations, sweet peas and roses, with ferns as a background. Japanese lanterns in. pink and white surrounded the residence, and the place was a mass of ribbons and lovers' knots. . * . FEASTIXG A.YD MUSIC- Mont Duncan, the daughter of the late Mr. and- Mrs. James Duncan of 976 Twenty-first street, ;and George TV. Keeler Jr. were married last evening at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Keeler, 679 Thirty- second street, the service being, read by Rev. Fred H. Maar, pastor of the Fourth Congregational church, .in the presence of 75 relatives and friend?. . ' OAKLAND, July 21.—Miss Mary La- Miss Mary Latnoht Duncan Be- comes the Wife of George W.Keeler Jr. COMING OF ROAD TO BE CELEBRATED GEE GAM EXPIRES ON LINER AT SEA As to lateen, it may be observed, itis a phonetic, spelling of Latlne "voile latlne." from its use in the Mediterra- nean. It was a triangular sail extended by a long tapering yard slung at.about one quarter the distance from the low,er end, which is brought down at the tack, causing the yard to stand at an angfe of about 45 degrees or more.' Longfel- low in the "Golden Legend," sings: On before the freshening gale : - " That fill the snow white lateen sail. Swiftly our light felucca flies. The exhibits at the Louvre have ju3t been enriched by a mode! of the caravel in whffch Columbus discovered America. The original is said to be preserved in the. arsenal at. Corunna, and the model hag been made under the direction of the naval architect, Senor Soe, at the instance of King Alfonso and the Spanish admiralty. The model is 70 cen- timeters In length— that is. about 2* inches, and it has been reproduced with the minutest detail sails, rigging* anil armament. The model will be placed In the naval collection. Two of the ves- sels with which Columbus dodged the Portuguese navigators, crossed the At- lantic and discovered America were caravels. The caravel was narrow at the poop and 'wide at the bow. and car- ried a double tower at the stern and a single tower in 'the bow." It had four masts and a bowsprit, the principal sails being lateen sails. Famous Vessel Reproduced in Its Minutest Details ; . MODEL OF COLUMBUS : CARAVEL IN LOUVRE The couple left the hotel with* four trunks and six suitcases, avowing'their intention of traveling in style. "I wonder if the skeptical ones will still persist in declaring: that marriage by correspondence is a failure.". She then paid the expenses of Fos- ter's courtship, the hotel and sundry bills of both herself and Foster, bought him some new clothes and then said: According to her own statement, Mrs. Atwood Is worth about $100,000, invest- ed In real estate and stocks. Upon the couple's return from San Rafael a will was drawn up by attorneys In which Mrs. Abbott provided $30,000 for Foster in case of her demise. The balance was distributed 'among- relatives. She said that she accepted Foster be- cause he did not smoke. "I want a man who does not use tobacco or liquor," she said today, and, strangely enough, Foster, who was about to pur- chase a cigar from the hotel clerk. de- sisteJ. ISSfSj OAKLAND, July 21.—Mrs. A. M. At wood,- a wealthy widow of New York city, and R. H. Foster of Dal ton, Mass.. who met for the. first time a week ago Sunday at tho Metropole hotel, made a hasty trip to San Ilafael this morn- Ing.' where they were quietly married. The nuptial knot was tied after several weeks of courtship by correspondence, and the newly wedded couple, both of whom are well advanceJ in years, left for a honeymoon trip with Santa Crus as the objective point. The correspondence that . led the couple to the altar besan while . Mrs»_ Atwood was in Los Angeles recently. She placed an advertisement for pro- posals with a matrimonial agency of that city, and Foster's response came, together with 51 others. Mrs. Atwood 'declared that No. 53, from a man she had formerly known, was on its way, when she accepted Fos- ter's proposal and agreed ( to meet him here for the ceremony. Catches Groom With "Ad," Buys His Trousseau and Settles $30,000 Upon Him HERE'S A BRIDE WHO IS A BRIDE There is already several thousand dollars in the new building fund and It is planned within a year, by means of entertainments, bazaars and subscrip- tions," to Increase this amount to $25.- 000, which will be sufficient for work on the new edifice to begin. St.. Eliza- beth's parish is one of the largest on this side of the bay. ;><•'-\u25a0 Five pretty girls have been selected to keep the scores at the whist tourna- ment. They are the Misses Rose Bold, Rose Rist, Julia Nebach, Florence Bu- cher and Emma Krieg. The officers ;of the Mothers* society of the church are Mrs. S. Rist, presi- •dent; Mrs. F. Franz, vice president, and Mrs. G. Nittler, secretary. The follow- ing committee is in charge of the whist tourney: Mrs. J. C. Xebach, Mrs. Rist. Mrs. H. Van Duren, Mrs. J. Rightllng. Mrs. John Bond and Mrs. H. Scha- barum. \u25a0 i '•:\u25a0'" ;^ > : : : OAKLAND, July 21. Extensive preparations are being made by the Mothers' "society of St. Elizabeth's Cath- olic church for the whist tournajneht to be held Tuesday evening, July 26, in St. Elizabeth hall in Bray avenue, Fruitvale, for the purpose,, of, raising additional funds for building a new edifice, to cost $100,000. - Whist Tournament Planned by Mothers* Society of St. Elizabeth's Parish Doctor Chervin has been studying the people of Bolivia with some curious re- sults. He divides them Into four groups: the natives, whites, half castes and negroes. The natives are the most numerous, the •'last returns showing 1 792,850 persons. But the birth rate Is low and mortality heavy. The half castes, on the contrary, are steadily increasing- Half castes of natives and negroes are not numerous. There are 231.08S descendants of Spaniards. \ As to the negroes their decrease is marked. In1846 they numbered 27.941, while last return gives them at only" 4.Q00. An- other strange fact to which the doctor makes reference is that among the> natives men form the majority. The same holds good of the negroes, but among the whites and half cast? 3 women preponderate. Half Caste Natives Increase, Women Preponderating NEGROES OF BOLIVIA STEADILY DECREASE v OAKLAND, July 21.— Secretary : : A.\ A. Denlson of the. chamber of commerce announced today that he " ; had ; con- ferred with* C. -H. Schlacks, 'first vice president of the Western Pacific com- pany at \San Francisco, relative to the celebration of August 22, when \u25a0 pefma- J hent"; service:. will be established 'by^the company, arid. that tlie" railroad officials •had : approved \ot 'the. plan : mapped^out by; the; chamber. //The:- Western-. Pacific company/will -"co-operate with/the "citi- zens { of. Oakland "in preparing a * royal welcome for Uhe first \u25a0 train, andndefl- nite plans for festivities will be rdrawn up tentatively, on Mondaj', when Assist- ant -Traffic ; Manager . X. . L. . Lom'ax t will meet with, a committee 'to 'be 'appointed ,by the directors of the chamber. , Western Pacific Official s to Join Citizens of Oakland in Fes= tivities August 22 \u0084 Although the father clung ito. the' Ch- inese, custom of using his' surname first, his^ sons /call themselves "Gee." after occidental, fashion." The children are Linfdrth; Pond Mooar,- Luther McLean, Henshaw, Benton, Howard, ; and I Miss Mac Gee. -'^A- widow,' Chung Shee~,also survives. Gee Gam was 63 years'ot age; Gee Gam's body/will be buried in China, but' funeral services will be held at the chapel in jßrehham; place,' San Francisco, where- for several years ; the family lived. .. Gee* Gam -was;: once an active Congregational minister In San Francisco..' .. ,- Gee. Gam -was one of the, best known orientals on the coast. , His sons have been educated at the University. of Cali- fornia and one son, -Luther Gee,' took a master's degree at. Harvard and is ''now' vice president of the iTangshan engi-. neering and mining college" in Tnorth China. The professor teaches economics as that subject is given at American universities. OAKLAND. July r 21.