Evaluation of Antiangiogenic and Antiproliferative...

930 Antiangiogenic and Antiproliferative Potential of Dioscoria bulbifera L. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy Vol. 4 (4) 930-942 October 2010 ISSN 0973-8916 Abstract Historically, plant products have enjoyed a rich use for their medicinal properties in herbal medicine. Plant compounds with multiple anticancer characteristics are essential to be developed as anticancer drugs. In the same context, we have made an attempt to screen seven crude ethanolic extracts of medicinally vital plants for their antitumor activity using Ehrlich Ascites Tumor (EAT) model. Dioscoria bulbifera L. is a plant used as traditional medicine in mainland China, having antitumor effects in its extracts and/or ingredients. And since, our preliminary results indicated that, D. bulbifera rhizomes extract (DBRE) had the best antitumor, antiproliferative and antiangiogenic potential amongst other plants; it was chosen for further in vitro and in vivo studies. The peritoneum of mice treated with DBRE showed significant reduction in peritoneal angiogenesis, which was further confirmed by inhibition of neovascularization in rat cornea and chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) in vivo . Additionally, we noted attenuated micro vessel density (MVD) count and endothelial cell proliferation in the histological section of DBRE treated mice peritoneum. Quantitation of VEGF in the DBRE treated ascitic fluid of EAT mice showed significant reduction in VEGF secretion when compared to untreated controls. DBRE also exhibited excellent antiproliferative effects against EAT, choriocarcinoma, breast cancer cells, glioblastoma, endothelial cells in vitro in a dose dependent manner. Further, antiangiogenic activity of DBRE in the tube formation assay strengthened the presumption that D. bulbifera may be a potential supplementary source for cancer therapy. Key Words: Angiogenesis, VEGF, D.bulbifera, Anti-proliferation, Matrigel, Rat cornea, CAM Introduction Angiogenesis, or neovascularization, is the process of generating new blood vessels derived as extensions from the existing vasculature (1). It is an elementary step in a variety of physiological and pathological conditions including wound healing, embryonic development, chronic inflammation, and tumor progression and metastasis (2–5). Complex and diverse cellular actions are implicated in angiogenesis, such as extracellular matrix degradation, proliferation and migration of endothelial cells, and morphological differentiation of endothelial cells to form tubes (6). The angiogenic process is strongly controlled by a wide variety of positive or negative regulators, which are composed of growth factors, cytokines, lipid metabolites, and cryptic fragments of hemostatic proteins (6), and many of these Evaluation of Antiangiogenic and Antiproliferative Potential in Ethanolic Extract of Dioscoria bulbifera L. Kaveri K, Yashaswini B, Sheela M L and Bharathi P.Salimath* Department of Studies in Biotechnology, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore-570006, Karnataka, India. *For Correspondence – [email protected]

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Antiangiogenic and Antiproliferative Potential of Dioscoria bulbifera L.

Current Trends in Biotechnology and PharmacyVol. 4 (4) 930-942 October 2010 ISSN 0973-8916

AbstractHistorically, plant products have enjoyed

a rich use for their medicinal properties in herbalmedicine. Plant compounds with multipleanticancer characteristics are essential to bedeveloped as anticancer drugs. In the samecontext, we have made an attempt to screenseven crude ethanolic extracts of medicinally vitalplants for their antitumor activity using EhrlichAscites Tumor (EAT) model. Dioscoriabulbifera L. is a plant used as traditional medicinein mainland China, having antitumor effects in itsextracts and/or ingredients. And since, ourpreliminary results indicated that, D. bulbiferarhizomes extract (DBRE) had the best antitumor,antiproliferative and antiangiogenic potentialamongst other plants; it was chosen for furtherin vitro and in vivo studies. The peritoneum ofmice treated with DBRE showed significantreduction in peritoneal angiogenesis, which wasfurther confirmed by inhibition ofneovascularization in rat cornea and chickchorioallantoic membrane (CAM) in vivo.Additionally, we noted attenuated micro vesseldensity (MVD) count and endothelial cellproliferation in the histological section of DBREtreated mice peritoneum. Quantitation of VEGFin the DBRE treated ascitic fluid of EAT miceshowed significant reduction in VEGF secretionwhen compared to untreated controls. DBRE also

exhibited excellent antiproliferative effects againstEAT, choriocarcinoma, breast cancer cells,glioblastoma, endothelial cells in vitro in a dosedependent manner. Further, antiangiogenic activityof DBRE in the tube formation assaystrengthened the presumption that D. bulbiferamay be a potential supplementary source forcancer therapy.

