Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1907-08-17 [p 2].M-JJATIJ K D A Y AUGUST 9Q 7 MOIL tl L-uRorf H OH...

M- JJATIJ KD A Y AUGUST 9Q 7 MOIL tl L- uRorf H OH Confesses fronrStapletonS- MJMJ > Institution v JUT SAYSRE mEW IT INT and Save frbm Him Exposure r Ijof Directors or the Staple tonNotional Bankof Staplcion Btaten lesucU rtatament today Irv JforainVihopublloaiat Robert H GUI fc J cisMer of tha Institution la under or- js rest charged with steaJlns J1JOOO Th- abortaae r noa been made eod by th directors Tho will bn reimbursed by a t ljMVsridlns company which cuarootced Gill slhU > Jhatextent of 515000- T Dullness church and xodal circles on- Staien laland are painfully surprised at- rj the cewa of the downfall of Jlobert H QIII Ho Haf one of QMS mast popular youDir men In the community and ht 11 habits were believed to be beyond re- proaoh The eenenU amazement a In- icreasfcd by GUI confe alon that h > mcxney and Wew U to la- s Promisee Rectoration Sir 4vTli defalcation wa uncovered Au- gt9fbf a national bonk examiner who lAppeared unexpectedly at tha bonk Admitted the sbortajro He was placed arrest the next day but waa re- on ball on his promise to restore kb atolcn money If rivin a chance VFor ten day Olll aadThia mother and r l ters7wllbrwlionrhellvod 8t Clifton to znalce up the shortage HviftThey confciwia lillura yeaterday and ihe cahter woa rearrested teyand commltteiatorKayniond BtrasfJaJI- to Brooklyn r- ffci AU attempta to aocure from GUI any ilctalU as to hnw he trot rid of THO- OTlnjiotoo llvlnar In the Tenderioln ot Uaabattan havo failed Ha refused to- ys5 o more than mtr t Wtmr U Inl Tho Iwoa atolen at different llmea lySthtn a period of alg month commencing ° after tn Ja t eauun ins on of tho bonlc in February Four V asi In Bank GUI ia thtrtyflra 7 cca old VThen the Staplehm National Baotowaa orsran for uyeara wro iw iwi- eaihTer out ot a bis llit o- frVo badbeen crerk In i P8tth Bank of JEanhattnn anatUJ were of tha highest charaotsi- TjXJi bank proapered ead no nnaU- har > of Its proaparUir wa 6n to tha popularity of tha ouhi rl j flo fw aa his fvifilly hla friend snd his employ era know ha had no bad habtta HU salary waa KQ year and although he lived well and wu liberal with hla family Ws home ui >sndltui a war well within hla Income Tbo only explanation his friend can 5y Clve of hla ventura Into crinu la that t h hm T>M n mentally imylmig << for- t some months1 No trocea of m ntaJ d- iSf ranKerncnt weH ai >par nt tiowovsr to- t tha bank officials tferdlaandO Torwnaena cPreatdent f it the Institution refused to believe that placed the proof n Zore h > eyes Following thV dlecovary of QlHa defalcation Paul T TVood Vaa made eilotint caahtor President Townscnd- ta be n performlnr the flutlec of- eaebUr alnce tbat Ume How It Was Done OtU had authority by virtue of hta position to extend tho time notes of from Uio bonk When he be- to ateal ho appropriated thefmoney turned In by persona paying off notc- iiaad doctored tho booka to ohonr that coles had been extended mother a woman w ll alonr In- haa been in a aerlotu condition Iwon Tha two l t T8 of tho defnultlnir Ahl r r touclicrr In the aiatcn IiU- nd public cln > ol Tho family ooou- Ijiied one of tha cotUefl on the Vonder- i ita e- 5s 5rhe StapUton Xatlonal Bank Ja capl- aHcad v at M75W J It wos started to- Dvvnte inann commtlted jiulclde on New Teara- pve three years afro HB was found to- be a defaulter for more than KOQOV and It was learned that ha had lot the noney through KimbllnB toWall street The hank waa fdrcedto close Its doors Uavinc the Btnpletcm National Bank tho only national bank ori Staten Inl- and ¬ Since then the lllchmond BorotiK- hNntlonil Bank has been establlshetl Jn- of the defunct Institution f Head of Famous Detective Firm Stricken onWay- toGermany T3EST KNOWNSLEUTH- essorJo Bther Wlipse Keen Bravery Saved1 LinX- IriHerited Ability News reached thjs city1 today th t Robert A Plnk rton head f h Plalt- Brton Detective Anncy died at n sa aboard the ateomer Brem n AUff 1- 2He wraa on his way to Germany tn the hope of bcneflUnjr ht health Jit had b n olllnsr for omo montlu Accompanying him wnn Klorrnc Sul- llvan tho t Me polfHeJan who brlnu tho b ly buck to Amorlcn for burfaU A yet nan of the details of the death Is kntnm here Kpbert A Plnkerton was r arded im- p lipi tha ercatC3t thlef toher In- Hie world He cam by hla d tecttr Instinct naturally He was the eldest on of old Allan Plnkerttm founder of the Plnkcrton Asency and famous as the man who In the early days of the civil war thwarted singlehanded the flrst plot to murder Ireildeat Lincoln When AHan Plnkerton died h left his buslnens and tht bulk of h money vl- oils two boys Bob and Billy1 Bob aMumed chars of the Kastern district city JJllly has always lived In the West and Chicago and looked after At Western territory Toirother th brotheni expanded the buatncas td bounda of whlchJhelr canny Scotch1 father drcame < L They organized and controll l an army of men who ar uaed In deferdlnf prop- erty ¬ durtns atr kes and labor wars wtio h va urr und4dbankiiandriarBaf- Snanclal concenui with a system of- atiardlknahlp whloh bu made a lost art of expert safe blowing and who protect all tha big rac tracks from Jahppehat and poolroom sharps Wai Brooklyn Millionaire To Rft yrt thB tyr th r whfr i3i >d this week on th ocean iijuch of tho credit for this expression of tiio industry was dua Inddeutally ha had amassed a- fortono of aereral millions and hla tome iraa 000 of the handsomest in- Iroofclyn He woaalxty yean old He- eft 0 widow and seven children Tha train ofhanT work wa Indirectly r- sponslbl for tils dtath- Hlarfbrother William who haa be n- at Saratoga attending the rac s waa notified by toMdUtanpe telephon thla afternoon York onlcht to take charge of the affairs of- tte local ofHea nd to make prtpam- lonatorf tha burial of the body upon U arrival > jUaout tha raOxitraelUL where h was t familiar xirewlth square ghoul dtr andhla QUlel r ntl manners few of the thousands who knew him reaj zed personallyihe raa on of iho- ceenest track r of crime America ever rodueed iln tho da <rs of the oldlime cracksmen of the Jimmy school Job Plnkerton bad a wonderful knack It- blonKCd merely trom an uxamlnntlo- nofth traces which th bunrlars left jehlndCdolneaa Often eaved Life More than ones his cooineoa and h- icrlt saved tiln life He had btwn shot nctir got ao much as a ncratch In all its career Ixmr b for ho reached hU majority he waa dolnc active serrtco for tho Jolted States Governmtnt He had Just fone frflm his birthplace at Dundee to entor Notra Dime Unlvprslty when the Civil War Iwson He left collieo and entered the rmy ecr t- aervlce taff under hli father Townril- Lhn close of h nllllti he wa detailed o the X rpartmont of the Gulf whern- be won a rs utallon for Mmct- Amonc the most notnWe cases In which he tlicurfd p r cmally wer h Holly aunrulr conspiracies nd lth- Homeatwul labor wars Bob llnkerton mado criminology a- llfj tudy HIi llbrury cnntultm tih history protouranh nd the record Status rocen nnd n m hajl bi eii cultivated a oolnt wher It awnied nlmint url cnnnv In lt Infallibility THOUSANDS MOUJRN- AT RACE TRACK IT Th ruclns