evaluation part 7

Technology Pre-Production Production Post- Production Effect on my product Digital HD Panasonic camera We decided to go with the HD cameras, we thought it would give our film a better look and having that better picture, would make our whole product better. We used the camera over a 2 day period, it was very simple to use and was very light. So it helped on the handheld shots. The picture and sound feedback were good and it gave that feel of reality. All we had to do, was plug the camera into the apple mac using a usb cable. It was pretty simple, but the uploading took quite a while. The HD camera was great, it helped to us to deliver the reality of our film and helped us to endorse that natural feel. It felt great to use a such an advanced piece of technology, in our video you can see the natural lighting that we got, which added more to our opening. Apple Mac The macs allowed us to connect to the internet, so we could get the research we needed to make our opening. Since we didn’t finish filming, we used fireworks to create our production logo and our titles for the films, which was easy and simple. This was the most important reason why we needed the macs. For editing we used final cut, we got the hang of it. So it was simple to use and we didn’t face any issues.


evaluation of opening sequence (technologies)

Transcript of evaluation part 7

Page 1: evaluation part 7

Technology Pre-Production Production Post-Production

Effect on my product

Digital HD Panasonic camera

We decided to go with the HD cameras, we thought it would give our film a better look and having that better picture, would make our whole product better.

We used the camera over a 2 day period, it was very simple to use and was very light. So it helped on the handheld shots. The picture and sound feedback were good and it gave that feel of reality.

All we had to do, was plug the camera into the apple mac using a usb cable. It was pretty simple, but the uploading took quite a while.

The HD camera was great, it helped to us to deliver the reality of our film and helped us to endorse that natural feel. It felt great to use a such an advanced piece of technology, in our video you can see the natural lighting that we got, which added more to our opening.

Apple Mac The macs allowed us to connect to the internet, so we could get the research we needed to make our opening.

Since we didn’t finish filming, we used fireworks to create our production logo and our titles for the films, which was easy and simple.

This was the most important reason why we needed the macs. For editing we used final cut, we got the hang of it. So it was simple to use and we didn’t face any issues.

Page 2: evaluation part 7

Technology Pre-Production Production Post-Production

Effect on my product

Blogger We used blogger, to submit all our research , it was easy simple and effective. So it was easy to access when we needed it

We used it to create our production logs, so that we could keep on what we are doing, week in and week out.

It was used to keep track of what we were doing and mainly our thoughts

Blogger was great, as it allowed us to explore our ideas and add in everything that we were thinking. We also have, all our work in it, so it is a useful means of distribution

Final Cut Not Used Not Used Final cut was very important at this stage, because we used to make our film, mainly editing.

Final cut was perfect, it allowed us to get into depth with our film, even the tiny specific details. So our end product, was exactly what we wanted.

Page 3: evaluation part 7

Technology Pre-Production Production Post-Production

Effect on my product

Youtube Youtube allowed us to access British Social Realism films, so that we could research themes , conventions and ideology. It helped us to look at other peoples work.

Not Used Youtube was our platform to distribute our films and research. It is simple and is a easy way to exhibit our films.

Youtube, will allow the whole world to be able to watch our research and films. It was quick, simple and free. Now our videos will be on there forever and for the whole world to watch, so it was great to have this kind of technology, at our fingertips.

Fireworks Not Used We made our title and production logo, using fireworks. It was easy, simple and quick.

Not Used Since we have been using fireworks for many years, it was quick and effective. So we were able to create our titles and production logo quickly.

Page 4: evaluation part 7

Technology Pre-Production Production Post-Production

Effect on my product

Blackberry and Blackberry Messenger

Communication was a vital point in making our product. I needed to be in touch with my partners. We set times and locations of where and when we would meet, also to help each other with work.

This was a crucial time, so we used it to tell each other where to meet and when, so that we could film. We also used to remind each other, to bring the equipment back to school.

Me and my partner discussed, when would be the perfect time to edit.

It played a very crucial role in communication, it helped us to keep in touch and so, helped us to make the final product

Issuu Allowed me to put up power point presentations of research onto my blog, it also made it better quality and easier to read.

Not Used Not Used It helped us to upload power point work, because blogger could not help in this aspect. It was pretty simple, but was effective.