Evaluation – Question 3


Transcript of Evaluation – Question 3

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What have you learned from your audience


The audience feedback proved very beneficial in the

construction stage of my development cycle. I had

previously held interview sessions with members of my

ideal target audience and their feedback greatly influenced

tweaks made to my products before I submitted them. I

allowed the audience to look and essentially review each of

my products; the teaser trailer, film magazine front cover

and film poster.

Once I had made the changes, I also received feedback

from classmates and other people in my target age group

at a screening I held. This allowed me to gage their

opinions of my final product and gather if it was on a par

with real media products that were of a similar genre.

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Questions that were posed to my audience included:

“What genre do you think the trailer belongs to?”

“What is your opinion of the editing?”

“What is your opinion of the sound?”

“How does the trailer make you feel?”

“What do you think of the length of the clips?”

“Do you think the trailer is similar to real media products?”


“Does the magazine look like a professional magazine, one you‟d expect to see on a store shelf?”

“Does the magazine combine well with the other products?”

“Do you like the use of images on the magazine?”

“What changes would you make?”


“Would you notice the poster whilst you were walking?”

“Does the poster look professional?”

“Does the poster relate to the genre and other products?”

“What changes would you make?”

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Feedback from the audience:

“ The trailer did not have enough diegetic sound. Too many sound effects were


“I liked the use of quick cuts and the way it matched up well with the sound


“The trailer‟s use of dark lighting really produced a scary, chilling aura that made

me fear for the main character.”

“A different image should‟ve been used on the magazine front cover. It was not

detailed enough and I couldn‟t see what was going on.”

“I liked the use of pull quotations and the star ratings on the top of the movie

poster to act as a review. This is a feature I normally see on real movie posters

and was nicely incorporated.”

“They should‟ve added effects on the text at the start of the trailer.”

“I think the layout of the poster looks professional. I also noticed the editing on

the „zombie‟s‟ eyes to make the character look more convincing as a zombie.”

“I think a few more locations should‟ve been used in the trailer. Also a prop for the

main character to protect himself would‟ve been good.”

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Although receiving feedback from a target audience is mostly

beneficial, I believe a possible limitation of the feedback that I

received was that it was not varied or deep enough. I had originally

held the screening session for approximately 30 people from my


To gain more successful reviews, I could‟ve asked the opinions of a

wider age group and scope than 18-19 year olds. Also, a larger

number of people would‟ve allowed me to separate my data

depending on the audience; I could‟ve recorded the data based on

the age groups and also based on the gender of people asked.

A more creative process could‟ve been to post the movie poster on

the corridors of my college or in the media suites, with a review

sheet alongside. This would allow people to give their criticisms or

praises whilst passing by and would allow me to collect them up later

and categorize the data accordingly.

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My feedback from the interviews was mainly positive. This may be due to

the interviewees and viewers mainly consisting of people from my class

and they may be more inclined to provide a positive opinion in order to not

be offensive.

I have learnt that I could‟ve used a separate photo for my magazine as the

image used is slightly too dark to be seen clearly.

A large amount of praise was given to my film poster as many believed it

looked professional and I had used typical conventions effectively to

produce a good piece.

The trailer was received well also. The viewers believed the genre was

easy to recognise and the use of short, quick clips was effective as it

allowed tension and suspense to build.

However, some suggested I use longer clips or a narration to detail more of

the synopsis to the audience. Also, it was suggested that use more

diegetic, natural sound.