Evening... · •S I- < M FACis FO U RTtElf. ''v * ' iflaurlirfitpr Euruiug .H|pralJi / MONDAY, MAY...

•S I- < M FACis FOURTtElf . 'v * ' iflaurlirfitpr Euruiug .H|pralJi / MONDAY, MAY 18, W4T. About Town Hi* Olrl Scout L*«der» frill hold their monthly meeting Wednee- d»y, May 14, at 8 p. m. at Center Church Houae. There frill be a meeting of Nathan Hale Boy» In Orange Hall tOthoiTOW night at 6:30 aharp to lection on band Inatrumenta. ^ Bupper and other Important bual* ncM. All. of the officers arc re- 4 (uested to bring their books to the meeting. Miss Marion Caahton, daughter of Mrs. Abigail M. Caahlon. of *M XMst Center street has been ap- pointed assistant business manager of the College of Ne\s- Rochelle weekly newspaper. Tatler. kUss Caahlon, a sophomore at the <\>I- lege of New Rochelle, is a member of Sodality and Ix>ng Dl.stance Chib. Dllworth-Comell-Quey Post. No. 102. American Legion, will hold a social meeting tonight at eight o’clock. James Klar will speak on the Memorial Field project. Tlic public U Invited to hear him. The committee arranging for the pot luck supper on May 21 for the Hollister Parent-Teacher associa - tion frill meet this evening at eight o'clock in Principal Bentley's office. The anal and full dress rehears- al ’ of the childrens operetta. “Sunny of Sunr.yside ". to be held In the Social hall of South Methf^ dial church or. Thursday. Friday and Saturday of this week, will t«fc> place tomorrow night- . at SrSO aharp. Ail children taking part must attend this reheansl. St. Rita’s Mother s Circle wiH meet tomorrow even^ at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Carl Balktu. 253 School street. FREEDOM SONG! BOTARY • RAND 300 Tailorfd by Daroff St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters of Isabella, will meet tomorrow ! evening In the K. of C. Home, The Emblem Club will hold a pot luck supper at Maxwell Court. Wednesday evening at 6:30, with the businesa mcetlhg to follow. Manchester members on the com- mittee Include Mrs. Agnes Breen. Mrs. Catherine Bsrry and Mrs. HBrriett Davis The regular meeting of the Ex- change Chib will lx- held tomorrow night at 6:.30 at the Community • V " instead of on Wednesday night i as is usual. At the meeting tomor- row night the .State Officers of the , Exchange Club will make their an- Inual risitatinn. They will be headed by Clavton .lohnson of West Hartford who la present .State President of the Exchange Club. TTie risllatlon tomorrow night will he the pfincipjil hustness of the j evening i Claire Janssen. 12-,year-old 'daughter of .Mr. anil Mrs Julius : .lans.<!en of 40 Cobum mad. sus- Jtiiined a broken leg while roller I skating Siitunlny nflemoon on the ! walk near her home. She waa re- I moved to the Manchester Memorial I hospital In the Burke ambulance ^following the aceldent where I X-rays were taken and revealed the fact that her leg was frac-| , I'nred Anderson-Shea Auxiliary, V. K. |W.. will meet tomorrow evening at ’ 8 o'clock sharp in the Post roomii jat Manchester Oreen. The new ! ofllrers will fill their stsflons for the flrst time I>ival Clr'rle of King’s Daughters will meet this evening at 7:45 in the Federation moni of Center : rhurrh house. Tlie hostesses will I lie Mrs. Ora Hheru’ood, fhiiinimn: miss Grace Snwter and Mrs. Sam- I uel Wilson ' Temple Chapter, O. F,. S., will hold a rummage sale 'Thursday, 1 May 15 from P:30 a. m. on. in the I basement of the Masonic Temple. The memliers are requested to bring their donations for the sale to the Star meeting Wednesday evening in the Temple. If articles must be called for they should get In touch with Worthy Matron Mrs Viola Trotter ‘ The Manchester Branch of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will have, an all-day sewing meeting tomomiw. at the South Methodist church “with business session at 2:30. Given Rccoiriiilion for Years of Salvation Arfny Service Court Clerk Files Report Total of $1,203 Collect- ed in Fines Here Diir-i V ing I.jist Month The report of Aldo Pagsni, clerk ot the Town Court of Manchester shows that there was a total of ] $1,203 collected as fines during the | month of April. Of the total col- lection the Town of Manchester received $921.33. the <;jommlsslon-1 er of Motor Vehicles received | $191.67, and there draa $90 rem it- ted by the court. - The total of fines collected for the month was rngde up of $289 from common criminal cases, $665 from motor vehicle cases, and $246 from parking vioiationa. If Yon W ant to Bnild, Bny, Sfell OP Trade Real Estate, Get Insnr- ance Coverage or Ar- range a Mortgage. SEE JARVIS 5 Dover Road Tel. 4112 or 7275 b ^^^" rs W aiting! CAIX C8 NOW ----- Qirick. Conrleoas Seniea - We Need Singles. Mnitiples, Businesses, luind. Farms, l.ots—Whst llsve VooY KAY REAI.TY 869 Msin SL Tel. 4168 [ Thousands Of People Will Welcome 1 This Announcement By HALEYS , —Herald Photo by Demeusy i Pirtufed above with Adjutant Ri. hard Atwell are four members of the local Salvation Army Co^s after receiving pins yeat. rdav In reongnitmn of long ye.irs of Salvation Army Sunday (are left to right Cedi'Kittlr, 1-ipc I’rmtor, William I’en ett -Mra. Rebecca Wright, and Adjutant At wefl. Four Honored AlFilfIflel / (sivp I'iiiis ill Ki’ro^iiilioii Of l-oiifi .Servin’ in tin* Sulvalioii .\riiiv reption of Mr. Kttlle. before the local corps was organized. They tiecnme lontUM led with A:rmy work when they came to this cou/itry from the llritlsli Isles. William I’errett liegan his serv- ice in England. Mra. Rebecca Wright began Iter service in Derry. .Northern li eland. Isaac Proctor was a Salvationist in PiiTtttrlown. Northern Ireland. Cecil Kittle joined the Army in Cliicton-on-Sea. F.ngland, after being affiliated with the Methodist church there. AH four aro still active in local Salvation Army work here but Mr. Perrett no longer teache.s a Sun- day SchiKil i lass. Mrs. W right.con- duits the Ijidles llible class. Mr I’roctor conducts the Men’s Bible class and Mr. Kittle is in charge of the Young Men's class. I .lames Munsie was in charge of :the presentation jirograiii and the j jiins wera awarded by Adjutant Atwell. Four active members of the local Salvation Army Corps were hon- ored yesterday at the Sunday SehiMii Mother s Day program at the citadel for long perwMls of ' Army aervlee in the Sunday ScI umjI department. Ail four wore given gold plna with the number of years | of service engraved on them. They are: | William Perrett. 81 years , Mra. Rebecca Wright. 71 years , Isaac I’roctor. 67 years. Ceetl Kittle. .5‘J yeaVs. In the oaaea of all four their yeara of aervlee were begun iii the British Isles. All were soldiers in the Salvation Army, with the ex- HALE'S SELF SERVE The OrlRinal In New Enifland! AND HEALTH MARKET TUESDAY SPECIALS! Green Stamps (Jlven With C asHSales! HALE’S lURS-^ llegardlesa of where yonr Fills were laiught, store lliein where they will receive the liest iMissihle rare. In our iiiodem vault in our own building. ri.E.VMNO and KEPAIRIVH .At Reasonable Prieea Our Annual BLANKET aU B NOW FORMING! Down Weekly '.<e I . You won't actually whiitl* ot you walk in thii tuit, of courtt, but wo'll mitt our guett if you won't htl lik* it. For h*r«'t fivo action tuch ot you hoyon't oncountered tinea the doyt bafora ifia war. Atanta of naw-born tuit fraa- dom you hovan't anjoyad tinea way-bock-whan. So twing fraa, twing aoiy Ibit Spring, In o tuit voiua which itondt olona in Amar- ioo today. Sorry—qupntitiat, while growing, or# ttlli ■aiHad. TI m Ftbric la tb# Sm I •! th« Sbit Armour's or Libby’s Corned Beef Hash 0.n 29c huiimsld Raisins i . ec . pkg. 27c Flow-Sweet , Pancake Syrup I t 24c Premier Mayonnaise I t 49c ^P fy .1 I.b. Can $1.39 Kemsrksbir— .silred Peaches 0.n 23c Egg Powder Can 7ISC Fresh Rhubarb 3 19c Fresli— -tlreen - , 1 Table Cucumbers i.h. 19c 1 Fresh String Beans i.h. l9c Fresh Rareripes or Radishes No. 1 Potatoes HEALTH MARKET i.b . 39c Lamb Patties Polish Bologna Salt Herring • “Belony** ti o' tro<feffiork -of Botany VMxOail i" 0- ^ Dill Pickles "4" G. E. Speed Cooking Ranges O-i AimiNEIt Ctcncral klectrii Kaiigct Coming . . . ■/ won’t he long hefore they're here.' ,\nd it’t going to be "Firtt come— first served" so get your order in at onee! W e’ve got all the infprmmion you need to pick out the right range for your kitchen! (..ome OH in.' Sec die pictures of the exciting new niodcTs. Get all the facts about all the ■f.inious Cl-K features.. Find out about prices and deliver)' dates . . . 'and order now! $259.75 T!I ,K(”i UU’A1, 1 )KI*T.—Ba-Hi ment M anchester Cohw CQKfe Select Your Blankets From These Famous Nam^s: CHATHAM •KENWOOD •MARIPOSA •LEBANON •I The Select of Selected Blankets In The Country $ 15.95 $ 10.95 Chatham lOO^^j Virgin Wool 72" X 90" “ LAISDSDOWN" Chatham lOO^^Nvirgin Wool 72” X 90", “ WOOLSHIRE*' KetiiYflod lOOf f Virgin WobI 72" X 90" “ELYSIAN” Kenwood lOO^c Virgin Wool 72” X 90" “FAMOUS” Kenwood 100*'e Virgin Wool 72” X 90" , <vr h “ARONDAU” $ 21.00 $ 15.95 $ 10.95 Kenwood “ Round-Up” A Real Hoy'is lilankvt! $1095 66" X s r Mariposa ‘^Lonemoor’’ 100^, \ irgin Wool ^ | ^ OC 72"x90” Lebanon “ Commodore” $12.50 lOOff Virgin Wool 72” X 90" Also! General Electric AUTOMATIC BLANKETS On The Qub Plan — 10% Down — $1.00 Weeklj Warmth of three or four blankets — the weight of one. Adjusts automat- ically to weather changesi Average operating cost, only a few pennies^ a night. General Electric AUTOMATIC b l a n k e t s -------- $42-01 General Electric DUAL CONTROL BLANKETS .... Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! The JW COR MANeHiSTM COMN* ’T ’ ;’ t : ■. I ATcraf* Dally Clrealation VWr tlw Moirth of AgHI, lt4T 9^98 u Member e( the Aadit Bm eaa ot CtoenlattooB Manche»ter——A City of Village Charm f. The Weather < ForecMt of I’. S. Weather Boremi ComUdeimble rloudlneM foUow- ed by ccesustuiv^ ahoweni fakte. to-, night and tVedhetsda.v: cooler to- night, Blurb cooler Wedneoday. yOL. LXVL’NO. 190 W) MANCHESTER, CONN., Tl'ESDAY, MAY IS, 1917 (KOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS Palestine Freedom Move by ^Russians Defeated in Vote Political Committee R e-iF n rm p r Sdblrbia jeets Plan to , Have' ^ Commission Draft Pro- SoUD^’llt FaV O l* posals ■ for Immediate ® ' Independence Despite p q |* O & PSSO llS Arab Walkout Threat ______ Lake S u c ^ ^ N . Y.. May Testifies May Flowers for Mother from Puliriit Son 13.— —Despite a threat- ened Arab walkout, the Polit-j ical committee of the United Nations As.sembly today de- feated a Soviet move to have a U.N. Palestine Inquirj’ com- mission draft proposals for immediate independence of the Holy Land. 26 .Against Measure The vote waa 26 againat the RiiMian measure, 15 in favor, with 12 abstentions and two absences. This meant that the Inquiry commission would be given a free hand to conaldsr all poMible solu- tions of the Palestine problem without any special reference to the independence question. The vote came after Faria el Khoury, Syrian delegate, said out- *'«lde the chamber that the Arab delegations were considering the possibility of walking out of the special assembly in protest against a majority stand on the Palestine question. Supporting the Soviet union pro- posal, in addition to the. five Arab countries were Afghanistan, White Russia, Czechoslovakia, India, Iran, Poland, Turkey, the Soviet Ukraine and Yugoslavia. Regarded Important X'letory The committee's action was re- garded as an important victory for the United States and Britain, who had insisted that the inatructiona to the Inquiry commission should be kept broad and general. The committee also defeated. 25 to 10, a similar Polish proposal which differed from the Soviet measure primarily In the omission of the words "without delay" on the approach to the independence question. The delegates finally voted to instruct the Inquiry commission to •'submit such'proposals as it may consider appropriate for the solu- tion of the Palestine problem.” TTie 55-natlon Political commit - tee completed Instructions to the commission by voting that it must submit recommendations to Secre- tary-General Trygx’e Lie not later than next Sept. 1. Turns To Controversial Question It turned then to the contro- versial question of whether the commission should include the five Wg powers in Its membership or (OonUnned oa Page Ten). Asked Aid on Sever al OocasitoiiM in Be- half of Two Brothers Bulletin! Washington, .May I S — >Ti— Two letters In whleh P'oCmer Hep. .Andrew J. .May (D-Ky) appealed to (len. Uxxight U. Elsenhower to Intervene In oourt martial proceedings ag^nst the son of a munitions maiker were placed In the rec- ord at May’s war fraud trial' today. The letters showed that May asked Elsenhower for a personal review of the case against Capt. Joseph Uarsson who was charged with refusal to obey a battlefield command. Phone Strike Still Remains In Deaclloek ^ ’e s t p r n Electric U oiii- |iany Refuses to Ex- tend I*resent Contract Except for Wages Senate Votes Labor f i Measure, 68 to 24; I Sent to Conference A Child May Lose ‘Miither* Pfc. Raymond Dale, 22, of Providence, R. I., pins a eorsage on the coat of his mother. Mrs. Lucy Dale, as she visits him at Murjihy General hospital at Walthsini, Mass, Mrs. Dale wi>s one of a group of New England motheis brought to the hoapiUil by the Army to visit their veteran sons on Mother's Day lAP wirephoto.l Gas Tax Increase To 4 Cents Voted Flashes! (Lato.BolleUao of the tC) Wire) nre Rasri Nine Bulldlnga Cickens, W. Va., May 18— —.A 8160,600 lire ewept the main Inul- ae*s block of this small rural trad- ing town of Pickens today, destroy- iag alaa’ buildings, including the brick post office, and two filling •tatloas. O. L. Barrlckmaa, cashier of the Bank of Pickens who esti- mated the damage, said the .flames taaUy were quelled hy volunteer fighters and confined to the one block of the town, w hl^ has a population of about 1,200.. No In- juries were reported as a' result of the fire, lyMch appareatly origlaated In a warehouse of. the Been Brothers store. Stripped of Camem a*>6 Cards Washington, May IS—(<Ci—The Htato ..department said today that the American charge d’affaires at Belgrade was stripped of his cam- era aad enfiiassy IdentlflcatiOB cards during a visit to the Yugo- slav town of Pec May^ 3. Camera ■'sad cards were returned to John M. Chhot, the American official, after a formal protest to Marshall 'nto’s govemmeat. A spokesman sold the State department now Instructed the embassy to ask ‘appropriste dlselpUnary sc- tton” a ^ n s t the local officials re- sponsible for the Incident. * * * Plmd Guilty la Larceny Bangor, Me^ May Id—iJ’)—Ev- erett lamaa, 26, Portlaad, and Charles Haason, 41, Norwich. Conn, pleaded guilty in municipal court today to charges ef aatonaMle lar- eeny. Police laspector Joha Hayes said' lamaa admitted belag the driver ef a stolen car which plunged SO feet off the Goose river -hrldgo at Roekport. May «. iajur- lag Haason aad two women. The coses of both mea were eoatlan^ to May 28 sad bsU set st 82,r each. « * "Reign of Terror" In Ai HsngfMHi, Burnis, Msy \i .—'Pi —.An offkisl sanouncerorM sold Gutsy 1,000 Gurkhs rtflemea and 600 armed police had bMB'rushed to northern Arakaa to 4 m I with h "reign of terror" by a MbOy of men sUcf^ to be Gotnnxhnlsta. The Washington, May 13—'TJ—Sec- retary of War Patterson testified today that Former Rep. Andrew J. May (D*Ky). Sought his help on several occasions in behalf of the 178.000,000 Garison munitions combine. The prosecution summoned Pat- terson as a star witness In the fourth week of Mays trial on charges of taking more than $35,- 000 in wartime bribes. On trial with the 72-year bid wartime head of the House Mili- tary committee are Munitions Makers Henry and Murray Gara- son and Joseph F. Freeman, Washington agent for the Gara- son brothers. “E” Award Sought Patterson told the Jury that on March 24, 1945, May asked him to give an award, for outstand- ing war production, to a Garsson firm, the Batavia (III) Metal Products company. He said May also contacted him about a cutback of a Batavia com- pany contract in 1943 and, in September, 1945, called him to the Capitol to protest the Army's ac- tion in withholding »800,000 from the Erie Basin Metal Products Co., another Garsson firm. The money was held up pending reneEotiatlon of a contract. On cross examination. May's at- torney, Warren Magee, asked: "Isn’t It a fact that Oongresa- man May never asked you to let any contractor ha\>e a war con' tract?” Patterson replied, . ‘t h a t ’i right." Magee also asked: "You received calls from other congressmen?" Patterson: "Many of them." In telling of the conversation with May concerning the $800,000 withheld from the Erie Basin com pany. Patterson related: "Oongresaman May said he was very busy himself and couldn’t get (Continued on Page Four) Nine Demorralu in Sen ale Joineil by Slain- News Tidl>ils nancHHioement said wonsra wUh oatl. psthlM were heln| Uwir huncs sad font Re|iiibliean in Oppofling Meatmre State Capitol, Hartford, May 13.—(IP )—A bill inerea.s- ing the ga.soline tax from three to four cents a gallon was a by the Senate in concurrence with the House. The measure now goes to the governor, an advocate of the one-cent. in- crease. J The nine Democrats in the Sen- ate were Joined by one Republican. Senator Vincent Glamplctro of of Stamford, In opposing th^ bill on a roll call vote. Two Amendments Defeated Earlier, the Senate had defeated by voice votes two amendments, one of them proposing a two-cent rather than a one-cent increase. That amendment wn.s offered by Senator Stanley Stroffolino (R., Norwalk I. The sepond amendment, offered by Senator Harold F. Brown (R., Colchester) proposed that if the tax be raided by two rents, that one cent be used on unimproved n>ads. A aharp debate preceded ap- proval of the Increase, which is expected to yield between $7,500,- 000 and $8,000,000 biennially in new revenue plus a matching amount from the Federal govern- ment. ' Attaek Proposed Infcressi- Democrats. led by their floor leader, Senator Alfred F. Weehs- ler, attacked the proposed increa.se on the ground that the public iwaa "being taxeil to death. "Public sentiment In against new taxes.” asserted Wcchsler, ’'and we can’t be so foolhardy as to ignore the people all the time.” The minority leader contended also that construction work should be held to a minimum while costa were high. Wechslei said he opposed the In^ Culled From (/P) Wires Connec'lleut Bankers warned that "unless the American in- vestor Is willing to Invest some of hts savli.g.-* In foreign lending, he Prison Term For Scliaclit Senjenced to Eight Years After Conviction By German i Court Stuttgart,’ May 13.—(g*j—HJal- roar Schacht, German financial wizard who was cleared ot war crimes charges biF" the internation- al military tribunal at Nuernberg seven months ago, was convicted as a major Nazi offender by a German denazlflcayon court today and sentenced toyelght years im- prisonment. ,/ The verdict yfras announced by Court Presldeot Fritz Lenr in a packed courtjrbom .in the Commu- nity Singing hall where the for- mer Nazi /finance minister and Relchsbarilt president has been on trial forAix weeks. The 70-year- old Sciulcht heard -the verdict In stunn^S silence, his face drawn must expect to face a decline In the income from his domestic In- pproved, 25 to 10, today vestments . , . World wide un- ijcrstanding of U. S. would end "fiHdiNh 'ta lk ’’ that it follows ptilicy of imperlailHni says Dean Achesbn. supporting State depart- ment bruadicasta . . . Truman to address Thomas Jeffersdn Me- morial Foundation at Charlotte- vllle on July A Truman wire* Atonain that his visit to this country "strengthen- ed the already Arm ties of friend- ship and understanding between our two countries" . . . Senate committee approved Stanton 4lrll- Qs a.s new anibassaikir to Poland . . . Baltimore couple aponds finneynioon night In Jail after'hap- by bride slaps policeman . . . J. fidward Newton, Fall River tex- tile mill executive, dies irf Provi- dence. Truman suggesta government make it possible for next of kin who wish their war dead to re- main overseas to visit the ceme- teries abroad . . . t liarles Good- aJe is cheerful aa Jury la com- pleted , . . Sherman Antl-Tnist Act iH "the greatest Insurance policy the free enterprise system has ever known.” Attorney Gen- era) (.lark fils inMirahre brokers in New York. l-teiMirts Americans and British have settled all but one of their controversies over the economic merging of their zones ifl Germany . . . Secretary Marshal; in broad- I caat to Greek people says the Tni- 1 man aid program answers the call of a "valiant slly” while Senator Vandenberg, on same program, says the program is also "in the genuine self interest of the United States” . . . Indonesian shorn tist- lerles fire on Dutch torpedo boat . .. . Stock leaders tciuch new lows for the year. Chipa gives government cm-, plove and soldiers 85 per fsent In- en-ase in rnrst of living allowances . . . .Negro Herman Marian Sweatt again seeking entrance to Unlver sity of Tcx.as law- school. .. Rus - sian news dTRfudeh says .*Triiman dm-lrlne” is. b H ^ extended to Western'Europe wd Far East. Washington, Msy 13 tJb — A unlon-nvansgemenl deadlock in the Western Electrll: company, major unit of the Bell system still tied up by the telephone strike which began April 7, dragged on into its 37th day .today. Assistant Secretary of IwilHir Jolin W. Gibson declined to say whether government officials will accept a union Invitation to pi-o- ' pose a settlement formula. | Union Offer Rejes’leil The compan> rejected a union j i offer to extend the prcjwnt con- j tract for a year except for waces and to arbitrate those. Fred Schmidt. Western Electric labor relations manager, said there Is ‘•no reason'' why all Issues, incliid- nlg wages, cannot’ be nettled through continued collective bar- gaining. Involved in the negotiations here are the Western Electric Em- ployes association and ths As- sociation of Oummiinlcatlons Equipment Workers. A third Western Electric onion, the Na- tional Association of Telephone Equipment Workers, Is inerting with company officials in New York. The New York session also end- ed with no sign of progiosn last night. I llAnnr Picket IJnre i The Western Electric Employe j association, which representa 22.- 000 employes in 21 plants, and the 1 two smaller unions have succeed- I |>atrlrla Dennon, 5 years old, snuggles close to Mrs. John Nicholson ed in persuading some other Bell j home in Lindenhurst, N. Y. Patricia, because ahii is daugh I^largin To|ia Two*Thirds Nceiloil to Override Presidential Veto Pre- dicted hy Some Op- ponents; W hite House Prohuhly Will Get ('oinproiniffe Version Of Bill l^te in Month I system emj'loyes to honor their picket lines. However, 2,300 memliers of the Oncinnati Communications Work- ers ilccideil to return to Uielr Jobs with the Cincinnati and Suburban Bell Telephone company this morning even though the Commu- rlratlon Equipment Workers are still picketing. ! .Tndge Charles S, Bell of Com-; mon Plofts court restrained the | equipment union from picketing the Bell firm on the ground that it was striking against Western Electric not Clnclnnstl and Subur- ban. In Detroit tlie Miclugaii Bell Telephone company turneil down a union proposal to settle for $3 to $5 weekly wage hikes for 13,000 striking and traffle employes, ('ontrart Rallfled On the Pacific coast, 7.500 In- stallation and equipment workers represented by tlie United Broth- erhrkMl of Telephone Workers rati- fied a contract offered by the five- state Pacific, Telephorte and Tclc- grai>ii company. This virtually cntled the tele- phone walkout In tnb far west, where the 12,000 awltchhoard op- (•rators and technicians represent- ed by the fHO American Commu- nications a.ssfS'latlon alreaily had voted a back to work movement. lor of Protestant parents, may be taken from Mrs. Nicholson, only woman she has called mother since she began to talk, because of a New York law providing a child must be reared by parents of the lianie faith. Tlie Nicholsons, who are Csthollcz, have cared for the child atnee she was three months old. Only the Htate Department of Social Welfare can rcl.ax rule.—(AI* wirephtito) De Gasperi Resigns As Italian Premier creased levy also because a "sales tax was Imminent despite the wishes of the people." i Senator Herbert 8. MacDonald (R.. North Haven), Senate chair- man of the Finance committee, wid that public opposition to the ime- e'ent increase was "very slight" ,t oiea ao< iioUat a>'m kbdortoJ from '«Kl, *■ H it of Fortune Confiscated court ordered the confisca- Ugh of all of Schscht'a remaining raonal fortune—officially eSti- ted St 1,190,000 .m arks ($119,- 000)—except for 10,000 reichs- marks. It also forbade him to hold any public office during the remainder of his life and deprived him of most of his civil rights for the next 10 yeara, banning him from voting in any election, practicing as an attorney, participating m any political acUvitlet, Joining any pollUcal party, or joining any profeaaional or economic organlza- tiona. The verdict, practically the maximum that could be Imposed. jConttais^ oa Faa« Foorl \ lOonUnued on Page Ten) Jewish Shops . Out Bounds Two British Gonslahles Fatally ^ hot in Jeni- salem topping Area TreaHury Balance I Washington, May 13.—(/Vi—The jiOHltlon of the Treasury May 9: Receipts, $152,863,518.86; ex- penditures. $130.6l8.f)44.28; bal ante. $4,080,158,738.97. _ Seek Motive For Slaying Discussion of M oney blatters Reported Be- fore Fatal Slioi»ting Boston, May 13—i/l’i Investi- gators today sought a definite motive for the slayibg of Mrs. Rebecca "Bea" Simon. .52. wealthy race .track and sjiorts arana con- cessionaire, who Capt Wiliiam H. Britt said waS shot to death by a cousin, of her late husband iH-forc ^he fired a fatal blast into his own brain. Britt said that Mrs. Simon, of Brookline, who with her hus- band rah a hot dog sUnd Into concession* valued at a. million Soeialistk and U Jiristian Deinoerals Uliarge Each O llie r to Blame For rjiulitioii Gollapse i 1 Home, May 13.—(/P)— Pre- mier Aleide <le (JuHfieri hand- i ed hin reHiKnatioii tialay to Proviaional PreHident Knrico| de Nicola an Socialiata and i Clirfatian I)emf)crat8 charKcd; each other with reHjmiiHihility for the collapBO of his coali- tion Kovernment. Atlseks Kt'Snon tor. Quilling A romiuiinique Imm the CThris- lian r>«*miKTatic premier's jiress office said de GttsjMTl was reslgn- Ing because of ‘Socialist attacks on lilni yesterday. 'Tlie threC-party I'oalltlon has lawn torn with dlH- sension over Italy's *lei)t problem. D«' CasiMTl's public works min- ister, Giusc]>iMt itoinlta, said after a .V)-mlnute extraordinary' cabinet meeting that the premier's decis- ion was taken IrecsuSr; of a .Social- ist charge, that he was deliber- ately fomenting a iMilltlcal crisis. De Gnspcrl, wlio has presldetl over a coalition . of Chruitian Dennicrats, Communists an<l S o - cialists for months, was expected to inform the r.'onstituent Assem: ((.Vintlniual on 'rage Four) Trapped Vet Tells Horror (Goatlnnsd on Page Four) -7^ Jerusalem, May 13—(J'' Jei^- Ish shops and restaurants re- mained out of bounds for British troops in Jerusalem toflay follow- ing the faUl shooting of two Brit- ish contables in the heart of this city's shopping district yesterday. Plans had been made to lift the out of bounds restrictions, im- posed as a safety measure, but were rescinded by the military commander of the area only a few hours after the shooting. The slain constables, sabl to have been members of the Crimin- al Investigation department, were mowed down by a blazing fusil- lade of gunfire shortly before dusk while the streets were crowded with shoppers. The source, of the shots was uncertain, but pfillce said they might have been fired from a nearby balcony. Both In Civilian Clothes One of the offlcert—both of whom were in civilian clothes— was killed outright and the othi^ died a short Ume later. e Ameers, whose ages were lUaued on P sie Four). Navajo Indian Reported To Be 137 Nears of Age Ruidoso. N. M., May 13— Out of this southern New Mexico mountain resort country today came the story of a Navajo In- dian, Francisco Salz, reputed to be 137 years old and possibly the nation's bldeat living human being. The. account dime from a girl reporter. Miss Mary Nell T«ger of the Ruidoso Weekly News, who interviewed 6slz and said she was convinced of bis age. She found / Saiz living on a small farm/ near out-of-the-way Arabella, if. M„ 40 miles northeast of Ruldi The old man makes his home with SUnon Sanchez,. 74, who re- lated toat his family first became acqumnted with Saia as a middle- agey man in the 1860s. The Nava- jo 6 as been a family retainer since, servlnjE Sanchez' mother 115 and re- maining thereafter with the son. Third Set Of Natural Teetk Still active enough to get about with a cane. Salz altenda to all his personal nec<ls and eats three meals a day with his third set of natural teeth. Miss Taeger said questioning of Saiz and Sanchez added these details: •— ^ As a youth he '.vas • a cowboy and shepherder. In later yeara he wail tho first freighter for the government from Las Vegas, N. M to nearby Fort Stanton while troo|Mt were stationed st that cavalry outpost. He recalled In- dian attacks on the fort, some- thing of the IJncoln, cattlA war and Billy the Kid. "Too many people who have known him long years say this age is correct for there, to be any mist.ike," Mlsa Taeger ssid. Pinnrd in Wreckage of Antoniohilr Near Busy IliK liw ay for 5 Days Martinez, Calif., May 13-(/l*i — A 26-year-old NaVy veteran tralay desr'rilM-d the horror of being trap - ped for five days In the wreckage of his automobile, less than 150 feet fmni a busy highway, almrurt dying of thirst with water only 10 feet away. The man, Ernest Kenneth Steele, 26, an oil refinery worker of Rlch- montl, Calif., Is In'critical condi- tion and doctors are qoUedded Whether his right arm, mangled in the crash, will have to m am- putated. (Oontlnued on I’age Fonr) Wallace Urges Coal Authority Says ^riiiu* Hus Uonie to Nationalize Industry'; H its I/PH'is, Operators Mlnneapohs, May J3 ■ Hen- ry A. Wallace aays "the time has come to nationalize the cq'ai Indus- try under aome type of c<i81 author- ity." and that “coal means so much to the life blood of'^the world that neither labor nor agriculture can tolerate the inconveniences which come HO frequently in this key^ln- dustry.” Siieaklng Ix-forr a paid audience estimated at 6,6Ufi, Wallace said that "in the five countries I visited in western Europe in April, I found coal the next after wheat to be the key problem.” The former vice president and cabinet member, now editor of the New Republic, said, in continuing Ills attack on President Truman’s proposed $400,000,(KK) Grecce-Tur key loan, "an extra 60,000,000 tons of coal produced In thd United States during the nest year would do more to solve the problems of western Europe than ten Greek loans. "The ‘World needs for coal are so WnsliiiiKton, May 13.— —The Senate tixlay passed its controversial labor bill by a vote of 68 to 24—more than the two-thirds mai'ifin needed to override the presidential veto which some opponenta have predicted. The far- rcachinur measure, denounced by organized labor but generaUy endorsed by many Indiutrialista, now goes to conference for com- |>i-ntnl<ir with a tougher bill ap* proved by the House. Then the compromise version will go to the White House;, prob- ably iate this month. Shortly before the final vots the Senate rejected 73-19 a aubstituts bill drafted by. a group of DenqO* crats who regarded it as the kind of legislation Mr. Truman would sign. Critics called It s "milk-and- water” bill. 'Taft l^mds Fight Senator Taft (Ohio), chairman of the Senate’s Republican Policy and Labor committee, led the fight for the bill adopted. Defeat of the substitute opened the way for a quick vote on the Taft bill. Rejection of the substitute, which waa tailored to meet president Truman’s recommendations on la- tnrt legislation, was expected by Senator Murray (Mont.) and the to other Democrats who sponsored it. They pf«hWltWtti6 bOl only to put themselves on record with s aperlfic example of the kind of labor hill they believe should be adopted,' Unlike the Taft bill, the aiibsU- tiile would have permitted the ! closed shop, under which employ- ' ers can hire only union members. It made no provision for injunc- tions against national emergen<9 ■trikes. The Taft measure does. Cammiinist Ban In Roth Both bills deny collective bar- gaining rights to s union If any officer can "reasonably be regard- ed" as a Communist or Communist sympathiser. This provision was placed in the Senate bill on adoption of dn oniendnient by Senator McOellan ID., Ark.), Before the final vote, Taft announced he would not push his motion, made yesterday, to re- (Oontlnued on Page Ten). Sugar Stamp Valid Earlfer (('onttniled on I’Hge Eight) V •1 \ Juno 1 Date Sot to Ex |H’«lite ' Mov4‘incnt to FuntriuH of Ifoni4?H Washington, M ay-lS —ilTi—The- Agrietiltiire department annauncud Uxlay' that Sugar Ration Stamp No. 12 for individual consuniers will become valid June 1 Instead «f July 1 as originally .planned, if will allow purcliase. of 10 {Ktpnds. The department said that sup- plies from this stamp must last until Oct. 31, when ptriAe and ra- tioning controls will-expire unle.ss extended by congress. Consumers Rsrelon Stamp No. 12 is the second to be designated as a 10-pound sugar stamp. The flrst was No. It which became valid April 1. The June 1- date was set for No. 12 ^In order to expedite movement of 'sugar into home pantrlcj while railway transportation Is available. . Expect Freight Car Shortage Officials say they expect a shortage of freight cars for sugar after the bunipsr wrf^hr wheat crop starts moving toTnarket late next nifmth. Sugar now la piling up in eastern refinery centers. Other a'ctipna the governmoiit has taken to speed up sugar move- ment include:. - jndjlstrial users may apply for third quarter allotments June 1 in/ stead of June 10, the date earlier. / A regulation limiting inventories of industrial users to 30 <la^ sup-, ply la Huspendeil. Thus, sum users may obtain a full quarte^ supply (Continued- on Pa$y tig h lj Chinese Reds Pound Nungan G ovrrnincnt Units Break Into Ishiii to Strength- en Shantung Area Hohl Nanking, May IS—hV) —Chineae^-- Communists pounded Nu^^, Manchuft.s, today but in Qmna proper, govcmnicnl forces, broke Into Ishui, too miles wesUdf Tslng- tuo, to streiigLhsn their hold In eastern Shantung proviiiee. Tho governmenrs First _Arniy moved in to (Jefend .Nungan, loss of which lyould imperil Chang- chun. Maptliurin's capital, only 36 mll.os ^ ' thc south. 'Three Red df- Visiomi were attacking Nungan, government disiiatchaH.sald. .Street Fighting In Progresa Government press reports, from Shantung said street fighting was in progress in Ishui, an important highway Ifoi) Nationalists all threatened Chshsien, -15 miles southeast of Ishui. . To the west, in Honan pro^'lnce. the citji of Anyang continued un- der siege by a roiiorted 70,000 Reds. Other Communist forces fought government trpops defend- ing Taiyuan, capital of Shansi province. ^ Natioiiulists reported they had captured Wiipary'a feri^r crossing on tho bank of the Yiellow river in Shensi pruv'ince, but made no mention of $(uiteh or other north Shensi citic<i the Communists have ann^iunce^ recapturing. Sectibng bf Railway Bljuteil atul Uprooted Peiping. May lO-r-iiP)—Several sections -ot the Peiplng-Llnyu i\Shanhaikwan) railline were blast- >l;d and uprooted today a few hours after two trains carrying 600 American Marines and their com- mander passed safely through Communist-held territory. Col. Julian N. Frlsbie, coimnan- drr of the Firth regiment of the First division,' travelling-In a de , (Continued on Page Eighth /- \

Transcript of Evening... · •S I- < M FACis FO U RTtElf. ''v * ' iflaurlirfitpr Euruiug .H|pralJi / MONDAY, MAY...

Page 1: Evening... · •S I- < M FACis FO U RTtElf. ''v * ' iflaurlirfitpr Euruiug .H|pralJi / MONDAY, MAY 18, W4T. About Town Hi* Olrl Scout L*«der» frill hold their monthly meeting Wednee-

•S I- <


F A C is F O U R T t E l f

. ''v * '

iflaurlirfitpr Euruiug .H|pralJi/


About TownH i* Olrl Scout L*«der» frill hold

th e ir m onthly m eeting Wednee- d»y, May 14, a t 8 p. m. a t Center Church Houae.

There frill be a meeting of N athan Hale Boy» In Orange Hall tOthoiTOW n igh t a t 6:30 aharp to

lection on band Inatrumenta. ^ Bupper and other Im portant bual* ncM. All. of the officers arc re- 4(uested to bring their books to the meeting.

Miss Marion Caahton, daughter of Mrs. Abigail M. Caahlon. of *M XMst Center s tree t has been ap ­pointed assistan t business m anager o f the College of Ne\s- Rochelle weekly newspaper. Tatler. kUss Caahlon, a sophomore a t the <\>I- lege of New Rochelle, is a member of Sodality and Ix>ng Dl.stance Chib.

Dllworth-Comell-Quey Post. No. 102. American Legion, will hold a social m eeting tonight at eight o’clock. Jam es Klar will speak on the Memorial Field project. Tlic public U Invited to hear him.

The com mittee arranging for the pot luck supper on May 21 for the Hollister Parent-Teacher associa­tion frill meet th is evening at eight o'clock in Principal Bentley's office.

The anal and full dress rehears­al ’ of the childrens operetta. “Sunny o f Sunr.yside ". to be held In the Social hall of South Methf^ dial church or. Thursday. Friday and Saturday of this week, will t«fc> place tomorrow night- . at SrSO aharp. Ail children taking p a r t must attend this reheansl.

St. R ita’s Mother s Circle wiH m eet tomorrow e v e n ^ a t 8 o'clock a t the home of Mrs. Carl Balktu. 253 School street.



Tailorfd by Daroff

St. M argaret’s Circle, D aughters of Isabella, will m eet tomorrow

! evening In the K. of C. Home,

The Emblem Club will hold a pot luck supper a t Maxwell Court. Wednesday evening a t 6:30, w ith the businesa mcetlhg to follow. M anchester members on the com­m ittee Include Mrs. Agnes Breen. Mrs. Catherine B srry and Mrs. HBrriett Davis

The regular meeting of the Ex­change Chib will lx- held tomorrow night a t 6:.30 a t the Community • V " instead of on Wednesday night

i as is usual. At the meeting tomor­row night the .State Officers of the

, Exchange Club will make their an- Inual risitatinn . They will be headed by Clavton .lohnson of West H artford who la present .State President of the Exchange Club. TTie rislla tlon tomorrow night will he the pfincipjil hustness of the

j evening

i Claire Janssen. 12-,year-old 'd augh te r of .Mr. anil Mrs Julius : .lans.<!en of 40 Cobum mad. sus- Jtiiined a broken leg while roller I skating Siitunlny nflem oon on the ! walk near her home. She waa re- I moved to the M anchester Memorial I hospital In the Burke ambulance following the aceldent where I X-rays were taken and revealed the fact tha t her leg was fra c - |

, I'nred

Anderson-Shea Auxiliary, V. K. |W .. will m eet tomorrow evening at ’ 8 o'clock sharp in the Post roomii ja t M anchester Oreen. The new ! ofllrers will fill their stsflons for the flrst time

I>ival Clr'rle of King’s D aughters will meet this evening at 7:45 in the Federation moni o f Center

: rh u rrh house. Tlie hostesses will I lie Mrs. Ora Hheru’ood, fhiiinim n: ’ miss Grace Snwter and Mrs. Sam- I uel Wilson

' Temple Chapter, O. F,. S., will hold a rummage sale 'Thursday,

1 May 15 from P:30 a. m. on. in the I basement of the Masonic Temple.

The memliers are requested to bring their donations for the sale to the S tar meeting W ednesday evening in the Temple. If articles must be called for they should get In touch with W orthy Matron Mrs Viola T rotter

‘ The M anchester Branch of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will have, an all-day sewing meeting tomomiw. at the South Methodist church “with business session a t 2:30.

G i v e n R c c o i r i i i l i o n f o r Y e a r s o f S a l v a t i o n A r f n y S e r v i c e Court Clerk Files Report

T o t a l o f $ 1 , 2 0 3 C o l l e c t - e d i n F i n e s H e r e D i i r - iVi n g I . j i s t M o n t h

The report of Aldo Pagsni, clerk ot the Town C ourt of M anchester shows th a t there w as a to ta l of ] $1,203 collected as fines during the | month of April. Of the to tal col­lection the Town of M anchester received $921.33. the <;jommlsslon-1 er of Motor Vehicles received |

$191.67, and there draa $90 rem it­ted by the court. -

The to ta l of fines collected for the month w as rngde up of $289 from common crim inal cases, $665 from m otor vehicle cases, and $246 from parking vioiationa.

I f Y o n W a n t t o B n i l d ,

B n y , S fe ll O P T r a d e

R e a l E s t a t e , G e t I n s n r -

a n c e C o v e r a g e o r A r ­

r a n g e a M o r t g a g e .


JARVIS5 Dover Road

Tel. 4112 or 7275

b ^ ^ ^ " r s W a i t i n g !C A IX C 8 NOW -----

Qirick. C onrleoas S e n ie a - We Need Singles. Mnitiples, Businesses, luind. Farm s, l.o ts—W hst llsv e VooY

K A Y R E A I . T Y869 Msin SL Tel. 4168

[ Thousands Of People Will Welcome 1 This Announcement By HALEYS ,

—H erald Photo by Demeusyi P irtu fed above with A dju tan t Ri. hard Atwell are four m em bers of the local Salvation Army C o ^ s a fte r receiving pins yeat. rdav In reongnitmn of long ye.irs of Salvation Arm y Sunday

(are left to r ig h t C e d i'K ittlr , 1-ipc I’rm tor, William I’e n e t t -Mra. Rebecca W right, and A djutant Atwefl.

Four HonoredAlFilfIflel


(sivp I'iiiis ill Ki’ro^iiilio ii O f l-oiifi .Servin’ in tin* Sulvalioii .\riiiv

reption of Mr. Kttlle. before the local corps w as organized. They tiecnme lontUM led with A:rmy work when they came to th is cou/itry from the llritlsli Isles.

William I’e rre tt liegan his serv ­ice in England. Mra. Rebecca W right began Iter service in Derry. .Northern li eland. Isaac Proctor was a Salvationist in PiiTtttrlown. N orthern Ireland. Cecil K ittle joined the Army in Cliicton-on-Sea. F.ngland, afte r being affiliated with

the Methodist church there.AH four aro still active in local

Salvation Army work here but Mr. P erre tt no longer teache.s a Sun­day SchiKil i lass. Mrs. W right.con­d u its the Ijidles llible class. Mr I’roctor conducts the Men’s Bible class and Mr. K ittle is in charge of the Young Men's class.

I .lames Munsie was in charge of :the presentation jirograiii and the j jiins wera awarded by A djutant


Four active members of the local Salvation Army Corps were hon­ored yesterday at the Sunday SehiMii Mother s Day program at the citadel for long perwMls of ' Army aervlee in the Sunday ScIumjI departm ent. Ail four wore given gold plna with the number of years | of service engraved on them.

They are: |William P erre tt. 81 years ,Mra. Rebecca W right. 71 years , Isaac I’roctor. 67 years.Ceetl K ittle. .5‘J yeaVs.In the oaaea of all four their

yeara of aervlee were begun iii the British Isles. All were soldiers in the Salvation Army, with the ex-

HALE'S SELF SERVEThe OrlRinal In New Enifland!


Green Stamps (Jlven With CasH Sales!


lU R S - ^

llegardlesa of w here yonr F i l l s were laiught, sto re lliein where they will receive the liest iMissihle ra re . In our iiiodem vault in our own building.


.At Reasonable Prieea

Our Annual


Down Weekly


I .

You won't actually whiitl* ot you walk in thii tuit, of courtt, but wo'll mitt our guett if you won't h t l lik* it.

For h*r«'t fivo action tuch ot you hoyon't oncountered tinea the doyt bafora ifia war. Atanta of naw-born tuit fraa- dom you hovan't anjoyad tinea way-bock-whan.

So twing fraa, twing aoiy Ibit Spring, In o tuit voiua which itondt olona in Amar- ioo today. Sorry—qupntitiat, while growing, or# ttlli ■aiHad.

TIm Ftbric la tb# Sm I • ! th« Sbit

A r m o u r 's or L ib b y ’s

Corned Beef Hash 0 . n 29ch u iim s ld

Raisins i .e c . p k g . 27cF lo w -S w e e t ,

Pancake Syrup I t 24cP re m ie r

Mayonnaise I t 49c^ P f y .1 I.b. Can $1.39K e m s r k s b ir — .silred

Peaches 0 . n 23cEgg Powder Can 7ISCF r e s h

Rhubarb 3 19cF resli— -tlreen - ,

1 Table Cucumbers i . h . 19c1 F re sh

String Beans i . h . l9cFresh

Rareripes or RadishesNo. 1


i.b. 39cLamb Patties Polish BolognaSalt Herring

• “Belony** ti o' tro<feffiork -of Botany VMxOail i" 0- ^ Dill Pickles


G. E. Speed Cooking Ranges

O-i AimiNEIt

Ctcncral klectrii Kaiigct Coming . . . ■/ won’t he long hefore they're here.',\n d it’t going to be "F irtt come— first served" so get your order in at onee!W e’ve got all the infprmmion you need to pick out the right range for your kitchen!

(..ome OH in.' Sec die pictures of the exciting new niodcTs. Get all the facts about all the ■f.inious Cl-K features.. Find out about prices and deliver)' dates . . . 'and order now!

$259.75T! I ,K(”i U U’ A1, 1 )KI*T.—Ba-Hi ment

M a n c h e s t e r Co h wCQKfe

Select Your Blankets From These Famous Nam^s:



The Select o f Selected B lankets In The Country

$15.95 $10.95

Chatham lOO j Virgin Wool 72" X 90"“ LAISDSDOWN"Chatham lOO^^Nvirgin Wool 72” X 90",“ WOOLSHIRE*'KetiiYflod lOOf f Virgin WobI 72" X 90"“ E L Y S I A N ”

Kenwood lOO c Virgin Wool 72” X 90"“ F A M O U S ”

Kenwood 100*'e Virgin Wool 72” X 90" ,


h “ A R O N D A U ”


Kenwood “ Round-Up”A Real Hoy'is lilankvt! $109566" X s r

Mariposa ‘^Lonemoor’’100^, \ irgin W ool ^ | ^ OC 72"x90”

Lebanon “ Commodore”$12.50lOOff Virgin Wool

72” X 90"

Also! General ElectricAUTOMATIC BLANKETS

On The Qub Plan — 10% Down — $1.00 WeekljWarmth of three or four blankets — the weight of one. Adjusts automat­ically to weather changesi Average operating cost, only a few pennies a night.

General ElectricA U T O M A T I C

b l a n k e t s -------- $42-01General ElectricD U A L C O N T R O L

B L A N K E T S . . . .

Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales!


’T ’■ ; ’t: ■.

I ’

ATcraf* Dally ClrealationVWr tlw Moirth of AgHI, lt4T

9^98 u

Member e ( the Aadit B m eaa o t CtoenlattooB

Manche»ter——A City o f Village Charm

f .

The Weather <ForecMt of I’. S. Weather Boremi

ComUdeimble rloudlneM foUow- ed by ccesustuiv^ ahoweni fakte. to-, night and tVedhetsda.v: cooler to­night, Blurb cooler Wedneoday.


P a lestin e F reed om M ove by R ussians

D efea ted in V oteP o l i t i c a l C o m m i t t e e R e - i F n r m p r S d b l r b i a

j e e t s P l a n t o , H a v e ' ^

C o m m i s s i o n D r a f t P r o - S o U D ^ ’l l t F a V O l * p o s a l s ■ f o r I m m e d i a t e ®

' I n d e p e n d e n c e D e s p i t e p q | * O & P S S O l l S A r a b W a l k o u t T h r e a t ______

Lake S u c ^ ^ N . Y.. May T e s t i f i e s M a y

F l o w e r s f o r M o t h e r f r o m P u l i r i i t S o n

13.— —Despite a threat­ened Arab walkout, the Polit-j ical committee of the United Nations As.sembly today de­feated a Soviet move to have a U.N. Palestine Inquirj’ com­mission draft proposals for immediate independence of the Holy Land.

26 .Against Measure The vote waa 26 againat the

RiiMian measure, 15 in favor, w ith 12 abstentions and two absences.

This m eant th a t the Inquiry commission would be given a free hand to conaldsr all poMible solu­tions of the Palestine problem w ithout any special reference to th e independence question.

The vote came a fte r F aria el Khoury, Syrian delegate, said out-

*'«lde the cham ber th a t the Arab delegations were considering the possibility of walking out of the special assembly in pro test against a m ajority stand on the Palestine question.

Supporting the Soviet union pro­posal, in addition to the. five Arab countries were A fghanistan, W hite Russia, Czechoslovakia, India, Iran, Poland, Turkey, the Soviet U kraine and Yugoslavia.

Regarded Im portan t X'letory The com m ittee's action w as re ­

garded as an im portant victory for the United S ta tes and B ritain, who had insisted th a t the inatructiona to the Inquiry commission should be k ep t broad and general.

The com m ittee also defeated. 25 to 10, a sim ilar Polish proposal which differed from the Soviet m easure prim arily In the omission of the words "w ithout delay" on the approach to the independence question.

The delegates finally voted to in struc t the Inquiry commission to •'submit such 'p roposals as it m ay consider appropriate fo r the solu­tion of the Palestine problem.”

TTie 55-natlon Political com m it­tee completed Instructions to the commission by voting th a t i t m ust subm it recom m endations to Secre­tary-G eneral Trygx’e Lie not la ter than nex t Sept. 1.

