Evaporated-film electric hygrometer elements. · 2011-10-20 · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National...

JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-C. Engineering and Instrumentati on Vol. 66C, No . 3, July- September 1962 Evaporated-Film Electric Hygrometer Element s 1 Frank E. Jones (Febru ary 14, 1962) Thi s paper rev ie \\'s t he d eve lopment at the National Bureau of Sta nd ards of a n evap o- r ate d thin film elect ric h ygrom et er element a nd presen ts experimen tal d ata to illu st ra te ch a racteri st ics of the clemen t. Th ese char acte ri st ics are explained, at least in pa rt, in ter ms of physica l principles, an d especially with referen ce t o t he physi cal adsor pt io l1 p roc('ss. The appli ca bili ty of t he evapor ate d t hin film to upp er a ir humidi ty sounding is discussed. T he eff ects of s uch va riables as film t hickness, s ubstrate te mper at ur e, and h eat keaLment in t he film produ ct ion pr ocesses on the char acter ist ics of t he h yg rometer clement a re ill ust rated. Of the four teen compound s t hus far in vest igate d as t he t hin film mate ri a l, re sulLs [or fluoride, p otassium metaphosph ate, cerous fluorid e, a nd lead iodide films are p resen te d. Lead iodide films with elect rodes deposite d over the fi lms are of pa rticular in Lcres t du e to t he re lat ive sta bili ty of the ca li brat ion with sto rage and t he sma ll temperat ur e coe ffi cient of el ect ri ca l resista nce. A pl ot of a n upp er air humi dity sound in g ob ta in ed w it h a ba riu m flu oride clem ent, indi cat ing t he rap id response and Lhe high sensitivity of t he ele ment uncler fli ght co ndi tions, is included. 1. Introduction In upp er air humidit y soundillg us in g th e I balloon-borne radio sonde th ere has been need for an electric hygrometer element (a device which, tlU'ough th e vari ation of some electri ca.l qu anti ty such as resis tan ce, is used to det ermine th e mois tur e cont ent in a gas sampl e) with a r es ponse s uffi ciently rapid to permit th e accm ate determination o[ atmos- phe ri c mois tm e dis tribu tion, es peciall)T where steep g radi ents or discolltinuitie exi st. Th e appro ach a t th e National Bur eau 01' Stand ard s ill developing such an element has been to experim ent with m. ate- ri als which intenl ct with wa ler vapor mainly by physi- cal adsorption, wi th it s char acteri stic rapid ra tes and reversibility. It is well knovvl1 t ha t th e s urfa ce electrical con- du ctivit y 0 1' many materials varies with adsorption 01' water vapoI'_ Thi s proper ty can be used to 1 m eas ur e relati ve humidity. A plo t of surJace el ec tri cal conductivit y against rela ti ve humidi ty at cons tant temp er at ur e is related to an adsorption isotherm since th e condu ctivity has been found to depend upon th e amount of wa ter va por adsorbed. A family of plots of electrical resistance against ! rela tive humidi ty at various temp eratur es 1'01' a solid adsorbent serves as a calibration for a device op erat- in g on th e abov e principl es. The thin film with it s short diffusion p aths is obviously an ad van Lageous form in which to utilize a solid adsorbent [or an ap- pli cation in which rapid r es p on se or som e v ari a bl e to the adsorp tion an d d es orp lion 0 1' a ga s 0 1' V, 1 por is d esired. I To aid in th e s el ection of humidit r-sen it ive fil m ma. terials, was given .to 's u ch I as the polan za bLlJll eS ( th e rn agmL ucl es 01 el ec Ln c dip ole momenl s in duced b.\- uni t el ec tric field) o[ the con s tilu enl s 0 1' the Jl1 clt er ial ; pr essw' e, d ec omposition temp eratur e, ease of eva por at ion, itncl adh esion of the m ateri ;) l to an insulatin g sub- s tr ate; s tru cture and 01' th e deposit ed Jilm , porosity of the film , and solubility of th e film materi al in wat er ; and the expected electri cal r esistance- r ela ti ve hum idity chara cteristics of th e r esultin g devi ce. On th e ba i of these properties, approxi- ma tely 20 compounds were selected for experim en- tation . Pota ssium meta phosph a Le, stron tium fluor- id e, sLrontium suHaLe, cuprou s c hl orid e, barium fluorid e [1 ],2 cerou s fluorid e, did ym ium fluorid e [2], lanthanum fluorid e, n eod ymium fluorid e, l ea d iodid e, silver iodide, thallium iodid e, ces ium iodid e, a nd ca clmium iodid e fi lms have thus f, lr b ee n inv es ti gal ed . 2. Element Design Th e film-type h ygrometer el ement consists of the humidit y-sensitive film, an insul ating sub str ate on which it is deposit ed, and elec trod es b et ween which th e r esis tan ce can be mea sur ed or othen vi e utilized in an electrical cir· cuit . Th e sub strate materi al used in most of thi s work was mi croscope slid e eover glass. The elec trod es used in the pot assium m etapho sphate eleme nt [3 ] and the early work on some of the other materials were parallel s trip s of s il ver paint fir ed onto th e glass. Due to th e high electrical r esistivities of elem ent s 01' t hi s typ e, es pecially at low rel at iv e humidities, cl osely spaced electrod es are needed to lower the r es i stan ce [4 ]. A sketch of an element and exampl es or various el ec tr ode configur ations are sho\\rn in fi g ur e 1. Th e humidi ty-sensitive films ar e deposil ed over the electrod es in most cases, bu t evapor a Led ftl m elec tr od es m ay be deposited over the fi lms, and in l ater work this was don e with signifi- cantJ.\- diff erent r f's ult s, to b e di seussed l ater. , Figures in brackets indicate the literature references at the end of this paper. 209 J