—Chinese resi- dents have received word of \u25a0 the "j death on the (liner China of Gee Gam, for 40 years the Chinese interpreter of the police court. He was stricken with paralysis on the voyage and expired in midocean. ' He was returning to his na- tive land for a visit.; '.; ; Chinese Interpreter of Police Court for 40 Years Stricken 1 With Paralysis The foregoing' legend does not clear up the difficulty as to the origin of the word "tobacco." According to Charle- voix, 'in his "History of St. Domin- ique," the pipe used by Indians in smok- ing was called "tabaco" ; Las Casas tells us that the Spaniards who accom- panied Columbus on hls^ first voyage saw the Indians in Cuba smoking dried leaves, rolled up. In tubes called "ta- bacos." Clavigero says. the word .was th 4 name of the plant among the Haytians, viz., tobacco. \u25a0 Hakluyt says * the same. According to Bauhin, 1596,:and Minshen, 1617, tobacco derived its name from an island— the same .today— Tobago, near Trinidad, and another, suggestion^ is Tabaco, a. province, of Yucatan. ' The peasant was disturbed and told his wife. She said, "Do not fear; leave it to me; I will find the,secret." At night she divested herself, covered her body with a glutinous matter and rolled her- self in feathers— possibly the prototype of "Chanted er"— and ; set off for the Held.' Satan was watching, and as he saw the woman. bird he, in his turn, bejTame alarmed* and shouted, ''Great bird of evil, do not touch my tobacco!" The secret was dlscovefed, and to the credit of his "brunstane devllshlp"— the title bestowed by .Burns— it may be added, the peasant received the field/ If we can believe an eastern legend referred to by a Paris contemporary to- bacco owes its name "au demon lui- meme." According to the legend a peas- ant saw* Satan planting some strange herbs and had the hardihood to inquire the name. Satan was annoyed at the request, but- replied: "If you discover the name of this plant It and all the riches pertaining thereto belong to thee; but if not, I claim your body and soul." Woman Dressed in Feathers Discovers Demon's Secret TOBACCO NAMED BY SATAN, SAYS LEGEND Tne chajge to which he has pleaded guilty was of selling to an Oakland man for $3.50 a spurious ticket calling for -a diamond ring, pawned for $30, according to the ticket. / His method of obtaining money was unique. He obtained a block of pawn- broker's tickets and filled them out himself. He then sold the tickets to whomsoever he could. . Perpetrator of Swindle Pleads Guilty to Petty Larceny OAKLAND. July 21. George Harris, alias Hands, who was arrested by De- tective Drew for working a swindle with bogus pawn checks, pleaded guilty to petty larceny before Police Judge Samuels this morning, and will be sen- tenced tomorrow. FORGED PAWN TICKETS BAIT FOR GULLIBLES "'Corns!' " Aviator Says Public Is Learning Aeronautics Rapidly i\Glenn H. Curtiss, whose brilliant feais permit America to retain its very high place In aeronautics, was describ- ing in: New York his recent Sight down the' Hudson. "TheV intelligent Interest of the public, in my 'aeroplane and Its operation," he, said,, "shows very plainly that people nowadays have a good general knowl- edge of aeronautics. It wasn't always so. "When " l think of th© sttipij ami useless questions about my machine that used to*exasperate me to the point of rudeness, I am reminded of Smith. "Smith, meeting Jones one ' day, ex- claimed: •".'** 'Hallo. Jones! You wearing glasses! What's that for?* "Jones, annoyed at the foolishness of the question, answered irritably: GLENN CURTISS TELLS OF FOOLISH QUESTIONS ..Cugnot's steam carriage was crude enoughrfrom our point of, view. : It was built in 1769. 'He used a pair of . single acting; high pressure cylinders to 'turn a driving axle ; step by . step by means of pawls^and ' ratchet ' wheels. It may bo added' that. Cugnot. was In his way an authority? on military:fortifications. Many years before'Stephenson had in- troduced his railway locomotive Cugnot, who was a military. engineer,- had made a locomotive for roads. His own t folk scarcely; knew of him until the recent automobile exhibition, but | his locomo- tive has been piously preserved at the Conservatoire dcs Arts et Metiers, says the London' Globe. The place for the memorial is, as . it should be, in the commune of Void (Meuse), where he was born in 1725. Cugnot died inISO4. His lot was not that of many geniuses. He-did not die in want. Napoleon had secured' him a pension of 1,000 francs. In this' respect the premier consul showed more, enlightenment than, he did in regard to. Fulton of steamboat fame, whom he considered— it is. dis-r tressing to write^an, adventurer. Cugnot's carriage. was built to: trans- port arms,. and he had designed a serv- ice -gun. .These achievements alono would 5 be a passport to Napoleon's favor. 6§iSP§£3SpHi@9BßS Nicholas Joseph Cugnot is to have a monument. If any one asks who Cugnot was, It may be said briefly that he .was the. first automobillst. Nicholas- J. Ciignot Constructed Steam Carriage in 1769 MONUMENT TO BE-BUILT : FOR THE FIRST AUTOIST OAKLAND;' JuIy 21.4-Injuncti6n.- pro-, ceedings are ; threatened^by jClayjstreet property, owners against^ theTopehing; of iWashington- street': and, the; construction of the ' new;. municipal.; buildings.VA^,:A meeting , has been called Cfor 1 -: tomorrow night iin 'the JMe^tropole hotel [ discuss the?questlon.\of "tying; up^invthe^ourts the project. .^Objection: has .been .made to!! the- assessment district* "created- to payi f or i the ,- street = opening. :- - R. I ; N.^Kit^ chener,*: secretary.' of the -Broadway^ to Market a street , improvement club,'- has called »the. meeting. ':';_: Threaten Injunction to ; Stop \Washington Street Opening PROPERTY. OWNERS ARE AGAINST ASSESSMENT OAKLAND. July 21. Claims. 1 aggre- gating - $60,603.75 were filed today against the estate of the late Horry "v\ r - Meek. These claims represent promis- sory notes .signed by Meek and his widow. Harriet Webb ifeek. -. The hold T erfe of the notes are J. W. McClyraonds, apsignee of H. D. Rowe, $750; San Joaquin Valley bank of Stockton, $46.- PO6. with Interest, making the total due $48,553.75; Mrs. W." G. Palmanteer, $550; Abble F. BlckeU- $10,000; H. D. rto"»e, $750. ' Mrs. Meek has already presented # claims' against the estate, covering "the same claims. These will be withdrawn if the notes are 'paid out of the e&tate. .. . " "\u25a0, Notes of Capitalist \u25a0, and Wife Aggregate $60,000 MORE CLAIMS FILED AGAINST MEEK ESTATE It is uncertain what action the city council will take on the school direc- tors' request. It was because of this that the park commission dropped its plains for a park bond isfcue. / Should the council call the election the work, if the bonds be voted under the present regime, will be supervised by the board of public works. But a nev charter -will be submitted to tha voters within 90 days and Its adoption will legislate the school board, the city council and the board of public works out of office. Thus the work may be passed on to an entirely different board. Then followed the estimates of costs. For high schools and sites the amount is $968,000 and for grammar arid pri- mary schools, sites and buildings J2.432.050. "That the city council be and is here- by requested to prepare and submit at an early date to the qualified electors of the municipality a proposition to bond the city for the purposes set forth in the declaration of the board of education." The school board's resolution was: OAKLAND. July 21.—Fortified by le- gal advice from City Attorney Stetson and District Attorney Donahue, the board of education has filed with the city clerk a formal request for the city council to call a bond election to se- cure money with which to build new schools and enlarge sites and buildings. The council will receive the request at its next meeting, July 25. Request Submitted to Oak- land Council Bond Issue Election Proposed in BOARD WANTS CITY TO BUILD SCHOOLS Fraud nestles even on,'the: "roof of the world.? In other - words, \u25a0 the .un- sophisticated Tibetan :does a- : little cheating, on his, own : account. "/vHe is almost the \u25a0 sole r purveyor oftmusk. It is sold at something like a dozen times its.weight in silver, so one.would 'think the scent would-be pure." ; But j this Cis farfrom'the'ease.. It 'is' always sold: in "pockets,? and; the venders will" not al- low any examination;by. the buyer other than . touch.' : But by \u25a0" this means \u25a0 he "? ls unable ;to' determine /upon.: the -purity, and- It \i frequently ,' happens '}: that > the vender, has adulterated . his merchandise with amidon, 'peas, , beans,, potatoes mixed with, blood, the yolk : of -eggs, pounded in a mortar until ;it resembles musk- - \u25a0 , •\u25a0 \u25a0' Will Permit Examination Only in Pockets' -...*.... ... .- TIBETANS SWINDLE THE BUYERS OF MUSK Meeting Called for This Even- ing at North Oakland J OAKLVXD. J uly21. A- Van der Xail- lon Jr., former commissioner of public works of San Francisco, will preside at the organization of a. Curry republican >lub Friday evening:. July 22, at Van der Naillen's, hall, Telegraph; avenue Rnd Fifty-firet* street. Among . the speakers will be . Colonel F. A. Robert- son., a Kentucky orator, .who has re- cently arrived in Oakland. SUPPORTERS OF CURRY WILL ORGANIZE CLUB iV.SL of having "occupied I the"| tribune '; the v long^] est.'and he as" honored with; 4i;699; lines \u25a0ihj;the official; publication^ iM.-Jaufes,* the : socialist,-, must^look {to: his 5 laurels," for he"is"only'a,poof,second,1 v withy 6,235 lines]to. his credit.lM. v Clemen"c«au^ pres-" ident' of.the council,; in* both ? :,chambers spoke;only.-.for"9j l TibufSi4sjfninutes,Tand heiis.'more.lociuocious^than-manyJoffl'ils ministerial ' colleagues. 4 fc The^m6stXmodi est^ i s x M.J '. Du jardi n^BcaTurri etzyi'- whose short-rdlscourßes;Oc*c'u^ied|ln^thelchah?