Evaluation-Forms and Conventions of Media Texts

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Transcript of Evaluation-Forms and Conventions of Media Texts

Page 1: Evaluation-Forms and Conventions of Media Texts

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Evaluation- Forms

and Conventions

of Media Texts.

Page 2: Evaluation-Forms and Conventions of Media Texts

Camera Shots




I think that our media product does follow other thriller conventions, in

terms of the camera shots used; as we have evidence from well known

thrillers. Above shows a very commonly known horror thriller (saw) using

very similar camera shots, as those that we used in our psychological

thriller. Thrillers tend to use a range of close up shots to create a feeling of

tension and despair. We chose as a group to follow these well known media

conventions, as we wanted our thriller to be positively scary. The use of

close up shots (shown above) allow the audience to further examine the

characteristics of the antagonist, which creates a panicking feeling through

looking into the eyes of the killer. For the audience, this bonds a creepy

connection between them and the killer, which makes them feel on the

edge of their seats.

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Camera Angles P










In terms of camera angles, we also used similar angle conventions in our

psychological thriller to represent vulnerability and powerlessness. As

shown above, our thriller is extremely similar in terms of angles, to

paranormal activity. In both scenes there is an image of a girl, dead and

alone; representing weakness and a lack of female dominance. This effect

is created through the use of a high angle shot, making it seem like the

more powerful prospector is looking down on the helpless victim. I also

think this would be a great time to mention that our thriller also uses

dark lighting (similar to modern day thrillers) to create a sense of the

unknown, and a lack of understanding regarding the storyline. By doing

this, the audience is effected more dramatically, as they are not fully

clear and aware of what is about the happen in the near future.

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Our psychological thriller (Danika) also tended to follow similar

conventions, regarding the type of music that is used, to create an

atmospherically approach. In our thriller, we used music such as a sound

effect from the secret circle. We used this sound effect because through

the audience hearing a creepy sounding singing girl; this created a lot of

suspension. When analysing our media product, we realised that a thriller is

no where near as effective without the use of sound effects. The sounds

that are used in our thriller and modern day thrillers, really make the

audience a lot more creped out by what they are viewing. We chose to stick

with expected media conceptualities, regarding our music choice, as we

liked the effect of the overwhelming sense of fear it created. We agreed

from the beginning as a group that the feelings of fear that should be

perceive from the audience is one of the most contributing/ important

factors, and this is why we chose to use tense sound effects.

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In regards to mise-en-scene, our choices about following media

conventions were really split. On one hand we did choose to follow

the media norms, in terms of our spacing. The image above (left)

shows the space between the antagonist and her victim. As you can

see we chose to have limited space between the two actresses to

create the effect of false pretence and fear. This follows modern

thrillers, as it shows that the killer holds a significant amount of

power, in the process of capturing his/ her victims. On the other

hand, we decided to rebel against media conventions in terms of the

showing of the weapon. In our thriller we decided not to display the

weapon that was used to kill the victim. We chose to do this because

we thought that is could create a lot more suspense from the viewers

perspective. This does not follow modern thriller conventions, as

more commonly the weapon is presented; normally covered in blood.

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Narrative (Plot)

THERE’S SOMEONE BEHIND YOU!Through our psychological narrative, we did create a lot of similar effects to

modern day thrillers. As shown above, our most common form of creating

this effect was representing the unknown/ mysterious character in the

background. This is very effective as from a distance, all the audience can

see is an innocent victim, who is being stalked by a supernatural source of

power. Although we aimed to create a similar effect, in terms of the kinds of

clips used in our thriller; we did also come away from expected media

conventions. The character in the back of our shot (Danika) is actually more

known by the audience at this point, as they have been exposed to her role,

and her intentions of killing her friends. Although to some, this could seem

like an ineffective step, from our film perspective this created a more tense

atmosphere; as the audience were aware of her psychological welfare and

aims to brutally murder her x best friends.

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Challenges to the genre

Our psychological movie follows the genre pattern of a thriller because

there is a lot of vulnerability created through female characteristics. Male

dominance is very apparent and therefore though making a female appear

weak, this follows media conventions. However, more importantly our

psychological thriller challenges normal media conventions, as the

antagonist is a girl. Normally female dominance is only portrayed through an

erotic thriller, where a women is only powerful through sexual

objectification. Through showing female strength, this turns against normal

media expectations. On the other hand, this example could be seen as

following normal media conventions, as the strong characteristics are

decreased through psychological welfare. Because Danika is psychologically

damaged, this shows that she does not hold complete power; as

interoperated from the beginning.

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