Evaluation question 3

Evaluation Question 3 : what kind of media institutions might distribute you media product and why?

Transcript of Evaluation question 3

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Evaluation Question 3 : what kind of media institutions might distribute you media product and why?

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Thank you for coming, I've been a big fan of Warner Brothers for a long time and I'm really excited about being here today. The dark knight is one of my favourite films probably because it is oozes Warner Brothers style like other titles like TMNT that amalgamation of contemporary live action based on a well loved enduring Comic character. This twist on lovable characters has got me thinking of creating cutting edge narrative and I am not trying to bring you yet another twist on Batman. Shortage is a dystopian drama with contemporary editing, exciting special effects and big name stars.

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The film would require special effects that we would only be able to create with a high budget but this high budget is justified, as we will generate a lot of revenue, The film will attract millions of cinema goers worldwide and they will not be disappointed as we will choose our stars accordingly; with the big budget we have at our disposal we would choose an A-list actor as the main character possibly maybe an actor with a history with the company for example Will smith but to make sure our main character is not out-shined wewould use some up and coming stars for the supporting cast.

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At first we thought our film should be a 15 certificate as we wanted to portray a dark feel to our film but we realized that with the large budget we were asking for we should be aiming for the largest audience possible so we omitted scenes of emphasized violence and strong language on the director’s cut from the final film so it can fit to a BBFC rating of 12.

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This large audience will mean our film would be popular like other Warner Bros films such as The Dark Knight and I Am Legend. Our film is similar to I Am Legend with the idea of a dystopian future where the world has lost law and order the initial problem is introduced with a news bulletin which is also what I have done with my own film. I believe my film shares similarities with the Dark Knight as it shrouds the main antagonist with mystery but in the film you want to know who the joker is however in my film you have no idea who or what the antagonist is. So In conclusion I believe Warner Bros have a history of making dystopian films so they have the experience to market my film correctly to maximize profits.