Evaluation four

Evaluation Four A2 MEDIA: POPPY ROSE

Transcript of Evaluation four

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Evaluation FourA2 MEDIA: POPPY ROSE

Page 2: Evaluation four

What have you learnt from your audiences feedback?

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Section A: Focus Group Screening

Our focus group screening highlighted a lot of factors, that we as the creators could not see.

Firstly our praise consisted of loads of positives about out intertitles and how it matched up with the music. This was great because we equally agreed that our intertitles helped make the narrative clear and kept the whole trailer coherent. Our next piece of praise was for the music that we included, the comments we received on the music were all positive and said how it highlighted the creepiness of the trailer. We agreed with this as we spent a lot of time looking for the right music to give our trailer the horror feel we wanted. The last main positive point from our trailer was our use of body horror, the focus group screening revealed how well our body horror had looked on the screen, we also agreed with this praise as we spent time perfecting the gore so it looked as real as possible.

The criticism we received was more focused on our individual shots and clips we had included. Many people said that our trailer did not include a variation in shot types, we agreed with this as we knew we needed to set aside time to vary the shots we already had. Another criticism was that the whole trailer was too short in length; we also agreed with these comments as it fell well under the shortest time allowed for a trailer. The last main criticism was we needed to include something at the end, for example; a jump scare. We agreed to a certain extent with this comment as we felt our trailer needed something at the end but we wasn’t sure whether a jump scare ‘fit’ our trailer. Overall, we agreed that our trailer needed to be extended with more shots, we also agreed that our body horror and narrative expressed through intertitles worked really well. The comments we received were really helpful.


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Section A continued.. Our average score for our rough cut trailer was 5.5 I was very disappointed with this score that we had been given. Even though our trailer lacked important clips and shots (which was explained to the audience before the trailer started playing) we had worked really hard on it and thought that it was worthy of a higher score. Also comparing it to other trailers marked slightly higher than ours, our trailer seemed to include more important positive features.

Ring Rosie focus group screening video

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Section B: Evaluation Screening After the focus group screening we decided to shoot some more clips for our trailer; these included a grave scene, Rosie turning her head looking as zombies with the camera panning and loads of zombies walking towards the camera. These clips were some of the changes we made as we also lightened some clips and fitted the new ones in so they were coherent with the clips we already had. We also discussed a new ending to the trailer because of the specific feedback we received that suggested a jump scare, we then decided against this as the trailer was already now strong enough with the added scenes.

We made these changes by filming more, and being more adventurous with our ideas. I think these changes really helped as they dramatically changed the narrative and the look of the trailer, I feel that this made the trailer more exciting and entertaining than the rough cut. The panning shot in particular was very impressive and enticing, and I think our audience will really like this aspect.

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Section B continued.. The overall score we received in our evaluation screening was 8/10! The score 8/10 was a huge improvement from our original screening which scored 6/10. The improvements we made to reach this score were adding more shots to improve the narrative and flow of the trailer, the quality of the shots taken were improved along with the editing and sequencing of them and the colours that were used in the trailer varied.

I am very happy with the new score that we received and the comments we received. The comments on the trailer this time were overall more positive, with very little criticism. The final score for our trailer was a grade B.

The positive comments we received for the trailer included:

I made a few changes after the focus group by adding several shots to add more of a clear narrative, as well as this we improved the editing and the quality of the shots we used. From changing the colour quality by going n effects, go to brightness and contrast and change them to -53 and -48 this will make the shot look eerie and more horror movie like. The average score I got in my evaluation screening was 8/10 which was a massive improvement with my rough cut scoring 6/10 with some scores at 4/10. I am happy with my scores and comments people gave me as most comments were really positive and little criticism was written down. I will probably won’t change it as our final score was a B.

I am very pleased with my final cut of my final trailer, and will appeal to my target audience i.e. teenagers as this has a very modern look of women in horror films with the final girl and an all-girl cast. This makes it desirable from ideal target audience. My Ring Rosie final cut trailer reassemble the walking dead season 3 trailers as it shows a strong mostly at the people and show friendship in two girl best friends while also fighting zombie. In conclusion I am glad my trailer did much better than my rough cut and I got a good score overall.

“ I liked how you used a big cast” “The music was very creepy and it changes through the song” “The editing was effective”

The criticism we received included:

“We didn’t see the bullet come out when she pulled the trigger on the gun” “I didn’t like the part where it said NotePAD productions”

After this screening of Ring Rosie, I have decided not to make any more changes to the trailer. I think that it works really well and achieved a very high score to make any more changes.

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Section B continued… Evaluation Screening

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Section C: Final Cut of Trailer Overall I am very pleased with the trailer, I think it look more professional than what I thought it would in the end and was better than all my expectations. I thought that with more knowledge and understanding it would be as professional as trailers shown in the media.

I think that it will definitely appeal to our target audience as it includes, conventional stereotypes, zombies (which has been very popular recent in horror films) and montages; these elements all appeal to the age group within our desired demographic. I believe our trailer will attract the audience we want, especially because the trailer is rated an ‘18’.

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Section C continued.. As Ring Rosie ended up looking so good, I think that it does resemble a real life horror trailer. This Resident Evil trailer demonstrates how our trailer is like what you would see in the media. The trailers similarities include collision cutting, main female character, music that went well with the trailer and the trailer being made up of loads of short clips.

Ring Rosie: Final Cut Resident Evil Trailer