_ berT.28 i; miri*uteslla'hd^lsllnl:tlieJ¥enate; "Dans V lcsV-;piHitsl>m6ts*:ies|'.b*6li"s£on"i' suents"~is;tlie r oomment r 6f a^Paris.con- temporary, .-.j >, - r \u25a0 '.-\u25a0\u25a0.. '\u25a0 . V.-iThe'. French ' senate's! ts less often and speaks ; less; tha n the; cha mber,^ bii t^ tlie voteais tlie : same.-jlhiringi1907; the senf ate i; sat for; only t2GS j hours* 35? minutes, or.,3!hours',7;minutesyper.''slttlng i on'»the average.'ior, 43 rminutes;periday. i : 'Allow T " ing.-15,000- francs .pcr /annum if or^each senator, : lthe r V'el6quence"Tof* the; upper, chamber costsj;'thef countryj.4 ss "franca per; minute r dn ; the">radical side^ arid 133 francs, onthe progressists. '.'. ":Thejdemocrats (union andleft) spoke in : the'ag(?regate-in3^hours-2S minutes/ the;radloals%Sl .hours 37 minutes, radi- cal 5 socialists 120^hours 51 1 minutes,! so^ cia lists : 100^ hours 33 \u25a0 minutes; progress-" ists f .62 hoursft rniniiteß andinationalists 30 1 hours ;il; mihute^- The average :l: l time each '\u25a0,;. speaker was 'before ;•';: the> "\u25a0' hoiise would be ; 2! hours .1 5 "minutes f of? the (left *andL4Si min^utes for; the right jUhe'aver.-' age I cost Iwould: bet 111" francs "i fof leftand'3l2'francs"for,the*;right.^ ; " \u25a0-'. t;; The ; Officiel gives some f interesting statistics- of .the^French \u25a0\u25a0 chamber 'and senate; i It» seems that?dufing;thft; year 1908 j the ; chamber," sat'Jfor : ;608 hours .45 i minutes; for Jan "average » of ?, •, hours, 48 ! minutes permitting, or 1 hour >°>9 min- utes ; p^r,:day? The number -of/speeches delivered was 413, making" 549,664 lilies'-: in^theOffloiei;.^ : "~ ' ~. : J Radical Socialists Hold Record for Long Speeches ORATORY COMES HIGH IN FRENCH SENATE :;OAKLAND,;July 21.--Mlchael Costa, who "had : his 'skull fractured "last Sunf dayievening|.wheh|he}fell;from'atladdef .while trying to. rcachUhef oof .'of. an; un-' f finishcdl;dwellirig:;.at~Shattuckii'avenue and'Forty-'elghth' street, died'tthis morn- the;countyjinfirrnary.'riHei.isjsaid to ,haye > sbeeni'drinkiri'?gwine ; and majJe a betlwitlv;a;friend!;tliat heTcbuld'cllmb to" the' roof. y 'HCiWaslpickedrup^uncoh-; scious a nd itakenXtoT the' recel vihg : hos- pit air th ence \u25a0to', t he . i h firriiary. *' An ! ; in - auest vwilliberheldVW V ? \y, \u25a0\u25a0> > v 1 -• FALLFROM A LADDER r - CAUSES MAN'S -DEATH Attempted to ; Reach Roof of House After Betting \u25a0\u25a0*!,.The v.niachirie : ; appears ;"to •: remove -: all kinds Vbf?dlft*and 'discoloration* and -to leaveithelarticles '.washed .''sno^V;,white" inYappeafance^wjilleilti also" saves ; the rough] han^Un^; incident; toCusual labor- ious and so tends i"to Veliminatelweaf .'arid 'tear, and serious 'damage \u25a0to v ;delicate fabrics, linens,;. laces.\, etc.-^ ; . '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.:.- , , .it-rx-, o'. The Tdevice '\u25a0•\u25a0 In i : appearance^ resembles al^metal cone > or f unnel.-. i It .; may, be placed ~ in /a copper boiler Jor,, even jinf ah ibrdlnaryS kerosene* \u25a0tin. When - the -water!*: boils, -steam iis generated' inside ; :the 'cone, this forcing the'waterJin.'a-sprayVout of itheftopfof thel f uhhel,"\thus i forming V: vacuum In-; side »' the '"To^refill/; this the'water^is sucked: through the clothes continuously, land ; this : ;goes on* a.tlthe : rate of ; four; gallons ai minuter the ,-dirtC being - by - force ' and rapid?cir c ulatta^i.;.v, w t : \ .-"--\u25a0' At. recent 'expositions;: in v Melbourne and < Sydney .Vice;ConsulGerierar Henry D.^Bakef^ found Jthat. much "attention was -attractedHol ahjlngenious Austra'-' lian invention ;'ofiar;machine \u25a0. for . wash- ingi clothes ;b>V;means?ofi suction caused by/a', vacuum;, which* he [describes: y'-'j"': Invention Shown at Exhibitions : in -Australia ; VACUUM^MACHINE USED FORIWASHI^G CLOTHES " A^novel* association ; ls? the Brockeri- sammlung ;\u25a0 (crumb v collection). ; \u25a0'\u25a0" This society, receives, presents of cast away clothing, household articles, ' etc., . of all softs, which are .sold ;to -Jthe less well to;do.';> Even the: ends of cigars : - cut off by .smokers' are , collected ; and!, turned into snuff .;; More than \u25a0 1 00 {needy ohil- drenTafeVclothed;arid{aided-by.'thls in- stltutionr{;>TheT ci,ty, has j excellent pub- lic' baths,';whlchV are ' patronized ".b>\' the "children;:andVtheater performances are given : ;f or Uhem at, Christmas and Eas- ter •- at; reduced: prices. ", ; ; : These institutions are supported by" the benevolent contributions of citizens. They are collected by person^. deputized for that; purpose with an, official book. The -contributions are ; usually small, generally' l," 2 or 3 marks, ; rarely ex- ceeding 10 marks. •:'.. Fairs.; bazaars and concerts are also -given for benevolent associations., ' There are 110 benevolent associa- tions 'of different kinds,- but *no local charity organization society. Under the head of -recreatio t n for children are to be mentioned the following: ,"j ; Ferienkolonieen, sending of. school children away for summer recreation. Kinderheilstaetten an : deutschen Seek- usten, lodging and. nursing of sick and weak children in'the sea hospice at Xorderney. .: Kinderspeiseanstalt, .sup- plying school children •\u25a0with- .midday nourishment. See hospiz in Norderney, reception, of 'sick 7 and "weak jchildren for about six weeks in the summer half year. Sommerpflege, the quartering . of children -feeding recreation in the Harz mountains during the summer holidays. Speisung armer Schulkinder, feeding ; of poor,; school children. : ;Volkskindergar- ten, keepi ng', and caring for children of the less-well to-do during the day for the weekly, sum of 1 mark (23.8 cents). Volkskueche, giving of cheap and nour- ishing-food, -especially .to children and the (sickJ "Waldspiele, recreation for needy children in the,, woods during the summer, holidays. , The mayor; is the president^ of the board of administ rattan. . He has an official staff, including >a.head physi- cian, also T a specialist for eyes and another for'ears. : Each district for the poor has its director, from seven to sixteen men. guardians of care takers and -from one , to five, women and a practicing physician to it. The for orphans'. 'have also their guardians or care takers, less -in number, usually the same persons as for "" the poor. These care takers are chosen ? from -' different classes of the population, rherclwtnts, teachers, per- sons living on their' incomes, etc., and are -honorary without - pay. By this systematic, organization pov- erty with its attendant evils is reduced to a minimum.- " - . . .-\u25a0\u25a0 The city has 145,000 inhabitants, and is -said, to cover a larger area in pro- portion to its population than any other in Germany. While the city is for the most part compactly built, it has sev- eral -small parks near the renter, a number of large market and other opeu places, and some ' broad streets witli promenades shaded by trees.* This area is; divldod'sinto 26* administrative dis- tricts for' the poor and 26 districts for orphans.- \u25a0 \u25a0 .Even in Germany, the land of sys- tem and order, Consul Talbot J. Al- bert says the city of Brunswick is cele- brated" for its charity organization. "Cy many it is considered the best and most complete, and. . therefore, a model. Brunswick Is. Divided Into 26 Districts' . , - . __ - 9 •• - in— . i GERMAN CITC NOTED FOR ORGANIZED CHARITY 8 +- :.- ; +\u25a0 | Marriage Licenses | \u25a0• _, ~. .'": ;,;'. . ~, ;>- / .'\u25a0"'<• OAKIiAXI>,'JuI.T. 21.— Tbe: following'marriage Hcensfs \u25a0wore Issued today: .. ... > . ..-.. -.' Mt-Hin P.-*\*«n Horn.v 43,. *nd' Sarah L. Cast- b*pr;.4s, both of San Francisco.' \u25a0 James .H. , Miner, 26. " San Francisco, \u25a0':2: 2 and Cecilia Sj-lTCKter. 21 . San \u25a0 Lorcn so. > - - \-\u25a0 John t w.. Barnlcott;' 30. ~> Newcastle , and Clare M. Hudvra.' 2.l. ' .\ll««s. , ; Orrall.Grlffln. .19. and Gladys V.FarDh«m', IS. both of OaVland. - , ... \u0084 ; J«M»pli r.; KnOfrt. 32. -.Baktrsfipld. aucl lula C. i lIaTCj-, p '£3,';Oruvllic' ' .. \u25a0 <•; •" . \u25a0 A LINIMENTFOR EXTERNAL USE; ; pNo". woman Vwiio) bears jcldldren'fneied suffer during W&&%i% ;tne;pefiod of waiting, nor at any time of^baby's com- £\7/^Jrw^ ing, ' if Mother's Friend is used as a massage for the i-'Yvfr^^'-y 1 -muscles, tendons arid glands of the body Mother's Friend is apene- - : .heal thful liniment^hich'strengtheris the ligaments, lubricates and renders pliant those muscles on which the strain is greatest, pre- vents caking "of ; breasts by; keeping the ducts open, "and relieves : nausea, backache, numbness, nervousness, etc. Its regular use will prepare every portion of the system for the safety of both mother and child and , greatly reduce the pain and danger when the little one ;comes> YMother'slFfierid is sold at drug stores. Write for our frcq book '"- containing valuable information for expectant mothers. THE BRADFIELD CO.. ATLANTA. GAs

