Evaluation question 7

QUESTION 7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Transcript of Evaluation question 7

QUESTION 7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?



PROGRESSIONThere was many improvements I wanted to make to my preliminary task, they are as follows:

As you can see on the previous pages, in my preliminary task I used a very basic layout and did not experiment with layouts and skills within technology programs. Furthermore I was not happy with the fonts I used, I kept it very basic and from my codes and convention research I feel to create a professional looking magazine you need a vast amount of fonts present within the construction. However I did like how I kept the house colour of green the same, I took this convention and developed it in my final production. Finally with the images I used in my preliminary do not use professional lighting and all look very dull and not of the highest quality.

As you can see from the images on the left Of my final production, in both pages I madeImportant changes. Firstly I improved my Design to a more professional, ‘urban’ layoutAnd design to suit my target audience and Look more like a magazine. Furthermore IImproved the font by incorporating a wider Range which were more unique and clear. FinallyFor my main images I shot them behind a Professional white background with professionalLighting which I arranged to enhance my models Features. The programs I used which developed my skillsAnd design were mainly Photoshop and VSCO cam in thiscase, as I created the whole production on PhotoshopAnd edited my photos on VSCOcam.


A main skill I feel I learnt from he preliminary task to my final production, is the use ofPhotoshop. At first was not skilled in the use of Photoshop but from looking into Video tutorials and research I soon developed skills. The picture above shows how I Learnt to make text 3D, I did so by looking up a video tutorial on YouTube as I found thatPractical videos were easier to follow, refer back to and remember.

I also learned how to enhance text in Photoshop, which made the text stand out moreOn the page. I used a very light drop shadow on my masthead, as it enabled my text to Appear clearer against the image.


LEARNINGFurthermore another concept I learnt on Photoshop was how to Add multiple layers and move them to appear over other layersEtc. This was a significant benefit as before when creating my Preliminary task I had very little knowledge of this and stuck to a Basic design which was not appealing. However from learning new skills I was able to include more common conventions of music magazines in my final production and make my magazine look more professional.

In addition to this onto my knowledge ad development of skills with the digital SLR camera. At first for my preliminary task I simply just took the picture not caring about the focus or ISO. However after research and close analysis with other music magazines such as NME and Clash I was able to see what were main features of the models, [their poses, clothing and facial expression] as well figuring out from tutorials how to adjust the ISO on this particular camera and making the focus 100%. From these skills I was able to produce high quality images that combined with other features to create a professional looking magazine.

LEARNINGAnother concept where I improved My skills was the Masthead. On the Right is the development of my Mastheads from the preliminary taskTo my my final production. My Preliminary task Masthead was not Bold and did not stand out againstThe background image. I took this And developed my masthead Throughout my construction period, I chose bold fonts and used drop shadow on the two last mastheads. I decided to Change my masthead again [from the 2nd to 3rd] because I felt the second one did not Suit my genre of an ‘Urban’ music magazine. I was pleased with my last masthead asI felt it stood out and was bold. I based my masthead on CLASH magazine as thisMagazine is of the same genre and from feedback from my focus group[ aged 16-25)People had a preferred reading of Clash’s design. Finally I also adjusted my sell line inMy preliminary task you can barely see the line as it is in black and fades into the Background, whereas in my final production I made it white which stood out and in a Bold effect.

With my feedback, improvements and development of skills from creating my Preliminary task to my final production, I took all of these elements into the

Creation of my double page spread:

LEARNING Concerning the image for all pages, from feedback and skill learning I was able take an eye catching image, that used direct address and created a personal relationship between the artist and audience –[Uses and Grat]. I re searched into common model poses along with how to gain the highest quality picture, which meant adjusting the ISO and lighting. Furthermore into this for my double image at first I took some of my DJ duo outside however these were not f the best quality and were slightly blurred. From this I developed my idea and changed my DPS to a single male artist ‘Hunter’, I positioned him in front of drum kit with a guitar to depict the music genre and used shallow focus to allow my model to be fully in focus with the drum kit behind blurred. I felt this gave off a unique effect and made the page very interesting along with appealing towards my target audience.


CONCLUSIONTo conclude I felt I learned a lot from my preliminary task to

create my final production. I feel I made a wide range of improvements which all combined to create a professional

looking magazine. The main changes from the preliminary to final production in my opinion were the images, layout and design

along with the fonts used. Overall I am happy with the turn out out of my final production, however for my second year piece I

feel that I would like to create more eye catching feature images as in my contents page, there are some images that do not meet the standards of others, along with this I would like to try again with outdoor photographing as I think this would have been a good element, I will search more video tutorials and plan my

photo-shoot more in depth which will improve my knowledge and skills of taking a high quality photographs outdoors.