Evaluation of QoS and QoE for H.264/SVC Video Transmission with DCF and EDCA

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  • 7/25/2019 Evaluation of QoS and QoE for H.264/SVC Video Transmission with DCF and EDCA


    International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

    ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 9, Number 22 (2014) pp. 16109-16112

    Research India Publications


    Evaluation of QoS and QoE for H.264/SVC VideoTransmission with DCF and EDCA

    1John Petearson Anzola A and

    2Andrs Camilo Jimnez A

    1Professor Faculty of Engineering, Electronics Engineering

    Fundacion Universitaria Los Libertadores, Bogota Colombia

    Email:[email protected]

    2Professor Faculty of Engineering, Electronics Engineering

    Fundacion Universitaria Los Libertadores, Bogota Colombia

    Email:[email protected]


    In this article, video traffic H.264/SVC and evaluation QoS metrics analyzed by Delay

    and Throughput in relation to the number of jumps performed by the AODV protocol inan ideal environment (without traffic) and no Ideal with DCF and EDCA traffic.

    Particularly QoE obtain advantages from the point of view of the user, by encoding,

    transmitting and decoding video in a simulation environment as NS2, by evaluating the

    video framework myEvalSVC illustrated. In this way we can analyze the impact of the

    transmission and retrieval of video in uncontrolled environments, such as Ad Hoc

    networks with QoS and without QoS.

    Key Words: H264/SVC, QoS, QoE, DCF, EDCA


    INTRODUCTIONWith the increase of video streaming on demand and in real time, with the proliferation of

    video services over the Internet and with the exponential growth of mobile devices capable

    of processing multimedia content, the wireless video communication is become an attractive

    market niche, which is receiving attention from industry and academy as applications of

    wireless video transmission every day are easier to implement and integrate multiple devices

    with Wi-Fi.

    Applications in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN), support video

    streaming technologies (VoIP, IPTV, etc.). Their study is attractive due to mobility and

    portability that wireless ad hoc networks offer as an alternative to infrastructure

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    networks, since the delivery of real time video imposes strict requirements on time and

    bandwidth, emerging many problems as a Quality of Service (QoS) means.

    This article describes how the basic medium access mechanism Distributed

    Coordination Function (DCF) and Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA),

    H.264/SVC and scalability analysis of jumps that presents the protocol Ad hoc

    On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), in order to obtain a quantitative and qualitative

    analysis of the behavior of the video in Ad hoc networks, through simulations with the

    framework built into NS2 myEvalSVC.

    The myEvalSVC [1] framework to estimate the quality of video transmissions

    H.264/SVC in NS2, supported on three main processes: encoding, transmission and

    decoding video. For analysis of the observations QoS time constraints presented

    metrics Throughput Delay and used. As for Quality of Experience (QoE) is concerned,

    the visual comparison of the transmitted video regarding the received video andquantification of Video Quality Metrics through the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio

    (PSNR) is analyzed.

    2.QOS IN AD HOC NETWORKThe transmission of video streaming usually has time constraints and QoS requirements

    sensitive to unpredictable changes which may occur in the network. Traditional networks

    deliver Best Effort traffic and can not guarantee resource reservation or priority traffic,

    treating all packets with the same priority, as in the case of DCF in wireless networks.

    2.1. Distributed Coordination Function - DCFDCF is a technique for media access control for the IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless local

    area networks, which uses the CSMA / CA method with a random delay algorithm called

    "Backoff". In this algorithm, when a node wishes to transmit must listen in the first instance

    channel status. If the node finds that the channel is idle for a time interval DCF Interframe

    Space (DIFS), the node can start transmitting packets. If the channel is busy during the DIFS

    time interval, the node must defer packet transmission to find free channel [2].

