Evaluation Question 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

Front Cover On my front cover I used a three colour pallet to fit with most magazines using black, white and red. I made my fonts look distorted to represent my rock/indie/metal genre. The model I decided should be posing the way she is to convey the rebel side of the genre. The content of the magazine featured well known artists and bands that would draw in my target audience but also draw in a range of people. I copied the main sell-line’s form from best selling rock magazines like Kerrang! By making it really clear and centralized it instantly draws a potential buyer.

Transcript of Evaluation Question 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

Page 1: Evaluation Question 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

Front CoverOn my front cover I used a three colour pallet to fit with most magazines using black, white and red. I made my fonts look distorted to represent my rock/indie/metal genre. The model I decided should be posing the way she is to convey the rebel side of the genre.The content of the magazine featured well known artists and bands that would draw in my target audience but also draw in a range of people.I copied the main sell-line’s form from best selling rock magazines like Kerrang! By making it really clear and centralized it instantly draws a potential buyer.

Page 2: Evaluation Question 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

Contents PageFor my contents page I used the same fonts as my front cover to keep the continuity. I carried the 3 colour pallet onto the contents page, making my model wear red. The content of the page follows on, keeping the things mentioned on the front cover on the contents. I copied the editors note basics from Kerrang! And Rocksound to create a more professional impression. The models both represent the loudness, fun and enjoyment that people get from the music.

Page 3: Evaluation Question 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

Double Page Spread-My double page spread took a lot of influence from existing products. The layout of the images are made to look like they’ve been scattered onto the page. -There isn’t a lot of text that way it’s quick and straight to the point and creates a clear image of the show for the reader. -The images themselves were chosen out of a number of photos because they represent the liveliness and fun of the gig and can encourage the reader to imagine what happened. -Using the callout in the bottomright hand corner createsprofessional continuity throughthe entire magazine. -I used the same font on the front cover & contents page to create professional continuitythroughout my magazine.

Page 4: Evaluation Question 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

What my audience wanted.FRONT COVER.-When I constructed my research through a focus group, a lot of my target audience wanted the main photography to stand out mainly. They wanted that to be the first thing to catch their eye. The colours had to be bright and noticeable. -They preferred when there wasn’t excessive amounts of writing and the writing that was used had to be direct and straight to the point.CONTENTS PAGE.-Everything that was mentioned had to be direct. They much preferred the magazine split into categories rather than listing every article and feature in it.-The colours I used were the same as the front cover. This made a continuity throughout seem professional. -The images had to be scarce and have to be able to fit alongside the text rather than just a block like the top of Kerrang!DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD.-My audience preferred the spread to have more photos and less text than the other way around. The text had to be able to create a mental image of the show and allow the reader to imagine what happened. They liked the ‘LIVE’ title in Kerrang! So I thought that putting this in mine would create more knowledge on what section of the magazine it was and would make it clear to a reader that was just flicking through the magazine.