Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of ... › journals › aps › 2021 › 8883040.pdfResearch...

Research Article Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Caralluma europaea Stem Extract against CCl 4 -Induced Hepatic Damage in Wistar Rats Hayat Ouassou , Mohamed Bouhrim, Nour Elhouda Daoudi , Hassane Mekhfi, Abderrahim Ziyyat, Abdelkhaleq Legssyer, Mohamed Aziz, and Mohamed Bnouham Laboratory of Bioresources Biotechnology Ethnopharmacology and Health, Mohammed First University, Oujda, Morocco Correspondence should be addressed to Mohamed Bnouham; [email protected] Received 18 July 2020; Revised 16 December 2020; Accepted 23 December 2020; Published 8 January 2021 Academic Editor: Kim Wei Chan Copyright©2021HayatOuassouetal.isisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. e present study aims to evaluate the hepatoprotective activity of stem aqueous extract of Caralluma europaea (AECe) on carbon tetrachloride- (CCl 4 -) induced hepatic damage in Wistar rats. e animals were daily treated with the aqueous extract of C. europaea at a dose of 250 mg/kg body weight for 14 days. CCl 4 was injected (1ml/kg, i.p.)twotimes,onthe7 th and 14 th days. At the end of the experimental period, all rats were anesthetized to collect blood for the assessment of biochemical parameters and then sacrificed to collect the liver for weighing. Hepatotoxicity was evaluated by measuring the serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), bilirubin (total and direct), malondial- dehyde (MDA), total protein (TP), triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol, very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL-c ), low-density lipoprotein (LDL-c), high-density lipoprotein (HDL-c), urea, creatinine, and uric acid. Based on the results obtained in this study, the administration of C. europaea before exposure to the administration of CCl 4 conferred favorable hepatoprotective effect in rats. e treatment with AECe (250 mg/kg) exhibits a significant hepatoprotective effect by ameliorating CCl 4 -induced alterations of these biochemical parameters. Hence, C. europaea could be a potential medicinal herb that can be used in the future to prevent liver intoxication. 1. Introduction eliverisaninterestingorganinthehumanbody.Itplaysa vital role in the maintenance, performance, and regulating the homeostasis of the body [1]. It has a central role in detoxification and excretion of endogenous and exogenous substances [2]. e high incidence of liver damage is caused by drugs, alcohol consumption, and environmental chem- icals/xenobiotics, which lead to liver diseases such as hep- atitis [1, 3]. Most of the hepatotoxic chemicals produce liver cell damage by inducing an increase in tissue lipid perox- idation, oxidative stress, and serum levels of many bio- chemical markers such as transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, triglycerides, and cholesterol [3, 4]. Carbon tetrachloride- (CCl 4 -) induced liver injury is the best-characterized animal model of xenobiotic-induced free- radical-mediated hepatotoxicity. CCl 4 is converted into two free radicals, which are trichloromethyl radical (CCl 3 ) and proxy trichloromethyl radical (OOCCl 3 ) by cytochrome P450 [5]. ese free radicals are capable of initiating lipid perox- idation and liver damage [6]. Several studies indicate that antioxidants protect the liver from oxidative damage, and they can prevent the risk of liver diseases [7]. erefore, much attention has been focused on natural antioxidants. Many studies have been shown that medicinal plants are very rich in antioxidant compounds that exhibited powerful hep- atoprotective activity by improving antioxidant status [8]. Among many medicinal plants, Caralluma europaea (CE) is one of the medicinal species belonging to the Apocynaceae family. It is widely distributed in Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Spain, and Italy [9]. C. europaea has been traditionally used in the treatment of different diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cyst, kidney stones, and respiratory and cardiovascular dis- orders [10–13]. e juicy stems of Caralluma europaea are consumed as food [10, 14]. Besides, the stems of C. europaea are orally taken with water or milk to treat diabetes. Also, the Hindawi Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Volume 2021, Article ID 8883040, 8 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/8883040

Transcript of Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of ... › journals › aps › 2021 › 8883040.pdfResearch...