Transcript of EVENTS IN THE COUNTIES THE BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO HEAD ... · Daily Californian Two Fair Scorers Who...


Walter J. Seaborn;who Will Try ToLower Racing Time





FOR NEW CITY HALLDudley J. Cates NewEditor in Chief OfDaily Californian

Two Fair ScorersWho WillOfficiate

At Card Tourney



;-'Another feature of the decoration ofthe hall taken up by


"Hornbostel- will

be the installing of a clock inthe loftytower. (He 'favors a clock that willchime the hours in day, and give elec- \u25a0

trie signals by night. As the buildingwill be 11 stories, the lights would be :visible from all parts of the city atnight. " . „

In his estimates Hornbostel learned!that by spending a, little larger sumthan the bond money, the city couldplace in the basement of the hall amunicipal electric plant, capable of iVluminating the building and of lightingthe electroliers-.which \u25a0 have been set instreetsin various sections. This wouldmean a large reduction of the monthlylighting bill. ;

.Hornbostel said today that with themoney in hand the board of publicworks will find it advantageous to au-thorize him to employ Maxfield Par-rish and a sculptor for decorations andto^ install the : type of clock he hasplanned. \u2666 •/>"i

1 Hornbostel; an authority on decora-tive architecture, finds that the bondmoney, allowance would not be exceededif the city were to" employ Parrish'stalents for mural work,, and' to placestatuary of the 'highest type-in- thealcoves and grounds of the hall. Moredetailed information" will be preparedfor the board by Hornbostel.

\u25a0OAKLAND, July .2l.—Mural decora-tions for the council chambers of thenew $1,000,000 city, hall from the brushof t Maxfield Parrish, one "of America'smost distinguishedartists, wilTbe pro-posed, to the board of public works byHenry Hornbostel, the; noted New Yorkarchitect, whose firm drew tlie £lans forthe building. has already

taken up the subject with Mayor Mott,

and has made estimates showing th.atthe full sum of $1,050,000 will be. suf-ficient for: the erection of the hall andfor its decoration.

Architect Suggests Mural Paint-ings, Statuary and Clock

for Municipal Building

WOMEN TO RAISEFUNDSFORCHURCHCates'will outline his policy, for the

Californian next week, when he ar-rives from his home in Richmond, Ind.

iHe is well known in; fraternity cir-cles and Is affiliated with the AlphaDelta Phi society,' as well as theWingled Helmet honor, organization ofthe junior men.


For three years he has been a mem-ber of/the staff of the campus publica-tion and has risen from the positionsof reporter, associate editor, news ed-itor and managing editoi-. .

BERKELEY, July 21.—Dudley J.Cates, editor elect •of the Californian,

the student daily at the university, isexpected to arrive here in a few daysto look over the field preparatory toissuing the college paper. Cates wasselected as. editor by the executive com-mittee of the students last year.

Dudley J. Cates WillBe Chief ofDaily Californian, Official

Organ of University

Mrs. Harkins and Henry have con-fessed to thefts from .Hale Brothers.Eleventh and Washington streets;Smith Brothers' clothing store. Tenthand Washington streets; Smith's booketore in Thirteenth street betweenBroadway and Washington; Abraham-eon's dry goods store, Thirteenth andWashington streets; Capwell's drygoo'Js store. Twelfth and Washingtonstreets, and Esmiol's furnishing goodsehop.

Pretending to be a customer, Mrs.Harkins would talk to a salesman andhave the goods laid on the counter.Hinry Harkins woulJ deftly slip arti-cles of value into the folds of the cape.At a signal the couple would leavetbe shop, give the loot to Peter llar-jrens, .who would put it in the blackbag in the suitcase and leave.

The plan of operation in all caseswas the. same. Here in Oakland thethree would leave their quarters at743 Eighth street in the forenoons.Peter Hardens would carry a suitcase,

in ita large black bag. He would takehis place outside the store to be robbed.Mrs. Harkins and h<?r husband Henrywould enter, the. man carrying herlong black »cape over his left arm.TLA2V OF OPERATION

There is a recently enacted statuteproviding: for felony charges againstshoplifters. "Where intent to steal canbe shown on the part of any personentering a store the authorities maytry that person for burglary, Insteadof petty larceny, as the law formerlyprovided.. With the penitentiary yawning be-fore her, Mrs. Ella Harkins displayeda spirit of bravado, of pride in herprowess as a thief and a leader ofthieves. She freely admitted that sheplanned crimes which were committedin Oakland. San Jose and severalother coast towns. As evidence of hissuccess, she said they had obtained Ina few months goods worth thousandsof Uollars from stores.