    Once the transmitter/source node finds the channel free, it must send a request to initiate

    transmission Request To Send (RTS). Destination/target node receives the RTS request and

    waits for a time interval Short Interframe Spaces (SIFS), until the channel is free. If the

    channel is free, the target node must respond with a Clear To Send (CTS) or RxBusy, if you

    are receiving data from other nodes in the network. Once the transmitter/source node receivesthe CTS packet, it must wait a SIFS time interval prior to transmitting the data to the

    destination/target node. When the target node receives the data, wait a SIFS time interval and

    proceeds to transmit the Acknowledgement (ACK) or not received anything transmitted

    negative acknowledgment (NAK) to the transmitting node/source [3].

    It is noteworthy that during this process, the transmitter/source node and

    destination/target only must wait SIFS time intervals for their communication processes,

    while neighboring nodes must wait for DIFS time and contend for the channel making

    requests transmission.

    If the channel is busy during the DIFS time interval, the nodes that want to initiate the

    transmission will have to postpone it. If multiple nodes contend for the channel, detect that the

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    channel is busy performing a request repeatedly until a node finds that the channel is free and

    as a result of the above process collisions occur. DCF, in order to avoid such collisions

    specifies a random Backoff, forcing a node to defer its access to the channel for additional

    time interval determined by the following expression [4]:

    Backoff Tiempo = Random (0,CW) x Slot_Time (1)

    where CW is contention window.

    2.2. Enhanced distributed channel access - EDCAEDCA is an access mechanism providing QoS based on traffic prioritization. This

    prioritization is obtained introducing four Access Categorie (AC), which, classify the

    traffic associated with the priorities of the user traffic or the network. Similarly the

    IEEE 802.1D [1] standard is defined. In Table 1 the relative priorities between 802.1Dand 802.11e access categories is summarized [5].

    Tabla 1. Relacin entre Prioridad y Categora de Acceso.

    Priority Priority


    Description 802.1D Access Categorie


    Description 802.11e

    Less 1 Background AC_BK Best Effort

    2 - AC_BK Best Effort

    0 Best Effort AC_BE Best Effort

    3 Excellent Effort AC_BE Test Video

    4 Controlled Load AC_BI Video5 Video AC_BI Video

    6 Voice , Video AC_BO Voice

    Higher 7 Signaling Network AC_BO Voice

    Each access category has its own transmit queue characterized by the parameters

    of network traffic. The prioritization between different categories of access is obtained

    by suitably configuring traffic parameters in each queue. A scheme operating system

    access categories shown in Figure 1, the parameters of interest are:

    Arbitrary Inter-Frame Space Number (AIFSN): It is the minimum time interval

    since the physical medium is detected as empty or available until the transmission

    begins [6].

    timeslotACAIFSNSIFSACAIFS _][][ (2)

    Contention Window (CW): Is a random number generated in the range to launch

    the timeout mechanism (backoff).

    Transmit Opportunity (TXOP): The maximum duration of a time interval in which

    the QSTA (Station with QoS) can be transmitted after the transmission opportunity

    limit has elapsed.

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    Fig. 1: Working model of 802.11e MAC layer

    At the time that the data packets arrive at the MAC Service Access Point (SAP),

    the MAC layer handles 802.11e properly classify incoming traffic, sending them to the

    appropriate queue of the MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) layer. Each of these units of

    the different queues AC (Access Category) competes internally by the TXOP.

    The algorithm internal struggle calculates the backoff timeout independently for

    each AC line, according AIFSN, CW parameters and a random number. The timeout

    mechanism is similar to DCF and tail with the lowest backoff win in the internalcompetition.

    The AC queue winner externally compete for access to the wireless medium. The

    algorithm external strife no significant changes compared with DCF, DCF except that

    the Backoff and timeouts are fixed, in contrast to 802.11e, which are variable and are

    properly configured according to the corresponding AC queue.

    Through proper setting of the parameters of the AC queue, traffic performance is

    tight and can be achieved by prioritizing traffic. This requires a QoS Capable Access

    Points (QAP) to maintain a common set of parameters in the queues and guarantee fair

    access between the different stations that compose the QoS Enabled Basic Service Set

    (QBSS) network. Similarly, in order to adjust the asymmetry between upstream

    traffic/incoming qsta to the QAP and down/outgoing to QSTA QAP, a separate set ofEDCA parameters defined exclusively for the QAP [7]. Figure 2 compared the medium

    access mechanism EDCA referring to DCF.