  • Research ArticleEvaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Caralluma europaeaStemExtract againstCCl4-InducedHepaticDamage inWistarRats

    Hayat Ouassou , Mohamed Bouhrim, Nour Elhouda Daoudi , Hassane Mekhfi,Abderrahim Ziyyat, Abdelkhaleq Legssyer, Mohamed Aziz, and Mohamed Bnouham

    Laboratory of Bioresources Biotechnology Ethnopharmacology and Health, Mohammed First University, Oujda, Morocco

    Correspondence should be addressed to Mohamed Bnouham; [email protected]

    Received 18 July 2020; Revised 16 December 2020; Accepted 23 December 2020; Published 8 January 2021

    Academic Editor: Kim Wei Chan

    Copyright © 2021HayatOuassou et al.,is is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

    ,e present study aims to evaluate the hepatoprotective activity of stem aqueous extract of Caralluma europaea (AECe) on carbontetrachloride- (CCl4-) induced hepatic damage in Wistar rats. ,e animals were daily treated with the aqueous extract ofC. europaea at a dose of 250mg/kg body weight for 14 days. CCl4 was injected (1ml/kg, i.p.) two times, on the 7th and 14th days. Atthe end of the experimental period, all rats were anesthetized to collect blood for the assessment of biochemical parameters andthen sacrificed to collect the liver for weighing. Hepatotoxicity was evaluated by measuring the serum levels of aspartateaminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), bilirubin (total and direct), malondial-dehyde (MDA), total protein (TP), triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol, very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL-c ), low-densitylipoprotein (LDL-c), high-density lipoprotein (HDL-c), urea, creatinine, and uric acid. Based on the results obtained in this study,the administration of C. europaea before exposure to the administration of CCl4 conferred favorable hepatoprotective effect inrats. ,e treatment with AECe (250mg/kg) exhibits a significant hepatoprotective effect by ameliorating CCl4-induced alterationsof these biochemical parameters. Hence, C. europaea could be a potential medicinal herb that can be used in the future to preventliver intoxication.

    1. Introduction

    ,e liver is an interesting organ in the human body. It plays avital role in the maintenance, performance, and regulatingthe homeostasis of the body [1]. It has a central role indetoxification and excretion of endogenous and exogenoussubstances [2]. ,e high incidence of liver damage is causedby drugs, alcohol consumption, and environmental chem-icals/xenobiotics, which lead to liver diseases such as hep-atitis [1, 3]. Most of the hepatotoxic chemicals produce livercell damage by inducing an increase in tissue lipid perox-idation, oxidative stress, and serum levels of many bio-chemical markers such as transaminases, alkalinephosphatase, bilirubin, triglycerides, and cholesterol [3, 4].

    Carbon tetrachloride- (CCl4-) induced liver injury is thebest-characterized animal model of xenobiotic-induced free-radical-mediated hepatotoxicity. CCl4 is converted into twofree radicals, which are trichloromethyl radical (CCl3) and

    proxy trichloromethyl radical (OOCCl3) by cytochrome P450[5]. ,ese free radicals are capable of initiating lipid perox-idation and liver damage [6]. Several studies indicate thatantioxidants protect the liver from oxidative damage, and theycan prevent the risk of liver diseases [7]. ,erefore, muchattention has been focused on natural antioxidants. Manystudies have been shown that medicinal plants are very rich inantioxidant compounds that exhibited powerful hep-atoprotective activity by improving antioxidant status [8].Among many medicinal plants, Caralluma europaea (CE) isone of the medicinal species belonging to the Apocynaceaefamily. It is widely distributed in Morocco, Algeria, Egypt,Spain, and Italy [9]. C. europaea has been traditionally used inthe treatment of different diseases such as diabetes, cancer,cyst, kidney stones, and respiratory and cardiovascular dis-orders [10–13]. ,e juicy stems of Caralluma europaea areconsumed as food [10, 14]. Besides, the stems of C. europaeaare orally taken with water or milk to treat diabetes. Also, the

    HindawiAdvances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical SciencesVolume 2021, Article ID 8883040, 8 pageshttps://doi.org/10.1155/2021/8883040

    mailto:[email protected]://orcid.org/0000-0003-2839-4059https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3516-318Xhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-9473-1290https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/8883040

  • stems roasted are administered with garlic and tomato as anantidiabetic salad [10]. Several pharmacological reports haveconfirmed the antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiproliferative,antidiabetic, and anti-inflammatory activities of C. europaea[15–19]. Moreover, previous studies have been reported onthe biological activities of extracts obtained from manyspecies of Caralluma such as hepatoprotective [1], anti-in-flammatory [20], antidiabetic [21], antioxidant [22], andcytotoxic [23] activities. To the best of our knowledge, nowork on the hepatoprotective activity of C. europaea stemshas been reported to date, which encourage us to investigatethe hepatoprotective effect of stem aqueous extract ofC. europaea (AECe) against CCl4-induced hepatic damage inrats.

