Evening star (Washington, D.C.).(Washington, DC) 1920-09-14 ......^Dme^Westingnouse 1 ELECTRIC...

^ Dme^Westingnouse 1 ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE H "My Writing Desk Sews " A Sewing Machine You Won't Want to Hide Why shouldn't your Sewing Machine be just as smart and stylish an article of furniture as any other in your home ? It can be, as the Free-Westinghouse Electric Sewing Machine shows. When you finish sewing on the Free-Westing¬ house you won't want to hide it away in some ob¬ scure corner. Youll want to keep it out where it can be seen. The Free-Westinghouse, when not in use as a Sew¬ ing Machine, is a convenient table and attractive writing desk or a serving table, as you like. Just drop the head of the machine, close the cover and the transformation is complete. Who wouldn't enjoy sewing on a machine that's good looking.that requires no pushing of pedal or treadle.that makes a perfect stitch.runs quickly with exceeding light¬ ness.and has many other advantages over the ordinary treadle or electric machine. The Free-Westinghouse is not a treadle machine with an attached motor. It is an Electric Machine ffom start to finish. The Electric Drive was developed by the YVest- inghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., and the Motor was built in. The machine itself is made by the Free Sew¬ ing Machine Co. Come in and see it. a -. Carroll Electric Company 714 12tH Street N.W..Main 7320 Electrical, Mechanical, Automobile Supplies, Domestic Appliances Joseph Goldenberg 8TH STREET&. PENN.AVE.SE BEDROOM SUITES AT Beautiful S-piece Bedroom Nolle. in American walnut finish, like illustration; if we had a toilet table to match they would sell readily at $200: separate dressers and chiffonier* like the above can be had in American walnut, golden oak or mahogany at 9S&33 each. ama worth $75 each, according to today's factory prices; these !MJIJ three tine pieces in the September Furniture Sale at ^ CARRIAGES STROLLERS Famous Blorta and Oaim genu¬ ine reed Bator Carriage., jn the sale at exactly half price! Too many samples on our floors. Every one finest half-round reed, cor¬ duroy lined, wood and steel wheels- white. ivory, natural. French gray! frosted blue, frosted green, brown .sold $45 to $95. $22.50 to $47.50 l.loyd Park Stroller.; collapsible .1-rib liood of leatherette: reclining back, adju stable loot rest $14.75 DAVENPORTS $95 Genuine Kroehler Davenport* and Datmport *uite». Davenports m Spanish fabric leather with gen¬ uine lar^e felt mat¬ tress: $ I '27* to an low $95 3-Piece Suites. *1ftt lo REST CHAIRS $49 Royal Keot Chalra. with push button: new foot rest: "T,uxury" springs: Spanish fabric leather- golden oah. fumed oak. mahogany or American /*. j walnut: worth $10 to $15 more ^ $25 LAYER FELT MATTRESSES $16.98 In the Sale At A limit. <1 lot of high-grad.- Barralo I.ayer Kelt Mattmaoa at nearly on*--third l.elo-w regular price! Each mattress bears guarantee label: guaranteed genuine layer felt and that it will | / /\o hold its shape; imp.-rial edge: satin art ticking; rounded ?K I f) UK corneis: all perfect: all sizes, these fine $25 mattresses. * War Department Appoints Host More Emergency Of¬ ficers to U. S. Army. Sixteen local men who servved as emergency officers have been given j commissions in the regular army, it was announced today by the 'War Department. Their names, rank and assignment follow: James Everett Snider. 21 IS P street northwest, first lieutenant, cavalry. Charlie Campbell McCall. House Office building, first lieutenant, cav- U'Leslie Dillon Carter, office of the chief of transport service, second lieutenant, cavalry. Buckner Miller Creel. Port Myer. Va. second lieutenant, cavalry. Gerald Egan. adjutant general s office, captain, infantry. Harry Martel Gwynn, 1S0O I street northwest, captain, infantry. Clyde Moore Shropshire, office of the chief of staff, captain, infantry. William Henry Shaw Callahan. Vj ar ! Department. 20th and C streets, first lieutenant, infantry. ,, , Richard Harrington Dnrrell. tort Myer. Va.. first lieutenant, infantry. Floyd William Ferrell. adjutant general's office, first lieutenant, in¬ fantry. _ , .. .. Earle Gene Harper, office of the di¬ rector of the air sfervice. first lieu¬ tenant, infantry. Prank Upton Greer. 116 12th street northeast, first lieutenant, infantry. Cyril Clifton Chandler. 1<36 G street noMhvfest, second lieutenant, infan- Thomas Jefferson Ftord, Walter Reed Hospital, second lieutenant. In¬ fantry. Don Norris Holmes, 5521 Colorado avenue, second lieutenant. Infantry. Maurice Anson Thorne, Tunlaw road northwest, first lieutenant. Field Artillery. Other Anuy Appointment*. Other appointments were announced as follow^: Cavalry.Majs. Warren Adger Pair, Lincolnton. N. C.; Cuthbert Powell Stearns, New York city. Capts. Daniel Becker, Ro*bury ,\a.; Henrv Duplessis Beylard. Camp Tay¬ lor. Kv.: Sam Day Carter, Douglas. Ariz.; Herbert l>e Jackson. El Paso. Tex . Henry Norton Ord, Independ¬ ence. Ore.; Jacob Albert Blankenship. Camp Gordon. Ga.: Walter Buford. Camp Grant. Til.: Charles Hal DayhufC, Hoboken. N. J.; Harry Convery Dun¬ can. Cynwyd. Pa.: Clyde Delaware, Garrison. Douglas. Ariz.: Samuel Ri%- Ington Goodwin. St. Trout's. Mo.; Sam- uel Alexander Greenwell, New Tork, city: John Nelson Merrill, San Fran- Cisco Calif.; Harry Augustus Patter- son. Balboa. CanalZone; liam Sands. Fort Myer. : William Francis Saportas. Fort Sill. Okla.; John Fulton Reynolds Scott. Fort Huachuca. Ariz.; Sherman I. Strong. Camp Funs ton. rington Wadelton, jr.. Fort Sill, Okla-- Roy Cornlleus Woodruff, Fort Ring-j TeX. First lieutenants.Ellis Basjore,; Jacksonville. Fla.; Claude Onias Burch. Fort Huachuca. Ariz; Carl Francis Ellmaker. Fort Porter. N- Harrv Knight. Camp Travis. Tex.: Tom Barry Miller. Dayton. Ohio: W il- ford Reagan Mobley. Port Oglethorpe. Ga.: Orland Smith Peabody. Portland. Ore.: Thomas K. Petty. Fort Bliss. Tex Eugene Arthur Regnier. Camp Funston. Kan.; Gilbert Rie*na*i. Bal¬ timore. Md.; Paul McDonald Robinett, nniizlass Ariz.: Walter Carey Rogers. Columbus barracks. Ohlo; Clayton Kvans Snyder. Oatnp Pike, Ark., . lace Chace Stelger. Baltimore. Md.. Eugene Raymond Vawter. Aiisted. W. Walker, Camp Div N. J-'. Howard B. K. « il l®, Niagara Falls. N. T.: ZacliarV Taylor Wood Camp Jackson, S. C.; Robert Oney ' Wright, Nltro. W. Va. : ^ ance Whiting Batchelor. CH*«land. Ohio. WilbOt Christian Bechtold. Benton Harbor. Mich.: Sexton Berg. lMLns La Fayette l^arg^o Collins. ArizVTJrt* Fletcher Cress. G^havtn. MICK; Daniel Bernard Cuinnatie. Concord. Mas^. Edw»ra nx-ioston De Saussure. Fort Clara. Tex . Ernest Franklin Dukes, W est- minste- Md.; Charles Washington Tltimer North Portland. Ore.: Doug- l^VHwHon Camp Travis, Tex.; Rich- .jj Kidder Meade. Fort Sam Houston. SEl - Alberto Eugene Merrill. Idaho *Sii l£ho° Harry Neely Osgood. Una, Ohio; Hurley J5ich^8°^ Fort Oglethorpe. Ga.; Perry L<i»ar« Taylor. Desdemona. Tex. «til- Secend »®ui^nt^£nU'w II- nlm CHern°^' ^sfead° Westchester. N Y.; WillTam Robert Hatoby. Fort Rltss Tex.: William Lincoln Hamilton. v!»rt Bliss Tex.; Clifford Irving Hnnn. Buffalo!