colony hennl IOAT of thn- n > wiirtck n HM u n who hav known Col Hob for yo J wtro much affKirO by th nrwn and t r cwne ta th ryta uf- mor lhan on th nftt round In w y- lhrou h the Hp- CoL Ilnlwrtous hrotlwr Wllll m not I rl aml Ul rrhrn tit w i laid n CURTIS CHIEF NAVAL CLERK AVAflHlNOTON AUR 17 l 3 Cur tin or Mount Varnon O IRU bue- 4iDI oIiitrd ciilof clerk at the Jfnvy j > t- fjiartmcnt to sucffoil U F IotvM d Ho Jiad j Official Voting Coupon Coorwn Kntlllo Iho Jld r to Qut On V tt th Uot- on r Kvnr York Wb en>r 1O- 3rAt at I- hMARMGftAFESTIW AT CONEY ISLAND WitHlHe L dyaf4Hta Choice Will Bo Crowno- dKINC3 i AlSlD QUEEM Of the CARWIVALof RRIfSlCE RLENTY- Wo I K of Sopt 1C WILLIAM B LAKE PRESIDENT C I M G- I vcrta for OontooJ Cloooa Sopt 1O I9O7 2 HVEOTafa WOBUJ UASDI OIW8 EDITOR P O c Breadwajt Jlarlnii iuhurl a and Sauli r BnUdlni Report That Mrs Curtiss Who Spends S300000 a Year Has Married Bachelor A rrport that she had marrlitd H O- Wllllamion a youny bachelor ot Hart fnrd had preceded Mrs Julia Watt Morris Curtiss to Fnlrflcld Conn to- day ¬ wh ri he iu sclirduM to appear and answer a ohar i > of mrntal Incom- t6iicy > made In a petition Hied by her eldest son Louis Jlorrls to fmve a- conservntpr appointed for her rstat- AccordfnEtommomtr Curtl fore- stalled ¬ potslble action by the court by hastily marrying Mr Williamson snd loft with him and a party of frienda- on her yncht for Falrfleld to be pr- nt ttt th hearlns- Acoordlng to lawyers If she VBB mar- ried ¬ a ConnVctlcut court cannot np- polnt any Tcon rytttor othfr than h r Jim purlins wus not In court today hnthe teklnjr > testimony wa- Tjejnm before Judjre E Tllobbj of the Bridgeport Probutt Court at Fir9ld and th rport of her marriag could not b LconfLnnd- AinonK Mr CuntlMs extraTa ancf mentioned in ti > e teatlmony wan the buylntr of a tioien pnntsols r n lns In- orlc from 0 to IBO each presenting a nurse with nn of them and the ex- Mndfture of from tlu000 to 15000 per month when her actual Income t3 O per year vll um over and above tha1 wer auppllitd by her aunt IIi Plcknsy of New York who I executrix o fthe Watt estate of which aim Curtiss Is an heir Mrs Curtis was re > re ent d In court by Attorney Leonard J Nlckerron of- i f rv wtty u ATtorji8y John C ShBw of Now Vork Jude Elmore B JUunkv reprreentloe IxwU H Morris A Mrs Curtls haj not appeared In court ttt L15 tbo he lnr wus v fin hlr wa > to I 1 1 from y chU As tho auto rnoblla contulrilnc LouU Morris Judge Nobbs and counwl In th euae r lo urldeport for lunch Mrs Curtis in carrtastk was rwisrd rid nt awuy from KftlrfleW Mrs Curtlst is very Wealthy In her re U eUIOln Ilarl n alU to north botwnsn MWOW and JltwrArt Morris a son by her flrst marriage alleges In hla petition that hi mother Is mentally Incompetent to handle her estate It time ho aiado his application that action wai larnly blued on his mothers announced ¬ tion of marrying Jlr Williamson It- wa ald he Is apendlnc approximately JJOOCO a yt ar- Mr Curtls ha rxpremd her det r- and denies that slit 1 aurroundfd by bady iruardu In the belief her drrn arc orrftviv ngalnst her 8hi InlU mated seviiral Aura St that she would have sturtllns Ii tmnny to give today CRIPPLED BOY WILL of Two Little Girls for Aid for Sufferer Donald n lrnon l the tlttlo cripple of tit Ann avenue ti j Hronx will uroly- et bit crutches In fnct at the rat ilie g nerou readers ot thn Kveninit- Vor nr enilliiK In ttionuy for him lt should K3UII be ible to purchase miuiy palra of crutches Two IHtln Klrls for whoie pjir nt hU- mothrr works suirtw tit wave of ehar- ILihl ImnutM hj way hy peltinj IK a show nnfl rOHoqtlnK 13 In nlckntj and dtnfeji TSoit vhed Uiuy saw Ji y iulii- ilo no inor thr npp ai t to Tins Kven lltK lrid The nave DOCJJ r The tcfllowInK 1iHtr how how other Jni pcjscil In ponaltt lift crutchnj nnd what they did for hi i t a Nun JcrK y wntrrlnic place The Evening Woiltl Inelosiii you will nnd a check for 9M bulns thr proceed of a collection by the children noiv lit tlij Orriinland lloye Hljrhlandf J will add ttii to Site nmoum you Imyo already received to hnp Ounald rt hU Vrry trily rnurn- nVlLLLVM C MAltSII POLICEMAN WHO TRIED v SU1CJDE GETTNgJBETTPRO- oorge Bnrton of tuf LeOnnrd tr station wh nhoL liiw- rclt yejslfirjlay afisnison in Centra Writ In an effort to end hl life LS fjlij by phyalcians n ITcsUyitrlun Jlotptiai to < iay to ho rocoverlti- Kjiatan tv rv ISan One Hun drcd ana Kifteirutr atr uit with hi- wiilowwl motifr and hl urotiu r la man cim dt l > lth TiUcJt Uonttianv 6 H Jra been oBrm eife and ITlUelleved to beo- ftrte tetnporttrtly lnf n by Illnoaa- Dartqn i n prisoner In tlio ho J S Bache Co Hire NonUnion QperatQfsand Say Qiily Sir Wall Street Firms HaveSigned1 the Scale4 wI- pai siittation Intheteltgnipher strikehas reached astage calling for the presence here of s J Small die Natioiwl President He will reach New York Monday and open headquarters in the Asipr House From now on the nationalifieadquarkrs of thestrike will be Iri this city instead iof in Chicago where theoperaiors claim to jiaveall the best of it- Ortly i3x Houaea Signed the Scale mci and women who walk out back The tnre t of th union to call out the Wall street operators employed In- brokeragre houses that hay vnot aimed thVelofd shop and J30 a week min- imum ¬ wag scale ha been m t by J- S Bacne Co on f tlia larsest commission houses In the financial U- trlet When the elfht unlor operators employed there up to yesterday re- ported ¬ for work this morning they found their places filled by nonrunloh men William Ji Wollman peaklnc for ih t firm miya the elirht union operator- struck Th jinlon ofncers ay thatno strike was ordered Accordlnir to Mr Dacha only six Wall street hotures have actually plgmed the union scale ntv i v lwavs trealrJ1 riur men rithl a11 ijf Wollman and would have Mood anxthlng In roanoh but the union tried to make a marlcof us- Tney tried to force us to sljtn the aerwsnent for the effect such action would have Upon other houses Th men w have now ore dolnc tho work our oldemployes did In a manner n- tlrely ot f tory to us Bach ft Cos action In hlrtnr non- union ¬ men nan precipitated acrlrislri tire strike so far aa Walt Street la con- cerned ¬ A me llne of th union leaders waa exiled at noon at the Airtor House to consider It Th Wall Birtet com mla on men whohiw refuted to ulgn- Ui scale say they have nonunion men ready to step In and take the k r If- thalr old finployrcs wajK Kit Lack of Harmony Observed It is hoped by the striker that tha arrival of President Snioli will add strength to th union cauaa J re Tlie local unions and tha national officers havo not bf n worklne In total har- rrtony Some of hoj radical strikers are dlapoaed to objest to what they rail tha Interference of outside labor loaders who > have been active In Chicago In- trylnr flrat to ward off the trtke and n xt to submit th dlrferenc between the companl < i and the strikers to ar bltratlon- T4 > ls will we anticipate b a ninety day strike sold Daniel E Iluoaell o- Ixical No 1 toiUy We expect to- havo the companift Iweclrve for us to com back within sixty days There U only one way they can net u backby l Tnlf ani1 klnc th ranting a OKeefTe Starts In