    2. Materials and Methods

    2.1. Plant Material. ,e fresh plant was bought from theherb market. It is authenticated botanical by the expertbotanist Mohammed Fennan from the scientific institute ofthe University Mohammed V., and the specimen was de-posited under the voucher number HUMPOM 150 in theherbarium at University Mohammed I., Oujda (Morocco),for future reference.

    2.2. Preparation of Plant Extract. ,e stem parts were cutinto small pieces and dried. After complete drying, the driedplant material was powdered by a mechanical grinder. ,epowdered plant (200 g) material was then extracted with800mL of distilled water. ,e whole mixture was maceratedovernight and filtered. ,e filtrate was evaporated toeliminate water and to obtain the extract in dried form. Afresh solution was prepared from the dried residue in eachday of treatment.

    2.3. Chemicals Used. ,e following drugs and reagents wereused in this study: Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and sily-marin were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, USA, standardKits for assay of aspartate transaminase (AST), alaninetransaminase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Totalcholesterol, triglycerides, Glucose, High-density lipoprotein(HDL-c), Bilirubin (total and direct), Creatinine, Urea, anduric acid levels were purchased from Biosystems, Spain, andDiethyl ether was obtained from (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany).

    2.4. Experimental Animals. ,irty healthy adult Wistar rats(_/\ � 1) weighing between 150–200 g were used in thisstudy. ,e animals were taken from the animal house of theFaculty of Sciences, Mohammed First University, Oujda,Morocco. ,e rats were housed in polypropylene cages in awell-ventilated room with soft bedding and accessibility towater and food ad libitum in an environmentally controlledroom (23± 2°C, 12 h dark/12 h bright). ,e rats wereadapted one week preceding treatment.

    All rats have cared in compliance with the interna-tionally accepted Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory

    Animals, published by the US National Institutes of Health(NIH publication no. 85-23, revised in 1985) [24].

    2.5. Preparation of Doses and Treatments. ,e CCl4 wasadministered at a dose of 1mL/kg (i.p.) with vehicle (oliveoil) [25]. ,e aqueous extract of C. europaea was admin-istered at a single dose of 250mg/kg.,e dose of the aqueousextract of C. europaea (250mg/kg) was selected based on theprevious efficacy studies (acute and subacute toxicity studiesand many previous pharmacological activities ofC. europaea) [19, 26]. Silymarin (40mg/kg) was adminis-tered to the animals orally [27].

    2.6. CCl4-Induced Hepatotoxicity Model in Rats. One weekafter the adaptation, the animals were divided into fiveexperimental groups of 6 animals each (_/\ � 1 : 3 males and3 females), and treated as follows: the normal control re-ceived distilled water (10mL/kg). ,e CCl4-treated controlgroup (negative control) received distilled water (10mL/kg).,e AECe and AECe +CCl4 groups received a single dose ofthe aqueous extract (250mg/kg).,e positive group receivedCCl4 + silymarin (40mg/kg). ,e animals of the CCl4-treated control group, AECe +CCl4 group, and CCl4 + si-lymarin group received CCl4 intraperitoneally (i.p.) at a dose1mL/kg body weight once a week for two weeks (the 7th and14th days) of treatment in order to induce chronic liverinjury. All animals were treated and observed daily for twoweeks (Figure 1).

    2.7.BloodSamplingandOrganCollection. Twelve hours afterthe last dose of CCl4 injection, all animals were anesthetizedby light ethyl ether inhalation and sacrificed. Blood sampleswere collected from the carotid arteries and centrifuged at3000 rpm for 10min under cool temperature (4°C) toseparate the plasma. ,e separated plasma was stored at−20°C for further assessments. Besides, the liver was weighedand conserved for the preparation of the liver homogenate(10% w/v) in sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and stored at−20°C for biochemical analysis.