OAKLAND,July 21.—

Mrs. Ella Har-Jtins., leader of the shop lifting gang

arrested last Saturday by the local

police, confessed to acting Captain of

Detectives Hodgkins this morning, im-plicating her husband, Henry Harkins,

snd her brother in law, Peter Har-fcinF, alias Hardens, in a multitude ofthefts. The woman's confession wascorroborated within half an hour by

tlie admission of Henry Harkins of hiscomplicity in numerous robberies of*tore counters. The police have hadidentified several stolen articles to sub-stantiate the tale told by the shop-

lifters when the trio are arraigned next.Saturday morning in the police court.

The confessions make possible tneprosecution of the cleverest shopliftersever arrested here. UntilElla Jiarklnsbroke down and told of her escapades

end of her cunning, the police had thejnerest shreds of proof of guilt. Thewords uttered first by Mrß. Harkins,Mifnby her husband, put a differentaspect on the case. Complaints charg-ing burglary will probably be swornto tomorrow.FACE BURGLARY CHARGES

Mrs. Ella Harkins, Leader ofThieves, Implicates Husband

and His Brother

-Helsays that the sport is exhilaratingand great exercise for. a. man whoseoffice duties • keep him indoors* thegreater part of the day. ' , •

-"Inside-the-city limits young-. Seaborn

does not speed, but on the.Orfnda'parkroad north of here he has been knownto hit ;nearly, a. mile a minute clipover, the hills. . .

Young Seaborn, who was; a globetrotter and took part in the boxertrou-bles in China,; is known; as .an athleteas well as an expert stenographer andtype writer. He is a member of .theBerkeley; tennis club and is frequentlyseen\ engaged in, one of -hisJ favoritepastimes, horseback.riding.

But the'horse '\u25a0 has been cast


for the speedjv motorcycle, and Seabornhas probably the most powerful ma-chine in'the city, more powerful thanthe new Thor wheel of the police de-partment, which can,. develop nearly- 6horsepower. .

'V : '-'\u25a0::''\u25a0• ;:

BERKELEY, July 21.— With hopes ofbreaking tlie Pleasanton track recordof a mile in;s6 seconds with'the motor-cycle, City Clerk Walter J. Seabornof this city is daily riding his/ fourcylinder Pierce and will try for therecord in a few weeks. Seaborn as-tonished the, spectators .last Sunday atPleasanton by reeling off a mile injust a. minute,:and he made six milesat an average speed of 1 minute and6 seconds. .

Berkeley Official WillRide- HisMotorcycle a Mile Against^

1imc •

Among those present were:Mr. and Mr*. George L. SilTPrstpin

W. Keelf-r Sr. Mr. and Mrs. FredMr. and Mrs. A. U Wbitlnj?

Kcel*>r L. Shares-

Mr. and Mrs. O. Precta- S. Chamblintel U John Champion

-D. E. Woodworth • <\u25ba. MandersMrs. A. Aodercmi F. Mast.Mr. and Mrs. .William Mr. and Mrs. C. Botta-

Brand ." TellJ. B. Duncan . . Mr. and Mrs. U. Hig-Mrs. and Mrs. Ettaa gln^on .

Top O. MnlhMiiC. Engel H. I-j-nchMrs. t.\ Brand ]Mr. and; Mrs. V. OsgoodMis« B. Brand ,' Mrc."Martna . HandStanl«?r Ellman

'Miss Ada Moore

O. Oalon Uot". Dr. F. 11. Maar1 Mrs. jr. Joseph

' *IVnvr Hand i

Miss M. Joseph''

Franklin Kooler ,Miss Li.^ Keeler' : Ornollus KeelerMrs. C. Bromley. •< (Soorge Wallace ~ -rMrs. M. Tasnult

- Mlps ,F. .HlsslnsonMr*. J. Green • - Miss Anna Brnnssen \u25a0

Mrs. A. SllTersteln"

Clarence KeeletMiss Alice Brand R. WileyWilliam Brand

The groom is 21 years old and theson of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Keeler, -whocelebrated their silver wedding March21.

'The grandparents of the groom,

Mr. and Mrs.. George W. Keeler Sr. ofSan Francisco, celebrated their fiftiethanniversary May 21. The parents ofthe bride, Mr. James and Mrs. "AnnaE. Duncan, came to Oakland in theearly days from Scotland. Mrs. .Dun-can died in 1909* and her husband in1902., The" bride is a popular leader inthe younger social set with which sheassociates.- She is 21 years old.

While refreshments were being servedan appropriate program of vocal andinstrumental

-selections was rendered,

led by Miss Anna Brunssen. At" theplate of each guest a red heart shapedcard- was laid, upon which had been


printed In- white:. "Mr. and Mrs.George W. Keeler, Jr. At home after-August 1 at 537 Thirty-fifth street."'.

The wedding celebration commencedwith the bridal march to Mendelssohn'spopular strain, and- the young couple/led by Miss Alice Brand, who scatteredflowers along their pathway; Miss AdaMoore and Mrs. O. Brand, proceeded toan arbor of pink and white floral deco-rations in the parlor^of the hewne. Thebride was escorted by George Mulhern,best man, who made the formal presen-tation after the ceremony. . ,SIMILARWEDDIJVG DATES _,

Immediately after the nuptial knothad been tied the young couple led thewedding guests in a march to the gar-:den at the rear of the Keeler .: home,"over which a great canvas awning hadbeen spread. Aside from the uniquesetting and scenic effect, the open airparty jwas given unusual brilliancy byelaborate-electrical decorations. Tableswere placed Ingroups amid clusters ofpink and white carnations, sweet peasand roses, with ferns as a background.Japanese lanterns in. pink and whitesurrounded the residence, and the placewas a mass of ribbons and lovers'knots. . * .FEASTIXG A.YD MUSIC-

Mont Duncan, the daughter of the lateMr. and- Mrs. James Duncan of 976Twenty-first street, ;and George TV.

Keeler Jr. were married last evening

at the home of the groom's parents,

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Keeler, 679 Thirty-

second street, the service being, readby Rev. Fred H. Maar, pastor of theFourth Congregational church, .in thepresence of 75 relatives and friend?. . '

OAKLAND,July 21.—Miss Mary La-

Miss Mary Latnoht Duncan Be-comes the Wife of George

W.Keeler Jr.



As to lateen, it may be observed, itisa phonetic, spelling of Latlne "voilelatlne." from its use in the Mediterra-nean. It was a triangular sail extendedby a long tapering yard slung at.aboutone quarter the distance from the low,erend, which is brought down at the tack,causing the yard to stand at an angfeof about 45 degrees or more.' Longfel-low in the "Golden Legend," sings:On before the freshening gale :

- "That fill the snow white lateen sail.

Swiftly our lightfelucca flies.

The exhibits at the Louvre have ju3t

been enriched by a mode! of the caravelin whffch Columbus discovered America.The original is said to be preserved inthe. arsenal at. Corunna, and the modelhag been made under the direction ofthe naval architect, Senor Soe, at theinstance of King Alfonso and theSpanish admiralty. The model is 70 cen-timeters In length— that is. about 2*inches, and ithas been reproduced withthe minutest detail

—sails, rigging* anil

armament. The model will be placedIn the naval collection. Two of the ves-sels with which Columbus dodged thePortuguese navigators, crossed the At-lantic and discovered America werecaravels. The caravel was narrow atthe poop and 'wide at the bow. and car-ried a double tower at the stern and asingle tower in'the bow." Ithad fourmasts and a bowsprit, the principalsails being lateen sails.

Famous Vessel Reproduced inIts Minutest Details ;.


The couple left the hotel with* fourtrunks and six suitcases, avowing'theirintention of traveling in style.

"I wonder ifthe skeptical ones willstill persist in declaring: that marriageby correspondence is a failure.".

She then paid the expenses of Fos-ter's courtship, the hotel and sundrybills of both herself and Foster, boughthim some new clothes and then said:

According to her own statement, Mrs.Atwood Is worth about $100,000, invest-ed In real estate and stocks. Upon thecouple's return from San Rafael a willwas drawn up by attorneys In whichMrs. Abbott provided $30,000 for Fosterin case of her demise. The balancewas distributed 'among- relatives.