Transcript of Evaporated-film electric hygrometer elements. · 2011-10-20 · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National...

Page 1: Evaporated-film electric hygrometer elements. · 2011-10-20 · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-C. Engineering and Instrumentation Vol. 66C, No. 3, July-September

JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-C. Engineering and Instrumentation Vol. 66C, No. 3, July- September 1962

Evaporated-Film Electric Hygrometer Elements 1

Frank E. Jones

(February 14, 1962)

This paper revie \\'s t he development at the N a t ional Bureau of Standards of a n evapo­rated thin film elect ric hygrometer element and presen ts experimental data to illust rate ch a racteristics of t he clement. These characteristics a re explained, at least in part, in terms of ph ysical principles, and especia lly wi t h referen ce t o t he physical adsorptiol1 p roc('ss.

The a pplicability of t he evaporated t hin film to upper air h umidi ty so undin g is discussed. T he effects of such v ariables as film t hi ckness, substrate temperature, a nd heat keaLmen t in t he film production processes on t he characteristics of t he hygrometer clement a re ill ustrated. Of t he four teen compounds t hus fa r invest igated as t he t hin film materia l, resulLs [or bariLlm~ fluoride, potassium metaphosphate, cerous fluoride, a nd lead iodide film s a re p resented . Lead iodide films wit h electrodes deposited ove r t he fi lms are of part icu lar inLcres t due to t he re lat ive stabili ty of t he ca li bration wi t h sto rage and t he sma ll t emperature coeffi cien t of elect ri cal resistance . A plot of a n upper a ir humi dity sou nd ing obtained with a ba riu m flu oride clement, indi cating t he rapid response a nd Lhe hi gh se ns it ivity of t he ele ment uncler fli ght co ndi t ions, is in cluded.

1. Introduction

In upper air humidity soundillg using the I b alloon-borne radiosonde there ha s been ~L need for

an electric hygrom eter elemen t (a device which, tlU'ough the variation of some electrica.l quanti ty such as resistance, is used to determin e the mois ture content in a gas sample) with a response sufficiently r apid to permit the accm ate determin a tion o[ a tmos­pheric moistme distribu tion, especiall)T where s teep gradients or discolltinuitie exi st. The approach a t the National Bureau 01' Standards ill developin g such an element has been to experiment with m.ate­rials which in tenl ct with wa ler vapor mainly by physi­cal adsorption , wi th its charac teri stic rapid ra tes and reversibility.

It is well kn ovvl1 tha t the surface elec trical con­ductivity 0 1' man y ma terials varies with adsorption 01' water vapoI'_ This proper ty can be used to

1 m easure r ela tive humidi ty. A plo t of surJace electrical conductivity against relative humidity at constant temper ature is r elated to an adsorption isoth erm since th e conductivity has been found to depend upon the amount of water vapor adsorbed. A family of plots of electrical resis tance against

! r ela tive humidi ty a t various temperatures 1'01' a solid adsorben t serves as a calibra tion for a device operat­ing on the above principles. The thin film wi th its short diffusion p aths is obviously an advan Lageous form in which to utilize a solid adsorbent [or a n ap­plication in which r apid response or som e vari a ble to th e adsorp tion and desorp lion 0 1' a gas 01' V,1 por is desired . I