    ,e liver index was calculated by the following formula[28]: liver index (%)�weight of liver/weight of body x 100%.

    2.8. Biochemical Parameters Determination. ,e biochemi-cal parameters such as serum enzymes: aminotransferases(AST and ALT) [29], alkaline phosphatase (ALP) [30],bilirubin (total and direct) [31], total cholesterol [32], tri-glycerides (TG) [33], high-density lipoprotein (HDL-c) [34],low-density lipoprotein (LDL-c), very low-density lipo-protein (VLDL-c), total protein (TP), glucose, urea, uricacid, and creatinine were evaluated by using an autoanalyzer(Architect c-Systems, Hamburg, Germany) by using acommercial kit. All analyses were performed in triplicate forevery sample.

    LDL-cholesterol was computed according to Friedewaldet al., using the following equation: LDL-c� total cholesterol−[HDL-c + very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL-c)]. VLDL-c

    2 Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • was calculated according to the formula as follows [35]:VLDL-c� triglycerides/5.

    2.9. Determination of Malondialdehyde (MDA). ,e con-centration of liver lipid peroxidation was measured throughthe estimation of MDA by using thiobarbituric acid (TBA)[36]. In brief, 0.5mL of TCA (30% w/v) was added to 0.5mLof liver homogenate, and the mixture was centrifuged at3500 rpm for 10min at 4°C. 1mL of the supernatant wasadded to 1mL of TBA (0.67% w/v), and the mixture wasplaced in a boiling water bath for 10min. ,e reactionmixture was stopped in an ice-cold bath. ,e absorbance ofthe solution was measured at 535 nm. ,e results wereexpressed in nanomoles of MDA produced per gram oftissue, using the following molar extinction coefficient:1.56×105M−1cm−1.

    2.10. Statistical Analysis. All values are expressed asmean± SEM. ,e statistical differences among differentgroups were analyzed using one-way of analysis of variance(ANOVA), for determining the significant difference. ,eintergroup significance was analyzed using Turkey’s post hoctest. ,e difference was considered significant if p< 0.05,moderately significant if p< 0.01, and highly significant ifp< 0.001.

    3. Results

    3.1. Effect of AECe on the LiverWeight and Liver Index of Rats.As shown in Figure 2, the normal rats treated with AECe(250mg/kg) did not affect the liver weight and liver indexcompared with those of the normal control rats, indicating

    that the dose of AECemay have no liver toxicity in rats. AfterCCl4 administration, the liver weight and liver index sig-nificantly increased in rats (p< 0.001), indicating serioushepatomegaly that was markedly suppressed by a dose ofAECe (250mg/kg) and silymarin (p< 0.001 and p< 0.001;respectively).

    3.2. Effect AECe onALT, AST, andALP. ALT, AST, and ALPare sensitive markers of the liver, and their elevated levels areindicative of liver damage. As shown in Table 1, no markedchanges of AST, ALT, and ALP levels were detected innormal control rats and the AECe group, which confirmedthe safety of AECe at a dose of 250mg/kg. ,e injection ofCCl4 to the rats induced liver injury, which representedmarkedly elevating activities of AST, ALT, and ALP serumlevels compared with the normal control group. However,the AECe treatment (250mg/kg) induced a significant(p< 0.05, p< 0.001) decrease in the CCl4-induced elevationof serum enzymes AST, ALT, and ALP compared to theCCl4-treated group.

    ,e effect of AECe is comparable with that of thesilymarin treatment. ,ese results indicated a protectiveeffect of AECe on CCl4-induced liver injury in rats.

    3.3. Effect of AECe onTotal andDirect Bilirubin. As shown inTable 1, the administration of CCl4 to the rats induced asignificant (p< 0.001) increase in total and direct bilirubinlevels, indicating the impaired excretory function of theliver. On the other hand, treatment with AECe at a dose of250mg/kg and silymarin (40mg/kg) produced a highlysignificant (p< 0.01; p< 0.05) fall in the total and directbilirubin levels compared to the CCl4-treated rats.