^ T/: Ch.rles Moorman Hurt. Camp Grant. 111., Morton Mc Jones. Camp Pike. At*K., Georire Roland McKlroy. Cuba. Ala.: Anderson Hassell Norto^ North Fort Worth. Tex.; Clarence Walter Ktcn mond. East Lansing, Mich.; Chauncej Whitney Sampsell. Dululh, Minn.. Letarhton Nicol Smith, Minneapolis. Curtis Loyd Stafford. Ada,OkVa.: Mor¬ timer Francis S«lliv»n, Denver Col.. Hubert Taylor Sutton, Richmond. Va.. John Redmond Thornton. Atlanta. <»a.. Theodot-e Ernest \oigt. Camp >~}Ke- Ark.: Everett Dudley Yerby. tort /'lark Tex ; Engmann August Ander¬ sen Camp Sherman. Ohio; Charles Vernon Barnum, Camp lames Courtney Browne. Foft Ogle thorpe'. Ga.: Henry Herbert Cameron. Vorthfield. Vt.; Hugh Gibson Culton, Fort Clark. Tex.; James Brain_td- triunds. Terre Taute, Ind.: CharleB VI- Fake Camp H. J. Jones. Douglas. An- drew Ed. Forsyth, Fort Oglethorpe: Benjamin Harrison Graban, Catnp Zachary Taylor. Infantry fiommliniions. Infantry: Majors.William Leon Culberson. Fort Worth, Tex.; Allen Fletcher. Camp Lewis. Wash.; James Luke Frink, Minneapolis. Minn : Ray¬ mond Waite Hardenoergh. Chicago, 111 Fred Ward*- Llewellyn. Olympla, WasTi.; Arthur Charles Tipton, G«v- ^*CMtatni^.Theodore Anton Bauwieis- j Ipf Milwaukee. Wis.: Rufus Alexan¬ der Bvers, Camp Gordon. Ga.; James CjLsev Camp Gordon. Ga.: Paul Dan¬ iel Connor, Hamilton, Ohio; \Villi*m Harvey Duke*. Camp Zachary Taylor; Joseph Jerome Fraser. Grandview, Wash : Purl Le Hoy Harms, Platte- ville Wis.; Herbert Langlev Harries, Renning. Ga.; Burr Polk Irwin, Camp Pike Ark.; Oscar Kain. Camp t-ewts. Wash John Webster Uufrlo. Camp PikeArk.; Lewis Merrill Scott. Camp Sherman. Ohio: Kenneth Smith An¬ derson. Albany. N. T ; Maurice Clemen Bigelow. Camp Zachary Taylor. Ky., Thornton <"hase. Cam# Gordon. Ga.: Franklin Miller Cochran. Camp Gor¬ don Ga.; Raymond Parker Cook., At- 'l-tnta Ga.; Jame* Washington Curtis. Camp Taylor. Ky.: John Rice Eden, Akron. Ohio: John William Elklns. Camp Gordon. Ga.; Ernest * sro iEly ('amp Sherman, Ohio: Charles Thompson Kates. Boston. Mass.. John iRussel Fountain. Camp Zachary Tay¬ lor Ky.; Daniel Gould Fowle. Camp iBennitig. fla.; Wilbur Joseph Pox. Camp Devens. Mass. Paul Oscar Fran- ison. Camp Gordon, Ga.; Ottmann ^ il: liam Freeborn, Norfolk. Va.; Jesse; Knox I-Yeeman, Morrison. Va.; Car- roll Morton Gale. Camp Pike, Ark.; (Enrique Garcia. Philadelphia. Pa.; Claude Elmer Gaskins. Camp Pike, Ark Roy Samuel Gibson, Camp Mt-ade. Md.; Thomas Robert Gibson. J Camp Tavlor. Ky.; Robert Fulton (ilen Camp CuBter, Mich.; Theodore Schoge. Richmond. Va.; Walter Earl Seanion. Camp Taylor. Ky. " First lieutenants.Homer Price Dit- temore. Camp Lewis. Wash.; Marvin Bruce Durrette. Camp Gordon. Ga.; Malcolm Everetts Craig. Stillwater. Okla.-, A. Y. Culton. Louiavlile. Ky.; Kdward Joseph Curren. Jr.. Camp Jackson. S. C.; Jonas Earl Custer. East Roselle Park, N. J.; J°hn Lever- ett Fartey. Camp Lee. Va.; Clarence] Redmond Farmer. Camp Sherman. [Ohio; Henry Hapgood Fay, Camp Zachary Taylor. Ky.; Sydney Clyde Fergaaon, Cajnp Lewis. Wash.; I-aw- r«nce Ferguson, Spencer, W. Va.; Basil Vernon Fields, Camp Dlx, N- J.; Thomas Dempsey Fleming. Camp Pike. Ark.; Xathlaa Christopher t orde. Gamp Pike, Ark.; George Jacob Jorster, Camp Taylor, Ky.; Eugene Nelson Fralle*, PMlip Theodore Pry, ("amp Gordon, CNl; Fired B. Ganiard, Greenville, Tex.; Jack Roy Gage, Gen- eseo, K»ns.; Grover Cleveland Gra¬ ham. Fort Jay, Jf. T.; Charles CTinton Orittin, Fort Leavenworth, Kan.; Raymond Cecil Hamilton, Camp Gor¬ don. Oa.; James HeTnry Hard, Jr., Camp Pike. Ark.; David Lyddall Hardee. Greensboro, N. C; Chaiuncey Harold Hayden. jr.. Camp Gordon. Ua.: William Reuben HaselrigK, Camp Pike. Ark.; Willis Aubrey Hedden, Camp Gordon. Ga.; Pete Turney Heft- ner. jr.. Camp Lewis, Wash.; Herman Odelle Lane, Camp Upton. N. Y.; Henry Passant Lewis, Camp Pike, Ark.; Align Manvel Schuffler, New York. N*. Y.: Rudolf Karl Schlaepfer. Paterson, N. J.; Harvey Arthur Schwab. Pittsburgh. Pa.; John 8amuel Schwab, Louisville, Ky.; Harland Fisher Seeley. Camp Travis, Tex.; Whitfield Putnam Shepard. Camp Dodge. Iowa; Rolland Frank Sherfy. Camp Gordon. Ga.; Wtnfleld Orval Khrum. Camp Travis, Tex.; Harry Richardson Simmons. Philadelphia, Pa.; David B. Simpson. \ Camp Dodge, Iowa; Leonard Henderson Sims. Chattanooga. Tenn.;" John Bennlng Sinclair, Fort George Wright, Wash.; Harold Edwards Stow. Camp Dix, N. J.: Edward Hugh Brown, Philadelphia, Pa.; Edwin McCune Byles, Camp Dix, N. J.; Harvey Irvin Cassedy. Camp Sher¬ man. Ohio: George Mortimer Couper, Camp Jackson, 8. C.; George Frank¬ lin Davis, Medford, Mass.: John Ran¬ dolph De Vail. Detroit. Mich.; Macey I.illard Dill. New Orleans, La.; James Edward Doolev, Mlddletown, Conn.: Ed¬ ward Palmer Earle. Port Oglethorpe. Oa.: Alfred Volckman Ednie, Norinan. Okla.; L*>uis William Eggers. Camp Sherman. Ohio; Stephen Uowen El- kins. Camp Benning, Ga.: L Henry Gork. Grand Rapids, Mich.; Richard Clark Jacobs, jr., Harrisburg, Pa.; Ernest Samusson.' Camp Lee, Va.; Robert Clyde Sanders, Camp Pike. Ark.; Joseph John Schmidt, Camp Lewis, Wash.; Richard Fayette Fair- child. Camp Meade, Md.; Francis Michael Flanagan. Camp Devens. Mass.; Lloyd Henry Gibbons, Fort Oglethorpe. Ga.; Charles Sherwood Gilbert, Fort Snelllng, Minn.; Floraln Dennis Giles, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky.; Randolph Gordon, Norfolk. Va.: Edmund Mortimer Gregorie. Charles¬ ton. i>. C.; Cecil John Gridley, Camp Shannon. Hachita. N. M.; Harland Clayton Griswold. Minneapolis, Minn.; Jasper Morris Groves. Camp Gordon. Ga.. and Harvey Shelton. Camp Cus¬ ter. Mich. Second lieutenants.John Joseph Buckley, Buffalo, N. T.; Albert Edgar Cannon, Jonesboro. Ga.; Glenn Earl Carothers. Cleveland, Ohio: Francis Emerson Charlton, Salt Lake City. Utah; Lawrence Lofton Cobb. Camp Lee, Va.; Gerald Bradford Devore. base. Norfolk, Va-: John De l.orme Ha son. Camp Lee. Va.; William Joseph Flood, Lee Hall. Va.; Laurence Henry Han- ley. Camp Travis, Tex.; Orion Lee Davidson. Abilene, Tex.; George Stainback Deaderick. Camp Pike. Ark.: Riley Finley Ennis. Paulding, Ohio: John Markham Ferguson, Camp Lee. Va.; David Francis Finnerty, Brooklyn. N. Y.; Errol Lionel Fox, Akron. Ohio; Lester Erasmus Gruber, Wyomlsslng. Pa.; John Hamilton Judd, Camp Funston. Kan.; Guy Mal¬ colm Kinman. Camp Kearny. Calif.; Walier Lee Sherfey. Camp Grant, 111.; Raymond Edward Fhum, Camp Devon*, Hml; Adolph Godfrey Slver- soo. Watson, Minn.; Francis Flrmin Fainter, Norfolk. Va.; Ivan Leon Fou¬ ler, Peoria. 