To aid in the selection of humidi t r -sen it ive film ma. terials, c0f.lsid era ~ion was give n .to 'such p'rop er Li~ I as th e polan za bLlJll eS (the rnagmLucles 01 elecLnc dipole momenls in duced b.\- uni t elec tric field ) o[

the constiluenls 0 1' the Jl1 clt erial ; V~lpor pressw'e, decomposition temperature, ease of evaporation, itncl adhesion of the materi;) l to an insula tin g sub­stra te ; s tructure and s ta bilil~r 01' the deposited Jilm, porosity of the film , and solubility of the film ma terial in water ; and the exp ected electrical r esis tance­r ela tive hum idity characteris tics of the resulting device. On the ba i of these properti es, approxi­ma tely 20 compounds wer e selected for experimen­ta tion . Potassium metaphospha Le, s tron tium fluor­ide, sLrontium suHaLe, cuprous chloride, barium fluorid e [1 ],2 cerous fluoride, did ymium fluorid e [2], lan thanum fluorid e, neod ymium fluorid e, lead iodid e, silver iodide, th allium iodid e, cesium iodid e, and ca clmium iodid e films have thus f,lr been inves tigal ed .

2 . Element Design

The film-typ e hygrometer elemen t consis ts of the humidity-sensi tive film, an insulating substrate on which i t is deposited , and electrodes between which the resistance can be measured or othen vi e utilized in an electrical cir·cuit . The substrate material used in most of this work was microscope slide eover glass. The electrodes used in the potassium m etaphospha te element [3] and the early work on some of the oth er materials were parallel strips of s ilver paint fired onto the glass. Due to the high electrical r esistivities of elements 01' this type, especially at low relative humidities, closely spaced electrodes ar e needed to lower th e res istance [4]. A sketch of an elem ent and examples or various elec trode configura tions ar e sho\\rn in figure 1. The humidi ty-sensitive films are deposiled over th e electrodes in most cases, but evapora Led ftlm elec trodes may be deposited over th e films, and in later work this was done with signifi­cantJ .\- different r f'sults, to be diseussed later.

, Figures in brackets indicate the literature references at the end of this paper.



Page 2: Evaporated-film electric hygrometer elements. · 2011-10-20 · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-C. Engineering and Instrumentation Vol. 66C, No. 3, July-September

( 0 ) -" /::/,' % .

%' : .



(b) (c)

(d )



T 13 '" 16

1 I

( e)


FIG U RE 1. Examples of electrode configuration and element conl>lruction.

(a) Parallel strip electrodes. (b) In termeshing-comb electrodes. (c) Spiral configuration [3]. (d) Fine-lino intermeshi ng-comb e!ectrode pattern (black area represents electrode area) . (e) Sketch of top view of typical element. ([) Sketch of side view of typical element.

3. Evaporation Techniques and Procedures

Evaporated thin films are produced by thermal evaporation or sublimation in an evacuated chamber. The vapor deposits on substrfLtes positioned in the chamb er thereby forming the thin films. The con­ditions existin g in the vacuum chamber before, dm­in g, fLnd after the evaporation influence the initial structm e and physical properties of the deposited films. Some of the influencing parameters and con­dition s which can be controlled or at least measured throughout the film production process and subse­quent treatment are as follows: R esidual pressure in th e evaporator , composition of the residual gas in the evaporator, the nature and cleanliness of the sub­strate , the temperature of the substrate during the deposition , the heat treatment of the film and sub­strate after the deposition , the temperature of the evaporating source, the source-to-substrate distance, th e angle between th e evaporated "beam" and the substrate, the geometry of the source and of the sup­port on which the substrates are mounted, the dura­tion of the evaporation , the nature and number of nuclei or centers of nucleation on the substrate, and the thickness of the deposited film . Some of these conditions were controlled while others were meas­ured during th e deposition of the various substances.

The glass substrates are cleaned by conventional methods, such as a detergent-and-water wash fol­lowed by rinses in distilled water and in isopropyl alcohol and by vapor degreasing in an isopropyl alcohol degreaseI'. In th e vacuum chamber, im­mediatel~- before deposition or th e film , a glow dis-

charge further cleans the substrates by removing adsorbed gases. Uniform film thickness for a batch I

of elements produced in t h e same evaporation is ob­tained by placin g the substrates on a hemisperical rack with the SOUTce located on the same sphere, considering th e evaporating source to approximate a "surface source" [5]. Effects of the variation of some of the other evaporation p arameters will be illustrated later.

4. Characteristics of the Hygrometer Elements

4.1. Calibra lion \

The resistance of the elements decreases ,vith in­creasing relative humidity and , therefore, with the amount of 'water adsorbed on t he humidity-sensitive film . Plots of logarithm of element resistance fLgainst known relative humidity at various tempera­tures are referred to as element "calibra tion cUl"ves." If mean calibration curves for groups of elements made under the same eVfLporation conditions are plotted , th ese curves may be used for these elements individually and for elements subsequently produced i

uncleI' the same conditions. Room temperature calibration curves for potassium m etfLphosphate, barium fluoride, cerous fluoride, and lead iodide elements are shown in figure 2.