She said that she accepted Foster be-cause he did not smoke. "I want aman who does not use tobacco orliquor," she said today, and, strangelyenough, Foster, who was about to pur-chase a cigar from the hotel clerk. de-sisteJ. ISSfSj

OAKLAND,July 21.—Mrs. A. M. Atwood,- a wealthy widow of New Yorkcity, and R. H. Foster of Dal ton, Mass..

who met for the. first time a week ago

Sunday at tho Metropole hotel, made a

hasty trip to San Ilafael this morn-Ing.' where they were quietly married.The nuptial knot was tied after several

weeks of courtship by correspondence,

and the newly wedded couple, both ofwhom are well advanceJ in years, leftfor a honeymoon trip with Santa Crusas the objective point.

The correspondence that . led thecouple to the altar besan while .Mrs»_

Atwood was in Los Angeles recently.

She placed an advertisement for pro-posals with a matrimonial agency ofthat city, and Foster's response came,together with 51 others.

Mrs. Atwood 'declared that No. 53,

from a man she had formerly known,

was on its way, when she accepted Fos-ter's proposal and agreed

( to meet himhere for the ceremony.

Catches Groom With "Ad,"

Buys His Trousseau and

Settles $30,000 Upon Him


There is already several thousanddollars in the new building fund and Itis planned within a year, by means ofentertainments, bazaars and subscrip-tions," to Increase this amount to $25.-000, which will be sufficient for workon the new edifice to begin. St.. Eliza-beth's parish is one of the largest onthis side of the bay. ;><•'-\u25a0

Five pretty girls have been selectedto keep the scores at the whist tourna-ment. They are the Misses Rose Bold,Rose Rist, Julia Nebach, Florence Bu-cher and Emma Krieg.

The officers ;of the Mothers* societyof the church are Mrs. S. Rist, presi-•dent; Mrs. F. Franz, vice president, andMrs. G. Nittler, secretary. The follow-ing committee is incharge of the whisttourney: Mrs. J. C. Xebach, Mrs. Rist.Mrs. H. Van Duren, Mrs. J. Rightllng.Mrs. John Bond and Mrs. H. Scha-barum. \u25a0 i '•:\u25a0'" ;^>


OAKLAND, July 21.—

Extensivepreparations are being made by theMothers' "society of St. Elizabeth's Cath-olic church for the whist tournajneht

to be held Tuesday evening, July 26, inSt. Elizabeth hall in Bray avenue,Fruitvale, for the purpose,, of, raisingadditional funds for building a newedifice, to cost $100,000. -

Whist Tournament Planned byMothers* Society of St.

Elizabeth's Parish

Doctor Chervin has been studying thepeople of Bolivia with some curious re-sults. He divides them Into four groups:the natives, whites, half castes andnegroes. The natives are the mostnumerous, the •'last returns showing1

792,850 persons. But the birth rate Islow and mortality heavy. The halfcastes, on the contrary, are steadilyincreasing- Half castes of natives andnegroes are not numerous. There are231.08S descendants of Spaniards. \ Asto the negroes their decrease ismarked.In1846 they numbered 27.941, while lastreturn gives them at only" 4.Q00. An-other strange fact to which the doctormakes reference is that among the>natives men form the majority. Thesame holds good of the negroes, butamong the whites and half cast? 3women preponderate.

Half Caste Natives Increase,Women Preponderating


v OAKLAND,July 21.—Secretary ::A.\A.Denlson of the. chamber of commerceannounced today that he

";had ; con-

ferred with*C. -H. Schlacks, 'first vicepresident of the Western Pacific com-pany at \San Francisco, relative to thecelebration of August 22, when \u25a0 pefma-

Jhent"; service:. will be established 'by^thecompany, arid. that tlie"railroad officials•had :approved \ot 'the. plan:mapped^outby; the; chamber. //The:- Western-. Pacificcompany/will -"co-operate with/the"citi-zens {of. Oakland "in preparing a * royalwelcome forUhe first \u25a0 train, andndefl-nite plans for festivities will be rdrawnup tentatively, on Mondaj', when Assist-ant -Traffic;Manager .X..L..Lom'ax t willmeet with,a committee 'to 'be 'appointed,by the directors of the chamber. ,

Western Pacific Officials to JoinCitizens of Oakland in Fes=

tivities August 22


Although the father clung ito.the'Ch-inese, custom of using his' surname first,his^ sons /call themselves "Gee." afteroccidental, fashion." The children areLinfdrth; Pond Mooar,- Luther McLean,Henshaw, Benton, Howard, ;andIMissMac Gee. -'^A- widow,' Chung Shee~,alsosurvives. Gee Gam was 63 years'ot age;

Gee Gam's body/will be buried inChina, but' funeral services willbe heldat the chapel in jßrehham; place,' SanFrancisco, where- for several years ;

thefamily lived...Gee* Gam -was;: once anactive Congregational minister In SanFrancisco..' .. ,-

Gee. Gam -was one of the,best knownorientals on the coast. , His sons havebeen educated at the University. of Cali-fornia and one son, -Luther Gee,' took amaster's degree at.Harvard and is ''now'vice president of the iTangshan engi-.neering and mining college" in TnorthChina. The professor teaches economicsas that subject is given at Americanuniversities.

OAKLAND. July r 21.—Chinese resi-dents have received word of \u25a0 the"jdeathon the (liner China of Gee Gam, for 40years the Chinese interpreter of thepolice court. He was stricken withparalysis on the voyage and expired inmidocean.

'He was returning to his na-

tive land for a visit.;'.; ;

Chinese Interpreter of PoliceCourt for 40 Years Stricken 1

With Paralysis

The foregoing' legend does not clearup the difficulty as to the origin of theword "tobacco." According to Charle-voix, 'in his "History of St. Domin-ique," the pipe used by Indians in smok-ing was called "tabaco" ;Las Casastells us that the Spaniards who accom-panied Columbus on hls^ first voyagesaw the Indians in Cuba smoking driedleaves, rolled up. In tubes called "ta-bacos." Clavigero says. the word.was th4name of the plant among the Haytians,viz., tobacco. \u25a0 Hakluyt says * the same.According to Bauhin, 1596,:and Minshen,1617, tobacco derived its name from anisland— the same .today— Tobago, nearTrinidad, and another, suggestion^ isTabaco, a. province, of Yucatan.


The peasant was disturbed and toldhis wife. She said, "Do not fear; leaveit to me; Iwillfind the,secret." Atnightshe divested herself, covered her body

with a glutinous matter and rolled her-self in feathers— possibly the prototypeof "Chanted er"—and ;set off for theHeld.' Satan was watching, and as hesaw the woman.bird he, in his turn,bejTame alarmed* and shouted, ''Greatbird of evil, do not touch my tobacco!"The secret was dlscovefed, and to thecredit of his "brunstane devllshlp"— thetitle bestowed by .Burns— it may beadded, the peasant received the field/

Ifwe can believe an eastern legend

referred to by a Paris contemporary to-bacco owes its name "au demon lui-meme." According to the legend a peas-ant saw* Satan planting some strange

herbs and had the hardihood to inquire

the name. Satan was annoyed at therequest, but- replied: "If you discoverthe name of this plant It and all theriches pertaining thereto belong tothee; but if not, Iclaim your body andsoul."

Woman Dressed in FeathersDiscovers Demon's Secret


Tne chajge to which he has pleadedguilty was of selling to an Oaklandman for $3.50 a spurious ticket calling

for -a diamond ring, pawned for $30,according to the ticket. / •

His method of obtaining money wasunique. He obtained a block of pawn-broker's tickets and filled them outhimself. He then sold the tickets towhomsoever he could. .

Perpetrator of Swindle PleadsGuilty to Petty Larceny

OAKLAND. July 21.—

George Harris,

alias Hands, who was arrested by De-tective Drew for working a swindlewith bogus pawn checks, pleaded guiltyto petty larceny before Police JudgeSamuels this morning, and will be sen-tenced tomorrow.



Aviator Says Public Is LearningAeronautics Rapidly

i\Glenn H. Curtiss, whose brilliantfeais permit America to retain its veryhigh place In aeronautics, was describ-ing in:New York his recent Sight downthe'Hudson.

"TheVintelligent Interest of the public,in my 'aeroplane and Its operation," he,said,, "shows very plainly that peoplenowadays have a good general knowl-edge of aeronautics. It wasn't alwaysso. "When

"lthink of th© sttipij ami

useless questions about my machinethat used to*exasperate me to the pointof rudeness, Iam reminded of Smith.

"Smith, meeting Jones one'day, ex-

claimed:•".'**'Hallo. Jones! You wearing glasses!

