Evaluation – Question 2

Evaluation – Question 2 How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

Transcript of Evaluation – Question 2

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Evaluation – Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

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My Products The main products of my Advanced Portfolio is my front cover, contents page and double page spread of my magazine. The

ancillary tasks I chose to do were a website with two linked pages (contact and subscribe) and a billboard. I created these withsimilar features so they linked with one another and looked professional from an industry perspective and from my audience

point of view. Making them all similar also helps with marketing of my magazine.

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ImagesOn my front cover I used Rebecca as my model which would also be the model to link to my main sell line which was ‘We speak to Victoria Young about her new winter range’ Therefore I used this article to base my double page spread on, using the sae model but different pose/image, I also used her on my billboard to advertise my magazine, I also used the image of my front cover on my website to link these products together by doing this it means my target audience are seeing her face a lot more and then noticing her on the actual magazine after seeing her on the website and billboard, gives them a sense of recognition as of they personally know her. I used Natalie on my contents page as my ‘Under 18 North East fashion show winner’ this links to one of my ancillary tasks as on my website I have used this image again with two other girls on my website’s home page with the title of ‘Under 18 North East fashion show finalists’ this helps with linking the two tasks together as when they see the website it explains the winner will be revealed in the winter issue therefore they know they have to buy the magazine to find out the winner. The other Image I used to link my products together is the view image of vieber in Switzerland is on both my contents page and website and was mentioned on my front cover. The repetitiveness of the use of my images is very effective as it helps with the creation of my brand identity

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Fonts and Colour SchemeI have used a few different fonts throughout my products however have used the same ones for particular things for example my cover lines on the front cover are all the same hand writing but readable font. I have used the masthead on every task I have completed apart from the double page spread, this is because it doesn’t need to be on this page as it is inside the magazine and is already displayed the front cover and contents page, the masthead of my masthead would depend on the colour scheme of my magazine as many magazines change colour schemes depending on particular editions and seasons, my colour scheme throughout the chosen edition was blues and white therefore my masthead on the magazine and billboard was blue and black however on my website it doesn’t have a colour its just all white on a grey background. I followed the colour scheme throughout all of my magazine; front cover, contents page and double page spread, I also used the same colour scheme for my billboard as it was advertising that particular edition, my website however has a colour scheme of grey and white because this doesn’t necessarily have representation in relation to semiotics they are quite mutual colours. The other font I used for the actual information in my magazine like my article and page information was a plain Arial font so its easy to read, I also used the same font for the informative text on my website for the same reason, it also gives it a more mature look. The only font that I didn’t use more than once was the snow white font as that was the actual font of snow white on the film therefore it is only relatable to that one sell line and catches peoples attention.

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Brand Identity & USPA brand identity is the visible elements of a brand such as colours, design, logotype, name, symbol, that together identify and distinguish the brand in the consumers' mind. I think I have effectively established a brand identity throughout my front cover, contents page, double page spread, billboard and website because I use similar patterns throughout each of the tasks for example using my masthead and images more than once so the audience can recognise my brand. A Unique Selling Point is isa factor that differentiates a product from its competitors, such as the lowest cost, the highest quality or the first-ever product of its kind. The USP for my product is that it’s the first regional fashion magazine for older teens /young adults this gives my magazine a selling point and from the view of an industry perspective it is a gap to compete and create similar product. Having a brand identity and USP is very important when making a magazine as there is so many magazines of different genres already out there and in the genre there are many for sub genres, different target audiences therefore to be successful with a magazine it has to be unique and not like anything that’s already out there and also has to catch peoples attention with advertising such as billboards and social media which is linked on my website otherwise people won’t notice it. Viral marketing would work for advertising this magazine as my target audience are very interested into social media and have on average about 4 forms of social network (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube) which is something I found out from my target audience research therefore to advertise on these particular social networks it would help build my brand identity to get people to recognise it.