Evaluation Question 3

Question 3 What have I learnt from audience feedback?

Transcript of Evaluation Question 3

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Question 3What have I learnt from audience feedback?

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Initial Target Audience

• The song that we decided to create a music video for was A Certain Romance by the Arctic Monkeys and they are a indie rock band. From this we looked up at the stereotypical types of people who would listen to indie rock and we got a age from about the age of 13 to the age of probably, mid-twenties. As a group I also took into account the meaning of the song. A Certain Romance is apparently about how the lead singer had to deal with issues of the daily life of those in school from this we came to a conclusion that a young target audience we were going for.

Twitter was a source of social media in which we found out about a suggested target audience, when you searched ‘Arctic Monkeys’ and any tweets associated with it was mainly tweeted by teenage boys and girls. This suggested to who listens to them.

Nowadays as Youtube is the way forward into getting music out there were people can listen and comment and subscribe to a band. Youtube was the best way to find out who listens to what, strangely enough on the official account of the Arctic Monkeys, the majority of people that commented were males. This also implied that the target audience needs to be towards both sexes.

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Focus GroupBefore we even started filming or got close to planning what was in our video we had to find out from people itself, what they thought of indie rock and to give us examples of bands and who they think the audience is for the band or genre is for. Jon and Daniel told us that they believe the audience for the genre is 18 plus which isn’t too far off what we originally suggested as a target audience, They also gave us examples of ‘indie rock’ bands which wasn’t the Artic Monkeys and a example is Vampire Weekend. From this we looked up a video

And saw what they did with it, to give us some sort of guidance in what a indie rock video is

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Focus Group cont..

Vampire Weekend – Giving Up The Gun

This was one of the videos that we watched as a focus group said they were classed as indie rock, and in the video the music video and the lyrics themselves didn’t relate. This is opposite to what Goodwin says in his theory, as a group we liked this idea as listening to the lyrics of ‘A Certain Romance’ I thought it would have been difficult to relate visual to lyrics.

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Audience Feedback Post Video• From the feedback of the video, the initial

concerns were how people said it got a bit tedious and boring and they couldn’t wait for the video to end. Some of the shots were to long, and it didn’t fit in with the tempo of the song. To fix that, we decided to add in lots of effects example cutting, we did this when he was walking down the road, had a shot of him walking looking down at his feet and then a point of view shot of where he was walking. Another effect we decided to use was black and white scheme througout to show that he is having a bad day and when he meets the girl and goes out somewhere, it slowly comes into colour, this came across well in the video as they understood the meaning of the colour.

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