What's that for?*"Jones, annoyed at the foolishness

of the question, answered irritably:


..Cugnot's steam carriage was crudeenoughrfrom our point of, view. :Itwasbuilt in 1769. 'He used a pair of.singleacting; high pressure cylinders to 'turna drivingaxle ;step by.step by means ofpawls^and


'wheels. Itmay bo

added' that. Cugnot. was In his way anauthority? on military:fortifications.

Many years before'Stephenson had in-troduced his railway locomotive Cugnot,who was a,- had madea locomotive for roads. His own t folkscarcely; knew of him until the recentautomobile exhibition, but|his locomo-tive has been piously preserved at theConservatoire dcs Arts et Metiers, saysthe London' Globe. The place for thememorial is, as . it should be, in thecommune of Void (Meuse), where hewas born in 1725. Cugnot died inISO4.His lot was not that of many geniuses.He-did not die in want. Napoleon hadsecured' him a pension of 1,000 francs.In this' respect the premier consulshowed more, enlightenment than, hedid in regard to.Fulton of steamboatfame, whom he considered— it is. dis-rtressing to write^an, adventurer.Cugnot's carriage. was built to: trans-port arms,. and he had designed a serv-ice -gun. .These achievements alonowould 5 be a passport to Napoleon'sfavor. 6§iSP§£3SpHi@9BßS

Nicholas Joseph Cugnot is to have amonument. If any one asks whoCugnot was, Itmay be said briefly thathe .was the. first automobillst.

Nicholas- J. Ciignot ConstructedSteam Carriage in 1769


OAKLAND;'JuIy 21.4-Injuncti6n.- pro-,ceedings are ;threatened^by jClayjstreetproperty, owners against^ theTopehing; ofiWashington- street': and, the; constructionof the

'new;. municipal.;buildings.VA^,:Ameeting ,has been called Cfor 1-: tomorrownight iin'the JMe^tropole hotel [ discussthe?questlon.\of "tying;up^invthe^ourtsthe project. .^Objection: has .been .madeto!! the- assessment district* "created- topayi forithe ,- street

= opening.:--R.I;N.^Kit^

chener,*: secretary.' of the -Broadway^ toMarket a street , improvement club,'- hascalled »the. meeting. ':';_:

Threaten Injunction to ;Stop\Washington Street Opening


OAKLAND. July 21.—

Claims. 1 aggre-gating

-$60,603.75 were filed today

against the estate of the late Horry "v\r-Meek. These claims represent promis-sory notes .signed by Meek and hiswidow. Harriet Webb ifeek.-. The hold T

erfe of the notes are J. W. McClyraonds,apsignee of H. D. Rowe, $750; SanJoaquin Valley bank of Stockton, $46.-PO6. with Interest, making the total due$48,553.75; Mrs. W." G. Palmanteer,$550; Abble F. BlckeU- $10,000; H. D.rto"»e, $750.

'Mrs. Meek has already

presented# claims' against the estate,

covering "the same claims. These willbe withdrawn if the notes are 'paid outof the e&tate. . . .


Notes of Capitalist \u25a0,and WifeAggregate $60,000


It is uncertain what action the citycouncil will take on the school direc-tors' request.

It was because of this that the parkcommission dropped its plains for a parkbond isfcue. /

Should the council call the electionthe work, if the bonds be voted underthe present regime, willbe supervisedby the board of public works. But anev charter -will be submitted to thavoters within 90 days and Its adoptionwill legislate the school board, the citycouncil and the board of public worksout of office. Thus the work may bepassed on to an entirely different board.

Then followed the estimates of costs.For high schools and sites the amountis $968,000 and for grammar arid pri-mary schools, sites and buildingsJ2.432.050.

"That the city council be and is here-by requested to prepare and submit atan early date to the qualified electorsof the municipality a proposition tobond the city for the purposes setforth in the declaration of the board ofeducation."

The school board's resolution was:

OAKLAND. July 21.—Fortified by le-gal advice from City Attorney Stetsonand District Attorney Donahue, theboard of education has filed with thecity clerk a formal request for the city

council to call a bond election to se-cure money with which to build new

schools and enlarge sites and buildings.

The council will receive the request atits next meeting, July 25.

Request Submitted to Oak-land Council

Bond Issue Election Proposed in


Fraud nestles even on,'the: "roof ofthe world.? In other

-words, \u25a0 the .un-

sophisticated Tibetan :does a- :littlecheating, on his, own:account. "/vHe isalmost the \u25a0 sole r purveyor oftmusk. Itis sold at something like a dozen timesits.weight in silver, so one.would 'thinkthe scent would-be pure." ;Butjthis Cisfarfrom'the'ease.. It'is' always sold: in"pockets,? and; the venders will"not al-low any examination;by. the buyer otherthan . touch.' :But by \u25a0" this means \u25a0 he "?lsunable ;to' determine /upon.: the -purity,and- It\ifrequently ,'happens '}:that >thevender, has adulterated .his merchandisewith amidon, 'peas, , beans,, potatoesmixed with, blood, the yolk :of -eggs,pounded in a mortar until;it resemblesmusk-

-\u25a0 ,•\u25a0 \u25a0'

Will Permit Examination Onlyin Pockets'

-...*.... ... .- •


Meeting Called for This Even-ing at North Oakland

J OAKLVXD.July21.—

A- Van der Xail-lon Jr., former commissioner of publicworks of San Francisco, will preside atthe organization of a. Curry republican>lub Friday evening:. July 22, at Vander Naillen's, hall, Telegraph; avenueRnd Fifty-firet* street. Among . thespeakers willbe.Colonel F. A. Robert-son., a Kentucky orator, .who has re-cently arrived in Oakland.


iV.SL ofhaving "occupied Ithe"| tribune ';the vlong^]est.'and he as" honored with;4i;699;lines\u25a0ihj;the official;publication^ iM.-Jaufes,*the :socialist,-, must^look {to:his5 laurels,"for he"is"only'a,poof,second,1 vwithy6,235lines]to.his credit.lM.vClemen"c«au^ pres-"ident' of.the council,; in*both ?:,chambersspoke;only.-.for"9j lTibufSi4sjfninutes,Tandheiis.'more.lociuocious^than-manyJoffl'ilsministerial

'colleagues. 4fcThe^m6stXmodi

est^is x M.J'.Dujardin^BcaTurrietzyi'- whoseshort-rdlscourßes;Oc*c'u^ied|ln^thelchah?_berT.28 i;miri*uteslla'hd^lsllnl:tlieJ¥enate;"Dans V lcsV-;piHitsl>m6ts*:ies|'.b*6li"s£on"i'suents"~is;tlie roomment r6f a^Paris.con-temporary, .-.j >,

-r \u25a0 '.-\u25a0\u25a0.. '\u25a0.

V.-iThe'. French'senate's! ts less often and

speaks ;less; tha n the;cha mber,^ biit^ tlievoteais •tlie:same.-jlhiringi1907; the senfate i;sat for;only t2GS jhours* 35? minutes,or.,3!hours',7;minutesyper.''slttlng ion'»theaverage.'ior, 43 rminutes;periday. i:'AllowT


ing.-15,000- francs .pcr /annum ifor^eachsenator, :lthe rV'el6quence"Tof* the; upper,chamber costsj;'thef countryj.4 ss "francaper;minute rdn;the">radical side^ arid 133francs, onthe progressists. '.'. •

":Thejdemocrats (union andleft) spokein:the'ag(?regate-in3^hours-2S minutes/the;radloals%Sl .hours 37 minutes, radi-cal 5 socialists 120^hours 511minutes,! so^cia lists :100^ hours 33 \u25a0 minutes; progress-"ists f.62 hoursft rniniiteß andinationalists301hours ;il;mihute^- The average :l:ltimeeach '\u25a0,;. speaker was 'before ;•';: the>"\u25a0' hoiisewould be;2!hours .15"minutes fof? the (left*andL4Si min^utes for;the rightjUhe'aver.-'ageIcost Iwould:bet111" francs "ifofleftand'3l2'francs"for,the*;right.^ ;


\u25a0-'. t;;

The ;Officiel gives some finterestingstatistics- of .the^French \u25a0\u25a0 chamber 'andsenate; iIt»seems that?dufing;thft; year1908 jthe ;chamber," sat'Jfor :;608 hours .45 iminutes; forJan "average »of ?, •, hours, 48 !minutes permitting, or 1 hour >°>9 min-utes ;p^r,:day? The number -of/speechesdelivered was 413, making" 549,664 lilies'-:in^theOffloiei;.^ :"~ ' ~.:J

Radical Socialists Hold Recordfor Long Speeches


:;OAKLAND,;July 21.--Mlchael Costa,who "had:his 'skull fractured "last Sunfdayievening|.wheh|he}fell;from'atladdef.while trying to.rcachUhef oof.';un-'ffinishcdl;dwellirig:;.at~Shattuckii'avenueand'Forty-'elghth' street, died'tthis the;countyjinfirrnary.'riHei.isjsaidto ,haye >

sbeeni'drinkiri'?gwine ;and majJea betlwitlv;a;friend!;tliat heTcbuld'cllmbto" the' roof.y 'HCiWaslpickedrup^uncoh-;scious anditakenXtoT the' recel vihg:hos-pitair thence \u25a0to', the .ihfirriiary.