    Wistar rats (n = 30)

    Group I (n = 6) normal control ED (10mL/kg)

    Group II (n = 6) CCl4(1mL/kg) (i.p.) once

    a week

    Group III (n = 6) AECe (250mg/kg): daily

    Group IV (n = 6)CCl4 (1mL/kg) (i.p.)

    once a week and AECe (250mg/kg): daily

    Group V (n = 6)CCl4 (1mL/kg) (i.p.)

    once a week and Silymarin (40mg/kg):



    Oral gavage

    Day = 0

    AECe (250mg/kg) daily pretreatmentbefore exposure to CCl4

    Day = 7

    AECe (250mg/kg) daily pretreatment+1st single dose injection of CCl4

    Day = 14

    AECe (250mg/kg) daily pretreatment+2nd single dose injection of CCl4


    Figure 1: Schematic representation of (a) the experimental design; (b) the timeline chart for AECe treatment in the experimental ratsinjected with CCl4 (Group IV). n: number of rats.

    Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences 3

  • 3.4. Effect of AECe onTotal Protein. In CCl4 intoxicated rats,serum total protein level was decreased significantly(p< 0.001) when compared to the normal control group(Table 1). ,e oral administration of aqueous extract ofC. europaea and silymarin reversed the depletion of totalprotein significantly (p< 0.001 and p< 0.001, respectively)when compared with CCl4-treated rats.

    3.5. Effect of AECe on Lipid Peroxidation. To evaluate theprotective effect of aqueous extract of C. europaea againstlipid peroxidation, MDA content was measured in liverhomogenate (Figure 3). ,e administration of CCl4 aloneinduced a significant increase in MDA content (p< 0.01)compared with the normal control group.,e doses of AECe(250mg/kg) and silymarin (40mg/kg) significantly sup-pressed the formation of MDA (p< 0.05) induced by CCl4treatment.

    3.6. Effect of AECe on Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, VLDL-cLDL, HDL, and PlasmaGlucose. ,e administration of CCl4alone to the animals resulted in a marked increase in theplasma glucose, triglycerides, and VLDL levels (p< 0.001;p< 0.01 and p< 0.01, respectively) when compared to thenormal control group. ,e rats treated with AECe (250mg/kg) and the standard treatment silymarin (40mg/kg),showed a significant reduction in all of the parameters thatwere increased in the CCl4-treated group. Overall, the resultsobserved after administration of AECe at 250mg/kg werecomparable to those of silymarin at 40mg/kg. On the otherhand, no significant differences were detected in totalcholesterol, LDL, and HDL levels in the CCl4-treated groupcompared to the normal control group (Table 2).

    3.7. Effect of AECe on Creatinine, Urea, and Uric Acid.,e plasma concentration of creatinine, urea, and uric acidwas examined as biomarkers of renal function. As shown in







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    ControlCCl4 (1mL/kg)CCl4 + AECe (250mg/kg)AECe (250mg/kg)Silymarin (40mg/kg)









    r ind

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    ControlCCl4 (1mL/kg)CCl4 + AECe (250mg/kg)AECe (250mg/kg)Silymarin (40mg/kg)


    Figure 2: Effect of CCl4, AECe (250mg/kg), and silymarin (40mg/kg) on liver weight (a) and liver index (b). Values are mean± SEM (n� 6)and analyzed with one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test. ∗∗∗p< 0.001 vs. control group. ###p< 0.001 vs. CCl4 group.

    Table 1: Effect of aqueous extract of Caralluma europaea against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity-related parameters in rats.

    Treatment (n� 6) ALT (IU/L) AST (IU/L) ALP (IU/L) Total bilirubin(mg/L)Direct bilirubin

    (mg/L)Total protein

    (g/L)Normal control 36.33± 4.44 105.70± 9.7 171.33± 31.20 0.65± 0.11 1.00± 0.00 60.15± 0.93CCl4 (1mL/kg ) 1014.33± 87.00∗∗∗ 1189.83± 114.53∗∗∗ 486.50± 34.84∗∗∗ 4.45± 0.49∗∗∗ 3.83± 0.47∗∗∗ 38.71± 2.37∗∗∗CCl4 +AECe(250mg/kg) 668.20± 22.14

