Evaluation tv advert


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Page 1: Evaluation tv advert

Evaluation-TV Advert

Joe Osborne

Page 2: Evaluation tv advert

Task 1• Do you feel that your advert is suitable for your target audience ?

I feel that our TV advert is suitable for our target audience as it features actors and actresses from our target age group and shows the aspects that we were aiming for such as, getting the girls and making the ‘un-cool look cool’. To follow the guidelines of the ASA we have made sure that our TV advert doesn’t cause any harm to any person, animal or the environment and we have made sure as to not offend any one or any religion, gender, etc. we have also tried to make sure not to mislead anyone, we have not included or are aiming our advertisement at children so we have not gone against any codes in that sense, we made sure that any one included in our TV ad gave us full permission to film them and to use the footage in whichever way we needed to get a finalised product, all in all we have gone through each ode to make sure that we have complied with them completely.

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Task 2

• Get audience feedback on your work by setting up a focus group?

• To allow us to get feedback on our final piece we have decided to do interviews of people from our target audience to get feedback from them, we asked them 6/7 questions to get a good understanding of what they thought.

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Task 3

• From the findings and results we collected from task 2 we found that;

• As a whole our target audience approved of our advert, enjoyed it and found it quite funny, they also felt that they actors we chose to portray the characters worked well as they were of the right age group and it fit in with our target audience. They also agreed that it did target our target audience really well and got them hooked to watch more, all of our interviewees agreed that there was nothing wrong or inappropriate about our advert and they would have been happy to see it on TV, and would be enticed to buy it. Although anonymously they all agreed it was a really good TV advert there was one improvement mentioned and that was the addition of a voice over at the end and the name of the brand shown at the end.

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Task 4

• How does your final product compare to the storyboards?

• Our final product has changed quite a bit from our storyboards due to problems and events that were out of our control, compared to the story boards we had to change the amount of characters we had as the original 2 that we were going to have could not compromise with our schedules, so we had to change them and have someone else fill in for them, another change was the locations of the advert as our original plan was to film in a local shop but that fell through so we then had to compromise by filming most of it at the local park.

How has technology helped turn our ideas into a real advert?• The use of technology really helped our ideas come to life by giving

us a means of recording it with a digital camera, different forms of software such as premier pro and websites such as YouTube, all of these features together has given us a real upper hand at creating our TV ad .

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Task 5• Analyse 2 challenges you have overcome?

• One of the challenges we faced as a group was the task of team management and meeting dates, the reason this was an issue was because we had to identify a team leader early on but neither me or my group members thought it would be totally necessary so we decided to be equals and help each other, the problem with this was that at the beginning we were all relaxed with the tasks and what we had to do as we didn’t really have an figure in charge, once we figured out that this wasn’t working we had to knuckle down and get it all done, seeing as we didn’t have a set team leader, trying to stick to deadlines and meeting up was difficult and most of the time we were too busy to meet up properly and sort things out, we overcame both of these challenges by setting aside a day a week to just sit down and talk to each other about were we were and what needed doing and we overcame the other challenge by pressuring each other to get things done, so I would tell my colleagues to get something done by a certain date and they in return would do the same for me.

• Another challenge we faced was the use of our 2 original actresses as they could never set up dates and times when they were free and we were running out of time, we had to replace them for being unreliable and difficult to work with. We overcame this challenge by using one of our production team to fill in and play the roles of the other guys, by doing this we managed to get our TV advert filmed and completed on time.

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Task 6• Analyse the technical skills you have gained?

• I picked up quite a few technical skills during this task and one of them was understanding and knowing how to use the camera to get different shots ant different angles and collecting a broad range of shots, by ding this it meant that we had a .lot of footage and good shots to work with which made our TV advert more appealing and eye catching.

• Another technical skill I gained was the ability to upload all of my files to different file converters so that I could post it up on my Yola site, seeing as I could only use certain files on Yola it meant that I had to track down the best file converters such as slide share and zamzar.com I found that these two online converter tools were the best for what we were doing. The other skill linked to this was learning how to upload my finished product video to YouTube and use YouTube editing tools to change the video slightly and make it better for viewing.

• To make the most of my location scouting and make it as best as I could I went to each location and took an array of different shots to try and show the audience exactly what It was like where we were filming, by doing this it meant that our location scouting was more accurate and more enjoyable and relevant to the final production.