111.; Julian Horace Georft*. Charlottesville. Va.; Horace Napoleon Gibson, Fort Benjamin Har¬ rison, Ind.; Berthal Charles Glenn, Fort Sloeum, N. Y.: Edward Ray¬ mond Golden, Howard City, Mich.; Allen Agee Goodwyn, Bristol, Va.: Harold Frederick Greene, Camp Jes- sup. Ga.; Roland Samuel Hendersofl, Camp Betniinjf. Ga. Field Artillery Appolataeatn. Field artillery . Lieutenant colonel: William C. Webb, Camp Dodge, Iown. s Captains . Edward Joseph Maloy, Camp Trawis, Tex.; Jewett De Witt Matthews, Camp Travis, Tex.; William Kean Weaver, Camp Grant, 111.; Charles Anderson Wickllffe, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. First lieutenants . Georire Morgan Cheney, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky.; George H. Gush man. Jr.. Camp Dodge, Iowa: Hugh Joseph Gaffey, Camp Tra¬ vis, Tex.: Shirley Randolph Hurt, Pros¬ pect. Va. : William Branch Leltch, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky.; Earl Martin Pec*k- Inpaugh, Camp Knox, Ky.; bawls Rvans Relgner, Camp Grant, 111.; Edward James Roxbury, Detroit, Mich.; Henry Mackay Shaw, Fort BUss. Tex.; Fred Ampere Smith, Camp Zachary Taylor. Ky.; Claude Alden Williams, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky.; Hlchard Bwvwk Willis, Dallas. Tex.; Arthur Hurd I*ee. Manchester. K. H.; Charles Benjamin Lelnbach. Camp Knox. Ky.; Maylon Ed- ward Scott, Camp Dodge. Iowa; John Andrew Smith. Jr., Camp Travis. Tex.; Kenneth Smith Wallace. West l*fa- yette, Ind.; Joslah Ara Wallace. Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky.; Paul Henry Wei- land, Indianapolis, Ind. Second lleutenant»-*4Phll Cass, Camp Stanley, Tex.; Michael Vincent Gan¬ non, Louisville, Ky.; ' John Carson Grab]*, Camp Boyd, Tex.; Thomas Standifer Gunby, Camp Funston. Kan.; Albert James Hastings, Camp Knox, Ky.; Wesley Karlson, Camp Grant, 111.; Joa H. Landrum, Camp VICTROLAS and 0 RECORDS tt Come in and Hear Villanelle," Sung by Galli-Gurci and "I'd Build a World in the Heart of a Rose/' Sung by Frances Alda & ROGERS & FISCHER 1313 F Street Successor to the Robt C Rogers Co. What About Prices This Season? TJEOPLE are thinking: about prices as much as they are about presidents.per¬ haps more. Price is the national topic. The thought of the country is concentrated on lower prices. But lower prices are not ob¬ tained by wishing. Prices are governed by economic conditions so vast and complex that any material change must be gradual. Big movements do not develop overnight. . The new season starts with hopeful signs. Prices are somewhat lower for some things. On other things they are at least no higher than six months ago. The peak has been passed. Indications are that a slow but sure clarifying of the economic situation is under way. But.there will be no spectacular drop ¦.neither now nor later. This is a fact we must accept. The King's Palace policy of avoiding both extremes of the market.of steering a safe middle course between the rocks of extrav¬ agance and the shoals of worthless merchan¬ dise.means that our customers, now as in the past* can buy reliable goods for less than top prices. This policy.reinforced by our rule of marking our goods as closely as can be done with safety, made the past season. which was an abnormal one with many mer¬ chants.by far the greatest in our history. We believe it will make the new soason even more successful. Zachary Taylor. Ky.: Arden Clucaa Miller. Camp Knox. Ky.; Emmett Au- guatua Nlblack. Camp Taylor, Ky.: Alexander Sinclair Reynold*. Fort Bliss, Tex.; Donald Boycr lloiters. Camp Funston. Kan.: John Shea. Camp Knox. Ky.; Henry ElmerSowell. Camp Stanley. Tex.: Harry L«e« Watts, Jr., Camp Knox, Ky.; William Park Athwjr. Denver, CoL; John Wil¬ liam Beck. Marfa. Tex.; Albert Brill, I-OB Angeles, Calif.; Franklin Har- wood Canlett. Camp Travis. Tex.; Dawrence Haley Caruthers. Lo; An¬ geles. Calif.; Ralph Andrew Eilrr, Camp Or&nt, 111.; Lloyd Russell Gar¬ rison. Fort Bliss. Tex.; Lawrence Eugene Heyduck, Camp Zachary Tay¬ lor. Ky.; John Max Lent*. Camp Dodge. Iowa.; Marlon Milton Pharr. I^oulsville. Ky.; Hohart Dewey Reed, Fort Branch. Ind.; Arthur Lee Shreve, Baltimore. Md. WALES AT PASAXA. PANAMA September The of Wales, on board the I Renown, arrived at Panu ing from Honolulu, whence he September 20 on his voyace to from Australia. u PHOLSTE RING .You can rely on getting quality materials and qual¬ ity workmanship when Plitt does the upholstering. Geo. Pfitt Co.-Inc., eVEREADY Eveready made die TlRST flashlight battery Eveready makes the BEST flashlight battery . npwxNTT tzau AGO the first flashlight b*t> \ 1 tery was made. It was an Eveready. For twenty years Eveready has continued to make flashlight batteries. Eveready crams energy into its batteries, builds tkem long-lived and powerful. The one way to be positive of getting the one flashlight battery that gives the longest, most reliable service is to be sure it is an Eveready, Bring your flashlight or order by the number on the battery now in your flashlight. Quality and Service of Eveready Flashlight Batteries are Certified by the dealer, Guaran¬ teed by the maker. These Eveready Dealers Have Trash* fatserful Eveready Flashlight Batteries EVEREADY CONTEST PRIZE WINNERS Hundreds of thousands of answers received in connection wHfc the Eveready $10,040 Cash Prize Contest mill require many weeks to judge. Announcements of awards will be made in this WASHINGTON Ackertnan A Hbapirn, 363 Pa. Are. N.W. Albany Pharmacy. 17th and H Sta. N.W. Harold L. Albright. .10 4th St. N.W. American Auto Top Shop. 1608 14th St. N.W. Arcade Electric, Arcade Market, 14th St. N.W. Armentrout 4 Son*. 1710 14th St. N.W. Arm? and Nary Co-operative Ct., T25 1/th St. N.W. Anoclatnl Drug Store., Inc.. TOO 7th St. N.W. Baley Auto Supply Co., 3001 14th St. J. A. Baltimore. 230 4U St. S.W. A. W. Berkman & Sous. 408 7th St. S.W. John G. Riffa. 14*h and Colorado Are. N.W. Bliss Electric Co.. 420 12th St. N.W. Buckley s Auto Sopply Co.. 2080 M St. N.W. Arnold M. Burd. 1532-1534 N. Capitol St. Butler A Royster, 1261 Wisconsin Are. Calvert Hardware and Auto Suply Co.. Champlain and Euclid. Campbell's Pharmacy. 4203 Georgia Are. N.W. Capital Shoe Ftoding Co.. 637 F St. N.W. C. C. Carlson. 60S Pa. Are. S.E. H. r. Cary. TOT, 15th St. N.W. George SI. Casper « 105 11th St. S.E. Cavanagli A Kendrlck 3411 M St. N.W.» Central Drug Co.. «SS Pa. Ave. N.W. Christianl Pratt Co., .th and Pa. Ave. N.W. F. I,. Clarke. 