to Get Even with Hamburgers Acline Police Ct mm < loner Olfeff- todsy revoked tile special offlcers II- c ns ot Jacob Q IlamburKer the pro- prietor ¬ of C Brooklyn private detective aifenc He al o called In tht police shield mat went with the IIc ni upon whTch the Actlnn Tollce Com quliTlonf rJ Jle4 tmVxt frr fonvardedta Secretary of State Whalrn who will b- asked to take away Hamburseri State license to run a detective aKfncy Commissioner OKruffeK acllon grows out of tlw Brooklyn pollco Kraflchar fs- Karly In Junp Hamburger wa employed b CornniUloner ItliiKhHm lo make an- jnv iilmtlor of police conditions In cer- tain ¬ 4r petJon districts in Brooklyn particularly that Inclualnff Coney Iiland Backed by Politicians Tli ftnploymonfiof ilaniburirer w s- urged bv llrooklyn palltlclnni who n- tliat policy pmcors were col KraiT R3mlillnKliou- ipoilroot ui nil illtorJ ry homes They aii sod further tliat a MK percentnRi- of fiie > KAfl AJ IliifllilK lit Wy to- Dijiutj Commt IOBr 0 K iiu > otfiee- alttioueti it wi not illrivtly cliarKtii that Mr 0J e < iff Jf RCstjne nny of u Hamburger roporls were not all faotory to lrj 1ollce OoniiTl iiinir At- illiimtmrcrr rcJu t however four Llcutunanu of ixljicc who had been at- tachfil lp H nilquarterii were lrnn furred llnally after HamburKer hail b n OH th i Job nearly three wfteks- Oontmlivloner Jllnchain rtlamtMed him nn 1 Kent the our tran f rrred llfiitfii ants tmck lo their old poilx- Cartnln Umuklyti n WKj aper < on- tlnuotl 10 publish v lld Oliarsri i ttKuln l- j IluXCOu libel suit penainc KaInt one of them About a week app Hnmtmriter- Ulrwich 11 newspaper eharjfvil Umt ho- li l brrn ilnil iBiI Just nt 1 tlm when at iVBi ccutnir at the rodt of police graft and that Hie PolcjDcpartment Instead of trying to iiolp him In the lnv tljratlont haft Wralered him Ittspsator Jlood ia tbttntan In a body jInkerton Oftectlve werei plac u en guard itodA at the manuole covers ot- condull tl illif rlntd t Uestern Union at JJrpadway and Dey street conduHi carry hundreds of wires If A atrtker or a sjrllct jmp inirrr- fiouij pryup one of tnce ronnftoln- Ver and pour a bottle of oxalic aem Into trie openlnsr naltt one of the Iln- kerton gjeuths tne wires would be out of buslne- wNla Molly Paarl Moved On- Onmpljlntagalnst INjllf Capt O- alaher x f the Church rf rt station iwlll rrKintered by <3i Teleirrupbtrs Union witlj the Commissioner Monday CaptifriilfaKue a vA JTlu- iloliy Pnul one of trie women pickets from Jthe Subway wtatlon at Kulton- utreet today at tile reqtMsVof aWe t- crn UnlOK offlcktl who M she wai- InterferinRnrtth nonunion operators on their wajto work Aaslrtant Day Jlnnftuer Whelan of the Io tal nnd anothor nftlclal ot the company were trnced to Washington by- l >lea emplojpd by the irtrjkrrs last ntcht Uoth carried heAvy suit ca es- Th striker claim that Whcton and hl companion had the suit caseit filled with telerrams mhlch the company was unable to trarwmlt by wire News frpm Chicago that th national ortlcers of the union are tryinc to- Vtibmlt the trlkf a rbllrtiifira of the American Federation of Iyil or falletl- to create 1 ripple of Interest here If- an > < Jtlcmenl Is madt H muit be- mnUo throuirh tha main omceji of the Veftern Union nnd Iosiaf In this city Tho Prenidents of the telefcraph com- panies ¬ annouac that they will not a T to arbitration becauiflhe situa- tion ¬ Is Holt In hand- Telcaramt Are Delayed Althou K Wf tera Lnlon and i mal Company ofTicwU that they are handling all business v1th little or no drlny H hajs been shown hat telegram are not delivered tn ttme In fact the ICHM Klrlke leaders have posi- tive ¬ evidence that m uirrs ar beinit sent by mail and exprc > Innead of- orer h wlrei l id thnt a quick dllv- ery Iwtter int to Njw frmn St Louis r ra < htd here before a telegram sent at the same time fhe offices of tho AVeitern Union uml ifoslnl com t > anlf s are eloggrd up with business tluvt j houkl have been cleared away Three Men at Fort Wads worth Tried on Charge off- oldjers cinUoned ntTort Vad < worth were toUiiy trfeU by jiimmarj- olirlm < rtfM chftrscd lll tumatilllnv John UurlT of No 1C5 Plngerboanl- roa < l UiiRlcr and the pollcr call ilhe- fb tukefh5 caae lo after what thny claim was at unsuc- censcul mejte of the fort AcconllnR to HuKlor h and hl wlfo- weri atlurkoil nd rollied by three men In uniform while WurnltiK from continues thut liucler with Polkumm- Xidson i ur tteil the men to the foit- whora th v ware barred br the sen- trie and corporal of the KirarU- In xplte of thin the police urrestod- Suritt Ilalph Illiick anil arraliriiod him Iwforo llasUtrnuJlUrah- Todar Irlvates John Ilnll n I Hart of thV Iflftinth and Tlftysixth nler Const Artll r > vnnil Musician New- man ¬ wrro phcad on trIM fornichtlnx- witll clvlllani1 Tho nrrpt Hnrts turnlnit over to tHe fiflleer of the dny thncann i ald lo liavsi been taken from HUKlrr The lOMIers reproncnted- thftt it ciine wiiloh Uuslir hud rlnKid wth n nlckcln north of rlnss- nt n beach rri rt nni1 Hint the flKiit follow n wuixfti with ft mule companion of nuiflfr LleMtCnI Allini who lieiil tile courtmartial rewnfrt l cl on- It U untrue tin the simlrln opposed Hie entrance of u pallcemnn Into the reservation jmld nn officer of the jfunrxl today Diere wns no sentry near where Hurst Jflnck crossed the buUrWnrlpJi nfler avoldlnc th police- man ¬ who van wAltlriK for him when hn nrrtvfil on a street ear He dlil not run RWny nnd ilinonsxfur bU went lo hU uuiirtcrsi whqrs i was fonnd- tlino hail bien doing ome- Uork on Hamburger What h learnvtl wax Incorporatad In a report was ciibmltted to ActiliR ommlnknidr- OKecfe several diiy 4ffO Commissioner OKwffc refiupd todny to make publiclnnpector Floods report H czald It would come out In Hamliurjrer said tlil uflemoon tluxt OTCeofn nlll b tlv of his job before main Ways I 1iao thr tood- rtnrt wlll <i lvi r fhrn l ld Vatcli- it for tlAvaloproenU Mrmd y AH T viUi jy tiia Cam m lanortn ± lurr3ni J ctor nood with my onn forwan d hwras- porrt6 tSftJs Sretiifyjof Btnte wlththe- to Acting Commissioner Causes the Arrest of Policeman John SJfTS npolcrronnt- lrp StVrcer Strt ataijoiv w < i flfW I- Mft hv Jla hiratf Hull tu > la- firttonf > nUnd jtrt- in A >t h was r nIKi i a UwWigh Jhvij tls4tl <> n0f the er ft c6 rs bj Intpfttor IttwjoHj Hath pille iten < rrllevfji of their about a rxclted police fy a li- ced atucnevof till office liav In earsVhen lie Imrrlodjiito hi orll- etotlity Hfs fce Vs jetl and rju h- nnd th pert Iraffon ww dripping front hi brow Before he removed V hat ho ra hej over to Secretary Slattery Sends for Captalnt- ye Oltellly and ITmlKklns here at- oner he raid < fThI KTuftlns from pwldlers inakes me nick Tell Lieut- N ble Jo corr alone too Id llk to- knon what l u Ine s he trot keeplrtK a- policemnn i ot fron my cltiien- Capti OUHlb ana HoJsJtln and Ueiit Noble reached the Cortimf > loners onice In > hort order They wero con- fronted ¬ with the stoty oHnted In the mornine papers lo th effect thai a clti- ren hud complained to th Maiiloujrul- itreet utatlon that two pollcemerirfSrel- oldlnir up Hounton utrect p ildferB and that Lieut Nubte rrfuxed toctve ti porters ihr Iwnt of the two policcrr n- nf rtnln About the