Evaluation questions 4 and 5

Nathan Green Question 4 Who would the audience be for your media product? My target audience would be in terms of age, young adults aged around 16-25. This is purely due to how the content involved in the magazine is mature and offers up-to date info on the latest bands in the alternative rock industry. Furthermore by applying to those based around that age, allows a wider likelihood of them actually buying the magazine. To conclude the age that I’m targeting tends to be interested (to an extent) in the alternative rock genre. I’m directly targeting my audience towards the typical middle working class. This is down to how my target audience in terms of age is aimed towards young adults. By focusing my audience towards middle class, I can keep a reasonably cheap price for my magazine and allow further advantages for young adults/ students to buy it. The magazine is priced at £2.20 and after doing my research on other alternative rock magazines, seems to be a suitable price. This also falls under the consideration on income that my target audience are actually getting. If I was to choice an older or younger audience, they may not be too interested in spending their money on a music magazine. In addition to that I feel that the magazine lures in an older niche audience due to how there are some cover lines on the front cover that are of an older more classical band. By adding in bands such as Metallica, I can appeal to those whom are interested in that band and possible interest a younger audience into certain bands they might not have heard of before. From my research, I’ve found out that not all of my target audience are purely into modern and new bands, in fact most of my focus group where into more older/ classical rock bands as well as alternative new rock bands. However I understand that not everyone who listen to alternative rock are interested in older rock music so therefore I only include some elements and articles in the magazine to target that niche audience. In terms of ethnicity, from my research I found that most white males would buy the magazine due to how they’re into the bands featured and the content the magazine has to offer. This isn’t to

Transcript of Evaluation questions 4 and 5

Page 1: Evaluation questions 4 and 5

Nathan Green

Question 4 Who would the audience be for your media product?

My target audience would be in terms of age, young adults aged around 16-25. This is purely due to how the content involved in the magazine is mature and offers up-to date info on the latest bands in the alternative rock industry. Furthermore by applying to those based around that age, allows a wider likelihood of them actually buying the magazine. To conclude the age that I’m targeting tends to be interested (to an extent) in the alternative rock genre.

I’m directly targeting my audience towards the typical middle working class. This is down to how my target audience in terms of age is aimed towards young adults. By focusing my audience towards middle class, I can keep a reasonably cheap price for my magazine and allow further advantages for young adults/ students to buy it. The magazine is priced at £2.20 and after doing my research on other alternative rock magazines, seems to be a suitable price. This also falls under the consideration on income that my target audience are actually getting. If I was to choice an older or younger audience, they may not be too interested in spending their money on a music magazine.

In addition to that I feel that the magazine lures in an older niche audience due to how there are some cover lines on the front cover that are of an older more classical band. By adding in bands such as Metallica, I can appeal to those whom are interested in that band and possible interest a younger audience into certain bands they might not have heard of before. From my research, I’ve found out that not all of my target audience are purely into modern and new bands, in fact most of my focus group where into more older/ classical rock bands as well as alternative new rock bands. However I understand that not everyone who listen to alternative rock are interested in older rock music so therefore I only include some elements and articles in the magazine to target that niche audience.

In terms of ethnicity, from my research I found that most white males would buy the magazine due to how they’re into the bands featured and the content the magazine has to offer. This isn’t to say that my magazine will only appeal to those of a white ethnicity but my mine focus on my target audience would be white males. In my research I could’ve asked broader audience to give the target audience more of a chance. This is something I’ve learnt in a way to improve my research.

Question 5 answers How did you attract/address your audience?

In my front cover, I attracted my audience by sticking to the codes and conventions that are typically used in alternative rock magazines. An example of this would be how the main cover line would be of a rough like text. Furthermore I feel by adding and sticking to the same colour scheme on the front cover, would fit into the genre of the music as alternative rock rends to be simplistic. In addition to that, by attracting my audience further on the front cover, I included a well-known alternative rock festival (Reading Festival). This is purely due to how I feel my target audience would show an interest into attending the festival and a chance to win, would be the tip of the iceberg whether they buy it or not. By using a highlighted puff on the front cover helps address my audience further and lure in a wide range of audiences. Overall by talking about different alternative rock artists on my cover lines helps address my target audience as it briefly informs the reader of

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Nathan Green

their favourite artists.

The contents page I feel would address my target audience though the way its laid out. Due to the contents page being not too cluttered and very simplistic, the reader would find it easier to locate certain pages of the magazine easier. This is quite common in alternative rock magazines as most content pages tend to be clear and easy for the audience to read. To further that point, by keeping the same colour scheme as the front cover, I can allow the audience to be addressed with feminization. The contents page has a various of different ways it lures in my target audience such as using a grab quote to make the readers visually understand what each page offers and a quick glimpse into the article that page has to offer. The clothing that all the artists are wearing are very simple and non-branded/ band clothes. Doing this actually attracts my audiences and lures them into how alternative rock artists only wear simple clothing. Furthermore most alternative rock artists tend to look in fashion whilst wearing non- fashionable clothing.

My double page spread is also luring in my audience through how the layout of the article is very simplistic and unique to other double page spreads. Most double page spread articles show the text running down the one side of the page and following on to the other but due to my text only going along the bottom, attracts my audience further due to how it challenge the codes and conventions. In addition to that due to my target audience being of such a young age, something new like this would lure in my reader whilst offering increasing content in the article. The article talks about both lifestyles and social classes that the rock star Lewis Corbett has had. By informing the reader about how Lewis has changed his life by a few hit singles and a new album/ finding himself in music, makes the audiences feel motivated and indirectly addresses the audiences and says anything is possible.