Key Words: Angiogenesis, VEGF, D.bulbifera,Anti-proliferation, Matrigel, Rat cornea, CAM

IntroductionAngiogenesis, or neovascularization, is the

process of generating new blood vessels derivedas extensions from the existing vasculature (1).It is an elementary step in a variety ofphysiological and pathological conditions includingwound healing, embryonic development, chronicinflammation, and tumor progression andmetastasis (2–5). Complex and diverse cellularactions are implicated in angiogenesis, such asextracellular matrix degradation, proliferation andmigration of endothelial cells, and morphologicaldifferentiation of endothelial cells to form tubes(6). The angiogenic process is strongly controlledby a wide variety of positive or negativeregulators, which are composed of growth factors,cytokines, lipid metabolites, and cryptic fragmentsof hemostatic proteins (6), and many of these

Evaluation of Antiangiogenic and Antiproliferative Potential inEthanolic Extract of Dioscoria bulbifera L.

Kaveri K, Yashaswini B, Sheela M L and Bharathi P.Salimath*Department of Studies in Biotechnology, University of Mysore,

Manasagangotri, Mysore-570006, Karnataka, India.*For Correspondence – [email protected]


Kaveri et al

Current Trends in Biotechnology and PharmacyVol. 4 (4) 930-942 October 2010 ISSN 0973-8916

factors are initially characterized in other biologicalactivities. Among these molecules, vascularendothelial growth factor (VEGF), a solubleangiogenic factor produced by many tumor andnormal cells, plays a key role in regulating normaland abnormal angiogenesis and inhibition of VEGFexpression by tumor cells is known to have animpact on angiogenesis dependent tumor growthand metastasis (7).

Antiangiogenic agents from medicinal plantsappear to be suitable for the control of diseasesand prolonging the life of the patient. There hasbeen a continuous search for compounds to usein the prevention or treatment of cancer, andespecially for agents with reduced toxicity.Several studies have shown that extracts from anumber of herbal medicines or mixtures havealready displayed their anticancer /antiangiogenicpotential in vitro / in vivo or both (8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15). Plant-based compounds, such as,resveratrol, catechins genistein, curcumin, inaddition to others, such as diallyl sulfide, S-allylcysteine, allicin, lycopene, capsaicin, 6-gingerol,ellagic acid, ursolic acid, silymarin, anethol, andeugenol have already proved their anticancerabilities (16). Also, numerous antiangiogenic drugsare in different phases of clinical trials presently(17).

All the above facts led us to pursue thesearch for novel bioactive lead structures withantiangiogenic activity for which seven medicinalplants were selected for further study which areknown medicinal plants having anticancer activity.However, their antiangiogenic and antiproliferativeeffects have not been investigated before. Theplants that have been selected for the study includeDioscorea bulbifera L. (Dioscoreaceae),Acorus calamus (Araceae), Annona squamosa(Annonaceae), Streblus asper (Moraceae),Bauhinia variegata (Caesalpinaceae),Thespesia populnia (Malvaceae) and Erythrina

suberosa (Fabaceae). The plant D. bulbiferaL. is found to possess anti bacterial (18) andantitumor activity (19). The rhizome of Acoruscalamus is reported to possess insecticidalproperties (20).It is reported that the fruits ofAnnona squamosa are used in folk medicine asa remedy to treat several microbial diseases (21).Streblus asper has been reported to possessanticancer activity (22). It is used traditionally inleprosy, piles, diarrhea, dysentery, elephantiasis(23). B. variegate has been shown to have anti-inflammatory (24) and antitumor effect (25). Theplant T .populnia has been investigated forantibacterial (26), anti-inflammatory (27) and forthe treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (28). E.suberosa has been reported to be used for thetreatment of dysentery and ulcer (29).

In the present study, an attempt has beenmade to screen the ethanolic extracts of theseseven medicinal plants using in vivo and in vitroassays such as peritoneal angiogenesis assay, ratcornea assay, CAM assay, H and E and CD-31immunostaning, VEGF quantitation (ELISA), tubeformation assay and antiproliferation assay. Theresults of this study are expected to provide betterunderstanding of the antiangiogenic andantiproliferative potential of the therapeutic plantextracts.