T urns To Controversial Question I t tu rned then to the contro­

versial question of w hether the commission should include the five Wg powers in Its membership or

(OonUnned oa Page Ten).

A s k e d A i d o n S e v e r a l O o c a s ito i iM i n B e ­h a l f o f T w o B r o t h e r s

Bulletin!Washington, .May IS — >Ti—

Two letters In whleh P'oCmer Hep. .Andrew J. .May (D-Ky) appealed to (len. Uxxight U. Elsenhower to Intervene In oourt martial proceedings ag^nst the son of a munitions maiker were placed In the rec­ord at May’s war fraud trial' today. The letters showed that May asked Elsenhower for a personal review of the case against Capt. Joseph Uarsson who was charged with refusal to obey a battlefield command.

Phone Strike Still Remains

In Deaclloek^ ’e s t p r n E l e c t r i c U o i i i -

| i a n y R e f u s e s t o E x ­

t e n d I * r e s e n t C o n t r a c t E x c e p t f o r W a g e s

Senate Votes Laborf i

Measure, 68 to 24;I

Sent to Conference


C h i l d M a y L o s e ‘ M i i t h e r *

Pfc. Raymond Dale, 22, of Providence, R. I., pins a eorsage on the coat of his mother. Mrs. Lucy Dale, as she visits him a t Murjihy General hospital a t Walthsini, Mass, Mrs. Dale wi>s one of a group of New England m otheis brought to the hoapiUil by the Army to visit their veteran sons on M other's Day lA P wirephoto.l

Gas Tax IncreaseTo 4 Cents Voted

F la sh e s !(Lato.BolleUao of the tC) Wire)

n r e R asri Nine BulldlngaCickens, W. Va., May 18— — .A

8160,600 lire ewept the main Inul- ae*s block of this small rural trad­ing town of Pickens today, destroy- iag alaa’ buildings, including the brick post office, and two filling •tatloas. O. L. Barrlckmaa, cashier of the Bank of Pickens who esti­mated the damage, said the .flames taaUy were quelled hy volunteer fighters and confined to the one block of the town, w h l^ has a population of about 1,200.. No In­juries were reported as a' result of the fire, lyMch appareatly origlaated In a warehouse of. the Been Brothers store.

• • •Stripped of Camem a*>6 Cards

Washington, May IS—(<Ci—The Htato ..department said today that the American charge d’affaires at Belgrade was stripped of his cam­era aad enfiiassy IdentlflcatiOB cards during a visit to the Yugo­slav town of Pec May 3. Camera

■'sad cards were returned to John M. Chhot, the American official, after a formal protest to Marshall 'nto’s govem m eat. A spokesman sold the State department now Instructed the embassy to ask ‘appropriste dlselpUnary sc- tton” a ^ n s t the local officials re­sponsible for the Incident.

* * *

Plm d Guilty l a Larceny Bangor, Me^ May Id—iJ’)—Ev­

erett lam aa, 26, Portlaad, and Charles Haason, 41, Norwich. Conn, pleaded guilty in municipal court today to charges e f aatonaM le lar- eeny. Police laspector Joha Hayes said' lam aa admitted belag the driver e f a stolen car which plunged SO feet off the Goose river -hrldgo at Roekport. May «. iajur- lag Haason aad two women. T he coses of both mea were e o a tla n ^ to May 28 sad bsU set s t 82,r each. « * •"Reign of Terror" In Ai

HsngfMHi, Burnis, Msy \ i .—'Pi —.An offk isl sanouncerorM sold Gutsy 1,000 Gurkhs rtflemea and 600 armed police had bMB'rushed to northern Arakaa to 4m I with h "reign of terror" by a MbOy of men s U c f^ to be Gotnnxhnlsta. The

W ashington, May 13—'TJ—Sec­re ta ry of W ar P atterson testified to d ay th a t Form er Rep. Andrew J. May (D*Ky). Sought his help on several occasions in behalf of the 178.000,000 G arison munitions combine.

The prosecution summoned P a t­terson as a s ta r w itness In the fourth week of M ays tr ia l on charges of tak ing more than $35,- 000 in w artim e bribes.

On tria l w ith the 72-year bid w artim e head of the House Mili­ta ry com m ittee are Munitions M akers Henry and M urray Gara- son and Joseph F. Freem an, W ashington agent for the Gara- son brothers.

“E” Award SoughtP atte rson told the Jury th a t on

M arch 24, 1945, May asked him to give an award, for ou tstand­ing w ar production, to a Garsson firm, the B atavia (III) Metal Products company.

He said May also contacted him about a cutback of a B atavia com­pany contract in 1943 and, in September, 1945, called him to the Capitol to p ro test the A rm y's ac­tion in withholding »800,000 from the Erie Basin Metal P roducts Co., another Garsson firm. The money was held up pending reneEotiatlon of a contract.

On cross exam ination. M ay's a t ­torney, W arren Magee, asked:

"Isn ’t It a fact th a t Oongresa- man May never asked you to let any contractor ha\>e a w ar con' t r a c t? ”

Patterson replied, . ‘th a t’i right."

Magee also asked:"You received calls from other

congressm en?"P atte rson : "Many of them ."In telling of the conversation

with May concerning the $800,000 withheld from the Erie Basin com pany. P atte rson related:

"Oongresaman May said he was very busy himself and couldn’t get

(Continued on Page Four)

Nine Dem orralu in Sena l e J o i n e i l b y S l a i n - News Tidl>ils

nancHHioement said wonsra wUh oatl. psthlM were heln| Uwir huncs sad

fo n t Re|iiibliean in O p p o f l i n g Meatmre

State Capitol, Hartford, May 13.—(IP)—A bill inerea.s- ing the ga.soline tax from three to four cents a gallon was aby the Senate in concurrence with the House. The measure now goes to the governor, an advocate of the one-cent. in­crease. J

The nine Dem ocrats in the Sen­ate were Joined by one Republican. Senator Vincent Glam plctro of of S tam ford, In opposing th ^ bill on a roll call vote.

Two Amendments Defeated Earlier, the Senate had defeated

by voice votes two amendments, one of them proposing a two-cent ra th e r than a one-cent increase. T hat am endm ent wn.s offered by Senator Stanley Stroffolino (R., Norwalk I.

The sepond am endment, offered by Senator Harold F. Brown (R., Colchester) proposed th a t if the tax be raided by two rents, that one cent be used on unimproved n>ads.

A aharp debate preceded ap ­proval of the Increase, which is expected to yield between $7,500,- 000 and $8,000,000 biennially in new revenue plus a m atching am ount from the Federal govern­ment. '

Attaek Proposed Infcressi- Democrats. led by the ir floor

leader, Senator Alfred F. Weehs- ler, a ttacked the proposed increa.se on the ground th a t the public iwaa "being taxeil to death.

"Public sentim ent In against new taxes.” asserted W cchsler, ’'and we can’t be so foolhardy as to ignore the people all the tim e.”

The m inority leader contended also th a t construction work should be held to a minimum while costa were high.

Wechslei said he opposed the In

Culled From (/P) Wires

Connec'lleut B ankers warned th a t "unless the Am erican in­vestor Is willing to Invest some of hts savli.g.-* In foreign lending, he

Prison Term For Scliaclit

S e n j e n c e d t o E i g h t Y e a r s A f t e r C o n v i c t i o n B y G e r m a n i C o u r t

S tu ttg a r t ,’ May 13.—(g*j—HJal- roar Schacht, German financial wizard who was cleared ot w ar crim es charges biF" the in ternation­al m ilitary tribunal a t Nuernberg seven months ago, was convicted as a m ajor Nazi offender by a German denazlflcayon court today and sentenced toyelght years im­prisonm ent. ,/

The verdict yfras announced by Court P resldeot F ritz Lenr in a packed courtjrbom .in the Commu­nity S inging hall w here the for­m er Nazi /finance m inister and Relchsbarilt president has been on tria l fo rA ix weeks. The 70-year- old Sciulcht heard -the verdict In stunn^S silence, his face drawn

must expect to face a decline In the income from his domestic In-

pproved, 25 to 10, today vestm ents . , . World wide un-ijcrstanding of U. S. would end "fiHdiNh 'ta lk ’’ th a t it follows ptilicy of imperlailHni says Dean Achesbn. supporting S tate d ep art­m ent bruadicasta . . . T rum an to address Thom as Jeffersdn Me­m orial Foundation a t Charlotte- vllle on July A

Trum an wire* Atonain th a t his visit to th is country "strengthen­ed the already Arm ties of friend­ship and understanding between our two countries" . . . Senate com mittee approved S tan ton 4lrll- Qs a.s new anibassaikir to Poland . . . Baltim ore couple aponds finneynioon night In Jail afte r'hap- by bride slaps policeman . . . J. fidward Newton, Fall River tex­tile mill executive, dies irf Provi­dence.

Trum an suggesta governm ent make it possible for next of kin who wish their war dead to re­main overseas to visit the ceme­teries abroad . . . t liarles Good- aJe is cheerful aa Jury la com­pleted , . . Sherman A ntl-T nist Act iH "the g rea test Insurance policy the free enterprise system has ever known.” A ttorney Gen­era) (.lark f i l s inMirahre brokers in New York.

l-teiMirts A m ericans and British have settled all but one of their controversies over the economic m erging of their zones ifl G erm any . . . Secretary M arshal; in broad-

I caat to Greek people says the T ni- 1 man aid program answ ers the call of a "valiant slly” while Senator Vandenberg, on sam e program , says the program is also "in the genuine self interest of the United S ta tes” . . . Indonesian shorn tist- lerles fire on Dutch torpedo boat . .. . Stock leaders tciuch new lows for the year.

Chipa gives governm ent cm-, plove and soldiers 85 per fsent In- en-ase in rnrst of living allowances . . . .Negro Herm an M arian S w eatt again seeking entrance to U nlver sity of Tcx.as law- school. . . Rus­sian news dTRfudeh says .*Triiman dm-lrlne” is. b H ^ extended to W estern 'E urope w d F ar E ast.

W ashington, Msy 13 tJb — A unlon-nvansgemenl deadlock in the W estern Electrll: company, m ajor unit of the Bell system still tied up by the telephone s trik e which began April 7, dragged on into its 37th day .today.

A ssistant Secretary of IwilHir Jolin W. Gibson declined to say whether governm ent officials will accept a union Invitation to pi-o- ' pose a settlem ent formula. |

Union Offer Rejes’leilThe compan> rejected a union j

i offer to extend the prcjwnt con- j tract for a year except for waces and to a rb itra te those. Fred Schmidt. W estern Electric labor relations manager, said there Is ‘•no reason'' why all Issues, incliid- nlg wages, cannot’ be nettled through continued collective bar­gaining.

Involved in the negotiations here are the W estern Electric Em ­ployes association and th s As­sociation of Oummiinlcatlons Equipment Workers. A th ird W estern Electric onion, the Na­tional Association of Telephone Equipment Workers, Is inerting w ith company officials in New York.

The New York session also end­ed with no sign of progiosn last night. I

llAnnr Picket IJn re iThe W estern Electric Employe j

association, which representa 22.- 000 employes in 21 plants, and the 1 two sm aller unions have succeed- I |>atrlrla Dennon, 5 years old, snuggles close to Mrs. John Nicholson ed in persuading some other Bell j home in Lindenhurst, N. Y. P atric ia , because ahii is daugh

I ^ l a r g i n T o | i a T w o * T h i r d s N c e i l o i l t o O v e r r i d e

P r e s i d e n t i a l V e t o P r e ­d i c t e d h y S o m e O p - p o n e n t s ; W h i t e H o u s e P r o h u h l y W i l l G e t

( 'o i n p r o i n i f f e V e r s i o n O f B i l l l ^ t e i n M o n t h


system emj'loyes to honor their picket lines.

However, 2,300 memliers of the O ncinnati Communications W ork­ers ilccideil to re tu rn to Uielr Jobs with the Cincinnati and Suburban Bell Telephone company th is morning even though the Commu- r lra tlo n Equipment W orkers are still picketing. !

.Tndge Charles S, Bell of Com-; mon Plofts court restrained the | equipm ent union from picketing the Bell firm on the ground th a t it was strik ing against W estern Electric not Clnclnnstl and Subur­ban.

In Detroit tlie Miclugaii Bell Telephone company turneil down a union proposal to se ttle for $3 to $5 weekly wage hikes for 13,000 strik ing and traffle employes,

( 'o n tra rt RallfledOn the Pacific coast, 7.500 In­

stallation and equipment workers represented by tlie United Broth- erhrkMl of Telephone W orkers ra ti­fied a con tract offered by the five- s ta te Pacific, Telephorte and Tclc- grai>ii company.

This virtually cntled th e tele­phone walkout In tnb fa r west, where the 12,000 awltchhoard op- (•rators and technicians represen t­ed by the fHO American Commu­nications a.ssfS'latlon alreaily had voted a back to work movement.

lor of P ro testan t parents, may be taken from Mrs. Nicholson, only woman she has called m other since she began to talk , because of a New York law providing a child m ust be reared by paren ts of the lianie faith. Tlie Nicholsons, who are Csthollcz, have cared for the child atnee she was th ree m onths old. Only the Htate D epartm ent of Social W elfare can rcl.ax rule.— (AI* wirephtito)

De Gasperi Resigns As Italian Premier

creased levy also because a "sales tax was Imminent despite the wishes of the people." i

Senator H erbert 8. MacDonald (R.. North H aven), Senate cha ir­m an of the Finance committee, w id th a t public opposition to the ime- e'ent increase w as "very slight"

,t oiea ao< iioUat a>'m

kbdortoJ from'«Kl,

*■ H

it of Fortune Confiscatedcourt ordered the confisca-

Ugh of all of Schscht'a remaining raonal fortune—officially eSti- ted St 1,190,000 .m ark s ($119,-

000)—except for 10,000 reichs­m arks.

I t also forbade him to hold any public office during the rem ainder of his life and deprived him of most of his civil righ ts fo r the next 10 yeara, banning him from voting in any election, practicing as an attorney, participating m any political acUvitlet, Joining any pollUcal party , or joining any profeaaional o r economic organlza- tiona.

The verdict, practically the maximum th a t could be Imposed.

jC o n tta is^ oa Faa« F o o rl


lOonUnued on Page Ten)

Jewish Shops . Out Bounds

T w o B r i t i s h G o n s l a h l e s

F a t a l l y ^ h o t i n J e n i - s a l e m t o p p i n g A r e a

TreaHury BalanceI W ashington, May 13.—(/Vi—The

jiOHltlon of the T reasury May 9: Receipts, $152,863,518.86; ex­

penditures. $130.6l8.f)44.28; bal ante. $4,080,158,738.97. _

Seek Motive For Slaying

D i s c u s s i o n o f M o n e y b l a t t e r s R e p o r t e d B e ­f o r e F a t a l S l i o i » t i n g

Boston, May 13—i/l’i Investi­gators today sought a definite motive for the slayibg of Mrs. Rebecca "Bea" Simon. .52. wealthy race .track and sjiorts arana con­cessionaire, who Capt Wiliiam H. B ritt said waS shot to death by a cousin, of her late husband iH-forc

^he fired a fatal blast into his own brain.

B ritt said th a t Mrs. Simon, of Brookline, who with her hus­band rah a hot dog sU nd Into concession* valued a t a. million

S o e i a l i s t k a n d U J i r i s t i a n D e i n o e r a l s U l i a r g e

E a c h O l l i e r t o B l a m e F o r r j i u l i t i o i i G o l l a p s e i

1Home, May 13.—(/P)— Pre­

mier Aleide <le (JuHfieri hand- i ed hin reHiKnatioii tialay to Proviaional PreHident Knrico| de Nicola an Socialiata and i Clirfatian I)emf)crat8 charKcd; each other with reHjmiiHihility for the collapBO of his coali­tion Kovernment.

A tlsek s Kt'Snon tor. Quilling A romiuiinique Im m the CThris-

lian r>«*miKTatic prem ier's jiress office said de GttsjMTl was reslgn- Ing because of ‘Socialist a ttack s on lilni yesterday. 'Tlie threC-party I'oalltlon has lawn torn with dlH- sension over I ta ly 's *lei)t problem.

D«' CasiMTl's public w orks min­ister, Giusc]>iMt itoinlta, said a fte r a .V)-mlnute extraordinary ' cabinet meeting th a t the prem ier's decis­ion was taken IrecsuSr; of a .Social­ist charge, th a t he was deliber­ately fom enting a iMilltlcal crisis.

De Gnspcrl, wlio has presldetl over a coalition . of Chruitian Dennicrats, Com munists an<l So­cialists for months, was expected to inform the r.'onstituent Assem:

((.Vintlniual on 'rage Four)

Trapped Vet Tells Horror

(Goatlnnsd on Page Four)


Jerusalem , May 13—(J'' Jei^-Ish shops and restau ran ts re ­mained out of bounds for British troops in Jerusalem toflay follow­ing the faU l shooting of two B rit­ish contables in the heart of th is city 's shopping d istric t yesterday.

P lans had been made to lift the out of bounds restrictions, im ­posed as a safe ty m easure, but were rescinded by the m ilitary com mander of the area only a few hours a f te r the shooting.

The slain constables, sabl to have been members of the Crim in­al Investigation departm ent, were mowed down by a blazing fusil­lade of gunfire shortly before dusk while the stree ts were crowded with shoppers. The source, of the shots w as uncertain, but pfillce said they might have been fired from a nearby balcony.

Both In Civilian Clothes One of the offlcert—both of

whom were in civilian clo thes— was killed ou trigh t and the o th i^ died a short Ume later.

e Ameers, whose ages were

lUaued on P s ie Four).

Navajo Indian Reported To Be 137 Nears o f Age

Ruidoso. N. M., May 13— ’ Out of this southern New Mexico mountain resort country today came the sto ry of a N avajo In­dian, Francisco Salz, reputed to be 137 years old and possibly the nation 's bldeat living hum an being.

The. account d im e from a girl reporter. Miss M ary Nell T « g er of the Ruidoso W eekly News, who interviewed 6slz and said she was convinced of bis age.

She found / Saiz living on a small fa rm / near out-of-the-w ay Arabella, if. M„ 40 miles northeast of Ruldi

The old man m akes his home w ith SUnon Sanchez,. 74, who re­lated to a t his fam ily firs t became acqum nted w ith Saia as a middle- agey man in the 1860s. The N ava­jo 6 as been a fam ily retainer since, servlnjE Sanchez' mother

115 and re­maining thereafter with the son.

Third Set Of N atural TeetkStill active enough to get about

with a cane. Salz a ltenda to all his personal nec<ls and ea ts three meals a day with his third se t of natural teeth.

Miss Taeger said questioning of Saiz and Sanchez added these details: •— ^

As a youth he '.vas • a cowboy and shepherder. In la ter yeara he wail tho firs t fre igh ter for the government from Las Vegas, N. M to nearby F ort S tanton while troo|Mt were stationed s t th a t cavalry outpost. He recalled In­dian a ttack s on the fort, some­thing of the IJncoln, cattlA w ar and Billy the Kid.

"Too many people who have known him long years say this age is correct for there, to be any m ist.ike," Mlsa Taeger ssid.

P i n n r d i n W r e c k a g e o f A n t o n i o h i l r N e a r B u s y

I l i K l i w a y f o r 5 D a y s

M artinez, Calif., May 13-(/l*i — A 26-year-old NaVy veteran tralay desr'rilM-d the horror of being tra p ­ped for five days In the w reckage of his automobile, less than 150 feet fm ni a busy highway, almrurt dying of th irs t with w ater only 10 feet away.

The man, E rnest K enneth Steele, 26, an oil refinery w orker of Rlch- montl, Calif., Is In 'c r itic a l condi­tion and doctors are qoUedded W hether his righ t arm , m angled in the crash, will have to m am ­putated.

(Oontlnued on I’age Fonr)

Wallace Urges Coal Authority

S a y s ^ r i i i u * H u s U o n i e t o

N a t i o n a l i z e I n d u s t r y ' ; H i t s I /P H 'i s , O p e r a t o r s

Mlnneapohs, May J3 ■ Hen­ry A. Wallace aays "the tim e has come to nationalize the cq'ai Indus­try under aome type of c<i81 au th o r­ity." and th a t “coal means so much to the life blood of'^the world th a t neither labor nor agricu ltu re can to lerate the inconveniences which come HO frequently in this key^ln- dustry .”

Siieaklng Ix-forr a paid audience estim ated a t 6,6Ufi, W allace said th a t "in the five countries I visited in w estern Europe in April, I found coal the next a f te r w heat to be the key problem .”

The form er vice president and cabinet member, now editor of the New Republic, said, in continuing Ills a ttack on P resident T rum an’s proposed $400,000,(KK) G recce-Tur key loan, "an ex tra 60,000,000 tons of coal produced In thd United S ta tes during the n e s t year would do more to solve the problems of w estern Europe th an ten Greek loans.

"The ‘World needs fo r coal are so

W n sliiiiK to n , M ay 13.——The Senate tixlay passed its controversial labor bill by a vote of 68 to 24—more than the two-thirds mai'ifin needed to override the presidential veto which some opponenta have predicted. The far- rcachinur measure, denounced by organized labor but generaUy endorsed by m any Ind iutrialista , now goes to conference fo r com- |>i-ntnl<ir w ith a tougher bill ap* proved by the House.

Then the compromise version will go to the W hite House;, prob- ably iate th is month.

Shortly before the final vo ts the Senate rejected 73-19 a aubstitu ts bill d rafted by. a group of DenqO* c ra ts who regarded it a s the kind of legislation Mr. Trum an would sign. C ritics called It s "m ilk-and- w ate r” bill.

'Taft l^m ds F ight Senator T aft (Ohio), chairm an

of the Senate’s Republican Policy and Labor com m ittee, led the fight for the bill adopted.

D efeat of the substitu te opened the way for a quick vote on the T aft bill.

Rejection of the substitu te , which waa tailored to m eet presiden t T rum an’s recom m endations on la- tnrt legislation, was expected by Senator M urray (M ont.) and the to o ther D em ocrats who sponsored it. They p f«hW ltW tti6 bOl only to put them selves on record w ith s aperlfic exam ple of the kind of labor hill they believe should be adopted,'

Unlike the T aft bill, the aiibsU- tiile would have perm itted the

! closed shop, under which employ- ' ers can hire only union members.

It m ade no provision for injunc­tions against national emergen<9 ■trikes. The T a f t m easure does.

Cammiinist Ban In RothBoth bills deny collective b a r­

gaining righ ts to s union If any officer can "reasonably be regard ­ed" as a Com munist o r Com m unist sym pathiser.

This provision w as placed in the Senate bill on adoption of dn oniendnient by Senator M cOellan ID., A rk .), Before the final vote, T aft announced he would not push his motion, m ade yesterday, to re-

(Oontlnued on Page T e n ) .

Sugar Stamp Valid Earlfer

(('onttniled on I’Hge E ight)V•1


Juno 1 Date Sot to Ex |H’«lite ' Mov4‘incnt to FuntriuH o f Ifoni4?HW ashington, M ay -lS —ilTi—The-

A grietiltiire departm en t annauncud Uxlay' th a t S ugar Ration S tam p No. 12 for individual consuniers will become valid June 1 Instead «f Ju ly 1 as originally .planned, i f will allow purcliase. of 10 {Ktpnds.

The departm en t said th a t sup­plies from th is stam p m ust last until Oct. 31, when ptriAe and ra ­tioning contro ls w ill-expire unle.ss extended by congress.

Consum ers Rsrelon S tam p No. 12 is the second to be designated as a 10-pound sugar stam p. The flrst w as No. I t which became valid April 1.

The June 1- date w as se t for No. 12 In o rder to expedite movement of 'sugar in to home p an trlc j while railw ay tran sp o rta tio n Is available.

. Expect F re igh t C ar ShortageOfficials say they expect a

sho rtage of fre igh t cars for sugar a f te r the bunipsr wrf^hr wheat crop s ta r ts moving toT narke t late next nifmth.

S ugar now la piling up in eastern refinery centers.

O ther a'ctipna the governmoiit has taken to speed up sugar move­m ent include:. -

jnd jlstrial users m ay apply for th ird q u arte r allotm ents June 1 in / stead of June 10, the date earlier. /

A regulation limiting inventories of industrial users to 30 < la^ sup-, ply la Huspendeil. Thus, s u m users m ay obtain a full q u a r te ^ supply

(Continued- on P a$y t i g h l j

Chinese Reds Pound Nungan

G o v r r n i n c n t U n i t s B r e a k I n t o I s h i i i t o S t r e n g t h ­e n S h a n t u n g A r e a H o h l

N anking, May IS—hV)—Chineae^-- Com m unists pounded N u ^ ^ , Manchuft.s, today b u t in Qmna proper, govcm nicnl forces, broke Into Ishui, too miles wesUdf Tslng- tuo, to streiigLhsn the ir hold In eastern Shantung proviiiee.

Tho governm enrs F irs t _Arniy moved in to (Jefend .Nungan, loss of which lyould imperil C hang­chun. M aptliurin's capital, only 36 mll.os ^ ' thc south. 'Three Red df- Visiomi were attack ing Nungan, governm ent disiiatchaH.sald.

.Street F ighting In Progresa Government press reports, from

Shantung said stree t fighting was in progress in Ishui, an im portan t highway Ifoi) N ationalists a ll threatened Chshsien, -15 miles southeast of Ishui. .

To the west, in Honan pro^'lnce. the c itji of Anyang continued un­der siege by a roiiorted 70,000 Reds. O ther Communist forces fought government trpops defend­ing Taiyuan, cap ita l of Shansi province. ^

Natioiiulists reported they had captured W iipary'a feri^r crossing on tho bank of the Yiellow river in Shensi pruv'ince, but made no mention of $(uiteh or o ther no rth Shensi citic<i the Com munists have ann^iunce^ recapturing.

Sectibng b f Railway Bljuteil atul U prooted

Peiping. May lO-r-iiP)—Several sections -ot the Peiplng-Llnyu i\Shanhaikwan) railline w ere b last-

>l;d and uprooted today a few hours a f te r two tra in s ca rry ing 600 American M arines and th e ir com­m ander passed safely th rough Communist-held te rrito ry .

Col. Ju lian N. Frlsbie, coim nan- d rr of the Firth regim ent o f the F irst d iv ision ,' trave lling -In a de ,

(Continued on Page Eighth

/ -


Page 2: Evening... · •S I- < M FACis FO U RTtElf. ''v * ' iflaurlirfitpr Euruiug .H|pralJi / MONDAY, MAY 18, W4T. About Town Hi* Olrl Scout L*«der» frill hold their monthly meeting Wednee-

■■■ . i'- i t f . ■■ . r .............. ■■ -■.! ■ -i * l w y -V ilr -r* ..



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M A N T H E .S T E R E V E m N G H E R A L D . M A N C H fM ’TER . C O N N .. T U E S D A Y . M A Y 13. 1947M A .N V M tiM EK t v r -M iM i ttU K A L U . M A N C U l’lP I KK. t'O .N N ., 1 L b S U A t . 1 ? . ^ 9 0 P A G E T H R E E

Club Concert Well Received

Oaloncc and raa|>onded aevu- ratMy to Mim Isabel Worth’s dl- rectioht An incidental soprano solo waa taken by Kuclla CurUas.

Mra. Kleanur Ueniictt, who la a consistently fine performer at the organ, next presented three selec­tions doiie In her usual artistic inunner. I’arlicularly outstanding wiiA her rendition of the Uach I’ re- liide and Kugue in K Minor, com ­monly known as “ The t^thedral.’’

A vocal trio and a sextet coni-^ An apprec latlvc nudlenci- of 200 prised of members <rf the club aahg

enjoyed the second annual concert' , _ . ■, . ; manner. < apatde accompanlnienlsof the t-.haminade t.!luh last eve- supplied by Mauda Kloppen-nlng at the Kinanin-I Lutheran | Imrg anil Florence VVood. chiin h. The VIIrli d program gave I Three ( hamiUrg .Members the liatcnera an opportunity to hoar \ Mrs. Kleanorc ptlcholaon. violinist.

Over 2<M1 IV ommiI at Chuiiiitiadt* ('.lull .AITair

K vriiiii^ I . -

Fire in Plant; Little Damage

EinploYees o f Cblpniul BoXrd Co. and Dejiiirt- iiient Put Out Blaale

INorth C.oveulry

the club In chorus, group and solo work.

The i-oncert opened with four numbers by the ('hanilniule ehorus, aecompanied by t.Iadys fiilroy. They sang with clear diction and In



o n -

I with ('larence llrlsing as accom- ! panl.>.l at tfic organ, played three I chanidng numheri with Apparent I ease atiil agility.

Mrs. Kmlly Yerbury, soprano, In li»-r group of four numbers, waa perhajjs the outstanding soloist of th<- evening. Her songs were beau­tifully Interpreted amt she sang with faultli-ss Intonation an<l tone pr<«lucti<jn. Mr llelslng also siTved as her accompanist.

As a final presentation, the f^nnililade (.'horua did Its beat <vork of the evening In the familiar Li.ssl "IJebcatraum,'’ with violin objlgnto bylMlldred Morrison and Kleanore Nlehol.son, and with Dor* othy Keeney as the able ptano ac- compiimst.

Tho Chamlnaile Club, which nieel.e regularly to study and per­form fine miisle, ha.s tieciime an In- ti-gral part of .Msnehrater'a cultur­al life. Once a year In a spring concert, the club gives the public an opjKirtunlty to share Its enjoy­ment of musical performance.

The Manchester Klre Department was called to aaalst a volunteer fire crew 'employed by the Colonial Board Company to tight a Are In the Colonial Board Paper Company Mill located on the north aide of Parker street yesterday.

The mill is located outside of the Are district and when discovered hoses owned by the psper company and manned by men employed by them were turned on the blaee. The whistle in the mill was sound­ed and gave the alarm, and a tele­phone call alao brought apparatus from the Manchester Fire Depart­ment. The blaze waa extinguished before much damage was done.

Otiirr North Knd FiresAt 2 o ’clock yesterday afternoon

the same Department wai . called to Cumberland street to extinguish Are In a pile of lumber which had caught when a graaa Are got out of control. At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon the Department sent one of their pieces of apparatus to Meekvllle to extinguish a grass Are on property owned by John Hackett which was threatening a tobacco shed. At t o'clock the De­partment answered another call to fxtingutah a Arc li* a pile of lum­ber In DrageU'a Junk Yard on Hillard street.

There were fourteen present at the recent meeting of the Mothers' Club held at the home of the pres­ident, Mra. Donald Gehnng. An in­teresting talk was given .'by Miss Mnrgan-t Jacobsen on her work aS policewoman. - Kefreahments were served by the hostess, Assisted by >llsa Katherine Purdin. The MoUi- e>. Club has accepted an Invitation to Visit the Wapping Mother's club .May to exchange ideas.

A aubceasful Summer Kound-up waa held at Coventry Grange hall. This clinic was sponsored by the Mdther's Club In cooperatipn with the Connecticut State Department of Health. Eighteen children were examined by the doctor present and also by the dental hygienist. Assistants at the clinic were Mrs. TheuneA Cooper. M ra.' Arthur Shorts and Mrs. Donald Gebrlng.

Rev. Allen Gates, pastor o f tho Second Congregational chuh:ii

Two Overcome By Gas Saved

Ml..-.— ‘

New Britain Police Re« stiscitate. Men Uneon- scions in HomesNew Britain. May 13— (/Pi —

Within about seven hours today police resuscitat('d two men found unconscious from inhalirg illumi­nating g fs In their homes.

CharlM Anderson, 83, of 728 Stanley street was discovered senseless at 12:15 am . with Ave Jets on the kitchen stove turned on, according to a report Aled at headquarters by Policeman Theo- doie VVojfusik. His wife, who.^'as sleeping in a nearby rooijt, was not affi'cted. A:ndorHon y s s taken

C ircleM A N ( Ft I S T f N

-------- lE X fW T O D A Y -------


P L U S : “ B E 'm ' C O -E D "

W ED N 'RSO A V - ’n il'R S D A V ‘ 13 RITE M A D E L E IN E ”


to New Britain- General hospital chose as his sermon theme Sunday, after polled workdd .ot er him with

Moriurly Bi O P E N 24 HOI T E I.E P H O N K


in ou r o flicr fo r en ergetic w om an on figure con tro l and cred it w ork . E x p e r i­en ce not neccRkar.v. W e w ill train you . A pp ly in perNon on ly .

B U R T O N 'S841 M ain S treet

morning. "1 Want Mine To Be A Christian Home," Inasmuch as this was Mother’s Day and ChrlaUan Family Sunday. The choir sang an anthem, "Now Let Every Tongue Adore 'Thee," Bach. The flowers Were assorted spring flowera

The Christian Endeavor service was held on Sunday evening and was in the form o f a discussion on Parent-Youth relations, led by two parents, Mrs. Joseph Motycka and Mrs. Lawrence Robertson and by two young people. Miss Shirley Wright and Robert Vlsney.

The Coventry Fragment Society will hold an atlrday meeting on Wednesday, May 14 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Purdln.

Coventry Grange will hold ILs regular meeting on Thursday eve­ning. ’ The Lecturer's program will

! be on “Safety."i The district meeting of the PTA I will be held on Wednesday evening.

The Manchester Firemen's Sot- May 14 at the Bolton Community tiaok L/ aguo moinhors are to be i House, .‘fupper will be at 6:30 p. m. served a dimu-r n the hose house'«nd th<-speaker of the evening will

“ "Relations of PTA to the.

I an inhalator.Dis<;overed. l'nciinscloiia

Decar Turnrtisc, 72, ht 69 Pleas­ant Street was doscovered uncon­scious on the kitchen flooCyat 7:30 a.m. by hfs son, Roy, when the lat­ter returned home from working in a factory.

He called police who revived the elder Turnrose' and took him to the hospital. On the way to the Institution the ambulance broke down and TurnrosA. v/as trans­ferred td a private ahlomobtre In which the trip was completed. Po- jli’cman Thomas Orm.sby said four gas Jets were on In the TTirnrose home when the son entered. :

S c T lb iM T k I x ‘ a g i i € T

Banquet Tonight

The Word "corn", originally r* ferred to all grain, especially to commonest grain crop In any lo­cality, but In the United Stat<>s it refers particularly to maize or Indian corn.

\VED. T H R U S A T .

'Stallion Road''Ronald Reagan — Alext* KmlUi

------ A L S O -------

Brennan GirT’Jnnim Dimn


NOTE: Feature Shown Only Once Tonight, A t 7:M.


speak on Town '

All boys Intere.sted in forming a bn.iehall team are request<'d to meet at Jacobson's lot aero.ss from the home of Katvungs on Route 44 on Siinilay afternoon, or contact Ronald k^dmondson.

Wn Supply Complain Intomolional-Approvod

Truck Sdrvico


127 S p ru ce S t. T el. 5585

IN T ER N A T IO N A LT r u c k s

tonight starting at 7:30. Tlic .sec­ond round, which rinsed last Sat­urday waa won by the Bankers.The Arst rouml was won by the S( hcndel Oil team. Tonight a spe­cial match him been arrangi’d lie- tween the two teams to W» played for the championship of the tour­nament. Another match Is to beplayed between the Merz Barbei s ] _ • g-» • iwho Anished 16th or last in th e . { ^ ( ^ p o r t S K e C O I V e c l .second round, again.st the August I I I.umber team who claim, the re­sponsibility Of putting them tnthat position. This is down as a } ______grudge contest. | 72. Knight* of

There la also to be a 50 p i | py^hias will hold Its regular meet- j>o<il tournament bctw-cen two <„m„rrow night at eight

Oil Pvlhian Center

membora of the Department for the Department championship.. Supper is to be served at 7 o ’clock.

•Merritt l’ark»vay ‘ ‘l.^ical Road”


8 4 1 MdUtMoHcivtitiA.CoMt.

Hartford. May 13 — (/Pi — The Slate Highway department report­ed today that during the calendar of 1946 5,474,167 non-ccwnmerclal vehicles were checked through the Greenwich toll station on the Mer­ritt parkway. The Milford station of the Wilbur Cross parkway which is connected to the Merrlt park­way’s eastern ’ terminus checked through 3,563,442 cars, almost 2,- 000,000 leas than those checked through the Greenwich station. The department reported that thla Indicates that "In actual use. the Merritt parkway is more than 50 per cent local road."


When Minutes. Count!

Ing tomorrow night o ’clock in Orange Hall.

Stockholders of the Connecticut Pythian Center, Inc., have received through the fnails the reporti^tif the officers, and also notlAcai^lon of the annual meeting to bt held at the Pythian Hall In Mjddletown on Sunday, May 18.

Considerable progreas has been made In the past-year as quite a bit of land .has been cleared and a well giving twenty-one gallons of water per minute has been drilled.

It is expected that a start can be made in using the gi-ounds this year for a Kiddle Camp as tents have been given to the Center by

'Apollo Lodge of Middletown. This is one of the primary purposes of the Pythian Center and plans are under way by many lodges throughout the state to erect cot­tages to house the children that are sent there. /'

John R. Wennergren o f Man­chester Is president of the corpora­tion and Lester H. Smith and Griswold Chappell of Manchester are serving on the board of direc­tors.

• S tore .vour fu rs fo r the su m m er w ith us. W e ’ lL s tore -I- and clean t h c ^ fo r next w in ter beau ty . Low cost. C om plete p ro V teclion iiga in st mtiths, lire, th e fi , and d u st! /

TEL. 517T

Special Daily : Luncheons



; •FINE FOODS; •Legal Beverages



ARONSONVlvacloas Vooallsl


M uter o f tho Keyboard

> PhoM ■801

Have ynar dnelor telo- phiifia hi* pmwripttoD I I I Weldon’* nvri ••iii pri­vate proteMinnnl wire, for Immediate delivery to your luanie '


Baby Mistaken• I?

For Doll InjuredPortland, Ore.. May 13.— t/Pt—

The mistake of two children in thinking a sleeping Infant was a doll baby put two-month-old Pa­tricia Sullivan, in a hospital with a fractured skull, police said yes­terday. I

Police headquarters reported Mack Smith, a neighbor, told of watching the two girl*.frequently dropping ^ bumlle on the street When he nuanl cries. Smith inves­tigated and found the infant wrapped In the blanket's.

The girls, age* 3 and 4, they took the Infant from a riage on the sidewalk at the Mar- by home of the parents, M r / and Mrs. Harold Sullivan. '

‘ • E V E R Y B O D Y ’S G E T T IN G IN T H E JIM and G E O R G E P resen t



B U S IN E S S M E N ’S L U N C H E O N D A I L Y .......................75c


37 O A K S T R E E T T E L E P H O N E 3922“ T h e H qase o f F in er E n terta in m en t!"



^ a 7 < (c^ C H eia C (i : o iC / u n t


Paul Filzgerad Out of jLospilal

I'aul FiUgeri^d of Bralnard Place, who waa badly Injured when lie was struck m au automobile In WocKlland tw'ot and a half months ago, and w ho^as been In the Hart- lord hospital for 70 days, la home for s'few/M ays. Mr. i<Tt*gerald Is gotting yound with the aid of crutohei/ and 1* to enter the Vet- f-ran's Hospital at Ncwlngtoh foj; fiirthM treatment.

TM accident resulted In a com- pouad fraeture of his leg, and bad head Injuries which rendered him '.inconsclous for two days. For a vhile after the accident hlli Ufe

'was despaired of. ,







MORIARTY b r o t h e r s“ On the Level at Center and Broffd**

OPEN 21 HOURS D ^ L 5135

I A*agiie Meeting < Wednesclav Nigbl

The regular monthly meeting of .he Frank J. Mansfield Detach­ment of the Marine Corp* will be held Wednesday night at the Army A Navy fclub room* at 8 o'clock. Installation of new membera and appointment of dele •ates (or the *tatf convention V. ill 3)e held at thla time.

Membera will be given tickets for Friday night to hear General Vandergrif o f the Marine Oorpa In Hartford .. „ V. ^

Refresh manta will follow Abe meeting. All Marine* are cordially Invited to attend thl* meeting.

ViUage Status Today’s House Costs a LoL. Here Is Why Uncertain Yet


No Immediate Action Expected Here: Evic*! tions Start in HartforilCurrent eviction proceedings

which are being Initiated In *evera4 ' Hartford housing projects are of the type that would ’ have faced Manchestef Residents in Orford Vil- Uge had the low-rent type of ar­rangement been adopted net'e. Un-1 dcr term* of such a setup, only those whose salaries are l^low a aet level may enjoy tenacy. It had once been proposed thqt the local project be so constltute<E. but \yhen it became known that up to eighty per cent of the ptc.scnt tenants mljght have to move, the matter Waa droppei*.

In HartfoivI, it Is claimed that 650 families, or 30 per cent of the total In the projects face eviction.

Eviction notices are being draft- (Wl to take effect in June.

The status of Orford Village, so far as is known, is still uncertain In the matter of the length of time Inhabitants may rent their homes, but evidently no Immediate action,- as was once reported, is contem- plateil In disposal of this property.

Soiilli iiovenirv

Seminary Head.•__

Naiiietl Reelor

St P stiak 's schoul hc'ionUnuedami, I 'losbv tion, of the semtnnn High school in his native I'ilv i.'t l< ihsliitrt Oeacons Iheie. WateVbnrv 1-alei lie .^Wilie.l jihil- Born in N’ orwl. h, l-'athel l-akun,* ostphv anti thrologv at -St Bei- , lame wae onlauied m Joseph nai il’s scnilnaiv, Koi'luv.tei. ,N’ V . ihUieilial A IolU'CI' piofi'.s.soi <il and Was oidalneil tieie at St. .los- ihem tsyv at the seminary, he al- eph's lathedral. June 10 , 19'.’2. so has arrveil a> iliaplam Sl.i

Father Griffin taught KngUsli, Fiancl-s hospital ami I ’alliolic! F a l l i c r L a r o n l a i n c lO Latin and histoiy at St Thomas <haplsin of the i'onnr< tn iit State;

■ V , , 1 __ for many vear.i. ile wa.'i appointed Guard.^ i i c c c c c i l r a l l i c r s « r i l * , p, ^934 .,ix

T l l O l l i a n was elevate.) to the- 'Hie Ameri.an farm Ui.'ome in pieMileiuy. .\ft.ei assuming .lirec,-fin at . St. 1916 was '28.4 Billion .lollai!.

i l lWa i t i ng !I'AI.I. t ’ S n o w ! . . .

({iiick. I'fiiirtenu* Servlc* We \e<-<! Hlngles. MttltlplM.

[ lliislnessea,. laind. Farma, Lois— What Have In n ?

KAY REALTYn869 Main Kt. Tel-.4ltS

' ' 1/ I


$117 I'KvefvDisc^raged house hunters ask: “ What makes home-building eosts so high? Builders repl\ .

p io^ of material .ind every hour of labor.' Sketch above compare* major cost items for a house Hum iifan pattern open-shop nty this year 1 nil ;in identical one buijt m 1941 Total cost of 194. house wa« 110.779, against $6,040 for 1941 house. Figures are from National Association ot Home Bnildri.s, and

I confirm government reports that homo costs are up 70 to 80 per cent over prewar

IMartfoid. May 13 Rev.

Dr Joseph ,M. Griffrn has been ap-1 pointoil permanent rector of the Chiirili of St. Rose. .Meriden, aiul IS to ho siu'ceeded as president of St TIuimaa seminarv, Harlfoid, by the-R ev.' Raymond G. I.jiFon- taine. now vice president and dean

' of stlulles..Announcenieiit of the.se changes

was iii.nle vesteuhiv by the Most I : K84; Henry J. O’Brien, bishop of 1 , the Hiiitford diocese, w h o ’ said I ‘ that Father Griffin's appointment. 1

U> take effect May 2.\ wBa mSdr I I in recognition of his "conspleiious .service as a priest " j

At a le.stimonla.1 liiiu heon. Blah-| op O Bi len. w hom Katliei Gi ifflii | teplaced as semliiHiy presnlent in 1940. praised the latter for his work in the flekl of radio and in . the work ol the *ocicty for the propagalioif of the faith, of whn h

I I'iitlfei nlifflii IS I'Kar.llrectoi an.l I iiiitloiial .seel r.t'ii v. i. K.ith.r (Iriffin will .siiciecd tlie 'llev IVnma 1 ’ Huiley. who re­signed as rector ol the Cliiireh of fd. Rose two months ago.

Native of Wuterlmrj I’ l ioi 111 Htudyiiig at St. Thouias:

seminal y^^Father Griffin altendeil

GYOU CAN’T BEAT OIL HEAT... auH... chup. .. »UTmm

OuVof Sight Out of Mind!

riM lK K i; s NO W O R K -and n o ’ ’guc88tkork” 1 to oil heating' You ran have as inurh or

as little heat as you wish, iritliovt onre setlwgfodl in your rrllur.

I'or solid comfort all MMOO long, sign your .Mohilheiil (.'ontract now. You get Complete Fuel Oil .Service, inrluding hotter Mobilheat

for clean.even heat— top burner rformanee' .


gucat speaker Sunday night during 1 th» annual Mother’s Day program I of the Willimantlc Lodge of Elk/i.

After .spending the pa-st week I with her mother, Mra. Ina Bco.be

Due to technicalities regar the new school building It 1 cessary to have another / town meeting and all those Inwrestcd in having the new sch ^ l at the earlient possible dale aye earnestly urged to attend the Special Town ( of Prospect street, Mrs. Victor Meeting called by the Board of Se- .synder and .son. H am s Conrad rc- lectmen to be /.h eld tonight turned to their home in Greenfield, at 8 oclock /in the church .Mass., Friday.Community Hyuae in North Cov- Frieiuis and neighbors extend entiy. Other/matters to be acted ) .svnuiathy to Mr. and Mrs. Fred- on are the jroting to authorize the erick R. Brown and son. Richard. Board of ^selectmen to send a letter of ni'otest to U. S. Congreas- mao Horace Seeley-Brown regard­ing the Government Flood pro­je c tn e a r the Coventry depot; aiifhorizing the Treasurer of the rown of Coventry to transfer two

’'funds from the Cemetery Trust Fund to St. Mary's Parish trea- ■ury: reopening the road known as the Old Tolland Turnpike, or a portion thereof, commencing near the residence of Mrs. Margaret Dowd and extending northwester- ‘ he uidham Oimmunity Me- jy to the Intersection of the road hospital ,,,1 ,formerly known as the Samuel ' Mcmb<-rs of the secon^and thir< Green Road for convenience intransportation to the hack of the " “ ,h Edith Churvhil and four

. fie deutli ol their son and broth­er. .^caman 1-e Ftederick Rolahd Brown, 19, who died Thursday alaiaid the USS had been in the years. He also leaves a giund- fatlier, John Kenperson. also of thi.s town.

The execiitlve board of, the Booth-Dimock Memorial library' will meet this evening at 8 in the reading room.

exeeutive of tho Eastern Connecti­cut Boy Scout Council woUld a lso ! I be most willing to speak at a mass 11 meeting of the interested parents ■ I in an altempt to revive the Cub Scouts movement and present all | details to them. At their Isst meet­ing the group voted $5 to purchase kitchen equipment for the Nathan Hale Community Center, Inc., for the use of the- auditorium on March 18.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. White of Waterfront Manor are the par­ents of a son. James Montgomery,

rcurrituck'and who " eighlng 8 pounds 10 ounces, Iwrn Ilie Navv for three 'mbrml hospital Saturday morning ' '

Truth Bring* Haymaker

Philadelphia —(<Pi—Jack Coombs, voice teacher, told a hu.sky male singing hopeful after an auditionIIIV IVtlUlIkJ, iU*/lll. - «-•- 'C* • • .

Mrs. William'Becker is a jMilieiit ‘ h*t he would be only wasting ms jtime. The slx-ftoot applicant land­ed a haymaker, Coombs said, that knocked him back into a chair.

proposed new school.TTie following were inatalled at

. the FTA meeting Wcdne.sday' cve-

niotheis went on an educational tour to Hartford on Friday, the program having been planned by

, , , , , the children. An interesting hourT ’ " a s spent at the Pearl .street fire

I " r station, the largc.st in the city ofJohn C. Fl>Tjn, co-presidents, p n - Hartford. Next they went to the neth Downing, vice picsfdent. | stajp Cnpitol senate dianibors and Burton E. Moore. II. .spCrctarj. ' pach t hlkl was thi ifled In sit in Mrs. Mildred C. Hiltgyrl. (ones- ^ip . hair made oi thi- Cluirter Oak ponding .secretary: Mr.s.-’ Ruth i n , , Hiat lime each made a Spencer, treasurei. t.harle.s Hcl- ■ wish; while in the lialcony of the mold was installing officer. This nouse jhev saw 1 epreseiitatives association lA sponsoring a scrie.s 1 Rpy. i>on' H Austin and GeorgcJ of lecture.*.dn social hygiene in conjunction witlj tlie Young Mothers’ Club with the first to be given May 19 at 8 at the Nathan Hale Community Center. Tlie three remaining will be given the foF lowing three consectitiVf Mondays, instead they visited the Clirfdren’s same time and .same place. It was , Museum on Farmington /Avenue voted to give, a .second annual ' and enjoyed their bask^ lunches party to the graduating irias-s o.f. in the auditorium. A fm - luncheon the Center school and the piosi- j they were shown IhriVmovies, one \ dent was empowered to appoint a of a western IndiBiiyihe second on 1 committee for the affair with gx- haliy animals and /the third on a penses incurred to be paid by tlif study of Hollar^. After touiing, association. Members voted to go ‘ he mii.seiim Ibcii last call was on rccKird as approving Senate the / orrtineiitai BakinBill N o."25 a.* regards Slate Aid •'onijiany

*11.. -1 tM. N* waitkit./<* i» uue. tlirre t* a 6«tv. j tn«1‘c.ilr‘t| hquHS callrd I KLrCMX thui yp ptmpiptQiikkly/AB it Rctt to lou n and reniovr itKiy riivw wlto IoMuw«mJ mid‘ i i'tions. Rod tippiird KlMroK wli4*n Lwpfr amaciaity BurprDUMl m Urn tliry found their blat knrad«hud <!■ <.ipiw>arrdi he«e iiBeik entliuMatitcRlIy prai*r KUoree and .'laitn they Ate do loofrr embarratard ami v «nd «ri/now h»ppy vlth ihetr t-lrai WfQfcw <»nipt ioo« Ubr lUeefee. II one ap JM (•HiatTM doe* OOt *ati*(v. yotj get

yON r ■■■ow y b e e lu A *k (m today. Rure. •G. Jacoh.son. both of this town, a r - I /y „ ; „ „ „ i.i,„„narv \v, i,|.,ii Hnii; riye and take their seats. They /,n,| Uni* niorm rvirvn h.'i.'..Silt Ihniiigh the opening of flu* ' legislature. Because of the sevofe ; cold their planned picnic at E)iza- 1 heth Park had to be caiunileii and •



MU rm MomuT svppuu » numr socm-pnetm emu

to schools There will be a- set-back party

In the auditorium of the Nathan Hale Community Center Wednes­day evening spomsored by the or­ganizational committee.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Burdick arc parents of a son born Thursday at the Manchester Merriorlal hospital.