ame Um the Actlnc Q > m- mlrtlonerinstrtiisteil ln pictur Kuscll to Investigate thi chargea I told the captains that ariv uch- cor iiKU WIH bf i pi llly alt with by me explained the Comm lam r af r th eoniernce I wont naiul for It one minute I dont think the cap ¬ tains fcrivw anything about this cf If the snuklnudown renll did tak- tilnce but 1 want thsm lo undertand tjow I terton tich subject It very pifntaht r3 vuiup tn ui m n ana read a pan T with n t tJ lleil account of two policemen shiiklnK down peOdler and u desk man refm- Ine cjtizen i Information about it public nervant ftlunt Clve Information Let It Ixi upclertooil once for all thst a Lieutenant or otnef man iin eil to Vlvg nnVdlli n r Mrt r- or oihervrlur any Informailon reRardnir the pfut ot an prtJJcoman at any The other patlcrmatt irntlonfd n the il srafi Is Iartn A < Horn of tjies necticcd 9ffle ri ar attuchetl to- th Slprcer tntlon Jnsprctor- Ituciell In continuing ihc lnvc llnitlon- Vhin PoKccinan Sh a wa < before Mnciitrate Hutto four itishcirt- asalnst him Their Kkpn and sha wan held JlVV5 hnl1 un thn cljarcc pf ct- tortlonto UWalt n hwirlnK on Tuc ds- aftrrnoon > rilun jmvr hl ape as twe- nVievn and his tidrlCM an No IT fJiint- Otif Hunilred and Thirtyfirst ire U Itf- nM tor had b eh In the service two years H < his a cooU record SEIHfl Herbert Beatty Who Turned ill Tenderloin Platpon Gets New Freak JlhlnelanOer Waldos Double tiuui wtiu turned out the nlKltl p- ot ttf Tenderloin Station anil thfiii the town a laugh W H lodiv illncov- Tf l In the person of Herbert Ufsitty- younc man who lve Bt No 351 Vett- T > nUMtlh jrret lieotty waii nr- ralcntd Uefor MnRtolratfi DroeEC n- ho Weal Side Court by Iollcemnn Milrr- phy of the Wcsl SSxtyclKhth Htreft llS SrrcLiBt iS- o flFeaVty7 rno s h- and Columbun avenue noting atranRfl at tl- ioji i when His relatives tflephoiied Hip Dollc to tako limjin custody Benly wife iMr Nelll Bcatly and his l ter Josephine today aceitnanKirntinl- ome time and telllinr ylf wllh flfty bank era und alwut nelHw lots to IMcrpOn- tMorsnn daushtpr On the otreet cur while coin < court neatly espied n- lodRi mbUm In a paiwenKors lapel and besan nlvlnit him jni r markftble hlirh- of illotruw endlnit tiy klne him to buy n drink The pvillcmen In court recoenlid- ne ttrnt the wan who made tho Ten- derloin ¬ police the lauphinu nlook of the town a feWnlRhtn after IthtnelimderV- NaWo was appJlntsJ Plrst Deputy Io lice Commlsslatirr A youns man In- venlnt clothes walked Into he stu- ftlannnd ordered Hie ser SRnt to turn out tlib plitoon His order wna o- 4p rjcintuor tliat the nerseant wan ancd- Jlnto bnllVtnf tho man was Waldo nmt- i IIP thn cops Then tile tranE r- fitiivil anil jiuplolim culiiiinitril in loud lirlekK f stunifV- I Jldnt Ull era I was Waldo aald- Ucatty today I ju said Turn out the platoon1 like thH arid the scrjtosnt- otwyeJ wiis easy II th n made H speech to the effeqt that he would spend 10OuO flirhtliuf tie lvi >Tiwut to hlsulfe of U0 Mttfflittrote- Droftje ent him to Belltivuo for esamU nation SHOT HIS SISTER DEAD WHEN REFUSED MONEY PlULADBLlIHA AUK lu Uecaulie- slie refusrd to lend him money Atrneir- Doipin agml thlrtielglit y r is shot and killed by her brother John In thin city today lur lone In Atlantic CityThllrKdai Iokvl t a friend of h llvlusr Inytho contral pun Of thocity Herbrother firJio Jo roll Permanently Restrains the CQnnectbn o ptirlchesfcr and Weslchesjer Umes prrmo Conrt Jutlc Daylon to- t a < lcllon In lUlluuy Cumpinjr to contfntife th- porslty < MjUiKilnii rbtavned by linn rc- triliitnn Kit jloird wjt Kstlrruie ami- Apportlioment ffiiiik Rrarftini ttienp llcatioii ot the Nen Yolk Und ur- ChiMcr Itnltrotil Owfriiwitiy 10 ltrr- lHroutrn lo runriect Wtlli tiic ruat- wftiit V ncJie4 ifT1Miiil lu ujj Unit way Company described in the frani- clil fl rnntri lo the company by th- JlbarU at AMirmm Auc Ittf- Th U< l Jolj sfiio rejtriiln the i nV- trri Jlrcctor ami nK nU of tio Vs- trc i r n nl Ikiiton lUIIway Cotnpinv- frijttt Ioncntinjr r atij manner lo- cnanse li rOutft and from asrfimlnic- rtf c nv 1nf of mtrnctlitj to sinlBii or- hmviv until tli < > n Voik n iil lyrt- eh ler ItnllnOTd VSr riKtitl i u < the rcwrt nf X1M > tch ter nnd Bnjton- llnllwfav CompiKUv t ny of jtn pro nttv t nl or Tisr o i or cunlrtcto- XIr RoblnMin the lnih > tleri I t Jioliir n VGiffw p r v lu- of > the CTpilAl i i<k t lh ji jter und IWston RJflway l > > ntjpntV hr- ttt rJi itanilinc on th Mdktf pf th rati- x1 rumpnnv In lht nanie r of voMnt- ciniil Id thf plalnltrt brines th- jtiit In NthaU or tiinvdf nid ih- xvlio are nlmllnrly ltu They dcnvstxl th <s launctif n mi ih- ftl ll lUwr1 of H tinmlr nnd orUonnunl lw < no rvwrr to- rortchotif Cuinpany ihe- ani wtllt1 fraiwSUe le Mill in fjll prpuna tated for thelnjimet- lon l h t prnpnir j i a nt to1 art tun of tu ril of KitVnU nnil- Ajif rtonmfnt on lhtif ot the W- cliMtr > Conipany nnd pr p ed- tr > n fef bf wtclnstrr Company to the IWrtchofter Company of It on- tritftlon work real evute and rlffht of- i without cnnsldfnitlnn and nd < lm iultabl r ntl in lli the rJfcUti ot the minority uanteJ cull Vail 77- Jies CD- G Ausr IT id nte < A raaerd ef TWo lOTtSpe erettf Fifty Dailara will t o paidtttr f few arroei end oonvlottoa of any unit daalof or other pcpsan- oaKty tho provlalonst SBO of ttia PmnatOGdo- of Iho Staio at Karer Voeti of criminally rccoirfr s aapt ftpop arty boteaglag la tttia Coottteayj May I- Irrlunl THAT PAIN INTHEBAGKR- adways ReadyRelief an t If tr itlmiilont fon r11 U- ror th eurtrof il i The ll lr- 1I C h u4 l nplleJ l it luitt urf irf- tll rul l In It l auli vn il rful hof- rranlj it iHlrv iko fun < Iht iluitr1- t> firKrririlr lltllef r4H the palm on to twrntjr mlnuln For jitaiUPJie l MHli r >Jr nnou i touth- AClif > ncun l it ih runi ll lut l I Inj- nJ oOr > In lh UacK t r V cln jr- rx ln niuml lh ll er< llln n i lni nVi in of sH lod the i pl of loiilnjiv nolr nellff will ffor SmjTjydljie ra r nd lt > ronilmiil ut for a- TO Soap that costs 4 cents a cake but keeps1 you busy allidaybver the tubs is dear Soap that costs 5 cents a cake but enables you to stop work at noon is cheap T- P G Napntna Soap I The naphtha in it does just ex- v w- actlywhat boiling does it purifies i f MM the clothes Half the work nnil lmost all he discomfort of washldnyU due tq the fact that women think it necewary to tx> iljhe clotlies- It i nft iieccMrj NaphtlmSoap anil cold or lukewarm water will tnako clothes cleaner than ordinary laundry soap and boiling water will do it in half < he time and with half the labor grocery in this city JThe price is 5 cents a cake PROCTER GAMBLE Fictorlfi Port Irarf Suten Iibni M Y WANTQiFEMAUEO- I1IL cxntrUncetl collar and packerml Uuniller Ounlntr k DIE athUra No- t Mjfjk- iiftaaJMft J andar of- gfalfon rtno vliirtr DIED A 10 EMIITI- xUu 3- 9wf of J rort v Puncan ni Jiunhttr of- Mr ll m K Jacob J urtf from the rrildfnc of hr motKr- AM Watwortb at Brooklyn t 280 Tu- ln > Avf S- OIAHICIVOn Thuradny Aur IB lWT- JAMIM II UAltKIK UlovtJ Imbando Annie Larkln- funora from hl > r > llenoe 63- 3ai nmor vi Drooklrn Bundsy at i- oclock ReUtlrM nd rrlcjiJi rM Thais wh t a Wei p nV- vacationamount to And that wbat enadacfV7arlii