Materials and Methods

The shade dried plant materials (10geach) were extracted exhaustively with 100ml of50% ethanol at room temperature for a period ofseven days. Ethanol was evaporated in order toobtain crude ethanolic extracts of the plants at aconcentration of 1mg/ml. The rhizomes of D.bulbifera were collected from Western Ghats,Shimoga, India, in March 2008. The shade driedrhizomes of A. calamus were purchased fromHerb Shop in Mysore, India. The plantA.squamosa (except root), the leaves of S.asper,the bark of B. variegata, fruits of T.populnia

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and leaves of E.suberosa were collected fromthe campus of University of Mysore,Manasagangotri, Mysore, India in June 2008..Identification of the plant material was confirmedby depositing the voucher specimens in theHerbarium of the Department of Studies inBotany, University of Mysore, Mysore.

Swiss albino mice (6-8 weeks old) and MaleWister rats were obtained from the animal house,Department of Zoology, University of Mysore,Mysore, India. EAT (mouse mammarycarcinoma) cells are maintained in our laboratoryand are routinely used for in vivo transplantation.HUVECs were procured from CambrexBiosciences, Walkersville, USA. BeWo(Choriocarcinoma) cells, MCF-7 (Breast cancer)cells, U-87(Brain tumor) cells and HEK 293 (Un-transformed Human embryonic kidney) cell lineswere from the National Center for Cell Science,Pune, India.

Endothelial growth medium (EGM-2) wasprocured from Cambrex Biosciences,Walkersville, USA [3H] thymidine was from theBaba Atomic Research Center, Mumbai, India.DMEM, FBS and penicillin-streptomycin werefrom Invitrogen, USA. DMEM/Ham’s nutrientmixture F-12 and poly-2- hydroxylethylmethacrylate were from Sigma Aldrich,USA. Fertilized eggs were from a governmentpoultry farm in Bangalore, India. Matrigel wasfrom Becton Dickinson Labware, Bedford, MA.All other reagents were of the highest analyticalgrade.

In vitro culture of EAT, BeWo, MCF-7, U-87,Endothelial and HEK-293 cells : BeWo(choriocarcinoma) cells were cultured in DMEMHam’s F-12 medium with 10% FBS, 1%Penicillin-Streptomycin and Gentamycin. EAT,MCF-7, U-87(Glioblastoma) and HEK 293 cellswere maintained in DMEM with 10% FBS and

1% Penicillin-Streptomycin. Endothelial cellswere cultured in EGM-2 medium with 2% FBS,0.04% hydrocortisone, 0.1% long R3-humanInsulin like growth factor (IGF-1),0.1%ascorbicacid, 0.4% human fibroblast growth factor(bFGF), 0.1%VEGF, 0.05% gentamycin and0.05% amphotericin-B according to themanufacturer’s protocol. The cells wereincubated at 370 C in a humidified atmosphere of5% CO

2. When the cells reached confluency, they

were passaged by trypsinization using 0.025%trypsin/0.01% EDTA. For the experiments, cellsfrom passages 2-5 were used.

In vivo growth of EAT cells and peritonealangiogenesis assay : To understand themechanism of plant extracts as antiangiogeniccompounds, we tested their effect in vivo usingEAT bearing mice. EAT cells, were maintainedby i.p transplantation as described previously(30). In brief, EAT cells or mouse mammarycarcinoma cells (5 × 106cells) were injectedintraperitoneally into mice and growth wasrecorded every day until the 12th day. These cellsgrow in the mice peritoneum, forming an ascitestumor with massive abdominal swelling. Theanimals show a dramatic increase in body weightover the growth period and animals succumbedto the tumor burden 14-16 days aftertransplantation. To verify whether the plantextracts inhibited tumor growth and angiogenesismediated by EAT cells in vivo, plant extracts(133 mg/kg body weight) were injected into theperitoneum of the EAT-bearing mice every dayafter the 6th day of transplantation. The animalswere sacrificed on the 12th day, 2ml of salinewas injected (i.p), and a small incision was madein the abdominal region to collect the tumor cellsalong with ascites fluid. The EAT cells and ascitesfluid were harvested into a beaker and centrifugedat 3,000 rpm for 10 min. The ascites volume wasmeasured by subtracting the volume of salineinjected while harvesting the EAT cells from the

Antiangiogenic and Antiproliferative Potential of Dioscoria bulbifera L.

