Evaluation question 3


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WHAT FEEDBACK DID I RECEIVE? Throughout the two feedback methods I used when reviewing my music video and ancillary products (hot desking and a focus group) I received a range of elements that were successful about my products and what I could improve on. For my music video this included making the transition from colour to black and white more smooth and cutting the shot where the camera used to film could be seen. From the focus group on my ancillary products this included not having a boarder around the font and more pink on the overall digipak to fit with the feminine feel of the music video.

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• From the feedback received it was clear that the audience was entertained and found the storyline/character relatable and easy to understand. This fits in with Bulmler and Katz theory of audience reception as to entertain and identify is present in the ‘Basic Model’.

• Throughout the feedback received the audience also seemed to understand and grasp the signifiers that were present in the video including the use of the bottle prop to signify marriage and being free and the intertextuality of writing the name of the song on the paper.

Further feedback

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HOW DID THIS INFORM MY REVISIONS? After receiving the feedback on my ancillary products I decided to keep the font with the boarder as the person who highlighted the fact that they did not like it stated that it was a personal opinion and the other members seemed to like it. I also chose to make the pink background more brighter and changed the boarder of the font on my advertisement to pink so that it was more noticeable to the audience.

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HOW DID THIS INFORM MY REVISIONS? From the constructive criticism gained from the peer feedback and focus group I decided not to take the shot out in which you could see the camera. This is because it was only highlighted by one member of the focus group and the other members stated that they also could not see it. When looking back the shot was very short and therefore almost unnoticeable.

I did not have time to go back and edit the flashback however I feel that even without re-editing the transition seems to be smooth.

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WAS THIS FEEBACK VALID AND EFFECTIVE Peer feedback through ‘hot desking’

The feedback from my peer group was effective as it highlighted points for my music video that I could improve on, this could be seen as valid as I did not know who was giving the feedback as it was anonymous. However the validity of this method of feedback could also be questioned as people within my class may have taken a kinder approach due knowing who the video is made by. Furthermore the validity of this method may be questioned as my peers are all media students themselves and may therefore be extra critical with the techniques I used in constructing my video as they understand the form and conventions of real music videos.

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I believe that the feedback for my music video and ancillary products was effective as again it gave me constructive criticism to make my products more successful.

I believe the validity to this method of feedback would be higher than that of the peer feedback as I had not met any of the members before hand and they were therefore it was unlikely to be bias and the members were more likely to give their honest opinion on my products. However again the validity can be questioned as the members were also media students giving them a critical edge when assessing my products.