Evaluation Question 6

QUESTION 6 What have you learned about technologies from this process of constructing this product ?

Transcript of Evaluation Question 6

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QUESTION 6 What have you learned about technologies

from this process of constructing this product ?

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WHAT WE USED For the research and planning stage of our film opening we used many sites to gather key information into the genre and the type of film we wanted to construct for example with YouTube we looked at clips of similar films or films of the same genre as our film as inspiration for things such as costume or character details or personalities. We used google as our main search engine to find all of these sites and lead us onto things such as amazon to find the spray paint we used to make the gun featured in the film more authentic and less fake. With IMDB we used that to look up similar films of our genre and gain information as to how that genre does generally at the box office as well as look up how other films like ours that we gained inspiration for did at the box office. We used Blogger In the research and planning stage to look at other media students who had similar ideas to us and other people who had done films of the same genre to see how they pulled it off and what problems they faced so we knew in the future how to deal with them.

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The Hardware we used in the construction of our film opening was very limited in the sense we used a HD camcorder to obviously film our media film opening, it was very easy to use to a degree of point and shoot (as long as the shot is level). We instead of using a tripod for the shots so they were not all standard tripod shots for our film opening we decided to use a steady cam set up nowhere near to the standard of the photo of one to the far right but we used a steady cam set up in order to gain some more unique angles and shots to make it seem more disturbed. We also limitedly used a boom mic with a stand because we were inside and didn’t have to use it as much as we thought because of the lack of wind and the more use of narration and music over the top of the film opening. We used the computer to edit the film opening on which we found easy enough to do and faced it with limited problems in our way.

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SOFTWAREThe software we used in the making of our film opening was mainly Movie Studio platinum to edit the majority of our films, we found this easy to use because of past experience with the software and the nature of it. We also used Photoshop/fireworks for the titles and cast names because we felt it would do a better overall job then doing it straight from the editing software because we could move it about and use it elsewhere.

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The technology I used for the evaluation process of my film opening was a mixture of blogger, PowerPoints, YouTube and Prezi. I found these very easy to use because of past experiences with using them as well as how generally easy they were to use.

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CONCLUSION Overall in the research, construction and evaluation of my film

opening we used many pieces of technology many hardware and software which helped to use to try and make the best piece that we possibly could. Also it allowed us to try new things with our media piece such as help edit the lighting , sound , camera shots and add transitions such as fades into next shots as well as making it good practice working on an actual media piece. Another thing is that by using all this newer technology we hadn't used before it allowed us to do things we hadn't before such as suing Photoshop photo shop, before but i used it several times throughout this project on things such as experimenting with shots and doing titles and the production logo.