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total ascites volume measured. The pelleted cellswere counted by trypan blue dye exclusionmethod using a hemocytometer. The animals weredissected to observe the effect of the extract onperitoneal angiogenesis. All experiments wereconducted according to the guidelines of theCommittee for the Purpose of Control andSupervision of Experiments on Animals(CPCSEA), Government of India, India.

Corneal micro pocket assay / Rat corneaassay : This assay was performed in accordancewith the method described previously (31). Inbrief, for the pellet preparation, hydron polymerpoly- 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate was dissolvedin ethanol to a final concentration of 12%. Analiquot of the Hydron/EtOH solution was addedto VEGF (1 ìg/pellet) with or without 10 ìg/pelletof Dioscoria bulbifera rhizome extract (DBRE).Aliquots of 10 ìl of 12% Hydron/EtOH alone(Group 1), with cytokine VEGF (Group 2), andwith VEGF and DBRE (Group 3) were placedonto a teflon surface and allowed to air dry for atleast 2 h. Male Wister rats weighing 300-350 gmswere anesthetized with a combination of xylazine(6 mg/ kg, IM) and ketamine (20 mg/kg, IM).The eyes were topically anesthetized with 0.5%proparacaine and gently proptosed and securedby clamping the upper eyelid with a non-traumatichemostat. A corneal pocket was made by insertinga 27-gauge needle, with the pocket’s base 1 mmfrom the limbus. A single pellet was advancedinto the lamellar pocket to the limbus using cornealforceps. The rats were observed for 24-72 h forthe occurrence of nonspecific inflammation andlocalization of the pellets. On day 7, the rats wereanesthetized and the corneas were photographedusing a CCD camera (40 ×).

Chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay :Original chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assayhas long been a mainstay for the study ofembryonic organ development. It was carried out

in accordance with the method describedpreviously (32). In brief, fertilized eggs wereincubated at 37°C in a humidified and sterileatmosphere for 10 days. Under aseptic conditions,a window was made on the eggshell to check forproper development of the embryo. The windowwas resealed and the embryo was allowed todevelop further. On the 12th day, saline,recombinant cytokine VEGF (10 ng per egg) orDBRE (50 ìg per egg) was air dried on sterileglass cover slips. The window was reopened andthe cover slip was inverted over the CAM. Thewindow was closed again, and the eggs werereturned to the incubator for another 2 days. Thewindows were opened on the 14th day andinspected for changes in the vascular density inthe area under the cover slip and photographedat 40X magnification.

H and E staining for microvessel densityscoring : To determine whether DBRE inhibitsmicrovessel density, its effect on the angiogenicresponse induced by the cytokine VEGF wasverified in EAT-bearing mice. EAT-bearing micewere treated regularly with the extract after the6th day of transplantation. On the 12th day, theanimals were sacrificed and the peritoneum fromtreated or untreated mice was fixed in 10%formalin. Sections (5 ìm) were made from paraffinembedded peritoneum and stained withhematoxylin and eosin. Microvessel counts weredone using a Leitz-DIAPLAN microscope withattached CCD camera and photographs weretaken at 40 X magnification (Table.2).

CD 31 Immunostaining for assessment ofproliferating endothelial cells : The effect ofDBRE on proliferating endothelial cells wasdetermined by staining the paraffin sections ofthe peritoneum of treated or untreated mice withanti CD 31 antibody. Peritoneum sections wereprocessed as per the protocol supplied by themanufacturer (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, CA,

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USA). In brief, sections were dewaxed in xylenethrice for 5 min each. The sections wererehydrated in descending concentrations ofethanol (100% ethanol for 5 min, 95% for 2 minand 80% for 2 min) and washed in distilled water.Antigen retrieval was done by heating thesections at 95o C for 15 min in a humidifiedatmosphere. The sections were treated with 3%H


2 in PBS to block endogenous peroxidase

activity. They were blocked in blocking serumfor 30 min to reduce the non specific binding andwere incubated with anti-CD 31 (PECAM-1)antibodies for 2 hrs. Following PBS washing,slides were incubated with secondary antibody(biotinylated rabbit anti mouse IgG) for 1 hr atroom temperature. The slides were washed inPBS for 5 min and incubated with the substrate(100µl/section) followed by ABC reagent for 45min (2 ml histo buffer + 20µl Avidin solution +20µl Biotin solution). After incubation, the slideswere washed in PBS for 5 min. Antigen andantibody complex was detected using substrate(DAB, 100µl/section) for 5 min. The sectionswere washed thrice for 2 min in tap water andtwice for 2 min in distilled water. Subsequently,the slides were counter stained with 2 %hematoxylin for 5-7 min and washed again in tapwater thrice for 5 min each. The slides werewashed successfully for 2 min each in 50%ethanol, 80% ethanol and absolute alcohol. Afterxylene wash, the slides were mounted usingEntellan mountant solution and the sections werescored using DIAPLAN light microscope andphotographed.