1242 Wi«*onsin Ave. N.W. Cohlentr Pharmacy, N. Cap. St. and Fla. Ave. Chester Cogswell. 3010 M St. N.W. H. Coleman. 1321 7th St. N.W. L. It. Colliflower. 2810 14th St. N.W. Eduard Cooper. liUHJ 14th St. N.W. Currav Auta Supply Co., fttii and L Sts. -4i,L. Davis A Child. 1110 14tl) St. N.W. Datnov A Walk. 704 Florida Ave. N.W. L. H. Day. 14th and P Sts. N.W. D. Auto SHpply Oo., 14t* and P Sts. N.W. H. niamer, 3300 14th St. N.W. Ellas M David. 1442 Pa. Ave. S.E. Davis Electric Co.. 10li9 11 St. N.W. D. Del Vecchio. !*:« h st. N.e. I. F. Dinowltrer. 620 Pa. Ave. N.W. Eastern Auto Supply Co.. 522 Nth St. S.E. Edwards A Watkins, 1406 14th St. N.W. George A. Kmmons. 207 Pa. Ave. S.E. Enterprise Hardware Co., 927 8th St. N.W. John It Espey Co.. Inc.. 100S Pa. Ave. N.W. C. P. Hockenbury. 343 19th St. S.E. W. B. Hoi t2claw. 1765 Pa. Ave. N.W. Home Electric Shop, 2308 14th St. N.W. M. ffochherger. 3306 14th St. N.W. John R. Hopkins. 3516 ¦ St. N.W. M. Barry Hopper. 906 #th St. N.W. L. K. Hnnter. 718 9th St. N.W. George W. Jones. 1414 Park road. H. C. Jonea, 1841 7th 8. N.W. J: 8. Kana. Bll Pa. Ave. J. H. Katz, 1704 14th St. N.W. B. Kruger. 2010 ISth St. N.W. w. Irving Hantaan. 1704 Pa. Ave. N.W. Kerr A Kendriek. 3320 M St. N.W. J. Klatakln, 2010 ISth St. N.W. I,. Knelfel, 152S 7th St. N.W. Koonln. X-418 9th St. N.W. 6- H. I*audy. 8834 Ga. Are. N.W. Lehman's Tire Shop, 613 H St. N.W. F. Jj. I.rifhear. 812 8th St. N.W. Lincoln Park Pharmacy. 13th and E. Capitol Sta. Wm. lilppold. 1812 7th St. N.W. J. W. Loveless. 2% Florida ave. N.W. Arthur Ijowe. ' 3438 14tli St. N.W. F. 1,. I.tishun. *12 9th St. N.W. Silverlierf Electric Ca., 1608 E St. N.w. Simma' PhanMey. 72* 14th St. N.W. V. U Siaee. A 408 7th St. ft I. 8. Snail. _ .. 718 7th St. N.W. Smith Ante 8apply Ok.. % .13 H St. N.E. . Smyser Pharmacy. \ 1400 P*. Art. S.E. » Southern Drug On., IStk aad S Sta. N.W. Southern Pharmacy, 1437 H St. NW. T,firTrs,tM^.,'r- H. E. Sprneebaak. 155 B St. B.t I.. E. Snlllrai. 2SHT Pa. Ave. N.W. The Surety Oarage aad Mlt« 14rt Sta. N.W. A. C. Taylor, 150 C St. N.K. R. U Tayler Motor Ca. 184# 14th St. N.W. John M. Thai. 2184 18th 8t. Tichirely Bros, 130* Oonn. Ave. N.W. V To i bet Mile £ Harding, 70# 13th St. N.W. Chirlea Turner. 5570 Colorado Ave. N.W. J. S. Tyree. l.ith and n Sta. N.t. Haseard 8086 K.I ard I'lrieh. 16 14th St. N.W. N.E. N.E. and M St. The Essono Auto Supply " N.W. Co.. Sth and H Sts. Fearing Bros.. 701 R St. N.W. Feessing Bro>.. 1716 15th St. N.W. W. A. Finch. 2416 ISth St. N.W. E. Flngerhiit. 1538 7th St. N.W. Howard I*. Foley Co., SOr. 12th St. N.W. Frank tracer. 110.". Pa. Ave. S.E. Wm. H Frey. 1721 14th St. N.W. Fuhrman's Pharmacy. Nth ami E. Cap. Sts. N.E. - W < <;il«*». ion r st. n.w. T. l>. Gill. 562t; Coaa. Ave. N.W. M. Gorea. 133« H St. N.E. TlK Frank Glascox Electric Co.. 14115 14th St. N.w. P. GuldMWt. 1»23 Pa. Ave. N.W. T. Gorda*. 34«:s M St. N.W. Greeks. 17th »nd K Sts. N.W. J. C. Haley. Vermont Arp. tnd 14th St. J. Hamman. S2»h; M St. N.W. tiuKtav Hurt!?. oOB I! St. N.E. E. A. & Co.. 3S1 P.i. Are. S.E. C. W. Henry. 2*nil and N 8ts. UfHimond Mayo. I2th and Xewtoo Sts. T. J. Mollov ..3243 II H\. N.W. Midclty Auto Tire Co.. Sth and M Sta. N.W. Modern Auto Supply Co. #17 H St. N.E Modem Electric Shop, 1411 W St. N.W. Motor Service Co.. , '417 Irving St. N.W. t. A. Muddiman A Co. 1206 G St. N.W. Mlinger Bros.. 718 North Capitol St. National Military Shop. SO4.S0S K st. N.W Nktioaal Scnice To J«10 14th St. N.W. National Tokea Shop. v-.irll Pl Are- N W. Mehola A Co., ¦ith and Md. Ave O'Doaaen. « IscotiBin Ave. N.W. O'Honnell Drug Store. 12th and F Sts. N.W. Norman D. Palkea. North Capitol and Rhode Island Ave. Harkway Motor Co.. 1065 Wisconsin Ave. N W Wm. C. Peake Co.. 361S 14th St. N.W. Peerless Hardware Co 502.504 G St. N.W. People's Ilnit Store. Ne. I, 7th and K sts. n.w. People's Drug Store. No. 2. .K>5 7th St. N.W. People'a Drug store. No. 5. Sth and H uts. n.e. Teople'a Drug Store. No. fi. 703 15th St. N.W. People'a Drug Store, No. 7. 11th and G ats. n.w. Potomac Electric Appliance Co.. 607 14th St. N.W. Premier Service Co.. 704 loth St. N.W. I-. K. fjuackenhtfsli, 3263 M St. N.W. George C. Rice Auto Co.. 1317-K7 H St. N.W. Richard Gawh A Sons, 814 Sth St. N.W. F. E. Richard son. 2212 14th St. N.W. W. F. Roberta Co.. SIS 14th St. N!W. Robertkoij Ele*-tric Co., 743 11 St. N.E. Ilobey Pharmacy. N.. Capitol and U Sta. N.W. B. Rosenbloom. 718 8th St. S.E. E. I,. Roystere, 1261 Wisconsin Ave. I. Rudash. 2226 18th St. N.W. Saks A Co.. Tth and Pa. Are. N.W Saul's Addition Hardvmre aad Aalo Supply Co.. 4001 14th St. The H. W. Scheer Electric Co.. 211 13th St. N.W. Beaton Garage. Sea ton PI. and I.incoln Rd. Seigel's Sycle Store. 1285 Tth St. N.W. Service Pharmacy, 14th and L Sta. N.W. P. L. Settle A Co., 1342 II St. N.E. Sheruian Ave. Tire and Acces¬ sory Co., Girard and Sherman Ave. S. VHman. ' 1TTS W St. W W. Coited Ant* Store. 1503 14th at. a.». Cnlted Tire tWM Co . 26U Pa. Art. N.W. C. G. Tan Emmare. 13th and Etat Capital at*. R A. telle*. 120# 30th St. N.W. Termont Ave. Service StatMA, Vt. At*, and L St. N.W. D. N. Walford * Saa, #0# Pi. AVe. N.W. Wm. R. WaUa. 738 Sth St. S t. 1). WaUb. N~ 14th at. Warlleld A Sanfori, lie., 810 K St. N.W. Albert Well, Park Bd. ft G*. At*. H.W. D. Weinberg, 530 4 W Si. B.W. l\ P. Weller. Sth and Eye Sts. S.E. F. P. Weller. 86th aad M Sta. N.W. White A Boycr. 612 13th St. N.W. E. W. WhlteaMt, 1821 Pa. Are. N.W. The Harry Wiaalagder Oa¬ rage. inc., Sth St. S B. Geo. M. Teatmaa. 426 7th St. B.W. Mar Sealn. 174* Tth St. N.W. ANACOSTIA Uaznllo Broa., 2203 Nlehola Ate. W. Masliake, 1818 Nichnli Ave. Bruce K. t'aderdae. 3441-4# Nichata Ave. 6.8 TAK0MA PARK Mhtflngly Broa. J. R. Sfmpson. MT. RAINIER. MD. Wm. Burnett Spire ROCKVILLE, MD. John F. Cotllna. Montgomery Garage. Suburban Elec. Co. ALEXANDRIA, VA. Fred'k O. A.v^rs, 3«4 Kinr «t J. R. rmtoo, VM 8. Ro.tr 1 St. I Minn & Monttomery. S22 Kin# fit. S. V. Dr*w 4k Bm 4'M King St. It. E. Knight Jb Boa, fe'l King St. LEESBURQ, VA. C R Ijowenhaeh A Baa. Alfred l»i PURCELLVlLLE, VA. Nlchola A Waraer. Miltaer A Spear* I'urcellville pharmacy. WARRENTON O. W. Hurst. Warren tea' Electric U|tl tnd Po#«»r Co. WINCHESTER. VA. Boyd Drat 0a.. ' Main aad Water Bta. Bntler A Gray Eluult Ca. E. Buace Copper, IS West Water Bt M. B. Clowa. 145 North Main fL Hodgson A Browa, v 41 Weat Water Bt. Geo. W. Kelby. John P. Miller ft Bra. The Peoples' Drag Ca. Seala Music 8tate, . S East Plcadllly Bt. Aybiican Ever Ready Wotta «/ National Carton Compmf, folk Lows IsLA*i»Xrrr, # Ymuc t.

