Evaluation Q6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Transcript of Evaluation Q6

Page 1: Evaluation Q6

What have you learnt about technologies from the

process of constructing this product?

Page 2: Evaluation Q6

I feel that I have learnt a lot through the whole project about different technologies with the process of construction our thriller. One of the big things I feel that I have learnt is using an Apple Mac,

as it is something which I haven’t used before, as I normally only use a Microsoft Windows operating system. I also feel that I have learnt a lot by using lots of different software to help create our media product. The software which I learnt the most about was

iMovie, which we used in order to help edit our film. iMovie I think was a great tool when helped to edit our film as it allowed us to easily trim clips as well as changing the shots to black and white,

which we used on all of our shots. At the start I didn’t realise that it would take as long to the get the feel looking how we wanted it.

This meant that we had to spend extra time than we had originally planned to make sure that all the transitions and shots were correct

and how we wanted them.

Page 3: Evaluation Q6

I also have learnt that cameras are relatively easy to once you have learnt what all the different buttons and settings do. However I feel that achieving some of the camera angles

which we wanted to were tricky to do because of the uneven ground we had to film on. This meant that we had to come up

with different ways to make the camera angle work. A big problem that we faced was when we filmed the shots, on the computer they were too dark and you couldn’t make out what was happening. This meant that on so of the shots we had to film when it was lighter too make sure that we got the shots

that we wanted.