Quantification of VEGF: The quantification ofVEGF was carried out by enzyme linkedimmunosorbent assay (ELISA) and VEGF wasestimated in ascitic fluid collected from bothuntreated and DBRE treated mice as describedpreviously (33). In brief, 100ìl of ascitic fluid fromDBRE treated and untreated EAT bearing micewere coated onto 96 well microplates using

coating buffer (50mM Na2CO

3, pH. 9.6) and

incubated overnight at 40C. Wells were washedand blocked using skimmed milk followed byincubation with anti-VEGF antibodies (1:1000diluted). The wells were washed and probed withsecondary antibody (1:5000 diluted) tagged toalkaline phosphatase. P-NPP was used assubstrate and absorbance was measured at405nm with medispec ELISA reader.

Tube formation assay : Tube formation ofHUVECs was performed as per manufacturer’sinstructions (34). Briefly, a 96 well plate wascoated with 50 ìl of matrigel which was allowedto solidify at 370C for 1 h. HUVECs (1 x104cells/well) were seeded on the solidifiedmatrigel and cultured in EGM containing DBRE(5ìg) for 8 h. After 24 h of incubation at 37 0Cand 5% CO

2, the enclosed networks of complete

tubes from five randomly chosen fields werecounted and photographed under an Olympusinverted microscope (CK x 40; Olympus, NewYork, NY) connected to CCD camera at 40xmagnification.

Endothelial and Tumor cell proliferationassay :[3H] thymidine incorporation assay wascarried out as described previously (35) inendothelial and tumor cells. To verify the in vitroeffect of DBRE on proliferation of EAT, BeWo,MCF-7, U-87, HUVEC, and HEK 293 cells,25,000 cells/well were seeded in 12-well platesin their respective media and grown in 5% CO


at 37°C for 2 days. DBRE was filter sterilizedand diluted with cell culture medium (1 ìg/ìl). Onthe 3rd day, [3H] thymidine (1 ìCi/ ml medium)and DBRE were tested at the concentrations of25 ìg, 50 ìg, 75 ìg and 100 ìg. After 48 h, the cellswere trypsinized and washed with phosphatebuffered saline (PBS); high molecular weightDNA was precipitated using 10% ice-coldtrichloroacetic acid. Scintillation fluid (5 ml) wasadded to all of the samples and radioactivity was

Antiangiogenic and Antiproliferative Potential of Dioscoria bulbifera L.

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determined with a liquid scintillation counter. Theconcentrations of the samples were then plottedagainst the percentage cell survival.


In vivo treatment of DBRE inhibits growth ofEAT cells : Our results in Fig.1 indicate thatcontrol EAT bearing mice showed a gradualincrease in body weight of about 8.5 ± 2.15 gmsover 12 days growth period, when 5 × 106 EATcells were injected on day zero. In the micetreated with various plant extracts fromDioscorea bulbifera L., Acorus calamus,Annona squamosa, Streblus asper, Bauhiniavariegata, Thespesia populnia and Erythrinasuberosa, a significant decrease in body weightwas observed in the groups which were treatedwith DBRE as compared to that of the otherextracts selected for screening, indicating theeffect of the DBRE in preventing the growth ofthe tumor cells (p < 0.05). In a fully grown ascitestumor, a volume of 7.5 ± 1.71 ml of ascites wasgenerated during the tumor growth period of 12days. In DBRE treated mice, the volume of asciteswas about 2.5 ± 1.07 ml with p < 0.01 (Table 1).The number of viable cells in full-grown EAT-bearing mice was about 805 ± 1.38 ×106/mouse,

while this number was reduced in DBRE treatedmice to 305 ± 2.06 × 106/mouse with statisticalsignificance not reaching p < 0.05 (Table 1),indicating reduction when compared to thecontrol. These results indicate the antitumoractivity of DBRE. In a fully grown ascites tumorin vivo, there is extensive peritoneal angiogenesisand in DBRE treated mice, a significant decreasein peritoneal angiogenesis was observed (Figure2a and 2b).