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    Fig. 2: Comparison of model performance in DCF and EDCA


    The H.264/MPEG-4 AVC standard provides a scalable extension called H.264/SVC

    [5], considered the first standard that defines the multidimensional scalability.

    H.264/SVC achieves a significant compression performance and reduce the complexity

    of processing and acceptability in the applications or services, as perceived subjectively

    the end user, presenting a high Quality of Experience (QoE) [8] .

    The H.264/SVC schemes are known for the dissemination of video streaming services

    in low resolution and multicast applications to suit different abilities depending on the

    receptor and the ability to image retrieval in proportion to the variation of bandwidth

    [9]. H.264/SVC reuses the main features of H.264/MPEG-4 Advanced Video Coding

    and other techniques used to provide scalability extensions and improve coding gain.

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    Fig. 3: Diagrammatic representation of SVC scalabilities

    Overall SVC can provide three types of scalability: temporal, spatial and SNR

    quality, allowing multiple video representations thus adapting to the speed and quality

    levels for streaming video.

    Fig. 4: H.264 SVC Stream

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    In SVC, the bitstream is divided into a base layer and one or more enhancement

    layers. The base layer is considered more important than the enhancement layers, as in

    this layer needs less transmission bandwidth and the minimum acceptable contains

    video information. Enhancement layers require more bandwidth for the definition and

    enhancement of details that enhance its quality. Figure 3 is a schematic representation

    of scalabilities SVC and Figure 4 shows the H.264/SVC Layered Structure.

    Spatial scalability refers to the ability to represent the same video in different

    resolutions and screen sizes, including: QCIF, CIF and 4CIF. In general, the spatially

    encoded scalable video using images in the space used by the lower layers as a

    prediction of the higher layers in order to further improve coding efficiency.

    Temporal scalability refers to the possibility of representing the same video at

    different temporal resolutions and frame rates, ie, the number of frames contained in the

    first second of the video allow the video to be played at different frame rates. Usuallydone using temporary sample images from a lower layer as a top layer prediction.

    Quality scalability, also called scalability of signal to noise ratio (SNR), refers to

    the possibility of representing the same video at different levels of perceptual quality.

    The SNR scalable encoding coefficients quantized Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) at

    different levels of accuracy by using different quantization parameters.

    3. myEvalSVCmyEvalSVC is a framework for evaluating H.264/SVC built into NS2, based on

    Scalable Video-streaming Evaluation Framework (SVEF) [10], which allows evaluating

    network topologies, architectures and routing protocols realistically. myEvalSVCprocess starts by encoding YUV video format, in which you can set encoding

    parameters (temporal, spatial, or combined SNR). Once selected encoding parameters,

    we proceed to pass the video modules BitStreamExtractor which is developed by JSVM

    and developped by FN Stamp SVEF, in order to generate a trace file NALU [11].

    With the trace file NALU is necessary to create a compatible file in NS2, for this a

    filter developed by myEvalSVC prepare_sendtrace.awk, which delivers a trace is used

    completely compatible and integrated in the simulator. For reading and use of this

    traceis necessary declare a myEvalSVC agent, which allows to design and evaluate the

    performance of the SVC transmission topologies, protocols, and network architectures.

    Within the simulator must be configured myEvalSVC_Sink their Agent, which is

    used to receive packets SVC that record the time, the packet size, number of frame in atrace file output. With the information in this trace file can be extracted by creating

    filters awk calculate different network metrics. At this point can be evaluated QoS and

    performance of any scenario that video transport.

    To evaluate QoE from the point of view of the user, myEvalSVC decode the video

    that came on the receiver or target node, it is necessary to begin the process of decoding.