~ " E <5 c

.= to w u z « 9 f-Ul

iii w It: 8

~ 7 f­It: « g 6 -'


to 20 30





40 50 60 70 eo RE LATIVE HUMI DITY, %

90 100

FIGURE 2. Room temperature calibration curves for various thin fil?n ele ment • .

The calibration curves arc displaced vertically toward higher resistances at lower temperatures . The families of curves for potassium metaphosphate and barium fluoride elements over a temperature rfLnge of 40 to - 40 °C are shown in figure 3. Each calibration is valid only for elements produced


Page 3: Evaporated-film electric hygrometer elements. · 2011-10-20 · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-C. Engineering and Instrumentation Vol. 66C, No. 3, July-September

w u z



~ 8 <J)

Vi w '" 7 l5

" :z: 6 f-0:

'" (!) o 5 -'



- 40"C

- 40"C

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 eo 90 100 RELATIVE HUMIDITY, %

FIGURE 3. Calibration curves f or potassium metaphosphate and bm'illm fluoride thin fi lm elements in th e temperatu1'e mnge +40 to - 40 QC.

with specified evaporation condi tions and for a specified electrode configuration and film t hickness. The range of resistan ce for t he po tassium m eta­phosphate element is from about 4 X 104 to 1013

ohms at room temperature and from about 108 to 1015 ohms at - 40 °C . By optimizing the evapora­tion conditions, a potttssium m etaphosphate element can b e produced with a range of from a bout 106 to 1012 ohms at room temperature. These r anges per­tain to elements wi th parallel s trip electrod es, whereas the magni tude of the clement res istance could be r educed by :1pproxinlittely ] 03 by the use of a closely spaced intermeshing-comb electrod e configuration . The r esis tan ce r ange for barium fluorid e clements with closely spaced electrodes is from about 103 to 108 ohms at room tempera ture. At - 40 °C, the range is from about 10· to 1010 ohms. The effects of evaporation conditions on the room temperature calibration of potassium meta­phosphate elemen ts are illustrated in figure 4.

4 .2. Temparature Coefficient

It might be assumed that the n egative tempera­ture coeffi cient of resistance (that is, the increase in resistance with decreasing temperature) is in part due to two effects, namely, increased physical ad­sorption at lower temperatures, and the temperature dependen ce o[ t h e transport of curren t carriers through t he film to the electrodes. In addition to the above effects, there are also other eHects at the film-electrode, film-substr ate, and electrode-substr ate in terfaces, and at the film surface. Calibrations [or lead iodide and barium fluoride elemen ts, with electrodes over or under the film at room t empera­ture and at - 30 °0, arc shown , respectively, in

12 r-,--,-""'-,---,---,---,---,--,--,--,--,-----,


- 10

~ o

w u 9 z « f-<f>

iii w <r

"-o 8

" :z: f-it' «

'" o --' 7


Aperlure 3cm

Nom Source Temp . 1000°C Nom. SubS TraTe Temp. SO°C

Film Thickness microns

0.04 0.1 0.37 0.9




Aperlure 3cm .

Nom. Subslt ole Temp. sOGe Nom . Film Tn lckness 1 m!oan

Evap. Nom. Source No. Temp., DC

800 900



020406000100 0 204060 0000 RELATIVE HU MIDITY. %

FIGU RE 4. Examples of the effects of evaporation pa1'a17leters on the room temperature calibration cW'ves of potassium meta­phosphate thin fil m elements.

"A pe rture" refers to the diamete r of a circular hole, in a batHe, delineating the c\"aporation SO UTCC',

figures 5 and 6. The resul ts indi cate th at in gener al the temperature coefficient of resis ta nce is smaller for elements with electrode over th e film . Thi suggests th e interesting possibili ty of producing an element wi th a greatly decreased temperature coefficient of res istance. Such an elem ent would h ave th e following advan tages: A s ingle calibration for the en tire temperature r ange; lower r esis tance at lower t emperatures, thus r educin g the cliffLCulty o[ r es istan ce m easurem ent; some lati tud e for elec­trode placement and dimensions; some latitude 1'01'

decreased element size; and some latitude for ele­ment sh ape.