Angioinhibitory effect of DBRE :The rat corneaassay and CAM assay are commonly used for invivo validation of the angioinhibitory activity ofantiangiogenic molecules. Our results indicate thatDBRE has a direct effect on inhibition ofangiogenesis in an in vivo model system. Whencompared to the extensive angiogenesis seen inVEGF treated rat cornea and CAM, angiogenesisat the site of the application of DBRE wassignificantly reduced. DBRE at 10ìg /eyeconcentration, showed decreased angiogenesis inthe cornea of the rat induced with VEGF (Figure2c, 2d and 2e). In the CAM assay model, DBREinduced avascular zone formation in thedeveloping embryos thus by inhibiting capillarydevelopment on the CAMs at 50 ìg/eggconcentrations (Figure 2f, 2g and 2h).

Table 1. Average ascites volume and EAT cell number counted using hemocytometer in different plantextracts treated EAT mice in vivo. The results are presented as mean ± standard deviation (n=3).

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the treated while in the control sections anaverage count of 8 was recorded.

Inhibition of VEGF production in EAT cellsby medicinal plants : In control EAT bearingmice, over 0-12 day tumor growth period,quantitation of VEGF indicated that there is agradual production and secretion of VEGF by

Fig. 1. Effect of different plant extracts on in vivogrowth of EAT cells.EAT cells (5x106) were injected i.p into mice and fromthe sixth day of transplantation, mice were treated withor without the plant extracts (50ìg/ dose) i.p till the12th day of tumor inoculation. Body weight of both thecontrol and treated group was recorded everyday.Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation(n=3).

Fig. 2. Effect of DBRE on in vivo angiogenesisThe peritoneums of EAT bearing mice treated with orwithout the plant extract (50ìg/ dose) which weresacrificed on the 13th day. The extent of angiogenesisin peritoneal wall was observed in a. Untreated, b.D.bulbifera treated. In rat cornea assay, DBRE (10ìg)with or without rVEGF (1ìg) was incorporated intosterile pellets. The pellet was implanted at the bottomof each rat cornea. After 7 days, whenneovascularization was prominent, the corneal vesselswere photographed using a photo slit lamp as shownin c. Without VEGF, d. With VEGF and e. D.bulbiferatreated. In CAM assay, fertilized chicken eggs wereincubated for 12 days in sterile condition. Saline alone,VEGF alone (10ng) and VEGF (10ng) + DBRE (50ìg/egg) were dried on cover slips and applied onto theCAM of the developing chick embryo through a cutwindow. The CAM was observed for inhibition ofneovascularization on 14th day in f. Without VEGF,g. With VEGF and h. D.bulbifera treated.

H&E and CD 31 immunostaining : Comparablereduction in the number of newly formedmicrovessels in the DBRE treated peritoneum (50ìg/dose) than that of the control was observed byhistological examination of the peritoneal sectionsof both the group. In this study, the average MVDwas significantly higher in control (with anaverage count of 25) with vascular invasion thanin DBRE treated, with an average count of 1(Figure 3a and 3b). CD 31 is used as a markerfor indicating the proliferation of endothelial cells.Our results on CD 31 staining indicated that therewas reduction in the number of proliferatingendothelial cells in the peritoneum of DBREtreated EAT bearing mice corroborating theresults shown in the inhibition of peritonealangiogenesis in vivo. An average count of 1 in

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EAT cells. Our results indicate that 140ng ofVEGF/ml with p < 0.01 to be present in theascites of a fully grown tumor whereas in DBREtreated mice, reduction in the amount of VEGFwas noted (31 ng/ml denoting p < 0.01) suggestingthe inhibition of VEGF secretion (Fig. 4).

DBRE inhibits tube formation of HUVECsinduced by VEGF : One of the most specifictests for angiogenesis is the measurement of theability of endothelial cells to form three-dimensional in vitro assay was performed toverify the effect of DBRE on the formation bloodvessels by HUVECs. HUVECs in basal mediacould not form tubes and VEGF was used toinduce tube formation. In the positive controlgroup stimulated with VEGF (10ng), HUVECs

rapidly aligned with one another and formed tubelike structures resembling a capillary plexus within8 hours. However DBRE treatment (1ìg/well)prevented VEGF stimulated tube formation ofHUVECs. Thus DBRE was shown to interferewith the ability of HUVECs to form in vitro vessellike tubes, one of the important traits of endothelialcells (Fig.5).

