Events calendar 3 Awards Silver Awards Bronze...

Week 8 Term 3 Tuesday 10 September 2019 Dream, Believe, Achieve. Casino West Public School 84a Hotham Street, Casino NSW 2470 ● phone: 6662 1916 ● fax: 6662 6373 ● email: [email protected] Wedensday 11 September 2019 AMS Dental Thursday 12 September 2019 Boxing 2.20pm Friday 13 September 2019 Cedars Events calendar Yalunga Students of Casino West Public School have been learning aspects of traditional Aboriginal culture through The ‘Yalunga’ games program. The Yalunga games program gives students the opportunity to experience Aboriginal games that are suitable for all ages, abilities and backgrounds. Traditional Aboriginal games are inclusive games and are not competitive. For example, if a player gets ‘out’ in some games they can immediately rejoin the game once leaving the field. This boosts confidence with students and supports the development of their individual skills as well as team building skills which is essential for the overall development of student’s social skills and general well being. Aboriginal games also help to promote reconciliation by bringing together both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people within the community. Mr Shannon Beaumont.

Transcript of Events calendar 3 Awards Silver Awards Bronze...

Page 1: Events calendar 3 Awards Silver Awards Bronze Awards. Basic Swimming Program in Term 4 2019 Year 1 will be resuming the Basic

Week 8 Term 3 Tuesday 10 September 2019

Dream, Believe, Achieve. Casino West Public School ● 84a Hotham Street, Casino NSW 2470 ● phone: 6662 1916 ● fax: 6662 6373 ● email: [email protected]

Wedensday 11 September 2019AMS DentalThursday 12 September 2019Boxing 2.20pm Friday 13 September 2019Cedars

Events calendar


Students of Casino West Public School have been learning aspects of traditional Aboriginal culture through The ‘Yalunga’ games program. The Yalunga games program gives students the opportunity to experience Aboriginal games that are suitable for all ages, abilities and backgrounds. Traditional Aboriginal games are inclusive games and are not competitive. For example, if a player gets ‘out’ in some games they can immediately rejoin the game once leaving the field. This boosts confidence with students and supports the development of their individual skills as well as team building skills which is essential for the overall development of student’s social skills and general well being. Aboriginal games also help to promote reconciliation by bringing together both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people within the community. Mr Shannon Beaumont.

Page 2: Events calendar 3 Awards Silver Awards Bronze Awards. Basic Swimming Program in Term 4 2019 Year 1 will be resuming the Basic


CASINO WEST DENTAL CHECKSDear Parents and CarersBulgar Ngaru & Local Area Health will be conducted dental checks at our school today and again tomorrow, Wednesday 11 September 2019. Please make sure you have returned your form. Thanking you Aunty Sue.

Attendance Winners Week 7K/5H


Word upGala Burbi Wadarhm Jali.

This koala is sleeping in the tree.

Platty WinnersJakiah KM

Bentley 1/2SBreyalee T 5/6DJames D 5/6D


We have another smokey day here at Casino West. The fires burning to our west must be very big. We would like to thank all the RFS personnel for the great work they are doing in keeping our communities safe. We can only imagine how hard conditions are.Our admin block is nearing completion and with the refit completed we hope to be back in by the start of next term. The building has a lovely fresh look and the staff will be better situated in the new rooms.Our value this week is honour. The kids will be learning about HONOUR and what it means to act honourably in life. This will include things such as being truthful, owning your actions, doing the right thing and making good choices.Our PBL lesson is TRANSITIONS. We will be working on the ways we move as classes, how we move from assemblies, after lunch and before and after school. The safe rule will be very important here.The teachers were all inspired by a staff meeting item run by Mrs Dee Taylor last Tuesday. The lesson was on the use of technology, in particular Scratch and Scratch Jnr. What a great digital programming technology. We couldn’t get the teachers to stop. Hopefully it will be in classrooms soon. This program teaches kids programming skills. Exactly the thing we will need to have in future work environments.I would also recommend Mrs Campbell’s fantastic videos that you will find on the school Facebook site. So far Chloe and Dylan have made videos explaining what they are learning in maths and reading. There have been lots of views and Mrs Campbell is planning many more of these videos.If you have any ideas of videos we can make to show how the kids do things nowadays, please let me know.That is all for this week everyone. Hope to see you around the school.Mr Michael Taylor, Principal.

