
What have you learnt about Technologies from the Process of Constructing this Product? Hassan Ali

Transcript of Evaluation6

What have you learnt about

Technologies from the Process of

Constructing this Product?

Hassan Ali


iMac: We used the iMacs when editing our film opening and coursework. The Macs were a very important piece of hardware that was extremely useful as the Macs are a professional equipment which allows you to use a variety of professional software’s and tools to make literally anything. It allowed me to create something to the highest standard and I have gained skills of using and controlling the Mac computer to a good level. Using the a Mac was very useful for the entire production of the project.

Video Camera: I used a video camera to film our film opening and my preliminary task. We used the video camera significantly while recording as we had to make sure we got the scene and the lighting wasn’t off as the camera acts as a iris. With this piece of hardware we used our skills to record different camera techniques, camera movement and shots. We decided to use a HD camera to get the best results in the picture quality and sound. From using the camera I gained a variety of skills by learning a variety of shots to take, zooming and tilting and also learned how to hold the camera still.

Tripod: I used a tripod when filming our opening and for my preliminary video. I used the tripod mainly to get a steady shots and different angles so it was a very useful piece of hardware. A tripod gives you a professional outcome instead of using your hands to make a steady shot. With the Tripod you are able to shoot camera movement like panning, track and tilt shots, to a steady level which is difficult to achieve handheld. I learned that the tripod is a essential piece of tool needed when making films and provides a professional finish.

SoftwarePremier Pro: Before I started editing the final production my skills and knowledge on using premier pro wasn’t too good as I had not used it before. While editing the final production is started to gain a strong understanding on how to use it to a high standard and started thinking about new ideas and what to use. I found premier pro as a very useful piece of editing software and overall it gave me the tools to create a outstanding film opening.

Photoshop: I used Adobe Photoshop to make my mood board to show the generic feelings and emotions of horror. I already had experience using Photoshop previously. It is a very useful software as it allowed me to create images to a professional standard such like my production company logo that was created using Photoshop. I was really satisfied with my production company logo and mood board. Photoshop allows professionalism and clear, high quality photos. I am able to use Photoshop without any difficulty.

iMovie: I used iMovie to edit my preliminary video, I noticed that there was useful tools and effects included in the software. Although I did not have much experience on using this software I still managed to use the software to a good standard. I gained a lot of skills using this software as it is a useful and essential iMac software, however, I found that using premier pro was more down my lane. I learned how to use the editing tools and how to merge different clips together.

Online ToolsBlogger: Blogger was my most used online tool as I had set up my own blog page for the project to present my coursework but by doing so I had to upload images, videos and words. Blogger allowed me to make my work more presentable and professional by using themes, colours, background wallpaper, fonts and layouts. I didn’t have much knowledge about blogger although along the way I managed to learn and use the tools and settings effectively. Now I do not have any difficulties and problem using blogger. Slideshare: I used Slideshare when I created a PowerPoint piece of work which I then needed to upload to Slideshare in order to gain a HTML codes so I can upload it to my blog. It was difficult to add PowerPoint presentations until I understood how to use Slideshare. The process was very quick, accurate and looks professional on my blog. I learned how to use HTML codes from Slideshare to add to my blog and how the site works.YouTube: YouTube has been a useful online tool as it allowed me to upload my videos in ordered to upload it to my blog. I used it to find the royalty free background music for my film opening. I also used YouTube to upload my preliminary task, my audience expectations and my final film opening. I learned how to successfully upload my videos onto YouTube and how to embed them onto my blogger. This is a very useful tool that helped me with my project.