    The decoding process starts by filtering the trace file using the filter

    prepare_receivedtrace1.awk and prepare_receivedtrace2.exe, both developed by

    myEvalSVC. The resulting file is processed by the SVEF module, which generates a

    trace file that deletes NALU packets that arrived too late and could not be decoded.

    After filtering the NALU trace output file is sent to BitStreamExtractor module, which

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    generates a trace of H.264, which is then filtered by the JSVM decoder that generates a

    file YUV video output. At this point QoE can be evaluated through the comparison of

    input PSNR and output PSNR and by reconstructing the video [1].

    Fig. 5: Framework myEvalSVC

    4. PERFORMANCE METRICSInside the transmission of streaming video are the most important constraints related to

    time and bandwidth, therefore, the Delay and Throughput is highlighted as measures

    overall performance, which analyze the behavior of video within Ad Hoc networks. Themetric to be analyzed are:

    4.1. Average end-to-end delayThe Average end-to-end delay [12] is defined as the time difference between the instant

    when a packet is received by the destination node and the instant of time that has been

    sent by a source node. Within the video transmission applications must comply with the

    standard QoS and packet delay must be limited and decreased for high performance

    transmission. The Average end-to-end delay has been calculated as shown in Equation


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    1 (3)

    where, itH represents the transmission instant of package i,


    rH represents reception

    instant of package i, rN is the total number of packets received.

    4.2. ThroughputThe Throughput [13] is defined as the number of bits successfully received on the target

    node divided by the total transmission time in seconds, also interpreted as the ratio of

    successfully Transmitted data per second, emphasizing that the minimum bandwidth

    restrictions are required in a video stream to satisfy QoS requirements. The throughputis calculated as shown in Equation 4:




    where, fRL


    is the payload transmission rate,Ris the Binary transmission rate

    in bits/seconds and )(f is the packet success rate defined as the probability of

    receiving a packet correctly. This probability is a function of the signal-to-noise ratio

    )( .

    5. SETTING THE SIMULATIONThis section describes the methodology used in the simulation and evaluation metrics

    Delay and Throughput described considering a scenario described in Table 1. The

    scenario considers the transmission of H.264/SVC between the pair of source/target

    with UDP and TCP traffic backgraund between 16 nodes (8 nodes transmitting and

    receiving nodes 8) to a uniform and constant velocity nodes. The main interest of this

    paper is to analyze the metrics of delay and throughput in terms of hops (1-5 hops), as

    displayed in Figure 6 between the pair of source/target nodes in ideal conditions (notraffic background) and in environments where all nodes have a DCF and EDAC

    mechanism for providing access QoS.

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    Table 1. configuration parameters of the simulation

    Short Interframe Space (SIFS) 10us

    Time slot 20us

    DCF Interframe Space (DIFS) 50us

    CWmin 32

    CWmax 1024

    Physical Header 192bits

    MAC Header 224bits

    ACK 112bits

    Data rate 1Mbps

    Basic rate 1Mbps

    Sending rate of CBR flow 1 0.2MbpsSending rate of CBR flow 2 0.3Mbps

    Play-out delay 5s

    Size of the simulation area 1000m x 1000m

    Antenna coverage 250m

    Total of nodes 50

    Protocol AODV

    Constant speed (nodes) 6m/s

    The test sequence used corresponds to video file "Foreman" [15] YUV CIF

    (352X288) with 300 frames and encoded by JSVM where temporal scalability to the

    results presented in this article is enable.

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    Fig. 6: Scenarios Employees


    Fig. 7: Video received DCF and EDCA

    One of the main features of myEvalSVC lies video recovery in the target node,

    appreciating the initial delay that causes the network. In case of packet loss

    myEvalSVC replaces the lost image of the last image who arrived correct package.

    The Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) may be considered as a QoE metric,

    since the quality of the received image is evaluated. In a video stream H.264/SVC base

    layer is transmitted and sometimes finds that packet loss can be lost enhancement

    layers. Although to the naked eye many of these losses are not significant, the PSNR

    provides a quantitative measure of the quality of video that is being perceived. This

    paper provides the results for a jump is shown by the high number of simulations.