Page 3: Events calendar 3 Awards Silver Awards Bronze Awards. Basic Swimming Program in Term 4 2019 Year 1 will be resuming the Basic

Casino West Library NewsThe results are in for our very own version of the Archibald Prize Portrait Competition.The students produced wonderful portraits of Archibald Bearly-Brown, the much loved library bear. Thank you Uncle Charlie for being the judge and thank you to all participants for your great interpretations of Archibald.

The portraits are on display in the library. Certificates and prizes will be given out shortly. Ms Gibson.

Estelle A Peyton S Branden G Riley B Paige E Luke S

Azalea-Faith A Kooriannah W Dylan H Dominic M Breyalee T Amarni C

Dolly D Raymond B Mahalia A Henry M Clayton G Kooriana C

Makayla G Jayson Mc Sunni A Nathan R Nevaeh J Riley Mc

Jakiah J Kaige B Diane S Amanda H Alyssa R Hayden P

Markeeah-Rose R-W Anakin P Ebony M Leanita H Deniarna R-W Anakin P

Jesse B Les R Dustin P Madison M Sophie S Jobe S

Abraham C Tayshaun S Annabelle S Rihanna P Melaya W Bailey T

Jesse F Benjamin S Maddox B Tiffany S James D

Matt H Travis K-N Jyla B-F Jaylarni V Peter D

Isaac H Chayellah B Matthew D Jahkai A Seth K

Nathan M Glenda D Harley G Foley C Zachary S

Addison B Bella K-N Lachlan L Jaalii C Damien H

Payton C Cory Mc Norman W-T Chayse D Kyle M

Laria C Harold R Azariah W Stanley D Jason R

Abigail D Liam S Zhyianca C Maxwell T

Indigo Mc Jai T Lauren G Ethan W

Avril R Kazaiya A Jazmyn J Felicity A

Kalissa S-B Serina A Amira M Taylah P

Lincoln B-S Sharna C Ebony P Renekah S

Lachlan B Ava R Phoenix B-S Catlin W

Blake T Ebony P Brylee G Joshua F

Jaxon W Shontahla T Yasmin B Colin G

Hollie B Koby C Jasmine C Billy K

Kate C Kacey P Shantala R Kayden L

Djnarliia E Summer A Ziva R Noah M

Crystal G Jyharla C Laquarnah W Jamez P

Alaska-Rose M Kirsty D Skyindie Y Tristan R

Tyirra-Lee Mc Khloe F Coen C Jake S

Isabella P Breiana L James D Matari W

Eliza S Shae P Caleb W Geoffrey Y

Kahleah S Kizyah R-W Jamila Y Jennifer B

Mario A Juliearna R Regan A Breanna H

Matthew F Teeanna R Karbi B Keira J

Tyler H Lily-Rose T Alex F Paydan R

Monifah B Shaikarnie W Jeriqko T-D La Francchi W

Tahlia D Aidan C Morgan B Kyarn T

Kiarni O Logan S Paige B Kirralai B

Rihanna S Zandyr S Shakyianah Y Jayden M

Term 3 Awards

Silver Awards Bronze Awards

Page 4: Events calendar 3 Awards Silver Awards Bronze Awards. Basic Swimming Program in Term 4 2019 Year 1 will be resuming the Basic

Basic Swimming Program in Term 4 2019Year 1 will be resuming the Basic Swimming Program in Term 4 2019. We are raising more funds to cover the costs.We will be running a raffle at school. Your children can purchase tickets for 20c each at the canteen during lunch and recess. We will also try to set up a table during lunch or recess in the undercover playground (days TBA)The prizes will be drawn during Week 10 of Term 3. We have quite a few prizes which have been donated by our supportive P&C Committee. We thank you very much. We also acknowledge and thank our parents and caregivers for your support in allowing the tickets to be purchased. Photos of prizes will be in upcoming newsletters. Regards, Ms Donna Wilder.