The 4-H Far Flung Farmei;; w-ill meet tonight at 7:30 the home of Wlnthrop Merrtam,

Cast Hartford where they were /kwc-.stricken over the proce.ss o^seeing bread made from

I beginning to end, sliced lAid wrap- I ped. Oi/HHturday niembcrs of the I “ Mid<)leis“ or ciasacs of the 4th.I .')th y n d \6th gt ades, went on an ! m trrcstiny hni .se-li.-o k riding ex-I p illio n . \

Members 6f the Young Mothers 'Club have v6ted to sponsor the (?iib Scouts when organized and 1 Mrs. Albert H. Boudreau is making every attempt to aid in organizing ,

Jr. on Ripley Hill to discus^gar- 1 jjui h a group. Inasmuch as this | dening with James T. ^ id la w , movement is one requiring meet-1 former Tolland county 4/H Club j mgs of tho children tn the home | Agent and present seventh grade of the parent Mrs. Boudreau would 1 teacher at the South s^eet school | appreciate any mother contacting This club has donate^ $2 to the 'her who would be in a position to , SSeds for Germany rond. ! lead such a group'. Her telephone ’

Rev. Bcmard 3/ Foster was j is n.iS'-.I.',. Bert 1 and T.-Wood, held ,



Dynamometer Motor Tune Up




FRONT END• Ua.slcr

• ( 'a m b e r

• T oe-in

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• ShtK'k .M isorbers

• .\xle and Fram e .S traighteningS E R V K ’ F


Also Have Cood Suititly o f !Seiv Tires and Batteries

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" B u d ” M I C H A L A K " B o b ” O L I V E R



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M a s o n i c T e m p l ^ /

T l i u r s f l a y , M a y 1 5

J . B. T hw iitg . M gr._______^ _________________


H O U R S : "2 P. M. - ft P . M.

Cotm in—er pli*n* ler apfehmaeel

/^OM X ih>dM tb* wonder*.C i (ul a l l - i n - o n e.SONOTONE'.that doubles

.beajFlaa comfort—and sohes i^reatest problem'u(all-ill-

'’(Ulellearlngaid*! Expert free liearinseumination and roii- aultation from the world's lartatt personal ••rvl^s for hearing aid uiera.

E x a m in a t io n a n d

C o n s u lt a t io n E R E ^ !


Lnt'thia Hearing Aid Expert Help,^VOf’—iVott’/



When you got so much

moro than last year for

used fats! Butchers pay

high prices because

there’s a world*wide

shortage of fats and

oils. Won’t you help,

and help yourself?


portii.inup! If iir<h '!nfile I i im i a t i l r e H n tirl u.i-

!>uic.' liio.iioinil u eight

anil . oilis-

fnrium. and Iriidr ui

prii ili'ge. .\.-L lor a the Hride * Bonk place vour order at pu^(!iata' log > d lc - llepailiiu'

‘ ‘That mwes it just about perfect!“ Juat caH M en ch eeter ■ind » R ainbow

ro u te m a n ,w jll pick up you r L .\ U N D R Y and

D R Y c l k .w i .m ; . ’

a iA M E H S c u m D E B E M

H .A R R ISO N S T R E E T .M A N T H E S T F R■ • , f. -

Page 3: Evening... · •S I- < M FACis FO U RTtElf. ''v * ' iflaurlirfitpr Euruiug .H|pralJi / MONDAY, MAY 18, W4T. About Town Hi* Olrl Scout L*«der» frill hold their monthly meeting Wednee-


T each ers May B e Sent H ere9 ' '

B n u n l i a n T r a d e I n s t n i r *

t o r a A r e S t u d y i n g in

T h e S t a l e N o w

Neivs T i d b i t sCullrd From {/P) Wires

C h en ey T e c h H o n o rs C ist


1iV<» A re H u rt



, k . o f ( ! . S | M * a k e r

(Jh>- that I should make a.alalement to the Aascmhly on the

Bntifh .uscovrr A r l i n g D i r r c l o r S t h o h e rjionic illncM in t u r b o - f * 4 l o r > . /. . . Four power ronitnUMon »narl» A lin tM U ie e H N u i l i e s o f |aa It opena work on Aiiatrlan peace lica ly in Vienna . . . I’ravda «a>*Ruaala i« ready and willi»K to trade with nationa all over the world, no

l ) e | » u r l i i i e i i t L e a d e r s

“ ‘ m em t™ "r" > h ”at“" thVlr M i U c a l V - "the ' L wH / ^ '1la a poeiUliUty that Bofne membera . Indian neua|iai»^ni aec ^ - . aa. . t^m . . . in I I . jM hor>f, t«Mlny annXHinc^tl thr hdnorot thd dd-man party of visiting delay m announcement of Britihh .BraxUian trade achool inatructorH iranMernnK P< »wor a dan- f ItHlcnta i;i thr differm t iiapart-

a ....w. .A * ..a_t___^ aa I mpnia who Iihvi- nte.lr the honor

a< ting director .’henay Techulc.nl

now viewing Cy>nnecticut'ii v<>a- gerous . . . . r h ln c e C oriimHiiUI ni*de the honor|J C a l ayatem. may la u r be g,„^rtcmd n r o .l« ■ 'nn-r .VIong..- r-l and^Bigned to the Howell Cheney Tech-1 selJ-c'.ovcrnmcnf haa hern

- - - So far plana )g^t up m weatcin Manchuria. DiHlUnj; Ucp.iitmOnl • (.a tlnlcal School here, call for the visltora to atudy at the acboola in HaKford. New Britain. Meriden and Bridgeport.

The Braailiana. who are drawn

i up lu - AlK-rle. Rayniou.l Deptula. CharlcaInteniatlonal c ivil Aviation ■ ,\inier. Knynioiid Plnkln. \ ,

RunUatlon iiui.V *"«e llal.t lit Hlectilcal D cpnitioent: ' MiltonBucce.aaor to .mated Spain . . . n,.„xvn. Kiidolph Luglnbuhl, Bd-

— - . . . . . . I I Frederick Burkhardl. "VMscoiiamfrom 31 of the naUcm a i " " '* * " '" '| pp„(^,K,r. ’ to be ne.r prc?.lilrnt cd Machine Department: .SvIvVateiInatltutlona. are to aUy in ■ H,.nni„„t,,n c.illege . Ilr ltla lu c-*from 31 of the naUcm a profeaia.r. ’ to be ne.r prc?.lilrnt cd Machine Department: .SylvVaterinatltutlona. are to m ^ ‘ ■ j},.nnlngton college . Ilrltlali coal chHpotii*, .lerome Chemerkn.nectlcut for a .VMr. both »tud\lng ,|,„ing live day week vvtaii Chemerka. Kdward Duha-and InatrucUng. They are gueata oi average <d re. cut n„in«ter. Haiv.KIthe Inter-Ariierican (dav weeka . . Our price coulru* .SedllTc. Roheit Soiier. JohnFoundation incorporated, which la (;rrniauv n porta ilerinaii , law.L

III A uto O a s l iO u t o f S t a i r W o i i i r n a t

H o s p i t a l .A f t e r C o v e n *

I r v .A e e id e i i t

For Schaolit

cooperating with the sta te Depail- , are diveiliiig pio.lucment in bringing the Braalllan „u,rketa.teacherr here. Vugoalavla haa iiakc.l i.'.a il

t . >

oiT h i. au te waa cho.eu a . a ren- ,„ „ ,„ e ui B. Ig.ade,

planU for which technical edetea- nduncea that all travclera to the tlon preparea the atudent.

Fo rm er So lon Sought Favxir

F o r (jars^ oiis

ter for their inapecUon aa it haa

^ * * h a ^ the*Tar^ iSm ufictiiring American emhaa.sy In Uondem an-..................... nouneea t

V . S. niiiat ah.iw prv'if of amHllixix vaccination . . !• red Baraky. Oe- troll hoodlum, ahot down In atreet.. . . Inaurgenta ahow alrenglh hi fighting In Madagaaear . . . VA aava veterana .attending achool un­der OI bill may not oae unemploy­ment allowancea aa aummef^ vaea- ,

"When I got tr ti'odiiced me to Krie Baain edm

economic .situation, during which I would have t ailed for the co llabo-' ration ot everyone. ' De ijaaperrile- elared. The .Socialiat comifiunlque was wmrdcd in aiich a manner that . 1 coul.l not have spoken aa the he hi] of a government."

De IjBspcri aaici De Nicola had ' reserveil decision on the reslgn a-1 tion." Tins is thie usual form In an ' Italisii ;W>litlcal criaia.

Mrs. Kvelyii .M .lo.slin. 42, of 10 « ;Oak Tree avciiii^. Aplmiiaiig It. I .an.l her sister. Mrs Mlldre.l L I I I M I I I I i . r i l l Ls ach. .')2. of 03 Main street. Whit- Insvill.', .Mua.s., were reported rest­ing comiortably today at Memor­ial hospital where they weic

i rushed in the W I* Qulsh ambu­lance late yeaterday altcrnoon a f­ter an automobile accident In Cov-elltrv.

The cai .Mrs Joalln was drivingrnnini.'.l into the rear of a car op- economically a.side from the role crated bv Gustave VVaiU 01» of 21 of common laborer.Hollister slieet. this town Waite. Ip ifnpersing the prison sentence, it was said ha.l siidflenly stopped | the court dvcideii In take Into ac- his automobile .lue to engine trou- count the two years that Schacht

already has been in cu.4tody. there- The mishap took place on Route by reducing hl.s actual term to six

44 a t Bread an.l MItk street. years.. ........... Riding with Mr Waltz wa.s his If .Schacht s health permits he

will be the speake, at the Com- w if,■, MFs . Amur M. Waltz. 70. who intmlnii breakfast ot Campbell was not hospitalized but suffered sort of labor dining hie prison;eoniicil. Knights of Columbus at ' back Injuries. ’ • . . . . . r... c v .i ,St. B iid g efs hall Sunday. .May 2.’> State police are invealigaling Sehaciil s attoiney. D r olf-IJcetiin-i Thomas I Dannnher an- ths accident canc Schwamberger. said he

(( oiitiiiiied from Page Onei

means in effect that until Schacht Is 80 years old hr will be unable | to hold any poKillon socially o r '

Main .Street PedMtriana Witness Grisly Sight

This morning aa the sun dia- pellet! the la.st shades of night from Main street, three dia- memb^red btxlles lay sprawled to public view. A pair of arms, with unfeeling hands and fin­gers clawing at the heedless air was aeen in one spot, white nearby, a detapitated toran had been flung aside. The head, still covered with a small hat. lay apart, the aanp- smile lin­gering on the faca that had been there before the bo<ly had been toVn asunder

All of the remaining bodies could not l)e seen, but from fragm ents evident. It appeared there had been two more.

By 9:30 a. m. the figures had disappeared. By htion they had been resurrecte<i. reclothed and reset in the show window. •

Sh o rt C irc u it C uts Se rv ice

P i e c e o f W i r e C o m e t

I n C o n t a c t w i t h P o w e r

l . i n e a t .S i ih * S t u t i t » i i

T; fimmef f'larie

> T Kmmet Clsfle of Killingly, ' form er minority leadii in the. 1,AV­

er house of the flenrriil Assembly

Trapped VetTells Horretr

|(«>nllMiied Ironi l^ ge One)

awav. an,l asked m

t. 't t III V I I ID IIII4I.» » a era I If »»i ID I sail I im nv-4 ivacii v. .a i_ A a . at..,.lounee.v today A large itten.l- .Mr. W altz is a well km.wn Man- would .appeal the aeiiteuee to the.int’e i.M ;tt thi!< annual i hfHln Uu.s o p e ia to t . ami has made highesteveui wnieh will follow the !• f«nie al.so as B muslclaiV With theoVIoek mass at SI Bridget s harmonica and "bones." often en-chureli w:hen menibeis of the oiin- lertaln lng his busload of pas-sengera

P la n C h u rc h R a lly H ere

G a t h e r i n g o f C o n g r e g a *

l i o n a l W o m e n t o R e

H c fh l o n iM a v 2 0

stt,*nd I omiiiHnlnn in s with .some nuuical diversion.

(L4Nitlmw4l from Pgga Oae)tion pay between school terms.

(dastoiibiir\ ivirlby two power company linemen . • 1 ^atringlnf wire thronirh h'ranklin K p u I P H I I I l f O l l l * I H I

to see him at 'pilol.

.Ml. May in-

lleacued By IJnemeaHa was rescued late yesterday

, ment.

■ 'onipHiiy 1 act

prohlein with the ' Islon ol the Wat depait-

left." I ’alterson added

canyon. civilian pr,i4luetion.", Steele, talking with highway _ I’atteiho/ said ln'patrolmen and newsmen, acid his .\ew \ork. May 13 a i- u< ,W left the road eight i r ^ a west uctive Michael J- i hev L vi/ o take ii,. Iheu , ontof Martinea late Wednesday n ig h t' ed that an attraetise 2 "->e*r-ol,l 1 • V problem withwhan he fell asleep at the wheel i (.\>nnectlciit girl walked into tpc | j.while returning from a fishing trip. I gtmpaon atreet station in the >

The machine veered through a Bronx early today and rciiorted highway fance, traveled about 100 pud been beaten and attacked feet across a field and then plung-1 py taxicab drivei ed into a SS-foot gully. Steele was | Hickey eeld the girl Identified thrown from the seat but. when he p^r^eif njt Lorraine Smith, of r e i n e d consclftuaneie, the h ii i . road. Glastonbury,moming. he found hie right eriu that the had enter-waa mashed and caught between *iioet. Maiihst-the door and the side of the car aa to he . taken toit lay on Ita ride. _ . ... Woodside (Queens, where she w

ell will body.

(.'liHlrmaii , l■\Hnk (^iilsh of the Communion BifyikfasI <«iiimiittee announced at thI, nu'cluig of ihe

;•<) offiicih of the eounell Inst night that inan.w mem- n,v. hers already hail piilalned their

"I can't lem/mher their nsnu’s tiekots for th,- evet>|. the siiece.ss They thoiight^he freeze order <d' of which is a.s.siiied their fiindh- y a s unjii.sl hi iiiler- Grand Knight Joseph I - I’liaiiifering with /hrii reconversion to nHnied a.s a .Nominating tom nilt- action

tee to prepare a slate Of offirers told ,Ma\' s to be voted U[ion ,il the\ iiieeling

led to the eoni- •I II \\\lliHms,

an aunt. Mrs. Jose)Plelt. ■

She further ielated, llitkey that the ilriver luld her

He waa helpless, and In terrible puin.

“Every hour of evety day I yelled," he said. "I didn’t have anything to eat or drink except two packages of gum. I ate thr last piece Just before they found m e.’

Tortured By Might Of Water His thirst grew intense, and lie

was tortured by the sight of water ” c,he ssin a arnall creek bed only 10 feetfrom him. Hickey said the gi

of June 2 Name niittee Were l*'oslei Coineliii.-, H ^■oley. loliii Stewart. FraueiH Gill and .Maiinee cFf'on-. nor \

.Grand Kiiiehl iheaiil also \pi- T l/ I abliiet officer, then iiiidet- that a fii --t degiee v\ill be

tary of war, related that 111'. ,.onfened at the meeting of June ft...... . . 1, . .•!.• s.ilmd.py evening at 0 3(1

o'eloek niembei.s fif the basketball and h'pwling l''aiii.s, lioth in 111,- West Sid'- Bee Bowling league and III the (oiincil league, will l>e guests at M Imiapiel .sponsoifl tiy the Alhli'lie • iiiuiiilttee Charles O’HiighI will I-del fill the event

firm obtained the "K rd a lter May hail approaehed about It. He said ..May i ailed on the telephone and told him

hat the (H atavisi eompaiiv had done gmid work and should have reeogmtion

way to go their was hy w^y “f the Whltestone Bridge, itf the Briinx, and that when they iSeared the bridge the eab driver flopped Ilia ear. got into the hm'k seal with her. blai keiied one Aye and

she fled ive away.' told him

"1 told him I uiiderstoiMl the company had done good work wu the elghl-ineh shell." I’alterson le

eat esiled

One morning he heard the ham-

\t:mer of a man fixing the fence

- " h e ' S T * . i o r ' ’ . e m e rAnd all through the ordeal • he heard automobiles passing on the highway—#0 close. But nobodyheard hla continual cries.

As Steele grew weaker and felt he couM not last much longer he smashed the fuel bowl on the car­buretor and salvaged a s|)linter of glaa.-.

On the fender he acratelicd this meaaage for hla w-lfe, Mae. 24.

“Don't forget I love you. ”He thought of cutting off his

arm to free himself, but he waa u n -, dollais. able to reach his knife with hia left Bhanies hand and the sliver of glass was In- by adequate.

name. She was ts l lice De|iailincnt

n the call ■.loe," but

the lajit ■n to the Po-

"lle told me he thought the cuui- pany .should lie eonsidered tor I lie

. K' BVVHicI 1 re|illed thill 1 Would sec that the eomimiiy would he eoiisldercvl for the hwhhI '

I’attersoii continued llial he liloughl the I Hse to the attention ot the War departrqeni ollleial.s resiainalble for graiittpg the pro- diietlim mei-lt awards and that Batavia w as |iieseiiled with Ihe •'K" award .soiiielime lalei.

Kemielh C. Kovall. Pattelson's

OwiieiM if H a l Not ItleiilifuM l

V l i 'b l i f y I I p i h I-

• jr a r K o i i i h I u t P l i U T

R iU 'U iiH A l l i i r k f i l

interviewers while heartily con Sliming a meal of pancakes.

"I have been convicted as a ertminal anil i t ’s strange you re­gard the opinion of a criminal as worth pnnting," he snapped. |

Asked about hl.s plans, he re­plied:

“.My plains a ie eight years in a laboi camp now. Don’t bother me with silly question?."

He gave every Indication, hovt'- ■ ever, that he Intended to exhaqst ever.v legal possibility before reconciling liim.self to imprison­ment.

llolliiiurH Firm Buys .‘Virplaiies

William G. Hollaml, of 340 We.st ('en ter s treet. who has been

w.ib a coalition ot the Chn.sllan , attem pting to locate an air­field in Manchester. Us pre.sident of a corporation which will engage m flying. Mr. Holland took an active part in the attempt to have an airfield located on the west side of Slater street

ot heavy \ Communist a ttacks at partl.v in .Mancheslei anil part- lionie, and ,in January he re-slgned ly In South Windsor. Mostly in the ci'isia which had developed through his efforts the Zoning while he wa» away. The Italian Board of Appeals granted sn cx- .-^ocialist party inoke apait ovei ! ceptlon to the rural zone to the question ot collaboiation with permit the airfield a.? far as the the V’iimmiinists He formcil the Manchester end wa.s concerned.

I)<* ( i i i M p r r i (^ )u il»

Pr<*mit*r8 Post(( iinliiiiied Iriim I’age One)

in a speei h to-higlit

De Ga.'peii, who became prem­ier III Italy in Octolier. lfT4,'i, twice lielore has le.signrd and twice haa been HVikeil to furni a new govern­ment.

He resigned foimally when Dc Nicolil w a s named provi.sional president last June. A month la­ter he announced a coalition cab­inet 111 which he held. be.sUlo the lireinicrship. the minisl>'y of the inleiioi and the interim foreign affairti puiTlolio, Thi.s ealnnet ala<,

Deiliociata, Socialists and ('om- miinlsla.

'I'urgel I,I Heavy .\tta,'UsL ite in IH40. while Dc Gasperi

wa.s III the United S lates .seeking lid loi Italy, he was the target

Tuesday. May 20, la the date set for the spring rally of the H art­ford D istrict, Fellovy.ship of Con­gregational Women of, Connecti­cut, at the Second Congregational church. Sessions will begin at 10:15 in the morning. The theme will be ’’Participating Christians."

The program will lijcUide the presentation of .“The Case of So­ciety v.s. Mr. and Mrs. Average Churchniember." with a judge, a t ­torneys and a panel of twelve Jurors.

Mrs. Alice W, Curtis of Flain- ville. recently elected chairman ol the Hartford D istrict and a state vice president, will preside.

Luncheon will be served at 12:30, by the Women’s League. Reserva- ilnns should be made in advance through Mrs. Gef rge F. Borst, 82 Cambridge ^treet.

Dr. Oscar Maurer. pa.stor em­eritus of Center ctiurch. New Haven, will be the afternoon speak­er. Hia topic will be "The Lest Long Mile.” Rev. Carl Hansen of this town and Rev..Paul Ross Lynn, who was interim minister a t Cen­ter church during the Illness of Rev. Watson Woodruff, are aUso expected to speak on the theme at the morning session of the rally.

Misfortune Still pcrsUsls in fol­lowing the efforts of the Connecti­cut Power Co to restore .normal electric service at the .New atreet aubstation. AU service out ut the station was cut off at 8 o’clock this mqming for five mlmitea as tlio result of a workman for the Industrial Construction Co. throw­ing a piece of galvanized Iron guy wire off a staging and ahortclr- cuitlng the 11,000 volt line. The falling p'.ecc of wipe, although burning out the line fuses, fortun­ately did not bum off the 11,000 volt line circuit.

The Industrial Construction Co. has the contract for the building repair work and they were In the process of taking down staging on the exterior of the building This piece of guy wire had been removed from the old wall o f the building and was lying on one of the staging levels. The workman who . tossed the wire gave no thought as to where it wa.s going and the net result w-aa the power failure. ,

P e r t i o i i a l N o t i c e s

In MemoriamIn lovitiR ineiiDH v of our iiiuUier ami

'aunt. Mn*. R#*lM*cia DilMiirtli Anrler- #on. wlm pa9.«r«I aw^y May 13. 1942.

Tlie t all ^as ao sudden the ahock ' po povere.

IU> m-vrr tiiiiiiaht th«* end m-aa t o nrar,

Toil with UP lu riieiitory ptill.Not jupt today but yiju ataaya wUI, You hid no one a laat farewell,•You nr>er paid Roddbye to none;The lltavf'nly Rate jusi opened wide, .And a lovinp voice ?aid. come.^

David Andrraon. nicce. and nephea-a.

Card ot ThanksWc wieh III thank all of our

: nelRhhtpre. friendp and relatl.c* (or the ninny nctu of klndnt.HP and ayn»* *nthv Phnwn UP h. our recent bereave-

1 ment. tJie Lifh of fiur Plater. Mary Me* Swreney. \V»* also tbauk thope who isent the boHullful ftoraU tribute.* and loaned the u.-c of thoir i-arp.

The MeSweeney family.

view photiigraphs/of ra h ihivois.

Sc<*k'or Slaying

(t.'onllni/rtf »»oro Page »>ne)

»ck hill ra n 'to . prim 1)>hI a-ssi.-itaiil as iim lcrscn .

nd Filwanl "I 'u k ,-”I Ijiw ienio , well- killed

e shots through the tem ple^from a ,3’2 calthie hain-

Doctora said Steele probably merleaa double-action pistol in lu i would have died of thirst and sho<-k Suffolk Downs horse Inn k uttii e fh.a few houra more. yeste/day. ’ '

nllowlng Several Is-itiU The police cn|dain said Hist

r i l le s ’ wcre following sevci- ( al/leads In efforts to get the nm-

e on the official records.He said they, had received le irta that the .concearionalre ami

Shames, ,i ionner employe and favorite of her laic husband, hml dlacuased money matters Just be­fore the shooting.

' He quoted an employe, w ho w as in an outer office at the time of the shooting shortly before thr vanguard of faas arrived at Uu track, as sa.ving that hr heiirvl •Mrs. .Simon mention "s Sl.'i.ooo

tsry In the War de))artnieiit, testl- lied vrsler<lay that May lulled him on Ihe tcleiihiiiie thrrr limes in .Septemher, llH.''i. In protest the Ainiy’.s withholding ot jsiMi.imti troiii thr klrir Basin .Metal I'rod- lut.s rompiiny. a Gars.son Him at F.lgin: III

Just a lew day.s a jtei tliesr rails. Royall said. .May lallrd him |o hi.s office on Captlo' hill

"Y ipi'ir having me mvrstigatrd hy Ihr Sriia lr roninultre and you have made Ihe statenieid that I was I oiinri led with Ihe I'ii le roni- pany." Kovall ipioird Mav as t.dj- iiig him

Kovall h.'iiil hr told .Miiv hr was 'mistaken' and May la in apolo-

gi/rii ami told him to ' lo ig ii d

lla itlo id . .May 13 witnr.ssrs in .-'iipr, m faded to idrntdy Ihr i blown hat which

W eddingsMonaco-Melchoir

Miaa Terry Melchior, daughtei of Mr. and M rt. Peter J . Melchior^ of Topaka, Kanaaa. was united li marriaga to Enrico F. Monaco, of Mr. and Mra. Loula Monaco,132 Florance atraet, May 6. li ceretpony performed by the Right Reverend A. J . Blaufuaa. in/St.Joseph's church, Topeka- Mray Ed­ward Krisch. the organist rtayedthe bridal music and arcomuanted ' discrepancy in accounts ’ the chlldren’t choir whlcly sang. He said Shames replied. "I don't Ave Marta. "On Thia DaX'" and Know anything aboui it, how "Oh Beautiful Mother." / White | niany times do I have to tell yon

that? 1 wa.s m Ihr sriv n r at the time."

Rhanir.s s< ivrd in Woild \\ hi II s.s Sn Army llenlenanl. '

M a n r h ( * f * i p r

Da ip lioifk

cam atlona and white gladjoll deco rated the altar.

The bride, wore a govvii of white slipper satin, with aweetheari neckline, fitted bodice, mng sleeves, tapering into fioints over the hands

\‘and full gored skirt Ahici. termi­nated in a train, H er^nger-lip veil of bridal illusion waX draped from a bonnet of Chaninlly lace with orange blossom .(rini Her bouquet

“ w a^fashioned of/, white gladioli.White carnation iietals (entered with aii orchid.

Mrs. Camilla / Covuiey of this town, who wBsf matron ot ’honorwore a gown ot pink net over pink ^gd come la Palesiin, Jersey, with Ufeht-fittlng. gathered ' oently.

Sliopts, 'Out of BoiiiuU

ICnnilnued from I'agi- One I

givon n \vhf*n they

bodice. lU round neckline vva out- pi, ,s.,ed a - ,lined with an jembroldered scroll o i,,,.),, in M,.,u-.al.Her halo h a t« f pink net wa.s lopiH d I,with amaU ostrich plumes. She ca.-^,^g^. ,,,ried a colonial bouquet of flowers apparentlv were i^iv.ng diffi. in pastel ahadea. cuitv In locating ev(/wiinesse< lo

The bride’s mother wore a navy ’ahrsvilng. 7and white tilk print with black acccssorlea and the bridegroom’sm other wore gre - crepe with black H n t l f h r r o m t % V acoessories. Both metthers woreeorsagea of Talisman roses.

George Porubaky of Topeka, was boat man fo r Mr. Monaco. ,> Following a dinner and reception a t Ranch House, Topeka, the couple le ft for a motor trip to V it^ n ia Beach. For traveling the bsiM ckoae a blue gabardine suit with gray anakeakln accessories.' Bellinger

'Tbay .will be a t home to their " j f snv terr'uist? friends a fte r May 30. a t 122 Flor- kiijhap ami murder

V i f i o r o u n M r i i i t i i r r sLondon. May 13 ;T Kailis-

ment was Ipid today thal ilucats by Irgun vjv’ai Leuhii the lewi«h, undergroipul orpantzalion. lo h-m any British sohliei il < a)i|un ,s ,li the fiilwre had he.'ii hroughf lo/lv attentjiin of War XIiniMei y I

fonlghlMlimlicl .Show, ('hapninn v’uiiit.

Order of Aniarardh at llolhstei .sircet schoid.

\\ edni-Mla.v, 'lav II 1 Irg.imz.atioii im cting. ol Kolv-

ci't'son M'hoid KTAMay l.'>. Hi and 17

( ’liddrcn’.'* o|>eretl.i, .Siinnv ol .Suniiv Sid(," South ,M(dhodii.l ( him h al 7 t.'i i> ni . Thiii Ndav .and .Friday, ’J .'10 on Satiirdiiv.

siinilnv, Mav IKOlK'n meeting ol > ondiim d

Midhei.s y 'lules al 3 pin,, in .S| •l.vyiie.H.s liall

Monilu.v, tluy^Kll.i i tiiK liv K( V .loliM S l^'ii-

m-d.\y . Holli.siri slicel .m boo)' al H l/lM Il. , /'

/ riieMlil.v. tiu.v 'hi /7 Kle.n.entai V Sciiool G ltV~ Club

/oncert at High SihoOl silddoiiiiin Si 7,3.0 pm

tliiirMlnv. May '!'!.\im iKun l.t gion Xu.Mhiii an­

nual poppv saledy' r.j___ WediicKda.vyMa.v 21/ I .Military W liisl'iu Aniein an l.e-

seiif.s t/t id, II- glon Auxlliaiv tii l.cgloti hall III,'III .today in I 'r ld ^ , Mu.v 23IS. bid aanl - vCo.\\i,l vpyiiig ilnmi \\,M.dtidf

HallSunday. Ma.v 2.’i

Mi'iiioiyil Servicca' al Sc, omi CoMgi,'gslioiuil church at in I.',.

/ Miimluy, Xla.v 211 M,oting I'lrinancnl .M,iiiorial

I'ay/'onmiil I, ,' ,1 .Mimu ipal I’.iidd- in g^ l s pm

FridaV. Ma.v 3tl.MeimiiiHl I'liv paiiu'l, ;'l.«it.>i at

Armv and ,\av\ , hihllmi'kduv, Mav 2ll

I'innci-dam i' ot Gihimn.s .V.-sCiht lilv C I, ,if ( ' . at Kaoduiw. Bid- lon.

a IS and ’20. w ,ic off ,|iXv liey were slmt dow n. 'Fc( v

T ' I’wo ciMirl today wi|cr ol the evidence in

th,' arm ed ro ^ beiy ami hint kniad ,a .se on t n a i before liidga K. B 1 1 Su llivan lUnl a jii i y

T h e w iti)f>.s.<*es te-’ t i l i e d that the hal wa.s found a l the placi w h eie .lo.seph Bill kiis, .New- B n t n m . was h"n ten up la te in J u ly ol last year.

.Mniyiel Chum. Ill l l i i l lh i i i t.-I I ci-l/ .New Btit ii i i i . Ic.slil ied th a t hi loiiii I the hat lie . 11 hu( g . iru gr on Sn ia l lcy s t i e c t , on the night ol .liily 21. H'li i ami th a l he tiirn- i-.l il i)V r I'l polin '

Itcali ' i i W ith If i iick jacU III- .H.iiil hi found 111,- h.il w hi-n

lu- vM-iil to gi-l his i li i lo la k e Ml H.o-kin lo III,- ho.-tpil.d Ml H o him Imil heen iH-atcn w ith a ,|m-Ujiu-k and had a broken hand in I a h io lo-n . w n a t , acco rd in g ,.i t ' l l im iiiv

r.- .l io lni:iB Wdli .n ii McC/irlhy of .'.',-w- K Il.i n Koli(-e t)c|iiiif-

■ iieiit. I c s t i l i i i l ih a l . l b e h a l wu.s tii ineil ovi-i I- the New B r i ta in police by .Mr y l i in a T h e police­m an dui not n lrp tify the owner.-

F o u r men amt a w o m an '■are ( l iarged with .an a-ssorlntent of , l im e s inclmting arm ci l ro bb ery hlai-kniall and a r e on I n a l in Ihe t a.se T h e y - 'a ie F.dward BiidaJ, 2.5, .Hill his wite. I ’.aula. '21, ot H u it- ro nl ; . laii ies P Komlinone. '23. of I lH i l fy ld . and A le x a n d e r Gonski. ’2!>. o f 80 Gold s t r e e t , ami Ftdvvard Clilithikie'vlcz,. 20. o f 27 L ym an a tree l . Ixilh o f New B r i ta in ., Knipl.v Shell Found

.Mr U’h i» a t -n l i f ie d t h a l he .found an em ii ty shell fo r a sm all la l lh e i gun neai the )>la,e w here he found th e lint. D e te c t iv e W il- ■ h a m J . U ’D ay, o f the New Bi>.t)iiH Police d -p a r tm e n t iden tif ied the shell a s line w ith p ecu liar m a r k ­ings.

P olicc in aii .M ct 'ar th y Ic ik ified Hull th e g ioii iu l aroun d lluj g a r ­ag e w here the h a l wa.', found had m a rk ? on It a s th o u g h "tliei-g had h c -n a scu ffle ’ M c C a r th y also identit ied a b l a c k ja c k th a t w as

I found at the s , e n r :.Mr. Backu.s h a s |irevioualy

ti‘slif|1e,l th a t he wa.s H ltack e , l , | k no cked to the ground, and th at th re e sh o ts vv 'rc fired a t him.

\\1ule the I 'N co m iu c led i t s last ■ se.ssioii a l L u k e , S u c c e s s . dele- ' gates , ' s ta f f m eii ihcrs and gu(*sts a le ideiity V'f uiuoii.s S e r v in g a of

' this po pnlar v eg etah le added up |u SIX .■lO-puund .hags a ,lny. , U nions w cK s e i v c l fried, boiled ami hak e ,) in a wiile r a n g e of ili.'-hi-s /


lali.sl coahtipn cabinet Feb. 3 Rosita, a ^ c ik li8 t, told news­

men today that during the last scs.svon (d De Gasiven's thiul gov- ci iiiiient. the clalist ministers de- r.ii'd they had attempted to break up llic c.ibim-t

Oppo.sitlon developed from South Wimbxu .so that the request to have the other section In .South Windsoi chaiiged was turned down. Aa s lesult the entire pro­ject seeni.s to have been dropped:

■Mr. Holland's latest activity In


l.ie Gasperi said thet;e was ' tio aviation was indicated this morn- idhci ciairae of me to-take than to ins w hen thiee conditional bill.? le.sigir a lter the Sot-iallst conimu- of .sale were filed in the Town iiiqiic oj last night. " which i haigcd^ Clerk'-.s office .'•bow ing the corpora- nim .with provoking Ihe ,n.-'i.s. tion ol wlileh he i? the head has

Heheved F im-s I l•oilll purchased three t.vpe? of light'I'lic piemier was asked wlu-Jher planes, ami h.-ive financed them

he wdiilil favor a governinent through a Hartford bank, w liK h. as ill France, would exclude the Couuiuinist.s .Many oh.---crvcrs helieve this to he the focnt'I'oilU of thi'p i'csent crjsis.

• I am md a prophel," he n-plied "My attem pts w c re pot in Hull di­rection."

P i i-siimahly he le fc m d lo re­port;' that, he di'Siied a 'milmnal union " eahinet r,'i>i ,-senling mu.st of Italy 's faclion.s. in an c i lo i t to Slav,- off economic collapse.

• The Council of Miniatera yestcr-



T e l e p h o n e ^ l a i i c h e s l e r 3 3 2 0

Or Hartford 1-0154— Reverse Charge. Village Street —• Hartford (:i)

K e e r e a l i o i i N o l e s

Tonight ,Charter Oak Field (Softhall)0:1.’> American Iy*gion \'s. Che-

n,-y Aiixiliar.v.East Side lUlildlng

7:00-■ .Ucwmg. Y.W ('.A i la.s.s 8:00-f):0(); .Swimming, Rec team


SPECIAL!For Wednesday Only

Blueberry .Muffins

20 - 30 - 40-Gallon AUTOMATIC

T z:


Electric — Gas — l^oUle Gas — Oil

COMPANYTelephone 2-9606

ATS SUPP35 Oak Street


REt;. I .5f DOZEN

MACONN BAKERY183 North Main street Telephoa 1997

altciiB lit

•nee atreet.The bride 1* » graduate of

Oegitoi Catholic High achool. ahd for the p*at two yeara haa been, employed by the Southwestern Beil Telephone company in Its account­ing department. ,

The bridegroom, a g i*d u aU of K aachaater High achool, aerved 39 month# M a ii officer in, the V . 8. Air Obrpa. R e U a t pr^aenU em­ployed CoH’a P atent F ire Arma itoBufacturing company, Hartford:

djers who are carrying Aut their duty, the most vlgormi?/measiirc>


Selw'tkiii Not l(ri>|ici-trd

•New Yotl , V' Joh n . Scba.s- l ia n ’a i ccu ld in g of I ’lamic ih-biis- '■ey's 'Girl W ith th*' l-'laxcit H a ir "

Will ho t flkrn lo bHng Uirm lb ins- , i t beinj; Inkcii oil the m u ik c t h r ' ( Icr . HHid \ nrv ■ Lihn pttNt i I'clt S* ti;t.siiairs in s t iu m fir tFfArnm n. / rau.st* lu l l ’s ot Uie iali ' KfcIu h roiu-

, , ‘ tljtl iiol ahoW H5 imich ir s p p c i forrh e ja r r ^ h \\pstern .Au *. s r lc i i io n •a.s the piiino. ’.fur

tra lia ls BO fIre-rMistant that it has w'im h it origuiallv w a.s wriUen” been used In plhoe of brick or .Selja#tiaii pl.sys the harmonica He ,

iearned of the avtion yg.sti-rday ! from Henri 'Elkan, tgpi-i senling Debuiay a part? publishiirs, and the I RCA Victor.Recbid Co. j

stone in. chininevs and flrenini'fis. It also is ii.?ed under ♦onditinhs,. where steel" would buckle because of heaL

May Day SupperI ’K ID A V , M a y If), 5 :.l l i -7

Qi A ititvvil.i.i: cm uciMK.NF; Kaki'd hi‘uii<,, iu'a4lu|M*d |mtuliH'<>. cole hIuvv. y|ilfkl(Hl beel». Chili >,uiicr, ro|tH. coflee, applo pie.

AiIuIIh, U.'h . ( h^{lri'i| to 12. ItlcRe»ervalloti»v/lrl. I » n . 49’-t4

DENTAI. VVATKSR e p a i r e

i n o n l y 3 b t i u r s

If ]T4a tra l i i i^ { Irtaklt with yaar ddstal plataa, havt (haM/iaaia avar la tha aaa^ taatH al liataral

iftr glak gliilie.• Pnarnpt .Srrrlcr • «

D p h I n I P lm lr a• Free EafiiMalee

f i l r e n

Havt yaur iintal plalai rtpairad by man wha hava madt a lift study af it.Ctiaa is aiaraisga— Havt wffk

dtat Ikt ttm t day,. . . .

Fa^aii Deiital LalMiratories.3.3 -VSYLl'M ST.. Opp.^Askina. HARTFORD

Ohur. ■' '• 1 M to ft )' 'I. \n j Ii ‘- 'MONTHLY PAYMENTS ARRANGED


This A Perfect Example Why Xou Need Camprehensive

J^ersanal Liability Insurance!,/

t , v « ,


ou*'* r



•/^e jVvn'-Aatoi ffeb-\so


forThe ■'''^fter


v.r''-_'’ .wou'

the V ,vree



TELEPHONE SfilO NOV/Or Drop In Al Our Office In The Rubinow Building

- Fdr Full Information .And Rates.

. Before Happen, Insure W illi I.ap|ien!


KrBI.N rtW B l 'l I J I IN G ' rKIA:pl|ON’F. SfllA/ • Open Thursday Evenings, 7:4)U-i):IH) P. ,\|.


it.: -. i-V


■ /'.

.M A .N C H E 5?rE K e v e n i n g H E K A L U . M A N U M E S IE I f . C O N N .. IU F .S I ) A ^ . .M AI 13. ■/•/


B y Hal BoyirColumbia. Mo., May 13 uTi

Here iae* sample of modem co-cd campus alang a t the University of Miaaouri:

“I ’m bushed! .O n e of the yo­yo boys Bitting next to me In a basket course tried to pass me his growl lir a whizz quiz. ‘Shoot a bear,’ I told him because 1 didn’t think it waa a good lick.

"H e waa a four-wheeled person­ality .but 1 wduld only go out with him strictly from hunger. Yeah, one of those ’get me’ boys. Told me he had been breaking in a new ulcer and had the clanks from pur­ple passions.

“Personally. 1 Just thought he had ro^ka In hla head-/zero gizmo. Tou should have heard his snow- job! Could be bloviate! Sald'he liked my lipsmack. Asked me to put my feet In the trough but I knew he Just wanted to play kiss on the mouth.

" I gave him the fluff but he fried to tw ist my arm. Finally 1 had to tell him to drink his beer. W hat^ lnd of a bimbo did he think I am ? I ’ve got my own swutty. I ’d never get the deep undying hots for that rah rah collitch. ”

Slang Changes QulcklySlang changes quickly. Here is

the way a co-ed might have said the same thing when I waa learn­ing the king's English rin this same campus 15 years agol

" I ’m beaten dowi) to, the ankles! A wise guy sitting next to me In a tough course wanted to pass me his crib notes during a snap quiz. ‘Nuts.’ I told him becau.se I thought It was a bad go.

"He was a Jalopy Jockey but am 1 that hard up for a meal tick et? Yeah, one of those ’big I ’ boys from way back. Told me

, he had the hangover Willies from too much bottle worship.

"He was a screwball—a real washout. You should have' heard' hla line! Asked me to put on the feedbag with him but T knew he Just wanted to neck.

“t told him to go peddle his pa­pers but he came back for more.

Finally 1 Just told him (to dry up. What kind of a floozie did-he think I am ? I ’ve got my one and only. I'd never fall for that Jo e College."

1890 VierslonA nice young laiiy o f the class of

1690 would p ro b ab lj^ av e written her mother ol 'the Incident as fol- lowY:

"I am 8 0 wearied, niother-'dcar.A fresh young man seated next to

' me in a difficult course attempted to smuggle me his ’pony'—a tranala-

j tion of our Latin text he had no I right to have—during an examina- . tiqn which I found easy to pa.ss.

•Certainly not,’ I informed him as I did not approve of any such Im­proper action.

"He ow"nB a horse and buggy, mother, but I would hesitate to go out in his company even to get a cup of tea. Yc.s he is fearfully con­ceited. He explained that he was highly nervous from overindulg­ence in a beverage called the ’pur­ple passion.' which 1 believe Is a shocking mixture of grapejuice and j alcohol. Our authorities, of course, j do not approve of such conduct. , nor, you may be sure, do 1.

I "I am convinced he is rin eccen- I trie individual with no quality of ' character. Mother dear, you should i have hoard the flatter>- he ad- ! dressed me. It wtis so ludicrously i exaggerated! Ho praised the natur­al color oT my lips, comparing them to ripened cherries. He invit­ed me to accompany him to dinner, but I realized that hlS tn ic motive was a desire to shower his unwel­come attentions upon my person.

“I rejected his proposals but he I renewed them more insistently. At

length I found it necessary to re­quest him to be silent. W hat nature of girl do you think he thought vmir daughter? As you know, 1 have already pledged my affections to another. But even were this not so, I shbuld never be able to give my heart Into the keeping of that brash and pompous young man.”

Oh., you kid. Twenty-three, akicloo!

H e in z H e lp in g I S ta rv in g T o ls

O v r r 3 , 0 0 0 , ( H > 0 B a b y ;

F o o d l*u fk a ju :e !4 .-\r«* B « ’ - '

i n g S e n t t o F i i r o | * e

P la n to S h iftschool supervisors who said rhli- dren In thcir'groupa had purchas­ed baby ' foo0| for disti ibulion a» ■ i •am ons,local welfare orgam zftiohs !/ J Iwith the understanding that equal 1 iq . ^ v eA

As a ’result of H J . Heins Com­pany’s -recent offer lo contribute ' supplies of baby food to the bun- : gry children of war-tom coun­tries. Yl. J . Heinz tl, president, to­day announeed that a total of 3,- . 000.000 Heinz baby food packages'. I la being shipped abroad by the American Friend.? Service Com­mittee. a Quaker relief organiza­tion.

Early In, April. -Mr. Heinz an­nounced that the company was contributing outright l.OOO.OUO packages of baby food and that ' the firm stood ready to conlrlbUle \ an addiitional paikage for .«hip- ment abroad for each |)ackai.-c purchased by American mothers during the week of April 6,

More than, 700 daily news- ^I papers, as well aa leading' foreign ;

language publicationa, canied the advertisements in which mothers were asked to Join with Heinz in making posifible the shipment of additional packages. Due to the response, the company Is tripling Its original contribution, making the total 3.000,000 packages. The first shipment was made April 16.

The Quakers have slated that | the m ajority of packages wfiT be distributed among the neediest , children of Austria. Poland and the French zone of Gcrij^any. Aid­ing In the final distribution arc 19 Quaker volunteers In Austria. 21 in the French zone of Germany ' and 25 In Poland. /All of these vol­unteers contribufe their services without salary

V o lu n te e r^ f the Friends over­seas receive the shipments at Bremen, ^ tw e r p and Gdynia and ' then p l ^ rail or truck deliveries : to thC/^ones where extreme need I exiatg The Q uarters work with ;

com m ittees in distiibuting baby food directly to childi-en

amounts would be contributed by Heinz,'for distribution to the hun­gry a'l rdad. rin irch groiipj*. bu.sl- ness firms and Indlvidiinls also Joined In such bulk purcha.ses. Largest single purchase reported, by un Individual was one of 1.800 packai OS. ..lany other mothers reported purchases of more than too packages during the week.

•A former American flier who had been shot down oyer Europe . . '11'ng theiwa'r, wrote thal ho and hia” wife cooperated In the pro­gram because. "I know how terrl- i je hunger can be for an adult (iwd my iiymjiathy is with these starving children now.’’ .

^ ’a t e r h i i r y i l l

. \ f f i l i i i t r V i 'i l l i i i lH * -

■ W o r k p r t * ( J r o i i | i

l-are Town Hearing

Thompson, May 13i- iT .—George Phillips, alias Peck Phillips. 30. o( Fast Woodstock an.l Erne.st W eatherbcc. 40. of Dudley. Ma.as.. were taken to the VYindham county jail today to await presentment In (Oiirt here Wednesday iilght. They are charged w ith b ra k in g and en­tering and In addition Phillips Is charged with injury to clothing, desecration and arson. According to Lieut. Albert Rivers of the state jMilice they wore arrested in con­nection with a break at St Stephen’s R.C. chiUTh at Quliu- baug. In Ju stice court last night Judge David Dero.sler reinanded "them for the town court hearing'

j W atcrbiiry, May 1.3 -I’' Night' shift workers at the U-. S. Time i-ori'oiatlon, mcnibc'Ps of W ater

’ bury W atchm akers loeal 8.12 l| (’l'o i, will vote today on a roso- ilution which would withdraw the ■ local from thy International Un­ion of Mine. Mill and SmClter W orkers iC lO i.

. The- vole, said .laiiiea Galuffo. I local president, w ill be only a . form ality since more than 2,0181 of the worker* already have cx- I'resscd a di’sire for an affiliation with the independent American W atch-W oikcrs union which has Its hendqimrtcrs at Boston, '.Mass. The AWII has a menit'ership of Hj’proximately .8.000 werkers .at

the Hamilton. Elgin. Lincoln ,sni Waltham watch c(>fnpanles.

Onlv Scalter*>d OpiaisltlonDay sh ift w o rk e r s a t the iocal

coi I'orutivm.-vpted " iiverw holniiiig- ' ,ly'? .last nigh t, said Galii llo. in ;

favbr of w ith d raw in g fro m .Mine M^ll. More tha|pi 400 w iirkers p'ar- ! tie fpatefi in the voice vote. G alnllo saiil. Vvith only s c a t je r e d iqiposi- ' t ion t . ' the w itiidriiw ill.

' ..Galnllo said that withdra-val mym Mine-Mill would etiaWe of-.' lb iirls of l..oenl ,s,">2 to decide she)’ l.s.siiesxby Uiemselves without olit-

. side iiHerfereneC .WYU. said t Galnllo, already has promised thr I Waterlmrv union loeiil aiitonomv


ALL (KT.V.'^IONSManchester Flower Shop

Phono 2-91(11 (ireen Stamp'i

The combined g irls’ choir met at the church Thursday afternoon. After the rehearsal they enjoyed a P#rty In honor of Mrs. Marshall Budd, who Is leaving with her hus­band next week to their new nal^ iah. Mrs.. M arjorie Carlsijn' su pervised the party. Ref^f/hments ■were served and Mra/Budd wa.« presented n stenclIcdT bloiiso and a pair of gloves tyKthe choir Mrs. Budd has been /Choir director for tbe girls.

TTie Heaiui Clinic met at the Community House Friday a fte r­noon fe r the purpose of cxnmln- Ing/Cnlldren who will enter school nrict fall.

X The Ellsworth Memorial High school track team defeated Plaln- vllle Thursday 60-44. Ed Mu.ska and Leon Roberts won the highest honors for Ellsworth.

Allen Foster, a student at the Ellsworth Memorial High .school, has won national honors in the 1947 .Scholastic Art Awanls con­ducted by Scholastic Magazines. | He won a place in the National ] High School A rt Exhibition. C ar­negie Institute. Pittsburgh. Pa.. . for hla w ater color. Allen s wlirk j flA t won honors at a regional ex- | hibition In Hartford sponsored hy ■ Sage-Alien. I t was thpn forward­ed to Pittsburgh for national judg­ing. . „ . j

Mra. Virginia Roberta of Pleas- i ant Valley road Is a patient a l the 1 Hartford hospital where she is lo [ have an operation.

The qnhual junior prom w as held " a t Ellaworth Memorial High school

gymnaalum Friday evening with the music furnished by Eddie Abra- .Mmaon and hla Commanders'froni

- Springfield. ,The general chairman was MJaa Dorla Hack and the p a t- roneasea were Mr. and Mrs. Merle Woodmansee, Mr. and Mbs. E arl Sanford and Mr. and Mrs. John Flood. ►

A roarr» ge Ucenac has been ap­plied for by syrll Deltan Bragg of South Windsor and Irene Lisk of 35, Mill street, Manchester, who arp to be married May 24 a t St.n Jam es’s church, Manchester.

A very pleasant time was had Friday evening by about lOO peo­ple who attended "Open House,’*

• given In hoqor of Rev. and Mrs. Marshall Bqdd pt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Kendall. Mountain View road. The appreciation of the untiring Interest and good work that Mr. and Mrs. Budd have done while here, was shown by the peo­ple presenting them jvith a purse af *34K>.

JVJl' parents and friends of the P T.jA. are Invited to attend the anpual meeting and supper of the Uplon achool Parent-Teacher’s As- . J la t lo n which will be held at the fJnlon achool lunchroom, Thura-

day. May 15 a t 6 :30 p. m. The /president of the asoclatlon is Mra.

