Evaluation- Part three

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? Upon distinguishing what media institution would distribute my media product, I gathered information films in the genre of a crime / psychological thriller . I then found out what media institution they belonged to. I firstly looked at the film ‘Shallow Grave’ and found out on Internet Movie Data Base they were produced by Film4: The lighting connotes ideas of thriller as this is a typical convention Film4 Productions is a British film pr oduction company owned by Channel Four Television Corporation. The company has been responsible for backing a large number of films made in the United Kingdom. The fact the font is formatted to be simple through no capital letters and sans serif doesn’t take away any Mise-en-scene shows the use of the colour black indicates mysterious yet sinister qualities Use of table light as only light source is similar Shallow Grave: It starts when three people living together in a four bedroom flat are looking for a house mate. The interviews they conduct are very unorthodox and very funny. Eventually the three agree on one prospective tenant. He moves in, locks his door, and is not seen again. After a couple of days the three become curious and break in to his room.

Transcript of Evaluation- Part three

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?Upon distinguishing what media institution would distribute my media product, I gathered information films in the genre of a crime / psychological thriller . I then found out what media institution they belonged to. I firstly looked at the film ‘Shallow Grave’ and found out on Internet Movie Data Base they were produced by Film4:

The lighting connotes ideas of thriller as this is a typical convention

Film4 Productions is a British film production company owned by Channel Four Television Corporation. The company has been responsible for backing a large number of films made in the United Kingdom.

The fact the font is formatted to be simple through no capital letters and sans serif doesn’t take away any drama from the text

Mise-en-scene shows the use of the colour black indicates mysterious yet sinister qualities

Use of table light as only light source is similar to our thriller

Shallow Grave: It starts when three people living together in a four bedroom flat are looking for a house mate. The interviews they conduct are very unorthodox and very funny. Eventually the three agree on one prospective tenant. He moves in, locks his door, and is not seen again. After a couple of days the three become curious and break in to his room.

Castle Rock Entertainment is a film and television production company founded in 1987 by Martin Shafer. It is a additional company of Warner Bros. Entertainment, (Time Warner).

Misery: “Best-selling novelist Paul Sheldon is on his way home from his Colorado hideaway after completing his latest book, when he crashes his car in a freak blizzard. Paul is critically injured, but is rescued by former nurse Annie Wilkes, Paul's "number one fan", who takes Paul back to her remote house in the mountains (without bothering to tell anybody). Unfortunately for Paul, Annie is also a head case. When she discovers that Paul has killed off the heroine in her favourite novels, her reaction leaves Paul shattered (literally)... “

Based on the annotations, there is a clear link between our film and ‘Misery’. Even though the planning process in took sometime, we have successfully designed a thriller to meet audience’s needs. However...

The act of strapping someone to bed portrays ideas of insanity which is similar to our antagonist:

The bed bars connote ideas of imprisonment

Dominant character peering over weaker character to portray power

Use of shadows indicates a dark moment in our film and MiseryHand cuffs signify

ideas of crime, thus presenting our film into the crime-thriller genre

Still image has been taken to represent a particular scene in the film. This makes the scene become more iconic and well known

Using the research...

Based on my research of thriller films, I believe our media product would be made into a British film through the production company Film4. Our reasons for this is because Film4 produce alternative films, whereas Castle Rock Entertainment produce Hollywood films. Furthermore, due to the style and narrative of our thriller, we believe a British film production would suit our film better. ‘Shallow Grave’ (made by Film4) is a similar product to ours as it covers the genre of a psychological thriller genre. This reinforces our decision as our film covers the genre of psychological crime thriller, rather than a horror thriller like Misery. Producing our thriller through Film4 would also narrow our audience to the usual audience’s that watch Film4 movies. If we decided to produce our thriller through Castle Rock Entertainment however, our audience would be based on a more larger scale.

We have also decided that our film would be produced in the cinemas as similar existing thrillers have done this. The mise-en-scene of our film also reinforces our decisions to produce our film through a British company as it portrays dark psychological aspects. Producing this only through the internet may cause a limited target audience. As only some people are familiar with downloading and the internet, we would be limiting our profit and our target market.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?