The Breast Screen NSW North Coast mobile unit will be returning to Casino from 26 August to 26 September 2019. The mobile breast x-ray unit will be conveniently located in Graham Place, adjacent to the Casino Library.The service is free for all women over the age of 40, and women aged 50 to 74 years are particularly encouraged to attend for screening.

Thank you Aunty Sue and Leanne. Casino West would like to Acknowledge and thank Aunty Sue and Leanne for all the hard work and effort they have both put into our netball team. Both women give up many lunch times and breaks to coach and mentor the team. Without their support the team would not be possible.

We thank you ladies and appreciate all you do.

P&C NewsThe next P&C meeting is Tuesday 10 September 2019 at 6.00pm in the school library. Babysitting is available.On the agenda is the Colour Fun Run.

A big thanks to the Casino West families for supporting the Father’s day Stall. We hope all dad’s and grandfather’s enjoyed their gifts.Thank you, Casino West P&C Committee.

This week our PBL lesson is focusing on transitions.Students will move safely, respectfully and responsibly between destinations. Students will learn the skills to move appropriately between destinations, individually, in small groups and larger groups.Students will walk quickly and quietly to designated area.After the play bell students will line up outside their classroom and wait quietly and enter the classroom respectfully and ready to learn.Mrs Tami Chadderton, Stage 3 Assistant Principal.

Page 5: Events calendar 3 Awards Silver Awards Bronze Awards. Basic Swimming Program in Term 4 2019 Year 1 will be resuming the Basic

NetballThe netters keep on giving. having won their game against Banora Point 23 - 14 they now travel to Coffs harbour to play Naranga Public School on Monday 16 September. This game is for the North Coast Championship so “go and get them”.

Touch FootballThe girls touch defeated a slick Nambucca Public School side on Friday 5 - 2. In very hot windy conditions the girls played a good fast style of touch, running the Nambucca side ragged. Well done. They now play Yamba Public School.Mr Gary Hughes Sports Organiser.

Infants AssemblyTerm 3 Week 8

Class Presenting 2CStar of the Class Sports Star

KM - Ally G KM - Makayla GKR - Payton C KR - Laria C1W - Cooper M 1W - Koby O

1S - Ben S 1S - Tahlia D1/2S - Cohen M 1/2S - Koby C2C - Summer A 2C - Aidan C

2 Merits Awards per classKM - Estelle A KM - Tyler MKR - Jaxon W KR - Carrie D1W - Hollie B 1W - Mario A

1S - Rihanna S 1S - Kaige P1/2S - Glenda D 1/2S - Riley Mc

2C - Jye P 2C - Branden G

BirthdayBailey T and Shontahla T

Playground draw - $2.00 Canteen Voucher

Dylan 2C and Cooper 1W

‘Best Behaviour at Assembly’ Class Award1W and 1S

KM 2C1st Place Makayla G 1st Place Breiana L2nd Place Nathan M 2nd Place Kiziyah

R-W3rd Place Tyler M 3rd Place Aidan C

KR 3/4M1st Place Addison B 1st Place Brycen T2nd Place Payton C 2nd Place Jasmine C3rd Place Carrie D 3rd Place Jett S

1W 3/4S1st Place Tyler H 1st Place Ebony P2nd Place Mario A 2nd Place Justice A3rd Place Charleah W 3rd Place Dusty P

1S1st Place Hayden P2nd Place Leanna H3rd Place Jayson Mc

1/2S1st Place Kazaiya A2nd Place Riley Mc3rd Place Serina A

Archilbald Prize Results

Page 6: Events calendar 3 Awards Silver Awards Bronze Awards. Basic Swimming Program in Term 4 2019 Year 1 will be resuming the Basic

Children Orientation DatesThursday 24 October 2019 Thursday 31 October 2019 Thursday 7 November 2019

9.00am - 11.00am in our Kindergarten roomsFor information and enrolment packages

Telephone 6662 1916or visit

Casino West Public School84a Hotham StreetCasino NSW 2470

Your kids will love our school.