Ralph Laabury; Jr . The chairm an of the supper committee la Mra. Edward Barry and anyone plan­ning to ati^nd kirfdly make known their intentions to Mra. Barry' or anv of the Union school teachers. CoL Sidney P. Marlsnd, a gradu­ate of Unlveraity of ConnectliJut,

who served In the 43rd Division In the Pacific, and who Is n-DW a , resident of Scyrth Windsor. wlH be the guest kficaker. Mrs. Mair- land Is at > fesent chief of s the 43rjP'flivislon lalth hea tern aFH artford .

Ladles’ Aid Socl^ y ^ fv e an e n te rta in m e n t at the Community Hou.se. F^day eve­ning. M ay 16, co n si^ n g of mo­tion pictures of a /trip to the.•t—^

■csent a t the t the home of

r'riday aflcr- usiness meet- unt of Man- v\ inlerest-ing Ni^V r Under- of a Woman.’’ wo son^b# with her abloom- Refreshments

■e cream aiW the hostess, Mrs; Merle

Steane. "The women presented ’ Mrs. Biuf(i with a handbag.

___ )iave been selected as the jneediest In their communlUes.

Included anying the letters re- i celved by Heinz were messages from s'chool teachers and Sunday I

MISS MARSTea Leaf Reader

R E A D I N G S 9 A . M .

T O 9 P . M .


2 T 0 T o w e r A v c . ,

H u r t f o n I

T a k e B a r b e r S t . B u s

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NO MONEY DOW N!...NOPayments until'Oct. 1st.


Lerston / Concrete.

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790 Tolland Street East Hartford. Conn.

Telephone 8-2968

Completely Installed*

INCLUDING:.275 Gallon Tank V^nt Alarm.\utomatie Fuel Delivery Draft-O-Stal Tank Oil Filter Vacuum Cleaning ■ Furnace



Contract For Next Winter's Oil NOW!A *phon« call will reserve ymir year’s supply In our multi-mil- ilon gallon storage t a n k * . . . . ■nd he delivered na you heed it !


e l.'nderw-rlter» AO* pros nl latbel oii ’Each Buriier

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e Immediate Installa­tion — Without lleui Interruption — H>

' .Experienced Men ' Trained and Grad- - uated by Oil Heal


e'l S W hole Vrar# To'Pay.)



o il Burning Domestic W ater H eaters • OH Burner Toller .L'nlt»— for 'clUier steapi or hot «va(er • OU Burner Air CoadHlnmig Uulta—C an Be Installed On the r s u a l Racklllfe Oil Easy Terms.

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Scald the tea-pot firstScald a crockery teepot. Put in one teeepooniul o£ t** ot one tca-beg lor •aok person. Add fresh, bubbling boiling water. Steop for fivp minutos. Stir, then servo.

" S U A D i r



At the


i m : a a y b i m ; o u k ( ; u l a h B l ^ G o •

7 : . 3 0 !» : > ! . « : 0 0 P . M .

Sponsored By B. \V. V.

€ » i

Don’t lust drrani nlMiut thr money you might have, start saving. Set a goal and su ir (or a home, rduratlnn for Ihr rhllilrrn. nr •ome fitiurr nr«-d. You’ll b»- lunnrrd a t Iho quirk rrsull*. Comr to th r M anrhrvirr lliillillng * laiaii .\sH<wlnll«n (odny and Irl us explain our Savings Plans.

BUILDINGsoif LOAN ASSOCIATION,INC ------- onoANutC) ADfui ten ■■ ■ —

If If’* done with mirrors, .’»lrteai(r'» can do (tt Right hrrr In X IanrhrsIrr, 5 Ir lra lf r ’s sitpclal- Izn In glass rxrliisH rly .

XIIria«rs work wonder* with limited sp a ce .. . Make small rooms ap|irar larger. Just plrture an unfrunied mirror ovrr youf m anirl. rr|»rat- Ing the rhiinn of your living room.

'Iprn S iiliin lays I niH Noon.

■ J

Metcalfe Glass C o ., loe.Center St.

O p p ositt P o lic t StBtiop* MANCHESTER u .

Phone Monchester 5G56

To everj ung man [o graduate

■’s'* .

from hij school



}im e


4 mumt TO m cuss or '4rYour country noodt you nOw. Tho futuro d l a froe America may rost on your docislon.

Tliere is no Draft today to put you in the Army. Yours i.s the’finst clas.s .since 1940 that faces a free- choice. But with that freedoin, as with every freedom, goes 4!c8ponriibiUty,

The nation has put the myintenaiwJie of a .«:trong, alert, defensive fo r^ scjunrcly np to you. Tliis i.s the only count^ in Che world that dares to ra W and maintain a million-man Army by voluntary enlmment, in the Ameri­can tradition. The duty of keeping our Army ready for emergences is shared hy every citizen - for never before, in peacetime, has jtne need for it been greate

Our freedom/dur ideals, the safety oy ourxhomcs and familie.y depenfKon a world peace backed\by


U. S. ArmyC H O O S E T H I S

F I N E P R O f E S S t O N N O W I

firmnes.s and justice. It’s ijoiir .\rmy nuw - vyour.s to keep^tnmg. ’

Joining the Army as a voluiileor may mean 'soriiie sacrifice to you. On, the other liand, j'ou ffave much to gain from the experience. Sound physical comUtion, training in lender.ship, world travel and adventure, the comrade.shij) of a fine group of young men, a job with a real future at better pay than you can get in mn.st civilian w o rk -a ll the.se make the Army an excellent cai*eer for young men w ho can mea­sure up to its high .standards. And in addition you will be entitled to educational benefits under the GI Bill of Rights, if you enlist

Ijeforc Congress officially terminates the war.

Before making your de­cision, get the full story of thi.s career opportunity at your neare.st U. S. Army Recruiting Station.


170 High Hartford, Conn.■/


Page 4: Evening... · •S I- < M FACis FO U RTtElf. ''v * ' iflaurlirfitpr Euruiug .H|pralJi / MONDAY, MAY 18, W4T. About Town Hi* Olrl Scout L*«der» frill hold their monthly meeting Wednee-

P A C E S T t

m a u r l t p a l r r

^ p r t u u 9 l^ p r a if tPl-BLfy.JlKP BY TUK

h e b a l d p h i k t i x o m . i m ..13 Strrft

M«nch»»trr Conn. THOMAS KEROVSON

Pr»i . . Tpf*d.. 0«n-|Poundod Oetobnr t. .

M A M ; H F S I K R F .V K N IN * ; I1 F . .R A 1 ^ 1 ) . 'M A N C H F .R T E |1 . c o n n ., T l ' E S r M ^ . M A Y 1 3 , 1 9 4 1

»ng prohloul In Mr. Bvnicii' publn thf'roAAon hi* rr*ign«tl >n

( a m r *

ru b l l» h rd K rorr E»<*ntn» Kxrjpi Sund»v» t n d Holid»v» Enlrr>-d *t in* Po*t ofhc* *t M»nfhr»trr . to n n , i* S^rnnd n « t« M*ll _________

SCKK'RIPTIC^' P.ATES <»n« Tr»r by •S!» montb* by M«ll ........OiiO monlli b\ M*<t ..........Smf In CopyWnekly. t>> Oiriinr . ..Sub*. rlnli\rrr.i O i* T.'ir;\W»I of M'*n e r

till OtiI SO" I

.. » in"!

t t h o n io n io n l It rtld t h « l A<lmir«I VVmiain D. lA 'a tiy h * ' l A nally *vviiiik rr< '*i<lont T i n ­m a n l o m p l . f o l A n v p r t o t h o "IJH

I to i iR h" hinhVl ot p o l ic y w i t h f in .* - •

*i».T o h r i m p o l i t f * b « ; i t i t , . - 'I ' ■

' B y rn o * w ** p i i r p r ' l f r o m th o c'l thi- n o l hoc «ii*n ho ooiilcl no t fn l lv ■ i : ' r p t th o tl i .oory t h a t t h r . on ly way^ t o got a l o n g w i t h Rim.ini «■<* to w e a r a frciro^i fai o.

M l . A ih o * * n r« p r i a o in i l l i n i i i . i i - m a v poaaihl^- lie in t h r -niini' < In*-

a.a M r. H y i in -* ’ lii 'ii lth.h o rn

th i-ro \\ hv

Higher Ssilc'k

s «•»ir '<1 ' aifn atlon* ' ' ' ’ '*I'ii. t h a t , a l t h o l i g h t h o v hav*-

h o th c ' in ig h im /<•« y t ' i i i s . m a y ho . s in i r I n ig o i r a a o n thi-v hc- ioino o t o v o i p o w r i i i i g iiii-

.MEMBEI; OP T H E A ssnen a T E P .P R E S S

Th» A*»iX'i*IO'1 ro * - I* r iChi*o.l' ontnlnd I* lb* ii*n <■'. mpiiPl|r*l' 'i cl

P**ttcnlHi ino-a n J also th« tlstal.po** Pobi'*fi»J line*. ! rnon t . In f a d . if M r . Ac 111‘s'on a

All r f b l * of ropnbt'cal'oi) of *P<- ^ildliPtlrhn* h r ^ i r »r-- «l*'i rn—fc'd.

Fiih *rnl:» cl'noi of N Pf * Snivweli .

Publiahfr* n»prn*on»a-l rf« Th« .lulHW .'I*tli«»» 8p*ci*l Agoncy—No* TOrW Chicago. Hetro 't and Bbitcffl.

MP:.\ItP.RS . \ t ' t> fT ~ BIT -E al ITRCL’UATIO.'S

o r

Molatloii.* with IJonoral Maiahall■ iiml Ilia now a n i l i o i l t v in tl io S t a i r■ D rpar tn ion t had ibally ll>•«■ll "» j hiippy aa irpoitoil . wr clonht that

any kind of peraonal om crgnicy (.oiild i ra llv drag him aw ay from

i aiich a aitnatioii i t t h r y r ry iiio- i mont whori hla country I* making

Tlia Herald Prlnlln 't Conipan' . Inr.. ; h , , m o a t . i n i p o r t n n t k i n d o f w o i l d aoouDioa no Ananclal roaponalhtlhy fort)pographiral rrrot* appearing In ad *rr1l*rmrnt* and oihrr rradmg inatlof

^ In Tho Manchoalor Plvrning Herald.

IP Tiioadav, May 13

A id T o F r a n r o

hl.ciliiiy It h a a c-voi m n d o ..So. on Ml Ai hracin. w> will

w a i t niicl aoc. p a l t i r i i l a i ly, pop- hiip.s. w a i t a n d aoo Jna t how nine h m y i r i n i l l t a i y a t n i o a p h o i r n iovoa

Tax FaviMvdD i r k p r s o n I ) i s r i i i* a p «

M i T i i i * o f l * r o | » o s p » l

. S a l e s I ' h v K i l l ' I ' o d i i v

I la 11 fin cl. Mav 13. 'V The- (■imiirc Imnt ' ( 'h a m h r r of' (•erm- n i f ic r today oxfironard Ihc hope tlinl the- pitipo'cid *alr* tax hill will "oxrn.ifit a* m any nc'roaallir.'c H.s poai-ihlo."

ni.yi ii.nsnig III! inriil,s of ii 2 [in (i-nt, lax, with narrow oxrm ptiona a* 'r 'limtiaird lo a 3 per ren t lax willi hiKicdci rxoii'pl intia, Wayne- I:. 1 >|c lc< ts'cn. rxo ' citlvr \ ic r p u a l - ' ilriil. elec larc-cl

•'ll SOI lil'c III me lha l pi nplr vonid iHihc-i pnv H almhlU higliri tax cm aotiii' gncids If thev know that iiiorr of th r nr'rs 'i t ir<c wmil.l hr rxompt "

He' indic;ali*cl lhal Ih r " to ta l l a x tako" wonid have to hr aplnoxi- lilatrly th r cirurr no miiltc'i what l■xrmplil>o»*'’p ' ' i ' ' I.s anppciitcil. a.s an Allnnal viold of h r tw r rn $20,- fMMMKKI In $22.fMMt,<HMI will |n 'iha- hlv hr i i r rd rd In ling in c inw .sri v -II c *

Siiggr«ilocl K'\on)|ilionsIm kri .snn anggratri l tha t aiiV

mc aViiic- .cchniilil rxi iii(il am li Itmii* a!< focal pcirc hii'c'cl fni c niiMiimpt inh off Ih r prrini'-rs, i ru l . arrvica-*, ch lld irn 's clntlimg, fa rm rqiilp- mriil and edhrr llrmii icard for Hir


SENTINELM I I . I T A I tV .N O tK H «>!• I N T P J t K S I

OP .YIA.\( I I K S T P . I l .NATMP.NAI. O r A R I I HFlltS'l ».\ n AUO.N 1B9TH INFA.NTRY


Measles A^ain I To, )s Diseases

O t h e r ( l l i i l d l i o o f i I I U

A l s o . S h o w C a i n f l i n

S l a t *

£ j t f ( O a o a n p o M iCopyright by G w tn Oovegnport;

O it t r ibu tad by NEA SERVICE. IhiC.

XXXII‘T hop* you wIlljMlI th is houw ,"

H e a l t h R e p o r t Baall, “and i to ro your filir-• ! n llu rc aomowherc elao. I df

.|■■|r«l| S m l a lA t a n n " • l ln g ni t h r "Ciir ick i

li iiarciH. w hic h w a a l i r ld l a s t r v r - n ln g a t t h e lo ca l t i i m o r y , i t w a a Votrcl h v m rm lic lfc nl t h a t n i g a n l - ZHlion to h o ld a c h m i r f a n d d a l i i r oil.. I he r v r n i i i g o f .May 21 T h e a l - ' f a l l w i l l h r Hlagicl ih Ihc H r a e p c p in i t i ’l.s c ' o m p a n y soc ial n a i n i a a n d a l l ' m c T iih r is cil .the- r o n i p a n y a n d t h r i r WivcR w il l i l l rn c l

T h r '■ijiimlci ci iiHicla’ i.s a hoc lal o rg a n ix H I urn ol the’ t t i a c lc p ia i I n a l ■omjwfn.v N a t i o n a l . l i i i i l n l u n i t , w l u t h d e c i d e d , in w h a t n i a n t i r r r i i i i ip an .v .fiiiicl ■ ,1' ill h r ^ p r i i t r a c h i i io n th . ' ’T lw Id a n ^ in l d i iw l r r a m M ■lanc r I* I h r in i t ia l ,a» |* uil r v r i i l r»n t t i e f i i ja ic l p i o g r a n i t h u n f a t .

II IN r x p i r l r i l lli.cl m r m h e iN of t in Kii.sl B i i l l a l io i i . s ta l l wilLhc m v i lo d lo a l t n i d t h r r v n i t [

.Ylriiicirhil Ihi.i e u r a i l r

• m t i o n T h r IBlIth I n f a n t i y w a * the- n . f l r t f o r d .May Ki'c-ond V rg ln io n l in I h r l a n d t o ffa in hoon t h eI h o d is t in c t i o n B o th H r » d c , i i a r t - t . s *'»" boon th oro m p a n y and Company A of Man- diseaso in C o n n rr t lc u l for 14 con r h 4*«tf*r HM' of th f IH9th In* ^ fcu t iv r the S li i l f H ea lth B ^ o t a , said O odfiry . ; A ft^rfaiitrv. ___________ . . . ___. - a ,....1... “ 11. they a re he r ne ighbors and

to ta lk lo her." Sophie said. ‘T h e r e m u s t be som eth ing I can do!'*

“Sophie! Am 1 to understluid t h a t you decline absolutely to abare my life?"

" I ’m .a f ra id so." she said I t '

do not17 IP Mo«*io " * ' ' f to th in k of you aa apm ilm gi j ./» . jo a ■ an y more su m m cia n e x t tjoor lom ost p revalen t the B afo ts ."

’Sophie can probably , appease r iage of convenience—""• soriitivo %vooks. tho S ta te H ea lth m o Bagota, ’ said Godfrey. {"After "G odfrey 's ronvenit

. j all. they a re he r ne ighbors and BasilIn Hpit.’ of Ih r fai l tha t / ' r p a i tm ent l e ^ r i e n toflsv. .^n^.y aeem to be people of c o n s t - . -( Godfrey looked furious

panic.s Hic now ..igHiiizcd ih c i r i* A to tal of 1.072 new case s .w e re quence in th is p a r t of th e . wot Id." well, then ," he aaid darkly .. “If no Irl clown in th r c i i n r n l h ■ te i io t led last week com pared with “If it w e ren 't for Vicky," S o p h i e i h a f r your laat word '

h N»... . . . . . . iiurlng th e prcced- lam ented . “1 wouldn 't c a re in the ‘'My la s t word. G o d frey ."of ■ “Then I shall ieave!" He raised

woula he th is time a mere m ar-

convenience.'* aaid


r ru i t in g clrlve, II is hopeci 10 re- 842 new' cases I Mill to lull .‘i l i r n g th prior to sum- ing week the d e p a r tm e n t 's w eek- i s l ig h tes t w h a t they th o u g h tlu e i till i im p m e i i t .Many g o o d Jot)* IV s la ten ien t , ndding th a t nthei meawait (|iiahflec| iiirii SperlaliNt* • uiNcH.se.cc of c IdldhoocI *uc'h a* "The yoUng people will no doubt I “ P e rh a p s iieecleil ini liiclr c cioks, lo m m u n in i- chicken pox. mumpa, sca r le t fever , se t t le th in g s for them selves," said • best dea l."

a f inger In w arn ingIt would be for the

H on i n e i r m e n I s n i l l i a i w i t h a u t o ­m a t ic ' weapoti-N. s q u a d a n d p l a t o o n Ic-aders . c le ikw a n d m a n y o t h e r m la c e l l a n c o i i s v a r a n c i e s . T h e r e is

c 'aptaiii Tliciiu.is .S .Moinc Planh *Offlrers tpo

however, a pre.ssing need for men without m ili ta ry experience, the yenmger nier\ whcc a te willing to enllat III the N ational Guarcl. Kapid ra te sclvaiiceinent will be given lo tho.se men who earn It.

and Get man measles also were on Godfrey, the increase. > i “The young people had th ings

t h i c k e n pox case jum ped from all se t t led once. I t seem s we un- 238 lo "Jb#. m um p s-f ro m 80 to 105 se t t led them ."

-O h ! " he exclaimed in disgust He snor ted twice tu rned on hi.* tied and left the room.

We are moving to the aid .of F rance for much the sam e pur­poses as we have in inlml In our aid to Greece and Turkey. We w an t to give F ram e i ts chanc e to s t a y outside the political sw ay c;f Communism.

But there are signlftcant dlffer- m c e a In th e w ay we are moving D epartm en t of P e a c e ' f s the aid of France.

Tl»e niosl algnllleant cllfferem e is th a t we are providing the money fo r F ran ee not th ro u g h a d irec t appropria t ion of o u r own, b u t th rough th e agenc y of the In­te rn a t io n a l Bank. T h is a g f m y .

iiml ulllct.ieH. uicliuling

“ If these rxcinpti 'ina I nil li'

uiicl I rn i i i i i ig i i l l i r e f ' o f t h e l• l l s lB n t tn l ic in , aiuiccunccil In.-ct e v e n i n g Hull I s i lh .M iu ic l ics tc r .Nnlicuinl cluHiil u n i t s will p n i t i c i p . i t c ui .M< ■ i i io iu i l D a y eXciciscM

A n inv i tH t iu i i l o p u l 1II i p a t c wii.v lo i w a n l i ' i l t o C a p tH ii i .Miiisc by the- l■nlun l i f tcc III i l u i i g i - III a i i i c n g e - ii i i 'i i ts . In a I d l e r I " bu l l i u n i t s , I h c < lUHielMiiteti w e l l - a l s o c u r i l ia l ly i i iv i lc i l 111 aUciirt..^llviiii ■ w UI s h i p cell.S iinilav. May 2r) nt i h e .stccuuil Coii-

picichic I loii c,f fooil. such ns sc,.cl I h ' with th e new S ta le DcpniHnenl rt|„|reorganlxatlon. Mr. Ituheil 1/uvelt. IcicphiiiiiMr. Acheson'B suciesaor. Is an (,„|„,ainj, n 2 pci cent gi cgiHiiiiiarchui c h <111 N o i lh .Mamable a i ln u n ls t ia to r who. as Assist- „i,i„in the ncccssaiy streetan t S ec re ta iy nt W ar for Air, rcvi-iiuc. well and gnod." he said

l o w e v i i . 11 t t ic i i ' l i i r i i o n t h a t I'lisl* s h o u ld p i i iv e i i iN ufr i r ien t.'vhu h afipeHi . likely. I c an see nu lull III ill a 3 pel cent tax

While the I ’hiiiiihcT reel.*, he said. Hint Ihc *ales Inx Is "the- most clcmueraite. equilahlc niid capnhle uf providing the linmcv needed ten new servu e.s defJiaudc d hy. Hie pilhllc . i.l liiiisl.-'he shiipc cl NO ns not I d pi c vemK niiv hurden on niiv g r iu p s 'I'Jluc c nii hc' clmic if a wise (Killey ifi g ran t ing cxeiiip Hull'; i>- follu^ed,' Ic added.

units and i^ -u ,f le e ra of the recent w a r are asked to i.cmtaet Major Alwyn Bicslerson. B atta lion f ’om- luaiidei at the a rm o ry any Monday Of Tiiesdny evi'ning.

.Natjcjiiai G uardsm en practice good ritlxeiishlp in it* very be»t loiiii, for It* values a re to tho local eonimunity , the S ta te and the •Nation. They a te gcHsl example* Ic) .'ll! ofhej eitizen*. .Men who a re

e*ae*. scar le t fever from 30 to 34 cases, and thosi of G erm an measlew f io m 14 lo 16.

T hree Diseases on DeellneW hooping cough, broncho pneu-

needed by th r monia, and poliomyelitis were on the decline during the las t seven days. Whooping cough dropped from 44 to 32 ease* and bioncho- pneumnnla from 29 to 24 cases. No pollomyelll l* w as repor ted anyw here within the s t a te th is

a l though th e re had been

G odfrey eurled back hia Up.“T he whole th in g seem* to be my fau l t , doesn 't It ?"

"Yes." said Basil. " I f you had kept your mouth sh u t every th in g niU8t go"nione. would be going sm ooth ly and we , .d ^er could have had Vicky m arr ied off before th e Bagota asked any q u es­tions."

"T h a t 's not w h a t I mean." God­frey said. "I mean in the begin­ning. A p p aren t ly If Sophie and I had been m arr ied there would

Basil resumed his cotivcrsatlon. "W hv not let me -go and see Mrs. B u g o t? "

"No. th an k you, Basil. I feel I I must a t least

vioiked wonclers w ith 0111 heavy) bomber p io g ram d in ing the wat. W ho w as It who o n ce ,u rg ed Itml we m ake the .mate D epartm ent :i

C ohI O f R ii i ld in K M H ler iH ls

We noted the ulliei clay tha t . In face of B dras tic s lump in Hie hullcllng Industry m New Yoik City, oiganiz.ed labor w as se iv ing

Which announced 11* »250.000,000 iwdlte th a t It w anted a new wage loan to F r a m e las t week prom ptly ; rni 'liac I above Its present level .rf on th e heel* of P rem ier Kama- *100 a week for skilled , oii.striie. dler 'a decision t o . t r y to govern Hon w orkers /F ran ce w ithou t the roope ia tlon o f ; Slmllailv. Hie price of biii^irng th e s t rong and nunieiou* Goni- niaterlaUc ha* likewise t s j ^ Hie munista, I* the sam e agency rioment of the Iroginirlng uf a

e ight i hiiyer'a s t t ik e agalrisrt building tuwhich, fo r the previous weeks, had been pictured a s In­capable of m eeting the ernnomte needs of Greece.

'There la an o th e r aignifli an t dif­ference. T h is loan to F ran ce la to go for purposes of recon-'ctrue- tlon. No p a r t of It Is to go ■upply m ore a rm s for th e Fpench


» y A H O.

a t ta in Its own ^JE t lm e ^eak The pric es of aiieyr' malei la la -a re now higher IhaiL^lliey have e \ ^ r been. Moat o fT h e producers of such ma- teibsfs are mnliitaliiing t h a t they plfnnot c ut pi lees trelmv IhesS new hlgha.

T here la a Utile medicine In the : b ir th eoiitriil bill cunt rove ra.v. just l a s there la a li tt le real husine.s*

concern in Ihc FKI't Issue. But essentially. In buth Ishiicn, the d e ­cisive ami basic qucsHcin is unc- ni rellgicius H ttl tudrs

I TtlC hirlli coiiticil 'hill wIicHipeilItself th rough the Hems*' last Iveek

A NeW' Yuik l.’it.v huilcici lias to Tlie assunipt Ion. then, w i,.n Hl.tta rm y ao It can u n der take >tte laak I pay fur 190 0 hoard feel of this hill got Ihc suppuit of theof ex te rn ,m a t in g t h i ^ m . u u a u ^ a s . o m p m m ,In F rance . PerhapiyThe only r e a l ! S H * In 1939. Hough framing I'lm- i of ib,- iiumIichIreason we rrcogrltxe the Iniposai-I E>*r la a t 1125 as compnied lo $.'>lHxounilnc.Ns of the iuchniiic . \ s II bUlty of t h ^ - ^ n d of sohition for {In 1936. t \) innion hrU k hn.-* been > lull ccuic.s u|th e Comipifnlsts in F ran ce la t h a t I bringing $25.50 per l.OOU, as cum

• th e y aj'^ m uch more num erous O ia j i^ h e C om m unis ts In Greece. ir perhaps . In our deliate over the

T ru m a n Dm-trine, we have come

pared to $13 In 1939. All o ther i i n - ' te r la ls have gone up cnni|>Hrnlily^ and some of them are still s n i n e

The g rea te s t single p a il o f ,H u sto the conclusion th a t ■ shooting , Increase in the co.*l of hiill.ling C om m unis ts isn't the real sn d ef- m a te i l s la has taken place in' Hic fei tive cure for Communism a f te r p as t ten months, when pi h cm in- lill I creased 41 per cent over Hu'ii Icv-

T here is stil l ano ther dilTomic e, el on .Inly 1. the da le w hen cfrcc - We a re giving th is loan to F ran ce Hve price m n l io l ended The aigii-to a Fn-nch governm ent which Is tr .vlng to be a democracy, and which is not Itself a d lc ta lorahlp equally a s black in I ts methods as an y th in g Moscow h aa to export.

In aiimm ary, we a re moving tlirougti an establirhed Interna-

^tional agency to give purely eco­nomic help where It la really need­ed to give a demcKratIc govern­m en t a chance to gain s t a b i l i t y ' r t '^Pra and mipplleis of huildmg

ment then was lha l the n n r iv i i l ..f price contrcils was nc-eded in onh-r

III the Senate, how- cve I . Ihc- as.siuiipHciii is lhal the bill u< likely Ifi lie cli'lc'ated Ihcic iM'i'iiusc ol a . 'diaight ii 'llgtous line­up It would tic .Miiuc Uhid III hi'icsy. w c .Niippii.sr. and all uii- pli--(isaiil lii'ii'.sy at Hial. to sug- gi 's t lluit uiiiiiy III Hu- \o t c s ca.Nl lor Ihc’ hill III Hic Mouse w ii i ii l ii-allV lui'ihi'iil vole.s e ither I)U| liielefy vccte.s , a.sl soiuew'hal Jew oiudy •on a I 'eilaui side ol 11 1 er- lain iiMlglous division

But \ve .suspect, at least that sume Ilf till' puritanical uiciiihers of the lloii.se saw Ihc luedliiil ad- viiiilageh i>| t hc hill t hc luio r • lea I - ly 11s IhcVv leiilizi-d the ll•llglous

to produce cheaper huildliig luali-- ' id en t i ty uf Hio.se who were iigaiii.sl rials. The ■•eronl speaks fm th o . i t . < >t hci’wlsc. we .snspei 1, theya c c u ra ly ahd prrha|wi the suiceri- ty o f t h s t a rgum ent.

Blit, a t any rate, th r siti intlon tn the New York bnlUllng Industry Is th a t labor insists th a t Its w ages alionid be tnereased, th a t the pro-


th ro u g h the ecoifomic im prove­m en t of the lot o: the French i>eo- ple.

This la a vaatly different thing from the T ru m an Doctrine o f mili­ta ry partjierahip witli co rrup t dic­ta to rsh ip s in Gi'i'ece and Tiii'ke.v.

' ' By all these cuntrHsts, th a t Ti'ii- huin Dortrine seeiii.* - ihr cheap bliistei' and mistaken s t ia lcgy , and the vtc^r-piovoi afion hi.story will see It

' '’T he . \ c h e i ^ n R p s i g n a l i i m

m ate r ia ls m ain ta in _ th a t prwes cannot he c u t fionl their all lime high level, and th a t m anagem ent, we aup'poae, Inalsta th a t , its own ' proflts cannot poaalbly be lowered. Kacli of these fac lora m the high cost of hiiiUling in New Y n itrC i lv , iiiHV. adm it tha t the uthci fa c to is ) mav he hicuight ik>wn. hut not

w ould have iirc'fci red to k iuhiii pillili ii ilcarAiut to defend this f'un- iic't He lit liltic' law w iil lc i i 1>\ llicli pmiliiiitcul apcc.sfur.s

Now It I.s pbs.sdile Hint niiv sutdi iinplcasiinl iiii!\lvsls ul Ihc vote in the llciii.se on ' ,n ilh cccnlrul is an unjust analys is '

\4 l ic lh r r H iar l« so ina.v Ih- dcicrtniiic-d. we slioidd guess, h\ wlial the llciiisc docs (III Ihc I nlr KiiipliiY nicnl l ‘racllccs Hill to-. da.>. lie •re .Is II hill', iidiniriild.v iiiid lnll■lllgcllllv d ra f ted l„ liiUc ('oiiiiccllciil a reasiMiahle step forward in llic diri'cHoii cef re- IlgicMis and racial Icdcriincc, widcli is coming Ivrforc llios,. same mcinlH'i's of Hu- House who so''cagerl.v passed 1)0- hirlli coii- In d hill last week.-\Vc dec not th ink II mu ca.sumihlc

.Mrs L a m s l -o u u i is .sci 1 cdai y cil t h r c .u n inu t lc 'e WHS a t l lu ' a r i i i o t y l a s t l■,vcmIlg a n d 4u c c m s u l la H o n w i t h e j u a r d u l f ic e r . s S u i t a l i l c a r - l a n g c n i c n t s we i c n ia i lc a n d t h e G n i i i d s n i c n wil l a l s o p a i l u ' p j i t c in cxclCISC'S to he h c h l a t t h e .So ld iers M om im c ' i i l a t c ' e n t e r I*a ik inin-i ' d i a l e l y a t l e i Hie p i i i a d c G n a r d s - i iien wil l II'l ii lcivous oil M a m .s t ree t 111 411(111 o f t l ic A i i i i y a n d .N'avy clot) at II a. i i i -o i i M e m o r i a l D aS .

I ’u n i d n r r e p a r a l l c u i s Last evening s clrill ac tivity lo r '

hoHi ( ’onuiany A cKillei and I leaclquai tel S I 'oiupanv 1 oiisistecl ol close coch'i drill which for the mcist part -vas helcl tadsidc cm the a r ino iy grounds.

B o t h m i l t s s e e m t o b e in g o o d s h a p e fill t h e p a i a i l e in s p i t e of Ihc- Nhort p e r io d o t t i m e in w h i c h I h c v h a v e h , e n l i a i m i i g . O n .Mc- m o i i a l I lay Hu y w ill p a r a d e feu t h e f irs t t i m e s in c e f e o r g a n iz . a t io n a n d w il l a p p e a l 111 t h e l a t e s t t y p e ls.sue of n n i f o i iii a n d w e a p u n * . .

H e e r i i l t l i i g D r iv e In v i l l a g e s , t o w n * a n d c i t i e s

i ic ro sa t h i s h i i ia i l l a n d r e c ' i u l i n g d r i v e s a r e g a l i i i n g m u n ie i i lu i i i fm t h e p o h t - w u i .N a t io n a l G u a r d T h u u s a i id .s upu i i t h n u s i i n d s u f loi 'al u n i t s u i i w a n l s ot t'l.illlO m ill m u s t h e i i i g a i i i z e d t h n i u g h o u t Uu' milioM Ini' t h e N a t i i i u a l G m i i d to a i l i i e v e t h e s t r e n g t h it m u s t h a v e t u fiillill I t s lu i t io iu i l clefeil.'-e lo lc

'n i l ' .Sl; iti ' of ( 'o n n e i ' tU 'U l h a s r u n g H ic t)c'll Ivvic e m Hic sv.'u g l o a c t i o n T lie lu'j 'ml I n l a i d l y w . is t h e lii'sl i i 'g i m i ' i d III Hie u o s t - w . i r C.Iii.cid l o i i 'c e iv e l■■^'lll'lal r c c o g -

r.ocal llislorv !■* •

liook Oil SaleVi ftrlil VS Jir II RrrfH’il

'I'lt Kf I )ITf*rril al Itf'iliirf'il l*rirrsA s m a l l a l lo lm c ' i i t ol c o p u s ol

t h e "W orld W a i II l l i s l m y of .Mam l ic 's t i ' i . ( ' c u m . ' h \ . \ i c h i c K i l i ' i i l i i c k , l o n n e i l y o f r i u M.an- c l ie s t , ' ! Ilc'ia.lcl e d i t o r i a l sta it t . w Uf he plac c'cl oil .sale- a l a 1 educ ed p i n e in t h e .) W H a h d e | ) a i t - m e n l s t o i c a n d t h e D e w e y - K i e h m a n rom pH iiV '. ' b o g l m i h i g S a lm c la v

T h i s IS t h e l ln a l a l h c t u u i d of lhe.se h o o k s I r o m Hie piihlisher.H , a n d c oMM'i|Ui’i i l ly t h e la .' l o p p o r - t n m t v p i e s e n l e d l o .M a Me llesi cU'| liVople lo o b t a i n

week, '“ '•"' '"A" veeeic ' 9av8 been no objections a t all."tw o cases of th is disease a week anyone 's fault."u.w Sophie AAid Impatientlv . ‘T h in p nDiphthoiiH icm ainod a t » i

..... -I' >" ■ ' d V ; : oo^cv d..„dThere were no cases of typhoid fever repor ted within C onnecticut th is week.

D ouble ' Lock8P ill oil D o o r

h o pMight

SiHimicr E ncam pm entOfficial notice of su m m e r pn-

c'lmipinent w iis received at the lo­cal a rm o ry last evening and plans ' and d a te s were read to all men c om c»rnecl. The encam pment.w ill be held a t C am p Edwardi* cm ('ajM'Cod Irom A ugust ,3 to the 17th me lu.sivp. These clale.s were a n ­nounced for the piiriscae of jil.in-mng blit will he subject to change , pnopnix A tl7... Mav 13.—uPi - hy s ta le hcadqiia ite rs . Double ioclls, worked hy tw o kays.

Thus, uffii uil ci.nfii Illation has y h ich Is en tru s ted to aiH'eii leeeived concerning the A*ini-■ j j jjp^^nt a t ten d an t , have been mei peiiod of tra in ing, l-sjcat p|^p^,| „„ (| ,e cloor to the room in Guard.''mcn w ill combine " ith , Winnie R uth Judd, theo thers from the .New E ngland ' t i g e r w om an" t ru n k murderess , S ta le s fm the t ia tn ing period. ), ,-onfihed In the Arizona S ta te They will accum ula te UK) hours of Hospital fc>r the Insane, vahinhlc tra in ing i as much a.x Tht,a w a s revealed today by Di .

Godfreyrocked back and fo r th from hia heels to th e balls of his feet . Hc : s t a r te d to apeak once o r twice, then th o u g h t b e t t e r of it. He seem ed to have some so r t of an Idea which he w as e i th e r unwill­ing o r unable to Im part . "Sophie." he said. He took a tu rn a round the room, resum ed hi.* o r ig inal stance, c leared his th ro a t aga in and re ­peated, “Sophie. As I look back on the p as t life. T can sec a c ross­roads w here I m ig h t have tak en a d if fe ren t path . Who can tell w here th a t o th e r p a th might have led? Be th a t as it m ay . " He faced th e floor again . "Be th a t as It may, I s a y —I w a n t you to know th a t if I inadver ten t ly m ade any m is take which changed the course of his tory . I a m ready to acknowl-

" O h - S o p h i e t I dislike aeethg.Vou pu t In thVs position. I feel Mrs. R agot ought to come an d a«if you. She should come on hendec knee, begging wmi to

^Sophie stop^icd him w ith a hand. "H e r knees w ouldn 't bent. '

*■ begging you to p e rm it hci son to slly herself w ith youi family,"

"No." shjd Sophie.'.' she Is r ig h t You see. she 's not com ing to ask for a p a r t In a pl.iy. S a l te r doesn't w an t to be come an ac tor . I t ' f VU’k v who w an ts to become a Biigot. Mrs. B agot Is an au thor- it.v on m arr ia g e and fam ily life: I am not. Vicky and 1 a rc on out.side try in g to get in. I sna l’ have to in tercede."

“ But you .speak as If being f B agot w ere a career .” Baail In te r ­rupted .

‘T m sure it is. A ca ree r foi which I .should have had no t a l ­en t a t all. " . Sophie flnUheff he i .sherrv and set down the empty gla.s.s. “Well. Basil, wish me luck I am filing over to ta lk to Mrs Bagot."

(To Be Continued)

they receive all yes i long th rough John A. Larson, supe r in tenden t ot edge auch m istake. I am willing (lull peinaLsi in s (leiiod of I ' l j i h e insHtutlon. following the es- V ictoria 's sake, to m ar ryda.vs. They will be paid regula r cape and yes te rd ay 's recap tu re o f . y o u ”

the w oman who twice befpre Inthe 16 y e s r s aini e she com m itted Sophie s ta red to disbelief. A fte r the mui'deis for which she waa ^Q^jy y ea rs to h ea r those words! found guilt.v had e.scapcd. "Mv d ea r Manabrldge." aaid

Mrs. Ju d d 's claim yesterday , "you 're ao t r a n sp a re n t . Youa l t e r her recap ture , th a t she I th in k yoii-can ge t out of .going to the hospita l because Dr. Larson ; H om e "

......... I " ‘f'lse'l «<• I'-t her see her mother. |Nohbci cmployee.s a l.")-duy leave a v,>lii)Uar.v patien t in the instltu- Q^dfrey snapped. 'Hi regu la r civilian pay by making li"n a hospital ward, on Mothei sup the difference l)otween the two- d»v. i* w ithout foundation, Di propose m arr iag e with-pay rates, and In addition, g-viiig 1 1 - " ' • ‘‘ •d. j • I out an audience!"

"G odfrey!" exclaimed .Sophie,

A rm y ra te s while at camp, phis longevity snd o ther financial le- imbiirscnienta which they merit.

A movement haa been growing in lecognitlon of the g re a t Im- poilaiicp (if the National Guard .Many einpjo.ver* s re making s i in - iiier cm am iuncnt for their civilian

t h r u r i n i i l o y r e s th e l i r e g u l a r p a id Vacatioi i .s

.Men who Ihciiiaolve.s may not lie able to join the Guaid . hut who benefit Irom the sccu i i ly It olVer.s. Hiu.s have found an a i l 'v e way to support Uic Guard and en ­courage enilsliucnt*

FaiiioiiH P a in tin g F\liil>itcMl[at Y ale

N fw Haven, May 13 i/P' Ben­jam in W est 's fam ous |iaintlng.

stunned. She st ill could not be­lieve she h ad really h eard a l laat the words so long awaited.

“W ell? "! 'Perhaps I had b e t te r leave you

tw o alone," Basil said sa rcas ti - c tl lv .

“No. don 't go." Sophie told him





28.'i M a i n S t . T e l . T W O

w ar hisloi y will he placed on sale "A g n p p in a Bearing th e Ashes of have no an sw er for (Jodfrey.SatiiKlay in the .1 W. Halo Cor |ioi a t lo n . ajid the I)ow<'\-Richniiin ('oiiipaiiv al ;i rriliiced price for Ihc I'lo.sr out on this .special piiiit- iiig. The sale will conlinne in lioth store.* until the Hllotmcnt is .'old

For St(‘!ulfa.*«lii<‘ss

Gernianicvis to Brundiaiiim." la now on exhibition a t the Yale Universi­ty A rt gallery.

Theodoie Sizoi. Uiicelor said the painting, done by the American a r ­t i s t in WHS tor Dr. Drummond, the archbishop of New York, w as pre- spiilod to the university by Louis .M. Rablnowitz of New York city.

t h a t you m ay n ' t h e a r ""A re you going to refii.se me ?" ,

said Oo(ifrey Inch-ednloiis j" C e r ta in ly " \"B ut I th o u g h t you a l w a y s ;

w anted me to marr.v yriu! " IThis wa.s too much for Basil. !

" I f you'd asked h e r sooner," he I said, "you m ight have found out ;


901 .Main S t . T e l . 5 3 2 1

who purchased it s.)ine time «t{o' ^pe never did a t all f ioni the family of the ear ly a rc h ­bishop.

The painting, which m arked the heginning in the h is to ry of a r t of ; the classical revival In Kurope.an painting, hi-ought W est to the at- j ten tion of King George III of Brlt-

Denver. ,\l.iy 13 I’. Lorenilamb.v's m other had a SIO.UUU clicuk todiiv in je tu rn foi her ' s tead fas tness and lo.valty ' in Iry-

iiig to prove tu'i son innoci iit of a i iiin. who appointed W est h is torical piiudei tor winch he served six pain ter

i i i p v of H us>nl ol M a m lu 'sH i '-x 1 iM l ia n . fo r r e p a r a t i o n

v e a i s ol a l i fe s e n H iiccM aiiihy . c o n v i r l e d in 1H3H of a

.s lay ing a t W a l s e n l n u g . C o lo . wa.s piii 'do iied l a s t .Vpnl w h e n a s p e c ia l iM v e s l ig a t i n g c o m m i U e e f o u n d he h a d l ieen "u r o n g f i i l l y " c o n v ic t e d T h e I s 'g i . s l a l u r c v o t e d d u r i n g a r e ­c e n t ses.s ion | o p a y H a m v $l(l,0(Ki

West siih.scqiiently heeanie one lit the Toiindris and the second president of Hie Royal academy.

the ir own. /\\ ' lml must happen lo an imius- lo pidge tha(~if the.ii atliHide u a s

t r y ’who h g e ts Itself intp sm li a medical then aitd md spu ed^ liv Uu* I t 'H lU u t lo n nl 11'ilgiou.'ii fill-

p o s iH m i IS s h o w n h y t h e i e | « . r t e ot j i ,vc aniilU'-ms of ,dollars WlUth uf, .New .speedv and iiappv pa's.-.igi' l.o theYolk ( ' l lv building vvoik held up ■ I" E l ’*' hill '

1 o _ i -I'l. I- I the othci hand, if a.s we .sus-anil 1 am el e< . I he .simp e la i l i ' . . ,• ' l>ei t. Iliev did eniov cniphaMZiiigth a t unless these th ree elemeiil.s ridlgiuim <htfeiem^'s last week.

( hanges in the .staf?^Depsftnieiil iiV the higli lu s l uf New York (*ll\ i then thev a ie likelv to lelu l todavwith a p ionuiim ed sk('pt.i' ')'‘ui fm Imihling g< t I'ogidhet amt bi'U'K, **)H*''' I 'uuv a l te iu p ted oiillawiii^ . . . . .. . . . . o t religunis differences in tlieuthe lea.sons given puhlul.i^ . • .., their own p r i .e s and custs .lown. a comniupille.s.

If we weie to tak e the [W lic huyet * s tHke will do it toi them. >pm„ k KPC hill rep resen ts a sin- igiiatibji The 'iniilduig sl tna t ion in .New ceie Htteni|it on the p art of Gov


The Aincrlcan Nptildic w ill ha \ u to' he pardoned If 14. takes new

reasons given lor the lesigof Mr. Dean Achelun aa l ’n d . ' i \Y o rk City is s Secrelar.v of State , we would as- o l the iiievilable coiirs.' of unic- snme th a t In all his yca is ol p i ib - ' etiSHiol inllnHon The (picsHoii is lie service Mr., Acheson ha* never kellikc;^ we want tins to happen been .m ote happily or hariiionious- e .e iy w h V e . in all lilies ol the lyV ilua ted , but tha t suddenly, at Ameiican X^^nmm'. It will so h lp - th is par t icu la r moment m .May.T947, Ills personal econonm toi- Umea requlie hi* re tu rn to -the p tac t ice of law.

And, of course, th a t ma.\' be the t ru th . But if this is th e t ru th , th a t will be the ex(;epHon to llie rul() which apparenU>t governs thed ep a r tu fe of S ta te D e p a r tm e n t , ______ \figures.

a m i u i l l i l a i y p i 'p u l a t i o n d u r u i g t h e g i i - a l c s t W'HI III h i s l o r v , •,

T h e W o r l d W a r II H i . ' t o i v of M a m h e s l e i i - o u la in s 10!' p u l i i K s ol o u r W o i l d W a i i l i a d iml a n a lp lu i lK ' lu a l l i s t i n g ol all t l o ' s e h ( ' io e s , t h e n h i a m h oi s i i v i i e . ' i . ink , a r e a of .sei vu i*. d . d r ol d e a t h a l l c o u i i u l e d li\' t h e a u t l i o r d u r u i g t h e w a r \ e a i s a s a i i i e ih t i e f 'n l T h e H i ' i a h l .Slal'l At i l U ' . d o s i ' ot t h i s I lo.se-out .s.th' n o o lhe.t < . ip ie s id H u s l a s d i w il l la- ' a v a ih i h l e f i o n i a i i \ So lu i e.

.Yliiiir I ’l i o t o g r i i p b 'III MdditioM to ' t h e g . i lh i v of

llollUled wai d e a d ' and Ihi' list of iiaiiu's ol tile tow n 's d.k'eased. the hook eoiitaiii.s a large luUuliei ol ji tiotogiajilis of v\ar scene.s taken hv the au th o r in Mam liestei d u r ­ing the y e a is 11)40-1945. .Ml civilian 111 tivtH('s_of .Manchester a re re-

'Hie check was liaiuled to Hamby yi 'slrida.v hv Gov Leo Knous in the p resem e of hks niMlhei, Mrs Rolll llaniby, .amt his s ister .Mis Glara Gans. who also part ic ipated 111 the lor.g fight

Before |ii t'seiilKlion of Hie m on­ey. Ilainbv had assigned it to his inotlier, hut Kurins insisted tha t In! aeeejit the i Ijei k and them turn It over to lu'i. .

E x trac t tiald F ro m Dentist

New York ig’i" Henry Cerully called out "w ho 's next ?" and In walked tw o robbers w ho ex trac ted $150 and some dental gold from the deijtist. . . I

"Thch Victoria is no b e t te r off th an she wa.s yesterdn.v," Godfrey said, pleading hus cause He be­gan fo r the f i rs t t im e to be a f ra id Sophie m ight really let him go w ith th e others. "'You owe It to Victoria to marr.v mo)" he urged. ' ’T h a t will change ev e rv t% ig . If vou refuse me, nothin.e is changed. If Mrs. Blood didn't like ye.ster- dav. she won 't like today any b e t t e r "

"Be th a t as it maja I am going


p u m ^ m ' I l l i a i i ' l H o ; . ' ’; . . s : t , . lo.*.ng MlUtaty. Batim, Bmu.., S .-a w o lih d'hlle h h a l 'o f liuipaii and | ' ' ' I ' V ' . ' ’ ‘ 'i."i' '"isocial p ro g re ss hefote Coiiiiei' tu 'i it ' *'luu< li«'e Imhi.--ti ics. .t ,ii o' n

I j l s t w e e k , t h e s t i ia l l - t i iw u i i i e n i h e r s u f t h e l l o i i s e w e r e oh, s o l i r o u d - m l n d e d ! .O r l h a l . a l l e a s t , w a s t h e . f a c i a l e x p r e s s i o n t h e y t u r n e d o n t h e s t i i l e . Todu.t w e s l ia l l s e c how h ro i ld - in ln i t i 'd the.x r e a l lx a r c . ,

- O r g a n i z a t i o n s , S c h o o ls . W a r B o iiiI.h, . A u p U n c W m n i n g S n i v n c a n d W a r t i m e B u i l d i n g C o n s t i n e t imi.

T i l l s tlnfil . i l lo t i iu ' i i j o f t h o ioi al

For Complete Decorating

Service( n i l

C. F.Charbonneau

T f l . 2-9.')7.'» S i n c f 1.922 T h e r e If* N o S u b s t i t u t e

f o r ( ) u a f i t y !

f l iS74Ov


w i t h c l e r i c a l , t y p i n g o r D i c t u p l i o n e e x p e r i e n c e . P l e a s f i n t w o rk in g : c o n d i ­t i o n s . P e r m a n e n t f u l l ­t i m e w o r k . G o o d p a y .

.A pply fit ..

BURRNURSERIES1 1 9 O a k l a n d S t r e e t

o r C a l l M r . H o g a n .

T e l . 4161

W ATKIN5■ r o t h c k s . i n Ie^

FUNERAL S ERVICEO rii ia i id J. W o t '



1 i" '

\. . s o t •lAtO»

X a.is»Y ’

7 / t t Sign'of aW O R T H Y S E R V irP .

112 F a s t ( ' e n t e r S t r e e t

pen everywh*>f, ami in all hm'.s, cn l ts s p in e s afK. hrouglu down Voluntanly: !

C o n trac t A w arlied F o r . \ l lc r a l io h f

. M l C h F Y F I N N O p e n H o u s e ! L A N K L K U N A R D

('.Ollliollv A«*C(‘pls Offer Froili Yal«‘

Fred Murphy, owner of the build- Moat of the naUoii'a edltorialista ‘“g 9' .which la located .Murphy's

go t burned, so to . ,H '«k . when (iwy Bowling Alley.*,x T 1 e / I. . . . aWMnJed h ( u n l n u t ini theflXhca ently accepted the public and ex ten m . haiiges ms to ry of ?4.9e resignation of Mr. | hia proper ty on M a i n street toJ a m e s F . Byrnea as S ecre ta ry ig , C on trac to r jo h n W ennergicn. Mi.S ta te T h a t Public Btorx' w as th a t ! '* K I " , getH U U . m a t public story w as ^

As there are changck to be inade In both the Interior and ex te r io r

b is res ignation waa due to person­a l reaaona .of health. Only subae- ^uen t ly did i t develop th a t , • at- th o u g h ^ a l l b ^ w a a Indeed^a a ia n d - j t i^ , changes are

of the building 1,1 planned to close the -place for misfnes* while

nndetw av .