Transcript of Evening star (Washington, D.C.).(Washington, DC) 1920-09-14 ......^Dme^Westingnouse 1 ELECTRIC...

Page 1: Evening star (Washington, D.C.).(Washington, DC) 1920-09-14 ......^Dme^Westingnouse 1 ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE H"MyWritingDeskSews" ASewing Machine You Won't Want to Hide Whyshouldn't


H "My WritingDeskSews "

A Sewing MachineYou Won't Want

to HideWhy shouldn't your Sewing Machine be just as

smart and stylish an article of furniture as any otherin your home ? It can be, as the Free-WestinghouseElectric Sewing Machine shows.

When you finish sewing on the Free-Westing¬house you won't want to hide it away in some ob¬scure corner. Youll want to keep it out where itcan be seen.

The Free-Westinghouse, when not in use as a Sew¬ing Machine, is a convenient table and attractive writingdesk or a serving table, as you like. Just drop the head ofthe machine, close the cover and the transformation iscomplete.

Who wouldn't enjoy sewing on a machine that's goodlooking.that requires no pushing of pedal or treadle.thatmakes a perfect stitch.runs quickly with exceeding light¬ness.and has many other advantages over the ordinarytreadle or electric machine.

The Free-Westinghouse is not a treadle machine withan attached motor. It is an Electric Machine ffom startto finish. The Electric Drive was developed by the YVest-inghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., and the Motorwas built in. The machine itself is made by the Free Sew¬ing Machine Co. Come in and see it.

a -.

Carroll Electric Company714 12tH Street N.W..Main 7320

Electrical, Mechanical, Automobile Supplies,Domestic Appliances

Joseph Goldenberg8TH STREET&. PENN.AVE.SE


Beautiful S-piece Bedroom Nolle. in American walnut finish, likeillustration; if we had a toilet table to match they would sell readily at$200: separate dressers and chiffonier* like the above can be had inAmerican walnut, golden oak or mahogany at 9S&33 each. amaworth $75 each, according to today's factory prices; these !MJIJthree tine pieces in the September Furniture Sale at ^


Famous Blorta and Oaim genu¬ine reed Bator Carriage., jn thesale at exactly half price! Toomany samples on our floors. Everyone finest half-round reed, cor¬duroy lined, wood and steel wheels-white. ivory, natural. French gray!frosted blue, frosted green, brown.sold $45 to $95.

$22.50 to $47.50l.loyd Park Stroller.; collapsible

.1-rib liood of leatherette: recliningback, adju stablelootrest $14.75


Genuine Kroehler Davenport*and Datmport *uite». Davenportsm Spanish fabric leather with gen¬uine lar^e felt mat¬tress: $ I '27* to an low $953-Piece Suites. *1ftt lo


Royal Keot Chalra. with pushbutton: new foot rest: "T,uxury"springs: Spanish fabric leather-golden oah. fumed oak.mahogany or American /*. jwalnut: worth $10 to $15more ^


Sale AtA limit. <1 lot of high-grad.- Barralo I.ayer Kelt Mattmaoa at

nearly on*--third l.elo-w regular price! Each mattress bears guaranteelabel: guaranteed genuine layer felt and that it will | / /\ohold its shape; imp.-rial edge: satin art ticking; rounded ?K I f) UKcorneis: all perfect: all sizes, these fine $25 mattresses. *

War Department AppointsHost More Emergency Of¬

ficers to U. S. Army.Sixteen local men who servved as

emergency officers have been given jcommissions in the regular army, itwas announced today by the 'WarDepartment.Their names, rank and assignment

follow:James Everett Snider. 21 IS P street

northwest, first lieutenant, cavalry.Charlie Campbell McCall. House

Office building, first lieutenant, cav-

U'Leslie Dillon Carter, office of thechief of transport service, secondlieutenant, cavalry.Buckner Miller Creel. Port Myer.

Va. second lieutenant, cavalry.Gerald Egan. adjutant general s

office, captain, infantry.Harry Martel Gwynn, 1S0O I street

northwest, captain, infantry.Clyde Moore Shropshire, office of the

chief of staff, captain, infantry.William Henry Shaw Callahan. Vj ar! Department. 20th and C streets, first

lieutenant, infantry.,, ,Richard Harrington Dnrrell. tort

Myer. Va.. first lieutenant, infantry.Floyd William Ferrell. adjutant

general's office, first lieutenant, in¬fantry.

_ , .. ..Earle Gene Harper, office of the di¬rector of the air sfervice. first lieu¬tenant, infantry.Prank Upton Greer. 116 12th street

northeast, first lieutenant, infantry.Cyril Clifton Chandler. 1<36 G street

noMhvfest, second lieutenant, infan-

Thomas Jefferson Ftord, WalterReed Hospital, second lieutenant. In¬fantry.Don Norris Holmes, 5521 Colorado

avenue, second lieutenant. Infantry.Maurice Anson Thorne, Tunlaw

road northwest, first lieutenant. FieldArtillery.

Other Anuy Appointment*.Other appointments were announced

as follow^:Cavalry.Majs. Warren Adger Pair,

Lincolnton. N. C.; Cuthbert PowellStearns, New York city.Capts. Daniel Becker, Ro*bury ,\a.;

Henrv Duplessis Beylard. Camp Tay¬lor. Kv.: Sam Day Carter, Douglas.Ariz.; Herbert l>e Jackson. El Paso.Tex . Henry Norton Ord, Independ¬ence. Ore.; Jacob Albert Blankenship.Camp Gordon. Ga.: Walter Buford.Camp Grant. Til.: Charles Hal DayhufC,Hoboken. N. J.; Harry Convery Dun¬can. Cynwyd. Pa.: Clyde Delaware,Garrison. Douglas. Ariz.: Samuel Ri%-Ington Goodwin. St. Trout's. Mo.; Sam-uel Alexander Greenwell, New Tork,city: John Nelson Merrill, San Fran-Cisco Calif.; Harry Augustus Patter-son. Balboa. CanalZone;liam Sands. Fort Myer. : WilliamFrancis Saportas. Fort Sill. Okla.;John Fulton Reynolds Scott. FortHuachuca. Ariz.; Sherman I. Strong.Camp Funston.rington Wadelton, jr.. Fort Sill, Okla--Roy Cornlleus Woodruff, Fort Ring-jTeX.First lieutenants.Ellis Basjore,;Jacksonville. Fla.; Claude Onias

Burch. Fort Huachuca. Ariz; CarlFrancis Ellmaker. Fort Porter. N-Harrv Knight. Camp Travis. Tex.:Tom Barry Miller. Dayton. Ohio: W il-ford Reagan Mobley. Port Oglethorpe.Ga.: Orland Smith Peabody. Portland.Ore.: Thomas K. Petty. Fort Bliss.Tex Eugene Arthur Regnier. CampFunston. Kan.; Gilbert Rie*na*i. Bal¬timore. Md.; Paul McDonald Robinett,nniizlass Ariz.: Walter Carey Rogers.Columbus barracks. Ohlo; ClaytonKvans Snyder. Oatnp Pike, Ark.,

.lace Chace Stelger. Baltimore. Md..Eugene Raymond Vawter. Aiisted. W.

Walker, CampDiv N. J-'. Howard B. K. « il l®,Niagara Falls. N. T.: ZacliarV TaylorWood Camp Jackson, S. C.; RobertOney


Wright, Nltro. W. Va. : ^ anceWhiting Batchelor. CH*«land. Ohio.WilbOt Christian Bechtold. BentonHarbor. Mich.: Sexton Berg.lMLns La Fayette l^arg^o Collins.

ArizVTJrt* Fletcher Cress.G^havtn. MICK; Daniel BernardCuinnatie. Concord. Mas^. Edw»ranx-ioston De Saussure. Fort Clara.Tex . Ernest Franklin Dukes, W est-minste- Md.; Charles WashingtonTltimer North Portland. Ore.: Doug-l^VHwHon Camp Travis, Tex.; Rich-.jj Kidder Meade. Fort Sam Houston.SEl - Alberto Eugene Merrill. Idaho*Sii l£ho° Harry Neely Osgood.Una, Ohio; Hurley J5ich^8°^Fort Oglethorpe. Ga.; Perry L<i»ar«Taylor. Desdemona. Tex.