4 .3 . Analogy With Physical Adsorption

Plots of logarithm of conductance against r elative humidity 1'01' the po tassium metaphosphate element and the barium fluoride element resemble typical adsorption isotherms [6], " T ype V" for potassium metaphosphate and "T ype U " for b arium fluoride, as illustra ted in figure 7. These t wo isotherms are b elieved to r epresent mul timolecular adsorption (adsorp tion of more than one layer of water at the high relative pressures) and appear only in v apor (as differ entiated from gas) adsorption [7]. It is interesting to note that th ese two isotherms arc


Page 4: Evaporated-film electric hygrometer elements. · 2011-10-20 · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-C. Engineering and Instrumentation Vol. 66C, No. 3, July-September

.E o 7 oS

:E :r: I- 5






'" t:> () ..J

+25 0

3~O --~'O~~20~~3O~--7,40~-.~~--t60~~70~~00~--~~~~IOO~~ RELATIVE HUMIDITY. %

FIGURE 5. Exa m ple of Ihe reduction of the tem perature coefficient of resistance accomplished by placing I he eleclTodes over the lead iodide fi lm 1 ather than under.

i o 7

-= w u z ~ ~ 6 lu BARIU M FLUORIDE WITH C!:: ELECTRODE GRID UNDER THE FILM "-o ::; I l-E g o ..J



\ \ \ \ \

· ~'----I~Q--~2'0~~30~--~~--~50~~6~0 ---7~O--~SO~~9~0---'~CO~--' RELATIVE HUMIDITY,%

FIGURE 6. Example of Ihe reduction of the temperature coe,(Jicient of resistance accomplished by placing Ihe elech'odes oveT the barium jiUOTir/l; film rather than under.

-3 -6

~ -4 -7


META PHOSPH ATE W u Z ~ -5 -8 u ::> 0 z 0 u "-0

::; - 6 ·9 I '::: a:: <t

'" 0 ..J

-7 ·10


-s -II


20 ~ 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 00 100' RELATIVE HU MI DI TY ,%

FIGURE 7. Ill ustration of the simila rity between th~ shapes of plots of logarithm oj thin film element conductance against relative humidity and the shapes of Iypical adsorption isotherm types.

typical of wa ter vapor adsorption , T ype II on hy drated portland cemen t ftn d T ype V on coconu t charcoal [7]. This beh avior is compatible with th e physical adsorption process taking place on the fi lm- type hygrometer clement and suggests th e desirability of performing physical adsorption meas­uremen ts on th e film materi als to determine the adsorption isotherm s fmd to correlate thes(~ isotherms with condu ctn,l1ces (therefore, conductivities) deter­mined under the sam e conditions.

4.4 Hysteresis

Calibrn,tion curves are established by exposing the clemen ts to a cycle of relative humidities. A plot of the logari thm of resistance for an individual element against relative humidity 1'01' the cycle is a. hyster esis loop . On th e bran ch of the loop represent­ing increasing relative humidity, the r esistance is higher than on the decreasing branch at th e same relative humidity. The difference in indicated r elative humidity between th e two branches of the loop is taken as n, measure of hysteresis. For the potassium metaphosph ate element, the average hysteresis was approximately 3 percen t relative humidity in the temperature range 0 to 40°C; 1'01' the barium fluoride elE'ment, the median of the hysteresis values was approximfttely 1.5 percent r elative humidi ty in the temperature range 40°C to -40 °C. Humidity cycling tends to reduce hysteresis. vVith barium fluorid e clements, expo-


Page 5: Evaporated-film electric hygrometer elements. · 2011-10-20 · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-C. Engineering and Instrumentation Vol. 66C, No. 3, July-September

:sure Lo ix cycles between the extremes of humidity at Lhe calibration temperature, previous to t he 'CcLlibration cycle, r educes hys teresis significan tly.

H ysteresis, bot h reversible and nonreproducible (no nreproducible if a different curve results from a repeti tion of the cycle) in the physical adsorption process has been studied by many investigators and several theories have been advanced [6], H ys­tel'esis in physical adsorption has been attributed to interference in m ultilayer formation due to porous 's tructure of the adsorbent, Hysteresis of the hygrometer elements is nonreproducible, Humidity­cycling and evacuation in a vacuum chamber both result in reduction of hysteresis of the elements. The effect of humidity cycling on the hysteresis loop of po tassium metaphosphate elements, and the room temperature hys teresis loop of barium fluoride elements are illustrated in figure 8. These results

! s uggest instabili ty of the fillll to sin tering and to chemical change, n, nd also suggest the possibility that adsorbed impurities on t he fLlm are n,t least :partially removed by the cycling and evacuation.


j o .: 8



( 0 ,)


w m ~ ~ 00 ro ~ ~ 100 RELATIVE HU MI DITY , %

FIGURE 8, (a) Illustration of the effect of humidity cycling on the hysteresis loop of potassium metaphosphate thin film element. (b) T ypical barium fluoride thin film element hysteresis loop after six humidity cycles.