    ###Ns 891.83± 32.33#Ns 245.33± 18.81###Ns 2.60± 0.26∗∗##Ns 2.50± 0.22∗∗##†† 55.68± 1.17###Ns

    AECe (250mg/kg) 35.83± 5.52 97.83± 5.09 148.70± 17.53 0.75± 0.14 1.16± 0.16 60.06± 1.32CCl4 + silymarin(40mg/kg) 640.00± 39.83

    ∗∗∗### 702.16± 55.59∗∗∗### 335.83± 23.53∗∗∗## 1.78± 0.20### 1.16± 0.16### 58.08± 1.54###

    Values are expressed as mean± SEM, (n� 6). Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test. ∗∗p< 0.01 when compared to the normalcontrol group; ∗∗∗p< 0.001 when compared to the normal control group. #p< 0.05 when compared to the CCl4 group; ##p< 0.01 when compared to theCCl4 group; ###p< 0.001 when compared to the CCl4 group. Ns� not significant when compared to the CCl4 + silymarin group; ††p< 0.01 when compared tothe CCl4 + silymarin group.

    4 Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • Table 3, no significant differences in creatinine, urea, anduric acid levels were detected in the CCl4-treated groupcompared with the normal control group.

    4. Discussion

    Liver disease is a metabolic disorder, which is the mostcommon cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide.Hence, medicinal herbs with hepatoprotective propertieshave received considerable attention from researchers. Re-cently, medicinal herbs have been utilized by researchers inexperiments to investigate their hepatoprotective propertieson animals [37]. In this study, we aimed to investigate thehepatoprotective effect of AECe on liver damage by mea-suring serum levels of aminotransferases (AST and ALT)activities, as enzyme markers of hepatocellular damage [38].

    Liver injuries are induced by carbon tetrachloride in ratsmodels. CCl4 is a commonly used model for the investi-gation of hepatoprotective activity on various experimentalanimals [39]. ,e liver damage caused by CCl4 is similar tothat produced by viral hepatitis [40]. ,e elevated serumenzyme levels of AST, ALT, and ALP have been attributed tothe damaged structural integrity of the liver because they arecytoplasmic in origin and are released into the blood afterhepatic damage [27]. Our findings showed that AST, ALT,and ALP activities were increased in rats with the CCl4treatment alone in comparison with the normal controlgroup. ,is elevation in hepatic markers has been attributedto the cells damaged or cell membranes became leaky andthey are released into the circulation [38, 41]. In contrast, asignificant reduction in plasma activities of AST, ALT, andALP was found in rats with AECe +CCl4 in comparison withthe CCl4-treated group. ,is decrease in serum levels of

    transaminases activities is in agreement with the commonlyaccepted view that transaminases activities return to normaldue to the stabilization of plasma membrane, as well asrepair of hepatic tissue damages caused by CCl4 [1]. ,isfinding suggests that AECe protected the liver tissue fromCCl4-induced injury. Besides, AECe ameliorated the ex-cretory function of the liver, and this effect was shown bysuppressing the elevation of the bilirubin (total and direct)serum level. ,e level of total protein was reduced due to thestabilization of the endoplasmic reticulum leading to proteinsynthesis [42]. When animals are treated with CCl4, it ismetabolically activated in the hepatic cell by cytochromeP450, generating a highly reactive carbon-centered Tri-chloromethyl radical.,is radical reacts with oxygen to formthe Trichloromethyl peroxyl radical, CCl3OO∗ [43]. ,esetwo free radicals initiate the chain reaction of lipid perox-idation [6] and that is usually measured through its ca-tabolite MDA [44]. ,e increase of MDA content in the liverof the CCl4-treated group was found in this study in goodagreement with previous studies [45]. AECe decreased theMDA content in the liver significantly as compared to theCCl4-treated group. ,is is can be explained by the inhi-bition of lipid peroxidation and its propagation in the liver.