Transcript of Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1907-08-17 [p 2].M-JJATIJ K D A Y AUGUST 9Q 7 MOIL tl L-uRorf H OH...

Page 1: Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1907-08-17 [p 2].M-JJATIJ K D A Y AUGUST 9Q 7 MOIL tl L-uRorf H OH Confesses fronrStapletonS-MJMJ > v Institution JUT SAYSRE mEW IT INT and Save frbm




uRorf H OH Confesses





and Savefrbm



rIjof Directors or the Staple

tonNotional Bankof Staplcion BtatenlesucU rtatament today Irv

JforainVihopublloaiat Robert H GUI

fc J cisMer of tha Institution la under or-

js rest charged with steaJlns J1JOOO Th-

abortaaer noa been made eod by thdirectors Tho will bn reimbursed by a

tljMVsridlns company which cuarootced Gill

slhU > Jhatextent of 515000-

T Dullness church and xodal circles on-

Staien laland are painfully surprised at-

rj the cewa of the downfall of Jlobert HQIII Ho Haf one of QMS mast popularyouDir men In the community and ht

11 habits were believed to be beyond re-proaoh The eenenU amazement a In-

icreasfcdby GUI confe alon that h>

mcxney and Wew U to la-

s Promisee RectorationSir

4vTli defalcation wa uncovered Au-gt9fbf a national bonk examiner wholAppeared unexpectedly at tha bonk

Admitted the sbortajro He was placedarrest the next day but waa re-on ball on his promise to restore

kb atolcn money If rivin a chanceVFor ten day Olll aadThia mother and

r l ters7wllbrwlionrhellvod 8t Cliftonto znalce up the shortage

HviftThey confciwia lillura yeaterday andihe cahter woa rearrested

teyand commltteiatorKayniond BtrasfJaJI-to Brooklyn r-

ffci AU attempta to aocure from GUI anyilctalU as to hnw he trot rid of THO-OTlnjiotoo llvlnar In the Tenderioln otUaabattan havo failed Ha refused to-

ys5 o more than mtr t Wtmr U InlTho Iwoa atolen at different

llmea lySthtn a period of alg monthcommencing ° after tn Ja t eauunins on of tho bonlc in February

Four V asi In BankGUI ia thtrtyflra 7 cca old VThen

the Staplehm National Baotowaa orsranfor uyeara wro iw iwi-

eaihTer out ot a bis llit o-frVo badbeen crerk In i P8tth

Bank of JEanhattnn anatUJwere of tha highest charaotsi-

TjXJi bank proapered ead no nnaU-har> of Its proaparUir wa 6n to tha

popularity of tha ouhi rl j flo fw aahis fvifilly hla friend snd his employera know ha had no bad habtta HUsalary waa KQ year and althoughhe lived well and wu liberal with hlafamily Ws home ui>sndltui a warwell within hla Income

Tbo only explanation his friend can5y Clve of hla ventura Into crinu la that

t h hm T>M n mentally imylmig < < for-

t some months1 No trocea of m ntaJ d-

iSf ranKerncnt weH ai>par nt tiowovsr to-

t tha bank officialstferdlaandO Torwnaena cPreatdent fit the Institution refused to believe that

placed the proof n Zore h >

eyes Following thV dlecovary of QlHadefalcation Paul T TVood Vaa made

eilotint caahtor President Townscnd-

ta be n performlnr the flutlec of-

eaebUr alnce tbat UmeHow It Was Done

OtU had authority by virtue of htaposition to extend tho time notes of

from Uio bonk When he be-

to ateal ho appropriated thefmoneyturned In by persona paying off notc-

iiaad doctored tho booka to ohonr thatcoles had been extended

mother a woman w ll alonr In-

haa been in a aerlotu condition

Iwon Tha two l t T8 of tho defnultlnirAhl r r touclicrr In the aiatcn IiU-

nd public cln > ol Tho family ooou-

Ijiied one of tha cotUefl on the Vonder-i ita e-

5s 5rhe StapUton Xatlonal Bank Ja capl-

aHcadv at M75W J It wos started to-


inann commtlted jiulclde on New Teara-pve three years afro HB was found to-

be a defaulter for more than KOQOV

and It was learned that ha had lot thenoney through KimbllnB toWall streetThe hank waa fdrcedto close Its doorsUavinc the Btnpletcm National Banktho only national bank ori Staten Inl-


Since then the lllchmond BorotiK-hNntlonil Bank has been establlshetl Jn-

of the defunct Institution

fHead of Famous Detective

Firm Stricken onWay-



essorJo Bther Wlipse

Keen Bravery Saved1 LinX-

IriHerited Ability

News reached thjs city1 today th tRobert A Plnk rton head f h Plalt-

Brton Detective Anncy died at n sa

aboard the ateomer Brem n AUff 1-2He wraa on his way to Germany tn thehope of bcneflUnjr ht health Jit hadb n olllnsr for omo montlu

Accompanying him wnn Klorrnc Sul-

llvan tho t Me polfHeJan whobrlnu tho b ly buck to Amorlcn forburfaU A yet nan of the details of

the death Is kntnm hereKpbert A Plnkerton was r arded im-

p lipi tha ercatC3t thlef toher In-

Hie world He cam by hla d tecttrInstinct naturally He was the eldeston of old Allan Plnkerttm founder of

the Plnkcrton Asency and famous asthe man who In the early days of thecivil war thwarted singlehanded theflrst plot to murder Ireildeat Lincoln

When AHan Plnkerton died h left hisbuslnens and tht bulk of h money vl-oils two boys Bob and Billy1 BobaMumed chars of the Kastern district

city JJllly has always lived Inthe West and Chicago and looked afterAt Western territory

Toirother th brotheni expanded thebuatncas td bounda of whlchJhelrcanny Scotch1 father drcame <L

They organized and controll l an armyof men who ar uaed In deferdlnf prop-erty


durtns atr kes and labor warswtio h va urr und4dbankiiandriarBaf-Snanclal concenui with a system of-

atiardlknahlp whloh bu made a lostart of expert safe blowing and whoprotect all tha big rac tracks fromJahppehat and poolroom sharps

Wai Brooklyn MillionaireTo Rft yrt thB tyr th r whfr i3i >d this

week on th ocean iijuch of tho creditfor this expression of tiio industry wasdua Inddeutally ha had amassed a-

fortono of aereral millions and hlatome iraa 000 of the handsomest in-Iroofclyn He woaalxty yean old He-

eft 0 widow and seven children Thatrain ofhanT work wa Indirectly r-

sponslbl for tils dtath-Hlarfbrother William who haa be n-

at Saratoga attending the rac s waanotified by toMdUtanpe telephon thlaafternoon Yorkonlcht to take charge of the affairs of-tte local ofHea nd to make prtpam-lonatorf tha burial of the body uponU arrival >

jUaout tha raOxitraelUL where h wast familiar xirewlth square ghouldtr andhla QUlel r ntl manners fewof the thousands who knew him reajzed personallyihe raa on of iho-ceenest track r of crime America everrodueed iln tho da <rs of the oldlime

cracksmen of the Jimmy schoolJob Plnkerton bad a wonderful knack

It-blonKCd merely trom an uxamlnntlo-nofth traces which th bunrlars leftjehlndCdolneaa Often eaved LifeMore than ones his cooineoa and h-

icrlt saved tiln life He had btwn shot

nctir got ao much as a ncratch In allits careerIxmr b for ho reached hU majority

he waa dolnc active serrtco for thoJolted States Governmtnt He had Justfone frflm his birthplace at Dundee

to entor Notra Dime Unlvprsltywhen the Civil War Iwson He leftcollieo and entered the rmy ecr t-

aervlce taff under hli father Townril-Lhn close of h nllllti he wa detailedo the X rpartmont of the Gulf whern-

be won a r s utallon for Mmct-Amonc the most notnWe cases In

which he tlicurfd p r cmally wer hHolly aunrulr conspiracies nd lth-Homeatwul labor wars

Bob llnkerton mado criminology a-

llfj tudy HIi llbrury cnntultm tihhistory protouranh nd the record

Statusrocen nnd n m hajl bi eii cultivateda oolnt wher It awnied nlmint urlcnnnv In lt Infallibility


IT Th ruclns colony hennl IOAT of thn-

n> wiirtck n HM u n who hav knownCol Hob for yo J wtro much affKirO by

th nrwn and t r cwne ta th ryta uf-mor lhan on th nftt round In w y-

lhrou h the Hp-

CoL Ilnlwrtous hrotlwr Wllll m notI rl aml Ul rrhrn tit w i laid n


tin or Mount Varnon O IRU bue-4iDI oIiitrd ciilof clerk at the Jfnvy j > t-fjiartmcnt to sucffoil U F IotvM d