X New York. May 13 T Marc CMinelly. au th o r of "'Phe Green P as tu re s" ami o ther plays, saiil la.'l uhHit he had-IK ee|>Ied an ol- fei lo o'»(ga.'-.-(oi'iate pniles.sor ' of playwrituiW a t Yale ulove.jsity lie ginninc nex t^an tim m

■"1 don't' know what iii.v tjualiti- ca ttons a s a l e ^ i c i may be. but whalovei* exjie iie iW I've had th a t imiy help the SludehlB* I will try lo put at. then dispf!ji»t ' th e pfkv w light and foinier pr^Jut er lijld repoiler*.


I ,


t% 'UilC"-l34M)

M A . N C H E S T E R E V E N I N ( 5 H E R A L D . M A . N C H E S T E R . C O N N . . T L E S P A Y , .M .w 1,3. l O l T P A G E S E V E N

Today’s Radio M u N h — i t i v 12$4I

Kaatara D elight Tima

4:00—W D R C - H l n t H u n t; New*. W O N 8 — W O N B —J u k e Box. W T H T —EMward O’Neill, w n c — B ac k s ta g e Wife.

4:13—W " n c —Stella Dallas.

4:$0— ' /W D R C —Otve and Take. " W O N S —Two-Ton Baker. W T H T — B e t te r ’s Bandstand. W T IC —Lorenzo Jones.

4 :45—W O N S A dventure ffarade. . w n c —Young Widder Brown.

$ :00—W DRC— House P a r ty ; New*. W O N S —Hop H artigan .W T H T - T e r r y .

.W T lC —When A Girl M arries $ : I5 —

W O N S —S upeniisn .W-THT— Sky King.

P or t ia F aces Uf*.$ :$ * —

W D RC—Old Record Shop.' W ONS— C apta in Midnight.

W T H T —Ja c k A rm strong. W T IC —J u s t Plain Bill.

$:45—W O N S —Tom Mix.\$ T H T —Tennessee Jed,W T IC —F ro n t P ag e Farre ll .

E vening

N ews on all s ta tions.

W T H T —S p o rts w ith Mitch B e t­te rs ; C andle light and Silver.

« : l » —W D R C - -F ron tie rs of Science. W O N S—L et 's Go to th e Games;

Musical Roundup, w n c — Bob Steele; U. 8, W eath-

a r Bureau.« :$ • —

W D RC— Red Barber.W O N S —A nsw er Man.W T H T — Music.w n c —Emile Cote Glee O u b .

•:4ft—W D RC— R obert T rout, New*. W O N S — E asy Aces.W n C —Lowell Thoms*.

Y:0ft—W D RC —M ystery of the Week. W O N S —F ulton Lewi*. .Ir. ■ w n c —S upper Club.

7 :1 8 -^W D RC— J a c k S m ith Show. W O N S— Tello-Test.W T H T —E lm e r Dsxis. w n c —N ews of th e World.

7:8ft—W D R C —Am erican Mclodv Hour. W O N S —A rth u r Hale.

W T H T ’ l u s l c w ith U n s King. \ v n p ^ Hollywood T h ea te r

7 :4 lfONS—Tnalde of Sport*.

\Y p R C —Big Town.WONS— Crim e Cases of W arden

Lawes.W T H T —Lum and Abner. W T IC —fttllton Berle Shoxv.

8;lft—W O N S - Special Inveat iga tor.

9:30—W D R C —Mel Blanc Show; New*. W O N S —Adx'entures of th e F a l ­

con.W T H T - H ar tfo rd Chiefs v*. Wil-

liamsport.I W T IC A D ate w ith Judy.I g;oo—

W D RC — Vox Pop.• W O N S —Gabriel H ea t te r .

tv n c — Amoa n Andy.9:18—

W ONS- - Real S tories from R*al U fe .

9:30—W D RC- Studio One WONS— A m erican F orum of the

Air.I w n C —Fib b er McGee and Mollv.I 10:00—

W T IC —Bob Hops.i 10:18—I W O N S— Vic Danione Show.

IO;SO—jWDRC—Open H earing.W O N S —'Let’a T a lk about A uto­

mobiles.W T H T Hoosler Hop.W T IC —Rod Skelton.

; 10:45—W O N S —ilu s lc s l Roundup.

' W T H T — E arl Godwin.,11:00—I N ews on all s ta tions.! 11:15—I W D RC — News; Joseph C: ' H arsch ; Footnote*.

W O N S —Connecticut S ta te Leg- la la ture; George S te m e y ’a O r­chestra .

W n i T —Music ' tu klldnight.I w n c —H ark n ess of W ashing


W D RC—Columbia M aaterworks. W O N S —In te rn a t io n a l Quiz. W T IC —Polish O rchestra .

13:00—W O N S— Buddy Moreno 's Or-

{ ch es t rs .j . W T IC — News; Design for U s- ; tening.

IS IS O -WON S - G e o r g e Oowne's O r­

chestra .

Memorial Day Plaii8 Outlined

D r . R o h i ^ r t I* . k n a | i | >

N a i t i e i l M a r t s l i a l l 4 i f

I P a r a d t * 4 i t i A l a v . ' iOr . •The pe rm an en t Memorial Day

com m it tee completed plan* for the annua l Memorial Day exercises at a m eeting heki ls,st night In the Municipal building.

The com m ittee learned tliat th e re a re 527 g rav es of soMieis, :n M anchester, an in r iease of 20 liijr- Ing the' year. Tlie floral co m ­m ittee l»eail('(l by Wilbur I-oveluml w as authorlzeil to purcha.se .V27 geran ium ,' to be placed on the grave*.

Dr. Robert P. K n ap p w sa lianin l m arsha l of the parsiie sn d he tn tu rn nam ed E v e re t t Kennedy as his chief of s taff Both nu n rep ­resen t Dllworth-Cornell-Qiiey Post 102. A m erican lo-gion. and both a re v e te ran s of World W a r 1.

Menturial Serxlcea *Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, pas to r

of th e C en te r Congregational church, will deliver tho Memorial Da.v aiUlress a t th e C en te r P a rk and the Cummlttec a re rp ted the in ­vita tion of Rev. Leland H u n t to a t t e n d chiu-ch a t th e 2iiil C o n g re ­gational church Sunday morning. May 25. The m em beis will a s ­sem ble on N o r th s t ree t and vrill he ready to en te r th e church at 10:40 A sw tio n of th e cen te r of the church will be reserved On S un­day, ftlay 25 exercises for the dc- reased sa i lo rs xx'lll b f held a t Gout's pond on South Mam s tree t and th e re will also tie services held a t Soldiers’ Field in the Fa.»t cem ­e te ry on th e a f ternoon of the sam e day.

M emorial Da.v Pa radeF o u r b an d s will tak e p a r t In the

parad e to be held Memorial Day morning. The p a rad e will s t a r t a t th e A rm y and N av y Club. The bands which will t a k e p a r t a re the H igh School. Salvation A rmy, A m ­erican Legion, and th e M anches te r P ipe Band. Jo h n Jensen will again be in cha rg e of the school children, thia being his 43rd y ea r in th a t c a ­p ac i ty In the Memorial D ay parade.

The n ex t m eeting of the co m m it­tee will be held on Monday. May 20.

E x l f ’i i f l p f i F o r p 4 ’iij»i

Boston., May 13 j4*i Kxtended forecast for New Kngland foi the period Ma.v 14 to 17, mclnsive:

Tlu' tonipl’ia tu rp during tli8 next fdiii days Weilnesday IhroHgh SatiiiMay will average neai thi ' sea.sonal nurmal in n o r thern New Kngland and two to six d fg te e s above norm al in

I Boiithr- New Kngland. Slightly ' cooler w ea th e r on Wednesdav will . be followed by som ewhat w irn ie i

about Friday and roolei about S a ti i tday

Some no in ia ls foi the perl(Hl are a re follows: New Haven, and I’rovidem e. 58: Bo.'Uon. .57 N a n ­tucket . 52, Conrord, ' .54. Riirling ton, .‘>8. I’o it land , .53. K ast inu t 48.

' Greenville and Presque Isle, .50Ram am o u n ts will to ta l ovei

qne half inch occurr ing as sm l t i ' i - 0i1 shower.* on Wedne.*d.iy and as more general .showeis about S*t nrday.

D eaths L a st MightI

Radnor, Pa • T hom as Newhall.I 70, a fornier memlier of the liank- I ing firm of J. P. M organ On., and one-tim e head of the Philadelphia and W este rn railroad. He was iHun In Philadel|*liia.

New York .Richard Rowland.' 88, founder of the original Metro Film t 'o rp o ra t io n and unti l his r e ­cent re t i rem en t an executive meni- 1)1-1' Ilf the T w en tie th O enturv Fox s to ry d epartm en t .

W est Orange, N. J . H ow ard L. Kern. 61. general counsel of the r e n l r a l R a thoa t l ot New J e r te y

, and forn ie r a t tp in e y genera l of P u e r to Rico.

Los Angeles Rev. John Johnson. . 68, fo rn ier president of the Union I of Kvangrlical f l i i is tlans In the ' United S ta te s anil (’'anada, and I p a s to r of the Russian Kvaiigellral U Tiris tlan chuich .

P re c H M le i i lA d v iu e ( iiv u n

- 1

Television Now Expanded To Cover Wider Areas

E as te rn S ta n d a rd (F o r Daylight ad d one h o a r except ABC, t im es for which fit e i th e r Daylight o r S ta n d ­a r d ) .

N ew York, M ay IS—(,4*i--Expan­sion of television re lay .ac il i t ies inth e Chicago a re a to m ak e possible : s r y and Rabbi Is rae l Goldatein of w ider p ickup of eventa, p r i m a r i l y | New York sports , haa jua t been announced by

O im in g Up Ton igh t: ABC 8:16 F i r s t of aeries of t a lk s sponaored by E n te r t a in m e n t U nions co m m it­tee, AFL., sp e a k e r s to be Arcn- biahop R obert E. Lucey of S an An-

) tonlo, th e Rev. Dr. Reinhold Nle- , b u h r of Union Theological aemin

t h a t c i ty ’s s ta tion WBKB. The firs t link la to South Bend, Ind.. hom e of th e U nivers ity of N otre Dame.

, L a te r on It Is p laned to ex­tend th e relay sys tem ao th a t i t can reach th e U nivers ity of I lli­nois a t C ham paign-U rbana . 111., PUrdue U nivers ity a t L afayet te , Ind., and u l t im a te ly th e M otor Speedw ay a t Indianapolia.

'The South Bend circuit, which I also will include Michigan City, I Ind., is expected to be ready In | t im e for th e fall football sea.son. | C onstruction w ork is In the final s tages .

The relay will be on th e v e ry h igh frequencies, which will neces­s i ta te tw o towers', one a t New Carlisle. Ind., and th e o th e r a t Michigan City, to p ass th e s igna ls f ro m S ou th Bend to th e m ain

. t r a n s m i t t e r in N ew York. CBS, w hich h a s discontinued i t s live ta le n t atudio p ro g ra m s in favor of m ore oq t-of-the-ztudlo pickups, has added such I tem s aa ringside box­ing. p a rad es an d muoeuma. T hese a re b e ing Incorporated in to th e achedtjle of baseball and films from

- th e studio. \

RepuMleaaa Win l a Conteefa

Sherm an, May ,13—f/P)—Repub­licans carr ied all con tes ted ^ a l - tion* on the ballot In y es te rd ay ’s tow n election, sea t in g th e i r c a n ­d idates for first selectm an, second selectm an, assessor, taX collector and ag en t of th e deposit fund. All th ree proposed const itu tional am en d m en ts alao carried.

PIN-WORMSnow can be beaten!

The mieeriei of Pln-U’orm* h«vr knomn for (rnliirle*. and mfllion«

of Ttctima have eouirht a «a,v to m!th thIa pfet that Hvea »navd U»r human body.

It \n no lonfer necossary to fuflr? in pllence, bocauae a lueiilv cfTc(!‘\('

I treatment for tho upiy infortton has \ now been mado poesihlo. It 'e

iMtHod on a aporial tnodirnllN ifk-oK* nir.od druE prinriple. Thm ofT'ciBll> approved drug 4’|ement ia the vtal

I ingredh'iit In T W. Ihe meU*rall,\ Bound Ptn-Worm tahlett developed m> the laboratorlea of Dr. I>. Jayne A

’ Son.Th« amall, eaii>-to-take |••W•^•h^e^9

act In a ipci'ia* way to remote P’n ; Worma. So watch the aarninK atgna ' that may m«an PiiuWorma in your ‘ child OP >ouraeif—♦apocially tho ag- I gra%a,tfng rectal iteh. And d-*n t delav I Atk your drugglat for JAVNL’b P*W

and follom the direitlona.P-W meana Phi*\Vorm .rrl'ef!




At Connecticut G ene ia l Life Insu rance Company, H a r t ­ford, in research , typing, tiling, s ta tis t ica l , s te n o g ra ­phic. secre ta r ia l , and o th e r work, A t l :a c t lv c salarica. Five (lay week. V acations with pay. .Salary con tinu ­ance d ur ing dlaablllty. Hos­pital expehae lieneflts. F ree life Insuiiince. Social and rei 'ieiitlonnl facili ties. P leas­ant, congenial sni-mtindiiigs. T ra in in g provided with p ry , Op|>orlimitle.* for advance- ment. If yon are Interested, come in and ta lk w ith Mrs. It lrlch, from the Company, who will be a t th e CSES office. 73 Maple S tree t . Man- cheste i . on Wednesdav. Mav 14. from 9 A. M. to 4:00 P. M.


“ W e M o v e T h e E a r l h ” R O U G H A N D F I N I S H

Grading < CellorsLand Clearing Londscaping R. D. Valentine

E x c a v a t i n g C o n t r a c t o r

35.3 H i l l i a r d S t r e e t T e l . M a n c h e s t e r 2 -1 1 4 1

Whut is it thml costs MORE mt first...

L E S SimtholongruH...

Costs NOTHING for upkttp?

A TfMWsr k«|.*rai*rk a a a *

Boiler or ^ S l o r * t«P Ttak. It

c • • I * tliabdr ssote to bar; OS) siora MiattBI. Tbea too cm b«-SOMth it ra four srsiidcbU.

r*a, for in (h*ir d*r i( will •iHI b« fiviaaeroable-aroef, coM-fre*' •errict. BoC it SSiui ^ aaslIoTed r o ro m orory copper, a// cop* p e r . T K A G E 8 E Rr a n g * b o i l e r s a n d s t o r a g e t a n k s■eet ib^ tpeciicsiioa

IAHKS ^ IR A O Is il l

Manchester Plumbing & Supply C4>.

*877 M a i n S t . T e l . 4 4 2 3

? t H o V) Ja v a i l s

Kill ytaii heating eytieoi Ofxrsl* elficientlf next winter?

New I* the lime lo replace Ihtt worn out burner with a oew Master _Kraft oil burner. It will give you m en heal at lower ooM.We Ant e Mete 6urnm to \lock SOW. Plan to elimjnsle your tMaliaa prohlem*~iii*tall s new Msttrr KriO Oil Burner imaM(baldyl'

I.njo) Inr \niit4rlf the hiahe*l quslity oil heating eipiipmeat ever built -MAStER KRAFT OIL HEAT.


T E L E P H O N E 6884 \

3 0 7 > f « u i J F . V rto fh o m o 4 4 i 7

RA D IO S A L E S t S E R V I C EOne Quarter Mile North o f the Center

W n r C O X - G A Y


b i O

Recordio Disrs and Recordiopoint Needles


T o m e R Tat s o*etock

RED M EN'S S p o rt C en ter


2 ) GAMESN o S t a i r s T o C l i m b W h e n Y u u P l a y B i n g o H e r e !


. M r s . M r C t H i a i i j i l i Y K r -

c a l l s ' W ' l i f i i ( i o v e r n o r

K i i o v 4 '4>ll»*j:t’ l* l ’( ^ ^ i i l r n t

M aitfoid. May i:i r \ \ V l u n in a quiimlaiv, " ju . ' t to.*ji\.y,i'u head and *rl a precedent. " H d \ ' r . ‘* Ml*. Janie* I, MeCunaiighv, of (5)nnei'ti('iil'a governor

Speaking on a ntnlewlde i , i d i ' i \ lll()adla^t last night a* a uli.*ll- t i ite for her hii 'tuind wlio via.* in tllinol* for the m aug n ia t io i i of I 'r . Lvndon O Brown a* p ieaident ol Knox ( Olirgo, Mrs ,Mt ('oiuiugliv reesllod tile d.i.va when ( ’i inn ed l- iiit * ( hief exei iilive w as p iesidenl (xf Knox.

Mrs. M cConsughy t cnu'nihei'(«d - receiving a te lephone Invita tion t'> a p a r ty -'when we lirat got there" and explained t h a t the h o s t e ' S at the tim e "wa* a litt le vague about the kind ol p ar ty it waa going tu hr.

• So I adkeU h t r ' Mr-i. McCon-

* * * * ’ ' * •

e a t» » » ^ ■

ghy i-onlinuod. "w hat to wear ' luive r.ever foi-ffolten Jier answer.

“^-iNever ask th a t . ' she 'iHd. 'When ou doll I know wjuit to d >, just

to.', ydiir lieiul and set a pi C( e- (li'iil

" I 'u.il ' r en t a d v i c r . ' llu- w i l e - f ('o:,i:i- t ii-ul ' g o v e t n o i to ld liet li'li-iU'i,-< " a n d 1 l iav e t r i e d t o c a i - i> It ou t T ile n e x t t u n e t h a t von g. t iiili> :i u - e 'e . an i l d o n ’t aee .voiii - '•1' o u t , le iU einlie i tt . In s t l o " VOIII h e a d a n d •*el a p i e r e d e n t '

The (uoii-.s* lit l u a k i n g ' I r e l t a i > wa.H i n v e n te d hv a n K i ig l l sh tn a i i . ' Ill-Ill V He.sseii i i 'i , a n d pel f e l t e d b y ! .\ 1.. I lo l lev . all A m e r i r a n '



CH U RCH OF TH E N A ZA R EN E4BA Main Ntn^ 't

K .\(TI M O IIT AT 7:30 (E x cep t .Haturday)' n r . \ . AI.FIIF.D B. CAREY, P reach e r an d Bible Expoaitcir,

Beacon, N. V.I 'K A N k C. N5IITH, In ( b a rg e of 5lii*le, South P ort land , Vtalne

5lrK*agr* T h a t Are Doctrinal — Song* T h a t In sp lr r !


A New Motor forYour Chevrolet

We have ju«t received factory new motors for 1937 to 1942 Chevrolet Cars and Trucks. Replace your worn out motor with a brand new one and enjoy your summer trips. ■v

SIC. u s r*i OilO I L B U R N C R

Home owncri who operate oil burner* sml healing iben w h o in«iall them prefer Ferro lor relisbl* low -xort homr-hesiing.


R w ige *nd Fuel (Ml W holesale Oasollne and Motor Oil* S4t BROAD NT. PlIONF. 2-12.57

Carter Chevrolet Co.» Inc.311 M A I N S T R E E T T E L E P H O N E 6 8 7 4

A Non-operating railroad unions are demanding still another raise of

568.000,000 00a year


You would foot the bill ILook out! 'I'licrc’s another big rail- rOfid wage demand headed your way!

'rhe non-Of)eriiting uninnu alone —whoee memheni do not aclually operate troliw—are demanding a flat increaae of 20 cenU an liour. Thene (femanda would coat the rail- roadn of the country five hundr^ sixty-eight million dollars a year!

l a a t y e a r t ^ e a c e m p lo y en h »d a n inrrcRHe o f 18 'a r e n t s an h o ijr . T h in w a s th e i r th i rd n u j o r w ag e in c rc a k e a in ce 19.39. T h e i r a v e r a g e w eek ly pay h an g o n e up 75% , a a ag a if ia t a co n t-o f- l iv in g

' l ine o f 54% .

Since 19.^9, ra ilroad wage and iipiterinl coblH Itave gone Uf) more than three timep an much as freigiit rates, and five timoH aa much as pasaenger fares. That is why in

1946, with the largest peacetime traffic in history, tiic net income of railroads went down to the equiva­lent of only 2*4' o of the net prop­erty investment.

HTiaf About 1947?

Even with the recent freight rate increase, preliminary figures indi­cate that the railroacU will make only almut the aumc low return in 1947 as in 1946.'lliis will be because: — the wage increase made in 1946

will be in cfiect for all of 1947;

—special payroll taxes on railroads have recently been increiuied;

—and pasaengcr traffic has declined.A

W h e r e I F o u f d th e .M on ey C o m e F w m ?

W e c a n ’t p ay o u t w h a t w e d o n ’t t a k e in . A nd we a r e n o t U k in g in e n o u g h n o w to m e e t p r e a e n l cos ta a n d to c o m p le te th e im p ro v e m e n ts in Herv- ice t h a t y o u n e e d a n d th a t w e w a n t to g ive you .

■**•l o i i W o u ld F tto i th e B i l l !


e a s t e r n R A I L R O ^ S ^'~ROOM t u • U t U B R R TY S T R U T ; .1. v V O a k , NBV tO R K

W* a r . pu b liah in t th is and o th . r *dv.rt ia*in«t.t . to ta lk writh y o a a t hr«t hand a b o u t n is t t s rs which ar* u n p o r tx n t to *vfryb<xl3r.

Page 5: Evening... · •S I- < M FACis FO U RTtElf. ''v * ' iflaurlirfitpr Euruiug .H|pralJi / MONDAY, MAY 18, W4T. About Town Hi* Olrl Scout L*«der» frill hold their monthly meeting Wednee-

' /

1 ^ .


N ,

V acan cies A re F ille d ! Paper SalvageO n H o sp ita l B o a rd s I-"'" !

/ ---------------------- ---------- — (.ollrrlion^ for April'SCorporatorfi Increased to\

36 and Truslees Are Added at Annual Meet­ing Held Last NightTh* annual tnMtinf; of the cor­

poration of the M anche^cr Me- oional hoapltal wa» held a t the j hoopiUl la*t evening. Aa provided tn the by-lawf the ntimber of cor- ' poratora was Increaaed to 36. The original corporator* now li\ing

,a re R. L. Ruaaell. Mr*. Sarah ^Qieney, F rank Cheney. Jr.. Frank D. Cheney, Howard Taylor. Dr. D C. T. Moore, Chnatopher Gl^nney,

Ju d g e WlUlam S Hyde Mr*. Ag^..nea Finnegan Cleveland, of Bridge- j nport, Thomaa J. Qul*h, F. A. Ver- i tp lanck and F. J. Bendall. Seven-!

. Itean of U u preaent board of tn > t- ,|taM « 'b o w erc not corporator* were 1 foam ed a* oorporatora. They In-1

dude Charlea Burr, Thomaa Bent­ley, PhlUp Cheney. HoweU Cheney,Mlaa M ary Chapman. Mr*. M anic

m CroiftXl, Thomaa Ferguson.RayiBood Goalee, Judge Willlnm J . Bhaa, C. Eimore W atkins. Mrs. eSaranca Wickham. Elmer Weden.W. j . . Thornton, Rev. WilliamCunn, Jay Rand, Sidney Ellis and I ^Mm. W. R. Tinker.

In addltftm to the above aeven , p j v | . |{||i|ditics OH Silver aw corporators were elected aa .

0aDowa: Henry R. Mallory, Mlaa i o n l a Wind. Carl Hultine, Mra.

\pril.iiiio iin le d to .>.*1 I*. L.Of Normal; FigurespHin r .-Hiviifte fo r A pri l v b .s

p e r cent of iimniHl. A to ta l fif 47.- |Xitind* wi re i-ollepteil.

T h e e o l l e i l io r i s a n d i ie reen tn ije* by.fieetiot)- w e re n.s (idlotvs: .N'orlh- went. 'I'l p«r re n t , Ih.Od.'i pound*:. N o r t h e a . s t , . ' i 6 p e r r e n t , U l . i H O | H ) U n d * ; S o t i t h e H S l , i B p e r c e n t ,1 0 , 6 . 3 0 p o i i n d . s ; S o i i l h w c s l T>2 p e i

c e n t . S . . T I 0 p o u n d * .As thi* w o r th w inie . se rv n e to r

thi- h o sp i ta l c o n t in u e s m o re iv'<l I c h i ld ren , t 'h a r l e * . J r and m o re people h a v e com e to rculi7,e ' W e s t H a r t fo r d , t h a t in a d d i t io n to a so u rc e of | ^ d a u g h t e r w a* borr. to .Mr.

( r e v e n u e f o r o u r h o s p i t a l i t m e a n s ^ ^ r 8 . . H o l o m o n S l n d e r o f P i n e

Squier en tertained S atu rday night for Philip H. tsham who noted hla b irthday on th a t date.

, M r » . E r n e s t U y m a n , w i t h h e r d a u g h t e r , M r s . C h a u n e V y M S q u l r r , h e r g r a n d d a u g h t e r . M l s a D o r o t h y . S q t i l e r . a n d a f r i e n d M i s s ' • h a r l o l t e ( . T a r k e , w a * a M o t h e r ' s ( l a y d i n n e r g u e s t a t t h e h o m e o f h e r s o n H a r o l d H y m a n . , i n M e r i ­d e n .

M r . a n d . M r * J o h n J B , W i l e y h a d n s t h e i r w e e k - e n d K i i e n t s . t h e i r s o n a n d - d a u g h t e r - i n - l a w . . M r . a n d . M i t * . A r n o l d B W i l e y a n d s m a l l d a u g h t e r o f . N ’ a t i c k . . M a s s , a n d a n o t h e r s o n a n d d a u g h l e t - i n l a w . . M r . a n d . M r s . W i l l i a m A W i l e y a n d i n f a n t s o n W i l l i a m . J r o f W e s t H a r t f o r d .

• M r s . . N e l l i e S . T u t t l e h a d a * h e r g u e s t s o n S u n d a y , h e i s o n a n d d a u g h t e r - i n - l a w , . M r . a n d . M r . s . C h a r l e s H . T u t t l e a n d t h e i r t w o

a n a s s u i e d w a v o f d i j i p o s i n g o f w a s t e p a p e r w i t h c o n s l . v l e n i ( d e l e u p o n s c h e d u l e d d a y s .

C . E l m o r e W a t k i n s K e - K l e v l e d I ' l e s l i l e n t

Fu rm B la z eDraws Maiiv

Robert RuaMlI. Mrs. Cain Ma- bonay, Charlea 8. House and Mias a«im c Sampson. Five of the members of tbe preaent board of tyuetMe. whose term s expired last evealng were reelected for a-te rm at aU years. They were Mr*. May- tla d m Crowell. Mrs. Clarence IWIekbam, Jay Rand, Mrs. W. R. T laker and Judge W. 8. Hyde.

^Tlw oorporatora also sleeted three taqw members to the board of Itfu staes a s follows: Henry R 'M allory, Mlaa Jsnnie Wind snd Mrs. ca in Mahoney.

Immediately following the meet- tSg of the corporators the board of trustee* m st for the purpose of Meeting oSicera fo r the coming year, ^ e officer* are:

R esiden t, C. Elmore W atkins; Tice president, Mrs. A nita T inker; aaeretary. F. A. Verplanck; trea ­surer,' M anchester T rust Co.; comptroller. Mis* Eva Johnson; a u p s ^ te n d sn t. William P. Slovcr. Tha prealdent will name the v ar­ious hospital committees at the next meeting of the board.

To R ecche Belated Olft

Taspma, W ash.—iJPt— Mrs. S arah Check, Orlando, Fla., is going to recslTS a belated M other's day g if t—a golf ball. H er son. Chief W arran t Officer -N. R. Cheek of F o rt Lewia, mailed it yesterday as a late g ift a f te r shooting a hole- in-sne on Brookdalc'a 223-yard ninth hole on M other’s day. The ace w as the Brst ever made there.

l.Rnp of ForliPH.Slropl Kuril

. M a n y M a n c h e s t e r r e s i d c n t r d r i v ­i n g t h r o u g h S l i v e r I . a n e i n E a s t H a r t f o r d y e s t e r d a y a f t e r n o o n w i t ­n e s s e d a s p e c t a c u l a r f i r e o n t h e n o r t h s i d e o f S t i v e r l a n e w e s t o f F o r b e s a t r e e t . H u n d . - e d * w e r e a t ­t r a c t e d t o t h e s c e n e o l t h e b l a / . e . T h e A r c d e s t r o y e d f i v e f a r m b u i l d ­i n g s s n d bsdiy d a m a g e d a d w e l l i n g l ( K a t e d a t 7 f H ) S i l v e r l a . i e . A t o n e t i m e t h e f i r e w a s f a n n e d b y n h e a v y w i n d a n d r m b e r s I g n i t e d s e v e r a l n c l g h b n r l n g p r o p c r t l e . * a n d s p r e a d a c r o s s t h e h e l d * I n t o t h e w ' o o d ^ . T i l - l . r e s t a r t e d s h o i t l y a f t e r 2 o ' c l o c k a n d s o o n g a i n e d h e a d w a y , a m ' a c a l l w a s p u t I n ( o r t h e E a s t H a r t f o i d E i r e U r p a r t - i n e n t . T h e r e w a s b u t o n e a v a l l i t b l e h y d r a n t I n t h e v I e i f U l y a n d I h i d l s t a i i C c r e q u i r e d t h e l a y i n g o f a t a r g e a m o u n t o f h o s e . T h e i t r e m e n

M r s . I . » i u r a . - I q u i e r . l o c a l l a x c o l ­l e c t o r . r d p o r t * t h a t b e f r . r c . M a y f i r s t a f t e r w h i c h i n t e r e . s t m u s t b e n d i l e d 86 . l t [ > e r c e n t o f C o l u m b i a ' s t a x e * w e r e p a i d I n v i e w o f t h e f a c t t h a t t h i s y e a r , f o r t h e f i r s t

' t u n e i n m a n y y e a r . s . ^ h e l a x r a t e h e r e w a s r o n s i d e i a b l y h i g h e r l a s i x m i l l i n r r e a a c w a s v o t e d a t I h o M a r c h t o w n m e e t i n g i . M r s . K i p i l c r f e e l s t h a t t h i s l a a v e r y g o o d s h o w ­i n g a n d s h e e x p r e s s e d h e r p l e a s u r e H i g i v i n g t h e r e p o r t .

T h e t o t a l a m o u n t t o h e p a i d w a s 5 2 5 t . 2 r j . . ’ ' > S t h i s y e a r , a s ( o m p a r e d t o $ 1 1 1 1 . 5 7 . 2 8 o f l a s t y < . i r , O l t h a t f i r s t f i g u r e . S ' J . ' i l u l . ' J l i s l u n v I n t h e h a n d s o f . M r s . A l n r g a r e t W i s i d - w a r d . t o w n t r e . - i a u r e r , l e a v i n g o n l y $ 3 . 8 1 1 3 7 . p e r s o n s e l i g i b l e 1

s t r e e t , . S a t u r d a y , a t W i n d h a mC o n i i u U m t y . M e m o r i a l h o s p i t a l .I h e b a l i y i s t h e i r s e c o n d d . i i r g h t r r

' a n d f o u r t h c h i l d .

W a l l a c e U rjiC H

( i o a l A i i l l i o r i l v

(io iillnued (ro'm Page Obe)

Balane* Bbeiet.Vlanchester .Memorial Hospital

.\s of llecem ber 31. 1946

O perating Fund .\sse ta

■ • 'u r r e n t As.sets:t ' a s h oii 'deiKisit. . \ f a n c h e s lc r T rust Co.. M a n c h e s t e r .W opk ing fu n d s ................................................ ; . . .. .......................L 'n il"d S t a l e s D e fen se SnV. B o n d s .........................................A eco i in ts r e c c lv ih l e p a t i e n t s net u C r r s e r v e Cor' ■

douh tf i i l a c c o u n ts ................. ............ : ................................Notes r » r e i \ a h | e (nken for p a t i e n t s

a c c o u n ts d e fa u l te d ................................................. .. . . .. J l h e r I'eri Iv ib le . ' ......................... ...................................... .In v e n to r ie s of .iup|ilie., . ........................... ..............................

T o ta l C i i r r m t A s se ts ............ ...............................................D e fe r re d t 'h a r g e s :

P re p a o l in .surance prei. iium.s . ...............................

T o ta l .V.s.'tl* O p ' i a t i n g F u n d .......... .Ueserre*, .and l.hihlllfle*

c u rren t IJablUtles. IccounL- p a y a b le ....................................................... ..............*11advance 's f ro m S u b s e r ln - F u n d A c r n ie d I ' l i l l t v Expen.s.-

T o ta l CuiTeiit Hl. ih lh t ies . .R e se rv e s fo r .Sundry E x p e n s e s 'Jper .a t ing F u n d f-i irplus .................

H o sp ita l L o st $ 6 ,2 2 2 In 1 9 4 6 , R e p o rt Shows'

.$ .'■1,7 17.'18 377 71 117.;x)

. . 37,’167.7:1


. . 13.7.->4.0V

. .$82.1.31 8.3

' . 2..346.'J«

.$84.‘198 8.1

C h i ld h D e a d F ro m

Finanri:il Stutniinit I— sueil by TriiKlccta Imli-

u r i e s r»*l«*f4 .\s* g rt* V rv t t v ' r rMillion and a OiiarlrrT h e t r u s t e e s o f t h e . M a n l i e , t . ' r

M e m o r i a l h o s p i t a l h u : e r e l e a s e d t h e t i g u r c a o n t h e i m l a n - e . * h c e t s n d s t n t c m e r . t o f i n e o i n e a n d e x ­p e n s e s f o r t h e c a l e n d a r y e a r 1 9 1 6 . -

4 . 9 3 . 1 . 8 9 6 0 0

8 7 1 . 9 3

Total K e s e t v e -O p e r a t i n g

l a a b i l ' t b - s F u n d . .

a n d S u r p l u s

d i t F u n d A s s e t s

K'Xcd P r o p e r t y .H a n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H o s p i t a l B i i l l ' i . : i g 4 L e . s s : r e s e r v e f o r d o tg r e a t . W a l l a r e s a i d , " t h a t n e i t h e r

t h e o l . d u i a e y o l t h e o p < r a t o r s n o r t h e .*111011001 w i l l , o f J p ( i n L . L e w i s n o s i a t a l E r p i m f n e n t

r c c l a t i o n

s l i o i i l d b e a l l o w e d t o ^ B , i i * e t h e I n - f i n i t i i d f - o f s u f f e r i n g a n y p a r a l y s i s w h i c h w o u l d r e s u l t f r o m a c o a l s t r i k e '

" L a b o r IS e n t i t l e d . " h e a d i l e t l t o t h e " e ( p d v a l e i i t o f w h a t t h e c o i p o - r a t e f o r m o f o r g a n l r n t l o n g i v e s

d t i s l r y . . • yW a l l a c e s a i d " w e e a n n o t a f i i v c

o u r d o m e s t i c e c o n o m i c p r o b l e n i s b y p u n i s h i n g o u r f r e e l a l m r n i o v e m e n t

‘ S h o u l d 11 b e

Les* ' re scry r- fo r d e p r e c ia t io n ........................

A n n e x E q u i p m e n t a n d A l t e r a t i o n s . . . , . . . . . . . . . .L ess R e s e r v e fo r le p re r in t lo n .and

. 'a n io r t i / . a t io n ................... ...........................y

T ota l A**et.s P la n t F u n d ..................................K e s e r a e * c i n d I . l u h l l l t l e s

i ’lan t F u n d .Surp 'bsN e t re co rd e d In v es tn u n t In fixed p r o p e r ty

. $ . 3 0 0 , 7 8 0 . 3 31 4 7 , 2 8 0 . 6 3

1 3 0 . 9 . 3 7 . 2 8 . 1 0 2 , 4 4 2 4 9

1 6 . 1 8 9 2 9

2 . 2 8 0 . 0 1

T o t a l . S u r p l u . -) . i . n i r .i , . .u'.i p e r so n s e iiginie k , . ........................ V .. .,p a y a n d 4 6 8 h a v e d o n e s o , l e a v i n g “ O d a s k e d h i s l l s t e i i e i ^ h r1 ( i l l \ t ' I l A V A r i i * f l i p h * * - ’ J o D H n l l M i n n Ii r i K \a \o M r n S t i u i o r , s t a l r < I t h a t 1 s J ^ I x T n e s f t o f t h e • f c : n U o \ v i n e i U h i d ! S p e c i a l F u n U I n v o s t m c n t . * ^ : u i d C a s hl a s t y e a r a t t h e s a m e d a t e , H i e t a x : f o a l o p e r a t o r * ^ f i d J o h n L . I - e w l a B u i l d i n g F u n d I n y e s t m e n l * a n d C a s h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

P l a n t F u n d E u f l u w n i e n t i n d S p e c l a ' K u m l s

w a s . 8 7 7 p * i d b u t t h a t w i t h t h e I n - : " " e x c u s e t d c r i p p l e t h e b a r g a i n - r o H l o f h v i n j f a n d c « » n « U l - p o w e r of a i l •

e r l n g t h e h i g h t a x r a t e I t s e e m e d i " T h e s e p e o p l e , W a l l a c e c o i i l i n - t o t i e r t h a t H u s w a s a n o u t s t a n d i n g u e d '- ‘ h a v e b e e n n i i i a a n c e s l o n g r e i o r i l t h i s y e a r . e m o r g l i I n o u r n a t i o n a l e c o n o m y .

T h e i s l u r e W e b b o f . S t a f f o r d , P T A I V a l b u e a l s o f o l d H i e m e e t i n g . d l F t r l e l p r e s i d e n t w i l l I n s t a l l H m ; ' s i > o n s o r e d b y t h e D e m o c r a t l c - t a r - n e w l y H e e l e d o f f l e e s a o f H i e I p C a l 1 - A b o r p a r t y o f M i n n e s o t a a n da K s o e l a t i o n a t l l a m e e t i n g l i r - V e o - : ■' ' ’ e w R e p u b l i c , t h a t I f t h em a n s H a l l t o n i g h t a t e i g h t < > ' c l o c k ^ T r u m a n l a . l l c y i s a p p l i e d I n F r a n c e , t i u n n e r P e t i r . s o n . d ' o l l a m L ' o u n t y I t a l y a n d T . i i g l a n i l , a s w e l l a s i n

■ S u b s c r i p t i o n F u n d I n v e s t m e n t s a n d C a s h

T o t a l A s s e t s E n d o w m e n t a n d S p e c i a l F u n d s . . .

T o l n l . M l A s s e t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R i s e r v e f o r E n d o w m e n t a n d S p e e l . a l F u n d s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R e s e r v e f o r B u i l d i n g F u n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R e s e r v e f o r S u b s e r i n t i o n F u n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

T o t . a l R e . s e r v e f o r K i v l o w n i r n t a n d S p e c i a l F u n d s

L i t t l e B o y F e l lP r o m ( j i l ) I * a ! 4i 4e ! s i n i l u r t f u r d H o ^ p i t u l ^

J e r r y , ' C o l t c y . S r - j y e a r o l d nouo l . M r . / 8 n d . M r s . H a i r y h . C o l l e y o l , r e v i e w i n g t h e b a l a i K c s h e e t l y 6 9 3 C e i i l e r s t r e e t , w h o l e l l f r o m a * > c n o t i c e d t h a t I t i s d l v l d t ; f l

, i n o v i r i g t a x i c a b o p c T a i e d b y t h e s c c N o n s . _ /. O t v C a b C o m p a n y o n M i d d l e T u i n - w e t h . n e n p s i s t s o f t h e

p i k e W e * i e a r l y y c s l c r d a v a l t e r - f ' V ' ? " ' . h o s p i t a l , t h e n o o n d i e d a t t h e H a r U o r d ' h o s p i t a l * » ' *a t I o ' e l o t . k t h i * m o i n i n g . H e d i e d ; . ^H . < a r e s u l t o l a . s e v e r e c o n e i s . s . o n s l i o w l n i - u n d e r t h e

$ 3 .3.342 90 A t i . i n t e r n a h e i i i o i r h a g e s s u s t a i n e d t > u ' . | a n d a n d h . ’ « ( ^ i 1 a l b u i l d -4 2 5 8 7 , , m g s . I n c l u d i n g t h c - l r e q u i p m e n t ,

4 8 , 3 3 0 06 . T \ e b o y w a . o n I n s w a y h o m e - r h f t o t a l o f t h e P l a n t F i n d i s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ » l O i v a t e s c h o o l o n M i d d l e , 405904.07 a n d r e p r e s e n t s m o n e v

T u r n p i k e w h e n t h e a c c i d e n t h a p - c o n t r i b u t e d t o / t h e h o s p i t a l w i t h p e n e d . A c c o r d i n g t o t h e d r i v e r l i e • t o b u l l d ^ A n d c o u i p t h e h o s *f e l l f r o m t h e l e i t r e a r d o u r o l t h e , p i t n ) .c a l l , l - h e d r i v e r o t t h e t a x i t o o k ' T h e t h i r d **01100 o f t h e b a l a n c e t h e b o y a t o n c e t o t h e M a n c h e s t e r s h e e t c o p s i s t * o f t h e E n d o w m e n t M e m o i l a l h o s p i t a l w h e r e I t w a K | a n d . S p e c i a l F u n d s , a m o u n t i n g t o f o u n d t h a t h i * i n j u r i c * w e r e s u c h ; $ 3 1 3 , 2 9 7 . 0 1 . A c c o r d i n g t o t h e w i l l * t h a t a r r a n g e m e n t * w e r e a t o n c e l e a v i n g t h i s m o n e y t o t h e h o s p i t a l , m a d e t o h a v e h i m t r a n s f e r r e d b y 1 t h c / p r i n c i p a l c a n n o t b e s p e n t : o n l y a m b u l a n c e t o t h e H a r t f o i d h o a p l t a l t h e i n c o m e f r t . m t h e s e . I n v e s t m e n t * f o r a h e a d I n j u r y . c a n be u s e d f o r h o s p i t a l p u r p o s e * .

. W a s Un W a y To New. \o r k T h ' B u i l d i n g F u n d a c c o u n t 1 * i l l s f a t h e r , w t i o i s c o n n e c t e d w i t h • * * V *av-

t h e I n d e p e n d e n t c 3 o a k C o m p a n y . ' *1 3 . 9 0 9 2 8 " a * d r i v i n g t o . N e w Y o r k b y a u t o -

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I p i o l ^ ' i ’ l c ; t t e c o m p a n i e d b y S y d n e y. * 1 0 3 . 9 0 4 . 0 7 ' E l l i s o l t h e s a m e c o m p a n y , w h e n

■ t h e a c c i d e n t o c c u r e d . ' T h e S t a l e ,P o l i c e w e r e c o n t a c t e d a n d a s k e d t o

, $ 4 0 3 , 9 0 4 . 0 7 I t r y a n d l o c a t e . M r . C o f f e y‘“. 1 J . , " 11 a , s ' : d o w m e u t * a n d s p e c i a l f u n d s 1*. $ 1 0 . 3 . 9 0 1 0 7 I d e n t . 3 h i s t h e S t a t e P o l i c e d i d b y ; , ^ 4^ g 2 * » 5 g

r a d i o a n d w e r e s u c c e s s f u l I n l o c a l - ' - p ^ ' e t o t a l a s s e t s o f t h e h o s p i t a l. ? 3 1 3 2 9 . 0 1 I n g h i m i n G r e e n w i c h . H e i m n i e - a m o u n t t o $ 1 , 1 4 0 , 4 2 5 . 4 6 .

1 2 6 . 0 8 1 . 0 3 , d l a t e l y s t a l l e d b a c k f o r h o m e .

$ 8 1 , 3 9 8 . 8 3

$ 10,000 00

3 , 3 3 , . 3 0 0 . ) < )

2 8 , 4 9 1 . 7 9

I n g s a c c o u n t s o r s a t i n g s b o n d s a n d l a h e l d f o r t h e j a * f p o * c o f c o n ­s t r u c t i n g a n a d d i t i o n t o t h e h o s ­p i t a l a t t h e a p p r o p r i a t e t i m e . N o m o n e y f r o m t h i s a c c o u n t c a n be u s e d t o p a y r u n n i n g e x p e n s e s : i t c a n b e u s e d o n l y f o r c o n s t r u c t i o n p u r p o s e . * . T h e t o t a l o f s u c h e n -

1 0 , 4 4 4 . 5 0

$ 6 1 9 , 8 2 2 . 8 6

I'nab le To !8ave HimI n t h e m e a n t i m e t h e b o y r e ­

m a i n e d u n c o n s c i o u s a t t h e H a r t ­f o r d h o a p l t a l . a n d a l t h o u g h e v e r y e f f o r t w a s m a d e t o s a v e h i m h e d i e d e a r l y t h i s m o r n i n g .

T T i c y o u n g s t e r w a s o n e o f t w o

V M ( ' , \ * < T r e t a r y . w i l l s h o w p i c t u r . s t a k e n a t ('1 w i l l I n c l u d et a k e n a t ( ' H i n p \ V . ' ( « l * t * i c k w h i c h

e s h i i l s K i f H i e t ' . i l i i m b l aw e r e f u r t h e r h a n d i c a p p e d b y s o m e I b o y s t a k e n d u r i n g s k i i n g e x p e d l - o t t h e h o ^ b u r s t i n g g i v i n g t h e f i r e : t i o n s . P l a n x f . . r a d e n i a l r l l n ' e t o ^ ' * ! i J * * ' * ^ ” P P * * i ' 4 i t n l t y t o s p r e a d . • p e c o m l u p f c d l i u i u c i l l n t e l y . a r e t o

1 3 t e f t r e d e s t r o y e d a c f i i u b i n i i t i o n 1 b i . d r s r . i i s s e d , i i i u l I t I s h o p e d t h a t garage a n d t o o l s h e d a s t o r a g e I , r e n t s w i l l h e pi e w o l U. v o i c e ! w a r e h o u s e T o r p o t a t o e . s a n d » t h , . | r o p i n i o n s o n t h e p r o j e t .

L o c “ l m e m b e r s a r e r e m i n d e dt h » t t h e r e w i l l b e s m e e t i n g o f H i e l a n e . H i s l o s * I s e s t i m a t e d t o b e h e - I , v r » » . n u „ . .t w e e n $ r k » . 0 0 0 a n d $ 6 0 , ( S H ) w h h h ' ^ < o i i n t \ I T A a t R . l i o n

1* p a r t i a l l y c o i ^ e r c d b y l i i a u r a n c e ■" T h e f i r e a l s o b u l m e d a s h e d o w n e d b y A n g e l o P l e a l ^ o . o f 9 2 4 . * : i l v e r lane. A l s o l o s t i n t h e t i r e w n . s f a r m e q u i p m e n t a n d t o ^ a t o g e t h e r w i t h a ^ u t 2 5 t o n s o f n f r U l l i e r , a c o n -

c v e r y c o u n t r y b o r d e r i n g o n H n s s i n H i e r e s u l t w i l l h e d e i > r o . s . s i o i i . m i l v e r s a l e h a o . a , a n d f i n a l l y r e v o l u t i o n i n E u r o p e a n d t h e n w a r "

A m o n g S |H * ak c* i>

T o t a l A l l L n i h l h t i i s . P . e . s e r v i * a n d . S u r p l u s • I ' h e i m o ' . i i o o n l v f r o m t h e s e i n v e s t m e n t s i s e x p e n d a b l e f o r h o s

, > i l n l p u r p o s e s .C o n densed S ta te m e n t o f In eo m e m d E x p eh sea

_ C a le n d a r Y 'ear I9 IBl i p e r . ' l t ' n ^ E x p e i i . a e s f o r H o s p I t a T o n d A n n e x

. O p e r n t i n g I n c o m e f o r H o . s p i t a l a n d . A n n e x . . .

$ 1 , 1 4 0 . 4 2 . 5 4 6 e 3 1 . 3 . 2 9 7 0 1

3 2 6 . 9 8 1 0 , 310 , 444.50 ' c h i l d r e n o f H a r r y E . a n d M a r y E .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ( C o f f e y . T h e o t h e r c h i l d i s a s o n .$ 6 4 9 , 8 2 2 . 5 6 j S t e p h a n , a g e 5 .

■ - - - - - - ! T h e b o y ' 3 f u n e r a l w a . s h e l d t h i s$ 1 , 1 4 0 . 1 2 3 4 6 a f t e r n o o n w i t h R a b b i L e o n W i n d

o f f i c i a t i n g , a n d b u r i a l I s t t > t a k e p l a c e I n E l l i n g t o n .

A f t e r s h o w i n g a l l i n c o m e a n d e x p e n s e s , t h e l o s s I n r u n n i n g t h e h o s p i t a l f o r t h e v e a r 1 9 4 6 ' w a s $ 6 , 2 2 2 . 7 6 .

WANTED!Stenoffrapher fur General

Office Work, .\pptv;ABA T(M)I, AND

ENGINEERING CO..lO Grandview Street

$ 4 19 . 400 , 1,3 . 3 7 8 , | 4 0 . 7 6

Born During Ordk-ation

3*n Gabriel. Calif. <A’i

■ I d e r n h i c i | u n i . t l t y O f c l i a r c o n l a n d o t h e r f a r m e q i i l p i i i A n t .

W h i l e t h e E o . s t N a r l f o i d I ' i n ' d e p a r t n i c n l w a . s f i g h t i n g l l v l i r e

L e a v e ' t h e O n f f e d A i r e n i f lC o r p o r a H u i i f i r e d e p a n t i n r n i < a i v - e r e d I n a t t h e E a s t H a r t f o r d h e n d - q u a r t e r s a n d a n s w e r e d o n e r n i e r -

i t to the preaa to get there first.In. the m idst of dedlc*tor>* cere- rnomic* for the new .San Gabriel Valley hospital, the first patient 1w a s w h e e l e d I n . A n d w h i l e v i s i t o r s I . . . * . ' .t n t i l t d t h r o u i l t t h e c o r r i d o r s o n a n " a g e I n c r e a s e . \ i i i i o u i c e d i a g p ^ l o n . B a r b a r a J o B t u d e r w a s i ~ " ' 'kora. F a t h e r R o b e r t a t u d e r . w h o r o r r l n g t o n . M s y 1 , 3 , d ‘ , ^ I ' h eh a d l o U o f c o m p a n y d u r i n g h i s ! H a y d o n M a n u f a c t u r i n g c o l ^ i p a i i y p a c i n g . I s a r e p o r t e r f o r T l i e A l - | t o d a y a n n o u n c e d a n o i g M ^ c e i H * a "

C e n t e r t o m o r r o w . A t 1 . 3 0 t h e r e . \ l l l t i e a s c h o o l o f I n . a l n i r H o n a n d s u p p e r w i l l h e / . r r v i - d h 1 6 p 111. I n t h e e v e n i n g a n i n t e r e s t i n g p r o g n i n i h a s b e e n p l a n n e d f o r t h e h i i . s l n e s a m e e t i n g ,

TTiere Is to hr a m e e t in g o f ('o- l im ih la U e c r e n l lo n C o u iu i l al Y e o ­m a n s H all t o m o rr o w night s i e ig h t o'elii' k ■ .Ml nn n d iers are u r g e d to a t te n d H u s im p o r la n i m e e t in g

T b e m e e t in g o f Hie I 'o lu m b la V o in n ic e r F ir e lO p a r lm e n t *i hrd- nled to lie held a l Y e o m e n s Hall M e v 11, h a s been po.stpone.l and will he hi Id M a v 28 at 8 p m in

New l»ndon. .May 1.3 .T Ua'.ph K. Bo.ker of I’orl (.’lusler, .N S' . chairm an of the Yonn;; Re pulilleiin National federatioT. is listed with Gov. JuiiiC!; L .Mc-

1 Oonaughv and D. S. Senator Ray- . mond E Baldwin a.a speaker at

.'^aliirdav'.s annual loiiveiitlon ol (V iiineitnut 3’oung Repubii.ar. I lulls here, it wn.s aniiomiced to ­day

Becker a World war I'w o \oter- an who enlisted a.s s private si-.d hccame a captain, wa.s one of the founders of the New York .‘<tate Young Repuhln an i I n h s . .serving IIS it.s president two tern.*: and

E x c e s s i f O p e r a t u i g E x p < l i s e . s o v e rO p e r a t i n g I n c o m e . . . . . . .