DBRE inhibits in vitro proliferation of tumorcells : There are numerous well-established

Fig. 3. Effect of DBRE on micro vessel density (MVD)and on proliferation of endothelial cells in the mouseperitoneumEAT bearing mice were treated with or without theplant extract (50 mg/ dose) for 6days. On the 13th day,the animals were sacrificed. The peritoneums ofcontrol as well as plant extract treated EAT bearingmice were embedded in paraffin and 5ìm sections weretaken using microtome. The sections were stainedwith hematoxyline and eosine and observed formicrovessel density in a. Control and b. D.bulbiferatreated. Other paraffin sections were also used forimmunostaining with anti-CD-31 (PECAM) antibodiesas seen in c. Control and d. D.bulbifera treated.

Fig. 4. Effect of the DBRE on secretion of VEGF invivoEAT bearing mice were treated with or without theplant extract (50 mg/ dose) for 6days. On the 13th day,the animals were sacrificed and ascites was collected.ELISA was carried out using the ascites to quantitateVEGF using anti-VEGF 165 antibodies. Values arepresented as mean ± standard deviation (n=3).

Fig. 5. Effect of DBRE on the tube formation in HUVECsHUVECs (5 x 103 cells/well) were seeded on a Matrigelcoated 96 well plate and cultured in EGM containingVEGF, in the presence and absence of 1µg/ well ofDBRE. Formation of tubes was observed under phasecontrast microscope.









Control DBRE treated

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assays for measuring cell proliferation. The mostfrequently used measure, the thymidineincorporation assay, will serve to introduce severalof the key problems of validating in vitroangiogenesis assays. Inhibition of proliferation ofendothelial cells and tumor cells by DBRE furthersupported its antiproliferative effect (Fig. 6).HUVECs and different tumor cells like EAT,BeWo, MCF-7, U-87 and untransformed HEK-293 cells were used to verify if DBRE inhibit theproliferation of tumor or normal cells in vitro.DBRE efficiently inhibited proliferation ofendothelial cells and different tumor cell lines ata concentration range of 25-100 ìg althoughstatistical significance was not reached p < 0.05.However, no effect was seen in case ofuntransformed normal HEK-293 cells.

DiscussionWith the advent of chemo preventive

approaches for the treatment of cancer, there is

widespread interest in the possibility that thisapproach may eventually have an effect on, andcould improve the quality of life of, human cancerpatients. Several natural agents with highanticancer efficacy and no or acceptable toxicityto normal tissues are suggested as possiblecandidates for use by cancer patients (3, 5, 6, 7,28). Over the past years, there was a major shiftin the development of cancer drugs fromscreening of cytotoxic drugs to the developmentof molecular targeted drugs. The conceptual ideais that the knowledge of the mechanism(s) ofaction of a drug provides a better approach toreach improved clinical results based on patient’smolecular characteristics (phytochemistry andpharmacogenomics). This was the starting pointof our effort on the screening for natural productsderived from plants of traditional medicinal value.

In the present study, with the aim of findingpotent antiangiogenic compounds in plants, sevenplants (Dioscorea bulbifera L., Acoruscalamus, Annona squamosa, Streblus asper,Bauhinia variegata, Thespesia populnia andErythrina suberosa) were screened for theireffect on proliferation of tumor cells in vivo andin vitro for the first time. Preliminary resultsestablished markedly that DBRE has potentantiproliferative and antiangiogenic effect onEhrlich ascites tumor (EAT) cells in vivo. DBREtreatment in EAT bearing mice brought about adecrease in the body weight (Figure 1), ascitesvolume and cell number (Table 1) in vivo.

The growth of primary tumors andmetastases depends on the degree of tumorneovascularization. Our present study providescompelling evidence that suppression ofangiogenesis could be at least one of themechanisms of the antitumor effect of DBRE.By using ex vivo and in vivo angiogenesismodels, the antiangiogenic effects of the DBREwere evaluated. DBRE remarkably inhibited in

Fig. 6. Effect of DBRE on proliferation of endothelialcells and tumor cells in vitroEAT (A), BeWo (B), MCF-7 (C), U-87 (D), HUVEC (E)and HEK-293 (F) were plated in 12 well plates andincubated for 48h. Plant extract in concentrations 25µg, 50 µg, 75 µg and 100 µg were added to the wells induplicates prior to the addition of 3[H]thymidine andincubated for another 48 h. The cells were trypsinizedafter 2 days and processed for scintillation counting.Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation(n=3).