-auest vwilliberheldVW V ? \y,\u25a0\u25a0> > v1-•


Attempted to;Reach Roof ofHouse After Betting

\u25a0\u25a0*!,.The v.niachirie:;appears ;"to •: remove -: allkindsVbf?dlft*and 'discoloration* and -toleaveithelarticles '.washed .''sno^V;,white"inYappeafance^wjilleilti also" saves ;therough] han^Un^; incident; toCusual labor-ious and sotends i"toVeliminatelweaf .'arid 'tear, andserious 'damage \u25a0to v ;delicate fabrics,linens,;. laces.\, etc.-^ ;. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.:.- , , • .it-rx-,

o'.TheTdevice '\u25a0•\u25a0 Ini:appearance^ resemblesal^metal • cone > orfunnel.-. iIt.;may, be placed

~in/a copper

boiler Jor,,even jinfah ibrdlnaryS kerosene*\u25a0tin. When - the -water!*:boils, -steam iisgenerated' inside ;:the 'cone, this forcingthe'waterJin.'a-sprayVout of itheftopfofthelfuhhel,"\thus iforming V:vacuum In-;side »' the '"To^refill/;thisthe'water^is sucked: through the clothescontinuously,land;this :;goes

on*a.tlthe :rate of;four;gallons aiminuterthe ,-dirtC being - by



rapid?cir culatta^i.;.v, w t :\ .-"--\u25a0'

At. recent 'expositions;: invMelbourneand < Sydney .Vice;ConsulGerierar Henry

D.^Bakef^ found Jthat. much "attentionwas -attractedHol ahjlngenious Austra'-'lian invention ;'ofiar;machine \u25a0. for.wash-ingiclothes ;b>V;means?ofi suction causedby/a',vacuum;, which*he [describes: y'-'j"':

Invention Shown at Exhibitions: in -Australia ;


"A^novel* association ;ls? the Brockeri-

sammlung ;\u25a0 (crumb v collection). ;\u25a0'\u25a0" Thissociety, receives, presents of cast awayclothing, household articles,

'etc.,.of all

softs, which are .sold ;to -Jthe less wellto;do.';>Even the:ends of cigars :-cut offby .smokers' are ,collected ;and!, turnedinto snuff.;;More than \u25a0 100 {needy ohil-drenTafeVclothed;arid{aided-by.'thls in-stltutionr{;>TheT ci,ty, has jexcellent pub-lic'baths,';whlchV are

'patronized ".b>\'the

"children;:andVtheater performances aregiven:;forUhem at, Christmas and Eas-ter •-at; reduced: prices. ", ; ;

: These institutions are supported by"the benevolent contributions of citizens.They are collected by person^. deputizedfor that; purpose with an, official book.The -contributions are ;usually small,generally' l,"2 or 3 marks, ;rarely ex-ceeding 10 marks. •:'.. Fairs.; bazaars andconcerts are also -given for benevolentassociations.,


There are 110 benevolent associa-tions 'of different kinds,- but *no localcharity organization society. Underthe head of-recreatio t

n for children areto be mentioned the following: ,"j; Ferienkolonieen, sending of. schoolchildren away for summer recreation.Kinderheilstaetten an :deutschen Seek-usten, lodging and. nursing of sick andweak children in'the sea hospice atXorderney. .: Kinderspeiseanstalt, .sup-plying school children •\u25a0with- .midday

nourishment. See hospiz in Norderney,reception, of 'sick 7 and "weak jchildrenfor about six weeks in the summer halfyear. Sommerpflege, the quartering. ofchildren -feeding recreation in the Harzmountains during the summer holidays.Speisung armer Schulkinder, feeding;ofpoor,; school children. :;Volkskindergar-ten, keepi ng ',and caring for children ofthe less-well to-do during the day forthe weekly, sum of 1 mark (23.8 cents).Volkskueche, giving of cheap and nour-ishing-food, -especially .to children andthe (sickJ "Waldspiele, recreation forneedy children in the,, woods during thesummer, holidays. ,

The mayor; is the president^ of theboard of administ rattan. .He has anofficial staff, including >a.head physi-cian, also T a specialist for eyes andanother for'ears. : Each district for thepoor has its director, from seven tosixteen men. guardians of care takersand -from one, to five, women and apracticing physician to it.The for orphans'. 'have alsotheir guardians or care takers, less -innumber, usually the same persons asfor

""the poor. These care takers are

chosen ? from -'different classes of thepopulation, rherclwtnts, teachers, per-sons living on their' incomes, etc., andare -honorary without


By this systematic, organization pov-erty with its attendant evils is reducedto a minimum.-

" - . . .-\u25a0\u25a0

The city has 145,000 inhabitants, andis -said, to cover a larger area in pro-portion to its population than any otherin Germany. While the city is for themost part compactly built, it has sev-eral -small parks near the renter, • anumber of large market and other opeuplaces, and some

'broad streets witli

promenades shaded by trees.* This areais; divldod'sinto 26* administrative dis-tricts for' the poor and 26 districts fororphans.- \u25a0


.Even in Germany, the land of sys-tem and order, Consul Talbot J. Al-bert says the city of Brunswick is cele-brated" for its charity organization. "Cymany it is considered the best and mostcomplete, and. .therefore, a model.

Brunswick Is. Divided Into 26


. , - . __ -9

• • -in—

— —. i



+-— —

:.- ; +\u25a0| Marriage Licenses |


_, ~. .'": ;,;'. . ~, ;>-— / .'\u25a0"'<•• OAKIiAXI>,'JuI.T.21.— Tbe: following'marriageHcensfs \u25a0wore Issued today: .. ...>...-.. -.'

Mt-Hin P.-*\*«n Horn.v 43,. *nd'Sarah L. Cast-b*pr;.4s, both of San Francisco.' \u25a0

James .H. ,Miner, 26." San • Francisco, \u25a0':2: 2and

Cecilia Sj-lTCKter. 21. San \u25a0 Lorcn so. >--

\-\u25a0•John t w..Barnlcott;' 30. ~> Newcastle , and • Clare

M. Hudvra.' 2.l.'.\ll««s. , ;

Orrall.Grlffln. .19. and Gladys V.FarDh«m',IS. both of OaVland.

-, • ... \u0084

; J«M»pli r.;KnOfrt. 32. -.Baktrsfipld. aucl lula C.ilIaTCj-, p'£3,';Oruvllic' ' .. \u25a0 <•; •". \u25a0


;pNo".woman Vwiio)bears jcldldren'fneied suffer during W&&%i%;tne;pefiod of waiting, nor at any time of^baby's com- £\7/^Jrw^ing,'ifMother's Friend is used as a massage for the i-'Yvfr^^'-y1

-muscles, tendons arid glands of the body Mother's Friend is apene--:.heal thful liniment^hich'strengtheris the ligaments, lubricatesand renders pliant those muscles on which the strain is greatest, pre-vents caking "of ;breasts by; keeping the ducts open, "and relieves

:nausea, backache, numbness, nervousness, etc. Its regular use willprepare every portion of the system for the safety of both mother andchild and ,greatly reduce the pain and danger when the little one

;comes> YMother'slFfierid is sold at drug stores. Write for our frcqbook '"-containing valuable information for expectant mothers.