I ' o r p o e a t e T n c o n i eS t a t e o f C o n n e i t i r i i t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( ' o n t r i h i i t t o n . s , . .K n d o w m i n t a n d S p » i i . a ' F u n d .

t o t a l . . .t . f s . s :R m l d m g F u n d E x p e n s e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

*41,'2.39 37

. $ .3 . 069.091 3 , 4 7 2 . 0 71 6 . 9 3 8 . . 3 4

$ 3 5 . 4 0 . 5 0 1

3 6 9 0 0


$ . 3 . 3 . 0 3 6 . 6 1

* 6 . 2 2 2 . 7 6N i l ( '> l|v ,ia te IncomeKxi I'sH of Expenses Ov, r Income ''alendiir

V.,ir 1 9 1 6 ...............................................................i The ,ibo \.’ tlgiiies wen- prcp.iieil trom the audit of Hadflrid. Roth-

wet), Soldi A- Codte.s. Ind, pendent Certified rnb lic Accountants. H art- •erd, '"onn 1

Power Roller D*tMl Our W ork Goaranteefi!

4%'e B|MsrtallM In HAKD-SLRI- Al K-ORIVES

Monthl.r Pa.rment*Free Kstimafe*

C « l lTHOM.\S D. COU.A

Tet. $1anrbester 2-ir;i9 Tel. H artfo rd 7-1319

H i e s a m e h a l l E M . i h o l n i . S t a n - . s e r v i n g o n t h e . N e w Y o r k U r p i i b l l -

ham bra Post-Advoegte.

Party Frock

h o u r w a g e I n c r e n s c ( n r - J n A i r h r a t e r i n p l o y e * o f i t * T o r r i i i g t o n s n d F o r r s t v l l l e i i l a n t s . W a g e . * o f

nrtrd, seeretary of the group, In n aking Hie luinoiinceniciit sla t. .1 that Hie delay is made to allow Hie ■ oioiidftee to eompli'te diiifllng T ineorp',| at Ion |>Mtiei-s whie), .-ou'd not he done l,v Wedne.s.lav- night

p i e c e - w o r k a n d s a l a r i e d e n i o ’. o y e h , w o n ) i l a p p e a r n e c e s . s a r v t , i h i i \ -w i l l b e a d j u a l e d . a i c o i x l i n g l y , t 1 i e a t m o u n c e m e n l s a i d . T h e i m - r c a s c . s o r e I n b e e f T c i t i V c . M o n d i i v

rm^• *t i m e I

c a n . S t a t e C e n t r a l c o n i m i U c e a n d t h e R e p n h l i c a n C o u n t y E x c e i i t i v c l o n i n i i l t e e o f W e . s t i h e . s t c i c o u n t y

He a lso w ,1 - a fo ' in d er anil o rgnn i ,-e r ■ .if th e Young Ke|>i»lili eaii I rd r r . i t lo r i of w lii, li lie n,e,\ i.- c l i H i n n a n

M a t h c ' . v A n a . s t s s i o - o f k h i s t l l a v y n , y o u n g G O F . p r e . e i d e n t . w i l l ( u i ' s i d e a t S a t i i r d a v ' . s c o n v e n ­t i o n d u r i n g w l l i e h o f T i c c r s f o i t h e c r - . - . n i i ' . g y o u r w i l l b e e l e c l e d

N e w s T i l l I Mi sCulled From

D i r l i t i i l i i IN>9il!5

A v a i l a b l e N o w( , p i W i r c A

L i i i | | i e N e K e< l8

P o l l m l N ^ r i | s a n----- y-' d I f

.llo o tln u e d trtmi I'nge Oiie.l / |>i------- - 'x/ Ol

luxe cohjcK.' a h d - .500 M a r in o s jo a : S s|vc( itU ' t t s ' h r e a c h e d th e (s ir t of I'luriw a n g t i io w i th o u t Inc ident -Tliev b e g u n b o a r d in g tw o t r a n s -

By Sim BurweMRuBlc* *JDd 'bow* heart

abgM 4 pocket* to deUffit * ml** o f tkra* to e i ^ t ! T h ig^ain ty scal­loped p arty dress liCcut on« easily

By Mfe. Anne CabotA b r i g h t , • u n i m c r y - l o o k m g , h e r -

r y - U m e a p r o n c a n b e h a i i d a o u u i l y m a d e o f b l u e , r e d o r g i e e n p o l k a - d o t t e d p e r c a l e g a i l y s p l a s h e d w i t h v i v i d r e d c o t t o n a p p U g u e d o h e ' r -

| * * U f f 5 w o . _ M 1 2 i s d e s l g n e d f o r I n e r a n d g r e e n l e a v e * . D * e e i t h e r

t h i s w o r k c o m | i | ( l n h r f o i i ' . i , l o | h - u i p a n y b y . t a w s o r t . i U i n g a n y o f t i l 1 s t .(1 H o n . h e s u n l

R o l i e r t M i l l - r o l l , - I ' l i s b t . - n i - l c 1 e » l p i a - s i d i b l t o f t h e n < - ' \ 1 - o i g a n - l e n d ' T r c n - . \ g e r . - , ( ' l u l ' , " a n o n - - l : i r i ' i M " i - o i i p w l i i i ' h I I I , - c l . - a l : : t ( ‘ o l i i m h i . s I h a p e l n n d < r l l i < - g u l l - : u u - r o f R e v I . l l ' - i ' - . i S i e d l l k o f \ \ I I l i i i i i i n l i , ' , O H i e r o t T n e i c h o s i n i n - ( h i d e J f i i n ( ' a n i l R o y a * v i e , ' | x r r , - - - 1, ' e n t D i l o r c s N e l . - o n , 1 1 c a . x ' i r i - i

a n d M .1 l e l i n e N e l . * o n , r c i r c l a r y ,P a t r i c i a S h i n e w i l l h e a d t h e s l . - K l o m n n t t e e a n , t - l o a n . 9 o i x u i - h l t h e n f r e . s h m e n i , ( > m m i l l e e T h e n e x t i c e e t i n g o f t h e g r o u p I s t o h e M a x ' 2 . 3 . I n t h e C h a i ' c l h a l l t , i w 111, h a l l h i g h s i - l i , o l y o u n g p e , , | i l r a n , I C r o m H i , , ' - e l i p t o t i l l - n e e o l '20 , a r c c o j > '

■ d i a l l v i n v i t e , I t o i i l l e n i l( ' ( ‘ l i m i b u i h a s o i d y f o - i r > 1 3 a | r n t . s

■ n H u s m i n U t n p p i ' i i , H C ' ‘ f l l \ V i n , l - l i i i m . ^ H i g l i s c h i y ; i C C l i i i r l o l l r C l a r k e , . ' ) a s h i u o r ^ o f h i l M i - x a i i ' h i

I I ’ l k a r . - U i , a l i v C n n i a n . a r e m i t h e I ’ l l | , i T c e n t l o d f , 111.1 J o h n P e k a i . x K i . a j u n f o i v < d ( 3 i c 1 . 9 t i i n i t . Y n H i o n v , . a

: s o | > h o m e l r e . a r e n a m e d o n H i e " B '

5 f y r t f e C o l l i n , , w h o l i v e . *T a l o n c I n h e r l i o i i n - a t t h e r o t a r y , i h a d a ( l i v x e c a l l . ' ' U i u l a v n i g h t

M i s s C ( ' I h n s w a * a t t e m p t i n g t o r a i s e a w i n d o w w h e n h e r h a n d . s l i p p e d a n d h e r l e f t i i r j i i w e n t

: t h r o u g h t h e w i n , l o w c u t t i n g i t s e - !, v e r e l y . S h e r a n t o t b e h o m e o f h e r

- i s t e r , M r . s K a \ n i o n , l L v m a n , w h o h v e s a h o l d a . q u a r l c r o f a m i l e a w a y . M r L y n u v n w m s h , i i i o a l o n e . a n d t o o k l i c r t , , t h e l i o n i e o f M r a . t u n i c S q u i e r , a i V u r e i r . w h o l i v e s j t c r m i n e di i c x t d i x T , w h o a d m i n i s t e r e d f i r s t | T l i e d e p a r t m e n t , e x p l a i n e d t h a t . ' l i d . T w o s t a t e t v d i c e m e n f r o m t h e i s u p p l i e s f r o m a b i g C Y l b a n c r o p . C o l , l i e s t i u - b a n i n k s . o n p n t r o l . ' I n o w r e a c h i n g a s e a s o n a l h a r v e s t

i i w h e r r u n n i n g a , r o s M H i e r o t a r y , ' I ' e a k . a r c I ' c i n g , i m p o r t e d t n l a r g e I . ' • t o p p e ' l i n t o i m e s t i g a t e i i i u l n i a h - ) < i u a n t i t i e s .

e d h e r t o W i n d h n n i l 3 o i n n u i n i t y i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — .M e m o r i a l h o s p i t a l , w h e r e s h e w a - s j E l e n i e n t a i H ' s c h o o l a t t e n d a n c e f n■ g i v e n a b l o o , l t r . m s f n s U m ■ a f t e r t h e I ’ n l t e d . S t a t e * r e a c h e d a p e a k

ticm ian*. m* Imling woouiii d,*-t m, s,'nt' n,a-d to dealh ny ■ ,\meiK-nn war (■liiiie- court for I oncentniHon e.amp niuriler.s ami hrutalitic.s. . . Duke am* Diiches.x of Wind.sor rrltirnlng lo Engliiiid -'n Qiie,-n Elizalielli. ..‘'tc.-l .xliorlilic force* Iii,m iIT (T 10,000 in aiitonui- Inl,- Industry. . .S terlll/ed ldiinkct« will make sleeping hCBlthn r . . . . T n irian nomination of Kriinels Kiddle ns .\inericnn repre.-.,'nt-ative on the UN Economic and .‘' 0, ial (ouncil still |>igcon-hole,l by Re- inilijican sonutors.

F |ienkcr Mnrtin .■ki,x> Hicrc oiighl to i»e a divorce between the I'ostm aster general and the Dem- ocratn National co m m ittee ...

hoe sought as clue in .slaying of Mr*, laoira Trclsta I. I'lftli victim in Is>s .\ngele* series of sex nuir- di IS .. Rumania otTiclally denies

lairls for Gifani and the Uiided reports Hiai whit,- flour has been .''talcs tn the xvlthdraw al of Leafh-,| g i\en to Un.*sia while Rumania ernecks from (3iina. 'wn.s reeeivinq grain from uR.

Ahold 3.50 M arines of the F ifth Senator \ niidenlx-rg aiipptirl.s w ho drove a 7,*-vHiielc convoy from , full $330,ooo,000 forcig)i vClief ap- l‘i-i|img to T ientsin yesterday were priqirmtion heeaiise “H'O G reik- h-ft VN.dlIng at the station by Hie ‘ rucUish .ipl pi-ogrnm eannot su>-- I'ail explosion. They had been I ceed if we let the people of Europe .-^ehcdiilcd tb b]oard trains from | go hungry ". .Senate ■ DcTnoefut.s Tientsin today to join the r e - | line up lei delay action on lax cut i tnnlnder of w anglno.

the F ifth at ‘ ’h!n-

S i i g a r S l a i i i p

V a l i d K a r l i e r

(to n lln iied from 1‘ ag r One!

a lte r the ir new alloeation Is dc-

u n t d I n i d g e l h a s I ' c c n s e t t l e d . . . R e p u b l l i n H . s n o t t o m a k e a n y i m - 1 m e d i n t c a t t e m p t t o e h a n g o r e o l p - ; r u c u l t r a d e p r o g r a m .

The United .''tales (5vll Service Comnii.asion announeed tod.i,v tha t employnient np|iortunilles for ,liet- dinns exist in St, E lirabeth tal Freedmen'.s Hofipitnl. Gallinger Hospit.al, and Glenn Dale Snnator- iiim, tn W ashington, and in U. S. Public Health .Servlee hospital.! I throiiglioid the country. The .sala- | Ties range from $2,644 to $1,902 a year

F u rthe r Ihformation and appltr.a- Hon form* may be nbtalneij from Hie Commission'.* Im-ai secretary. J. B. Wilson. Ineated at the post office

Proves Wonderful For Itching Skin!To promptly soothe itching, burning skin of Lezerha, Pimples, Athlete's Foot and Eimilar skin and scalp irri­tations due to external cause - apply 7.emo - a 1 )oc»or'a highly roedioatej. tnrisihU liquid backed hv 35 years' succesal Zemo alfo aids healing, Over 25,000,000 packsgsa cold. First

„trial convinoesi In 3 sizes. All drugstores.


■lad* prince** line* and haa a nar- belt in bACK th a t adjuat* fo


0, 0. T and 0 y ea n . Sla« yw da at SS or 39-lnch;

yaitla ruffling.

rad or while rlc-rac for trim Pink mu»lln will make a de

having a number of stitches taken in the arm Weak from loss ' ,if hlc«x(l, she wa.s luiwever. expceled to recover, hut will h'e in the lioa- pltal some time.

Latest Coliimbisr.s to return toI I I


of more Ilian e a r l v 1 9 3 0 ' s

23.000,000 m the j




added I 'h e ir homej from wintering J jp . ' l-*lorida, include Mr ami Mrs. Gc

___I., 1 .tor, l.lj-vi.nllx.n at-il T ii.l.ur Di,.th la pa tta rn , aand 23 cent*,

/ ' \ n aPUia. jrour nam*. addr***, *ic« daalriil. and tb* pa tte rn number U> Sw* B urnett,. Tlie M ancbeater Bvaninc Herald, I IM Av*. Amerl- f fa , New York 19. N. Y.

fy near—tk« new Summar U Pfi|l*a of atgd*. color,

lux* apron, too. In this ease make Llewellyn and l.iither Buell ,the chem ea of deep rose-pii-.k and | ' 'h o arrived la.-»t week Fridav u*e rose-pink ric-ra,-. Mrs. T A. lanighrey entered

_ , I Windham Comiiulnity Memorial .To obtain culling, patlerr. for hospital last week to undergo ■

^ r o n , . applique’ patterns for the surgery on her right elbow. iCherry Apron I Pat tern .No .5.5’20i . Mr and Mrs J.aseph t,a Fleur ' rtpnd centfl In Coin plu^ i »'^nl | uelebrJited th^ir tw pntirth u-r'ld inr j

AoUj. Hddrcift Hi\d annw erm ry tSaLijrd'!: M^y lA !^ A n n e j T h t y w f r « # n t . e r t a i n * ( J * t a ( a n u l y =

« l;a a M anchesler Evening: dinner th a t hiffh.t at Pleaeant

TO BUYSell or Build

Your Home, CallSiil>iirbaii . Realty (x>.

Roaltoraa71 Center St. Tel,P215


WORK AT CAS STATIONGtHtd puy.. Must apply in person. _

VA N 'SService Station

) 427 Hartford Road •

COVENTRY - - New 4 • Room House, 2 unfinished up. Furnaee heat. Full bath. 7 -ra r garage. lAsrge lot. ( lo se tn srhiMil and bus line. !8ale Price W,'20fl.YI.V.NCIIENTF.R — fl-R(*om Sin­gle In Green .Veree Swtiiin. .VII conveniences. Corner lot. Occu- panev 4.5 dava. Sole Price 80.0414).M .\N 4'ilEBTER — 8-R<kmii Sin- gle. all convenience*, garage, large lot. Priced tn sell.YI.t.NCHESTER — 2-Famll.T. S room* each apartm en t, all con- vcnienr-cs, 7-car garage. Term s .Vrranged.SO. C4)VEN’TRY—F arm of ap- proximatel.v 73 acres e le a r ^ land. 8-room bouae, 8-«ar ga­rage, ehlehen roop*. t.ocaled nn hard paved ri>ad. .Bale Priee 811.04)0.



180 CEN TER 8 'lR E E T ' rEI.EPH*>NE BIOS

AD Una* at |at«rM«A- lae tad lag Mt*.

M nrtgagea A rraagad

• Plant Equipped With Germicidal Ultra-Violet Rayl.am p:*

a White Deodorized Knumcl *Containei'>• Fluffy Ivor\>Washed Diapers

48.') .Middle Turnpike. EaM Manchester, Conn.

Attention! Car Owners!

Sitnnnrr Is Just Around the (Utrnvr—Oh Yrs ll Is.


/ C l ran mul Adjtisi Spark Phijss uml Ignitinn Points.

/ C.h4“ck DUtribiitor Cap anrl Rotor./ .Viljiisi Timing aii4l Set Octane Scleclor. ’ /T ig h te n Manifold Cylinder Heail./ ( .he<*k Maiiifohl Heat Valve.

•a/ ( '.lean ami .-Vdjiir«t Carburetor anrl Choke. /.V lig ii Front \^’hepls./R e p a c k Fro,iit Wheel Beariiig<4./ A4l just.Fo4>l Brakes / . \d ju 9 l Clutch.

A L L TH IS FOR $7.95lUp IT’elcome Alt Reftair fTdrA', Larfie or SinaJI



To Entertain DAR Chapter

Mrs.- W alter Well* of Village street.

InspectionD istrict Deputy R W. Jack

Dennerly of Stafford .Springs will make his annual viaitatloh and In­spection of F ayette Lodge A.F. A A.M. this evening May 13. The en­tered apprentice degree will be cxemplined a t thla time.

Taakerooaan Tribe There will be a meeting of

Tankei-ooean Tribe, . Improved

75 Reported [A/anc/iesler, Eng. a MissionSends Annual Report HereMissinjj ttere*

B a n d it (pets S to re C a sh

E la tio n o f Offieerh tomC ' f« I I . 1 EnKri^KAzran i nur. . $$$ip4v»*vx*

,t> P r ie lC l HI .v lrr tin } 2 [ o rd e r of Red Men thi# evening atTomorrow Afiernoon "

Woman 'Tells Poliee She Believen It W'as Stolen in ReMtaiirant

Rockville, M'ay 13 Mrs. M artin ' V. B. M etcalf ^ f Grand ayemic will en tertain Habra Trumhiill C h a p te r., DAR on W ednesday afternoon, i May 14. a t 3 p.m. Reports of o f- ' fleers and C hapter chairm en w ill! he given followed by election of offt-ers for the coming year. T h e '

■following hostesses will assist Mrs. Metcalf; Mias M argaret Mi Lean, Mrs. I^evvlB McLaughlin. Mrs. Free- '

.man F. P atten , Mrs, Robert F itz ­patrick. ' Mrs Frederi -k Mullin ' Mrs. John L. Moran. J r . and M rs.'

. F rancis T. Maxwell. ;Pay Res|M-i‘t* I

Tlie m em bers of Kiowd Council. Degree of Pocahonta.s will meet thl.s evening a l 7 p.m. a t the c o r - ' ner of Prospect atreet and Elllng- j ton hvenue to go In a body to the l-add Funeral Home to pay respects to Pa.st Pocahontas Rosabelle Lcn- locha. ' I

.Meeting F riday 'The Paat Chief? Club of Kowa ‘

Council will meet a t 8 p.m.. F rid a y .: Members are urged to a ttend to diaciiss Im portant buHiness. Each | member i.s to bring a M aybaske t: with refreshm ents to ))o exchanged , w ith another member.

yieetlng ,\nd Social Jam es W’. Milne Camp, U n ite d '

Spanish W ar V eterans and Ellen | G. Berry Auxiliary* will meet thia evening ■ a t eight' o'clock In the OAR Hall. In observance of the i 49th anniversary of Jam es W ,'

Club on E ast Main street.Women of .Yloooe

The Women of the Moose will meet th is evening a t eight o'clock a t the Moose Horn, on Elm .street.

Rehearsal Toatght There will be a rehearsal Una

evening of ihe. C*rownlng Cere mony which will take Sunday. May 18 a t St church.

One of the owners of Reymand- er'a R estauran t on. Oak sti-cet re­ported to Uie police early Sunday morniiig the loss of the afternoon amt- evening's receipts am ounting to S37S. which she clslmefi w.-as stolen.

From the secretary of the Man- ‘ licence. O ther arrangem enta were , Bri(lj; ('|)orl RllllPolice ^ iileii Fur Hohhip .>lati

cheater City Miaaion In Manchea- ter, - England. The Herald haa re ­ceived a lettef. together w ith a I opy of the Ml^alon'a aniuial report, both of which contains item s of In­terest.

The le tte r notes th a t the organi- u t lo n la tn its llU th year. The .secretary, Robert Lee uiot. evi­dently, an em igran t from Virginia) elates tha t he has visited th is coun­try and (Janada, and th a t the Eng­lish type missions differ from

suggested, yet i t took a year's cor­respondence. w ith repeatetl tn te i- | views before we could 'secure per-: mission, and now the work ha* been done.

"On C hristm as • Eve we Ihu.x Bridgeport, May 13 C- S tate

snd Ryan told the police, the man (lan ic up lie h in ^ h e m near Hie en- ' trance to theFjp.st office arcade.

He whispered To them tha t he hail a gun and th a t they w ouldn't b e ! hurt if they did as they were told. '

j . Then, according to the two men., the bandid marched them through

I crowded Broad. G ilbert and Lafay- Hlinl atreet to L iberty latreet where

' he onlered Eichorn who waa carry- I ing the money in a satchel, to drop

the bag.Elcliorn said he compiled and the

bandit then onlered them 1o walk



feasted one thousand one hundred *"'1 P»’licr |od*y widened Hie ^^cad When they had procee.ledCaII» W-a a* a I RJ* A **« _.aw*.-. . . . '

Acconllng to the story told thepolice, the money had heeri taken those here In th a t "house to house

place on ' from the cash 'reg is te r about 12 ■- —Bernard's I o'clock S atu rday night and was In

' the handbag of Mrs. M ary RepettI,I one of the owner.*. The money wa.* left on the counter beside the cash reg ister in hack of the bar. when It disappeared.

The police, on being Informed.

The Maglianea* Sabina Society will hold its 13th annual banquet Sunday. May 18. a t the Garden Grove. A large group Is expected a t the dinner, made up of iriembera. fam ilies o f members, friends and invited guests.. Mra. Sunny G iorgetti, Mrs.

visitatipn is the chief plank In our evangelistic e ffo rts— literally going to the people."

The report Includes niapy 'com- menta showing tb* cViunIe of events aa they have aflec'ted the ____

' **A™ony with all S ta te regulTtlons, i **"P*o>’*a ofas well M the problems'iff Ihe peo- ^ more than we ■ T. G ran t Crt. here who werpersons, and d - 1 "P^^* dared to hope fqr. F urther, through ---------

also conducted a search around Jb e “^My district, which is only a ^outside of the building expecting to penny tram rid* from the centre of ' Am fm mfind the em pty pur.*c. but were u n - , M ancheaUr, beggars deacriptlon It ]•uccessful. in an annalU ns s ta te of devaata-1 AuatraUa and Newnot

a short dlstanoe, the bandit picked I up the satchel niiil fled on foot.

The men iiotlfieil police imme­diately hut although the area was thoroughly aearehed no trsce of the robbei>was found

Morri* ,*aid th a t neither Eichorn or Ryan saw the gun and th a t they

I t a l i a n S o c i e t y

T o H o l d B a i H f u e t w‘ei)t to the res tau ran t a t once a n d /p |e . A few paragraphs are repro-questioned several

aged folk, and w ith other F easts I aearch foi a six-foot Negi;q who ami Tea Partle* am ounted to three | s tag n l a daylight holdup o n a thousand adults snd about three j crowiled street heije ye.stenisy so,I thousand children, a to ta l of about .fled with over $10,000.6,04)0 Old Folks'. j C*pt. of Detectives .toaeph A.

"Thus, on U hnstm as Eve we held Morris said that a nine-state Alarm o u r6 la i Feast. A t first. In our pre» ; been broadeast for the lonelimlnarv preparations, we were ' ****"*' whose virtim s were iinahle ..... ..... ......... ..................... ......... ..confronted w ith difficulty, as much j;® ® more detailed description caught hut a fleeting glimpse ofof the food we required w as- ra- i Poyoo*! Ibat he was "a tall ami the Negro as he fled.Honed. Mainly through our vice- dre.*sed .Negro." 4)fficlals of the \V. T. G rant Uo.charim an's advocacy w ith the head i " a y To- Hank ' store ssld tha t the money eom-offlclal of the local' M lnUtry of 1 M orris said that the holdup vtc- ; prised the receipts of F ridav.-Sat- Food, we . eventually. In perfect ( ^-'fborn and j iirday and Monday ‘ Snd th a t It

. . . . the I amounted to $10,116.27. mostly Inere on bills of small denomination.

the ir Way to a bank with Hie -----------sto re 's three days', receipt*. The average American eat* his

According to the story • Eichorn ' weight In salt every 17 year*.

^ a ttre mThe 8iiamtaf$l fa r 7* Y e a n

Kemp's, Inc.r u rn i ta r e oaU Maale

la in an appalling s ta te of devaata-1 a .One parson, it i* said, was q iies-. tion a.,* to eneinv artinn rfnrtni- i Zaaiao^. large cases o f^yo i^ua

still misaing.

tion, due to enemy action during Honed a t the police station, b u t ; the war. Whole s tree ts lie In waste nothing came of this, and up u n t i l , ,n d ruins. O thers, although erect, m idnight last night the money wa* have been rendered uninhablUble.

being pitifully ahattered by blast, o r gu tted by Incendiary firea. The Uorporatlon of course, are now fac­ing up to th* altuation. and w-eek by week the debris is being .re -

lit­tered th* streets. Indeed the en-

i tire d istric t i* slowly Improving. 1 Bloomfield. Msy 12 ./F -F o u r ! 'Th ' ' '• V Inhabitants have

W orcester. Mass, men w e re 'a r - J ' • h»‘t ered enjoyed and the Dubaldo B rothers | re.vted here yesterday and charged homes Is most moving

Evelyn Pagan! and Llmpino Geno-1vest win be th e invited guesU a t I U a L | f r a t* Ithe banquet^ . H I 11*1 I l i t I I

h O f P a x a tL -A lIx a sa x L - 1 moved which for long monthsheaded by A nthony Dubaldo. a . | f II U O C k C t h O O k I ,p „ d th . a t r e t s Indeed thechairm an. Joe Saidelta. Hugh Pa-ganl. John Ruffini, George An- , , _null! -md Felix Paganl. ! Bloouifleld. May 12 i/Pi -Four |

A fter the dinner, gam es will be W orcester. .Mass., men w e re 'a r- , '

and valuable Hnne<l foml. Thla Wa* In addition to the fine parcel of food fo r which we already had con­tracted for each gueat. N ever have the Old Folk* been serx'ed *n gen- eroualy '*

Many flowers and vegetablea In Uelapd are grown In greenhouaea heated by w ater from hot springs.

Milne Camp No. 14 and the 35th , / ' _________ o ___________.anniversary of Ellen G. Berry 1 * 'O H E S C l O fi E C ^ P l l l Auxiliary No. 8. a social will fol­low the business meeting. Mrs.B ertha Schlaefer and Mrs. Alice CThapman will be in charge. R e ­freshm ents will be served.

Every .5Iotliers Club „ . .There will be a m eeting of the d e ig n e d to e*tabll8h

Every .Mother's Club this evening at eight o’clock a t t h ' home of

orchestra will furnish music fo ri w ith the theft of a pocketbouk dancing. from a H artford woman a* alie

waa walking on Mathe^ atreet in th a t city.

Sergt. Thomas H. Bardon of the Bloomfield police identified the four as H arry C. Law*. Jr.. 17;R o a d A c e i d e i i l s

H artford. May 13—tA‘ i— A five-

But then, where else could they go in view of the house shortage."

Juveolla DeUnqueney "Juvenile dellnqueney. the last

few years haa been a problem. Gangs of lads have w rought Im­mense dam age, especially tn one of our d istric ts near the well-known

Robert Reilly 16: John Leo Filton, , ^iie. They broke many tim e, l l . and Vvalter Matthew*. .0. into our Mi»*lon Hall, steallnig and

Leffiil .Notices

, and m aintain highway prevention will be held H artfo id police school here - la y

. 19 through May 23.

. The course, directed by the Divi­sion of U niversity Extension, the

! U niversity of Connecticut, will be I sponsored by the S ta te Highway

The woman told police tha t as I she w-a* walking along the stree t

a green sedan with M assachusettsa c c id en t, license p la tes pulled up beside her. a t the I She said tha t two boy* got out.

E S T A T E O F S t e p h e n O t r h a H n l .Isle of Coventry. In the Probate Ole- Irlct of Covehtry, rteceasert.

Tile Administratrix li.nlinr cxhlbiteil , . . __ , __her admiiilatralloh aimunl w illi eanl I bafety commission. the S tate ttuate to tFe (,'ouri ol iToi.ate for Motor Vehicles departm ent and illnvi-aiire. It i« ! Hic .Motor Pransport association

ORDERED Thai the gutli day . ol , , ,May. 1947. at 9 .30 o'clock fn the fore- C o n n e c tK U l . noon, at the Prohai' Office In Coven-

snatched her pocket book anddrove away. H artford police trac­ed the sedan to Bloomfield.

Sergeant Bardon said tha t when

destroying, g rea tly di.*couraging the m issionary and hi* wife In charge, and the workers. During the co*l shortage of the w in te r^ 1945-46. they broke down the t a | l i k solid wooden fence th a t protectM |IF" three sides of the Mission Hall, carting It aw ay for fuel. Then boats of o ther children surged around the

W ill B u ild at ih r (*rcrii.

Nph Homes on Lots 75 X 200

' For $7,300 Up See

WM. K A N EH L519 Center Street

arrested the men had in their pos- | main Mission Hall bulhllng, wreck

IPIfeoD In MaIItr}* bf. And the name la Assigned for a ,

h^arinir 4»it aHowanc** of faid ad* _____miniiitraiirm acco u n t v\ilh .«ai<! Estate , ixtii n .and thi.. Court d l r c t - the .*Jmlnl»- ' Camp HU . P a.—< A V - ^ f f l^ .trtirix. to d i e All pcr.,orm intcrcAicd postal officials here are try ing to , Ihrrdn lo appear at said tunc and , l ea rn how a pigeon got mixed up - place, by publlclilng tlila order once ! (Jncle Sam 's mail. Lewla Sut-In aonie newitpapcr havlnir a drcula- , nn ,*„ i d « rk waa aomewhat ,tion In raid Diatrld. in d b y poitinc t * PO«»‘ CierK. *^as aomewnai ,«'opy on tiiF public •ijrii p>)9i ncart st i shaken while cniptyin^ rusl l sacK$ | to tlie place where the decea.-ed laet f when the pigeon calm ly flu ttered ■ dwelt at |e«*i i da>, before eaid Hnic . fj,e bags. The bird

. L I la being boarded a t the post officeAnd due return m.ike " . , __ . .Certified from itecotd While the m ystery of its mailing 1*EL'OENE W LATIMER J u d je ' probed.

session a loaded .45 calibre au to­m atic and a ,*ix-inch knife. The pocketbook waa not found. Ser­geant Bardon said the men would be charged with carrying firearms w’lthout a perm it afte r disposition of the theft charge bj‘ the H art­ford police i:ourL



CHM.DRKN SOUTH CHURCH SCHOOLThiirMlay aud Friday, 7 :45 p. m.

May 15 and 16.M aliiir/Saliiriluy, May L7., 2 :5 0 p. ni.


.Admission:AdulU 60r Children .15c

Quality is a certainty when you make yo«r paint purchases here. We’ve been selling paint for many a .VMr and can help solve any paintingproolem.

BA RRETTPlumbing Supply Co.

.599 Main St. TeL 2-1504

Ing the place. We claimed the protection of the police yet they declared themselvea helpless unless and nnUl we could again a i ir - ! round the Mission w ith a protective ! fence. A contractor subm itted an ' estim ate for a good steel fence, btit the M inistry of Work* refiisetl a

Barstow Says**irs T h e T ru th ''



7'2 FT. PAMS .549.00 10 n*. ROW­

BOATS . . . . . S75.0012 FT. ROW­

BOATS ........ $90.009 FT. ‘ THI U.MAN’’ 1- Piece Mahogany Moulded Ilulls. -Will hold :i. Beau­tiful workmanship. .$180.

Fine for car top boat— 77 pounds'.FENN VAN ( ARTOP. 12 ft., 67 pounds. Only $183.

3»C Wolverine 14’ to 16’ Boats $222, $2.56, $2.50



U arlo p Carriers . v . . $9.00 Since 1935 E$inrude Motors!

BARSTOW’S F o r Boats 'a n d M otors

460 MAIN ST. EST. 1922 PHONE 3234


■Subject:’’Oitic'fi Viewpoint of Current Books,

Plays anti .Motion Pitiiires"HOLI.IS4 ER ST. SCHOOI. H.\LI.

MONDAY, MAY 19, 8 :15 P. M..Vuspices of The Challoner Club

General .Admission 60c. Reserve Seats 90c, tax. inc. Tickets Available From All Club Members or Call These

Phone Numbers for Reservations: 5000 or 2-9557.


1 have several 5—6 and 7- room singles, a 5-acre place with too fruit trees. 2 and 4-family houses and coun­try homes. All arc good buys located in Manchester. Rockville and Glastonbury.

Priced from $8,500 to $11,000. Have better homes with all improveinants. near schools, bus lines ands to r e s , a t S n . . ) 0 0 .


REALTORReal Estate and Insurance 109 Henry St. Tel. 5278

Family M iI n Cnam

. . . . . . . .

tim CTIH t u i i i H ill*

utT Ti itam Ilia n u l l

iiiicliii Furiit4 in iM it t in m i

Drill itm, Sraltr,( Icr ^>ratn — itatcfullr ■rrangcd hf flavor, in ib* form of ■ roll ibal tlidet •**ily from the carton. Ye*. her*'* • grand de tte rt for you*

f panic.* and when you want to gi** i6* family a tpfKlal ta a l far An Saoftaif Sfga a* A* Oaar irrti. A,k your Sc*llr,i dealer for it.

O R N »A L Icr CJtrAM ( ORPORATION * la a e la ih r Se.litti Vitl.i* Slot.. M trriat lack H .la ..'T h ttrria ri,> :4 0 P. M.. e d . t . NBC


Your Ford Doolor kiraws your Ford host/ bocousOI. FORD-

TRAINED MECHANICSThey're Ford-troined

' to rapoir^yowr cor in the quickest time st

. great savings to you.

3. GENUINE FORD r PARTSThay'r* designed and mode by the makers of the ports you're replacing. They -fit better, work better, lost longer.

2 . SPECIAL FORDEQUIPMENTIt's thd. equipment which F o u engineers know will'.give your Ford the b«qt M rvke.

4. FORD- APPROVEDMETHODSW e use the methods whkh the factory en­gineers find gives yeti the best Ford Service 'in the shortest lime qt the lowest cost.

I M M i D I A f l S I R V I C i . . . E A S Y T I R M S

w e s t ' s N O P I A C E U K C " H O M t " F O R F O R D S E R V IC E


, "Courtesy Plus Quality!”.STORK HOURS: 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. DAILY. WE DELIVER $5.00 OR MORE!

JEST DOG FOOD 3 pound tins 23c

‘BOWSER’S” FAVORITE..........Caae of- 24 caa« 11.79

Baby. Beef

LiverElm fUty

BaconF'enry Aklnlem

FrankfurtsAwlft’e Premium

Minced Hamro n ev .Xetise

FryersSalt Pork Lamb Stew Pork Kidneys

Ib. 49cPOUND

SO-Oc. Tin— B anane Bantam

Cream Corn 15cHun-SYIIed

GrapefruitSections tin 15cMarshmallow Fluff' jar 23cChocolate Bits pkg. 23c Tootsie Fudge pkg. 23cPride of the Fanii

Ketchup jar 19 cFrenro-A m erlran

Spaghetti tin 13cNun Maid

Seedless Raisins, pkg. 25cAGAIN—BY POPULAR REQUEST!

Dried Beef Belled Ham ^ P O U N D


BUTTER Lb. roll 65c


en o u g h I t o

Page 6: Evening... · •S I- < M FACis FO U RTtElf. ''v * ' iflaurlirfitpr Euruiug .H|pralJi / MONDAY, MAY 18, W4T. About Town Hi* Olrl Scout L*«der» frill hold their monthly meeting Wednee-



i V

f a o k t e n

■■ t- ' ' ' ■ ' ' '

MAaNCHCSI EK e v e n in g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1D41

<■ t'l,

' ' f

Woman’s Hand Badly Crushed

Palestine Freedom Move by Russians Defeated in Vote

■ — , I ^ _

Gel* Caught in Pre**; (t„„tinoe«j' Hum Page Ooa)May Have to Anipulalevi should b<? made up en-|T lire »«* F in f f e r * "neutral" countries, ii n r e e r i u g c i o E l Klioury, a leading simkesman 1

' / , , i for the five Ara'. states In theMrs. Alda Waller of 37* Oak- j newsmen that If the

land rtreet -was brought to the I present trend In the deliberation Mantih^er Memorial hospital of the Assembly's rolltical com- U anc^K Injured ' niUtee continued, the Arabs wouldyesterday vnth a badlj i „ j„p t a policy oi 'non-cooperation"hand. It was indicated on me | work of the propfjsed U.N. :report to the hcUpltal that Mrs. | Palestine Inquiry commission. He ;W*aller had.caught her hand In a ^aid the Arab delegates might even |punch press. Her fingers were ; leave the saaembly. jbadly crushed and lacerateU. The i K1 Khoury specUlcd that this,report atate'd that it would be eventually was in the process o f !necessary to anipiltato three fin-' i„rniutation and that the five Arab nfg, [ countries had not yet made thdr

Mra. Waller is under>,the care of ' jiaai decision.Dr. WllUam Conlon. and, the bos- | The Arab delegations caiftcd : pltal reports her condition as ijrjei concern when they were not i

In the chumher as the 1‘olltieal committee resumc<l debate at 11:1.1 a. ni (ed.t.) The Kgyptlan dele­gation, however, entered four mln-

, iites later and w'as followed by .Sy­ria. Iraq. Kaudl Arabia and I-eba- linn, which was 21 minutes late.

Insle^ On Two I'olnlsT * „ r ' i v f t A f l l l r O H M Khoury said th< Arabs were1 O O l v e , inslslhjg on two points.

1 1. At least a mention .of theIn-

Thrcc Girl* Who Arc Ticil for Top Honor* at Manclichtcr High School

good.Mrs. Wallers husband operates

a machine shop at .3i2 O.akland street -i----

Chief Alhcrl Fov

Senate Passesf.abor Measure

‘ Bv 68 to 24•

(rontlniird from Page One>:

• con.slder the decision adopting Mc- j Clell.an's amendment.! Presiding Officer Vandenberg ! named the 'xpllowing as conferees I to meet \vttlr\a House group to linn Old differiwea in the versions

' I'l the two hlll.s\ .Senators Taft. <K. flhini: Ball. ('it. Mllin.l; tves, n . X. V i; Miiiraw. (D.. Mont.l.

and Kllender. (D., L ^ i.llajM Martin OM'Iskralion

All Goods Not Hit By Court Decision

I "■ ' ........ Vietdry for South and

News Tidbits ' We»t Over North;Class Rate Shipinents Onlv Affected

Culled From (JP) Wires

Thou.iand Jobless former Chi­nese army ftlllc^rs weep In front of Sun Yat Sen's tomb, calling for

By James Marlow Washington, May 13 - (/Pi.

better treatment.. .Southwestern Don't exaggerate the Importance........ . of the Supreme court decision on

e : r ; o l i » c r r r i t . t V ‘2^;tr.r^^^^ -tea . at least In the nearsVakM .Maiiln M a » 1 "en!gl.ge.1 in a foim of Intimidation *■•/"**"*aglin.st the president of the Uhjt- hy U allace.. .Jean .\rthur returnscd Slate . " l/v declaring that thebe "W i l l he no effort to pass new legis- ‘ Stephens college *-latlon if labor and ta.x bills are ve- Missouri. lo<‘d.

With thi’ Sei'.ilc neai on n lal.or di.-,piitc.s measui

Insouth and west over ilic north but here's the story, starting from scratch.

Set-up Vastly ComplexMayor Hubert Humphrey noml-' Since thousands upon thousands

loaiine a vote • rc-#lecUon in Mlnneapo- of items are shipped by rail, theleasuie Bark-***" iH'idaiy. ..Seek final three ju-j cost, or trclght-rate. .set-up itV/w #r>4al aP. etM IwM ialaoM ___*v>i i (■ i i j i y ' i i s M x i a . ' s t s s v , a.*tB i r » ” ^ * « u i

ley told his colleagues he does not \ ‘ vL" ; vastly complex,know whether Mr. Truman will be i ‘ ^ ^ tact, it's a hodge-podge, withw llling to accept the Houac-ap- ' Toney Br* takea build- rates varying by tlie slscproved labor bill or the milder veV- * "■•** . »125.(m .. .OurR.on now lH.fore the Senate. military governor In southern Ro­

ll wa. a "peculiar spectacle.'' ^gslature togrant people rtgbt to vote, w’arn-

Korca might

Chief Albert B. Boy of the South " ‘ '‘'1“ independence” in the

~ ^ * a I I I 1 R t r u c t l o n a ' l o b e R i v e n t h e I n q u i r yM a n c h e s t e r F i r e D e p s r t m e n t w i l l 1 « ^ “ i o n s ^ cbe the guest speaker at .‘ he mve‘ - , H ,„,cnce to the United Na-ing of the Young People a hellow-1 jnatnictIng — — - _■hip of St. .Mary's Kplscopal church tomorrow evening at 7:30. This Is the first time In three weeks that the group has met In- doora for a formal program. On the last two Wednesdays recrea­tional programs have been sched­uled, which Included baseball and bowling. Elach of the neat three meeUrgi. which arc the final meet­ings of the present season, will be held at the parish house. The pro­gram will be brought to a climax on May 28 with the election of of­ficers for the year 1947-48, who will Uke office In the fall. A good attendance is expected on each of these last three Wednesdays.

On June 1, Trinity Sunday, the Toung People’s Fellowship will be hosts to the spring Youth Rally for the Hartford Archdeaconry. The program that day will begin at S:S0 p. m., and will end with a box ■upper followed by a service- of evening prayer at 7 p. m.

C o u p le Celebrales 25th Anniversary

• Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stevenson of 176 Center street, were pleas­antly sUtpHsed Saturday nlgh^ wheft a group of 30 of their reja- tlvei and friends came to Kelp uem celebrate the 25th annlver-

*sary of their marriage which oc­curred on May, 11. Their friends presented to Mr. and Mrs. Steven­son fifty silver dollars, and also

. came well supplied with good things to eat.. Mra. Stevenson was the former

Mias Mary Kelly and they were married In the South Methodist church. They have lived here the greater part of the time, but spent ten jrears In Northern Ireland," re­turning to 5Ianchester about a year ago. They have one son, Nor­man.

Public Records

ttona rharter Ih those instructions.He said the only link binding the

Arab statra here-, to the other' atatca, such aa Guatemala or Ice- , land, was the United Nations char-' ter. Khoury salil the Political | c o m m i t t e e so far had refused Arab | requests that the Instructiona men- 1 tion the U. N. charter and that the ' Arabs felt this essential. ,

The Syrian delegate appeared pessiinlatic ha to the outcome of the fight the Arabs have mads to get some reference to Independ­ence In the Political committee’s Instructions.

Asked directly If the Arjib states' would walk out on the special Pal­estine session in the event the As­sembly finally decldeil ngaihst them." he said that was a distinct possibility. , I

Oppiiss RuMlan Demand jUnited States and Great Britain

today lined up In opposition to a Rimslan demand that the United Nations Reeurlty council sharply curtail the powers of Its subcom- mlssion watching over the troubled Greek frontiers.

Reopening the Greek case In the U.N. as Congress neared final ap­proval of President Truman's $400,000,000 program of aid to Preeee and Turkey, Soviet Deputy Torelgn Minister Andre A. Gro­myko demanded that the council limit the subsidiary group to ape- elaU,v aa.vignerl eases and not leave It free to Initiate Inveatlgatlona.

The 11-nation aubcomnilsslon Is functioning In .Salonika under orders to keep a vigil pending ac­tion on a June 1 report of the full rommI.sslon to the council.

Gromyko also insisted that the group move Its headquarters to Athens, further away from the border, with the argument that Its •'presence In Salonika may encour­age activities of certain Irrespon­sible and adventurous Greek cir­cles."

The council, eonvennig last night after a full day's aoiiedule ol committee meetings In the Gener­al Assembly's debate on Palestine, shelved Gromyko's.^ resolution In favor of a procerlural debate over the report.

- Herald Photo by DenieusyAbove are the three girls In the lenior class at Manchester High school who arc tied for the honor of being valedietoriah m this year's Trailuatlng ilass. This photo of the three girls together wn.s taken at the High school vi-slerday nftcruoou. Tlie honored students are: left to right, Glga Kiupen. \itemis Pazianos and Betsy Ann .Slover. All three had p< rfeet scholastic scores in their lour year.- ol High school stiidlc.s. ___



Mrs. Selli Chriiev Passes Awav Here

Mrs. Catherine iBelli Cheney, widow of .Seth Leslie Cheney, died Monday. May 12. at hei home, I.'IU Hartford road. Manchester.

Mrs, Cheney was the daughter of the late John Stuart and Uath- eHne (Den) Bell, of Santa Bar­bara. t'alifnrnla. She leaves a son. Stuart B. K. t.’hency of Manches­ter: a daughter. .Mrs, George K.

Marriage Did Not Smooth Path of This Local Couple

_____________ J

The married life of Mr. and Mrs. t to the Court official, both left the John C. Bush Is not running any eoiirtroom and proceeded to the smoother than were condltlona be- lawyer's office where the girl sign- fore they were wed a short time ed an agreeiiienl that ahe would ago, as was shown today when Con- return of hei own free will the stable .lames Duffy in behalf of fur ro.nt. the diamond ring, and .Mr. Bush, attached properfj’ In the most of the mone,\ , but would name of both as soon as the deed keep the hope chert. Thi.s appar-

! transferring the property wa.a • cntly did not prove the final fill'll through the Town Clerk this iporning.

The [‘ resent Mr. and Mrs, Bush 1 told their troubles to the lor-al po­lice'just before they were mar-

the Demociatic lendr;- v.i '.t on, to, find the .speaker of the House an­nouncing in advance of final con­gressional agreement on the tetms of such legislation that a seto would mean no new .meas­ures would be enacted.

Waving hi.s arms, he thundered: ;"The only Interpretation that'

can be placed on this statement la that the speaker of the Houae Is . engaging In a form of intimidation | ■ogalnst the president of the Unit­ed States in the exercise of hla j ciics'iitutional right to veto or ac- cejit legislation." '

ing Korea might loae out on Amerlean aid If H do^a n o t.... Roger Baldwdn, director of Amer­ican Civil Liberties Union, spurns help of Communists,'' "bccfitise Communists support democratic rights for their own aide only."

About Town


•SO laterHollywood —It haa been 16

voara since Joan Fontaine and

breakup, as a month or they wcie niained,

.Mr. Kush decided to make ahome for his wife, <ouU purchased Olivia de Mavillaiid had a scream a houae on Flower ctrcct. the deed knock - down,

iiVd.Vlrs. Bush was formerly .Miss drawn making them Joint owners, f'.iJht Frances RUlolfl, who had Bush ar- and they both signed a joint mort- ‘rested on a charge of breach of gage for the unpaid balance. In

weight, and destination of an item, and so on.

Regulating freight-rates Is oas of the Jobs of the Intcratute Com* merce commission. It steps in tc regulate, or la called In.

The ICC, created In 1887 b> .Congress, has been trying for years to put some uniformity Intc freight rates.

But for years the north, through lower rates on cerUIn kinds of goods, has had an advantage ovfet tbe south and west.

Two Kinds o f Freight Rates_ , , J w That's the heart of the storyThe recently re-orga» zed Man- 1 t^e Supreme court dccls-

chcstei ^tamp club will • ion. Generally, there are two kindsC d o c k '.t % S i r « r i \ . A n ^ commodity .„a

ture of tonight's program will be .tthe auctioning o fsU m ps. The !newly elected officers are: Preal-' ______ .. j . .♦dent. Attorney Frederick R. Man- under class rateining; secretary-treasurer. James *"»“ “ ^acturecMahoney. i *‘ *‘ * clothing or shoes.

____ ' Commodity rate goods make upThe Italian-Ameiican Oub auxil- P?'" «hlppec

lary will hold a special meeting to- ^ “ '-“ “ ds get most of theiimorrow evening at eight o'clock ^eeight income from them.to plan future activities. A social

hail - pulling time with refreshments will fo l­low.

Hammond of Santa Barbani, ( 'nil pi,,ac< utor It wa.s ileclde’d not format a slater, .Mrs, t ’harle.i * ,,rc«B the charge. At that time

tbe peace a few months ago. When piiichasiiig the houae . rr. Bu.sh <lid.Mrv Bush told hl.s atorv to the not sjiend all of hi.s mbnoy but oUu r s conip.in .. Weu. such

A . . .a.Aw.vA .... ___________________ :• niPio Ill'll ms 11 f*»5

Wairantee DeedsJames Cristoff to Allen Realty

oompany, property on Birch street.AUen Really company to Sam­

uel Guildeau S r . and Lea Rose GuUdeau. property on Birch street.