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Antiangiogenic and Antiproliferative Potential of Dioscoria bulbifera L.

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vivo angiogenesis in the peritoneum of the treatedEAT bearing mice (Figure 2a and 2b). DBREinhibited VEGF induced angiogenesis in thecornea of the rat (Figure 2c, 2d and 2e). Further,the antiangiogenic activity of DBRE wasconfirmed with the results of CAM assay whichclearly showed inhibition of capillary developmenton the CAMs by inhibiting neovascularization(Figure 2f, 2g and 2h) by DBRE.

Vascular invasion and MVD studied byHematoxylin-eosin staining of peritoneal liningsection of EAT bearing mice treated anduntreated with DBRE proved that angiogenesisis closely related with microvessel density of tissueand clinical aggressiveness of tumor (Figure 3aand 3b). Further evidence for the antiangiogenicpotential of DBRE was seen in the result oninhibition of the extent of proliferating endothelialcells in the peritoneal lining of tumor-bearing micewhich was immunostained with anti-CD-31(PECAM) antibodies (Figure 3c and 3d).

Increased VEGF expression is closelyassociated with an increase in microvessel density(36). VEGF being a permeability factor playsfundamental role in the fluid accumulation andtumor growth in ascites tumor. By secretingVEGF, ascites tumor enhances the permeabilityof preexisting microvessel lining of peritonealcavity to stimulate ascites formation therebytumor progression. Inhibition of fluid accumulation,tumor growth and microvessel density byneutralization of VEGF has been demonstratedunderlying the importance of VEGF in malignantascites formation (37-39). Our results indicatedthat there was decrease in the VEGF secretionin DBRE treated EAT bearing mice (Figure 4).Inhibition of VEGF gene expression by DBREshould also be reflected by the levels of VEGF inthe ascites secreted by the EAT cells. The currentresults on quantification of the VEGF in theascites of EAT bearing mice have clearly

indicated that DBRE efficiently decreases thelevel of VEGF in an in vivo model system.

Further, DBRE suppressed humanendothelial cell tube formation, which is one ofthe hallmarks of angiogenesis indicating thatDBRE inhibits endothelial cell proliferationEndothelial cells differentiate and form capillary-like structures when seeded on matrigel. Thisdevelopment entails cell-matrix interaction,intercellular communication and cell mobility likein-vivo tumor angiogenesis. The effect of DBREat a concentration of 1µg/well in HUVEC tubeformation was studied and total numbers of tubesformed were counted. Scoring of the totalnumber of tubes showed that DBRE caused 90%decrease in total number of tubes as comparedto control (Figure 5). In this assay system, DBREsuppressed human endothelial cell tube formationindicating that it inhibits endothelial cellproliferation and consequently angiogenesis in-vitro.

The antiproliferative effect of the DBREwas assessed using four different tumor cell linesEAT, BeWo, MCF-7 and U-87 (Figure 6). DBREshowed strong inhibition of proliferation of all thetumor cell lines and also the HUVECs at fourdifferent concentrations (25 ìg, 50 ìg, 75 ìg, 100ìg). Thus DBRE showed that it was the mostactive species. In order to test the activity of theextract on normal cells, we assessed the effectof the sample on the proliferation of non-transformed HEK-293 cells. The result indicatedthat the cancer cells were more susceptible toDBRE than non-transformed cells.

The present investigation represents onlya preliminary screen for potent antiangiogenic andantitumor activity and points to the necessity ofdeeper phytochemical and biological investigationsbecause the plant D.bulbifera is potentiallyinteresting in yielding biologically active products.

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This study provides scientific evidence for theethnobotanical use of the plant D.bulbifera whichmay help research and development of this plantfor cancer. As a continuation of this work, theactive compounds will be isolated and theunderlying mechanism for antitumor activity willbe delineated.

AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank

Department of Zoology, University of Mysore forproviding animals for this work. This researchwas supported by Department of Science andTechnology, New Delhi and Department ofAtomic Energy, Mumbai, India.

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Antiangiogenic and Antiproliferative Potential of Dioscoria bulbifera L.