«til-Secend »®ui^nt^£nU'wII-nlm CHern°^' ^sfead° Westchester.N Y.; WillTam Robert Hatoby. FortRltss Tex.: William Lincoln Hamilton.v!»rt Bliss Tex.; Clifford Irving Hnnn.Buffalo!^ T/: Ch.rles MoormanHurt. Camp Grant. 111., Morton Mc

Jones. Camp Pike. At*K.,Georire Roland McKlroy. Cuba. Ala.:Anderson Hassell Norto^ North FortWorth. Tex.; Clarence Walter Ktcnmond. East Lansing, Mich.; ChauncejWhitney Sampsell. Dululh, Minn..Letarhton Nicol Smith, Minneapolis.Curtis Loyd Stafford. Ada,OkVa.: Mor¬timer Francis S«lliv»n, Denver Col..Hubert Taylor Sutton, Richmond. Va..John Redmond Thornton. Atlanta. <»a..Theodot-e Ernest \oigt. Camp >~}Ke-Ark.: Everett Dudley Yerby. tort/'lark Tex ; Engmann August Ander¬sen Camp Sherman. Ohio; CharlesVernon Barnum, Camplames Courtney Browne. Foft Oglethorpe'. Ga.: Henry Herbert Cameron.Vorthfield. Vt.; Hugh Gibson Culton,Fort Clark. Tex.; James Brain_td-triunds. Terre Taute, Ind.: CharleB VI-Fake Camp H. J. Jones. Douglas. An-drew Ed. Forsyth, Fort Oglethorpe:Benjamin Harrison Graban, CatnpZachary Taylor.

Infantry fiommliniions.Infantry: Majors.William Leon

Culberson. Fort Worth, Tex.; AllenFletcher. Camp Lewis. Wash.; JamesLuke Frink, Minneapolis. Minn : Ray¬mond Waite Hardenoergh. Chicago,111 Fred Ward*- Llewellyn. Olympla,WasTi.; Arthur Charles Tipton, G«v-

^*CMtatni^.Theodore Anton Bauwieis- jIpf Milwaukee. Wis.: Rufus Alexan¬der Bvers, Camp Gordon. Ga.; JamesCjLsev Camp Gordon. Ga.: Paul Dan¬iel Connor, Hamilton, Ohio; \Villi*mHarvey Duke*. Camp Zachary Taylor;Joseph Jerome Fraser. Grandview,Wash : Purl Le Hoy Harms, Platte-ville Wis.; Herbert Langlev Harries,Renning. Ga.; Burr Polk Irwin, CampPike Ark.; Oscar Kain. Camp t-ewts.Wash John Webster Uufrlo. CampPikeArk.; Lewis Merrill Scott. CampSherman. Ohio: Kenneth Smith An¬derson. Albany. N. T ; Maurice ClemenBigelow. Camp Zachary Taylor. Ky.,Thornton <"hase. Cam# Gordon. Ga.:Franklin Miller Cochran. Camp Gor¬don Ga.; Raymond Parker Cook., At-'l-tnta Ga.; Jame* Washington Curtis.Camp Taylor. Ky.: John Rice Eden,Akron. Ohio: John William Elklns.

Camp Gordon. Ga.; Ernest * sroiEly ('amp Sherman, Ohio: CharlesThompson Kates. Boston. Mass.. JohniRussel Fountain. Camp Zachary Tay¬lor Ky.; Daniel Gould Fowle. CampiBennitig. fla.; Wilbur Joseph Pox.Camp Devens. Mass. Paul Oscar Fran-ison. Camp Gordon, Ga.; Ottmann ^ il:liam Freeborn, Norfolk. Va.; Jesse;Knox I-Yeeman, Morrison. Va.; Car-roll Morton Gale. Camp Pike, Ark.;(Enrique Garcia. Philadelphia. Pa.;Claude Elmer Gaskins. Camp Pike,Ark Roy Samuel Gibson, CampMt-ade. Md.; Thomas Robert Gibson. JCamp Tavlor. Ky.; Robert Fulton(ilen Camp CuBter, Mich.; TheodoreSchoge. Richmond. Va.; Walter EarlSeanion. Camp Taylor. Ky. "

First lieutenants.Homer Price Dit-temore. Camp Lewis. Wash.; MarvinBruce Durrette. Camp Gordon. Ga.;Malcolm Everetts Craig. Stillwater.Okla.-, A. Y. Culton. Louiavlile. Ky.;Kdward Joseph Curren. Jr.. CampJackson. S. C.; Jonas Earl Custer.East Roselle Park, N. J.; J°hn Lever-ett Fartey. Camp Lee. Va.; Clarence]Redmond Farmer. Camp Sherman.[Ohio; Henry Hapgood Fay, CampZachary Taylor. Ky.; Sydney ClydeFergaaon, Cajnp Lewis. Wash.; I-aw-r«nce Ferguson, Spencer, W.

Va.; Basil Vernon Fields, Camp Dlx,N- J.; Thomas Dempsey Fleming.Camp Pike. Ark.; Xathlaa Christophert orde. Gamp Pike, Ark.; George JacobJorster, Camp Taylor, Ky.; EugeneNelson Fralle*, PMlip Theodore Pry,("amp Gordon, CNl; Fired B. Ganiard,Greenville, Tex.; Jack Roy Gage, Gen-eseo, K»ns.; Grover Cleveland Gra¬ham. Fort Jay, Jf. T.; Charles CTintonOrittin, Fort Leavenworth, Kan.;Raymond Cecil Hamilton, Camp Gor¬don. Oa.; James HeTnry Hard, Jr.,Camp Pike. Ark.; David LyddallHardee. Greensboro, N. C; ChaiunceyHarold Hayden. jr.. Camp Gordon.Ua.: William Reuben HaselrigK, CampPike. Ark.; Willis Aubrey Hedden,Camp Gordon. Ga.; Pete Turney Heft-ner. jr.. Camp Lewis, Wash.; HermanOdelle Lane, Camp Upton. N. Y.;Henry Passant Lewis, Camp Pike,Ark.; Align Manvel Schuffler, NewYork. N*. Y.: Rudolf Karl Schlaepfer.Paterson, N. J.; Harvey ArthurSchwab. Pittsburgh. Pa.; John 8amuelSchwab, Louisville, Ky.; HarlandFisher Seeley. Camp Travis, Tex.;Whitfield Putnam Shepard. CampDodge. Iowa; Rolland Frank Sherfy.Camp Gordon. Ga.; Wtnfleld OrvalKhrum. Camp Travis, Tex.; HarryRichardson Simmons. Philadelphia,Pa.; David B. Simpson. \ CampDodge, Iowa; Leonard HendersonSims. Chattanooga. Tenn.;" JohnBennlng Sinclair, Fort GeorgeWright, Wash.; Harold EdwardsStow. Camp Dix, N. J.: EdwardHugh Brown, Philadelphia, Pa.;Edwin McCune Byles, Camp Dix, N. J.;Harvey Irvin Cassedy. Camp Sher¬man. Ohio: George Mortimer Couper,Camp Jackson, 8. C.; George Frank¬lin Davis, Medford, Mass.: John Ran¬dolph De Vail. Detroit. Mich.; MaceyI.illard Dill. New Orleans, La.; JamesEdward Doolev, Mlddletown, Conn.: Ed¬ward Palmer Earle. Port Oglethorpe.Oa.: Alfred Volckman Ednie, Norinan.Okla.; L*>uis William Eggers. CampSherman. Ohio; Stephen Uowen El-kins. Camp Benning, Ga.: L HenryGork. Grand Rapids, Mich.; RichardClark Jacobs, jr., Harrisburg, Pa.;Ernest Samusson.' Camp Lee, Va.;Robert Clyde Sanders, Camp Pike.Ark.; Joseph John Schmidt, CampLewis, Wash.; Richard Fayette Fair-child. Camp Meade, Md.; FrancisMichael Flanagan. Camp Devens.Mass.; Lloyd Henry Gibbons, FortOglethorpe. Ga.; Charles SherwoodGilbert, Fort Snelllng, Minn.; FloralnDennis Giles, Camp Zachary Taylor,Ky.; Randolph Gordon, Norfolk. Va.:Edmund Mortimer Gregorie. Charles¬ton. i>. C.; Cecil John Gridley, CampShannon. Hachita. N. M.; HarlandClayton Griswold. Minneapolis, Minn.;Jasper Morris Groves. Camp Gordon.Ga.. and Harvey Shelton. Camp Cus¬ter. Mich.Second lieutenants.John Joseph

Buckley, Buffalo, N. T.; Albert EdgarCannon, Jonesboro. Ga.; Glenn EarlCarothers. Cleveland, Ohio: FrancisEmerson Charlton, Salt Lake City. Utah;Lawrence Lofton Cobb. Camp Lee,Va.; Gerald Bradford Devore. base.Norfolk, Va-: John De l.orme Hason.Camp Lee. Va.; William Joseph Flood,Lee Hall. Va.; Laurence Henry Han-ley. Camp Travis, Tex.; Orion LeeDavidson. Abilene, Tex.; GeorgeStainback Deaderick. Camp Pike.Ark.: Riley Finley Ennis. Paulding,Ohio: John Markham Ferguson, CampLee. Va.; David Francis Finnerty,Brooklyn. N. Y.; Errol Lionel Fox,Akron. Ohio; Lester Erasmus Gruber,Wyomlsslng. Pa.; John HamiltonJudd, Camp Funston. Kan.; Guy Mal¬colm Kinman. Camp Kearny. Calif.;

Walier Lee Sherfey. Camp Grant,111.; Raymond Edward Fhum, CampDevon*, Hml; Adolph Godfrey Slver-soo. Watson, Minn.; Francis FlrminFainter, Norfolk. Va.; Ivan Leon Fou¬ler, Peoria. 111.; Julian HoraceGeorft*. Charlottesville. Va.; HoraceNapoleon Gibson, Fort Benjamin Har¬rison, Ind.; Berthal Charles Glenn,Fort Sloeum, N. Y.: Edward Ray¬mond Golden, Howard City, Mich.;Allen Agee Goodwyn, Bristol, Va.:Harold Frederick Greene, Camp Jes-sup. Ga.; Roland Samuel Hendersofl,Camp Betniinjf. Ga.