Ho Jiad j

Official Voting CouponCoorwn Kntlllo Iho Jld r to Qut On V t t th Uot-

onr Kvnr York Wb

en>r 1O-3rAt


WitHlHe L dyaf4Hta Choice Will Bo Crowno-dKINC3





K of Sopt 1C


I vcrta for


cBreadwajt Jlarlniiiuhurl a and Sauli r BnUdlni

Report That Mrs Curtiss Who

Spends S300000 a YearHas Married Bachelor

A rrport that she had marrlitd H O-

Wllllamion a youny bachelor ot Hartfnrd had preceded Mrs Julia WattMorris Curtiss to Fnlrflcld Conn to-day


wh ri he iu sclirduM to appearand answer a ohar i> of mrntal Incom-

t6iicy> made In a petition Hied by hereldest son Louis Jlorrls to fmve a-

conservntpr appointed for her rstat-AccordfnEtommomtr Curtl fore-


potslble action by the court byhastily marrying Mr Williamson sndloft with him and a party of frienda-on her yncht for Falrfleld to be pr-

nt ttt th hearlns-Acoordlng to lawyers If she VBB mar-


a ConnVctlcut court cannot np-polnt any Tcon rytttor othfr than h r

Jim purlins wus not In court todayhnthe teklnjr > testimony wa-

Tjejnm before Judjre E Tllobbj of theBridgeport Probutt Court at Fir9ldand th rport of her marriag couldnot b LconfLnnd-

AinonK Mr CuntlMs extraTa ancfmentioned in ti >e teatlmony wan thebuylntr of a tioien pnntsols r n lns In-

orlc from 0 to IBO each presentinga nurse with nn of them and the ex-Mndfture of from tlu000 to 15000 permonth when her actual Incomet3 O per year vll um over andabove tha1 wer auppllitd by her auntIIi Plcknsy of New York who I

executrix o fthe Watt estate of whichaim Curtiss Is an heir

Mrs Curtis was re > re ent d In courtby Attorney Leonard J Nlckerron of-

i f rv wtty u ATtorji8yJohn C ShBw of Now Vork JudeElmore B JUunkv reprreentloe IxwU HMorris

A Mrs Curtls haj not appeared Incourt ttt L15 tbo he lnr wus

v fin hlr wa > to I 1 1 fromy chU As tho autornoblla contulrilnc LouU Morris JudgeNobbs and counwl In th euaer lo urldeport for lunchMrs Curtis in carrtastk was rwisrdrid nt awuy from KftlrfleWMrs Curtlst is very Wealthy In her

reU eUIOln Ilarl n alU tonorth botwnsn MWOW and JltwrArtMorris a son by her flrst marriagealleges In hla petition that hi motherIs mentally Incompetent to handle herestate It time ho aiadohis application that action wai larnly

blued on his mothers announced ¬tion of marrying Jlr Williamson It-wa ald he Is apendlnc approximatelyJJOOCO a yt ar-

Mr Curtls ha rxpremd her det r-

and denies that slit 1 aurroundfd bybady iruardu In the belief herdrrn arc orrftviv ngalnst her 8hi InlUmated seviiral Aura St that she wouldhave sturtllns Ii tmnny to give today


of Two Little Girls forAid for Sufferer

Donald n lrnon l the tlttlo cripple oftit Ann avenue ti j Hronx will uroly-

et bit crutches In fnct at the ratilie g nerou readers ot thn Kveninit-Vor nr enilliiK In ttionuy for himlt should K3UII be ible to purchasemiuiy palra of crutches

Two IHtln Klrls for whoie pjir nt hU-mothrr works suirtw tit wave of ehar-ILihl ImnutM hj way hy peltinj IK ashow nnfl rOHoqtlnK 13 In nlckntj anddtnfeji TSoit vhed Uiuy saw Ji y iulii-ilo no inor thr npp ai t to Tins KvenlltK lrid The nave DOCJJ r

The tcfllowInK 1iHtr how how otherJni pcjscil In ponalttlift crutchnj nnd what they did for hi it a Nun JcrK y wntrrlnic place

The Evening WoiltlInelosiii you will nnd acheck for 9M bulns thr proceed of acollection by the children noiv

lit tlij Orriinland lloye HljrhlandfJ will add ttii to Sitenmoum you Imyo already received tohnp Ounald rt hUVrry trily rnurn-




oorge Bnrton of tufLeOnnrd tr station wh nhoL liiw-rclt yejslfirjlay afisnison in CentraWrit In an effort to end hl life LS fjlijby phyalcians n ITcsUyitrlun Jlotptiaito <iay to ho rocoverlti-

Kjiatan tv rv ISan One Hundrcd ana Kifteirutr atr uit with hi-wiilowwl motifr and hl urotiu r laman cim dt l > lth TiUcJt Uonttianv

6 H Jra been oBrm eifeand ITlUelleved to beo-ftrte tetnporttrtly lnf n by Illnoaa-Dartqn i n prisoner In tlio ho

J S Bache Co Hire NonUnionQperatQfsand Say Qiily Sir Wall

Street Firms HaveSigned1the Scale4 wI-

pai siittation Intheteltgnipher strikehas reached astagecalling for the presence here of s J Small die Natioiwl President He

will reach New York Monday and open headquarters in the Asipr House

From now on the nationalifieadquarkrs of thestrike will be Iri this cityinstead iof in Chicago where theoperaiors claim to jiaveall the best of it-

Ortly i3x Houaea Signed the Scale mci and women who walk out back

The tnre t of th union to call outthe Wall street operators employed In-

brokeragre houses that hay vnot aimedthVelofd shop and J30 a week min-


wag scale ha been m t by J-

S Bacne Co on f tlia larsestcommission houses In the financial U-

trlet When the elfht unlor operatorsemployed there up to yesterday re-


for work this morning theyfound their places filled by nonrunlohmen

William Ji Wollman peaklnc for ih tfirm miya the elirht union operator-struck Th jinlon ofncers ay thatnostrike was ordered Accordlnir to MrDacha only six Wall street hotures haveactually plgmed the union scale

ntv i v lwavs trealrJ1 riur menrithl a11 ijf Wollman and wouldhave Mood anxthlng In roanoh butthe union tried to make a marlcof us-

Tney tried to force us to sljtn theaerwsnent for the effect such actionwould have Upon other houses Thmen w have now ore dolnc tho workour oldemployes did In a manner n-

tlrely ot f tory to usBach ft Cos action In hlrtnr non-


men nan precipitated acrlrislritire strike so far aa Walt Street la con-


A me llne of th union leaderswaa exiled at noon at the Airtor Houseto consider It Th Wall Birtet commla on men whohiw refuted to ulgn-

Ui scale say they have nonunion menready to step In and take the k r If-

thalr old finployrcs wajK Kit

Lack of Harmony ObservedIt is hoped by the striker that tha

arrival of President Snioli will addstrength to th union cauaa J re Tlielocal unions and tha national officershavo not bf n worklne In total har-rrtony Some of hoj radical strikers aredlapoaed to objest to what they railtha Interference of outside labor loaderswho > have been active In Chicago In-

trylnr flrat to ward off the trtke andn xt to submit th dlrferenc betweenthe companl < i and the strikers to arbltratlon-

T4 >ls will we anticipate b a ninetyday strike sold Daniel E Iluoaell o-

Ixical No 1 toiUy We expect to-

havo the companift Iweclrve for us tocom back within sixty days There U

only one way they can net u backbyl Tnlf ani1 klnc thranting a

OKeefTe Starts In to GetEven with Hamburgers

Acline Police Ct mm < loner Olfeff-todsy revoked tile special offlcers II-

c ns ot Jacob Q IlamburKer the pro-prietor


of C Brooklyn private detectiveaifenc He al o called In tht policeshield mat went with the IIc ni

upon whTch the Actlnn Tollce ComquliTlonf rJ Jle4 tmVxt frr fonvardedtaSecretary of State Whalrn who will b-

asked to take away Hamburseri Statelicense to run a detective aKfncy

Commissioner OKruffeK acllon growsout of tlw Brooklyn pollco Kraflchar fs-

Karly In Junp Hamburger wa employedb CornniUloner ItliiKhHm lo make an-

jnv iilmtlor of police conditions In cer-


4r petJon districts in Brooklynparticularly that Inclualnff Coney Iiland

Backed by PoliticiansTli ftnploymonfiof ilaniburirer w s-

urged bv llrooklyn palltlclnni who n-

tliat policy pmcors were colKraiT R3mlillnKliou-

ipoilroot ui nil illtorJ ry homes Theyaii sod further tliat a MK percentnRi-of fiie > KAfl AJ IliifllilK lit Wy to-