Welcome to the Casino West Family.

Kindergarten Information Morningfor our 2020 Families

Thursday 24 October 2019

After you drop your children at the Kindergarten rooms at 9.00amon Thursday 24 October we would love you to stay on for our

Kindergarten Information Morningfor families with children starting Kindergarten in 2020.

This commences in our Library at 9.30am.

We will provide you with information to help your kids begin their big school journey.

We really look forward to seeing you.

Page 7: Events calendar 3 Awards Silver Awards Bronze Awards. Basic Swimming Program in Term 4 2019 Year 1 will be resuming the Basic

Major Works Casino West Public School have commenced

Thursday 30 May 2019 - September 2019

Major works have now commenced and will continue for several months at Casino West in the administration building. The entire building will be re-roofed.

You will see safety barricades around the entire building area. Health and safety is paramount during the major works. Please do not approach the building site.The administration services will be housed in the school hall. Principal, executive staff and payment facilities can be accessed at the school hall.During the major works we ask everyone to use the main double gates near the school hall as the main entrance point. Side access will be via the gates near the preschool and rear access will be breeze way near canteen.It is essential that parents continue to observe parking signs around school grounds. Frequently there is available parking in Dyraaba Street.

The school telephone number may be disrupted sporadically during this time. Please use the mobile number 0439 621 906 if you are unable to reach the school via 02 6662 1916.

Page 8: Events calendar 3 Awards Silver Awards Bronze Awards. Basic Swimming Program in Term 4 2019 Year 1 will be resuming the Basic

Term 3 2019Wednesday 18 SeptemberThusday 19 SeptemberThursday 19 SeptemberFriday 20 SeptemberMonday 23 SeptemberTuesday 24 SeptemberThursday 26 SeptemberThursday 26 September Thursday 24 OctoberThursday 31 OctoberMonday 4 NovemberThursday 7 NovemberThursday 21 NovemberFriday 21 November Tuesday 3 DecemberWednesday 4 DecemberThursday 12 December

Healthy Harold - 1W, 1/2S, 3/4SHealthy Harold - 3/4M, 4/5K, KMBoxing 2.20pmHealthy Harold - Preschool B, KRHealthy Harold - Preschool A, K/5H, 2C Healthy Harold - 5/6D, 5/6C, 1SBoxing 2.20pmSRC Raffle drawnKindergarten OrientationKindergarten OrientationForensic Science WorkshopKindergarten OrientationCamp KoinoniaCamp Koinonia CEEP Gifted and Talented Program PIP PresentationYear 6 Farewell DinnerPresentation Day


Photo credits - Shannon Beaumont Donna Wilder Tami Chadderton Felice Perkins

Infants Assembly Timetable Term 3Each 2nd Monday at 1.00pm in the Undercover Area

Week 229 July

Week 412 August

Week 626 August

Week 89 September

Week 10 23 September

1W KR KM 2C 1/2SPrimary Assembly Timetable Term 3

Each 2nd Tuesday at 2.30pm in the Undercover Area

Week 230 July

Week 413 August

Week 627 August

Week 810 September

Week 10 24 September

3/4M 5/6D 5/6C 4/5K 3/4S

Uniform Policy It is wonderful to see the majority of students wearing the Casino West school uniform. If for any reason you do not have the correct uniform please see the principal for further discussion.

Uniform Price ListPolo Shirt with school emblem $18.00Microfibre Shorts with school emblem $15.00Bucket hat with toggle and school emblem $10.00School socks with school name $ 7.00 or 3 for $20.00Tracksuit Jacket $45.00Tracksuit pants $25.00

HealthyHarold is