Martha Bader et al to John C. Bush, Jr., and Frances R. Bush, property on Flower street

Trade NameLester C Russell and Frederick

E. Deveau, both of Fast Hartford have filed certificate ot trade name of Let and Gene Cleaners.

Wayne W. Phillips has filed trade name as Manchester Refrig­eration company.

Certificate Of IficorporatlonCertificate of Incor^ration of

the Berand Manufacturing fom-

liospitul Nott>Admitted yeaterday: Mrs. Mil­

dred Leech, ’ Whitcnville. Mass.: Mrs, Kvelyn Josllii. Ajiponang. R. I.; .Maurice Moriarty, 131 Park street: Mark Angle, 90 Seaman Circle: _Mlas Mildred Barcomb, 103 High street: Gunnar Norgard. 10 Robin road; Mrs. Mary G<ilcn, 66 Foley street: Ra.v Wrobelskl, 24 •North street; .Mrs. Christine Dem- erett, 717 Tolland Turnpike; Mrs. Lola Biintly, 358 Main street; Mrs. Helen Johnson. 43 Locust street; Miss (niarlotte Raymond. 76 Lau­rel street.

Admitted toda.v: Miss Annie Cunningham. 105 Hemlock atreet

Cheney of .danehester and two grandchildren, rhlldren of .\tr. and Mr.>». George K. Huninuuiil |

Funeral arrangements are not lomplete.

Mrs. Ellda L. SpiekrrMra. Kllda Luroo Spieker, aged

."I'J. wife of Lucas .Spieker of 12 David Avenue, Rockville, died this morning al the Rockville City hospital. Born Ajull 2, isfi.'i. In Amsterdam. Netherhinils, the daughter of .Samuel and Marie •Meynlng Laroo, ahe eaiiie l<> thus j„ „ siiuahhle which resulte<l {hi,«eountr,v 27 years ago. and h.i.s lieeii a resident of Rockville toi l!i

good friends. ’ "I adore, re.spect and like niv sister," Joan

hut we ilon't seek out each com­

plete , opposilceOlivia, a briinelto. is the Intel­

lectual type, a

Class rate goods are only a small part—four per cent—of all goodr shipped by rail. Railroads get onlj six per cent of their Income from them.

Do northern shipper.s have ar. advantage, through lower rates, or

Once she ! borrowed Joan's coat and didn't letiirn .1 foi- a year, -iftor Joan.

had $1,000 mol e v, hu h he deposit­ed in a local bank, in a jovnt ac-

ourt officials were Informed that j count.Hn.sh had been very free with his 1 ■ Yesterday there wa.s trouble be- gifts to hl.s intended wife. Among , tween them auaiii, and .Mrs, Bnsli Ibe gifts were a diamond ring, a I lu.st no time in hurrying to the fur coal. $1,500 in cash and many ; bank and drawing out the $1,000n.sefol and ornamental presents. Tlie bu.sbiihd dci ideil to prevent thinking it lo.st, had notified theThese presents were kept In a hope her from getting all of the proji- insurance companyche.st owned jointly by the hedh of ‘ erty and eon.siilted a lawyer. Tlie them and kejit In .Mi.ss RldoUi's * lav.yer drew an atl.ii hnicnl to home. On one oeeasion when he | him ayuinsl hei intereul.s on the Inspected the hope che.st when she | loperty 'uviil'd on Flower .street, was not piesent, he was snriirised The deed conveying the proiui'y

The Zipaer Club auxiliarj- will hold Ha monthly meeting tonightat 7:30 In the clubrooms on Brain- i j , . .ard Place. Important mattem of I

dreamer and nro-1 Not on commodity rates, accord-Cl astihator. S h e '^ T p V t o ‘V ®minntes late for dinner.' Once she ' Memorial Temple. Pythian Sia- GeneraUj’ ?helt> no ’S t a n -

ter*, will meet this evening in ; difference" In commodity ratei Odd Fellows hall. Following the ; on goods shipped between north business session a Mother's day south and west.

ide ' is a oractlcal I " ’K* pre^gnted and re- But the northerner does have arr iirimlv inmctuai freshments served by the enter- advantage over southern and west-*. . . tainment rommittee imdei* the ern eoniDetitor.s on irnoHa ahlnner

to learn that It contained aoine-jv.as not filed yc.slcida.v m> Consla- Ihing which be,said ahowed that I ble Duffy, wtiu wa.s given tbe p.i- sbe was not true to him. Tliis re- ; pera to Hvrvc. bide 1 hi.s tiinc and

morning when the deed wa.s

Joan, a blonde person a doerand self-regimente I. "Yon're such . , , . , .now ' peopie," Olivia enviously ; P Mis.tells J lan and her hiuhand. VVII- liani Dozier. \iee-piesidcnt of Univer.sal • International studio;•'you live in the now!"

tainment committee Irn

' Cav^ly.

years.Mrs. Spieker leaves bc.side.H liei

husband and parent.s. a son. .s.Arnold Spieker of Rockville, a daughter. Mr.s KImo (lenavc.si of Manchester;'a lii>dlier J II. Laioo of the .Netliei InndK and one grand­child.

The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at two o'clock at the Ladd Funeral homo, with burial in Grove Hill cemetery. I beciiu.-.e Rockville,

in the arre.sl of Bush.Decides l « Gel Married

As the re.sidt of thla .sloiy told

re(ei\ed by the Town Cterk and marked leeoidvd,- Mr. I>uff.\’ - 'U once i l.ippcd on l!ie aUrnlniient.

under the ern competitors on goods shipper Elizabeth ‘ under class rates. They're lowei

j for him.' Example;

Tlie North Methodist WSCS will It's cheaper for a northern manu- hold its monthly social meeting facturer to ship, say. a case ol

, tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock ' shoes from one northern point t< her at the church. Miaa Bowera of the , another northern point or from f

northern point to a southern polnl than-


( i ; i M 4 ' a x l i M T e i i H t *

To 1 ( llMllH V((oiillnued Inini Page One)

which pnidueed a !• in the Kepublii

.Mrs. .Max FellerMrs. Max Feller, of 2,'S Burton

atreet, Hartford, died al her home last night followiivg a lingenng illness. She wonhl hove rtached her 80th birthday m June

She IS survived by her husband

the "motoring public knows that if it wants new road.s, it must pay for them."

MacDonald said there was .some .sentiment for a two-eent inercase, lint tlie cojnmilteo felt that one

d.'bale cle'i va jority

The hill, di'signed to I'lil'b di.s- crimii'.Htion in onij'loyinent he- eanse of race, color, religion or national ance.slrv. now goes to Gov. Jaiiic.s L. McCoimnghy. It wa.s, recently apjiroved unaniniou.s- ly bv the Senate

Threiileii Fight on Tax Bill A group of retail nicrchanl.s

from .seven CnnnecUcnt ninnicip:il- itie.s. threatening to lead the pco-

1 lunched witii Joan in I heerfiil. di easing apartment , at ' Mansfield Tiainlng school will the idnilio. She served the co'd speak on China. The hostesse.s meat, cottage elieeae and sliced ;vill be Mrs. L. B. Burt. Jrlrs. avocado .she had brought from , Ralph Persson, Mrs. G. M. Ship-

•ihi'i'P I home: and it i.sn't every day, bv j man and Mrs. Carl Gelssler.the way, that din interviewer can lepoit that a nioHe star was his waitre.s.s at hiiich.-

Hazcl-eyed, encrgetiv Joan was slender and shaiiely in slacks and a figured sweater. She’d been acting all morning in "Ivy,” s role which, inciilontally. Olivia turned d'i'vn.

Riminia of bad blood between the sisters w eic '‘ ’.a publicity build­up at another studio," Joan said.

For a southern manufacturer t< ship his shoes from one southerr

I point to another southern point oi I from a .southern point to a north- 1 ern point. (The western shimicr if under the same dlsadvanta^).

Has .Made .Southerners Sore This discrimination in freight

rates, on class rate goods, has madt The opening service of the r « - ( soiUhemers sore for a long time

Teachers of the Concordia Luth­eran church ichool will mfet this evening at eight o’clock at the church.

I’ lit W H S all that wa.x "absolutely pie in an "iill-oiil fight " against aproposed retail .sales tax, urged the General Assrinbly'.-i Finance eommittce today to consider in­stead a general tax on all bnsines.s tran.si’.oUoiis.

Abraham Mines of Bristol.

pany was filed yesterday at the of- i Philiji Hutchinson, 7 Harvard road; ftoaof Town Clerk Samuel J Turk- ' Derek IjindLs, 20 Jean road. Ington. The firm la to do business | Discharged yc.steidny: John In manufacturing tools and dies, Givehrtng. Rockville; Marilyn and plastic materials. Company is Scarchnk, 6 Mlntz Court; Herbert Incoi^rated for $50,000, with I.'Hercux. .507 'Vernon street; Mrs $1,000 paid in. Incorporators are Leola Jeroma -and sun, 14 Arch Edwin R. Bertsche of Manchester, street: Jean Mib-k. Hiiitford: Sirs. Helmar G. Anderson of Bolton and > Kh-aiinr Blair, l i t Deining street; Clarence T. Anderson of Manches-I Mr.-* I.Midlnln Wagner an'.l .son. ter and George W. Carlson of West i Rockville.Hertford * Discharged Uxlay: Raymond

Qultrlalin Deed I Kfi i inoyich, 56 Kensington street

needed" now.I rges Two-l'ent Inercase

Slroffollno, urged the higher in- four daughters, .Mr.s. Bertha WIr- croa.se on the ground that a one- talla, of this town, and .Mr.s Kiln cent Inercase would not be enough Kunkcl, Mrs. 10118 .Sago and .Mrs to restore road construction to pre- Flora Ray, all of Hartford, five • war levels. He told the Senate alsograndeliildreii. foiir great grand-,, that by the t_wo-eent_ increase, Jhe "ealcniated. not on

peojile'.s ability to p.iy. but on Said Stroffollno- . tlb'H' Inability to resist the lax.•AVithout any increase in the "It t" '' voice of the people . hildhood -liseases.

Thursday afternoon at 2 .30 at the 1 tax. there can be no new con- V’ "*Johnson Funeral Homo, 719 Al- j strnctljori except on the Wilbur ‘ ■

They argue that this, amon| other things, has kept new manu facturers and industries fron opening In the south since they gel better rates by staying in Un north.

The ICC began an InvesUgatloi .1 - A. „ J c 1 /A of this class rate discrimination tr

Francisco, thej hardly ever played I Beacon. N. Y.. and Frank U. , jpqs, after.many heartogethe-, Smith of South Portland, M a i n e . ^ ^

••Li\ vy was the ringleader of »n gong leader. This ruling, to wipe out th«mt'cllectiml group of kitls. Joan ----- class rate differences between thi*ald. "She w a.s president of her ; The baby carriage , sections, said class rates should N

As schoolgirls in Calif., a .small town

Saratoga, near San

vival c a m p a i g n at Church of the Nazarene will ' be held this evening st 7:30, ' and continue until May 25, each evening except Saturday. The ; workers are the well known i evangelists. Rev. A. B. Carey of

childfan ami one sister. Mr.s. Ang-ji*':*''’ would be eligible t list Doellner, of Bark street, liil.s Feileral funds town.

Fimora services will he hold

■spokesman foi the protesting mer- elas.s, valedictorian, editor of thc^ problem la far from acute, but ItHsi jq p j. gouth antchants, a.ssulled the .sales tax a.s school paper—e.’etythmg. I o n e that catches the eye. For in-j boosted 10 per cent li

"1 was always sick—mastoida. | jj,}, gf^grnoon in one place 'rlienmatlc fever, double pneii-, jjaby carrlagea vied In numbers | RaUroads and northern statei' iiionia. chronic eczema, and all the parked cars. On north side of | fougj,t this ruling up to the Su

the HoUl Sheridan building .six ,

bany avenue, Hartford

Mrs. Clara .MerrliiianMrs Clara Merrlman, widow of

Robert Mcrrinmn. and mother of Raymond Merrlman of 96 Norman street, died tins niorinng al the home of hei, daughter, M’l .s Beulah Stark, of Btooinfteld, with wlnjm she’ lived She leaves an <dher daughter, .Mrs. Glmlys Byer.s of West. Harlford, and a son. Harold of Wether»fie)d: also

irlared Stepfather Gco'-ee I'/Jt'taine vyM ; parked. In the , {,pj,p,j........ ............................... -m you strict. The girls lived by a " rlttei | „ „ ^^e Pearl street side j ® ‘ ®

Cra^ parkway. With one cent in- th«t they do not want any pa.il of rontmp-up at 6:4o; off to school. Sheridan, alx baby carriages, win help south' « sa cs tax ............. ' -It ‘ -I’’ - I veers narked. I __ ____■___ ____“ercasc, there will be a program

Cqnal to 60 per cent of pre-war construction A 2 cent increase will provide for city road relief, and will establish a rale of ac- coifiplushnient equal to the . pre war yeais.”

The one cent increa.se will he- ( nine effective July I .

Niimlnatiuiis Confirmed The Senate confirmed today the

I’.ominationb of Carl M.- Sharpe

The contest between them now if such there be—stands thus;

sales tax" If such taxalfiin is (proposed

we have plains made lo 'g o to the . ____ide and )oln them in an all-out Olivia-i.s being talked about for an

, 0.scai (for, \, at

pcnnii fight agaiii.s it

Mines ,spoke

preme court. Yesterday the court ipheld the 1CCommodity Rates Not Touched1 1 1 , O W N i / c a w j I - - - - - . . . . . . . . .

were parked. ____ j western shippers of "clas!T . — rate" goods, but only that klmj o’

I f you are a customer >ou might i j,ds. The ICC didn't touch th»"to K^h HIS Oow-n"

between tbe Financel c^n iittee leadv has oiTf ( for ' Suspicion I and about 30 retnil nierc'b.int.>:, from jstamford. Brnlgeport, Meri­den. Simtliincttui,- Bristol. New Canaan and Danbury.

Robert Hagenow et al to Frank ' .Mrs. Mary Noyes 22 Alpine street: ; g’raixlohildren, Ronald Merri- • ;md Henry B. Strong as state pub b^ra, M. Stain-I Alex Vikua. 82 North street; Mrs ■ njg,, o r East Hartford and Bever- lie utilities commissioners and th<M. Stamler and Barb^

ler. propertv on Keeney street I Dorothy Eagleson and son, 3i . Attae-hineiit Clinton street: Mrs. Constance

Jobs C. Bush. Jr. aUaefies" pro-1 Brannlck. 86 Bitch street; Mra p ert^ n name of Frances, R. Bosh Josephine Dickinson. 24 Henry in tlje amount of $5,500 and her ; street Oicryl Ttlden, 13 Biljnie interest In properly on Flower i Streetatreet li attached. Papers are n j Births yesterday A daughter to tumable to Superior Court for ' Mr and Mrs Roland Valllant. 88 Hartford County at the June term , Hilliard street ,- a daughter to Mr

LU PendensW, Harry England against

James M. and 5Iaude M. Shearer, seeking Judgment of $1,000 return­able to Court of Common Pleas, Hartford County, June term.

Intent to SellPeter S. Tomezak to John L

Itocher Intent to sell electric ap­pliances snd radio repair busi­ness at 1063 Main street, includ­ing entire stock and accounts re

and Mrs. LloVd P.ussell, 31 .1, Gar­den Drive.

ly Merrlman of Hartford,) The funeral will lie held Thurs­

day afternoon at the Pratt Funer­al Home, Fariiiington .uvemie. Hartford

*)2 From I lureMade HetVeal


theI reappointment of Donald Ham- ! merberg as milk administrator.

The nominations were sent ini- medialoly to the House.

Action on the nominations of ■.•>lrons and .Sharpe, both Repubh- lians, were criticizevl by Senaloi-

.\lfred F Wech.slei who referred to the nominees as ' politK'allv • minded gentlemen '

lie a.-..'erted 'Uiey rcicived the iioniin.itioiis (loin Gov J.inie.s L. Ml I'oiv.inghv m leliii n loi .sup- poi ting, the lutter .s vandida(y fdt

IMiiislrel Revue Will Re Repealed

firAvco w l The Da.k 5r.;ror''7. J o a r il- *ra selling soft ^rln^- most goods move. - ,■ leadv has oiiy (for '.Susplcion' l Because only four per cent ol,

I 'm and Livvv gave hei the record. At least double the ar t n a t i o n ’s freight is affected-- heaiitili 1 dics.s she wo;e the fTight i 6emand, one seller estimated. , stuff-one ICC offi--• hr won I'l. i " cl«> the importance of thi

___________ :--------- * The biuj conveying Manchester should not be over-em-Grange members to Farmington p^asized 'for the Neighbors’ Night p ro^am ; doesn't expect to see an>of the Grange that place tpmor- pj industry Intfrow eveniiig, will leave from the, ^Masonic Temple at 6:45. cision

We, The WontenBy Ruth Milieu

NE.$ Staff Writer \ ■ x A genuine horse-laugh echoed ,\n Indiana vv.fe recently Kled , „ipng street thU noon, and

suit for divorce charging meiiXal ' po policeman was present, as In the.......- __ crualty because her husband d^- case of the Rhode Island

.strcl revue at the Hollister .vehool manded $i.50 hourly wage for art>\! laughing mah, to pull the hilarious auditorium la.H night to a lu'ai - work lie did around the house. -one In. The strange note was capacitv .uidience vvhn h wa.-' Maybe that wife had a good by a small white pony beinghigli 111 Its prai.se of tbe prodiic- tiumf and ttidit't knovy it. Perhaps carried in a trailer. In two

Chapman Court. Order'of Ama­ranth, pre."ented it.s ail-lady nnn-

Shower Parlies For Bride-lo-Bc

the gubernatorial nomin.ilion last witliout any liresoine walla.fall.

'Boland-Hollow ayMrs Emllv Hollow av of F.dburv

Whittington. Worrejter. England.

• " ‘11 d^ugh?e7.' ’ r i7 m / * 'E m ili7 7 o ' pxid wlU. P u rch ^ consideration ■ Richard Stephen Boland'or this store, and for another at -- — c._

Nimty-two niviiil'i i " i Oui Lady of .Sorrows Retreat league from Manchester attended the re­treat at the ra.sslonhst monastery j Strong la executive secretary to at West .«ipringfield over the past t|,c governor, while .sharjie is "n<''W

serving as state coinptioller Senator t ’bafle.', ,H(viz» (R Man-

tion. sEvery .spevialty :aiul chorn.a miin-

bi i wa.s enthU3i.a.'tic'ally apphiinl- .'d by the aiidieiu'e through tlie eii tlie coiitimii.ly of the program oi song.a. 'lance and ciioru.a minibcis.

______________ or Miss Helen M. . Stevenson ollier lui.-liand gave hei a business- ] places the pony found plenty Hamlin street, whose marriage tflike solution to tbe problem most ; laugh about, and he.didn't hold Raymond Schors of Birch street wives haVe liow to get John oi feelings. ' * '.lini .to fix a leaky faucet, mend a ---- -ell.Ill Ol clean ‘ he basemont. Workipen are now engageil in aet-

l.s her husband as guilty of men- | up the white stone facing on tal cruelty as the husband "'h® tbe new store block being erected

at Main and St. James street.

w erk end rvis'’ ivnrses

Ibv Fa'b»r Dapoen

son of. -A „ -A* J I Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Boland of

210 Asylum street Hartford being | j - Ashlantf street. Manchester Wld simultaneously. Is $ 4 ,^ At- | ^Ir Boland who .„.rve,i with the tomeya who will receive all claims , Army in Ih.' M' w.n in sevo-ral are Stoner and Burke. 125 Bearl ,.

and Passion

Over the Juiiipa

atreet, Hartford. Sales date is May *.

AlrenUR Ohsttel MortageXaat Ooaat Airways Incorporat­

ed has had filed three chattel tnortfagea held by tbe Hartford Hatleaal Bank and Trust company, in' tha amount of $1,962 on a five place Osssna Model 1941, $836 on an AT-6A 1942 model, and $836 oa a Tsylorcraft U M model 194

IVlawaie P.iik, Del Foil (op-nol(h .-(I ( ('’[*liM b;ov,' I'nic. .ii,- in(hilled in till D l.iWOK I ’.iili U’d of II slake.s highlighting 30 d:i\:. Ill iHvihg, May 29-Jiily

Loa Angeles t ails

Kiiropcwas stutJonprK for ab'su s ye.ii in England. It was while iherr he met Miss Holloway. He was hon­orably discharged' In December,1945, and is wnth the Boland Oil Company.

Miss Holloway arrived rereutly from Eiigl.vnd -ni the Queen Kli/a- heth and is living in \\>,it Hsitford. It is underatrmd the vv eh- ['fMliar iim Rela;,>’'In dmg will take pleee thl^ spring, j May 23.

r.h*.*teri s.vid both ?'rong snd .=vharpe ixere eminentlv qutJiflsd to serve on the Public ■ Utilities ( ommissior..

I'lio Sei'Hle appioved and .sent lli( Moilce Ind.iv » lull piovid- .-tin pel'illties lOI I'l 11)11.g p:JI'

tKip.dits or oltici.iU ol spolt.s

Due- till cruelty as the husband old , s.iys, "Surtf. I'll do It sometime, to-

I morrow maybe ?’(It seems a's though a husband

wliiv offered to do the odd jobs mound the house for a price would be prettv handv to have around

> EUmlnatea Nagging A wife wouldn't have to nag him

Bi.—1.4s—A labor (to get him to'work. Since she

Manchester Youth

will take place .Saturday at three o'clock in the Second Congrega­tional church, has been honored with several pre-nupUal parties re­cently. (, ,

Her aunt. Mrs. R. H. Pguerson, of East Hartford, entertained with a miscellaneous shower for het last week, which was attended by

j twenty-five relatives and friends The hostess who was nssl.sted by

ing .1 short intermls.sion drinks were available.

The show Will be repento 1 thi.« ev('’ning in it-* entirety in liie -qpvr anditoniMn .

Inbnr Dispute Sllsnres Snlons. * 'n i JD> X ishnri*-, hinv to ’ work »incs shs i ■ I vsil-colorsd balloons, undar which

d iW r"sn e7 (C d mei'nbet .v o f , tbe7 ' .vs^p for the job ahe could Providenca, R. I.. May IS - A ■ the bride-elect was seated to un-lllinow State' I1(.1I.-(C of Itepreseii- .litcd |n.sl liow she " a n t e d it resident of Manchester has s p im- w lap hei ln\. i\ g ill- hilffet

. V (Si ■ (.1(1 I'h,’ new Ion,I 'm k I iI she didn't want to cipal part in "On K ey ' which will . sup|,ei and sovlul lime lollowed.I.dlve- l.i.sl ,,ighl. Ih, n,w lon.i .Mui " j, |,ei-' be prU iced later this month by Mi.s.s Stevenson's associates in

iBrownbrokers, the Brown Untver-, the office ot the Connecticut Gcn-

I t i i j n W e P e P l a v h’ *r d t’ighters used pmk and blu* l U * a«g J f dscarationp and-------- I vart-cr* ------ -------"


SV-t('IU vv.clingli Gteeii

dciid mid said lliat

pi ice.

State Oollege, Pa.—Gerry Kar- ver. Penn StaL nidbt and R.iincy Kweil, former Nilniiv l.iyn print lai. aiC nivitrd 'o (..nuwu,' in the

Ij '.( AncCl( s.

((.(V’ til, a,,,,.., , ....... ...... seif

(vverl.v. I'hc . measure, sponsvued gpruigPeUI Local Ui:i; AFl. Inter- Thcie .aic likely to be many liy Senator .Nichola.v Palladlno (R- ; ,uitlonal Brotherhood of Ejeclncal , times when living alone that the

j Bridgeport) fixes the penalty at ; workers, had objected to a state wife who Is divorcing her husband ' ten yens imprisonment of $10,000 i i;,uplove operating^ the svstem. because he charged her I t 50 to dofine or both.

I'll, ( (dUrovei.sial FKPP liill ". on hn.il iijiproval in the » ’onnevt- nut ili-neisl ,X ;.-eiohly tol.iy e l" . H i ' . '('. b; a V(Ue m I'.M to In’) oaased the measure fojiowmg a

Repre.sentatlves then engaged in a ridd jobs is going to look .at a **‘*j*'i d i i i u t i u g n i . ( l ( l i V I i v U k I l l i c v . s l i o n i d i ’ i n i ' l o v N i n c m t i e i o f H i e n i i i o n ( ' r h e i m i o . c ( . y d ( ' i l v . i t l i « m o t i o n ) ( v s d i ' . i i i n . J i U v n o l ( u - i . ness traryavtrd.

4 * » m JX ' t ' IS ICS s s - •- • ------------ ---- ' -

tliat lefuses Ui shut or u washing nnii’hine that refu.ses to work. Then stio'will think. "H 1 jnst b.hd 1 tui'idy man haiidy.. I'd,lie glad tp pay him $1 50 an houTp''

city annual musical show.He is William M. Peterson son

of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Peter­son, of Tolland, formerly of Manchester. A senior St Brown and winnen of the second price of the Preston Gtiemey Literary award, he is on the (lean’s list Pelerson is a graduate of Man­chester High sctiooL , \

oral Life Insurance company, Hart­ford. recognized her birthday ve- . terdav by presen'lrg her wjth gif's and featuring a Urge, decoratel birthday cske with the other re­freshments. Previouslv the girls gave a buffet supper party for Miss ■Stevenson, and presented to her a gropp gift ol ( ry.vtal gobleta and

I other maGhing p ie,** ' ;

MANUHESltR EVtMNlJ HERALP. MA'NUHK.'^iER. rilN N * Tn!>DA^. MAY I,-?. 1947 IP A U E E L E V b r t■ ^

Motors^'North Ends in Softball Opener Tonight— \

Marco' and Bagley Hurl Aircraft To Twi Win

raltiET Six ,W*»* Sidei Single* |o Post 3> to 1 Victory; McMeaus Is Caine's Batting Star

Box Score

^runo, 2b . .. Varaura, 2b .. Bartle, If . . . . Dennis, l b ' . . . McMeaus, cf . Hauklnaon. rf

, Kellis, c ......."DeLucca. Sb . Richter*, os .. Marco, p . . . . Bagley. p ... .


Murray. 2b ; Salmonaon, If Zwick, 3b ..x. Cbopus. Ib . . . Patton, cf. . . . Dlone, as . . . . Becker, rf ... Pongratz. o'- ..Honr, p .......Noske. p . . . , . * Murdock

Mike Marco and Jimmy Bagley. tw6 Yttaron right bandars, com­bined their talents Io.st night to pitch Um United Aircraft nine to a * to 1 win over PaganJ's West Sidaa in a Twilight League game at tha Wast Side Oval.

T>a East Hartford nine took ad­vantage! of looa^ ploying afield by tha locals to soore two of their three markers. Only one run, the first, was earned.

Pagant’s averted a shutout In the last Inning by taking advan­tage of BogUy'a temporur wild- neoa and a base knock to right- field by Mika Zwick to score a run. Two successive base on balla ■et up the score.

Batting star of the night woa a newcomer to tbe local league,Charley McMeaua. a colored lad.Tha husky Negro pounded out two boas hits in four trips and nearly tore ahorUtop Johnny Dione'a arm off with a Une drive in the seventh frame. | Total*

Marco, workhorae of the Ham-1 Aircraft ilton staff in other seasons, hurled p^gani's the first four frames and gave up four hits and no runs. Bagley al­lowed two blows and one run in hla thr*s inning chore. Joe Hoar, of Hartford, hurled creditable bail for the West Sides before retiring in the sixth inning with two out in favor of Ernie Noske. Hoar was touched for fohr hits and all three Wast Bide run*. He wo* tagged iwlth the losa while Marco waa credited with the win.

The Aircraft picked up a run in the first inning when Joe Bruno oponed with a double to leftfleld.After Joe Bortle fanned and Vic Dennia skied ouL Mckleaua sin­gled to left and Bruno scored.Ihere was no further scoring un­til the fifth inning when with one down, the Aircraft loaded the bases on on ehor, a hit hatsmon and a base on bolls. Bortle popped up to Zwick at third on on at- tompted squeese play and on a potential double play ball, Zwick fired the boll post first socker Hank Chopus Into the stands and Frankie Richters scored.

The third and final West Sides run came after two men wrere out


27 3 6

28 1 6 21 10 4 100 0110—3

.000 0001— 1 • Grounded out for Noske In 7th. Runs batted in: Zwick. Me-

Meaus; Two base hits: Bruno Stolen bases: McMeaus; Sacri­fices: Salmonscn, Bartle; Left on bases: -Aircraft 7, Pagonl'a 9; Boaes on balls: Bagley 2. Hoar 2; Strike-outs: Nosks 2, Hoar 2, Marco 5, Bagley 4; Hits off: Hpar 4 for 2 runs in 5 2-3 Innings; Noske 2 for 1 run in 1 1-3 innings: Marco 4 for 0 runs in 4 innings; Bagley 2 for 1 run in 2 innings; Hit by pitcher, by Hoar (Msreo); Wild Pitches; Noske; Winning pit­cher: Marco; Losing pitcher; Hoar; Umpires: Rolick, Murray; Time: 1:46.

Twi game at the club. New uni­forms will be distributed to the players. *

Gas Housers Stage Drill

I Moriarty's State Loop I Team Boa*t* Better i j Twi League Member*;

Keen-eyed Tommy Sipples view­ed his toncUdates for berths on Moriarty Brothers State League baseball Uam Sunday afternoon and wore a smile after a lengthy drill at the Oval.

The Gas House Gang coach, con­sidered by many the greatest base­ball player ever produced in Man­chester, has carded another ses­sion tonight at Mt. Nebo at 6 o’clock. •

The player* who paKicipated In the drill clearly represent the- cream of the crop among the Twi­light League Uam*. On deck were Johnny Dione. Mike Zwick. Giia Ooudino, Bill Oleksenaki. Cliff Keeney. Al Suroweic. Art Pon­gratz. Eddie Welrablckl. Frank Caron, Dick Cobb. Swede Salmon- son, Bill Murray. Lefty Jadkhtiak. Jimmy Blanchard and Ziggy Ol- bert. Jackie and George May ami Walter Forde are also expected to be with Moriarty'*.

CObb and Jodalnlak peppered the apple over the road during the batting drill to thore the spot­light among tbe Icfthonded bat­ters while Qua GaUdino featured the right handed aluggers. Sipples thinks highly of Oaudino and the youngster with a little polish ho* all the earmarks of ranking with the better players in Manchester.

Stinda; afternoon the Gas Hous­ers open their slate on the road against the Bristol Elites.


Fred Serafine td Hurl For Defending Champs

llh Help Ur t an Several interested paHie* have

asked this writer how Joe McClus- key will be able to sUge a major track ami field meet ahd bring In

go**d front row pews for a nn. or five hundred coppers.

1 hope that by taking donmUons from the expected banner crowd for the field, that McClutkey will7 '.Bolton. .Squalrlto wi^ and ■till is

such name stars os released dur- hls^M a* '25 show. An,, | consMt'rcl the greafest all emunding the post ten days without a flat admUalon fee comparable toother major meets. a boys and girls Manchester track

It's nc simple tssk, you may rest , Vll* “ rMrc-iuskevassured on that to promote the ■ disappoint McOuske>meet by collecting contributions ; firopplng in a from ther crowd only as McCIuskey ' B** cup with a stare, ^ e m *®*has plannsd. The toUl coat « f * * " of Con^staging the first show wlU run into Chester but also the State of Con-« iv r a l hundred dollars. Trknspor- necUcuL

Fiftefn years ago today, Friday the 13lh, I>('incimk Squalrlto was killed in Hii automobile accident at

all expenses ano ,have a

on his May 25 show. An,,' | monev made will be turned Into a j athlete to ever enroll at Manches- fund "at.the Y and will be used for

D o r n S q i i u i r i t o

1 5 Y e a r s D e a d

Oiilsluiiiling Athl4‘t4‘ ul ^MaiiclicsttT High Dif<l Slutrl - Oremuiiy UsIrd ' R e d S o X D o W H

Y a n k e e s 4 - 3III Bolton Aroiih'til First


Utlon. lodging and meals wilt be paid tbe visiting stars lit ajtdlUoh to the many prises to- be awarded. Three prizes will be awarded in all eventa. Several of the star* plan to come to Manchester Saturday and stay at the T until time of the meet.

Never before, and I believe it is safe to say, has Manchester been able to boost a field of track stars as the entry list for Sunday's meet reveals. No less than eight famous runners who have gained national chomplonahlp* wtU grace, the star studded field for the first of two scheduled meets. The second will take place, Sunday, May 25.

With the same field and stkged In New York, Boston or Phtloael- phlo, the admission scale would range from the standard fifty-five cent Best in the top balcony to

The first mld-wcck midget rac­ing show at Cherry Park in Avon w 111 be held tomorrow evening. The first evqjat Is listed at 8:30. Sunday evening the tolghty midgets wKI again nmr at Avon starting at 8:30 Midget racing |a also scheduled Saturday evenihg at West Springfield Speedway West Springfield . . . Joe Louis la 33 years old today. Joe has re­pulsed the challenge 23 men who dared to get into the ring with him for the heavyweight boxing title . . . Earl Torgeson, Braves rookie first aacker, la current home run sensation in majors after get­ting Off to a slow start . . The Boston Braves will play in Hart­ford on Monday evening, June 30 at Bulkeley Stadium against the Hartford Chiefs,

ter HiKhfD(^m excelled in every sport he

partlclpateil in. whicli included baseball, buskeyjall. football and track. ■ He atlir holds the record for the too yard dashr 9.9 made a week before he was killed on a tatny aflcrnwin.

The day before . the ' tragedy, fiom slammed out three hits m four trip* to the plate against Meriden High in a GCIL game In which .Maiu’hesler won.

The curly, dark-haired lad of I 18. had won 15 M'a for hla atlile- llc ability He captained the foot­ball team In 1930 and was the

•o only Connecticut player named on the All-American Junior fool- bull tram.

Flaying fiiUbai k. Squat was a great ground gamer and competi­tor. He was a unanimous all-atar selection First base was his posi­tion in i>aseball and guard in bas­ketball. in track, he excelled tn the dashes and weights and was tab- j

At 6:25 With Pitrli at 6:30;Merz to' Kuisf-

“V —Ttir Softball Twilight league will

make another attempt tonight to launch Its 194T season when the defomllng 1946 champs. Center Motore, stack up against theNorth, Ends st 6:30 at Robertson Park.

Rain and cold weallicr last week caused poetponement of all games. Tonight’s game will be preceded t.y a short ceremony during which time 31att Merz will raise the flag and Walter Hibbard will toss out tlie first pitch. Matt got the fiag up last week but Mr( Hibbard was rained out on hla ws!y to the

Ntrung IJaetip< 'unlcr Motors will presviit ii

at:’ong lineup for the oponc'r In an attempt to get off tn a flying stai't on a team that is at thU time con sidered a big threat, the North Ends. Fred .Serafine, of whom

uch has been written and talked { ” '**l.*a ...111 su. . 1...W g..., , llini 0 *0..

By Joe Rsloliler Aasoclulsd Pvew* Sports Writer

I , At the rate boisterous Bobo New- , som, Washington's self-styled 20- game winner Is going along thi*1 season, he may be lucky to collect

i the necessary six triumphs he I needs In order to join the select I list of pitchers who have won 200 or more games in the major league*.

The garrulous righthander has .vet to gain his llrit mound win "this season.

Newsom was hardly' at fault last night os he failed in his third attempt to register hla initial win. He gave up nnly five hits and one run in eight Innlnga. Philadel­phia came up w ith four runs In the top half of the 11th to whip the Henators 5-1.

BoIm) has hod some tough luck this year. In his first start his mates were blanked by the Yan­kees 7-fl and in his second time

White Box beat

Mike ktarco strolled up to the plate lost night with a cigs(ettr in his mouth. At the last se­cond. he tossed It aw'sy and took a colled strike. No doubt, smoke waa in his eyes.

on a single by McMeaus. base and Oione’s bobble. ! Jimmy Blanchard, Polish Amcr-

Gome Tonight icon pitcher, is nursing a stiffThe United Aircraft nine will be

back in Manchester tonight to pro­vide the opposition for the Ameri­can Legion. This game w’as sched­uled lost Wednesday but was washed out

Local fans had on opportunity to view the East Hartford Twi League entry lost night and much improve­ment woe noted over the 1948 Air­craft entry. Lost year the team campaigned as the Hamilton Props and gained a playoff berth.

Tonight's game will be the first for the Leigon nine. Under a new coach and with many new -faces on deck, much la expected of the eel- ler dwellera of a year ago.

Mac McGuire, new coach, has been W’orking hard w’ith his squad for the post month and is confident that the Legion will cause plenty o f trouble before the season closes.

Youngsters, many of whom never played in the leamie, comprise {he Le^on nine. Bob Dumas or Al Giglio may start on the hill for the Vets with Pat Bolduc behind the plate.

Game time is 6:15.


Question of tbe night. Has ule Twilight League adopted the "Newburyport Plan ?"

Len Fonelli, former midget driv­er of Mol ^ r lo w in 201, was seriously Injured at Thobnpson last Sunday when he flipped three time* at 100 miles per hour. He w’ss driving a Wheeler Offy.

M ajor LeagueLEADERS

Local Sport Chatter

A publlcr address system will be in operation Sunday at the track and fleW meet at Robertson Park. Complete lineups and interesting dgta and background on the stars will be given the fans.

. Nichols-Brislol softbajl team will drill Wednesday evening at 8

.o'clock at Robertson Park.


Uy Th« Asbociated PressNational Lrogiie

Batting—Walker, Brooklyn, and Rlgney, New York, .389.

Runs—Robinson, Brooklyn, 20; Mize, New York, and Wyroatek, Philadelphia. 18.

Buna hatted in—Torgeson, Bos­ton. 21. Elliott, Boston, 20.

Hits—Elliott, Boston, 31: Baum- holtz, Cincinnati, 30.

Doubles — Eiuiis. Philadelphia, and Jorgenson, Bixx^lyn, 8.

Triples— Six players tied With2 .

Hume runs—Mize. Neis’ York. 9: Torgeson, Boston, and ' .Miller, Cincinnati; 7.

Btolen bo.seti —Robinson. Brook­lyn. and Adams, Cincinnati.' 3.

Pitching—Row’c, Philadelphia, 5-0, 1,000; Spahn. Boston. 4-0,1.000. I

Aiiieriiaiii LeagueBaiting--Mnllln, Detroit; .441;

I Lew is, Washington, .373.I Run*- Heath. St. Louis. 17; Di- I Maggio, Boston, 16.

----- ( ' Riin-s )>atted In—Doeri'. Boston.of St. James' soft- | 17; Gordon, Cleveland, 16.- •ked to report to S'I Hit.* Dtllinger, St. Louts, 31;

Miillin. Detroit, and Appling. t.'hi- ragn, 26.

Doubles- Mullin. Detroit, 11; Fain and Juost, Pbiladelpbia, 8.

Triples—Philley, Chicago, and Volo, Philadelphia, and Mele, Bos­ton, 3.

Home runs—Gordon. Cleveland. 6; fmir players tied with 5.- Stolen bases—Wright, Chicago, 4; four players tle^ with 3..

Pitching—Grove, Chicago and Dietrich. Philadelphia. 2-0, 1.000.

llurtford ChiefsDefeat Tigers

Bv Thf Associated PressThe Hartford Chiefs set out to­

day to wrest the Eastern League leadership from the WllUamsport Tigers after edging* within a half- game of the top.

The Chiefs donmi-d Williams-1 port, 5-3, last night dCipite two j home nina and a rinsing drive by ] the Tigers.

In other eoiitcat.s. Elmira took H 10-lnning decision from Albany, 3-2: Wilkes-Barre defeated Bing­hamton. 18-7 In another extra In­ning game, and Scrontoii nipped Utica, 8-2.

Elmira, Scranton and Utica were tied for third place.

A home run In the ninth Inning with two out, l).v rlghtflelder Dick Kokos, tied tbe a<'ore for Wilkes- Barre agaln.1t Binghamton and set the stage for a aix-run victory ■rdiirge in the tenth.‘ In the sixth Inning, pinch-hitter

Jack Brow’n homered w1tli the bases lua'led to give Binghamton a temporary 7-6 lead.

Mike R'jl'la, Elmirs lighthander, ((utpltched two Albany hurlers. He held the Senators to seven "hits, set down 12 batters by strikeouts and permitted rune only in the fourth inning.

Harry MaePherson pitched four- hit shutout ball for seven Innliigs for Hartford against Willlatnaport before allowing a single gnd two homers In the la.it twro frames.

In the Scranton-Utica tilt. Jack Kasholr. went the distance for the Miners against Dick Koechcr and Lou Possehl.

Eight National Champs In Track Meet Sunday

Star Sludfled Outstanding Assured for Two

|,-{ 1 ,1 York Pioneer club will coinjictc.r i r m latter Is a Negro club. In addi-Athletes Uon, a number of stars ftum other

. cliibs and leading Eastern college First o t teams w-ill l>c included In the field

Top Progrunis IJ**®** “— :— The first rare w’lll start at 2:30

and Director Mct3uskey figuresthe meet will be run In DO mlnute.s. There will be no eliurgcd admis­sion. How’cver contributions will be accepted at the inuln entrance driveways and w-nlks to the field.

bed a sure-fire Olympic threat.■Squat enrolled at Fordham only

s few dsys before death struck. He was described as a man of lovable pei*inallty with a fine sense of spoi'tsmenslilp who geln- ed staltwlde popularity,

Tom Ketley, Dorn's bssehall and football coach, said after the accl- iienl, '.'Dom was a sur-' All-Amer­ican. Nothing w’ould have stoppeil him.”

Today, 15 yeiii.t lalet. Domeiilck Squatrtto Is still the athlete ewer to engage Hi aisn, he.iter Higli.

rlHiut of lute, will toe the slab for tlu: Motors and Richie Jarvis w-ho really has a man sized job ahead of him will do the receiving.

liSague ClnwiiJerrv CTiagnon, anoUier league

newcomer will -Start nt first base He is highly regarded down state os sn all around ball player and la a better than average twirler to boot.’ Jerry la quite a chiwn In practice aaasions but once on the field he la all player. He now has a large following In the North End. Bill Mllew'skl and Fred Mcfhirry w ill form the keystone coniblnstlim with Oscar Phillips on third base to rniind out the Infield.

Eight holders of national track and field champlonahips will com­pete in the Community Y meet scheduled Sunday afternoon at Robertson Park. The list includes such natlonklly famous figures a« Joe McLiuskey, Charlie Robbins, Al Daily, Tommy Crane, Irving Klntisch, Joe Nowlckl, Irving Mondschein and Jimmy Rafferty.

MctJliiskey, a native son and 1n- ■tigatoi of the meet, holds moie national championships than ,Uie other seven stars coinbliied who have filed their entries to eOinpcte. McClu.skey and Robbins, another Manchester product, hold 32 na­tional titles betw’een them with the former having gained 25.

All eight champUm.s are formei j college greats. McCIuskey, Nowicki f and Rafferty are products of Ford- ham. Robhins Is an ex-Unlverslty of Connecticut harrier. Daily bifUs from Manhattan, Crane Is a Springfield College brilliant and both Klntisch and ilondscheln arc from New- York University.

Outstanding teams from tlic | New York Athletic club ami .New- .

r '


Rockville Downs ( llicnev 'Fccli 26*1R([( kwillc High (Miundt-d out an

easy 26 li) 4 win over Cheney Tech yesterday nftcrt(((on si Rockville.

Eighteen errors paved the wav for riian> of the home team tallies Tlie winners alsi stole 22 bases,

R4M-kv'lle High (26)All R. H PO A E.

Dow’gewicx, rf 3 1 0 0 0 oBsUsluebiicr, c 2 0 2 4 0 0Wsgner. 21. .. 3 2 I 1 0 0Whcliebc. 2h . . I ' l 0 0 n 0Daigle, 2b ....... 0 0 0 1 0 ti.Schumey, s.* . . . 1 2 1 0 0 (iB. Wagner, ss . 3 1 0 1 0 (IDoCaih, cf ---- I 3 0 ' 0 0 0

Irslerday's Results Kasfera

Hartford W'jlllamspoit 3. Hcraiiton 3. Utica 2.Elmira 3, Albany 2 i loi. Wilkes-Barre 13. Blnghspilon

7 1101.Nalloiiul

Hi(M)klyii 8. Boston 3.Unly gsmes schrdulerl.

.AmericanBoston I. .New- Yorl ,3.Oiilj' gninr.s s hrduled. PbiiH(lelpliiH •>, W'HSiiiiigloii I

M il -

Jim August, I/en Mstayn and greatest i Larry Rostek will start in the ont-

In sports I cr garden w’lth such capable ro- _ I serves ss Charley CYivev. hard hit- j I ting plteher. and outfield. John I

t.imoke) Sullivan, Plan f.urns and I Eddie Vllga In reserve.

n ie North Rods, last year runner ' 111) foi the title,, win present pretty much the snmr chib a.s Inst season Player-('oach Ed W’ lerzhlhkl will do ihe receiving with Max Rnbarlis tossing tlien) up. Mux had a record last season w-lth the s club.

Hard llUlIng Infield11)11(1 hitting John Hiinil‘ liskl

will l)c at first l)asc: Joe L((vett will start lit second inis ; flcrv Stan:Ooalneh at short and "Double f ’ lsv" Ben tirzyb. wlio can throw like a hiillet, on third, Wntly Pm- (■111.(14 Ziggy Olbe.rt and Htmi Ms- icwski w ill start in Ihe oiitflr-)d loi Ihe North Ends. Ready for relief

Each league got a new runnel)' up tenant aa Bitaiklyn moved into second spot In the National by defeating tliS Boston Braves 8-3 at Khbats Field and the Bostoti Red Sox nipped the New York Vsiike s 4-:i at Fenwav Prrk to move behind Detroit In the Amer­ican.

The Dodgers made 'good use of I I hits to clip the Braves, w-ho dropped to third place by nina pei-centage |H>iDts*

The game was nighlightcd by II Dodgci run-in with Plate Ifrn- plre George Magerkurth in th* second ti'amr over hln ban uo.i strike decisions and resulted In the clearing of the Brooklyn lieni’h ol tvfii-yone except Mana­ger Burt .Sholton. Coach Jake Pltler, Inflel'ler .(‘tsrkle "Lavogetto and pltehcf Hugh Casey.

No other games Kere scheduled as im>.st of the teams ware pre- iiurlng for tlieir second interinc- botml scrie.s ol the campaign. The Eastern loums in Uie National League engage the Western clubs

■ . ',| on the lutters' home gruumla _ today while the Western tciiiii,'' ''' ' ho'jln their .iivasion of the East In

the Aineitriui League.

rntes -.vill be Htnn and Henry Grzyli. I-. Pnicli'k, Rill 0!ckahln:-lii and Ed Hkraiiuez.,

Tha game will start nt 6:3(1 li"i|) fb*- Iciivuc's new piibtle

uddre's system will be In operatior and Uic usual ntlcn«lnm-c prize w1l be (ificrcd.

WllliiuiiS|ioi I liai KokI . .. Utica . Scranton . . Wilkes-Bane Elmira RlngliHiiil((n.Mbany


W L 8 :>


Frank Kovacs Threatens Riggs ’ Pro Tennis Reign

Welngurtnei, cf I j Bahler, cf . . . 1! Lusa. p .............3

Ahrahamson. p 2 Kibhe, If . . 3

. Kulo, If . ■ 1

Uy Harry Grayson N'EA Hporta Editor .

New York — 1NEA t — Bobby Riggs looks to be on the way out os top man in professional tennis.

The Little Man Who Waddles has foot trouble, similar to what Joe DiMaggio had, and may un­dergo an operation.

He has ducked Frank Kovacs

All membcrl ball taam are practice session Wednesday eve hlng at 6 o'clock at Memorial Field.

r ■ ■Billy Brown and Stan Chemel of

New York will collide in the ten- round featqre boat in Binghamton, N. Y„ Wednesday evening. ■ Char­lie Backofen Is listed on the un- dereard.

Cheney Tech came up with 18 errors against. Rockville Hfgh ye*- terday afteft^ion in losing. 26 to 4. A note on tha seoresheet turned jnto the office said, "o w ra par­tially caused by hard dirt field— no grass." ^

Lock of cooporoUen from Man­chester High school la the reason box ocora of baseball game waa not oorrUd today. Box acorta of High games never reach the sporU department.

Scores involving local school­boy team* ^aterdsy rosombled football scorea Windham High of WiUlmantlc trounced Manchester High 18 to 6 and Rockville scored [■ 26 to 4 win over Cheney Tech.

The American Legion baseball team wUl foe* th* Bristol KllUs In Bristol tomorrow night. Local players are asked to, meet at the East 8ide .R-c at 6 o’clock

Tbe British Amrrtcana will nold a meetHig tonight foiiownng the

Sports Schedule

.1 in three successive tournaments The money men all say Kovacs

now- appears to be the most for- ; niidablc player of thf game. v. t--|

Thi boys shooting for the cab­bage also assert that Jack Kram- { er, w-ho ably helped Ted Schroeder bring back the Davis Cup, haa a weakness in his game that would enable many of)\them to trim him consistently. Yod 'caii take that fur w’hat It's worth. Such a keen and schooled observer as Vincent Rich- arda sees no flaw In Kramer'a armor, although tbe former Inter­nationalist adds that a Kovacs or a Riggs in gpod physical condition might outsmart him.. - Commissioner Rlchagds of the World's . Professional Tennis League agrees with me in the con­tention that tennis—amateur and pro—could do with a little less de­corum in the gallery-.

That hush-hush business, hand­ed down from Newport, le totally unnecessary.

Ih competition a tennis player pays not the slightest attention to

Pladcr, . . 3b Dombek, Sb . . . Mlodleton, lb . .

------- . Bllnn, lb .comet look bad on a 40-match tour. ; Murphy c . . . Riggs finished Budge off in the ; ,ffinal of the pnifessiunul tourna- ; ment. 6-3, 6-1, 6-1, la reported to have earned $50,U0U in IM6.

The breaking point in Riggs' reign may w-ell have ' come in Troy, April 14. w-hen Kovacs lii- aiated on finishing a beat tw’o-of- three Set exhibition that lasted

.until well after midnight.Kovaca, mlaaing only one over­

head in a remarkable three-hour match, dropped the opening art.12-14,- although he earned ' <3 placements to a handful for

Totala 38 26 12 21Howell < heney Tech (4)


3 3

Tuesday, May I ITh e '^U e^r"' Vlnnto"'^Ri^hai^" r^


Wednesday, May 14 PA'a va. BA's, 6:16—Oval.