Dijiutj Commt IOBr 0 K iiu > otfiee-

alttioueti it wi not illrivtly cliarKtiithat Mr 0J e< iff Jf RCstjne nny of u

Hamburger roporls were not allfaotory to lrj 1ollce OoniiTl iiinir At-

illiimtmrcrr rcJu t however fourLlcutunanu of ixljicc who had been at-

tachfil lp H nilquarterii were lrnnfurred llnally after HamburKer hailb n OH th i Job nearly three wfteks-Oontmlivloner Jllnchain rtlamtMed himnn 1 Kent the our tran f rrred llfiitfiiants tmck lo their old poilx-

Cartnln Umuklyti n WKj aper < on-tlnuotl 10 publish v lld Oliarsri i ttKuln l-

j IluXCOu libel suit penainc KaInt oneof them

About a week app Hnmtmriter-Ulrwich 11 newspaper eharjfvil Umt ho-li l brrn ilnil iBiI Just nt 1 tlm whenat iVBi ccutnir at the rodt of policegraft and that Hie PolcjDcpartmentInstead of trying to iiolp him In thelnv tljratlont haft Wralered him

Ittspsator Jlood ia tbttntan

In a bodyjInkerton Oftectlve werei plac u en

guard itodA at the manuole covers ot-condull tl illif rlntd t Uestern Union

at JJrpadway and Dey streetconduHi carry hundreds of wires

If A atrtker or a sjrllct jmp inirrr-fiouij pryup one of tnce ronnftoln-

Ver and pour a bottle of oxalic aemInto trie openlnsr naltt one of the Iln-kerton gjeuths tne wires would be outof buslne-

wNla Molly Paarl Moved On-

Onmpljlntagalnst INjllf Capt O-alaher x f the Church rf rt stationiwlll rrKintered by <3i TeleirrupbtrsUnion witlj the CommissionerMonday CaptifriilfaKue a vA JTlu-iloliy Pnul one of trie women picketsfrom Jthe Subway wtatlon at Kulton-utreet today at tile reqtMsVof aWe t-

crn UnlOK offlcktl who M she wai-InterferinRnrtth nonunion operators ontheir wajto work

Aaslrtant Day Jlnnftuer Whelan ofthe Io tal nnd anothor nftlclal ot thecompany were trnced to Washington by-

l>lea emplojpd by the irtrjkrrs lastntcht Uoth carried heAvy suit ca es-

Th striker claim that Whcton and hlcompanion had the suit caseit filled withtelerrams mhlch the company wasunable to trarwmlt by wire

News frpm Chicago that th nationalortlcers of the union are tryinc to-

Vtibmlt the trlkf a rbllrtiifira of theAmerican Federation of Iyil or falletl-to create 1 ripple of Interest here If-

an > <Jtlcmenl Is madt H muit be-

mnUo throuirh tha main omceji of theVeftern Union nnd Iosiaf In this city

Tho Prenidents of the telefcraph com-panies


annouac that they will nota T to arbitration becauiflhe situa-tion


Is Holt In hand-Telcaramt Are Delayed

Althou K Wf tera Lnlon and i malCompany ofTicwU that they arehandling all business v1th little or nodrlny H hajs been shown hat telegramare not delivered tn ttme Infact the ICHM Klrlke leaders have posi-tive


evidence that m uirrs ar beinitsent by mail and exprc > Innead of-orer h wlrei l id thnt a quick dllv-ery Iwtter int to Njw frmn StLouis r ra< htd here before a telegramsent at the same time fhe offices oftho AVeitern Union uml ifoslnl comt>anlf s are eloggrd up with businesstluvt j houkl have been cleared away

Three Men at Fort Wadsworth Tried on Charge off-

oldjers cinUoned ntTort Vad <

worth were toUiiy trfeU by jiimmarj-olirlm< rtfM chftrscd lll tumatilllnv

John UurlT of No 1C5 Plngerboanl-roa < l UiiRlcr and the pollcr call ilhe-

fb tukefh5 caae loafter what thny claim was at unsuc-censcul mejte of the fort

AcconllnR to HuKlor h and hl wlfo-

weri atlurkoil nd rollied by threemen In uniform while WurnltiK from

continues thut liucler with Polkumm-Xidson i ur tteil the men to the foit-whora th v ware barred br the sen-trie and corporal of the KirarU-

In xplte of thin the police urrestod-Suritt Ilalph Illiick anil arraliriiod himIwforo llasUtrnuJlUrah-

Todar Irlvates John Ilnll n I Hartof thV Iflftinth and Tlftysixthnler Const Artll r>vnnil Musician New-man


wrro phcad on trIM fornichtlnx-witll clvlllani1 Tho nrrptHnrts turnlnit over to tHe fiflleer of thedny thncann i ald lo liavsi been takenfrom HUKlrr The lOMIers reproncnted-thftt it ciine wiiloh Uuslir hudrlnKid wth n nlckcln north of rlnss-nt n beach rri rt nni1 Hint the flKiitfollow n wuixfti with ft mule companionof nuiflfr LleMtCnI Allini who lieiiltile courtmartial rewnfrt l cl on-

It U untrue tin the simlrln opposedHie entrance of u pallcemnn Into thereservation jmld nn officer of thejfunrxl today Diere wns no sentrynear where Hurst Jflnck crossed thebuUrWnrlpJi nfler avoldlnc th police-man


who van wAltlriK for him whenhn nrrtvfil on a street ear He dlil notrun RWny nnd ilinonsxfur bU went lohU uuiirtcrsi whqrs i was fonnd-

tlino hail bien doing ome-Uork on Hamburger What h learnvtlwax Incorporatad In a report wasciibmltted to ActiliR ommlnknidr-OKecfe several diiy 4ffO

Commissioner OKwffc refiupd todnyto make publiclnnpector Floods reportH czald It would come out In

Hamliurjrer said tlil uflemoon tluxtOTCeofn nlll b tlv of his jobbefore main Ways I 1iao thr tood-rtnrt wlll <i lvi r fhrn l ld Vatcli-

it for tlAvaloproenU Mrmd yAH T viUi jy tiia Cam

m lanortn ±lurr3ni J ctor nood withmy onn forwan d hwras-porrt6 tSftJs Sretiifyjof Btnte wlththe-to

Acting Commissioner Causes

the Arrest of Policeman

John SJfTS npolcrronnt-lrp StVrcer Strt ataijoiv w < i flfW I-

Mft hv Jla hiratf Hull tu > la-


nUnd jtrt-in A > t h was r nIKi

i a UwWigh Jhvij tls4tl <>n0f theer f t c6 rs bj Intpfttor IttwjoHjHath pille iten < rrllevfji of their

about a rxclted police fy a li-ced atucnevof till office liav

In earsVhen lie Imrrlodjiito hi orll-etotlity Hfs fce Vs jetl and rju h-

nnd th pert Iraffon ww dripping fronthi brow Before he removed V hatho ra hej over to Secretary Slattery

Sends for Captalnt-ye Oltellly and ITmlKklns here at-

oner he raid < fThI KTuftlns frompwldlers inakes me nick Tell Lieut-N ble Jo corr alone too Id llk to-

knon what l u Ine s he trot keeplrtK a-

policemnn i ot fron my cltiien-Capti OUHlb ana HoJsJtln and

Ueiit Noble reached the Cortimf > lonersonice In >hort order They wero con-fronted


with the stoty oHnted In themornine papers lo th effect thai a clti-ren hud complained to th Maiiloujrul-itreet utatlon that two pollcemerirfSrel-oldlnir up Hounton utrect p ildferB and

that Lieut Nubte rrfuxed toctve tiporters ihr Iwnt of the two policcrr n-

nf rtnlnAbout the ame Um the Actlnc Q> m-

mlrtlonerinstrtiisteil ln pictur Kuscllto Investigate thi chargeaI told the captains that ariv uch-

cor iiKU WIH bf i pi llly alt with byme explained the Comm lam r af rth eoniernce I wont naiul for Itone minute I dont think the cap ¬

tains fcrivw anything about this cfIf the snuklnudown renll did tak-tilnce but 1 want thsm lo undertandtjow I terton tich subject Itvery pifntaht r3 vuiup tn ui m nana read a pan T with n t tJ lleilaccount of two policemen shiiklnKdown peOdler and u desk man refm-Ine cjtizen i Information about it publicnervant