4 ,5 , Response Time

The tillle req uired for the indication of the elemen t to pass through a certain fraction of the total change in indication after tbe element has been subjected to an abrupt ch ange in relative humidity is a measure of the speed with which the element responds to a change in ambient relative humidity. The times corresponding to 63 percent and 90 percent of a total change in indication are referred to as "response times" in this work. The response times depend upon temperature, the initi al and final ambient relative humidities, the direction of change of rel­ative humidity (increasing or decreasing), and other factors. The average 63 percent response times in the di~'ection of increasin g reh,Li ve humidity for the po tasslwn metap hosp bate clemen tare 0.1 sec at room temperature and 2 sec at - 20 °C. Cor­responding values for the barium fluoride elemen t are approximately 0.1 ec at room temperature, 1 sec at - 20 °C, and 3 sec at - 40 °C. Correspo nd­ing values for the conventional litbium chloride electrolytic humidity element are 3 sec at room temperature, approximately 50 sec at - 20 °C, and 480 sec at - 40 DC. Typical - 20 °C response cw'ves for potassium metaphosph ate elemen ts, barium fluoride elements, and conventional li t hium chloride electrolytic humidity clements are shown in figure 9. Comparison or the response t imes indicate that the thin fllm hygrom eter elements represen t a large improvement over t he co nvention al elemen t in this r es per t.


z o



~ 70 U 6 ;;; ~ 60 UJ

'" Z <l I U 50


'" ~ z UJ 40 U

'" UJ a.





~~.I~------~--------~'O~------~'O~O --------~~--~ TIME (In Seconds)

FIGURE 9, T ypical response curve8 for barium fluoride and potassium metaphosphate thin film elements and the conven­tionallithium chloride electrolytic humidity elem ent at -20 °e.


Page 6: Evaporated-film electric hygrometer elements. · 2011-10-20 · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-C. Engineering and Instrumentation Vol. 66C, No. 3, July-September

Plots of response time against potassium meta­phosphate fUm thickness for various evapomtion conditions are shown in figure 10. These plots indicate that the response was slower with increasing film thi ckness, presumably due, at least in part, to the mass transport of the water vapor into the micropore stru cture of the film. Ho\vever, a mini­mum response time of the order of 0.1 sec at room temperature was approached as the film thickness ,vas reduced. This resul t suggests the possibility that the response t ime is also influenced by other processes. Consideration of the response mechanism of t he elements indicates that diffusion might be divided into at least three p arts : Transport of water vapor tln'ough an aerodynamic boundary layer on the film resulting from the flow of air (250 m/min ) across t he surface; energy (heat of adsorption) trans­fer; and surface diffusion of water vapor into the micropore structure of the fUm. In each of these cases, the time required would contribute to the response time. If the thickness of the film became so small that diffusion into the film became negligible in its con tribution to the response time, there would still remain the transport of the water vapor and the energy transfer through the aerodynamic bound­ary layer to contribute to response time.

It is possible that the observed minimum repre­sents diffusion through the boundary layer and that the diffusion into the film is negligible. On this




~ 1.0

" w (/) 0.1 Z o Q. (/) W a: ;;e ,.., <D 10





AperTure 3 em .

Nom . Source Temp . 900 0 C Nom. Su bSTroTe Temp. 50o e





Ape"ure 3 em . Nom. Sou rce Temp. 900°C Nom. Subs TroTe Te mp. 440°C

AperTure 3 em Nom . Source Temp. lOoaoc Nom. SubSTrate Temp . sooe

w ~ m M ~ M W M M FILM TH ICKNESS ( In microns I


FIG U R E 10. Examrles of the variation oj pota6sium metaphos­phate res ponse time with fi lm thickness fo r several combinations of evaporation parameteTs.

"Source temperature" and "substrate temperature" re fer to the temperature of tllC evaporating source and of the substrate, respectively, during the fi lm deposition. "Aperture" refers to the diameter of a circular bole, in a bafflo, delineating tbe evaporat ion source.

basis, then, it would be possible to greatly reduce the response time by introducing turbulence into the boundary layer since turbulent flow is much more effi cient for transport of mass and hea t than is laminar flow [8, 9, 10]. It would also be possible to redu ce the boundary layer thickness by reducing the dimension of the element in the direction of the air streftm. Morris and Sobel [11] have shown that the response time of the co nventional lithium chloride element in an air stream depends on the orientation of the elemen t relative to the direction of flow. A rough calculfttion based on a turbulent ' boundary layer and a smaller dimension in the direction of the air stream indicates that the response time of the potassium metaphosphate element might be reduced to th e order of 1 msec at room temperature. This result would be expected to apply to other film-type elements also. The place­ment in the radiosonde and the nature of the flow across the element are, on the basis of this argument, areas in which the response time of the film-type element might be greatly improved.

