



Transcript of Evaluation


Advert 1.

I have originally chosen this image because the model in the image, is age appropriate (21) and the outfit is shown in a nice light, the model is following the rule of thirds, and is looking away from the camera with her hair behind one shoulder to highlight the upper left side of the outfit witch would have been previously unseen with her hair down. And the advert also fits in with the minimalistic colour scheme I was going for as there is a blank background behind her.

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Advert 2I chose this image because it highlights what the model is wearing and also the lighting, I think that this shows the clothes in a nice lighting, the model is also complying with rule of thirds and the background is also in keeping with the theme of the adverts by being in a blank background. In this photo I tried to highlight the black tones and white tones, so they contrasted slightly. Notice how most of the items the model is wearing is slightly black and white (apart from the jeans), I also like how the black and white stripes on the shirt look as well.

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Advert 3

I chose this image because of the colours of the scarf, I thought that it was eye catching so while editing I wanted to almost highlight the colours of the scarf while while keeping in with the of minimalism in the colour aspect of the image. The stance the model is in also works well with the outfit as it is showing the blue jacket that may have been previously unseen by the scarf covering it.

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