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    Fig. 8: PSNR original video with DCF and EDCA traffic for a traffic jumpBackground.

    The routing protocol used for the assessment is Ad hoc On-Demand Distance

    Vector (AODV), used by all mobile nodes in the proposed network, which offers the

    following features [14]:

    Rpida adaptation to changes in dynamic link Bajo processing and memory overhead

    Baja use of network resources Determinacin route unicast destination

    AODV uses destination sequence numbers to ensure lasos routing traffic,

    preventing problems like counting to infinity associated with classical distance vector



    The following simulation results show the characterization of video traffic H.264/SVCin ad hoc networks for the scenario described in Figure 6, by analyzing the Delay vs. the

    number of hops and throughput vs the number of hops, as observed in Figure 9 and 10.

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    Fig. 9: Delay vs Jumps

    Fig. 10: Throughput vs Jumps

    The above results show a proportional increase between the number of hops and

    delay for a constant speed of 6m/s, finding that 90% of the video is encoded for the same

    scenarios or less than two jumps.

    For scenarios equal to or greater than the three top video decoding than 10% and

    therefore higher packet loss, which is reflected in the persepcion QoE is presented.

    In the figure 10 shown throughput metrics and evaluation of network performance

    at a constant speed and end to end delay is analyzed, noting that traffic packets to

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    transmit video H.264SVC a DCF mechanism in his first two jumps delay is low and

    adapts its throughput to Best Effort traffic because all packets in DCF are treated with

    the same priority.

    By contrast, when the video traffic is transmitted in a H.264SVC EDCA

    mechanism allows prioritize packets Best Effort traffic and traffic with a lower priority

    Background, giving precedence first to the voice traffic and secondly to traffic video.

    Therefore, EDCA may reach rates of less than 10ms delay obtaining a bandwidth of

    0.6Mbps and a jump two 0.26Mbps obtained jumps where video packet loss H.264SVC

    less than 10% (with traffic Best Effort and Background) network ensure proper

    decoding at the target node.

    However, the ideal traffic (no Background and Best Effort traffic) in DCF is

    comparable to the results obtained with EDCA traffic.

    Figure 8 shows PSNR values for different access methods. The upper curverepresents the ideal values of PSNR NALU lossless (original video), the other two

    curves correspond to the transmission of video using EDCA and DCF, noting that DCF

    has less video Quality of EDCA, this interpretation traduciendoce QoE for user.

    8. CONCLUSIONSIn this paper, QoS and QoE evaluated in providing video H.264SVC in WLANs through

    the DCF and EDCA mechanisms, assessing the quality of streaming video, five primary

    scenarios were simulated by highlighting the number of jumps performed by the AODV

    protocol to deliver video to a target node. The results showed that reducing the

    throughput depending on the number of hops decreases the available bandwidth whilemaintaining the video until the third and fourth jump with only EDCA mechanism,

    except that the DCF mechanism with the same throughput is maintained until the third

    and fourth jump, but lost 10% superiosres video, making the video encoding is not

    complete with myEvalSVC Framework.

    These results show that the transmission H.264/SVC on EDCA can achieve better

    PSNR values of the transmission through DCF, illustrating how the throughput and

    delay as a function of the number of hops can be percevida by the end user, through the

    effects visual myEvalSVC the Framework allows for the recostruir video lens or

    receiving node. This feature is one that highlights the myEvalSVC Framework as a tool

    for evaluation of QoE, for an end user, which can visually compare the performance of

    the video in a different network topologies.Increasing delay and throughput decrease with increasing number of hops,

    concludes that the video can be decoded H.264SVC rates 10% lower losses in the case

    of DCF, EDCA provides QoS while Ad Hoc Network 3 and 4 hops for the particular case

    of 50 nodes that maintain a constant speed of 6m / s and with 8 nodes act as traffic

    sources with their respective target nodes/receiver.

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