4.6. Film Thickness

The fihn thickness in the early potassium meta­phosphate work at the National Bureau of Standards was 0.075 J1. (approximately 3 J.L in.), later work covered the thickness ran ge from less than 0.03 J1. (1 J.L in. ) through 2 J.L (80 J.L in.) . The barium fluoride film thickness was 0. 30 J.L (12 J.L in.). The film thicknesses for the other materials thus far investi­gated generally lie wit hin the range of the later potassiummetaphosphate work. The response times for the potassium metaphosphate elements in­creased with increasing fUm thickness under similar evaporation conditions. However, altering the evaporation conditions resulted in generally different values of response time for the same thickness. The calibration curves for the potassium meta­phosphate elements (fig . 4, for example) indicate that t he logari thm of resistance-relative humidity characteristics of the elements are not simply determined by film thickness, but depend upon the combination of evaporation parameters. The bari­um fluoride film thickness of 0.30 J.L was selected by experinlentation as an optimum value which gave a favorable calibration curve without unduly sacri:6.c­ing response time.

4.7. Polarization

The film-type hygrometers tend to polarize when subj ected to direct current, that is, th e element resistance increases with time in a d-c circui t . Humidity cycling reduces this effect on the potassium metaphosphate element. It is possible that further investiga tion of electrode processes might resul t in fur­ther reduction in polarization. However, the more practical solut ion to th e polarization problem is to use the element only in a-c circuits. For the barium fluoride element. it is desirable to use th e element with symmetrical alternating current at low fre-


Page 7: Evaporated-film electric hygrometer elements. · 2011-10-20 · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-C. Engineering and Instrumentation Vol. 66C, No. 3, July-September

quencies, bu t not lower than 2 cis, wi th vol tage drops across the element preferably of t he order of 1 v rms.

4 .8 . Stability

One of the criter ia for the selection of fil III mater ial is relative insolubility in water. The obj ect of such a requirement is to minimize effects of exposure to high relative humidity and water immersion. Stability of t he film material and i ts ad hesion tc tbe substrate and to t he electrode are also oJ importance in t bis respect. Extend ed exposure of potassium m etaphosphate elements [or 1,470 hI' over water in a sealed con tainer resul ted in in creases in element resistance and a consequen t elTor in the indication of approximately 15 percent relative humidity at saturation. Barium flu oride elements exposed to 97 percen t relative humidity for 1,421 hI' depar ted from t he correct indi.cation by a maximum of only 1. 5 percen t relative hum idity. Subjection to a water spray in an air stream and 2-sec immersion in distilled water has no apparen t harm ful effect on the barium flu oride elemen t. It is in ter esting to note that barium fluoride is more soluble in water than is

, po tassium metapilospil ate, although the high humid­ity exposure r esults would seem to indicate t lte con trary. Howev er , t here is electron diffraction evidence that an insolubl e b ar ium fluosilicate is fo rm ed on the barium iluoride film, which migh t in par t account for these r esults. Cerous fluorid e elemen ts have been boiled in water wi th no apparen t permanen t damage. Other cerous fluoride elemen ts have been frozen in ice to about - 70°C withou t apparent perm anen t damage.

The effects of long-term storage on t he calibration of t be elements are of impor tance in determining their "shelf life." Po tassium metaphosphate ele­ments stored in a d ry atmosphere [01' approximately 1 year conformed satisractorily to t he original calibration . Th e barium fluorid e elemen ts, at least in par t due to changes in structure and composition

J with time, increase in resistance with storage such t hat they should be put into use within 1 month after manuf'tLCture i[ the original calibrations are to be used. Lead iodide elemen ts with electrodes over the films have been found to conform satis­factor ily to the or iginal calibration after at least 4 months storage in a dry atmosphere.

4.9 . Conduction and Capacitance

The mecbanism of conduction on t he film-type element is as yet n ot known. The resul ts of some experiments an d consideration of the adsorption process indi cate th at it is possible that the current carriers are transported in t he adsorbed water film. The identification o r the CUJTent carriers remains for future experimentation. H owever, t he interesti ng possibility exists th at at least part of t he conduction is by pro ton transfer along the hydrogen bonds of the adsorbed water fUm , and t hat the humidi ty-sensitive film serves essentially only as an adsorben t. Ad-

sorp tion studies on the humidity-sensitive films with simultaneous determinations of conductivity could be expected to shed ligh t on the conduction mechanism.