    CCl4 brings an increase in plasma glucose levels in ratstreated with CCl4 alone in comparison with the normalcontrol group. ,is elevation may be due to the destructionof liver cells or disruption of glycogen storage due to thedegradation of glycogen to glucose in hepatocytes aftertreatment with CCl4, which leads to increased plasma glu-cose concentration [46]. However, rats treated withAECe +CCl4 showed a significant reduction in plasmaglucose concentration in comparison with the CCl4-treatedgroup. In our investigation, AECe could enhance insulinsecretion and stimulate the storage of glucose by the pe-ripheral glucose uptake [19]. For the lipid profile, the serumlevels of triglyceride and VLDL-c showed remarkable in-creases in CCl4-treated rats. Previous studies have indicatedthat increased VLDL is the result of disturbance of lipidmetabolism induced by CCl4 intoxication. Triglyceridesaccumulation in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes leads to he-patic steatosis [1, 38]. However, treatment with AECecorrected this elevation. ,is effect indicates that the extractimproved metabolic function by restoring serum triglycer-ides (TG) and VLDL levels to normal values compared to theCCl4-treated group. ,e other lesion of hepatic injury washepatomegaly. While liver index was an objective indicatorto reflect hepatomegaly, eliminating individual variation ledto the difference of liver weights. In the present study, theliver index significantly enlarged in the CCl4-treated group,which indicated that CCl4 caused the hepatic damage andhepatomegaly. However, the treatment with AECe (250mg/kg) restored the liver weight and the liver index to thecondition almost like in the normal group. On the otherhand, the study revealed that the biochemical parameters ofthe kidney did not show any variation (not significant) whencompared to the normal control group.,ese results showedthat CE has a significant hepatoprotective effect againstcarbon tetrachloride (CCl4). Free-radical production plays akey role in the mechanism pathway of CCl4-induced acute





    ver M




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    ControlCCl4 (1mL/kg)CCl4 + AECe (250mg/kg)AECe (250mg/kg)Silymarin (40mg/kg)

    Figure 3: Effect of AECe (250mg/kg) on lipid peroxidation in theliver of rats with CCl4-induced liver damage. ,e values representthe mean± SEM, with n� 6. ∗∗p< 0.01 vs. control group; #p< 0.05vs. CCl4 group.

    Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences 5

  • liver injury. Hence, the scavenging of free radicals is one ofthe major antioxidation mechanisms to inhibit the hepa-totoxicity of CCl4 and reduce liver damage [47]. ,echaracteristic phytochemical constituents in Carallumaspecies are glycosides, flavone glycoside, triterpenoids, fla-vonoids, tannins, alkaloids, and saponins. ,e phytocon-stituents such as flavonoids, glycosides, triterpenoids,alkaloids, and saponins are known to possess hep-atoprotective activity. Flavonoids have been known for theirantioxidant and antiperoxidant properties leading to hep-atoprotective activities [48]. Consequently, we suggest thatthe hepatoprotective activity of CE may be due to thepresence of some of these components and/or other phy-tochemical compounds. However, further studies are re-quired before we could conclude on the exact mechanism(s)involved in the hepatoprotective activity of the CE, andphytochemical studies are needed to isolate active com-pounds responsible for this activity.

    5. Conclusions

    Experimental evidence obtained in the present study showedthat the oral administration of AECe exerted favorablehepatoprotective activity against carbon tetrachloride-inducedliver damage. ,is activity may be due to the presence offlavonoids and other components present in the plant.However, complementary in vitro and in vivo studies will benecessary to confirm these findings and explore themechanismresponsible for this hepatoprotective effect.

    Data Availability

    Data used to support the findings of this study are availableupon request.

    Conflicts of Interest

    ,e authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


    ,is work was supported by the National Center for Sci-entific and Technical Research (CNRST), Morocco (PPR2).,e authors would like to thank Badraoui Mustapha andRamdaoui Karim for their technical support and animalbreeding.

    Supplementary Materials

    Table 1: effect of aqueous extract of Caralluma europaeaagainst carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity-relatedparameters in rats. Values are expressed as mean± SEM(n� 6). Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed byTukey’s test. p∗∗ < 0.01 when compared to the normalcontrol group; p∗∗∗ < 0.001 when compared to the normalcontrol group. p# < 0.05 when compared to the CCl4 group;p## < 0.01 when compared to the CCl4 group; andp### < 0.001 when compared to the CCl4 group. Ns� notsignificant when compared to CCl4 + silymarin group; p††

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