ftlunt Clve InformationLet It Ixi upclertooil once for all

thst a Lieutenant or otnef maniin eil to Vlvg nnVdlli n r Mrt r-

or oihervrlur any Informailon reRardnirthe pfut ot an prtJJcoman at any

The other patlcrmatt irntlonfd n theil srafi Is Iartn A < Horn

of tjies necticcd 9ffle ri ar attuchetl to-

th Slprcer tntlon Jnsprctor-Ituciell In continuing ihc lnvc llnitlon-

Vhin PoKccinan Sh a wa <

before Mnciitrate Hutto four itishcirt-asalnst him Their

Kkpn and sha wanheld JlVV5 hnl1 un thn cljarcc pf ct-tortlonto UWalt n hwirlnK on Tuc ds-aftrrnoon


rilun jmvr hl ape as twe-nVievn and his tidrlCM an No IT fJiint-

Otif Hunilred and Thirtyfirst ire U Itf-nM tor had b eh In the service two

years H < his a cooU record


Herbert Beatty Who Turned

ill Tenderloin Platpon

Gets New Freak

JlhlnelanOer Waldos Doubletiuui wtiu turned out the nlKltl p-

ot ttf Tenderloin Station anil thfiiithe town a laugh W H lodiv illncov-

Tf l In the person of Herbert Ufsitty-younc man who lve Bt No 351 Vett-

T > nUMtlh jrret lieotty waii nr-

ralcntd Uefor MnRtolratfi DroeEC n-

ho Weal Side Court by Iollcemnn Milrr-

phy of the Wcsl SSxtyclKhth HtreftllS SrrcLiBt iS-

o flFeaVty7 rno s h-

and Columbun avenue

noting atranRfl at tl-

ioji i when His relatives tflephoiied Hip

Dollc to tako limjin custodyBenly wife iMr Nelll Bcatly and

his l ter Josephine todayaceitnanKirntinl-ome time and telllinr

ylf wllh flfty bankera und alwut nelHw lots to IMcrpOn-

tMorsnn daushtpr On the otreet cur

while coin < court neatly espied n-

lodRi mbUm In a paiwenKors lapel andbesan nlvlnit him jni r markftble hlirh-

of illotruw endlnit tiy klne him

to buy n drinkThe pvillcmen In court recoenlid-

ne ttrnt the wan who made tho Ten-



police the lauphinu nlook of thetown a feWnlRhtn after IthtnelimderV-

NaWo was appJlntsJ Plrst Deputy Iolice Commlsslatirr A youns man In-

venlnt clothes walked Into he stu-

ftlannnd ordered Hie ser SRnt to turnout tlib plitoon His order wna o-

4p rjcintuor tliat the nerseant wan ancd-

Jlnto bnllVtnf tho man was Waldo nmt-

i IIP thn cops Then tile tranE r-

fitiivil anil jiuplolim culiiiinitril in loudlirlekK f stunifV-

I Jldnt Ull era I was Waldo aald-Ucatty today I ju said Turn outthe platoon1 like thH arid the scrjtosnt-otwyeJ wiis easy

II th n made H speech to the effeqtthat he would spend 10OuO flirhtliuf tielvi >Tiwut to hlsulfe of U0 Mttfflittrote-Droftje ent him to Belltivuo for esamUnation



PlULADBLlIHA AUK lu Uecaulie-slie refusrd to lend him money Atrneir-Doipin agml thlrtielglit y r isshot and killed by her brother John Inthin city today

lur lone InAtlantic CityThllrKdai Iokvl t a friendof h llvlusr Inytho contral punOf thocity Herbrother firJio Jo roll

Permanently Restrains theCQnnectbn o ptirlchesfcr

and Weslchesjer Umes

prrmo Conrt Jutlc Daylon to-t a <lcllon In

lUlluuy Cumpinjr to contfntife th-porslty


MjUiKilnii rbtavned by linn rc-

triliitnn Kit jloird wjt Kstlrruie ami-Apportlioment ffiiiik Rrarftini ttienp

llcatioii ot the Nen Yolk Und ur-ChiMcr Itnltrotil Owfriiwitiy 10 ltrr-lHroutrn lo runriect Wtlli tiic ruat-

wftiit V ncJie4 ifT1Miiil lu ujj Unitway Company described in the frani-clil fl rnntri lo the company by th-

JlbarU at AMirmm Auc Ittf-Th U < l Jolj sfiio rejtriiln the i nV-

trri Jlrcctor ami nK nU of tio Vs-trc i r n nl Ikiiton lUIIway Cotnpinv-frijttt Ioncntinjr r atij manner lo-cnanse li rOutft and from asrfimlnic-rtf c nv 1nf of mtrnctlitj to sinlBii or-hmviv until tli < > n Voik n iil lyrt-

eh ler ItnllnOTd VSr riKtitl i u < thercwrt nf X1M > tch ter nnd Bnjton-llnllwfav CompiKUv t ny of jtn pronttv t nl or Tisr o i or cunlrtcto-

XIr RoblnMin the lnih >

tleri I t Jioliir n VGiffw p r v lu-of


the CTpilAl i i< k t lh ji jterund IWston RJflway l> > ntjpntV hr-ttt rJi itanilinc on th Mdktf pf th rati-x1 rumpnnv In lht nanie r of voMnt-

ciniil Id thf plalnltrt brines th-jtiit In NthaU or tiinvdf nid ih-

xvlio are nlmllnrly ltu

They dcnvstxl th <s launctif n mi ih-ftl ll lUwr1 of H tinmlr nnd

orUonnunl lw < no rvwrr to-

rortchotif Cuinpany ihe-

aniwtllt1 fraiwSUe le Mill in fjll

prpuna tated for thelnjimet-lon l h t prnpnir j i a nt to1art tun of tu ril of KitVnU nnil-Ajif rtonmfnt on lhtif ot the W-


Conipany nnd pr p ed-

tr > n fef bf wtclnstrr Companyto the IWrtchofter Company of It on-

tritftlon work real evute and rlffht of-i without cnnsldfnitlnn and


lm iultabl r ntl in llithe rJfcUti ot the minority

uanteJ cullVail 77-



G Ausr IT id nte<

A raaerd ef TWo lOTtSpe erettfFifty Dailara will t o paidtttr ffew

arroei end oonvlottoa of anyunit daalof or other pcpsan-

oaKty tho provlalonstSBO of ttia PmnatOGdo-

of Iho Staio at Karer Voeti ofcriminally rccoirfr s aapt ftpoparty boteaglag la tttia Coottteayj

May I-



adways ReadyRelief

an t If tr itlmiilont fon r11U-

ror th eurtrof il i The ll lr-1I C h u4 l nplleJ l it luitt urf irf-

tll rul l In It l auli vn il rful hof-rranlj it iHlrv iko fun < Iht iluitr1-t>firKrririlr lltllef r4H thepalm on to twrntjr mlnuln ForjitaiUPJie l MHli r >Jr nnou i touth-AClif


ncun l it ih runi ll lut l I Inj-

nJ oOr > In lh UacK t r V cln jr-

rx ln niuml lh ll er< llln ni lni nVi in of sH lod the i pl

of loiilnjiv nolr nellff will fforSmjTjydljie ra r nd lt > ronilmiil ut for a-


Soap that costs 4 cents a cakebut keeps1 you busy allidaybverthe tubs is dear

Soap that costs 5 cents a cakebut enables you to stop work atnoon is cheap


P G Napntna SoapI

The naphtha in it does just ex-v w-

actlywhat boiling does it purifies i

f MM

the clothesHalf the work nnil lmost all he discomfort of washldnyU

due tq the fact that women think it necewary to tx> iljhe clotlies-

It i nft iieccMrj NaphtlmSoap anil cold or lukewarmwater will tnako clothes cleaner than ordinary laundry soap andboiling water will do it in half < he time and with half the labor

grocery in this city JThe price is 5 cents a cake

PROCTER GAMBLEFictorlfi Port Irarf Suten Iibni M Y


I1IL cxntrUncetl collar andpackerml Uuniller Ounlntr k

DIEathUra No-

t Mjfjk-iiftaaJMft


andar of-gfalfon



xUu 3-9wf of J rort v Puncan n i Jiunhttr of-Mr ll m K Jacob

J urtf from the rrildfnc of hr motKr-AM Watwortb at Brooklyn t 280 Tu-ln > Avf S-

OIAHICIVOn Thuradny Aur IB lWT-JAMIM II UAltKIK UlovtJ ImbandoAnnie Larkln-

funora from hl > r > llenoe 63-3ai nmor vi Drooklrn Bundsy at i-oclock ReUtlrM nd rrlcjiJi rM

Thais wh t a Wei p nV-

vacationamount to Andthat wbat enadacfV7arlii