Evaluation (leo) q 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups? Leo Featherstone

Transcript of Evaluation (leo) q 2

Page 1: Evaluation (leo) q 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Leo Featherstone

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Socio-Economic Groups are a way of grouping people by there professions and the money they make and puts them into different classes based on this information running from E – A. This system is out dated in today’s society however is still used and useful in real media. I have two Socio Economic groups for my two types of characters in my opening sequence. The first group is for Ethan and the rest of the group of teenagers aged 16-17. This group of characters fall under group C/A and with Ethan A/B. This is because of there age, they would typically be in education or further education like college of 6th form, meaning that they would typically still be living at home getting income from their parents or a small part time job, meaning that they would have similar traits as their parents and live a similar lifestyle meaning they would be in the same class as their parents, this is the case with our character Ethan. This was also the Socio – Economic group of our target audience. The second group belongs to the character of Ethan’s Dad, Detective Alex Hunter. Alex would come under the group A/B, seeing as he is in a skilled profession and makes a large income. He has a wife and children and would be considered middle upper class which puts him under Group A/B.

Socio-Economic Groups.

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There are a few stereotypes and representations in my opening sequence. The main stereotype in the our opening sequence is the stereotypes of the characters being teenagers. The stereotype of a teenager shown in our opening sequence is the group going out with there friends to a outside gathering/camping trip, eating junk food, making jokes, being in a relationship and drinking alcohol. Another stereotype of a teenager in our opening sequence is one the older generation usually associate with teenagers, Crime. In our opening sequence our teenage character Ethan takes illegal drugs and is also involved and killed in a murder. The stereotype people have on teenagers getting into trouble and being disorderly is reflected through this. The clear representation in our opening sequence is between gender. This representation is that men are rebellious and aggressive and that girls are calm and collected. For example, in our opening sequence Ethan is quick to cause an argument and get angry with his girlfriend Laura, where as she wants to sort it out diplomatically and talk things over, however Ethan still acts aggressive and even swears at Laura. This could also represent that men are stronger than women in the way that Ethan has a power over Laura and is quite controlling, this can be seen in the way that he grabs her wrist forcefully and is whispering in her ear as she looks away nervously. I feel that these we’re presented clear to the audience however could have been portrayed even better through the acting of some of the characters.


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Our opening sequence fits the stereotypes and representation portrayed in the product. Specific things were chosen intentionally to show this. For example, the stereotypes of teenagers, not only were all the props and action mention before fit the stereotypes people have on teenagers, but also the costumes that the characters were wearing and the things that they talked about. For example, the costumes of Luke and Stephan we’re typical and popular clothes that teenagers that age would wear from popular shops like Topshop which target audience are teenagers. Also, in the opening sequence, the characters talk about typical problems teenagers face, for example trying to get a part time job.The representations in our opening sequence also fit the representation that are seen in the real media world. For example as I said before, the men being the aggressive and strong ones, seen through Ethan as well as the killer who is male. I feel that we adhered to the stereotypes and representations effectively however this could have been reinforced through more emotion in the acting and maybe focused more on the way that the characters acted towards one another in the sequence.