Al though our emphasis thus far has been on the resistance of the element, the capacitance of the ele­m ent also varies with relative humidity. T he ele­men t can be considered to consist of a variable resistor in parallel with a vari able capacitor. T he capacitance d t he elemen t increases t hrough t wo or more orders of m agnitude from low to high humidities. Further study should determine the feasibility of using the capacitive component as a measure of humidi ty.

5. Flight Testing

In order to flight te t the elemen ts in radiosondes, a-c circui try capable oJ handling t he high resistances of the elements was developed and radiosondes were modi fied to accommodate the circuitry. A series of fligh ts was planned to provide data on the response and se ll sit ivity of t he elemen ts to cha nges in humidi ty in tbe atmosphere and to give an indicatio n of the accuracy of the indication of the elements. On eRch flight, both a conventional rfldiosonde wi t h a stand­ard lit hium chloride electrolytic elemen t as the In m'lid­ity sensor and a moditi ed radiosonde wit h t he thin-film clemen tare cmTiedaloft on the same balloon . A preliminary plot of on e of these flights wi t h t he barium fluoride element is shown in figure 11. The apparent sensi t ivity and the rapid":l'esponse of tho




400 .

450 . ~

E 500 ~

~ 550 ~

~ 600









\ 'I \ , ,

\ \ .--Ambienr Temperature

'; \ \

\ , , , \

"' ::: =:-~ \ \

l \') ,

" !, , v \

",.I \ Dew or Ffost Point (Bo Fz)

~- -. I \

Bonum Fluoride Element ,


", ,/"

. ,~~_, CO"". _ ,,_,

40 60 80 100 RELATIVE HU~ IDITY, %

- 70 -60 -SO - 40 -30 -20 -10 TEMPERATURE, ' C

\ , i \

34 10






22 t::.

20 ~ ~ ~


18 ~ 5 ~

16 ~ ~

14 0

12 ~


FIGURE 11. P lot of barium fluoride thin fi lm element-conven­tional lithium chloride electrolytic element comparison flight.


Page 8: Evaporated-film electric hygrometer elements. · 2011-10-20 · JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-C. Engineering and Instrumentation Vol. 66C, No. 3, July-September

barium fluoride element are indicated by the plot. In the future, detailed data will be obtained by analysis of magnetic tape records of the audiofrequen­cies transmitted by the radiosondes during the flights. Future flighLs can perform. other functions such as: To compl1,re different film-type elements under con­ditions of projected use ; to provide response time dattl. under both changing humidity and changing temperature conditions; to determine the effects of flow conditions, such as turbulence in the boundary layer, on response time; to determine the effects of dimensions and shape of the element on response time; and to provide information on the distribution of water vapor in the troposphere which could be cor­related with the synoptic weather situation. The last of these functions includes the primary function of the element, and also includes research in the troposphere.

In summary, this paper has reviewed the devPlop­ment of a thin film humidity sensor at the National Bureau of Standards and has used the principles of physical adsorption to explain, at least in part., its characteristics. The development is not yet ('om­plete, and many areas of considerftble interest and importance have been revealed in which further investigation is indicated.

6 . References

[1] F. E. Jones and A. Wexler, A barium fluoride film hygrometer element, J . Geophys. R esearch 65, 2087-2095 (1960) .

[2] Lindsay Chemical Co. , Code 482. [3] A. 'Wexler, S. B. Garfinkel, F. E. Jon es, S. Hasegawa,

and A. Krinsky, A fast responding electric hygrome­ter, J. R esearch NBS 55, 71- 78 (1955).

[4] M. Auwarter, E lectric hygrometer, U.S. Pat. 2,715.6G7 (1955) .

(5] L . Holland, Vacuum Deposition of Thin Films, pp. 146- 148 (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ~ew York, N. Y., 1956) .

[6] S. Brunauer, The Adsol'ption of Gases and Vapors, p. 150 (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N.J., 1945) .

[7] S. Brunauer and L. E. Copeland, H andbook of Physics, p. 5- 103 (ch. 7, Surface tension, adsorption. Edited by E . U. Condon and H . Odishaw, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. , New York, N.Y., 1958).

[8] R. C. L. Bosworth, Transport Processes in Applied Chemistry, p. 188 (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, N.Y., 1956).

[9] A. H. Shapiro, The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow, vol. II, p. 1080 (Ronald Press Co., New York, N.Y., 1954) . ~

(10] T. K . Sherwood, Mass transfer and friction in turbulent fl.ow, Tra ns. Amer. Inst. Chem. Eng. 36,818 (1940) .

[11] V. B. Morris and F. Sobel, Some experiments on the sp eed of response of the electrolytic hygrometer, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 35, 226- 229 (1954).

(Paper 660- 97 )