Thuraday, May 16 Pagoni'a vs. PA'a, 8:16--Oval. lA 's va. Kmceya, 6:30—Robert-

aun Pork.Friday. May 16

Rockville vs. Legion. 6:16— Oval. IV

Lata's vs. Independent. Robertson Park.

Hunday, May I*Track meet at Robertson Park,

2:30.Also, Coon and Fox Club An­

nual Spring field triola—Coventry.Hunday, $lay 23 '!

Track meet at Robertson Park, 2:30

Sunday, June l.% fiporUmen'a W *t*r Carnival -•

Center fipringz.

calls playing ManM^ Alonso In, Mexico City 20 years ago, with the customers making believe they w-ere attending a bull fight, cheer­ing and tossing cushions. um­brellas, bottles, whatever wo* handy.' I f the tennis father* are wise

they will exclude only the throw­ing. Let the spectmtor* root. boo. call thoae bums bums and enjoy the gome.

‘Hien they’U attend, and pay for $1.20 to $8.60. which *n- tltles them to moke a little noise. Who wonts to sit there Ilk* a half-dead stuffed dummy?

Returning from the armed forces, th* c<)cky. web-footed court- c'overcr who, Is Riggs pushed Don Budge Into <the number two slot

Eatabi'ook. 3b 3Negro, c , ....... 2Wulhiich. 21) . 3Liiglnbuhl. lb .3 Dawnorowitz, cf 3 W. Hmltli. cf- 1 l-an>bert. If . • ■ ■ '•1 TaKgart, If ■ 1Johnson, i f . . • 1 ."iadrozlnaki Makull*. I f .Moquln. p

rfRigga. Deadly, aeriuu* fur a change, Kovaca aald: "To hell with the doublea. I want thla match." He won the next two ; -mtaia - ts . 6-6. 6-4 ■

After winning two more ex- : hibUlon matchex from Hlggn. thf* j Error* * PurUcaDy c t^ rd

'*:»**'6'«‘* ’ haid dirt field-no gr.aaa).the Little Los Angetino for the - ■

1 2 0 10 8 4 11 1 0 21 .l 1 30 0 6 11 0 0 (1b 0 0 31) 0 0 10 1 0 20 1 0 II0 u 1 20 0 1 2

4 18 7 180 30 1 - 4230 X - 26

b ('lli(llgOI Brooklyn6 ; U(w(luii . . . . 6 i PUtal)Uri;h

I PmladclpliiB ** ; .New York .** ( ‘iiK iiiiuillb St Louie

Dell oil . . . .Boston .......Cleveland ('hfeago . . . . Washington ■New York PhlliidelphiH St. I»iils .

N'allimal.14 7


.r. 1' '

fourth tifne in Buffalo in the first of three tournaments to determine revised rankings for seedinga In the national championships at For­est Hills. June 16-23.

In Syracuse, Rlgga defaulted to the unorthodox left-hander Carl Bam in the semi-finals, com­plaining of an injured right foot.

Riggs come within a point of repulsing Jock March in straight •eta in 'Troy, then withdrew.

As stated In the foregoing, Riggs’ trouble, a calcified blister, may roll for on operation before there Isn't too much time. Since Bobby's game demands plenty of running, something he does bet­ter than any other, player of • the day, the aliment is not to ba taken lightly.

Kovacs, the handsomest athlete among the pro players, could be a popular champion. Built Uke on All-Americoh football player, the^ Hungarian boasta the strongest wrists In tennis, uses his right one to pull off winners on which re­turns teem almost imposa^ble.

He ha* reduced hla clowning to minor manneriam* that tickle the gallery with, their aubtle humor and rcUeve the tension In tight spots, a handy way of blowing off ■team in a game w-here politeness has been worked to death.

Frank Kovacs onlv hsd to - he

Rockville 22,

i by maktng the cratwhlle California' half'Way serjouo.

'Stolen i)Osea Cheney Tech 6.

Base* on balla, Lusa 4. ,Abra- hamaon 6. Moquln 10; atrlkeouta; Lupsa 7, Abrahamaon 9. Moquln 7; hits off: Luaa 0 for 0 runs in 3 Innlnga: Ahrahamson 4 for 4 , runs In 4 Innlnga. winning pitcher, Luaa; j I.z)slng pitcher: Moquln; Umplrea; Mileaki-Ramsdell; Time; 2 hra. 30j minutes.

High Lo8<*» ThirdS lra ig h l 18 iQ 6

% Manchester High suffered Its 4 ird straight setback yeaterday afternoon at the hands of Wind­ham High of WiUlmantlc by a 18 to* 8 acore. ,. ■■ T he local* collected five blnglos and committed eight ernira. The home force* found Jimmy Wiley and Rod Gustafson for 16 hits v.-lth opposing pitcher Steve Cas­per getting- five for five at the plat*. Griffin tripled w d homered for the Windham nine.

Score by innings.Windham 471 200 31x—18 16-3 Manchester 100 030 002 — 6 5 8

OMPOi'- Kaminski. Ornie. Beau­doin, and Gaucher: Wiley. Gustaf­son and MeCarthy, Klttla. i

Tmhij's liuiiK-s Eastern

Wllllunmi)orl at HHi'.foid i8 l5i Elmira at Albiii y.Scranton al L’tlcu. ~ 'Wllkea-Barre at Blngluiinton

.XmerleaiiChicago (Grove 2-0)' at Boston ,

, i Dolwson 2-1 I.SI. Loula (Muiicrlcf l-3i )»l

: .New York (Reynold/- 2 2iDetroit I .Newhouscr 1-41 - at

(Washington iHaefner 0-2). ;Cleveland (Feller 4-21 at Philn-

delphla ■( Dietrich 2-0)..National

Boston (.Spahn 4-01 al Chicago (Sphmllz 3-11'

New York (Koalo l -li Si . 1 |, Loula ( Pollet 1-3).'

Philadelphia (Sehmldl 0-I( at . Plttslxirgh iSVflncevlch i l -1 ) jI night).

Brooklyn (Gragg 2-01 at On- clnnatl (Vandermeer 0-11 ( night i.


RACINGWednesday 8:30 P. M.

Cherry Park.Avon, Conn.

On Route 177. 12 miles west of -Hartford between Route 44 and Unionville.

If you’re troulikd with (ire dithers, a weak battery, a radio set that picks up road noiNCN ... .if dirty upholstery mars (he appearance of your car. . . . if you’re In need of acccs- wirieH for your car hut And that money is the r«K)t of vour indecision ...wh> (car your hair?

Drop in at '1'lie .Xutomotivc Center . NU’H- ()I.S-IIHIS'rOI.. INC. You’ll be promplly and efliciently served . . you’ll And lust w hat vou're liMiking: for and .\T .\ SAVINtJI And whiit’s more, you D()N’'r HAVK TO PAY ( ’ASH I We welcome charge accounts.

Our staff of nine will niiike you feci right at home . . no come in . . look around.




155 CENTER ST. - PHONE 4047

Page 7: Evening... · •S I- < M FACis FO U RTtElf. ''v * ' iflaurlirfitpr Euruiug .H|pralJi / MONDAY, MAY 18, W4T. About Town Hi* Olrl Scout L*«der» frill hold their monthly meeting Wednee-

p a g e t w e l v eM A M


For Rent To Buy

For Sale To Sell


8:30 A. M. to 4:45 P. M.

Automobllea for Sale '4

Loot and Foundl o s t —In Talcott%’lll« or M«n-

cheMer. tie clip with large red atone. Reward Tel. Rockvillen « i .

LOST—.Lady a billfold containing money, charge-a-plate and other Itenv. Finder phone 3028. ’ Re­ward

FOR SALEIPed Chevrolet Fleet Maafer 7-

Door, radio and heater, O.OOO mllea.

1042 Ford 2-Door Special DeLuxe, heater.

1940 ChevTolet Special DeLuxe 2- DoOr. radio and heater.

1940 Plymouth 2-Door, radio and heater,

10.39 PonftflC Cluh Coupe, radio ami heater


Cl H K S I K ^ K\ K/ * . l 'K\ K.NINC; HEKALP, M AM JM ESIKK. CONT , TUESDAY, MAY 13. 1941

- X

/tioo-1931 MODEL A rohdater,49 Burkland atreet.

DODGF, truck 1937. Ioi><r wheel- baae. cab and chaaala..li^ton regla- tered capacity CaU' ,\iancheater 514.3 between 7 a. fn. and .3 p. m.

1938 G 0759.

M. C. .panel truck Phone

AnnounrrmviiUREGARDLESS of condition Ben- I aon'a will give you in trade for a limited time: S2 for your old Oat- | Iron; SIO for your old vacuum j cleaner; S23 for your old , radio (on-any conaole .nodcl i ; S23 fot;- your old range (on any gaa ■ range): iif< for your old waaher, . on an Automatic Laundry W e, feature only name brand makca [ add we aervice what ^we acll. Term* to 15 montlub. .Sec Ben- aon * 713 Mam atreet for a l>et- ler de-i-

2 '1934 L A FA Y ETTE aedan. Good _ i mechanlral condition Inquire at

85 Marahall road. Phone 7-2017.

PARENTS ifitereated In their children'* education and those | who wo-..'id like a set of reference j hooka TheiT are only two en-

, cj-clopexliaa.'' reiommendeiJ by ; ■'The L'. Office of Education. ’ j The Woild Book a, d Comptona. I The World Bo-ik for children In ' elementary', high ttchool. college ■ and for adulta. For further in- j formation call John P. Me- | Aneeny. World' Book repreaenta- tlve. 2«8 Hackmatack atreet. Manchester. Tel. 2-2350.

1937 PLYMOCTM coupe radio, heater, good tlrra, good ninnlng condition Inquire 27 .North School Btrcel.

A tilo A rct’sso rie jt— I’ire s ft

•NEW T IR E S new rccapi. uaed tlie* and tube*. Expert viilcanla- ing. 8 tufiiri recapping aervice .Manchester i3 ■ and Recapping Company. Broad street .Tcle-

. phone 3889 Open 8 a m to 7 p m.

R EBU ILT Mutur* Give your old car new life Get a rebuHl iimtur from Wards 35 new purls re­built to Warda high slandarda. For Fords A AA. V 8, Chevrolet and Plymouth Liberal allowance for old motor Montgomery Ward Co. 828 M„ln stieel. Phone .M81.

'A iin lrd A u lns.MoloirycU’r* U

MANCHESTER Auto driving Bchoul Master the art ol goo<t driving, the fi.».ter way. Phone 2-9377

W ILL PAY highest cash prices lor g r'od, clean, used cm*. 1937 1947. Broad S licet Motor Sale* Phone 3028.


cheater 3324 Amesile driveways. l!alf for free catimales I

SAVE MONEY In a bualneaa-llkc way S tart a Savings Plan and pqt your money to work. Gen­erous returns. All accounla in­sured up to >5.0181. See u* urron Manclicai-'r Building and Loan Aaaoeiation.

HAVE YOOR chHd photographer! In your own home. a;uld familiar , rurroundings. All type* of com­mercial and portrait photo­graphy. Uy appointment iml.v. Call 1778 Pal apofe-Rboto*,

RICH Lcam lop aoil from manure fed meadow land. Absolute satis- fartloii guaranteed. Tel, 8.390.

OLD FlAXm.'- SANUKD l,ayin)Z anc nniahing

J E lenaeO.I'el Williftianlii 99'2». evenings

PLUMHIND ^ HEATING OIL i:ri{,\KU RLI'AIK All Work Oiun iiiilfi'd!



Buslneint 8«rrvic*ii OffgrejGAS AND E lacincw eldm g. all

loetaia. lead nunons/kightecn years expenehce. y G torg * L Green 473 Gardner s tre e t .C a ll 3047 '

ALL APPLIAN^l^ES serviced and repaired, butnera. refrigerators, range*, washeis. etc All work guarantee^ Metro Service Co.. Tel .Maffchcsler 2-0883



All I'ypc.8 —. Allwjilakps





nibblah removed. reasonable Tel 3681.

LAWN Mowers, hand and powar sold, sharpened, repaired, parts. Pick-up and delivery (Japitoi Grinding (>)., 38 Main street.




S a GGLNO Springs In upholstered furniture, seat* repaired and completely restored to original position with Parker .Sag-PrCif. Work done In voiir home. Divan $18.'.0, chali $8 7.3. Written llfe- llnu! guarantee. Call .'1129.

Al.i MAKE!- ol sewing maiinine* aapertiv repaired Hiligei Sawing

I Ma<nin» tk>.. 8.32 Main ttraalI la l 4X8.3

I LAWN mowers sharpened "The Universal Way" stay sharp long­er. cul ke.epei. opiTSte ea»lcr Work guaranteed. Tel 2-9853 85

' 1-airfield street

KAIHO lUec'ricai Appiianc* .Servu-e eepal'-s picked up ano

1 de.lveieo promptly '20 year* experience tohn Maloney Phone 2-1048 I tValniit street

KInriHti*—-N urM -riei IdW HITE (lowering dogwood tr«e$.

7.3c up. Call for or delivared. Call 7934

R n o fln g — S id in g I6>ROOFL''G — Speclallaing In K -

pairing roofs of all k^ida. .Also new roofs. .No Job loo stpAll or large. Good work, fair pi;H;e. Free estimates. Call HowdAy, Man­chester 3361.

RGOFl.NG and S id in g our apectal- ly. New ceiiiiiga and carpan.ry Higheat quality m atenaia Work- manahip gilaranleed. A. A. Dion. Inc. Phone 4880.

Help Fviwlt 96R E L I A B ^ woman to care (or 2

children In my home. Mother works. Hours 7-4. Anderson. 145 Branford street. '

WA.NTED— Waltreaaea 4 to 7 p. m. or 10:30 to 7. Woman for tray room from 7 to 3;30 p. m., 20 to .30 years; 6-day week, moat be able to work week-ends. Apply to Dietitian, Manchester Memorial Hoapltal. ,

I O F F IC E aaalatant. One who can meet the public. Typing helpful

1 but not essential. W rite Box KH, I Herald.

G«rd«n—-FBrin—Dairy Products 50

QUALITY ciltrden fertiliser and lime, also ‘certllHstftITeen Moun­tain seed potatoek at the farm. Prices reasonable Frank V. Wil- llania' Farm. 1632 Tolland Turn­pike, Bucklai.d. Phone 8291^

GREEN Mouniaii potatoes. Num­ber twos. Amelia ,Ja rv ia 872 Parkci atreet Phone 7026.

E V E R B EA R IN G ' s t r a w b e r r y pianla. These plant* will bear this year 32.50 per 100. Call at 214 Gardner atreet, or phone 2-0769

Muslcul Instruments 53SP IN E T Plano, BpaClally priced,

1485. New guarantee, full key­board. Chickering bahy grand, unumikily fine condition/ ■ Looks like new. guaranteed Evening appointment gladl.’ arranged. Goss Plaho Co.. 37 wllyn atreet, Hartford. 5-6696.

\Vi|nti*d— lo Huy 5K

SECOND-HAND drop-head sew­ing machine in good coViditlon. Cal) 2-2277 after five p, m.


For Rpnl To Biiv

F<»r S a l e T o S e l l


A M lo 4 :4.S P M

Hcatinif— PlumhinK 17

WA.NTED — Stenpgrapliei for general office work. Apply A. B. A. Tool and Engineering Co.;. 30 Grandview atreet.

Hounrhold Goods

M A N tn+KS'ntR’t> dealer in rags ! paper and scrap abetata calls at your door and paya'imu highest >

i n BlsseP

I PLUGGED Mam sew era sink 'avatory arrav.oath drains cffl- ciently rr.achlna cleaned.. Carl .Nygren. plumbing, ateam Utter ant* pump mechanic, 15 South atreet Phone 6497.

JUST r e l e a s e d FROM WAREHOUSE

5 1 I prices Oainnaky, ___I street Phone 5679

l„ots for SmIc 73

Help Wsnied— Male 36 ^W A N T E D - Journeymkn plumb-- 3 ro o m ^ o f new tu rn T -

er. Apply In person. A T S. Supply CJb., 35 Oak s tre e t

PLUMBLNG, heating, repair* on WA.NTED — Experienced filling water pipes, conductor pipe* and I station attendant. Apply Jn per-rangc boilers Phone 5747.

Edward Tanner.

FO R PROMPT, effletent plumb­ing - herting aervice call J . Mc­Cann. 160 Blaaell atreet. Phone 43.3.3,

son, Bantly'a Service Center. 333 Main atreet

KooTinif—KepdinnR 17-AlurOFlNO 0 9 all Kinds-Chimney

work, gutter work and inaulaUon.97xpert repairs Honest workman­ship. Satisfaction guaranteed Call Ooughlin, Manchea'ei 7707

(CHIMNEYS— Now that apring ta here, chimneys and roofs need repair Call 2-0768 and we’Jl be atreet, Rockville. (Joi.n. there. Laftoae Bros Co.

E X P E R IE N C E D refrigeration serviceman. Manchester Dairy. 113 Summit atreet.

•MAN FO R full time work at gas station. Good pay. Muat apply In person. Van’s Service Station, 427 Hartford Road,

YOUNG man for light factory \(<ork. Apply Tober Baseball, Elm atreet, Manchester.

WANTED. Machiniats. mechanics and electricians. Apply American Dyeing Corp., 104 E ast Main

''HI.MNKYS and fireplaces clean­ed and repaired. 24 year*' exper- Jpiice Insured. Manohealer i^lro- iicy expert. Phone 2-0542.

Movine—1 ruck ins— StorsKC 2M

ASHK.S, cans, nij>bl.«)h removed. ] Y hi/Lx. cellar*. Attica cleaned, light trucking, odd Jobs. Phone I .3008 '

MOVING, hooxehold goods and piano* moved anywhere in the state AIhO general trucking anO rutihi*h removed Plano* oui apecisliv 9r^»ingrr and Madl- gan Phone ,384 7

AN EMPLOY.MENT counselor from Hamilton Standard Propel­lers will be available to Inter^cw applicants for employment Tlies- day 4nd Wednesday. May 13 and 14 at the Connecticut State Em ­ployment Service office on Maple street. Manchester. Hours from 8:30 a. m. to 3:30 p. m.

Help Wanted— Male orFemale 37

ture. Thia merchandise has been held since October. 1046 and is in perfect condition. 3 pc. living room, 3 pc. bedroonj set, dinette, ruprs, mirrors, ta­bles, lamps, etc. Complete

■Amount due $247; will ar­range convenient term.s; will sell separately.

(•onnecticiil’.i Largest FTirniture Store

A-L-B-E-R-T-’-S43 Allyn St. HartfordV 'E BUY and sell good used

furniture, combination ranges, gas ranges and heaters! Jones’ Furniture Store, 36 Oak, Phone 2-1041. I

' i

M ETA L BED , walnut finish, com­plete, $10. Phone 6048.

M ODERNISTIC dining set. prac­tically new, excellent concllllon. Phone 2-0247.

W ANTED— Baby grands. small upright pianos. Singer sewing machines. Sewing .Machine Hos­pital. 142 Church street. W rite Hartford Phone 6-7213 - 6-8298 Buy and fell.

■WE BUY old lawn mowers re- I gardless of condition. Friendly | FU lt, 718 .North Main. 4777.

U SED F U R N IT U R E , WtU buy en- tlre household or any part. Also antique furniture, old iftass,- china, bric-a-brac or what haye you. Manchester Auction Sates Oo, Phone 3375. » ^

W A N TED --A used check writer. Must be In good condition. Phone 4168.

I ID EA L Homs sites In Bucking- ! ham section of Glastonbury.

Near church and schools. For further details phone 7447 after 7 p. m.

LOT For sale. 82x154 at 137 Prospect atreet, Manchester. Make an offer. Call Hartford 6- 0966.

Konms Wit hoot Hoard 59FU R N ISH ED room for couple or gentleman. Reference required. 90 Ja rv is road. Phone 5457.

•NIC91 CLEAN room for rent, on Main street. Phone 6627.

FU RN ISH ED Room, near Main street. Gentleman only. 9 Hazel Phone 2-'2l7(X

Wanted to Kent 68

E L E trrR IC Mangier Phone 2-9103.

for pale.

H ELP W ANTED—Male and fe­male Positions available in commercial. Industrial, executive and technical fields. Apply The i , „Biiniham Employment Agency. '29 Pearl .street, Hartford, Conn.

H O SPITA L Beds or wheel-chairs able Phone Keith's Furniture fpr rent or sale Rates reason- 4159.

I TECHNICIAN and family desire , unfurnished or partly fumlahed j house. Phone 8277.

j TEA C H ER and family would like a rent as soon as possible; Call 7053.

BOLTON Center—3 aorCe, good elevation. Exceptionally priced a t $900. Marahall Agencji, Bol­ton. Tk I. 2-OT15 .

Wantert— Real Kststc 17LIST YOUR property Residential - and buMnesa. Have- many clients Oeorge L. Uraziadio. Realtor 109 Henry s tre e t Phone 5278.

PRO PERTY Owners, U you arc conaldertng capt'altzing on the present high t>ncee. contact us. We are pa^ng top cash for resi­dential or commercial proparty. For action ‘oday phone 7728 or 5328, or write Bra»-Bum Realty Co., Realtora, 118 East Center street. Manchester

KAUIU nnoi fixing’' Have II re pa'ren ov experts Plck-iip serv Ice gMarsiiieed work Sets check in I the .ome Cm radios « x;-eiHlly .Vlnr ihe»li-i Ksdi'Se-’vice li B»rt-r stre it Phone2-<l>.4li

H oiihi tinld ^-.Tvicps13 A

KA TIIK A Y’.S 9's.xliioiicd rug. fur nituic. - car upholstery cleaners.' For people who dcalrc the best. | expertly cleaned In your home phone 2-9729.

l'H9: AUSTIN A ilhsm ber* Co., local or long distance moving Moving packing and storage

. Phone Mam hesler .3187 or Hart­ford 6-M23

i ’liinimt:— Paperine 21I.NTEItlOR and exterior painting,

paperhanging. floor landing, and rrflnisl.ing calking, rooting, prewar pnrex 12x1.3 room paper­ed. $12 .Now booking outside hpnng and isiimniei' contracts. Spray or brush Call K F. Web- •xter 619l.'i.

/ Dork— Birds— IMs 4 1BOSTON Terrier pups. Fox Ter- 1

rier pups, 9'.nglish Setter pup*. ; Cocker Spaniel pups, ready to,go. Zimmerman, I-ake street. 6287.

FOR SA LE— .Smooth Fox Terrier I puppies, thoroughbreds. J Stan- | ley .McCray. Phone number 8. |

■ Rockville.

probiemn solved with .inoleiim aspha't uic counlei tCxpert widkmans.fiip. free esti­mates Open evenings Jones Furiiituro. Oak street. Phont 2-1041

W ANTED—Small apartm ent by ho-ipital resident pliyslclan and wife. Call Miss Johnson. Hospital 5131.

$.30 REW ARD for a suitable rent in Manchester or vicinity for re­fined American family of 3. R ef­erences, W rite to Box U. Herald.

NO WAITI.NG. We have electric ranges In stock for delivery. New.shipment of Youngstown s i n k s ___________________________________ln 3 s i7 .e s Benson *. 731 Main I CO VEN TRY—Small farm

Fiirm8 Hnd l,and fni Sale 71

■strecL I

Aul.biiiiiliilea for Sale

1937 DODGE GOUPE—Radio and lloatcr.

1940 Pl.V.MOUTlt I-IKX^R SED.AN Kadio and Hcat- er. f

1 9 4 0 C H E V R O L E T d . U B COUPE-^Radio and llnil- er.



O t 11.3 VT I nv* i*,S€irl metil* .1 KiU'hrr ilniiie'ib.x Also tile anc vail c t ,v -n n ) ;s Mam h e ste i H'looi .■■ovenng Co .36 '■rllage ilrre l 1 •«. 368b

F o i l C LKA .M .N G w sxing sn ' | I ’A l.’S 'tl.N G and paperh.TligingEyCciIcnt woi k inaiisliip and ma- teMals use<l. Wallpapei Eithei j ca.xh or small nu iithly payments. Raymond Fiske. Tel, 2-9231 .

l..\.NDSrAl’ ING, gnnlc:i work ol all kind* pruning, grading. D Donovan bcloic 8 n m I’hnne ’2- 1531 alter 3 p m

po'lxhing si filler* sad cuuiileir call 2-IM66 01 H7.39 D aiv* Ipc tpeciaiistr In lUiphaii tile sne linoleum riAlallstlons and fioo, maintensr.ee

Ll',”l I ’S wash yii'ii wall* by ma chine Dors a really clean |ob | PicM'ivcs |ismt srtvr. , redei or | aling 'ti'brrnd * i3i;jining Strv- 1 ive. H4 High •trrrf Phone .38.39

Live StiH'k—-> vhicle* 421SADDLE HOR.SE.S for rent. Eng- j

llsh and western. Al.so some good hor.scs for sale that will do light work. Roasonahle. Gllxion’s Rid­ing Stable, Ogden Corner, Roek- vlllr .oad.

(JIL AND coa' gr- vity and forced j air lurnacpa in stock Divlno Company. V\*terDury. 3-5o;t8

FIV E FOOT electric refrigerator. Call 2-17'20.

r e d c e d a r poles. 2.3 ft. clothes line |)oles. fence posts. Ashes re­moved. Phone 2-1117.

15 acres. 5-room house with water and electricity : no bath “or furnace. Barn and poultry hou.“cs. $.3,2.30. Talbot Real E s­tate. Andover. Telephone Willl- mantic I131-W1,

IF YOU HAVE a hoiiss. lot, or business to list it with a R ealtor for satlsfacUon. Subur­ban R ealty Co., 571 Center street. Phone 8215.

HAVING R EA E state problem*? City and farm property bought and sold by calling R. T. McCann, Realtor. Phone Manchester 7700.

W ANTED— In or near Manches­ter, 4-6 room one-story house, preferably with one or two acres. W rite Box Y. Herald.

D E S IR E home In Manchester or triclnlty. P refer single but will buy two-family. Willing to pay cash and wait 'reasonable time for occupancy. W rite Box S. Herald.

Hnusps for Sole 72

I..3WN MUWKKS *hui pencil, re­paired Range burner* cleanedm.U.led \Va.-inrg machinrv YciUU ,nulTpl7olste'rvvacuum, repaired, xa.v* fileuI’uKiip uml de iveiv hriendlN ,, ■ y ' , ...' • ■ ice. .MancOFSte. .>1b

It-1166h'lXil Snop, 4(77

r lh N o r th M a in Tel.168 IliJ^lford

• A IN 'I IS O .M . a* g o o d as it is ip p lU 'rt In le r io i a n d e x le r io i l ^ in t i i i g . p u p e rh n n g in g o ld Hour* 1

im x h e i. l ik e n e w Equip|>ed to I h a i^ l r in d u s t r ia l o r c n m in e re ia i I a p rn w n g S h in g le houses s p ra y e d 1 iu t t in | i co.st* o rf la b o r V V o .k n ie n : m su re d V T h o m a s .1 M c K in n e y . | Tel '2 - ( lr0 6 K te in b e i o f M a s te r 1 I ’a ln te r* N A a s o c liit lo n o f , A m c r icu.

Wanted—I Vts— Fonltry—Stork 41

O.NE YOUTH bed and drawers. Call 2-2241.

chest of

F IV E ROOM Cape Cod. Built In 1941, all improvements. Located on paved highway. 4 acres of land. Price $8,500. Ja m es J . Rntian and Son. Phone 7433 or 7911.

For G. I.'s Only30-Day Occupancy! $1,000 Down Payment. $46 to $.32 Per Month. New 4-Room Singles, 2 unfinished up. Fireplace and all other im­provements. Garaffc. Large lot.

The Allen RealtyRE.fil.TO RS

180 Center S t. Tel. 5106

WA.NTED To Buy. All kinds of live poultry. Highest prices paid. Prompt attention to large or sni.all ordei*. 'Telephone Man­chester 2-1448.

SIX-ROOM single, co m ir -lot. 1 seml-alr condition, heat (coal). | hardwood floors. Ruaco combina­tion windows. Price $8,500. Fur-

! nitiirc may be purchased if de- U.SED THOR washer with wring- 1 gtred Phone 2-1730 after 3:30.

.METAL Wh.le cnaniel lee box, like new. .$12 Apply Manehestei' Barber Shop. 1101 Main street, opposite High .School.

er, Post ironer. Main street.

Benson's. 713

Articles lor Sale

FORD i939 dump truck. Excellei.t condition Can be seen after .3 p. m. at Ook Park Homes. llS Looml* street. ,Manrbe.ster.

1940 CHEVROLET, two-door de­luxe sedan. Excellent mechanical condition. Radio and heater. (3ood tires. Iriecd 'riglU .Miller Motors, 653 Center street. Van- Chester.

I'J.Fo 'rR U Mi'loi* repairing ane .lewiiid'lig All H'Uk gimian'eea Ace KU tliu Mo'Oi Repair* 2'21 ' iirih Msin stieel opposite De pot rbtiuiKi >n .North .Schoc/ I 'r te l I'lione >64'2

;k 'A L l "T k r h 3 S H ouiehold Servle* Cor exp ert 'nesnin ti of fitxir* a KIIs n ig j 'iphulntery w indow * oc!o |ob* P ro n e (61Hi

. I.NSIDK and\ outside I paperhunglng.XItooms 12x15 done i for $1.3, Include paper at 60c a

Irrll fa l l 4208.

p a i n t i n g . ' V . ® ' ; ;■ age tank. Good condition ( alla. m. 3567.

SIX-ROOM Single, two - story I hou.xc with 2 lots. Inquire a t 326

l .t i .MO.NOORAM combination .stove. ! Kast Middle Turnpike after 5:30.* gas and oil, four and four Good | ------------------

conrlilion. Tel .3317 99 Home- | TW O -TEN EM EN T house sixstead street.




(FOR INSTANCE—lfl42 Plymouth 4-Door Sednn rtn-

dio and Heater.1941 Dodge 4-Door Sedan Kurlin. .

Heater. Fluid Drive I1942 Buiek 2-Door Scdanctle—, Radio, Heater.1941 Ford Beach Wagon Heater. 19.39 Mercury Convertible Club

fjoupe—Rarilo. Heater.1942 (Chevrolet Club Coupe Heat­

er. (Maybe thia la a 1946— Looks like one I.

1986 Pontiac 4-Door Sedan— iNlee transportation).

, 1935 Chevrolet 2-Door Seilan — Very <)lean.

1932 DeRoto Sport Coupe 1935 Studebaker 4-Door SerJan—

Heater. (All new tire* and very clean).'


.MB v’d M 'IT K H lilM i HOT MB f u r n a c e s Inslalled and Repair,-d

I' .ivesl rough* and Uonduf trtre Ml Tvim-* ol Shrel Metal • VVork ' I

22 .Veer* Experlenre I'KLh PHnNR 341.'(

(3(j u l D vou like voijf radio o( phonograph lepHlief* experllv am’ reounnahly• All work giiaranteed Phone 7.328 for pickup and de-

I lUery

lA .M ES M A ('R 1, G en eral tru ck I iiig R ange and fuel oil* nrhes

and ri'hln.ih rem oved Sand,gravel, fill and loan , Phnile 4.3’2.3

LOCAL .MOVIfit; and trurkthg Inquire- 28' FoleX' .xtreot Phone

' . '•ANi iiJlIK s refin .aneo and repair ed Kii»h oi. »plinl seaL- replaced i'lemann, 189 Souir Main street Phone 564.8

|{iiiliiiMg — ( (iniriu’tinK I t |.1 . SU L I.IV A .N . m ason r ontrnr tor,

b r ickw o rk . pln.Htermg, cinder hlock, co n cre te w ork, .stone 'Tel 2-0418.

' '.ARPl'i.Vri'.U Work ol nU kind* Rool.s siding additions arid alter­ations Also new cnn.itniclInn .'aielterl Phone 2-0'25.'l.

H A.N|> D Uonrdria turn (k’ mpaiK (.kincrete work 'retaining war.* coulef B.oi'k* eeptic tankx (aiid- ‘acaping. grading, driveways V Rt^ iieei Tcl. ’,-1601

.MYEIUS U.ied hand pump Also Iransmi.xsion for a Mrtdel A truck. Phone 6 '83 , "

NEW A.ND used Royal portable typewriters Term s and trsde-lns. ftepalr.1 on all make.. Marlow’s.

A I LOAM. J-yd loarl. $10. Flat wall stone, per load, $ 15. Red and

I gray quarry stone, $28' per load.------- ----------------------------------------—r— I We afieclallie In flagstone, slde-INTF.RIOR and exterior painting. | terrace, and veneer block,

paperhanging. ceilings reflnUih- I Bolton Notch Phone 20,1 Meiv insuukl and property, 0617. Prompt delivery.damage Exoert work. Edward R ------------------Price. Phone 2-1003 I l.N STO(7K for Immediate dellv-

----------1-------------------- ^ ^ — I - cry Garden King tractors. 8-12I.N'TERIOR and exterior painting. I (reeror*. E lectric

KOI! Q U .M .III , price. service, ronsiilt Albert Guay, "The Lome Owners' Painlci " Complete in­terior hnd e x lc io r painting serv­ice papcrhanglng. spraying and floor rptl..ishti,g Satisiaction guaiiiiileed Free estimates. All (vorkmen fully insured 20 Spruce street. Maiichester Tel, 2-18.33

Florists— Niirscrios

laperhanging. Prompt Fair price. Free estini, Frechette Phone (H:t0

service. mowers. Pennsylvaniapowfer I

handhair price, fre e estim ates D. E mowers. Springfield lawn sweep­

ers. Capitol Grinding Co, 38IN TERIO R and extenor painting

,1 .Main street. Phone 79.'8.

GLADIOLUS, $2 value, $1. '20 or more deluxe Inilbs gorgeous varlelle.s. labeled Cultural In- *tructi,')Ti* Paul Fuller. Glailioll Faueler. I2 llnlcomb street. West Haven Conn ,

and decorating. Expert w o i k i i i a n - P r a t i t l c a l l v new Helene ship by veteran. Work guartn - 1 heautv ship hair dryert,

("ML ______ scarcely used. Worth 3»0._________ ■ ----------‘ I price, $45 each. Call 2-0844.

Musm'iii— Dram atir’ 29 |

SHEl-ri METAL WORKHot All Fiirnac* Rrpafrlng

EARLY CABBAGE, lettuce brjic- coli, cauliflower and strawberry plants. Odermanii's Greenhouse. ,364 Parker street.

I SE V E R A L chicken repAifs. recon- ] large refrigerator.PIA.NO TU N IN G,'repairs, recon-|

dittonlng, etc. John CJocKarnaqji, | Autumn street 28 Bigelow slreeL Phona‘421J9,



S I’ECIA L—.Now la the imo . toi plant your Mliie Spruiel $1.25

New HoU Ail and All Conditioning 1 Bring container Height 3-5 feetUsano's. ISSr'OaU street.Fumaee# Installed

Eavra rrough "and Condurtor 'tenalrtng

NORMAN BENTZ'477 Spruce Street

____________ Tel 8966

tADIO C'lnlc. washing machine* nouaehoKr appliances electric i TiOtur*. Will ea.l, and deliver Guaranteed workmanamp Joner j Fuiniture, 36 Oak street, Man | ehMter.- 2-1041 1

These and many more await . your close.st in.8i>ection at



‘The Best In User Cars" ttkimestic, commercial. ForB li ic K 1941 *uper convertible 1 «oupc. Y*cy clean. $1,695. 341 i . ,r, -Eaat Center atreeL 7 to 8 p. m. ' H E IL A S R E F R IG E R A I'lO.N

^ 8 Birch Street i

. I’ .ANSIES giant striwns, English I daisies In blooui, .50c bu*kel, For- ; gct-.Mc-.Nots, .Silicnan w.xll flow­

ers Premier .strawberry plants.I ’!15-$1. 100-$2 75: l,000-$i4; Ever- , poacinK 2.3-Sl 1.3; 100-$3 95;

Gladioli 13 .lew varieties 12 $ ' 3,'». also finest mixture, t ’2-8.3c A.s paragfiis Mary Washington. 3.3 $1. U)0-$2.75 - Four acies hardy Ilian*.-. including delphinium, phlox, popple*, new niumh. etc. Shrubs, evergreens, fruit trees Tranaplanted, lettuce, ca lla g e , broccoli, cauliflower WoOTland Gardens. 168 Woodland • street. Telephone 8474

FOR TA LE— Men's rebuilt, relaat- cd shoes Better thaq new cheap shoe* S tm Yulyea.^701 Main

CHOICE Pinwalo corduroy rem­nants. $1.10 yard. Also rayon linings, checkered taffetaa and ginghamj», OOlo.ilal Remnant Shoppe, 115 Center street

ESt /m il JSH E D trading shop. 1 E l.E C T R lC fan. 2 4 ” floor model.Specializing in used clock.s, : adjustable Call Princess Res-chlnii gUussware. tiKils, bric-a - 1 taurant. ;brae. and *mallei household | •itenus.. GikicI clientele. business 1 J*ORlo.alion Bu.sine.xs including In

sP E E tT I Correction, clear voice Private lessons in reading, alge­bra, phonetic work, radio tech­nique W hili Studio, 709 Main ft reel. Phono 2-1392.

BiisinesH Opportunities 3‘2

Vent, r\. $S0(i ‘.Marsnnll Agency, Bolton Tel 2-0715.

•SALE-M agic air tank vacuum cleaner with all attach­ments Also pair shoe roller Kkales, ."xif-e 7. Phone 2-1012.

Maehinerv and I imiIs 6’i tR U B B E R T IR E D Ford.son trac- !

tor. Excellent condition Phone | 7007 — 7 to 9 p. m.

USED CLETRA C E with cult,iva- tor, new Cletrac Hg, plows, di.se harrows,!^ cement mixers, garden tractors, bale hay wire, Fordson and Oliver parLs. Diibllc Tractor Co.. North Windham Road. Willi- mantle phone 20.38,


h k ; h sc h o o l


If vou're gnidualing from high Hchoul this year, find ' out about the excellent op­portunities a j Connecticut General Life-Insurance C o » - pany. Hartford. VVe have openinga In reaoarch. typing, filing, statistical, slenogfii- phlc, oecrctarWl, and other work. -.Training offered for graduates In general or com­mercial courses. Five day week (36 Vi hours during summer I. Vacations with pay. Sick leave Hospital expense benefits. Free life insurance. Social and rec­reational facilities. Pleasant,

.congenial surroundings. Op­portunities for advaiiccme.it. Come In and talk with Mrs. 1,'lrlch from the Company who will be at the' C SE S office, 73 Maple Street. Mnn- ehesler. on Wednesday. May 14. from 9 A. M.. to 4:00

each. Single house of four rooms 2 and 2. Small store, twO-car ga­rage. close to Main strecet. must be sold together. P r’ce $13,000, terms, $4,000 cash. Exclusive by Jam es J . Rohan and Son. Phone 7433 or 7911.



Jarvis Realty Co.5 Dover Road

3xV X 3 5 ’ Floor Space Available for



Tel. .3187

Notice8 The Zoning Board of Appeals'cf the Town of Bolton will meet at the Coraniunll.v . Hall, Bolton Cen­ter. on the 'nineteenth day of May, 1947. at eight o'cl(>cU. for thb pur­pose of hearing the appeal of Mario Morra, I^enato Cocconi. Vincent Pei'acchio and Michael Peace frtmi the, action o» the Zon­ing Comml.sslort In Issuing a per­mit for the con-atnictlon of a bulld- ii.g to be used for buslnc.ss pur- P'lsea and' to be located at West Street opposite Loomis Road, Bol-

I ton.Zonii'g Board '"of Api>cal8,

George O. Rosp,Chairman,

r I S

Help Wanti-d— Hemiile S-5IF YOl' arc looking for a good

su-aily job and good .money, ap­ply at .Now System Laundry, 44 Harrison stre<;t.

BAR(,;a i N One q u art'strok e oil puipp, $9. Call 2-0170.

Fuel and Feed 49 A


m » PLYMOUTH two-door aedan radio and heater, two new Uree, new IM l Dodge motor; rune per­fe c t M i^e me an offer. Must be aoM Oa){ 3-4M48.U

NEED Eleclrlca) work done on ' y ou r,car? Will do tr,,uble-»hoof Ing at your garagr Reasonable , 16 ytgra eaperlsnce Telephone 3787. I

TOP (Quality ornamental .xhniba tree.*, evergreens, rose bushes, .small fruits, trull liee.s, a*- paragiis plant* on sale Saturday and Sunday. .M.iy 17-18 Comer Fo*lcr and l-;a*l iV nlrr street.* Ixiwer than HVeiage retail price*. Rotary <?lub 'Vouth's ArliviUes! Fund. ‘ ' 'I


e x p e r i e n c e d stitch er wanted...Apply Kaklar ("loth Thy. Co.,

Forest ifir(’et.

BO O K K EEPER experienced with General Motor system de*lrable but not u« ce.-«s(ai y Goeal salary. Ideal (Xf,irking rordltion* Phone 4164.

W ILL S E L L cheap. Hard, cord- wood. Move and fireplace length. K. and f,. Sawmill. Phone 2-0768.

W ELL SEASO N ED hard wood for stove, furnace or fireplace. $15 50 at cord T»l 6970

Keud Herkld Adv».

F re d C Mohr. Sr., Secretary.

FOR SALE4-Room Cape Cod. Can fin­ish 2 more on second fioor. Fireplace. Hot water heat with oil bufmer. Garage In basement. Large lot. Sit­uated on Oattland street. PRICE ........... . . . . .$ 9 ,0 0 0 .

3-Room Cottage on Box Mountain Road. Ixit 90x 160. Just rlffht for this time of Tear and small .family, or for week-end,s.PRICE ........... ...........$1.800.l-Family on Fairfield St. One 4-room apjt. vacant. House consi.sts of two 6- room and fw« t-rtMim apis. Very'large lot. Separate circulHtinff h6l air furnace to each apartment.PRICE ....................$16,000.

Huildinx l.ol on Florence SI. PRICE . . . .............. $7.->n.

Sfuart J. WasleyReal Estate and Insurance

State Theater Ituildine Tel. 6618 - 7146

OCCUP.VnCY JUNE 1ST! N O T IDLE TA LK ^.-\n Attractive . I Have Cash Buyers for Your Property! .

t-ROOM HOUSE 1 Need One and Two-Family Homes To Sell!itM-enlU mI(H.-iirBled, with • at- HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF .SELLING?■4larhrd garage. IJirge lot. <>»n- NOW IS THE TIME! ,venlettily ' located. Rc«*r.nahly priced. Shown.by appolntm.-nl. Would Appreciate the Opportunll.v of Dlscii**lnz ThU M.xM*r

With Vou.

THEOIKtRE J. l-nGACE A R T H U R A. K N O F L .4 , KpiilturReal Esiule and Itinuram-e Selling Manchester Real Bslate Since 19’il ' 'i

•70 .Mam iitreet Fbona e47l or $-0087

Telephone 5440 • 5088 ' 875 .Main Street




/ i

r^lSSlSij lIuc (

So They Say— jl S e n s e a n d N o n s e n s e lOONERX ILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX

‘ T h e end of the draft gives the American people the taak of writ­ing this insurance agaipat the chaoa of another war.

—General Elsenhower.

The gradual breakdown of the American home - la beginning to be reflected li> the national be­havior pattern and la a real causa Cor alarm.— F B I Director J . Edgar Hoover.

The United S tates does not de­sire to dominate, intimidate or threaten the security of any na­tion, large or amall.—W arren R. Austin U. S. United

Nations delegate.

W eVe got to find m arkets abroad for our surpluses oF face serious economlcN deterioration.—Under Secretary of S ta te Wil­

liam L. <?lay^n.

The Immediate problem facing the the disintegration standar'Us.

— Henry A

educational country is

of teaching


‘They're expecting weekend guest* again!'



ewejwiYNt* iinviCT. me. r «i. sia, u. a **t. o»r. 5 -/ 3

. The key to W estern Hemisphertt security lies In region pacta.—W arren R. Austin, U. S. United

Nations delegate.

Nothing can be understood with­out putting it In the perspective of history. ""- Dr. NIch'olas Murray Butler.

President em erit‘us Columbia U.

If a little more time were spent In trying to predict the fiiture It would be very Helpl ul for our country.

— Fleet AdmlrM Nlmiti.

modern edu- of genuine

The real lack In cation is the lack Faith.—Rev. George A. Buttrlck of New


, hIf we pin too much faith

legislation to solve our industria! relations problem, wc are chasing, illusion.

Eric A. Johnston, chairman President's Committee on Labor- Management Relations.

We must find a way for coun­tries to work and trade together Irrespective of their intc'mal poli­tical policies.— Lewis VV, Douglas, U. S. Ambas.

sador to Great Britain.

The two tram ps' set ou t with their, backs to an old oak tree. Before them x«'as a rippling stream. The day was delightriil. yet one of them looked discc-iSolated.

"Y’ ou know, Jim ." he mused, "th is business of trqptplng your way through life is not wh.at It’s cracked up to be. Think It over; ni"hta on park benchei or In a cold barn. TTriellng on freight truitur (uid always dodging the po­lite. yBcing kicked from one town to another. Wondering where your next meal Is coming from. Wan­dering unwantiQ everywhere, sneered a t by your fellow m en ..

His voice trailed off as he sighed heavily. Hts companion shifted slightly.

’’W ell.’’ said the second tramp, “If th at’s the way you feel, why (ftm’t you go and find yourself ajo b ? "

The first sat up with a Jerk."W h.at?" he scowled, "and ad­

roit I ’rh a failur* ?"

F irst Girl—W hat’s a military objective ?

Second Girl—Ju st walk past those soldiers on the com er. You’ll find out.

Mr. Newlywed- Did >"ou sew the button on my coaL darling?

Mrs. Newlywed— No, love; I couIdn'St And the button, and so I just^sewed up the buttonhole.

Judge— And for the levity you have shown during your trial I shall give you ai, additional fine of 310. How does that suit you?

Prisoner—T hat's what I would call extra fine.

Insurance Man (putting ques­tions to cowboy)—Ever had any accidents?

Cowboy—No.Insurance Man—Never had an

accident In your life?Cowboy—Nope. A rattler b it m#

once, though.Insurance Man—Well, don’t you

call that an accident?Cowboy—Naw, he bit me on


'^ever put off until tomorrow the' things you should have done the ilpy before yesterday.

Peace with justice Is the dear­est aspiration at every hearth­stone in the world.— Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg (K)

of Michigan.

‘I think pet names are cute, don't you? George calls me his little nincompoop!"


kq Vl^rTDk^l


2 . cos*. 1M7 iv Ntri MSVWI. arc,

Half of your success in an Inr ternational conference is in know- t ing what you want when you start.—Supreme O iurt Justice Robert

H. Jackson.

The existence of Communist- dominated governments any place In the wprld Is dangerous to the security of the United States.—Under Secretary of S tate Dean


QuizzesIntelligence tests are silly.But I always have to bite,And when I find my score is high Boy! do I think I'm bright.

— Mrs. M arjorie Truitt.

Two men left a movie theater, distase showing 01. their faces.

F irst Man— Mov'tes have certain­ly made a remarkable advance dur- Irg the last few years.

Second M an- How’s that ?F irst M an—Well, first they were

•v'llent; then they developed sound; and now this one smells.

Dinichurch -Giad to hear you have gone back to' your wife.

Bungxvit—'Yes, the dear g irl! I didn't realize how much she meanL to me until the Judge set the ali­mony. t I

■____ - »Reputation—A personal pcTSses-

sloh, frequently not discovered un­til lost.

, Whisky Improves with age. but those who drink It didn’t.—Grit. |

When a Richmond. Va., waitress closed up the cafe she left a no­tation that there was $75.65 In the rash register. Nr>xt morning she foiinil another note complaining. ’T here was only $45. tO.” The w riter should know he stole It.

Two men were discussing Infla­tion In the public library. Said one, " I woniler where the dime novel has gone?"

The other, who knew aomMhIng of literature In Its vnrloiis phases, answered cynically, " I t ’s gone to $2.50."

Eloquent Silence"Tt simply left me speechless!" Cried my neighbor, Mrs. Flowers, The thing that left her speechless,

though.She talked about for hours.

— I.,eo J . Burke

Noah W ebster, the m aker of the dictionary, carried his exact knowl­edge a.* to the meaning of words Into prdlnary speech. A story told of him—which is. of course, un­true-*--Illustrates the point.

Noah’s wife entered the kitchen to find him kissing the codk.

"W hy, Noah." she exclaimed, *T am surprised!"

The lexicographer regarded his wife disapprovingly, and rebuked her:

"You are astonished—I am sur­prised.

" W h is k y B i l l " WoRTLE He’s not such a Stanp- out during Spring Fever Season




EL MrNaoglM las.

B O O T S A N D H E R B U D D IE S D u e D ay s BY EDGAR MARTINPua, vou WMPV.VM U « T W «043V

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A L L E Y O O P Keep Your Vest On BY V .T . HAMLIN



S h e - W hat arc you, anyway, a man or a mouse?

He A man. I f I were a mouse I I would have you on the table right : now yelling for help.

Perm it j-oiir mind to dwell only . on pleasant thoughts If you would j be happy. Evil thoughts, like green I'apples, upset the whole syatem.

“ BY AL V e r m e e r

"But these are not visitors! They are problems His Majesty plan* to take up with the council!"

Sa/nff husky, hey, lady? Only seven years old and h ^ up to 62 pounds!



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MAvSe THE little termite I D'OJ’r EXPECT ' V Ha ! HA I HEBE WiU. KWCM) WHAT / SEE YOU \ VERY


( » J l r YOU HAV/e ASJY SHAMe7.--M/MY.7HE VZ* f t vWHOLE tosmn's laosmimg t t I S

About the fast o n e V k. The g irl9 pu t over.

/ V YOU /

My Mervin is seven, too. He ^^gh s 66 !

, ^Boy!I'd hate to have a young moose like

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3 was Just climbing into the car be side * bridesmaid when I heard 'it.


S)e guessM rijht about the suit, but I couldn’t p lace hi* smirking pen.



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Matter of Viewpoint KY FRED HARMANrACSIY DUCHE65'






' l TEUUOU THAT» HOT MR.PtrnPEa voua LEADER 1C HOlpINS! HC« »4> B RoanTi|jLE

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14M.* " fo r SA LE: 6EOAN IN A - l . CONDITION MO.OOO DM LEE-^—- p r i v a t e o w n e r *MV WORD.* A FELLOW OF M.V MANIFOLD AirriviTiEE. s o r e l v N EED S A MACMiNE—' f u CUP -mis-X MWV BOV I T . '

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B e L-TLINE t TH0U(3HT VOU REAOo n ly t h e


FOR LO ST p o o c f a e s . '

w h e n 'iDO S a V , , *1 MIGHT 00V IT*.