Field Artillery Appolataeatn.Field artillery . Lieutenant colonel:

William C. Webb, Camp Dodge, Iown. sCaptains . Edward Joseph Maloy,Camp Trawis, Tex.; Jewett De WittMatthews, Camp Travis, Tex.; WilliamKean Weaver, Camp Grant, 111.; CharlesAnderson Wickllffe, Camp ZacharyTaylor, Ky.

First lieutenants . Georire MorganCheney, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky.;George H. Gushman. Jr.. Camp Dodge,

Iowa: Hugh Joseph Gaffey, Camp Tra¬vis, Tex.: Shirley Randolph Hurt, Pros¬pect. Va. : William Branch Leltch, CampZachary Taylor, Ky.; Earl Martin Pec*k-Inpaugh, Camp Knox, Ky.; bawls RvansRelgner, Camp Grant, 111.; EdwardJames Roxbury, Detroit, Mich.; HenryMackay Shaw, Fort BUss. Tex.; FredAmpere Smith, Camp Zachary Taylor.Ky.; Claude Alden Williams, CampZachary Taylor, Ky.; Hlchard BwvwkWillis, Dallas. Tex.; Arthur Hurd I*ee.Manchester. K. H.; Charles BenjaminLelnbach. Camp Knox. Ky.; Maylon Ed-ward Scott, Camp Dodge. Iowa; JohnAndrew Smith. Jr., Camp Travis. Tex.;Kenneth Smith Wallace. West l*fa-yette, Ind.; Joslah Ara Wallace. CampZachary Taylor, Ky.; Paul Henry Wei-land, Indianapolis, Ind.Second lleutenant»-*4Phll Cass, Camp

Stanley, Tex.; Michael Vincent Gan¬non, Louisville, Ky.;


John CarsonGrab]*, Camp Boyd, Tex.; ThomasStandifer Gunby, Camp Funston.Kan.; Albert James Hastings, CampKnox, Ky.; Wesley Karlson, CampGrant, 111.; Joa H. Landrum, Camp




Come in and Hear

Villanelle," Sung byGalli-Gurci


"I'd Build a World inthe Heart of a Rose/'

Sung byFrances Alda


1313 F StreetSuccessor to the Robt C Rogers Co.

What About PricesThis Season?

TJEOPLE are thinking: about prices as

much as they are about presidents.per¬haps more. Price is the national topic. Thethought of the country is concentrated on

lower prices. But lower prices are not ob¬tained by wishing. Prices are governed byeconomic conditions so vast and complex thatany material change must be gradual. Bigmovements do not develop overnight.


The new season starts with hopeful signs.Prices are somewhat lower for some things.On other things they are at least no higherthan six months ago. The peak has beenpassed. Indications are that a slow but sure

clarifying of the economic situation is underway. But.there will be no spectacular drop¦.neither now nor later. This is a fact wemust accept.

The King's Palace policy of avoiding bothextremes of the market.of steering a safemiddle course between the rocks of extrav¬agance and the shoals of worthless merchan¬dise.means that our customers, now as inthe past* can buy reliable goods for less thantop prices. This policy.reinforced by ourrule of marking our goods as closely as canbe done with safety, made the past season.which was an abnormal one with many mer¬

chants.by far the greatest in our history.We believe it will make the new soason evenmore successful.

Zachary Taylor. Ky.: Arden ClucaaMiller. Camp Knox. Ky.; Emmett Au-guatua Nlblack. Camp Taylor, Ky.:Alexander Sinclair Reynold*. FortBliss, Tex.; Donald Boycr lloiters.Camp Funston. Kan.: John Shea.Camp Knox. Ky.; Henry ElmerSowell.Camp Stanley. Tex.: Harry L«e«Watts, Jr., Camp Knox, Ky.; WilliamPark Athwjr. Denver, CoL; John Wil¬liam Beck. Marfa. Tex.; Albert Brill,I-OB Angeles, Calif.; Franklin Har-wood Canlett. Camp Travis. Tex.;Dawrence Haley Caruthers. Lo; An¬geles. Calif.; Ralph Andrew Eilrr,Camp Or&nt, 111.; Lloyd Russell Gar¬rison. Fort Bliss. Tex.; LawrenceEugene Heyduck, Camp Zachary Tay¬lor. Ky.; John Max Lent*. CampDodge. Iowa.; Marlon Milton Pharr.I^oulsville. Ky.; Hohart Dewey Reed,Fort Branch. Ind.; Arthur Lee Shreve,Baltimore. Md.


of Wales, on board the IRenown, arrived at Panuing from Honolulu, whence heSeptember 20 on his voyace tofrom Australia.

uPHOLSTE RING.You can rely on gettingquality materials and qual¬ity workmanship whenPlitt does the upholstering.

Geo. Pfitt Co.-Inc.,

eVEREADYEveready made die TlRST flashlight batteryEveready makes the BEST flashlight battery

. npwxNTT tzau AGO the first flashlight b*t>\ 1 tery was made. It was an Eveready.For twenty years Eveready has continued tomake flashlight batteries. Eveready cramsenergy into its batteries, builds tkem long-livedand powerful.The one way to be positive of getting the oneflashlight battery that gives the longest, mostreliable service is to be sure it is an Eveready,Bring your flashlight or order by the numberon the battery now in your flashlight.Quality and Service of Eveready FlashlightBatteries are Certified by the dealer, Guaran¬teed by the maker.

These Eveready Dealers Have Trash* fatserfulEveready Flashlight Batteries

EVEREADY CONTEST PRIZE WINNERSHundreds of thousands of answers received in connection wHfc theEveready $10,040 Cash Prize Contest mill require many weeks tojudge. Announcements of awards will be made in this

WASHINGTONAckertnan A Hbapirn,363 Pa. Are. N.W.

Albany Pharmacy.17th and H Sta. N.W.

Harold L. Albright..10 4th St. N.W.American Auto Top Shop.

1608 14th St. N.W.Arcade Electric,Arcade Market, 14th St.N.W.

Armentrout 4 Son*.1710 14th St. N.W.

Arm? and Nary Co-operativeCt.,

T25 1/th St. N.W.Anoclatnl Drug Store., Inc..TOO 7th St. N.W.

Baley Auto Supply Co.,3001 14th St.

J. A. Baltimore.230 4U St. S.W.

A. W. Berkman & Sous.408 7th St. S.W.

John G. Riffa.14*h and Colorado Are.N.W.

Bliss Electric Co..420 12th St. N.W.

Buckley s Auto Sopply Co..2080 M St. N.W.

Arnold M. Burd.1532-1534 N. Capitol St.

Butler A Royster,1261 Wisconsin Are.

Calvert Hardware and AutoSuply Co..

Champlain and Euclid.Campbell's Pharmacy.

4203 Georgia Are. N.W.Capital Shoe Ftoding Co..637 F St. N.W.

C. C. Carlson.60S Pa. Are. S.E.

H. r. Cary.TOT, 15th St. N.W.

George SI. Casper «

105 11th St. S.E.Cavanagli A Kendrlck

3411 M St. N.W.»Central Drug Co..

«SS Pa. Ave. N.W.Christianl Pratt Co.,

.th and Pa. Ave. N.W.F. I,. Clarke.

1242 Wi«*onsin Ave. N.W.Cohlentr Pharmacy,N. Cap. St. and Fla. Ave.Chester Cogswell.3010 M St. N.W.

H. Coleman.1321 7th St. N.W.

L. It. Colliflower.2810 14th St. N.W.

Eduard Cooper.liUHJ 14th St. N.W.

Currav Auta Supply Co.,fttii and L Sts. -4i,L.

Davis A Child.1110 14tl) St. N.W.

Datnov A Walk.704 Florida Ave. N.W.

L. H. Day.14th and P Sts. N.W.

D. Auto SHpply Oo.,14t* and P Sts. N.W.

H. niamer,3300 14th St. N.W.

Ellas M David.1442 Pa. Ave. S.E.

Davis Electric Co..10li9 11 St. N.W.

D. Del Vecchio.!*:« h st. N.e.

I. F. Dinowltrer.620 Pa. Ave. N.W.

Eastern Auto Supply Co..522 Nth St. S.E.

Edwards A Watkins,1406 14th St. N.W.

George A. Kmmons.207 Pa. Ave. S.E.

Enterprise Hardware Co.,927 8th St. N.W.

John It Espey Co.. Inc..100S Pa. Ave. N.W.

