EvenPanda Guidebook

A guidebook to designing and hosting unique activities


EvenPanda Guidebook will show you how to host activity on EvenPanda.Come and have lots of fun!

Transcript of EvenPanda Guidebook

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A guidebook to

designing and hosting

unique activities

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Here are a few simple guidelines to help you design and list a perfect activity on EvenPanda.!A great experience is just like a great meal – it has a unique recipe, a personal note and incorporates the local taste, it can’t be found in Lonely Planet.!

What do you love to do? !What do others love you to do?!

!What gets you up and keeps you


Slow and loving, or wild and naughty?!

What can't be done anywhere else?!!

How memorable will the experience be?!

!What elements of the experience

will make it stand out?!

What traditions and customs of your culture would you like to

share? !!

What are the best places only locals know about?!

1. Coming up with a great activity!

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2. Designing an activity !

Steps! For example !

What!What is the flow of the activity?!

A startup tour of your city, with a network session at the local incubator, followed by a visit of two local startup offices, enjoying drinks and snacks .!

Where!One place? Several places? Or is the journey the destination? !

Walking tour to 3 different locations. !

Who!Who is this for? Is everyone welcome or do participants require certain skill or physical condition? !

Anyone interested in startups. !

Equipment!What kind of resources and equipment will you need?!

Nothing. Business cards are a nice-to-have. !

Woops … and Safety!Consider the safety and wellbeing of your participants (e.g food, drinks, toilet breaks etc).!!

Yes, even startups can afford bathrooms and snacks. All-in. That’s what I call service! This tour will be safer than watering your plants. !

And the cherry on the cake is …!… any secret sauce to WOW your participants or make the activity even more memorable?!!

It’s very likely that local Venture Capitalists s will be visiting the office while we are there. So prepare your best smiles, a solid list of questions and perhaps even a 30sec-pitch. This may be your chance! !

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3. Packaging an activity (A)!

ü  Title!Try to keep it short and catchy. One-liners only. !ü  Description!Write it to sell it. Make sure to cover everything important here, including the key points from designing your activity. You can always edit this later. !ü  Category!You can choose up to two categories for an activity. The categories are: !!! •  Arts & Culture!

•  Bizarre !•  Body & Mind  !•  Entrepreneurship!•  Fashion& Shopping!•  Food & Drinks!


•  Geeky!•  Good cause!•  Music & Performance!•  Nature & Outdoors!•  Nightlife!•  Sports & Games!•  Urban discovery!

ü  Group size!Keep the group size manageable and personable. You can choose a minimum and maximum amount of available spots by dragging the slider. We currently allow groups up to 30 people. If you have a good reason to invite more participants, please contact us.!ü  Duration!Set the default duration as precise as possible. In case you are not entirely sure how long it will take (or if the duration depends on the participants) – make sure to mention this in the description. !

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3. Packaging an activity (B)!

ü  Meeting point!Enter the exact address and choose an easily recognizable meeting point. Add a description below if necessary or a reference to a Google Map. Only people who booked it will be automatically communicated the exact location.!!ü  Pricing!Set the price for your activity. The price needs to be a minimum of $10. We currently only support USD. When deciding about the price, consider both your real costs (resources and time) and what participants might be willing to pay. Please specify what the price includes.!Any new activity will need to be hosted twice before it can be considered ‘vouched’ on EvenPanda. Until an activity is vouched, the price will be discounted. This will market your activity and give you a chance early-on to test and collect valuable feedback to improve it. Your first customer reviews will also work hard for you to promote it future customers. A win-win for everyone! You can choose the rate of discount, between 20% to 80%.!!ü  Pictures!A picture speaks louder than a thousand words. You can upload up to 4 pictures and 1 video. Make sure to select your default picture, which will be used to promote the activity in the marketplace. Pictures should be in gif, jpeg or png format and less than 4 Mb. !Attract attention by selecting high-quality pictures of your activity. Having a professional camera is not a must, using free tools such as Instagram (for iPhone), Camera 360 (for Android) or editing tools like Picnik.com will go a long way. !

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ü  Tags!Add up to 5 tags to your activity to help people find you, use your ‘tab’ or ‘,’ to separate tags. You can find good tags in your activity description. Example: Entrepreneurship, urban, Singapore, startup, technology. !!4. Presenting yourself!Update your biography and make sure it describes why you’re the right person to host this activity and why participants will have a great time! !!5. And if you want to sing out…!Don’t keep your activity a secret! Share it with your friends and networks through social media, so they can join and help spread the word.! !6. Booking & Payment!For the booking process and payment conditions, please refer to our terms & conditions or FAQ. For the payout you will need to have a PayPal account, or choose a Moneygram payout option (old style). Please check it under Account Settings. ! !7. Evaluation!Successful hosting depends on whether expectations of participants got fulfilled, i.e. what has been promised in the description was delivered. !Once you hosted an activity, encourage participants to write reviews. This is an excellent way to show and receive appreciation, learn and improve your activity! The more reviews you receive the more trusted you are as a host. !

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Thank you once again for being a host and have a great time on www.EvenPanda.com!