C. P. Hockenbury.343 19th St. S.E.

W. B. Hoi t2claw.1765 Pa. Ave. N.W.

Home Electric Shop,2308 14th St. N.W.

M. ffochherger.3306 14th St. N.W.

John R. Hopkins.3516 ¦ St. N.W.

M. Barry Hopper.906 #th St. N.W.

L. K. Hnnter.718 9th St. N.W.

George W. Jones.1414 Park road.

H. C. Jonea,1841 7th 8. N.W.

J: 8. Kana.Bll Pa. Ave.

J. H. Katz,1704 14th St. N.W.

B. Kruger.2010 ISth St. N.W.

w. Irving Hantaan.1704 Pa. Ave. N.W.

Kerr A Kendriek.3320 M St. N.W.

J. Klatakln,2010 ISth St. N.W.

I,. Knelfel,152S 7th St. N.W.Koonln.

X-418 9th St. N.W.6- H. I*audy.8834 Ga. Are. N.W.Lehman's Tire Shop,613 H St. N.W.

F. Jj. I.rifhear.812 8th St. N.W.Lincoln Park Pharmacy.13th and E. Capitol Sta.Wm. lilppold.1812 7th St. N.W.J. W. Loveless.2% Florida ave. N.W.Arthur Ijowe. '

3438 14tli St. N.W.F. 1,. I.tishun.*12 9th St. N.W.

Silverlierf Electric Ca.,1608 E St. N.w.

Simma' PhanMey.72* 14th St. N.W.

V. U Siaee. A408 7th St. ft

I. 8. Snail._

..718 7th St. N.W.

Smith Ante 8apply Ok.. %.13 H St. N.E. .

Smyser Pharmacy. \1400 P*. Art. S.E. »

Southern Drug On.,IStk aad S Sta. N.W.

Southern Pharmacy,1437 H St. NW.

T,firTrs,tM^.,'r-H. E. Sprneebaak.

155 B St. B.tI.. E. Snlllrai.2SHT Pa. Ave. N.W.

The Surety Oarage aad Mlt«

14rt Sta. N.W.A. C. Taylor,150 C St. N.K.

R. U Tayler Motor Ca.184# 14th St. N.W.

John M. Thai.2184 18th 8t.

Tichirely Bros,130* Oonn. Ave. N.W. V

To i bet Mile £ Harding,70# 13th St. N.W.

Chirlea Turner.5570 Colorado Ave. N.W.

J. S. Tyree.l.ith and n Sta. N.t.



ard I'lrieh.16 14th St. N.W.


N.E.and M St.

The Essono Auto Supply" N.W.

Co..Sth and H Sts.

Fearing Bros..701 R St. N.W.

Feessing Bro>..1716 15th St. N.W.

W. A. Finch.2416 ISth St. N.W.

E. Flngerhiit.1538 7th St. N.W.

Howard I*. Foley Co.,SOr. 12th St. N.W.

Frank tracer.110.". Pa. Ave. S.E.

Wm. H Frey.1721 14th St. N.W.

Fuhrman's Pharmacy.Nth ami E. Cap. Sts. N.E. -

W < <;il«*».ion r st. n.w.

T. l>. Gill.562t; Coaa. Ave. N.W.

M. Gorea.133« H St. N.E.

TlK Frank Glascox ElectricCo..

14115 14th St. N.w.P. GuldMWt.1»23 Pa. Ave. N.W.

T. Gorda*.34«:s M St. N.W.

Greeks.17th »nd K Sts. N.W.

J. C. Haley.Vermont Arp. tnd 14th St.

J. Hamman.S2»h; M St. N.W.

tiuKtav Hurt!?.oOB I! St. N.E.

E. A. & Co..3S1 P.i. Are. S.E.

C. W. Henry.2*nil and N 8ts.

UfHimond Mayo.I2th and Xewtoo Sts.T. J. Mollov..3243 II H\. N.W.Midclty Auto Tire Co..Sth and M Sta. N.W.Modern Auto Supply Co.#17 H St. N.EModem Electric Shop,1411 W St. N.W.Motor Service Co..,'417 Irving St. N.W.t. A. Muddiman A Co.1206 G St. N.W.Mlinger Bros..718 North Capitol St.National Military Shop.SO4.S0S K st. N.WNktioaal Scnice To

J«10 14th St. N.W.National Tokea Shop.v-.irll Pl Are- N W.Mehola A Co.,¦ith and Md. AveO'Doaaen.

« IscotiBin Ave.N.W.O'Honnell Drug Store.12th and F Sts. N.W.Norman D. Palkea.North Capitol and RhodeIsland Ave.Harkway Motor Co..1065 Wisconsin Ave. N WWm. C. Peake Co..361S 14th St. N.W.Peerless Hardware Co

502.504 G St. N.W.People's Ilnit Store. Ne. I,7th and K sts. n.w.People's Drug Store. No. 2..K>5 7th St. N.W.People'a Drug store. No. 5.

Sth and H uts. n.e.Teople'a Drug Store. No. fi.703 15th St. N.W.People'a Drug Store, No. 7.11th and G ats. n.w.Potomac Electric ApplianceCo..607 14th St. N.W.Premier Service Co..704 loth St. N.W.I-. K. fjuackenhtfsli,3263 M St. N.W.

George C. Rice Auto Co..1317-K7 H St. N.W.Richard Gawh A Sons,814 Sth St. N.W.

F. E. Richardson.2212 14th St. N.W.

W. F. Roberta Co..SIS 14th St. N!W.

Robertkoij Ele*-tric Co.,743 11 St. N.E.

Ilobey Pharmacy.N.. Capitol and U Sta. N.W.

B. Rosenbloom.718 8th St. S.E.

E. I,. Roystere,1261 Wisconsin Ave.

I. Rudash.2226 18th St. N.W.

Saks A Co..Tth and Pa. Are. N.W

Saul's Addition Hardvmre aadAalo Supply Co..

4001 14th St.The H. W. Scheer Electric

Co..211 13th St. N.W.

Beaton Garage.Sea ton PI. and I.incoln Rd.

Seigel's Sycle Store.1285 Tth St. N.W.

Service Pharmacy,14th and L Sta. N.W.

P. L. Settle A Co.,1342 II St. N.E.

Sheruian Ave. Tire and Acces¬sory Co.,

Girard and Sherman Ave.

S. VHman. '

1TTS W St. W W.Coited Ant* Store.

1503 14th at. a.».Cnlted Tire tWM Co .

26U U« Pa. Art. N.W.C. G. Tan Emmare.

13th and Etat Capital at*.R A. telle*.

120# 30th St. N.W.Termont Ave. Service StatMA,Vt. At*, and L St. N.W.D. N. Walford * Saa,#0# Pi. AVe. N.W.

Wm. R. WaUa.738 Sth St. S t.

1). WaUb.N~14th at.

Warlleld A Sanfori, lie.,810 K St. N.W.

Albert Well,Park Bd. ft G*. At*. H.W.D. Weinberg,530 4 W Si. B.W.

l\ P. Weller.Sth and Eye Sts. S.E.

F. P. Weller.86th aad M Sta. N.W.

White A Boycr.612 13th St. N.W.

E. W. WhlteaMt,1821 Pa. Are. N.W.

The Harry Wiaalagder Oa¬rage. inc.,

Sth St. S B.Geo. M. Teatmaa.

426 7th St. B.W.Mar Sealn.

174* Tth St. N.W.ANACOSTIA

Uaznllo Broa.,2203 Nlehola Ate.

W. Masliake,1818 Nichnli Ave.

Bruce K. t'aderdae.3441-4# Nichata Ave. 6.8TAK0MA PARK

Mhtflngly Broa.J. R. Sfmpson.MT. RAINIER. MD.Wm. Burnett SpireROCKVILLE, MD.

John F. Cotllna.Montgomery Garage.Suburban Elec. Co.

ALEXANDRIA, VA.Fred'k O. A.v^rs,3«4 Kinr «t

J. R. rmtoo,VM 8. Ro.tr 1 St.

I Minn & Monttomery.S22 Kin# fit.

S. V. Dr*w 4k Bm4'M King St.

It. E. Knight Jb Boa,fe'l King St.

LEESBURQ, VA.C R Ijowenhaeh A Baa.Alfred l»iPURCELLVlLLE, VA.Nlchola A Waraer.Miltaer A Spear*I'urcellville pharmacy.


Warren tea' Electric U|tl tndPo#«»r Co.

WINCHESTER. VA.Boyd Drat 0a.. '

Main aad Water Bta.Bntler A Gray Eluult Ca.E. Buace Copper,

IS West Water BtM. B. Clowa.

145 North Main fLHodgson A Browa, v

41 Weat Water Bt.Geo. W. Kelby.John P. Miller ft Bra.The Peoples' Drag Ca.Seala Music 8tate,.S East Plcadllly Bt.

Aybiican Ever Ready Wotta«/ National Carton Compmf, folk

Lows IsLA*i»Xrrr, #Ymuc
